HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-12-08, Page 3THU1i.SDAY, UECFiMBER 8, 1949 ..:LiNTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE THREE <, From Our ]Early Files 25 Years Ago THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD' Thursday, December 11, 1924 Officers of the Ladies' Aid of Wesley Church are: President, Mrs, A. T. Cooper; first vice president, Mrs. W. J. Nediger; second vice-president, Mrs. C. J. Wallis; treasurer, Mrs. T. J. Mc- Neil; secretary, Mrs. T. Mason;, mile -of -pennies, Mrs, J. McKinley. Committees for the Old Horne week in 1925 are: Amusement, J. Zapfe, J. F. Brown, W. Clem- ent, J. Cameron, H. Fitzsimons, G. Hanley, M. Jordan, F. John- ston, R. E. Manning, D. McKin- non, W. Perdue, R. Roberton, M. Schoenhals, J. Seeley, C. W. Wil- liams; Decoration: A. 3. Morrish, B 3Atkinson, W. Barry, H Chant, M. Cook, G. Cumnghame, L. Currell, N. Counter, G. N. Davies, A. Eagleson, F. Ford, J. Higgins, G. Howes, G. Lawson, W. P'lumsteel, W. Mutch, E. Munro, F. Mutch, R. Middleton, E. 'Rumball, J. Rands, G. Smith, R. Walton; Entertainment: H. B. W. C. Brown, W, R. Counter, S. S. Cooper, 3. Dorsey, J. Flynn, B. J. Gibbings, Dr. Gandier, Dr. W. Gunn, W. H. Hellyar, Dr. Hearn, H. A. Harper, W. Jack- son, G. D. McTaggart, R. Mar- shall, J. Miller, H. T. Rance, H. Sharp, R. Smyth, W. J. Steven- son; Firemen: H. Glazier; Grounds: L, Paisley, R. Ball, F. Bawden, T. Hawkins, W. Jenkins, G. Jen- kins, A. Lovett, G. McLennan, ' E. Rozell, G. Scribbins, E. Ward; Musical: F. Match, G. Cooper, M. McEwan; Publicity: H. Millggr, A. T. Cooper, J. E. Doherty, G. D. Fair, T. Greig, A. J. Grigg, Hall, P Ladd, A. Mitchell D. L. MacPherson, H. P. Plumsteel, G. Roberton, C. Venner, A. Vincent; Parade: F. Jenkins, W. M. Aiken, J. Castle, C. DConxiell, E. Brown, Cook, J. Cook, A Castle, A. Cudmore, M. T. Chur- chill,s, L CartwrighCantelon, T Groves, F. Hanley, G. Harris, J, Ireland, G. B. Levis S. Lobb, E. MitT. tell,gtonW.' McI veen, E. O'Neil, J. Paxman, J. Rands, Come One! Come All! to the Giant Bingo Sponsored by the Ladies of the Alibar Society St. Joseph's Parish Hall, Clinton WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14 at 8.30 p.m. Admission: 50c for 15 rounds There will also be Other Specials One Share -the -Wealth and a Grand Prize of $50 le 1 an W.See Y, Steep, A. S p Som H. , Reception: J. Ford, N. Ball, J. W. Elliott, Dr. Fowler, B Hig- gins, J. E. Hovey J. A. Irwin,.B. Langford, J. Medd, H. McBrien, J. Nediger, H. E. Rorke; J. Rens- ford, E. Rozell, J. Sehoenhals, J. P. Sheppard, G. Vardlorne, J. Wasman; Sports: J, Sutter, A, Butter, H. Bartliff, C. Draper, G. Elliott, E. Fines, N. Geddes, L, Heard, W. . S. R. Holmes, W, Hovey, G. Hall, R. H. Johnson, W. Johnson, H. Lawson, H. Man- ning, W. Miller, T. Morgan, J. B. Mustard, M. McDougall,' E. Wendorf. Officers of the iLOBA are: P.M., Mrs. J. H. Paxman; W.M., Mrs. G. B. Hanley; D.M„ Mrs. J. E. Cook; chaplain, Miss A Ireland; secretary, Miss Vera Gould; fin- ancial secretary, Miss Bessie Cole; treasurer, Mrs. R. Fisher; lecturers, Mrs. R. Ball, Miss M. Judd; D. of C., Mrs. McClinchey; committee: Mrs. W. Shobbrook, Mrs. Folland, Miss L. Potter, Mrs. Harness, Miss Judd; I.G., Mrs, E. Steep; O.G.; .. J.. H. Paxman; Guardian, Mervyn Hanley; pian- ist, Mrs. L. Stephenson. Officers of the choir of Wesley Church are: Honorary president, Mrs. A. T. Cooper; president, Miss Marion Andrews; vice-president, Newton Davies; secretary, Mrs. J. E. Cook; treasurer, Miss Ferrol Higgins; ' committee, Mrs. H. Fitzsimons, L. Pearson, M. Nedi- ger. MIXED NUTS 1 lb. bag 35c = 4 MIXED CANDY 1 lb. bag 33c . Diamond Budded Walnuts 1 lb. bag 53c •f Brazil Nuts 1 Ib. bag 39c aTip Top Cream Corn 20 .oz. tin 16c +t Club House Olives 8 oz. jar 49c FDare's Chocolate Belmonts 35c Shelled Almonds , 3� :4 :: 1/4 lb. 17c Clark's Pork & Beans, 15 oz. tin, 2 for 25c Heinz Plum Puddings .. 