HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-12-08, Page 9Christmas
No. 49
The Home Paper with the News
DiiTEiflE1ected in Hulleu; Orr
Defeats Rapson
FOR REEVE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Totals
WM. J. DALE .. 1111 38 40 65 11 23 37-325
J. era Rapson ; .. 27 27 28 74 34 73 57-320
—Majority for Dale_ 5
George C. Brown, William R.. Jewitt, Thomas Leiper,
Archie Young.
Polls were located as follows: 1—Foresees' Halt Kin -
burn; 2—S.S. 6 sellool house; 3—S.S. 2 school house; 4—
Community ,Hail, Lonidesboro; 5—Community Hall, Sum-
methill; 6—Comm'uniity Hall, Londesboro; 7—Foresters'
Ha, Auburn.
Miss Lucy R. Woods Phone Bayfield 45r3
Mrs.' J. McClure left on Sun-
day to visit in Toronto until the
New Year.
The School Concert will be held
in the Town Hall on Thursday
evening, December 8.
Rev. and Mrs. F. G. Stotesbury,
Mount Brydges, called on friends
in the village on Thursday last.
Mrs. L. B. Smith and Maxine,
London, spent the weekend with
her mother, Mrs. Charles W.
Percy Renner Rydal Bank, ar-
rived on Thursday last to spend
some time witH his parents, Rev.
and Mrs. P. Renner.
Master Bobby Middleton, Hen-
sall, visited his grandmother,
Mrs, N. W. Woods from Thursday
until Tuesday,
Mrs. E. Kendall and daughter
Jane, Elmira visited her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Jowett
on Friday and Saturday.
George Bell returned home on
Friday after having spent the
Season sailing aboard the S. S.
"Windoc" which berthed at Mil-
waukee for the Winter.
Mrs. V. Burt, Mary Lou, Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Burt and Ron-
ald Burt, London, were with the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
F. W. Baker over the weekend,
Successful Bazaar
A very successful bazaar and
tea was held at the Albion Hotel
on Saturday afternoon under the
auspices of the Guild of Trinity
Church. The Parcel Post and sale
of baking, fancy goods, etc. was
held in the sitting room and tea
teas served in •the dining Boom.*:
Undergoes Eye _Operation
lefts. D. MacKenzie, Sr., who
entered Victoria Hospital, Lon-
don, a week sac Sunday, under-
went an operation for removal
of a cataract from one of her
eyes on Friday last. Her many
friends hope that she will re-
cover the sight completely. Her
daughter, Mrs. Colin Campbell,
Bronson Line, Stanley Township,
went with her.
Attended Funeral
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Westlake,
Robert Penhale, Mrs. Walter
Westlake and Mrs. Milton Pollock
attended the funeral of their
cousin, Richard A. Penhale in
St. Thomas on Friday last.
The late Mr. Penhale who was
87 years of age died on Novemb-
er 30. He was a direct descend-
ant of one of the Devonshire
families who settled along the
Edgeware Rd., in North Yar-
mouth 118 years ago. For years
he was a leading agriculturist
and Holstein breeder of that dis-
trict and in 1911 was awarded a
trophy for having the most mod-
ern farm in Ontario.
Mr. Penhale served on the
Yarmouth council and was a me-
mber of the Old -Age Pensions
and Mothers' Allowance Board
for Elgin from its inception until
it was discontinued last year. He
also served on the Agricultural
advisory committee of the Elgin
County Council.
His wife, the former Bertha
Gellett, died in 1939.
The Girls' Club of Ontario St.
United Church will meet tonight
(Thursday) at the home of Misses
H. and S. Courtice, The pro-
gramme will be of a Christmas
nature and the election of offic-
ers will take place.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Inklcy,
Clinton, wish to announce the
engagement of their only daugh-
ter, Ardyss Marie, to Grant
Daniels, son of Mrs. Daniels, and
the late Mr. Daniels, Waterloo,
the marriage to take place in
To the Electors of the
Township of Goderich:
I would like to take this opportunity of ex-
pressing my sincere appreciation to all who sup-
ported me at the polls on Monday.
As your Reeve for 1950 I will endeavour at
all times to serve your interests to the best of my
Wishing all the compliments of the season,
I am,
Yours respectfully,
To the Electors of the
Township of Goderich:
I take this privilege in thanking the voters for
their kind support in electing me a Councillor for
Goderich Township for 1950, at the polls on Monday,
December 5.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas and hope the
coming year will be a prosperous one for our Township.
Thank You!
I wish to express my hearty thanks
to the Electors of Goderich Township for
their fine support at the polls on Monday.
