HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-12-15, Page 1Shop Now
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The Home Paper with the News
Douceit ,f c :ll Opens non- Clit'� New str�Colur>�n_�_
No. 50
Pages ,1-,
zens of this community will ex-
tend heartiest congratulations to
Mrs. Clara ' Jackson, .Bayfield
Road, who will celebrate her 91st
birthday on Thursday next, De-
cember 22, just three days be-
fore Christmas . Her kind-
ness is proverbial in Clinton ....
May see have many further birth-
day celebrations! .
winter 'there was the inevitable
"bigthaw" over the weekend
when the mercury went as high
as 58 on Monday and the snow
peat ieally all dfgappeared into
thin, air , . It was very foggy
Sunday night •.. , Monday was
balmy as an April day ... How-
ever, corder weather set in on
Tuesday and It was quite
nippy" yesterday and today...
Since the mild spell, only a, small
amount of snow has fallen, but
prospects are good for a fairly
"white Christmas" . . .
,y * 8e
Lions Arena this season took
place Friday ,eveninglast, but
skating and a hockey practice
were potiular last evening .
Making ice has been made much
easier this year through the
rolling in of a solid mud floor
during the fall Formerly, it
used to take two or three weeks
to lay a decent ice base . ,
a * a,
tion to The NEWS -RECORD, R.
H. Johnson, Walkerton, former
Clinton jeweller, reports under
Tuesday's date: "Whether we can
expect a mild spell or not is
bard to say, but we had a robin
on the topmost bough of one of
the spruce trees on our lawn on
Saturday, December 10 , He
sang a little and chirped a lot,
before he continued on his way"..
* a C
Claus ,is coming to town on Fri-
day afternoon, December 23, un-
der the auspices of Clinton Town
Council, Canadian Legion, Lions
Club and Chamber of Commerce..
* ,k u
to light on the origin of the
name of Vinegar Hill ... W. E.
Floody, 58 Close Ave.,, Toronto,
formerly of Clinton, tells us that
as a small child, he can remem-
ber hearing that the name came
from Ireland . , . Apparently, the
early settlers of this area in
Clinton were Irish. and so had
brought some of the names of
their native country to their hew
home , ,
Y *
Wexford in the Irish Free State,
near Enniscorthy, and was the
headquarters of those who rose,
in rebellion in 1998. , The
people camped here and corn-
rnitted outrages, and were sur-
rounded by the British troops on
June 21, and the rebellion was
broken up . .
Stanley Township Council me
hi the Township Hall, Varna, wi
all members present, and Reeve
Elmer Webster presiding.
Frank McClinchey's claim for
damages were referred to the
agent, J. E. Howard. Letters
were ordered filed from J. Till-
man re purchasing parts of Vic -
'fano St., Hayfield; from B. Wald-
ron; from the Canadian Mother -
craft Society, and .the War Me-
morial Hospital; Canadian Na -
tient Railways and the Bell Tele-
phone System.
• The 1950 assessment roll for
the Village of Bayfield was pas -
•sed ' and J. E. Cameron's salary
ordered paid. The 1950 assess-
ment roll for the•Township was
passed and H. M. Hazily's salary
:of • $800 •plus $200 car allowance
was ordered paid.
Grants were ordered to: Bruce -
field • Library, $10; Baird's 'Ceme-
tery; $15; Varna Library, $20.
Stanley Vouch for $362,61 and
Bayfield •Voucher for $102.35, as
well. as Stanley Road Voucher
for $3,505.14, and Bayfield Road
Voucher for $480.28 were order-
ed . paid.
Council adjourned to meet at
10 a,m,, Thursday,, December 15.
Christmas Concert
By Band Next Sunday
Repeating a practice inaugurat-
ed last year, Clinton Citizens'
Band wilt give a. concert in
WHEN HON. GEORGE H. DOUCETT, Ontario Minister of Highways, formally opened Clinton's
new r:^verre his on King's Highways 4 and 8 connecting links Thursday afterryooh-last, among the crowd
witnessing the ceremony above were: left to right—Clinton Citizens' Band; ,Clinton District Collegiate
Institute Cadet Corps; •CDCI Bugle Band. The Post Office may be seen hr the background.
