HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-12-15, Page 3THURSDAY, DEC,EEMBER 15, 1949 ui4NTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE THREE WEDDINGS SLACK—MQi7SSEt ,U (By our Ilensall correspondent) St. Peter's Evangelical Church, Zurich, was the scene on Decem- ber 1 at 6.30,p.m. of a lovely candlelight, double -ring cere- mony, when Rev. E. Heimrioh, united into the holy bonds of matrimony, Juanita Joyce, young - eat daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mousseau, Zurich, to Reg- inald George Black, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred A, Black, Paynton, Saslt, . The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a white slipp- er satin period gown, fashioned with off the shoulder nylon yoke and pearl trills. The hoop skirt was caught in front with satin bows, showing the peekaboo pett- icoat of chantilly lace, Her tulle illusion embroidered veil was held in place by a slipper satin poke bonnet with wheat pearl trim and satin bows,. She carried a white Bible with white roses and streamers knotted with tiny baby mums. The matron of honor, Mrs. Jim Parkins, and bridesmaid, Miss Betty Mousseau, sisters of the bride, and flower girl, Sandra Parkins, niece of the bride, were gowned in heavenly blue corded taffeta fashioned in colonial style hoop skirts caught with pink roses showing pink peekaboo lace petticoats. Their finger-tip tulle illusion veils were held in place by matching blue taffeta bonnets with satin ribbon bows, wearing matching wristlets and carrying nosegays of pink roses. The flower girl carried a bas- ket of rose petals strewing them along the aisle as the bride enter- ed the church ore the arm of her father to the strains of mendels- sohn's wedding march played by Miss Kathleen Hess wearing a green taffeta dress with corsage of yellow and white mums. Grant Case, Exeter, and Jim Parkins, Zurich, attended the groom. During the signing of the reg - Reside in Goderich Township Pictured above in their wedding photo are MR. AND MRS. ROBERT MURRAY HARRIS, whose marriage was solemnized by Rev. R. M, P, Bulteel in St. Paul's Anglican Church, Clinton, on Saturday, November 19, 1949. The bride, the former Rose Elizabeth ("Betty") . Cooke, is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Cooke, Clinton, and her husband is the second son of Mr, and Mrs. Bert Harris, RR. 2, Bayfield; The young couple have taken up residence on the groom's farm in Goderich Township. --Photo by Fowler Bros. Studio ister Mrs. Harry G. Hess, solo- ist, wearing an apple red costume with yellow and white 'mum corsage, rendered a beautiful and. impressive solo. "Because" The bride's mother was gowned in deep lavender,winter white hat, brown accessories and pink rose corsage. A buffet luncheon was served at the bride's home, after which the bridal couple Ieft on a honey- moon to Niagara, Buffalo, and Toronto, the bride travelling in a grey brocaded satin dress, black top coat with white fur accessories, They will reside in Zurich, Royal Conservatory of Music of Toronto MIDWINTER EXAMINATIONS FEBRUARY,1950 Applications and foes must reach the Conservatory not later than JAN. 10, 1950. 135 COLLEGE STREET TORONTO 2B, ONT. � • � eat (lad -pin ! Cod, e a Every Bluebird Diamond Is guaranteed perfect and Insured free against lost ere KaPA t�i $50 '`rcrEa, '$76 $100 0101..