To the Electors of the
Township of Goderich:
I would like to express ' my sincere appreciation
for the support given me at the polls on Monday, in
electing me Councillor for 1950. 'I will do all in my
power to serve your best interests at all times.
in Go
Pages 9-12
Five Huron ' Cqunty Scotch
Shorthorn breeders held a very
successful draft sale of 29 head
of cattle, including 15 females
in calf or with calf at foot; eight
open heifers; five bulls of ser-
viceable age; and a four-year-
old herd sire, in the Fair Barns,
Clinton, Tuesday afternoon.
Here For
A heavy snow storm raged to-
day as Hon. George H, Doucett,
,Ontario Minister of Highways,
Consigners were John Ostrom, was scheduled to open officially
'Varna; Clifford H. Keys and Sons, the recently -completed connect -
Varna; Robert M. Peck and Sons, ing links on King's Highways 4
Kippers; J. E. McKinley's Farm and 8 through Clinton.
and Hatchery, 'Zurich; and Roy F.
The ceremony was to take place
Pepper and Som Seaforth about 2 p.m. at, the main high -
"Sale of the 29 head totalled way intersection, when the Min -
$9,570, an average of $330 each. ester was to cut a ribbon stretch -
The females brought, on an av-
erage, $328 each, and the males,
$342 eat)!,
Top senior female, owned by
John Ostrom, Varna, went to the
bid of J. A. Goetz, Mildmay, for
$490. Top junior female, owned
by C. H. Keys and Sons, Varna,
went to the bid of Arthur Bald,
Sebringville, for $450. R. M.
Peck and Sons, Kipper, secured
high average on females, $352.
William S. O'Neil, Denfield;
was auctioneer, while ringmen
were Lincoln White, St. Marys, About 60 persons were invited to
and Edward W. Elliott, Clinton.
James Robinson, St. Marys, was
clerk, assisted by Harold R.
White, Guelph, secretary, Canad-
ian Shorthorn Association.
Details of' Sales
Sales were as follows:
Consigned by, John Ostrom,
Varna — "Shorewood President",
four-year-old bull, Robert Vivian,
Staffa, $370; `Augusta Ann 2nd",
five-year-old cow, J. A. Goetz,
Mildmay, $490; "Rosewood Lady",
four-year-old cow, Ross D. Knight,
Brussels, $460; "Levita Crimson
Lady 2nd", five-year-old cow,
Arthur Bald, Sebringville, $350;
two- year - old heifer, Wilbur
Brown, Dungannon, $270; "Honey -
mead Secret", two-year-old heif-
er. Elliott Layton; Brucefield,
$350; "Lavender . Princess", two-
year-old heifer, Stanley Thomp-
son and Son, Kincardine, $325;
female calf, C. H. Keys and Sons,
Varna, $250; "Royal Marine',"
two-year-old heifer, Orville Free,
Dungannon, $330; "Boneymead
Secret 2nd", yearling heifer, Ar-
thur Bald, Sebringvitle, $220;
"Honeymead Blossom", yearling
heifer, Arthur Bald, Sebringvllle,
$205; "Honeymead Orange Bud",
yearling heifer. Arthur Bald,
Sebringville, $305,
Consigned by CIifford H. Keys
and Son, Varna — "Archduke's
Fame", yearling bull, Ross D.
Knight, Brussels, $350; "Ehnen-
doriil, Heir", yearling bull, Fal-
ing from the Royal Bank Build-
ing to the Bank of Montreal.
In attendance were to be a
number of Highways Department
officials, township reeves, Town
Council, and other dignitaries, as
well as Clinton Citizens' Band
and Fire Department.
Plans were in hand to have the
ceremony staged immediately fol-
lowing a complimentary lunch-
eon in Hotel Clinton, in honour
of Mr. Doucett and Department
officials, with the Mayor Reeve
and Town Councillors as hosts.
attend this luncheon.
Open Bayfield Bridge
Later, following the Clinton
ceremony, the Minister and party
planned to leave for Bayfield
where Hon. Mt. Doucett was
scheduled to officiate at the for-
mal opening of the hew bridge
over the Bayfield River.
In this connection, the Reeves
and members of the Stanley and ,
Goderich Township Councils
planned to be hosts at dinner in
the New Ritz Hotel, Hayfield, in
commemoration of the event.
Of Worn
Unchari g ed
Officials of Clinton Public
Hospital stated today that the
condition of Mrs. Frank Peter,
Stratford, whc was injured in a
traffic accident near Brucefield
Tuesday morning, was "much the
seine" as S esterdy, with "no im-
provement noticeable." Her
condition is stilt serious.