45 oz. tin 65c Maple Leaf Mincemeat . . 2 lb. tin 39c REDEEM YOUR OXYDOL COUPONS HERE I-Iead Lettuce -- Celery - Grapes Oranges - Tangerines - Grapefruit W. L. Johnson & Son 40 Years Ago THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Thursday, December 9, 1909 Those assisting at the Temp- erance meeting were Rev. _ T. W': Cosens, Charles and Fred Thomp- son, Clifford and Harvey Harland, Lloyd Wilkin, A. A. Hill, Misses Greene and Hill and Messrs Downs and Cook. John Ransford and Rev. C. R. Gunne are in London attending an executive meeting of the Synod, Joe Rattenbury and F. B. Hall are attending the Winter Fair at Guelph. Those assisting at the WCTU meeting when Mrs. Wright, Lon- don, the Dominion President, was guest speaker, were Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Jolliffe, Mrs. Boles, Mrs. Stewart. Mrs. Cooper, Mrs. W. S. Harland, Mrs. Hoover. Those assisting in the Cantata presented by the Junior League of Wesley Church were: Misses Lizzie Reid, Emily Cutler, Dolly Cantelon, Beartice Greene, Gladys Centelon, Donna Mulholland, Florence Cuninghame, and Master D. A. Cantelon. Those assisting at the Pastime Club banquet which was held at Bartliff's Restourant were Man- ager G. N. Davies, Bert Sherriff, Hector Grigg, and Otto Fink. Reeve B. J. Gibbings is attend- ing the County Council sessions in Goderich. Rev. J. Greene was supplying in Zurich on Sunday. Gordon Johnstone has severed his connection with Seeley and West and has accepted a position in Paris. * :A k 11 O BITUARY �I MRS. ROBERT JOHNSTON Mrs. Robert Johnston, Cambria Rd. Goderich, died early Sunday , morning, December 4, at her home, In her 79th yelar after a long illness. Formerly Mary Ellen Bell, she was born' in Goderich Township, a daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs. Willis Bell. Forty-five years ago, she married Robert John- ston, well-known hay presser, and since had lived in Goderich. She was a member of Knox Presby- terian Church, and a Home Help- er in the WMS. Her husband predeceased her in 1938. Surviving are one daughter (Myrtle), Mrs. George Stokes, Goderich, and a granddaughter, Mrs. J. M. Fitton, London, (for- merly Kathleen Robertson), one sister Mrs. John Johnston and two brothers, J. W. Bell and Ro- bert J. Bell, all of Goderich. The funeral service was held Tuesday afternoon, Dec. 8, at the Brophey funeral home, Goderich. :conducted by Rev. R. G. Mac - Milian of Knox Presbyterian Church. Interment was in Mait- land Cemetery. ANGUS MacKINNON Requiem high mass for Angus MacKinnon, 84, Tuckersmith, was sung in St. James Church, Sea - forth, Thursday morning, Dec. 1, by Rev. Father. T. P. Hussey, and interment made in the church cemetery. Pallbearers were Joseph Dor- sey, Leo Hagan, J. M. McMillan, Archie Hogarth and Cecil Pull- man. Mr. MacKinnon, who had farm- ed all his life in Tuckersmith in Stratford Township,died General Hospital, following