- $250 Soso W. N. Counter .01...11.._._.. OBITUARY , I Dg. E. P. LEWIS (By our Hayfield correspondent) The following clipping from The Globe and Mails' Toronto, December 5, refers to one who for the past. 30 years has spent holidays, in Bayfield "Dr: Ed- mund Percival Lewis, city direct- or of mental hygiene, died Sat- urday at Toronto General Hospi- tal. He 'was 66. "Appointed to the city post in 1946, Dr. Lewis for the previous ten years had been 'director of the out-patients department of the Toronto Psychiatric Hosp:ial, and a member 'of ,the staff *of the University of Toronto, "Dr. Lewis was -born in St. Thomas and was an arts grad- uate of McMaster University. In 1915 he graduated from the Uni- versity of Toronto in medicine. During the First World War he served overseas with the artillery, "He studied psychiatry and mental hygiene in the United States on a Rockfeller Fellow- ship, , Later he did post -graduate work at Queen's Square Hospital, London, England, under a fellow- ship from the Canadian National Committee for Mental Hygiene. "Dr. a Lewis was chairman of the provincial advisory board for training ghouls, vv'hn.ch is an honorary appointmet. Ile was a past.. master- of Ashlar Lodge, A.F. and A.M„ a member of the Scottish Rite, Rotary Club, York Down Golf Club and many med- ical societies. "Surviving is his widow, the former Margaret Lauder, and one sister, Mrs. Ada Newcombe, Cal - WALTER E. RATHWELI, Funeral services were held in the Anglican Church, Grande Pra•'uu, Alta., with Rev. G. L. Standish officiating, for Walter E. Rathwell, former Cliutonian. Interment followed in Grande Prairie Cemetery with the Clair - mount branch of the Canadian Legion conducting a .graveside cel emony, Mr. Rathwell was born in Clin- ton, a son of he late Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rathwell, and spent his early years here. He went west tc Wilkie, Sask., then over the long trail to the Peace River in 3912, homestedaing at ''S'ex- smith. In 1914 he enlisted and served overseas, returning in ,visited his brother in Halley, 1918 to engage in the stock buy- iIdaho, and has lived there ever ing business at Clairmount, where since. He hasheld many public he had resided since that time' offices and for the past number Mr. Rathwell had not been en- of years has been Probate Judge joying thgg best of health for some for' Blaine County. Interment time, although his -death came took place in Halley. quite suddenly in Grande Prairie Municipal Hospital, on November WILLIAM I EH30LD 5, following a brief illness, William Leibold, 76, lifelong Mr. the fo is survived d by resident of Zurich district, died hi- wife, the former Ethel Mercy, and ars adopted daughter, Mary, suddenly at his home Tuesday, as well as six sisters and one December 6, from a stroke which brother, Winnie, Mrs. William he suffered during the. night, lie Foster, Iieinsall; Jean, Ms's. John was one of the best known farm- ers of the area, and was a mem- ber of Zurich Evangelical Church, Tadd, Souris, Man.; Bertha, Mrs. (Dr,) A. P. Squires, Rotterdam, N.Y.; Anna, Mrs, Varcoe, Win- Besides his wife, the former nipeg, Man.; Cora, Mrs. Behan-. Anna Voll<.lnd, he leaves four tyne, Victoria, B,C.; Miss Mabel sons: Theodore, Zurich; Elmer Rathwell, anton; and George Rathwell, Toronto,., GEORGE A.