Mrs. Peter, is suffering from
severe .shock. nd lacerations and
toner Bros., Clinton and Seaforth, bruises to her face- and neck,
$295; "Golden Drop 36th". 12- according to Dr. J. A. Addison,
year-old cow, Jobe H. McEwing, Clinton, who is attending her,
Blyth, $255; "Marchioness Bud", In the fight to save the wom-
12-year-old cow, John H. McEw- an's life late Tuesday afternoon,
ing, Blyth, $275; `Crimson Glow blood from Stratford General
Grey", ten -year-old cow, William Hospital blood bank was rushed
Falconer, Brucefield, $265; "Pearl by provincial police escort to
Necklace 29th". two-year-old Clinton. Constable G. A. Govier
heifer, Clarence LeBeau, Clinton, ,of the Perth County detachment
$415; "Marchioness Anne 3rd", sok the escort to Dublin where
two-year-old heifer, Arthur Huron County provincials took
Bald, Sebringville, $450; "Roan over for the rest of the trip.
Sunshine". 14 -year-old cow, F. C. Crashes Into Truck
Edwards, Watford, $200; Constable •Helmar Snell of the
Consigned by R. M. Peck and Huron County Provincial Police
Sons, Kippen — Yearling bull, detachment, said his investigation
Gordon Pohlman, Elmwood, $295; of the accident so far showed
"Claret 24th", seven-year-old Mrs. Peter, believed to be alone
cow, Hugh D. MacDonald, Luck- in her car, was driving west on
now, $315; "Peale Necklace 30th", the county road about a tenth of
three-year-old heifer. Theodore a mile west of Brucefield when
Steinbach, Zurich, $380; "English her car struck the rear of a hydro
Lady 10th", two-year-old heifer, truck. E. L. Cornish, Clinton,
Arthur Bald, Sebringville, $400; driver of the truck, was reported
"Pearl Necklace 26th", yearling inside a house at the time cheek -
heifer, Addison Fisher, Ayton, ing a meter.
$400; "Orange Bud 25th", yearling o
heifer, Stanley Thompson and , Girl Suffers Injuries
Sons, Kincardine, $265;
Consigned by McKinley's Farm When Struck by Car
and Hatchery, Zurich "Lilac
Hardtack 15C", yearling bull, June Letherland, 12 -year-old
Elgin Thompson, Kipper, $370; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
"Lilac Hardtack 16C", yearling Letherland of the Auburn -Blyth
bull, Bloss Pepper, Kippen. $375; Road, suffered painful injuries
Consigned by Roy F. Pepper when struck by a ear.
and Son, Seaforth — yearling She was riding in a trailer
heifer, Arthur Bald, Sebringville, drawn by a tractor driven by
$350, Harold McClinchey. Harold had
stopped to let a car pass before 5
turning in his home, when Tune t
jumped off into the path of the i i
car driven by M. Colson, Blyth.
7.0 ill•111.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pepper and
Milda Ann, visited Mr. and Mrs.
Lorne Pepper, Niagara Fallseover
the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Taylor
add Mr. and Mrs. Walter Baird
spent a few days in Buffalo, visit-
ing Mr. and Mrs. William Rice.
Y.P.11. Meeting
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Norman's
home was the meeting place for
the YPU. meeting last week, with
the usual good attendance main-
tained. Alex Glen, citizenship
convener: presided over the wor-
ship period. Ole Peterson intro-
duced a topic in which the worth-
while type of citizen was con-
trasted with the parasitic type
which wishes to live to itself
without concern for the welfare
of others in the community. This
subject which created great in-
terest had to be cut short to give
time for the practice for the carol
service. It is to be hoped that
it can be continued at a future
meeting. Alex Glen read the
scripture, and prayer was offered
by Mr. Tavener, Molly Finlay,
pianist, played accompaniments.
Eileen Glidden will be hostess
at her home for the next meet-
ing on December 12, when Mrs.
Lance Saddler will be In charge
of the Culture Committee's pro-
gramme. r
Attention all IOOF members!
Christmas pa:,y for both lodges
in lodge rooms, Tuesday, Decem-
ber 13, 8 p.m. Come and enjoy
an evening of fun and fellow-
ship. 49-b
Clinton Town Council held its
December meeting Monday even -
tog with all members present.
A letter was received from Mr.
Main of Stratford division of On-
tario Department of Highways
with a recommendation that
proper sign be erected at inter-
section in town to allow for No, 4
(London Road) being a "through"
highway, • and the placing of
"stop" signs on N,o 8 (Stratford-
Goderich), as the recent census
proved much heavier traffic north
and south.