an eye operation. Surviving is one brother, Alex MecKinngn, Castleton, N.D. MRS. ROBERT McKAY Funeral services for Mrs. Ro- bert McKay, 66, 'lifelong resident of Blyt'h, were conducted at the family residence Saturday after-. noon, Dec, 3, by Rev. W. J. Rog- ers, assisted by Rev. L. V. Po- cock, Hespeler, and Rev. G. Mur- ; ray WYyatt. Pallbearers were R. McKenzie, George Lampman, Kincardine; ;Andrew Coombs, London; Harvey !Erskine, Goderich; Walter McGill land R. D. Philp, Blyth. I Interment was made in Union Cemetery. RAY McGREGOR Following a private funeral ser- vice held at the home 'of his par - lents, Wednesday afternoon, No- vember 30, interement took place in Hensall Union Cemetery of .the remainsof RayMcGregor, or, 'son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc- !Gregor, .Kippen, who died in !Windsor, Monday, November 28, following a long illness;" in his 12th year. Rev. A. G. Hinton, minister of St. Andrew's United Church, Kippen, officiated. Surviving are his parents and two brothers, James and Grant, both at home. o_ PLAINTIFF WINS In County 'Court at Goderich Tuesday, Judge T. M. Costello, after trying the action of Kling vs. Cornish, gave judgment to the plaintiff for the full amount of his claim, plus court costs, and allowed $40 on a counter- claim by defendant. In the ae- tion, Frank Kling, Seaforth plumber, claimed judgment for ,$484.67, balance owing hire on an 'account for plumbing done in an apartment in Goderich owned by R. H. Cornish. fi► I/dJ? �L3:t�:1% i�'1fP3YR raaPa' 10 fr' '1�7,��q�,r�V'T3F,RL► L►sl/ f� f! Illi! L► !! //3i1 /! fRSflelT*f/?.f�3TlZT/1/3!!?ir3fl1/11d'.+13fe!!3!/5 aAlt:s +?t • PHONE 286 - Free Delivery Twice Daily s �������y� ���y� ���y��,y�`� �y��� OrgtifftTLt7{i'1Vi7/�a7f itti44t91��1Lt1i .cOillitor7lciil��f/tH/�t1ltdf AT LAST We have been able to obtain Galvanized Roofing We now have: 7, 9 and 10 foot lengths 6" and 9" ridge 12" Lip 6 and 8 foot lengths expected soon GOOD STOCK OF CLOSED TRACK always on hand FOR GARAGE AND BARN DOORS See our wide range of DOORS 15 Light Style French Doors Fir Slab Doors Fir Enamel Doors Front and Rear Entrance Doors All in popular standard sizes Just Arrived SPRED SATIN Amazing NEW WALL FINISH arate advertisement on Page Six ]sed recently in Life and Post F X THE CLINTON NEW ERA Thursday, December 9, 1909 J. H. Lowery, George Baird, N. W. Trewartha and John Hartley were named to the executive of the West Huron Teachers' Assoc- iation at a meeting held at the Model School, Clinton. Jacob Taylor has decided to throw his hat in the ring for the mayoralty for 1910, Mayor Wiltse having decided to retire. Clinton was hit by a severe snow storm on Tuesdey, and so far it has not let up. Makes 'us think that winter is really here in earnest. The Doherty Piano and Organ Co. are working night and day in order to get their Christmas orders completed, Miss Maud Cluff has been signed on to teach at Walton following the Christmas recess. The following were present at. the Town Council meeting: Mayor Wiltse. Reeve Gibbings, Council- lors Cooper, Taylor, Holloway, Jackson and Ford, On one of the few occasions that the coun- cil is evenly divided on a ques- tion and the Mayor must cast the deciding vote, Mayor Wiltse voted in the affirmative for holding the construction of bet- ter streets over till 1911. Those in favour were Councillors Coop- er, Taylor, Jackson and the May- or, end