HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-12-08, Page 5''i'FIURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1949 urt.INTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE FIVE Christmas ,Trees quantity of Spruce and Balsam Trees will be in next week for sale Apply to: A. H. STEEP SPENCER STREET CLINTON 48-49-50-b., I #11I 7/zIP i/3+1 'OI CL►;liR f/Mld1! 71ZOVM010 C10 00 n (Open 1retter tD Moo DEAR FRIEND:-- Perhaps you are one of the many folks who so patiently waited for your., `; ;; photographs during this last year, the% ;i busiest by far for us.. If you are, please% accept this our most grateful thanks. £ There were more weddings, more ti children, and more people in general, pas -n sed through our doors than ever before, cei and we just couldn't begin to give you the delivery you wanted. Thanks again for your wonderfuln 2 cooperation during this trying period. �r v Very sincerely, Your Photographers JawI'h /340d. •J A •'/yj[t�7�/(`'�liti[t�►,/{[►j i�/{[t ,//([ //[ //{[1��,//{�t►O//(�t; kl,/({(�27'l7�//j�,/{[t��V//(4,//{[1��:,/I/j�**,//{j�//j[t��t..ci/{[;,/{[��,//{jj�//{[���/j[��,�/j���//{[�� ,�/j[��,//{[��//j[�� 3- I::!/:.Ya.Y IPa :.If :, :•If:iY:.lf:C :, I :il/:•H:.)f::'J IR :.Y:.Ya+✓:'U':1Y:l:.Y i:.V:{ Y:.dR::I/:. Y%, Ontario St. WA Picks Mrs. Venner President The WA of Ontario St. United Church met on Tuesday, Decem- ber 6, with the president, Mrs. C. Venner, in the chair. The meeting opened with the singing of a hymn, the reading of a psalm responsively and the repeating of the Lord's Prayer in unison. Mrs. Wiltse had charge of the devotional period and opened with a hymn and tock as her sub- ject "Christmas • Messages and Love", and closed with prayer. The minutes of the 'last meeting were read by Mrs. Elliott, and several reports were given with an excellent treasurer's report following the successful bazaar. Rev. W. 3, Woolfrey conduct- ed the election of officers which resulted as follows: past presi- dent, Mrs. Townsend; president, Mrs. C. Venner; first vice-presi- dent, Mrs. M. Wiltse; second vice- president, Mrs. Russell Holmes; third vice-president, Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes; secretary, Mrs. 'C. E. Elliott; assistant, Mrs. Batkia; corresponding secretary, Mrs. W. M. Aiken; press secretary, Mrs. Fred Tyndall; treasurer, Mrs Mc- Murray; pianist, Miss L. Grant; assistant, Mrs. E. Radford, Mrs. Roy Plumsteel and Miss Emma Plumsteel sang a lovely duett which was much enjoyed. Mrs. Treleaven and Miss Elva Wiltse . favoured with (a well - rendered instrumental and Mrs. Aiken and her daughter, Mrs. Symons, sang a pleasing duett. The programme was greatly ap- preciated by those present. The meeting closed with the singing of a hymn and the Miz- pah Benediction. The ladies of St George's Ward served lunch. 0 W -W GIRLS' CLUB The regular meeting of the Girls' Club of Wesley -Willis Unit- ed Church will be held in the Church Parlour on Tuesday even- ing, December 13, at 8 o'clock. This meeting will take the form of a hard -time party and the members are asked ' to dress in old clothes and bring a hard -time lunch. • i'. tk 0°1 VI° always a Welcome Gift This Year 's GNE H1M When it comes to Shirts we know what men like. GIVE ARROW AND YOU GIVE THE BEST • Whites Stripes Plains 14? to 17z/ $3.95 . up Mrs. G. Beattie Heads Wesley -Willis WA The December meeting of the Woman's Association of Wesley - Willis Church was held in the Church parlor the afternoon of December 1, and took the form of a "Christmas Party." The president, Mrs. W. A. Oakes, was in the chair. Mrs. Morgan Agnew presided at the piano, tor the singing of a group of carols which opened the meeting. The subject of the de- votional period was, "The home of the Holy Family." Mrs. N. W. Trewartha read the Christmas Story from the 2nd chapter of St. Luke. Mrs. H. 'Charlesworth gave• "Lesson Thoughts," and prayer was offered by Mrs. W. Murch. Two lovely solos were sung by Mrs. M. Nediger, "0, Holy Night" and "Bethlehem's Lullaby." Mrs. Hugh Wilson read a charming Christmas story entitled, "To Springdale for Christmas"; and Mrs. Percy Atkinson sang very sweetly, "Long ago on Christmas." Mrs. George Beattie gave both the treasurer's and secretary's reports. Mrs.. W. Murch read several letters of thanks for flowers and cards sent to the sick and bereaved, also a note of thanks from Mrs, B. B. Pock- lington for the gift presented to her by ,the WA. Mrs. Wilson presided for the election of officers. The report of the striking . committee was given by Mrs. Trewartha, in the absence of the convener, Mrs. C. Nelson, add this was accepted as read. A delicious tea, which included ice cream and Christmas cake, was served by Mrs. Frank And- rews' group from a table prettily decorated in red and green with a bright little Christmas tree as centerpiece. hollowing is list of ioffl'ters for 1950: Hon. president, Mrs. Hugh Wilson; past president, Mrs: W. A. Oakes; president, Mrs. ROXY THEATRE CLINTON —• Now Playing — — THURS. -- FRI. -- SAT. — DAN CELESTE DAILEY IHOLM "CHICKEN EVERY SUNDAY" — NEXT — — MON., TUES., WED. — DAVID NIVEN JANE WiVYMAN "A KISS IN THE DARK" THURS., FRI., SAT. — Marjorie Main -- Wallace Beery "BIG JACK" Coming: "Unfaithfully Yours" 1'CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICEI NOW; Ann Blyth and Technicolor "RED CANYON" by Zane Grey REGENT THEATRE S E A F O R: F H NOW: Dan Dailey - Celeste Holm in "Chicken Every Sunday" — MON., TUES., WED. — Adult Entertainment Ida Lupino Co*'nel Wilde and Celeste Holm — A hard-hitting story pulls no punches in its ex - "R pose eHOUSo of E"life. — THURS., FRI„ SAT. — Bud Abbott - Lou Costello and Frances Rafferty —The screen's top fun -team have a bit of tender fun with a very tender com- munity. i "Abbott and Costello In Hollywood" - Coming: Robert Douglas in "nown IDE" — MON., TUES., WED. —. Rosalind Russell - Leo Glenn & Claire. Trevor—Telling the story of a woman who could not still the torment of a lonely heart. "The Velvet Touch" — THURS., FRI., SAT. -- Rex Harrison - Linda. Darnell & Rudy Vallee — A merry matri- comedy having much to do with the innocence of sophisticates. "Unfaithfully Yours" Coming: "TARE ONE FALSE STEP" -- William Powell LEGION AUXILIARY The regular meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Canad- ian Legion will be held in the Legion Hall on Monday evening, December 12. This will be the annual Christmas Party and a good attendance is hoped for. George Beattie; first vice-presi- dent, 4lVlrs. M. Nediger; second vice-president, Mrs. Farnk And- rews; treasurer, Mrs. W. A. Oakes; recording secretary, Mrs. Wilbur Martin, corresponding secretary, Mrs. Cliff Cooper; press secre- tary, Mrs. A. T. Cooper; Group leaders: Mrs. H. Adams, Mrs. E. Epps, Mrs. J. W. Nedi- ger, Jr., Mrs, William Murch; conveners of committees: sewing, Mrs. J. Innes; manse, Mrs. W. Pickard; programme, Mrs. 3. A. Addison; flower, Mrs. F. Gatien; pianist, Mrs. H. Charlesworth. �fJ' f f�3►11►1 f/ L► il� flltriiL►Zi/1, 3f11��?'