—Engraving courtesy The London Free Pr
Of uommencement Saint Nicholas paid a pre -
is of
t Christmas visit to some 380 child-
ren Wednesday afternoon, at a
e tin mss partyheld for
!vin tviBERS OF .re r: p g xx v,
ess OFFICIAL PARTY at the . formal opening of Clinton's new
pavements on King's Highways 4 and 8 are shown above at the ribbon -cutting ceremony
at the main intersection of the two highways Thursday afternoon last. Left to right
they are: Thomas Pryde, MLA for Huron; J. W. Hanna, MLA for Huron -Bruce; G. 'W.
Nott, reeve of Clinton; Hon, George H. Doucett, Ontario Minister of Highways, who
severed the syrnoblic ribbons; R. Y. Il'attin, Mayor of Clinton. The Minister and the
Mayor are standing on Clinton's new fire truck which was used as a platform for the
actual ceremony. Members of Clinton Fire Department attended in uniform,
—Engraving courtesy The London Free Press
` ; Christmas Poultry
IJ.av is
Under the direction of the beth Stewart, Mary Thompson,
large Ch lit 1
of the teaching staff, Irma Wallace, Alex Wilson, Lois them by the, personnel of the In Fine Condition
"Much poultry has been mar-
; keted this past week for the
Christmas market, and buyers
'state that it is in excellent con-
dition, and in a high state of
GordonBennett, Clin-
students of Clinton District . Wood. Radio School., at Clinton. The
Collegiate Institute made a Intermediate Diplomas: Ken children of both service person -
fine showing at the annual meth Armstrong, Helen Ball,' nee' and civilian employees had
Commencement Exercises when lGearge Beatty,Ethel Blair,.Mad_ a Wonderfulnting time playing games
capacity houses attended the !elon Cox, Louis s Ethel
me,David : of every
ice cream and goodies
Friday ev nets !last Thursday and Fairservice, Shirley Falconer, The huge DrptilbHalt took on
Principal E. A. Fines, on each IMarguerite Hall, Loraine Hamil- f the appearance of a real wonder-
occasion, extended a hearty rel- ton, Barbara Heesom, Ilene nand. At the entrance was a
come to the friends of the school Hesseiwood, Irene Hewett, Del - •ten -foot statue of 'Santa to greet
attending thine Hunking, Maxine Hunking, 'them d u thet
Dec. 2
finish " R. i
ton, agricultural representative
for Huron County, reported toe
The thrashing
is the order of the day in most'
Edna Jackson, Lola Jervis, Joan an p on , ,page there os ung of white beans
Rev. Athletic vPres Presbyterian
minister Deenicic, John Kyle, June Lear, stockings hungallineal row. A ber 27, will be marked as a public
Donald Longfield, Robert Love,:holiday in Clinton, and Mayor R.
districts in the south part of the
of Clinton Presbyterian Church,Christmas tree that reached right Y Hattie was ion, anted to issue county and average yields are
awnentin made the hursd winners resentation of
come 'Carman Mia Donald, Douglas Lyon,e,,Ing specttaacle to he, kiddies, Twas an here proclamation to that effect at being realized,
corn othe cob isbeing
pliijevem g. the winners on their i ore NBeathfeGuibe,ra Robert�nManaghan- rr, also were. giant balloons in the ti December
meeting ' of- the bought and sold to. feed livestock
achievements clew . ar3d. gtress3n$ :thQ Mary 1Vlorrltt, 'Gladys Pepper, . shape of Gill * irytland :char- -. It' was decided that in order drat their supply of grain
value of clean sport. doter, strung about the hail. the final may oe made ei last as long as
Championship awards were as IPoor•ter. Philp,
ernePro Potter,Anna
nard . Fit and jolly old Santa Claus heldtiThursdaf he evening, Janube arr possible, he stated.
follows: Rau, Lily Schultz, William Shear- made every boy and girl nearly 5, 1950. Statutory muting was --o
Senior girls, Anna Glew; int-,ln Helen Stewart, Clifford Tat- burst with joy as he handed out
girls, Vera Lyon; junior ib t, Elizabeth Talbot,Morleytheir presents and talked with
girls, Joanne Castle; senior boys, i Taylpr, Robert Ta Zr, Broth each one of them personally.