those against were Reeve Gibbings, Councillors Holloway and Ford. At the same meet- ing, Dr. Shaw, MOH, gave has report which showed that there 'had been 34 births and 32 deaths in Clinton during 1909. The Molson's Bank has placed two large electric lights at either Ride of the entrance. These have lettered globes, telling the out- sider what institution is inside. ER BUILDERS' SUPPLIES YWOOD HEADQUARTERS" Ibert and Princess Stree:s HONE 120 .Here are some of the highlights .from our stock of 'gifts. Prices cover a complete range, with many fine gifts that are quite inexpensive. V isit ns and make your selection in the friendly atmosphere that is characteristic of your I.D.A. Drug Store. Don't delay! Shop soon, to be . sure of having the best choice. ✓NWN ete'elelae•eietet-es -. . tee i cal• c Hi leiet w.4 i get se Wit,*» N 4' M4.,,« -44e ,. , 1 , t ,1e4» 44. REVLON Fashion -Write New t Lipstick in one end; Pen in other $2.50 i CENTRAL MORTGAGE AND HOUSING CORPORATION Ontario Regional Office, 395 Fleet St. W. Toronto S 4, TENDER - CLINTON (DND Non Urban) No. 2/49 Construction - School 6 Classroom - Scaled Tenders, plainly marked as to contents and addressed to the undersigned, will be received up to 12 o'clock noon, ,Wednes- day, December 28, 1949, for the construction of a six -room school at Clinton, Ontario. Plans, specifications and forms of tender required may be ob- tained at the address shown above. A deposit of twenty-five dollars ($25.00). is required for a set of plans, specifications and docu- ments. This deposit can be re- covered if plans, specifications, and documents are returned in good condition within 30 days of close of tender date. A set of plans, etc., may be seen at the Toronto Builders Ex- change, 1104 Bay Street, Toron- to, and .Builders Exchange, Lon- don, Ontario. Earh tender must be accomp- anied by a security deposit equal to five (5%) of total tender. A certified cheque or Dominion of Canada Bonds will be accepted as security deposit. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. d A. JRtruR. E. SMITH. RegionON IO EGIOion N neer, TA NEW BROWNIE HAWKEYE CAMERA Everything about this smart new camera helps to make it easy to use -especially .. the extra large view -finder. Makes 12 i' good-sized pictures from 1 roll of 620 film. $6.00 Kodak Tourists $25.25 up ]Brownie .... $3.00, $6.70, $8.10 up s A I'ACKRD Electric Shaver $25.ri0 Twin Dual - "Gond Morning iiit" ... •i PEN & PENCILS Parker 51 Pens PENS .. 14.50 - 17.50 PENCILS . 7.00 - 9.00 Other PARKER Pens 3.75 - 5.25 : 9.25 PENCILS 1.50 - 3.75 - 4.25 ROLLIT BALLPOINT PENS 69c - $1.69 3i 1.1 A Name and Quality that Make Your Gifts Unforgetable YARDLEY of London -ac (\ Men's g \. .y GIFT SETS dt: 2.50 up REMINGTON Electric Shaver Taylor Fine Soaps $23,95;. ROSE SOAP TRIPLE HEADER 519.95; FOURSOME MENNEN GIFT BOX for MEN $1.27; Skin Bracer. Tate and Shaving Cream ... L SIMMS SHAITING BRUSHES for luxurious lathering .50, .75, 1.00, 2:00 up MEN'S HAIR BRUSHES»'» Hughes Military Brush $3.00 Pro-phy-lac-tic Club Brush $2.95 Others 52.25 and up 2 -brush sets $4 'up A Time Saving Gifts for BABY 3 rose -scented cakes, Cello- phane wrapped in colourful box $1.00 + Blue Spruce, box of 3 .. $1.00 X Canada Pine Cone Set, box of 255c Carnation Soap, box of 3 . $1.00 ._+ 3. ROSE BUD SOAP Three lovely rose -shaped cokes X of rose -scented soap ...... 