The Clerk was directed to con-
or -
accordingly with 'J f
Hickell, Registrar of Motor Ve-
Trustee Appointed
Frank Fingland, K.C., advised
by letter, his retirement from
"Clinton District Collegiate Insti-
tute Board. Bylaw No. 18 for
1949 was passed appointing Rev.
Hugh C. Wilson, new minister of
Wesley -Willis United Church, for
(Through lack of space, re-
mainder of Council report will
be published in next week's
J. S. Snider too Mark
83rd Birthday Saturd'y
A very welcome visitor in The
NEWS -RECORD office yesterday
was John S. Snider. Albert St.
Mr. Snider brought with him the
official score card of the Huron
County Bicycle Meet which was
held in Clinton on Wednesday,
September 13, 1893, and was
printed by The New Era Press.
Officers listed on the card were
H. B. Combe, president; G. F.
Emerson, vice-president; and A.
T. Cooper. secretary. Bicyclists
from Clinton and district compet-
ing were W. Doherty, A. T. Coon -
em', G. F. Emerson, G. H. Mc-
Donough. I. R. Read, all of Clin-
ton, J. Jowett, Bayfield, and .1.
Snider, Brucefield. Joseph Copp
was the timer, Dr. J. W. Shaw the
starter and the clerks were P. B.
Crews and R. Agnew,
Mr. Snider also informed us
that he will celebrate his 82nd
birthday on Saturday, December
10. The NEWS -RECORD joins
the other citizens of Clinton in
extending hearty congratulations
to Mr. Snider on this event.
When Rt. Wor. Bro. W. M.
Cann, Exeter, paid his official
visit to Clinton Lodge, No. 84,
A.F. and A.M., Friday evening,
as DDGM for South Huron Dist-
rict, he was greeted by a, large
attendance of members and visit-
He was accompanied by District
Secretary W. E. Middleton and
a number of members of his
lodge. Lebanon Forest, Exeter.
Following the degree work, in
which a First Degree was ex-
emplified, the DDGM was intro-
duced by Rt. Wor. Bro. G. H.
Jefferson, W.M. of Clinton Lodge.
He spoke feelingly of the high
ideals of Free Masonry and urg-
ed strict adherence to these
Visiting members were present
from lodges situated at Carlow,
Hullett, Seaforth, Hensall, Exe-
ter, Vancouver, B.C.: Indian Head,
Sask., and LernoxviIle, Qe's.
Prior to dispersal, informal re-
reshments were served in the
ante room of the lodge.
According to Manager Bert
Glidden, if ice is not avaliable in
Clinton Lions Arena, Clinton
Colts will practice in Walkerton
Arena on Sunday. Cars leave the
Arena at 2 p.m., and a practice
hour has been arranged from 4 to
p.m. The boys have been get-
ing in shape through exercises
n the Arena during the past'
of the Town of Clinton
for the year 1949
WHEREAS it is deemed expedient for the purpose
of Street cleaning and Show removal that the Streets
should be kept free from parked Motor Vehicles at
stipulated period's, or 'alt such periods as maybe re-
quested of the Chief of Police;
THEREFORE the Council of the Municipality of
the Town of Clinton enacts as follows:
1. No person shall leave a Vehicle of any kind parked
on the Streets in the Town of Clinton between the
hours of 12 p.m. and 7 a.m.
2. That for the purpose of Street Cleaning and Snow
Removal the Chief of Police is hereby empowered
at any time during the day or night to remove any
vehicle from any street.
3. That any costs incurred in removing a vehicle shall
be borne by the owner thereof, and
4. That any person contravening any of the provisions
of this By-law shall be liable to a fine of not more
than $10.00, exclusive of costs for each infraction
;PASSED this 5th day of December, A.D. ' 1949.
Plurality is 55
Over J.R. Stirling
FOR REEVE '1 2 3 4 5 6 Totals
GORDON •A. ORR 928 86 52 '16 24 28-334
James R. Stirling .... 1.9 14 101 54 42 49-279
Wilbert -R.. Lobb 2S '17 13 27 81 24-190
—Plurality for Orr over Stirling_ 55
FOff COUNCILLORS '1 2 3 4 • 5 6 Totals
KENNETH C..MERNER 6$ 54 '138 • 92 103 70-525
EDWARD N. GRIGG . 63 70 '100 66 '198 78-495
WILMER HARRISON . 102 70 97 23 89 4'1-422
CLA.Y17. LAITHWAI'l'E 155 68 50 26 60 45-404
Jahn W. Dceyes 27 53 101 70 93 59 -403
--Menial-, Grigg, Harrison, L.aithwaite, elected
Earl Cooper, Walter Forbes, Robert Welsh.