•McLEOD Word }las been received by Mrs. Robert Pearson, Clinton, of the death in Hailey, Idaho, of her The remains rested in West - eldest brother, George A, Mc- lake's funeral home, Zurich, un - pm birthday had observed lii�'93rd til 4 Wednesday,, when they bday n . November 11 and and William Jr., at home; Albert, Clinton; end three daughters: Mrs. R. Twamley, R.R. 4, Strat- ford; Mrs, R. Petzke, am Mrs, Garfield Broderick, Hensall, had enjoyed good health . until were taken to the family rest - the past year. dence, where services were con - Mr. McLeod was born near ducted Thursday, at 2,30 p,m., by Brucefield and was the eldest rf Rev. H, A. Rappel, and inter - eight children, of whom Mrs, men,. made in the Pearson is now the only surviv- Babylon Line or. When quite a young man, he Cemetery” '_. t is S• She will like the her natural- Here are some of the gifts that you will find on display «; looking wave when she uses a 2' at your friendly I.D.A. Store. Come in and, TON I 1. Home Permanent ._x yWith the New Spin Curlers. ;, '=Complete with refill kit, Curlers, Creme Rinse • $2.79 2 browse around at your leisure, .+444.+4,4•44.4.4.:,144,4,4,:444+4/1.4,1144..v 11 CHRISTMAS :_ Pretty lip yts Wit"11 • _. ENCLOSURDS b' CARDS TAGS ALS .t Wide assortment of cards = RIBBON WINE 'i boxed with envelopes = WRAPPINGR, etc. ,f 25c, 49c, 98c, $1.25 etc. .'t5c, l5c I. r4.,: , , -.: � 44.44444.14, �H NaH 4-k1.44-4.44:, ;4 ;H;.,: = Lasting AA � Ghtt PLAYING >. RUBBERSET Shaving Brushes CARDS..... --,64 � ap ; 4 50c, 75c, ; 1,00, $1,50 etc. T'T l '3 Pure Badger or. Nylon Brushes ' $3.98, $5.00 up 'i Y t. +H r '�_Se Double Decks 3« Claridge .... $1.25 ;I Vogue $1.50 Congress $2.25 �.» _ , ,a+1 •eHi 1HiH'i 1•1 �• 1 �H:H: • C »N H:HH:N:NCH:Nva,:H1,:O:::aa:::::::::ad•••'t 3 •:N,••T i,ea: , Taylor FINE SOFAS 'F REVLON GIFTS 4= 50c, 75c, $1.00 up)= ROSE SOAP Grossmith Lavender Perf. & Soap, 51.35 value for $1. :13 rose -scented cc = BATHETTES—water softener capsules, 65c, 1.25, 3.00: '='cakes, CeIlo- " ` = LADY ESTHER BEAUTY SETS 918.7,531..2050; 8c, 1.25;% phone wrapped - x' $ •, • =in colorful box. 4 $1.00 Also in Lilac and ' Carnation TWIN PINE ♦s i,, CONE SOAP Two large cakes, as illustrated A box 55e Blue Spruce Soap'' 3 large rakes 1: in box — $1.00 A .,.,_=--,---7:-...- „'•''411111' y--; t, '�f •+ RO}9 S RAZOR, new low price i 75c, $1.00, $1.25 SIMMS SHAVE BRUSHES .. 50c, 75c, 1.00, 2009T =HANICSCRAFT. BABY BOTTLE = PACKARD ELECTRIC SHAVER 25.50' WARMER IMENNEN BABY GIFT BOX $1.27 ` ssese:,.wr,gssess essess,.;.g :H* ;«y.;» , :Hy,:H:«::»,H«:H:,g,.;,,;,,: „s :JOHNSON BABY BATH SETS,' t, P 65c, 1.50 up,. :s TILLY TOYS—Animated Rubber' • X, Toys 25c 5001, 1: 4.+4,,..,:•,84.8v:4 -,t4+4.14.:+4,44,84.- A = A. Z. _ 01::01 «t' ,.,, ,,. 