Grover Clare; intermediate boys,neWaAn added treat to the after-
CametFines;n Maltby;
juvenileinior boys, Muis'ls
!Watt, aKarlrWhitfieldSJohnJWil- noog.byethe children stivities ethat athe ttend
son, Huth Woolley. ray Maltby. _ the emergency Public School on
JoanneACastlerintelrmed intermediate boys' •st Scholarships:CarterrScholarshis p,
Sir theesoamp. troupeThey
is and rmeevedin like
champion. Cameron Maltby, y Ernest Cooper Scholarship; Free tiniest added their notes to the
;Kirby—The Le very pleasant entertainment.
Academic Awards Examples of the national dances
Rev. W. J. Rogers, minister of, of some of the nationalities that INQUEST DEEMED
Blyth United Church and a mem- combine to make up Canada, t
ber of CDCI Board, officiated at t were presented in most inter'- IN LADY'S DEATH
esting fashionby groups of girl
the presentation of academic students from 'Grades IX -XII, un-
man of
diplomas, emphasizing the last- der the direction of Miss Helen k frig the action Al' the Town of
Boxing Day, Tuesday, Deeem-
Target Shooting; Cadet cup for onard Scholarship
marksmanship, Alex Wilson A Canadian Mosaic
cheduled for Thursday evening,
December .15.
C. VanDamme was given per-
mission to erect an addition to
his kitchen at Clinton Grill at
approximately $500, end Ball -
Macaulay, to erecta sign at their
place of business. Resolutions opposing commerc-
Pay Band Grant ial sport on Sunday, and taking
Council decided to issue with the hold of a colour- p
pay the bar vote in Dresden were passed a
(}f Gala
Hen, George H, Doucett, On-
tario Minister of Highways, paid
an official visit o 'Clinton Thum- •
day last when he was guest of
the Town Fathers at a compli-
mentary noon luncheon in Hotel
Clinton. -and" then formally cut
the symbolic ribbons crossing the
intersection of King's Highways
4 and 8 to mark the opening of
Clinton's new pavements,
It wsa a very significant cere-
money in the life of the coin.
munity, marking as it did, a Long
period of difficulty with roads,
T chiefly because of the construes
lion of the sewerage system.
From Fire Truck
The Minister stood on the rear
latform of the new fire truck
rid cut two red ribbons, assist -
balance of to
1949, to Clinton Citizens' Band.
Expediture up to $40 was approv-
ed for Christmas treats for the
children of the community, and
Ald. A. Garen,chairman spec-
ial committee, was appointed to
a comms tee of Lions
wn grant, $350, for
by - Huron Presbytery of the
United Church of Canada, at a
meeting at Varna Wednesday last.
In its colour -bar resolution, the
presbytery said:
We , , , go on record as deplor-
tit reg value of a secondary school Proudfoot, with Shirley Phillips
as accompanist and Margaret
Honour Graduation Diplomas: Holland as narrator.
William Andrews, Isobel Chowen, The various groups were:
Estelle Cox, Marie Gliddon, French — "Le Branle de
Charles Hanly, Fred Kirby,.Grace Quercy"; dancers—Jane Hartley,
Lobb, Alice McKenzie, Joan Doris McKay, Lorine Garon, Mary
Whitfield, Tyndall. Carol Gliddon, Ruth
Graduation Diplomas: Kenneth Glow, Dorothy Managhan, Rhea
Arkell, Edna Ball; Edna Bayley, Hall; cafe patrons—June Manning,
Mary Beatty, Freida Blake, Car- Barbara Bassett, Ruth Clarke,
olyn Campbell. Grover Clare, Joan Wooden Epps. Ruth Glazier.
