HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-12-08, Page 11THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1949 v,INTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE ELEVEN • Classified AdletsBring Quick Res CASH RAE—,(Qf paid by Wed- tiesday following date of inser- tion)—One nent nser- ti n)—Onecent a word d first in- aertion (minimum 35 cents); sub- :serpent insertions one cent a word (minimum 25 cents); 15 cents ex- tra for box 'number or for direc- iti'on to NEWS -RECORD Office. IF CHARGED --15 cents extra. DEADLINE -6 p.m. Wednesday. APPLES -FOR SALE '.RAND -PICKED NORTHERN SPY -and 'other •good cooking apples. $1 per bushel in own containers. Phone T. R. Jenkins, 910r23. 47-8-9-p _ NOTICES I AM CANVASSING CLINTON now. Parties wanting Rawl ei gh produots, Christmas and greeting cards, hasty notes, writing paper, phone 4983, Clinton. Robert A. Engel. 49:50-p MISCELLANEOUS SAWS, ALL KINDS FILED AT C. Hoare's orchard, mile north of town. Will work odd days, harvesting, etc. 46-2-p ANYONE WISHING AVON Pro- ducts for Christmas please con- tact the representative, Mrs. Wilfred Freeman, phone 791J, for SPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE. appointments, 48-9-p Spy, Greening, Baldwin, King, Bellflower, etc. Fred MoClymont, ANYONE WISHING TO ORDER Varna, phone Clinton 613r24. Du Jour ladies', men's and child - 48 -1-p ren's wear please order early and avoid disappointment at Christ - ACCOMMODATION mas. Mrs. Roy Mann. 48-9-b THREE OR MORE ROOMS OR .small cottage wanted soonest for man, wife and one 'youngster. D. Hyslop, photographer, Clin- ton. 49-b ARTICLES FOR SALE 'GENUINE BABY SEAL FUR Coat, shortie style, in excellent condition, price $30; Lloyd's Eng- lish -style pram, used year and • one-half, price $25. Phone 164J. 49-50-b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE '1933 CHEVROLET COACH, with 'good tires, Dependable transpor- tation for a small investment. 'Phone Clinton 481J. 49-50-b, 1935 CHEVROLET MASTER coach, in Al condition. Harold Elliott, Varna, phone Clinton "623r25. 49-50-p BICYCLES FOR SALE' BOY'S CCM BICCCLE, original tires, good condition, price $22. 'William Jenkins, phone Clinton 13021'21. 49-p COMPANION WANTED BACHELOR, AGED 50 YEARS, with all convenience% requires housekeeper under 25 years, No objections to one child. Write to Box 21, Chesley, Ont. 49-p CLOTHING FOR SALE 'FOR QUICK SALE—One Hudson 'Seal Coat, as good as new. Call ''57W. 49-p MAN'S BLACK WINTER Over- coat, size 40, in good condition. 'Phone Goderich 1085J. 49 50 p EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 'SPECIAL FOR DECEMBER -one. new Simplicity washing machine with good discount for cash, Lawson's Radio Service, phone Seaforth 841r23. 49-50-p FURNITURE FOR SALE 1948 LEONARD REFRIGERATOR "7 cu. ft.; new condition. Phone 4783. 49-p COME' INTO YOUR SINGER Sewing Centre and see our prac- tical Christmas Gift suggestions. Phone Goderich 1135 or write Singer Sewing Machine Co., God- erich. 47btfb ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for plink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices, If. dead phone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros. -Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Goder- ich. 2btfb DON'T BUY STORM WINDOWS! —until you have seen the new Simplex combination storm and screen windows and doors. Cuts high fuel costs with more com- fort. The inserts are' easily changed summer to winter from inside. Free installation, easy terms. For free estimate, phone 4, Clinton, or write Box "D", NEWS -RECORD, Rowland C. Day, London Weathertite Co. 48 -50 -I -b PUPPIES FOR SALE TWO MALE COLLIE PUPS. Robert Welsh, phone Clinton 906r22. 49-2 POULTRY FOR SALE CHOICE CHRISTMAS Turkeys for sale, 55 cents per bb. dressed. Arthur St. Amens, phone 783J, Ontario St., Clinton. 48-9-50-p DRESSFD C;EESE for Christmas, 50 cents per lb. Order now for delivery Christmas week. Gordon Turner, phone Clinton 906r5, 49-b 35 RHODE ISLAND RED PUL - lets. Wes. Hoggart, R.R. 1, Clin- ton, phone 802r33. 49-b SKATES FOR SALE PAIR YOUTH'S SKATES, size 81,4r, CCM tubes, reasonable. Ap- ply Irwin's Store. 49-b TWO PAIR LADIES' WHITE Tube Skates, sizes 6 and 8, Phone 205W. May be seen at Stanley's Garage. 