59c 4. »+ GOYA+ Perfumes - Handbag Phials » .75c s; BATHETTES Water Softener 65c, 1.25, 3..00 _ S, : LADY ESTHER Sets - Face Cream, Pdr., etc. .98, $1.25 4 +$ �2 VELVETTA Bath Salts, over 3 lb. to container . .69c ;+F YARDLEY Gift Sets for Milady 2.00 up li IrrUb;ifi hl AFTER SHAVE LOTION 1.00, 1.50 Invisible Talcum . 51.00 >•. SHAVE BOWLS $1.00 and $1.25 SHAVE CREAM Tube 65c Si 3 75c, $1.00, $1.25 Gift HANDSCRAFT BABY BOTTLE WARMER Automatic Electric with Vaporizer Attachment Complete with cord Finished in ivory $2.75 Baby Brush and Comb Sets soft nylon bristle brushes 98c, $1.25, 52.25 Baby Hot Plates, 51.95, 2.98 , ! t ., ... ,..l:4+* f+f'+ttestss+'sesece , 1: eese+le.le: veli 1+T �-ese f s• r f Beet i+ se =4 Specials in Tilly Toys Cute animals made of latex 25c, 50c Baby's Own Bath Sets Talc, Soap, Oil, etc. 69c, 51.50 Sc $2.50 t. REVLON Lip Fashion Snow Baby 1.50 POND'S Beauty Sets 75c, 1.49, etc. MEN'S BILLFOLDS 1. $1.00 SPECIAL i A genuine leather billfold, Mor- ._ - ,. occo grained finish; zippered half A around. 2 double windows, card i Z ' ++ ... t ,,444. •; w.r, ;»«,4.4.14 4444.2,:' 4,1.4;++.+.1 ::« .+:»4,..4.;»;»w.; holonly 51.00 etc. A 51.75 value51.00 's ROLLS RAZORS New Low Price 9.95 ;F HENRY PERKINS BILLFOLDS t g- RUBBERSET Shaving Brushes ;4.= 2.50 3.50 5.00 6.00;_ 50 75 1 00 etc ._ ,-.14;»:,.,»;.,41.+40. »t ;»;+,,;.;»,»1«. _. t t BILLFOLDS "London Brand" ; 1.80, 2.10, 2.50, 4.50 CORUX Razor Blades WILLIAMS Shaving Gift Set . . . $1.27 ;it j Four 25c pkgs. on card $1.00 GILLETTE Milord Razor Gift Set $4.62 :s '£• Y 49-h ' PLAYING. CARDS, Double Decks ._ $1.25, 1.50, 2.25 : • BRUSH, COMB & MIRROR Sets 3. and 5 pc. 5.25 sin EAU de COLOGNE s or TOILET WATER 85c and $1.60 4 PERFUME a 75c 1.00 $1.65 Talcum . 600, 85c sDusting A440., { Powder $1.75 t ,% POPULAR BRANDS for GIFT GIVING 3£ Wrap up several 20s or 50s -whichever they prefer �F. en 131end Players Sportsman, State Express, Sweet Cat,or t i i i O al 20s 40c: 50s, $1.-v 5o, 6c, 25c, 50c +,- ,. i 1 W r:M4 ✓ +43 W 9 44:5,4' e ,eb .;,,ta �4a.Jy3,.✓, ;+,•A B+,'. #+6+,+.;..+.W »� ,M «44++.+:4: O•.«4 40✓+:«;+i»p`$ q*+:++Q!,F'ai'q+Kk l,,w «4v.!I"I„1.'4 :x4+4+4+%3.! !"4 +i4;+R +' �+rS+1»#+. .`+� :+:. ?+:««.,tr :ro d +.4. Unique Phone. Photo F.B..Pennebaker 14 �Y��S1te�r�,v�ti�clLe`� y��� `y� /�e/I�yy ,r� `�F y� Y�,,��`,y� �p Ly[`��� r� .q��/��ts�`,.,��t��t �d�e y[ t�4�y��,� fra7fa9�iila7FE7I� !/il*Mi ROZItiO i a9/ii7�?'a4��T,r'Vi7F: 47/�a1�tT OZPA 'Q %RtTFt91a7/t�?Ir�TIVIS'a9 ` t7it7�iOaTl' igliL '1,4 NCI) ONM D'S Macdonald's EXPORT'S "Canada's Finest Cigarettes" 20'5 - 35c 50's - 88c 3 Black Cat,Buckingham Pall Mall, Philip Morris Englis Lovely Christmas Treasures by Lucien LeLong Orage, Indiscreet Taglio, Sirocco Purse Petite Perfumes $1.50 Colognes $1.50 - $2.50 - $3.50 X. • +`,»4.4.»;«« 4 r.,ra;»»1 4.;»,..:,y4. t».,tr,,;q qw»wtq»,.;ar,4d. »A•,+ j� Gifts for Smokers :% 3. TOBACCOS: 3 • Macdonald's Brier {, Virginia Pipe Tobacco 3 i/2 lb. $1.10 +;'! +i Daily Mail, y� lb. $1.05 3 Export Fine Cut, r/, lb, . 51.15 ,i :g s: *. ? RONSON LIGHTERS :f s, with accessory kits .. 6.85 up X :. POLO Automatic Lighters, $5.00 4 Other Lighters, 51.00, 1.50, etc. $ al+ Mackenzie's FILTER PIPE, $1.50 4. �= TOBACCO POUCHES, 51.00 up F3 e ,t; CIGARS, Popular Brands, 3 - Winchester, etc 20s, 35c; 50s, 88 MACKENZIE FILTER PIPE $1.50 OTHER PIPES $1.00-$1.50-$2.00 $2.50 - $3.50 - $5.00 $6.50 - $7.50 • ,_ 3 Clinton n.1 y,'; 1.!s5 a<ile;,,31r-...)10-1, 4