Fines, Nancy Ford, Jeanne Garon, Scottish—"The Foursome Reel";
Kathleen' Glew, Marion Hill, dancers—Margaret Porter, Rose
Margaret Holland, William Lem -Marie Arkell, Ann Shaddock,
mon, Helen Love, Frances Lyon, Shirley Cooper, Marion Jones,
Evelyn MacDonald, John Mc- Phyllis Hanly, Margaret Durham,
Connell, Dorothy McGuire, Shir- Gail Manning.
ley Phillips, Elizabeth Potter, English—"The Old Mole"; denc-
Phyllis Shanahan, Thelma Shob- ers—Lola Jervis, Shirley Falcon-
brooke, Norman Smith, Robert er, Mary Morritt, Catherine Fal-
Speir, Joyce Stephenson, Eliza- (Continued on Page Eight)
VIII—Village of Bayfield (col:t'ci)
This i" the 20th of a series sion to the southern limit of Lot
of historical articles on the No. 8, Range G; thence west,
municipalities in this area, taken !thing the sideroad, to the lake -
from '"Historical Atlas of Hur- shore, to the place of beginning;
on County," published in 1819, ;and also the south halves of Lots
11, 2, 3 and 4, and the west half
"Magnificent Distances" of Lot 5, in the Bayfield Con -
The present village of Bayfield ,of
of the Township of Gode-
does not contain all the land rich, in the County of Huron,"
Gunton Town Hall, on Sunday designed for it by "the Baron," Incorporated 1876
evening, December 18, at 8.30 though it is still a village of I The legislation by
Bay -
o'clock, which will be entirely of m which a
a Christmas nature. "magnificent i distances" so of field Special then incorporated was
speak—containing 1,767. acres of a Act of Parliament,
A number of carols, will be land' for a population of 580, in- .known as the 39th 'Vict, cap. lv.
planed, and Bill Andrews and eluding 178 resident ratepayers. 'assented' to January 10, 1876. The
Lewis Tebbutt will render cornet Geographically described, it is population was, at that time suf-
solos, which will be favourite situated on the east shore of Lake fieient to incorporate under the
carols. An added feature will be Huron, at.the mouth of the Bay- General Act; but the other course
Clinton District Collegiate Choir field River, and on both sides of 'was adopted to save a year's
which did' so well' at the Com- the same, being partly in the time. Since then, if we are to
mencement Exercises last week, southwest corner of the Township take the assessor's enumeration,.
As well the audience will be of Goderich, but chiefly in the above given, as even approxim-
given a chance to sing a number northwest corner of the Township ately correct, there has been a
f Stanley; distant to the south„very considerable falling off in
A silver collection will be tak- from Goderich, the county town, the population.
en at the door. twelve miles; and from Brucefield .First, 'Elections
o and Clinton, the nearest railway The, first municipal elections
The Weather stations, each ten miles. held resulted ih the return of the
7949 1948 The territory comprised with- following gentlemen to the Coun-
in its limits is described in the oil: Reeve, W. Wellington Con -
High Low High Low Act of Incor,wraton as "the pare nor; Councillors, John Eason
eels and lots of land enclosed John Keys, J. C. McIntosh, And -
Dec. 8 •..25 15 36 26 within the boundaries. hereinafter,rew Rutledge; and the following
9 28 15. 32 28 mentioned.- that is to say: Com- officials were appointed by that
10 30 15 30 26 mencing at the northwest Corner body: Clerk, John A. Rutledge;
11 •43 of the Bayfield Town Plot, in treasurer, James Thompson; As -
12 58 the Township of Stanley, in the sessor, Frederick' Wood: Collect -
13 35
14 27
Rein: .60 ins.
Snow: 33i ins.
29 • 31 22
33 30
24 4042 30
16 35 29
Rain: .50 ins.
urrty. of Huron: thence easterly or, John Wilson; Constable, Rob -
along the Bayfield River to the ert Baxter. .