49-b A SWEET TONED ORGAN, suit- PMR BOY'S HOCKEY SKATES, 'cable for church, school or home, old.ize 7, very good shape, one WyeS- finished all around. ApplyJ. M. Can l seen at NEWS- finished RECORD Office. 49-x Driver, RE. 1, Goderich, phone it "�odericli 931r14. .49- P STOVES FOR SALE BIRTHS 14ANLEY - In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday,Decem- bei 3 949 to Mr. and' Mrs: Donald 1 Hanley, Clinton, a dau- ghter. LITTLE—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Tuesday, Decmeber 6, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Little, Hensall, a daughter. ROBINSON—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, Decem- ber 6, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Robinson, R.R. 1, Zur- ich, a daughter, WILLERT—At the Stephan Nurs- ing Home, Hensall, Saturday, Dec. 3, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. .Harold Willert, Hay Township, (nee Joyce Aikenhead), a son. DEATHS KENNEDY — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, December 2, 1949, Lillian Loraine Ken- medy, daughter of the late Donald and Julia Kennedy. Funeral from the Ball and Mutch Funeral Home, High St. , Clinton, to Clinton Cemetery, on Monday, December 5. LEIBOLD — At his residence, Zurich, on "Tuesday, Dec" 6, 1949, William Leibold, father of Albert Leibold, RR, 2, Clinton, in his 77th year. Funeral from family residence to Babylon Line Cemetery, Thursday af- ternoon, Dec. 8. LEWIS—On Saturday, December 3, -1949, at Toronto General Hospital, -Dr. Eainund Percival Lewis, 47 Braemore Gardens, Toronto, beloved husband of Margaret Lauder, brother of Mrs. Ada Newcombe, Calgary, Alta. At the funexal chapel of A. W. Miles, 30 St. Clair Ave., AUCTION SALE of 35 YOUNG DAIRY COWS at Lot No. 31, 6th Concession of Goderich Township, 1 mile south of Porter's Hill, on Tuesday, Dec. 13 at 1.30 p.m., sharp. Consisting of: 20 Holsteins; six Jerseys; balance Durhams and Ayrshires, Some are fresh, some to fresh- en shortly, and balance are due in January and February. Arrange to attend this sale as it is our last for the season, and we believe we are offering the best cows we have had; all being young, T.B. tested, and are elig- ible to enter any tested herd or area. TERMS—CASH A. E. TOWNSHEND and SON, Proprietors EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. Colquhoun, Clerk 49-b BEAUTY SinOPFE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Service on Mondayafternoon at three o'clock. Interment Mount Pleasant Cemetery. W IDCOMBE—In Grace Hospital, Windsor, midnight, Saturday, urdaY , December 3, Samuel Widcornbe, beloved husband of Wineri.fred Mc Mr. McClure, -and only. sonof C Y Charles Wideom e and Mrs. b , Windsor. Funeral from Calvary United Church, 3 p.m. on Tues- day, December B. Interment n t in Windsor, Memorial Ceme- tery. I . - • Proclamation MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS ' TOWN OF 'CLINTON Nominations Wednesday, December 21. 1 9 4 9 Election Thursday, December 29 1 9 4 9 NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the Electors for the Nomination of Candidates for the positions of Mayor, - Reeve, Councillors, Public Utilities Commissioner, and Members of the Public School Board, for the , ensuing term, will be held in the Town Hall, Clinton Wednesday; December 21, 1949 Between the hours of 7:30 o'clock and 8:30 o'clock in the evening M. T. CORLESS, Returning Officer and if necessary, an Election to fill the above-named positions, or any of them, will be held on Thursday, December 29, 1949 at the following places, and by the following named persons, that is to say, in ST. ANDREW'S WARD—At the Town Hall, - E. L. Mittell, Deputy Returning Officer ST. JAMES' WARD—Dr. George Elliott's Office, R. B. Fitzsimons, Deputy Returning Officer ST. JOHN'S WARD—Ball-Macaulay Show Room, King St., W. Wallis, Deputy Returning Officer ST. GEORGE'S WARD—At R. L. Jervis' Office, Albert St., Arthur Groves, Deputy Returning Officer. commencing at the hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon and continuing until the hour of five o'clock in the afternoon and the results will lie publicly declared in the Town Hall, on Friday, the 30th day of December, 1949 at 12 o'clock noon. • M. T. CORLESS, Clerk and Retuning Officer 48-49-50-b 'l ii HIS.t71�t71�'47Li71rtfl't7/�t7IrVF1zF�L�t7I�E7FtiLtT�`i�7Aa`�7/�cvrc7Ft7/�c`f/� 6901mih.5 ,,.U S•IJPP[q . , ,, L a CAMERAS— Uri'U"Gtkomet," English