Polls were located as follows: ]—_Orange Hall, con-
cession4; 2—Cliff Sturdy's house; 3—S.S. 8 school house;
4—Arnold Rathwell's Mouse; 5—H. McCartn'ey's house;
6—•R. E. Rowden's house.
Goderich Township
S.S. 10 -Concert
The pupils of Fairmount School
(S.S. No. 10, Goderich) are hold-
ing their annual Christmas con-
cert on Friday evening, Decemb-
er 16, at 8.15 pan.
S. S. No. 4 Forum
The meeting this week of S.S.
No. 4 Farm Forum was held on
Tuesday night at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Morgan Jones. The topic
for discussion was "As Others
See Us." One of the questions
on the topic was, "How could
your particular farm community
be made a better place to live."
It was decided that the facilities
in our local school are not as up-
to-date as the schools in some
other counties, for instance, hot
school lunches could be prepar-
ed, cod liver capsules and milk
are provided in some schools. It
also was decided that our tele-
phone system is in need of repair.
The recreation was in charge
of Morgan Jones and Jack Mer-
rill. Lunch was served. The
meeting next week will be held
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Ron Paterson, London, spent
the weekend at his home,
Mrs, R. Dawson has gone to
spend a indefinite time with her
brother, Mr. and Mrs. R. Doan,
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Johnston,
Wilmer and Ronnie, were in List-
owel on Sunday.
Mrs. Smith. Exeter, visited re-
cently with her sister, Mrs. A.
Mrs, T. B. Baird visited in
London on Friday with her bro-
ther, M. S. Aikenhead, who is
recuperating from a recent op-
The annual Sunday School
Concert and Christmas Tree will
be held on Thursday, Dec. 22.
Miss Janet Watson, Aylmer,
spent the weekend with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Watson.
Clinton Badminton Club squeez-
ed through with a 7-6° victory
over Listowel in a Western On-
tario Badminton Association "B"
league match at Listowel last
Tuckersmith Township Council
held its regular meeting on De-
cember 3 in the Town Hall, Sea -
forth, at which the following
business was transacted:
Tax Collector's bond of $5,000
was renewed with the Dominion
of Canada General Insurance Co.,
and premium of $37.50 was ord-
ered paid their agent, M. A. Reid.
Hydro Electric Power Com-
mission was paid $220 re maint-
enance Egmondville street lights.
The Ausable Conservation Auth-
ority was paid $72.05, being bal-
ance due on assessment of $104.05,
being balance due on assessment
of $104.05, for indirect benefit.
The treasurer was instructed.
to pay for damages to crops, etc.,
on the Charters, McCullie, Buch-
anan, and Geiger Drains, and to
notify interested parties that cash
payments would be accepted up
draiDec.ns. 15, 1949, on the said
The assessor, James A, Hay,
returned the Assessment Roll for
1950. This assessment was made
under the new plan of assessing
being used over the whole county
of Huron, and while assessments
in practically all cases are con-
siderably higher than previously,
this does not necessarily mean
that taxes will be higher, as a
result of such Increase in assess-
Council will hold a Court of
Revision on the said roll on Wed-
nesday, December 21, 1949, at 2
p.m., in the Town Hall, Seaforth.
Town of Seaforth was piad $30
rent, $25 Division Court fees, and
$50 for firemen's run to Egmond-
Accounts passed were as fol-
lows: Roads, $1,427.30; relief,
$125.60; fox bounty, $10; Ausable
Conservation, $72,05; salaries and
allowances, $125; postage, tax
notices, $24; general postage, $5;
poultry valuator fees, $4.50; lights,
$220; tile, drain, $363.60; Insur-
ance premiums, $37.50; rent $25;
law (costs, $30; fire protection,
$50; drains, $908,25.
The local club therefore re-
mains undefeated in three starts
and leads the five -team league.
Your support at ,the polls on Mon-
day, Dec. 5, was greatly appreciated. ,
Wishing all the compliments of the
season, I remain,
Yours respectfully,
William J. Dale
ITo The Electors Of
Goderich Township:
Please accept my sincere thanks for
electing me at the head of the poll for
Councillor for '1950.
A Merry Christmas to All!
May I take this opportunity of ex-
tending my sincere thanks for the splendid
support accorded me at the polls on Mon-
Compliments of, the Season!