0101 F t «_ , i t: She'll Love You For CANDY Delicious, Fresh 13oxe,t CHOCOLATES by such popular makers as Neilson's, Smiles n' Chuckles, Ann Hathaway & Patterson's 85c lb. & up Patterson's Cherries, pound box Cadbury's Milk Tray Planter's Chocolate Almonds 75c, 1.25 1.25 1.00 jeienle= GIFT SET BY WILLIAMS "swell" gift box that containsi t Luxury Shaving Cream, Aqua S1S Velva and Lanoline Soap a=; .14 $1,25 V GILLETTE MILORD GiFT SET X —IN DE LUXE ATTIRE 3 As a Christmas shopper I'm tops. I never make a mistake. My gifts to friends and relatives are always exactly what they want. My secret? Listen .. I send Royal Bank Money Orders, with a personal card of course. They get the cash and buy just what they want. That makes everybody happy. Best of all, I can buy Royal Bank Money Orders for as little or as much as I like, an important consideration these days. So if Christmas shopping gets you down, try my simple solution. Your nearest Royal bank branch will be glad to co-operate. Send a Gift of Cask—Use Royal Bank Money Orders. "You can bank on the ROYAL" CLINTON BRANCH . - - J. G. McLAY, Manager LADIES' • _ t HAIR BRUSHES g �" `+ _ � and up i Brownie Reflex $11,75`: I. HUGHES BRUSHES' s $Lucite roll hair brush with 5 rows , Duaflex, 2 models $14.50, ,.21.00 fOtherAL ghters utomatic L� 1 00, 1.50,hters . $otc of nylon bristles, as illustrated '' Kodak Tourists as shown $25.25 up t.«t:".«#•:H:•dH:�k+b4++2.41.0 H:rof»ki4.iete ' , $2,25 e. =BUCKINGH„C1M BOWLS of �« t Other Hughes Brushes st telKetse :4..:He?weeelel,:,,,wt «.,eeeeg.,1 ,e1+44g,. ,,s+ ,+H:,.; <' l ; ostelsy Shave Soap .. , .. , . 45e, 654 98c and up S I Stec sseei,tet,,,,,,,; ;„,, ,*4'+444 ey . BRUSH, COMB and MIRROR SETS $5.25 up ;'��,CRLIABBAGE BOARDS, $1.00 $1.503; A _ ��� g CEDAR CHEST of STATIONERY, Special .... $1.98 =GOLF BALLS, 3's, 6's, $2,85, $s.70 � ,............7 . ------- ‘0%'/' - �� ; .+b4 a+r,`.N;,v+ A+t 1:2'3 r; :Hw2::+,+44t1+.A+t+'?+4Hkd»r+,:+,H:H;» 144 H,y,,+:•4 44.-t,4«g+p4,t,i+i-t 3. • "----_,4-2—'1/1: fir, &' •>' 3 Gifts for the Smoker *PERFUMES .. - MEN'S BILLFOLD SPECIALS Morocco grained finish e. Geimiee ,English .Morocco. Leather Billfold, zipper half ? fine grain Billfold, zippered;i: round, windows and card ,; all round, 4 windows, snap holder. $1.75 value 'for $1.00 s of change purse, reg. $3.95t $2,69 I,:H:er� eHfHf f rH:HtaJa✓.:H:H N1 ,1`"H:HrHf �HfH+ei++�i w� tH:iH:+,�, THV� ta,:H:asTH:H:,� Picture The Pleasure You Give Them With CAMERAS Brownie Hawkeye Baby Brownie $3.00?: $6.00 Target Brownie Box Cameras Ta o: • Milord One -Piece Razor and 10 Gillette Blue Blades in Dis- penser. Sturdy metal case, plus extra 10 -blade Dispenser and tube of Gillette @q �eaa�� Shaving Cream. $40162 v :+,H:M ;4.14 w H: dH; 4Hi+4,+14;4. ;H:. i+ ,. RONSON 4.. Lighters ;r' with accessory l: kits 6.70 8.10:t: $6.00X $6.85 • by Euros most discussedpe'perfumer tt Handbag Phials 75c }, "Cracker" set of 2 fragrances 1.50 Se ie,'l er,++r'+ seSs seisleS++9t4Settesee$.eeSegeetseseetees,w,•, ; .!eeStste SOAP TALC OIL AN IDEAL GIFT Tobacco Pouches $1.00 up ROLL -MASTER Mackenzie Filter Pipe $1.50 Rollet Pipe -briar bowl, $5.00 CIGARETTE MAKER 89c ,v .1.4 ,1.4• ,,o, 4.4.✓e M. 4.4.-1. : 44 +,g.T aw :r't , A+ 't TOBACCOS Wrap up Several 20's or 50's of CIGARETTES DELIGHTFUL GIFT PACKAGE Whichever they prefer BABY'S OWN PRODUCTS = All popular brands 69c$1.50, $2,50 • For the Pipe Smoker— ,• V lb. this of his favourite brand s? of Fine Cut for those who roll . i, their own cigarettes. e:eleletd»2eees:e+ -i»IetelesS see;H: Hi✓eestetwD+terefe S»seseeteSte; 4444444.e :Unique ,Photo ,.Service �Q� te, j�.. ,fit �i 6 ,/�, �6'A� ��j � ,/ /l �{ ,y�[,�j �j �y ,�y y{ cobs i1F(Tlr t i.Lti#fr �o:so pstv45tcoioma kfks tl imp VFsZF zgzadt g VA'R9�t!• F. Penne.baker Phone B. Clinton