eastern limit of Lot No. 14, Range John Keys was elected to, the
A;then south along, the canes- (Continued on Page Two'
No 'inouest will be held into
work with t Dresden iii niacing before their
the death in Clinton Public Hos- CIub, Chamber of Commerce, citizens an issue which has re-
eled about 4,30 a.m. Friday last , and Canadian Legion in planning suited in a glaring case of .racial
of Mrs. Frank E. Peter. 42, Strat- Christmas tree December 23. discrimiantion in Canada
Crown Attorney for Huron deductable collision insurance, gone abroad that the churches
ford, according to H Glenn Hays Council decided to place $1001 We regret that the feeling h
qty on the new firetruck with K. were apparently indifferent on
The Crone stated that Huron W Colquhoun at a cost of $64.80 this matter, which will result in
County officials had conferred a year• erecting a serious barrier between
with Dr. Smirle Lawson, Toronto. Rates for Fire Brigade . the races involved, and that a
Chief Coroner for Ontario, and I After some discussion, a resolu- :shadow has been cast upon Prot -
it was decided that an inquest tion was adopted that the rate,estantism all across Canada,
was unnecessary. for outside cells for Clinton Fire We sincerely hope that no
Mrs. Peter, mother of two Brigade be $50 for the first hour such issues shall ever again be
children, was. reported to neve and $25 each additional hour, andraised ini our country, and that
driven alone in her car from that the money received be the action of one small town
Stratford, with blood spilling divided on a 50-50 basis between shall- not become a precedent for
from a gash iii her throat, early the Town' and the Fire Brigade, other centres large or mean.”
Tuesday afternoro. The .aces Permission was given to the
Pay Assessor Gerrie chargeofficially
dent, involving Mrs. Peter, took Council approved payment of to close
hydro truck. driven by E. L, 'county assessment: ca d�alsorpay- foCor n Consent ht for sale of The Blake
Cornish. Clinton. She was rush- merit of grant of $500, as budget- Church building stud
edln a flinton t to' Public
e the Hospital. an's ed,to Clinton Public Hospital Blake congregation given to the
life late Tuesday afternoon, blood motion was passed that Coen-
Ken -
from Stratford General' Hospital ori was proud Waters know that
blood bank was rushed by Pro- . nett G. is offerees. his
vincial Police escort to Clinton. services as Alderman in Ward
The former It/Labelle Mary One, Toronto; and knowing the
Thacker, she was born near Tees- , exceptionally good services he
water, daughter of the late Mr. rendered in 1940 as Mayor of
and Mrs.. Albert Thacker. She I (Continued on Page Eight)
graduated: from Stratford General
School of Norrie in •
place west of the cefield,a when belance :due Assessor J. W. Man- orange
Church, where reg-
of rural •f have not been held
ed by Mayor R. Y. Hattie, He
then distributed parts of the rib-
bon to hundreds, of Collegiate
students gathered .around the int-
ersection of a day eft eromschool.
Mingled with the students were
townsfolk and ,members of Clin-
ton Citizens' Band,
Praises Clinton
The banquet at the Hotel Clin-
ton was marked by speeches by
officials of the town, and sur-
rounding townships, topped off
by an address by the Minister
of Highways.
Mr. Doucett revealed his de-
partment's prediction that motor
vehicle registration in Ontario
would pass the million mark, in
1950 but that. highways in the
province were both "modern en-
ough and extensive enough" • is
handle resident traffic as well as
tourist traffic.
He said over the past seven
years expenditures by the Ontario
Department of Highways;have
increased front ' $3,000,000 to p
little over $20,000,000 In .1949,
He said of Clinton, a commune
ity of 2,500 which has within
the past few years acquired 50
wartime houses, one fire engine,
crossing signal on No, 4 High-
way at the CNR grading,_ a new
Cwerage system and a hospital—
:at it' "exemplified the spirit o
good citizenship" which made
progress possible.
Ontario paid $51,500 and Clinton
$10,500 for the paving job, he
Rev. S. H. Brenton, Londesboro, a
was in charge of the meeting.
It was decided to hold the next
presbytery meeting in the latter s
part of April, at the same time
and in the same locality as the
Huron presbyterial WMS meet-
,030, she nursed in Stratford Elmer Robertson Again.
Crop Heads Association
for a number of years, before
being married in 1939. She was
an active member of Knox Pres
byterian Church, Stratford.
Mrs. Peter is survived by her
husband; a daughter, Mary, three,
and a son. Douglas, eine; her
mother-in-law, Mrs. H. J. Peter;
three brothers, Bert Thacker,
Barrie; Alex. Thacker, Plymouth,
Mich.; Alvin Thacker. Teesseat
er, and a sister, Miss Ada Thack-
er, Toronto.