�•..�f/l�•1!/ f/Z'IR L►1� Santa's Helpers 'See our selection Man -Picked TIES $1. to $2.50 FREE GIFT BOXES—LAYAWAYS made gladly, small deposit =` Lt HICKOK BELTS Reg. and initial buckles $1.50 to $3,50 Leather GLOVES lined or -unlined $1.95 to $6.95 PYJAMAS Broadcloth & Flannelette 'Plains, Paisleys, Stripes $3.95 to $6.50 SOMETHING NICE TO COME HOME TO ROBES and Smoking aekets Wools HATS • 1 $5 to $10 Give a Gift Centlifi'ca'te SCARVES jl r; SOX $1 to f.+ $2.50 f �M f Men's and Bays' Sweaters ett Campbell Carson's Luggage Arrow Shirts CLINTON 9 ..a X L L i *e it L t1RCI011RIK044d/rt7/ 1 Atgit 17/r17/r ign#l7/rl7/'1 84, X41.4 ittgi/'`IT/�i�7Jllall is ;L•' IL-Y� Builders' Supplies, Coal, Lime RECEIVES PH.D. GODERICH—A former Gode- rich Collegiate Institute, student, James N. P. Hume, hes been suc- cessful in his examinations for the degree of doctor of philosophy at University of Toronto. "Pat" Hume, as he is kown to his friends in Goderich, graduated from the GC'I in 1941. HOW TO BE BORN AGAIN No one .can be saved unless he is born again by the power of God's Spirit. CHRIST SAYS: "Ye must be horn again or we cannot see the Kingdom of God."—John 3: 3, 7. "But as many as received him, to them gave he powers to become the Sons of God, even to them that be- lieve on his name. WE ARE BORN AGAIN AS SOON AS WE RECEIVE CHRIST AS SAVIOUR." CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles 53, Calif+ wsa6. ti�4'etee+: e e ;.+tete ro be; .;ts ;et•e«Y4+tret•4..eteler i.e1.4'e, tele+-. ee,tH;e:+tte:H f i+St t.e 3; S 3 3 ±f We now have on display, a nice selec- tion of plants for Christmas. aolgoir Poinsettas -- Azaleas -- Cyclamen Cherries -- Begonias -- Primulas etc. ROSES -- CARNATIONS and 'MUMS • Our supply of Cut Flowers will, of course, be limited as usual, and we would appreciate your orders s as early as possible to avoid disappointment. K. C. COOKS 97 PHONE 97FLORIST . Phones: 66w and 66j Clinton £ IR]/.' L' ::L• mil/ :.1/ :•Y :.Y :i!/ :.Y :IY :•L' :>!f :cl/• ::Y Wit1 ri l '1 l l 1 ••4i0etf+t+4wNt.Ht :ef43ew1.+K+ti44Fl:+01M H4a�.H'+1,41Tr:,«i:0-4.:.��li:✓4.3 iK:M 4'ti1.424 A . �!� a ns�''::.'.lk�m^'?::r i A � ,3, +:#�..�?,,.4�.�Y n.:::i�", s . ``i _F. -�• ,�� s ~. _ I � 'J^� �•J Modern Meat Mar et qtg STANLEY BROS. , nr• Custom Killing and Processing � � wPHONE, STORE 76 ABATTOIR 282-W. y��,/j �,y��y��y��yj�yj��j�y{ yj�y{ �{�y��//���y��,y� y{�/��/{�y���/ /{���y{�y/� �y�t•J ��L `yy{{` 4'4-Tsl7�iL�iL� PIEA�t7/�W't7/�t7�17f17I�t1/rliMOIT/' CR ifitrt7Ll7/'tT6t1/rf'1l'iCtriC.CI�kZRt1Rk1I��1ff7/rt7fl7A 1/:(7L+k7�t9f 0�7�'�YII t7R17R VI;qtig That Christmas Dinner Would not be complete without a lovely roast turkey and all the trimmings. "Yum! Yum!". :lei'r�f +{+!+',eHftr♦♦e �H1He1� Be sure to get yours! DO NOT DELAY! --- ORDER TODAY! Also Chickens, Geese, Ducks at lowest market prices .ttJ +� i�•+re �H+H�H�H�H�Iiv �f+O jH�N N 1=.+�!+�.� a tr1tr n �tr+fe{f t� +H of 4{: If you prefer, try one of our CHOICE HOME -CURED HAMS:•FROSTED BIRDS EYE FOODS