made "Pixie" U all metal Box Camera Vi qiCtgU U 'tel1'..w"" +:CORONET CAMERA—$5.95 Picture Framing , %SNAPSHOT ALBUMS— —35c up ROLL FILM- ]]ford English film. DEVELOPING SETS— $6.25 "Winpro," 35 mm., takes colour 3 film, with, automatic film numberer $9.95 ,. U —complete $4.95 up „` MOVIE EQUIPMENT— . A U A •t; Portraits Taken in the Studio I . or in your own home r.' WEDDING AND' FAMILY GROUPS '• tti taken at home, Candids or in the studio U 24 -hour service on developing and printing J U OPEN EVENINGS U UNTIL CHRISTMAS - ;ii "Stori - Views" for group teach- ing. Teachers of Sunday School classes, Bible Day Schools, and especially Kindergarten classes, will find "Siori-View' a val- uable teaching aid. —Viewer $2.15 —"The Christmas Story" Set $2.20 ga. Hyslop PHOTOGRAPHERS .A•1'.. .r..Phone 203 Behind the Post Office �5 ���� Princess St. East Phone 585 y __ t7lcdfLrf�y#14l�:afL��,yLL�� yltr3�.✓6tyit.n�X1 d2�xi y��y,��op ppy���ys yy�� 11 yy����,�����,yy������ t9 dit7Aa1At7FaYAiTFtLrtYFc9�tY�a9PVIitYOtYIrtSAt9P J ....xn .kY(': > (t ' iT �w '�' I S h/5".t ... .. .. •. �. HOUSES FOR. SALE TWO HEATERS, one upright coal MEDIUM-SIZED Bra= House heater, Wingham make, the other -containingthtwo a artments, Must withree-way heater—can be used be sold o close estate, Contact coal, wood or ioas a phonePe Jabez Rands, Clinton, phone 80. place. Mrs. C. E. Elliott, 9-b 48-9-b 326. 49-b 'SEVEN -ROOMED BRICK House, TRUCKS FOR SALE new bathroom, garage, good 1941 PICK-UP TRUCK, priced location. Apply Box "H", NEWS- reasonably. May Chambers, Clin- RECORD. 49-50-P ton, see after 5.30. 49-b LOST AND POUND FOUND—IN OUR STORE, three 'pairs ladies' hose. Apply Thomas Churchill, Reliable Footwear, 'Clinton. 49-b WANTED GIRL'S SECOND-HAND SKAT- ing Outfit, white boots, tube skates, size• 2. Phone Clinton 904r24. 49-b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOUR PIGS, over six weeks old, Apply Ed Hayes, R.R. 1, Bruc- field, phone Clinton 625r2. 48-49-b TEN PIGS, SIX WEEKS OLD. 'R. J. Semple, Hayfield Line, phone Clinton 909r25. 49-b 17 LITTLE PIGS, SIX WEEKS old; two sows, carrying second litter; also some chunks, 214r 'months old. Lorne Tyndall, phone Clinton 9041'4. 49-50-p WORK WANTED—Female WOULD LIKE — PART-TIME work, housework or something else. Apply Box "R", NEWS - RECORD. 49-p CARD OF THANKS .Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vodden wish to thank the Summerhill Community for their beautiful gift of. a tri -light lamp. Their thn-,+ightfulness and kindness is deeply appreciated. 49-p SPECIAL NOTICE FOR -WINTER MONTHS ONLY To All Drivers of Cars and Trucks: Please note the urgent request of Council to have parallel parking only,on the both sides of Albert Street between the Royal Bank cor- ner, and North to Princess Street. OT E "The Council of the Township of TuckerSmith will hold Court of Revision on the 1950 Assessment Roll on WEDNESDAY, .DEC. 21, 1949 at.2 pan. in the Town .Hail , Seaforth ,CHESN.EY, GLRK, Towndhip of Tuckersmit'h f� '�.,,..Fyrj,d ,v. „���' r, xeF`s`.k [fir•.: "I'm gving you a well-trained maid for Christmas. She'll work for you for many yaers, and you won't have any trouble with her!" How would you like to say that 'to everyone on your Christmas To -clay, you can rive such a gift . . . by giving an electrical servant! Electrical Appliances make daily activities more pleasant for everyone in the family. It's easy to choose Electrical Gifts this year, for we have on hand, the biggest and best selection, at lowest prices. Be sure to see our Wonderland of Electrical Servants, today! Clingy Electric Shop, 0, W. CORNISH — WESTINGHOUSE DEALERS — PHONE 479 ' ' RESIDENCE 358 jeL`Ama Stuk 4% 1'FaYA'49/ct9ifk7>K41/itZs4k .41-1 ak hDrt7Ar til. afl'Ei/'A45P1NFi91T IO, BE AW17491 Gi v�t Miller Falls To cpg A Lifetime Gift for Every Man AL qgl We have instock a W U C eti eti "SU U U • "Pop -Down" Toaster Make Your Gift Headquarters at U liugh J�� yi U HARDWARE and. PLUMBING - Ci PHONE • 244 -- -- -- CLINTON : A� .'' L• c L• L � L•1fey�L L•y�c 1 iytL• � L• c e e t,�L• L• c L• e L• c L• L• � ti L• LnL• L• i"� cit iLOACCI a7/c tTlr MO tl CCEMA7F a2 R r e Long-Lastingi Wonderful Assortment of E!9 "The Name is Your Protection!" ALUMINUM COOKING UTENSILS "Supreme in the Kitchen!" Everywhere .. . Best 'Cooks Use ALUMINUM! 15 SEE OUR SPECIAL •