Elmer Robertson, Colborne.
Township, was re-elected presi-
dent of Huron Crop Improve-
ment Association at the annual
meeting in the Board Room,
Ontario Agricultural Office,
Clinton, Thursday afternoon
Alvin Betties, Goderich Town -
ONTARIO ST. MISSION BAND ship, and Russell Bolton, McKie.
The Mission Band of Ontario lop Township, also were re -elect -
St. United Church will hold its ed first vice-president and sec -
Christmas Thankoffering service end vice-president, respectively.
on Friday, December 16, at 4 R. Gordon Bennett, Clinton,
p.m. Miss Sybil Courtice will be was appointed secretary-treasur- Collegiate Institute on IVlarch
guest '.speaker. Visitors are er and, Fred O. Wilson, assistant 10-11, 1950.
appointed delegates to the On-
tario Crop Improvement 'Assoc-
iation convention..
Mr. Robertson presided at the b
meeting which was well -attended
by farmers from all parts of the in
R. Gordon Bennett, in his e
financial statement showed a bat- t
once on hand of $382.62.
Annual Seed Fair
It was announced that the an- ha
nual Huron County Seed Fair
would be held in Clinton District e
Hearty Welcome
MMayor It. Y. listen extended
a hearty welcome to more. than
50 guests in behalf of the citi-
zens of Clinton. Be stated it
was a cross-section of Clinton
and district.
Warden John Armstrong said
that the county' always had the
est of cooperation from Clinton
Reeve G. W. Nott thanked the
MMaster and Department for
eir cooperation in the blacktop
nd slated that "patience and
erseverance win". He suggested
hat since Highway 4 was being
ade a "through" street, per-
ps the Department would see
t to place a "stop -and -go" sign
t the intersection. He introduc-
d the head table guests.
Among those who spoke briefly
(Continued on Page Five)
Don't forget the Canadian
Legion Fowl Bingo, Saturday,
Dec, 17, with, grand prize of $50.
Special prize, large live turkey.
Animal Christmas .'$ail, CDCI
Auditorium, Monday, December
26, 10 p.m., auspices . of Clinton
Hospital Aid. 49-b
"Scan the Kitchen" Tea, spon-
sored by St. Paul's Ladies' Guild,
Parish Hall, Saturday, January 7,
3-6 p,m: ' Everybody welcome.
25' cents. 50-b
secretary -treasurer. Members plan to charter a bus
Township directors for 1950
are: East Wawanosh, H. L. Sturdy;
Ashfield,Heber Eedy; West Waw-
anosh, W. Washington; Turnberry,
Nelson Underwood; Howick, Bob
Gibson; Grey, William Turnbull;
Morris, Richard Proctor; Hullett,
Oliver Anderson; Tuckersmith, E.
J. Jacob; Usborne, Richard Ether-
ington; Hay, George ' Armstrong;
Stanley, Murray Grainger.
W. R. Dougall, Henson, county
weed inspector, and Harry Strang,
Exeter, ex -president, were; hamed
to the board' of directors. Ebner
Robertson and Alvin Betties were
for oneday to the annual meet-
ing of Ontagfe Crop Improvement
Association in Toronto on Janu-
ary 19 when the chief speaker
will be Louis Bromfield, prom-
inent agriculturalist and writer.
Pasture Management
A first-hand report on modern
practice in the management • of
pastures on Scottish farms was
given by James M. Scott. Mr. sive.
Scott, operator of • a Shorthorn "That's 'it," cooed the . happy
herd and a large poultry , farm housekeeper. "An alum.t:ntnnzvare •'
at Seaforth, returned last month specialist gave me a whole kit
from a stain of inspection to Short -then outfit for it. Said he had
A Smile for Today
Fair Exchange
"Darling," cried the recent
bride, "you know that list of
1,100 employees and addressee
you had on your desk?"
`Personnel where I work?'! in-
quired the man, a bit appreiren-
horn b'r'eetlitng /arias in Scotland, a boliby'of collecting odd nansessn