HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-12-01, Page 6PAGE SIX CLINTON NEWS -RECORD NEWS OF BAYFIELD Representative: Miss Lucy R. Woods Phone Bayfield 45r3 Miss Beverley York, Liman, was home over the weekend. Miss Betty Lou Larson. London, was home over the weekend. Rev, and Mrs. F. H. Paull, Listowel, were in the village for a raw lours on tuesday Mr. and Mrs. William Murray, VanDyke, Mich., spent the week- end with Mrs. Agnes Murray. Mrs: Fred Weston . and 'Miss Dorothy MacLeod spent a couple of. days in London this week. Mrs. Jack Sturgeon, Sr., re- turned home last week after"hav- ing spent :.some time in St. Thomas. Miss Agnes Savage, Detroit, has purchased 'Fairlawn", Wm. S. Wightman's Summer home.on Main Street. Mrs. J. Jowett and household ' moved into hal home on Main• St. for the Winter months on Thursday last: Little Miss Berthena Cruick- shank, Clinton, spent .the week- end' with her grandmother, Mrs. William Sturgeon. Mr. and . Mrs. Robert MacLeod, Goderich, spent the weekend with the former's parents, Mr. a n d Mrs. L. IL .MacLeod. ' Miss Jessie L., Metcalf and. Miss Agnes Savage, Detroit, spent the weekend with the former's mother Mrs. Wm. F. Metcalf. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Ormond, Dearborn, Mich., and Allan Or- mond, Wooster, Ohio, were in the village over the weekend. Mrs. W. J. McLeod, Sr., left on Sunday for Detroit with Mr. and Mrs. William Murray, to spend the winter with her daughters. Mr. andMrs. William M L Met- calf : returned to the village, on Saturday after a motor trip to Reno, Nevada and Pittsburg Pa. Mr. and Mrs. David Baird and son, Carl, Mr. and Mrs. J. And- erson and Clayton Meaner, all of London, spent Sunday with their. sister, Mrs. Ed. Sturgeon. Miss Anne Drouin, Mrs. T. B. Mullen and Mrs. C. Wallace, De- troit, spent the American Thanks- giving and weekend witlh. the Matter's mother, Mrs. William Howard. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Atkinson, and Stewart* Atkinson, St. Clair Shores, Mich., came on Wednes- day evening last to spend the American Thanksgiving. and week end at their, home in the village. Mrs. Delbert; Haw and Dawnra spent the past week with the. frmer's broher, William Heard, who accompanied them to their home in Paoton•Station and spent Thursday end Friday with them. Mr. and Mrs.. George M. Fisher motored to the village on Tugs - dal, On their return to Waterloo on Wednesday theywere accomp- anied by the fdrmer's aunt, Mrs. F. A. Edwards, who will spend some time With them. Toms Bros., fishermen, Bay- field, are tieing their fishing craft up at Goderich for the 'winter. In Westminster Hospital Cpl. Ted Davies was obliged to NOW IS THE TIME . to order your GEORGE WHITE THRESHING MACHINE for early delivery next year! W. G. SIMMONS & SONS LTD. Main Street -- PHONE 115 — Exeter Huron Road — PHONE 1132 — Goderich 43-4-5-6-b BAYFIELD LIONS CLUB are sponsoring a Giant Bingo n FEATHER d PARTY Bayfield Town Hall Friday, December 2 at 8.30 p.m. Admission Free Everybody Welcome PRIZES AND GUESSING GAME FOR 25 -LB. TURKEY How Much Corn can a Turkey -Eat? tsaks,� sa CHH. tae 4+41 ?,teal' l a tataa+;H +: datatat ,! n t . tai lH;. 4HtHt..',444Hb V.: to sa HERRIN For FREEZING or SALTING Special Prices for Box Lots Bayfield Fish . House t+ BAYFIELD DOCK Bill Robinson IT. 48-b illahlifEttatalalalsitaaasaaS4aalit , adalaSsa ssa4»v ww;n Wwyta4'at tr✓.tt it t+*rt ta' NOTICE COURT OF REVISION The Council of the Township of Hullett will hold the Court of Revision on the 1950 Assessment Roll on Wednesday, December 7, 1949, at 2 p.m., in the Community Hall, Londesboro. GEORGE W.. COWAN, Clerk 46-47-45-b. BRUCEFIELD Wayne Turvey, Exeter, spent the weekend with Htigli Zapfe, Mr. and J. Hill, Stratford, spent the weekend with friends in the village, M,r and Mrs. George Griffith end Becky,Stratford, a d, visited. Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. H. Berry. Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott and Ruth, Mrs. A. Ham and Miss M Swan, were in London Saturday attending the wedding of the former Janet Handley. Congratulations! Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Cornish celebrated their 30th wedding an- niversary on Monday evening when many of their relatives and friends gatfiered. to spend a soc- ial hour with them. They were presented with many lovely gifts. Successful Show The films, "The Meat We Eat" and also "The Royal Winter Fair" were presented on Tuesday even- ing under the auspices of Group, One of the WA. There was quite a good crowd to See these very educational a n d entertaining films. A delicious lunch follow- ed, the meats for sandwiches .be: ing supplied by the meat company. return to Westminster Hospital; on Friday last for treatment. His many friends hope to see him home soon. Successful Dance Jackson's Orchestra played for the Threshermen's dance in the Town Hall on Friday evening last, at .which there was a fair attendance. The door prize of a turkey was won by George Faulk- ner. The lunch counter in the basement' was well patronized. ' No Service in Trinity There will be no service in Trinity Church, Bayfield, this Sunday, Deemeber 4, and it is hoped that as mealy as possible will -attend St. John's Church. Varna, where Rt. Rev, W. T. Hallam, formerly Bishop o f Saskatoon and now assistant Bishop of Huron Diocese, will be in charge of the service et 11 a.m. Goderich Township Mrs. Reg. Miller is visiting in London at the home of her bro- ther, Joseph Garrett. Mr. and Mrs. Howard McCul- lough and Reg. Miller attended the Royal Winter Fair in Toron- to last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middleton and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Middle- ton attended the Royal Winter Fair, Toronto, last week. St. James' WA to Meet The WA of St. James Church, Middleton, will hold its annual business meeting Wednesday af- ternoon, Dec. 7, at the home of Mrs. Charles Wise. S.S. 4 Farm Forum Meets The regular weekly meeting of S:S. No. 4 Farm Forum was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lobb with an attendance of 12 members. The topic for discus- sion was "Are we good farmers?" Following the discussion the re- creation was in charge of Mrs. Bert Lobb and Harold Howard. There were contests and games and lunch was served by the ladies. Please note the next meeting will be held on, Tuesday evening, December 6, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Jones. Members are asked to listen to the Broad- cast on Monday evening as usual. Recreation will be in charge of Morgan Jones and Jack Merrill. LONDESBORO Mr. and Mrs. Capling, Kitch- ener, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. end Mrs. J. C. Vin- cent. Best Wishes! The friends and neighbours of Mr. Dave Ewan wish him a speedy recovery after having been confined to his bed for this past week, Hunters Return The local hunters returned home last Wednesday. after hav- ing been up north' hunting for the past week or so. They came home with very good results of their trip. Two Baptized A baptismal service was held in the Londesboro United Church on Sunday. The infant son, Jef- fery Walkom, of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Shaddick, and William Allen. infant son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Vincent, were baptized. Mission Band Meets The - Mi.sion Band held its Autumn Thankoffering meeting in the basement of the church on Sunday morning, November 20, with the president, June Man- ning, in the chair and Ann Flair - service at the piano, The meet- ing opened with Call to Worship and hymn 206, followed by God Save the King and the Lord's Prayer in unison. The Scripture lesson was read by Marjorie Young. The minutes of last meet- ing were read by secretary Muriel Shobbrook" and the roll call was answered with 46 present, The offering was taken up by Bob Shobbrook. A temperance story was given by Kenneth Gaunt. Ann Fair - service favoured with a piano solo. Mrs. Grierson. who was guest speaker, told the children some interesting things about the children of Korea. The meeting closed with hymn 111 and clos- ing prayer by Mrs. Shobbrook. I-TURlilyRn a D Happy Worker Meet The Happy Workers Club held its November meeting at the home of Mrs. Helen Burns. The meeting opened by singing "When He Cometh," followed by the Lord's Prayer. The treasurer's and secretary's report was there given. Names were drawn for oaastmas. The next meeting to be held at the home of Mrs. Wil- liam Glazier. giftSunshine basket and also a were given to Betty Ann Gibbings and also a gift to Sandra Elaine Irwin, The afternoon was spent in a social form. A dainty lunch was served by group three, which are Mrs. Newman Garrett, Mrs. Warren Gibbings, Mrs. Ken McBurney, Mrs. Noble Holland and Mrs. Helen 'Burns. Proceeds were $3.54. ry«'�s.r. yMtetit•; :4ate1e W 4'e!tsalt4tet1a'tr.W,!✓ry'6_:y;W t4+4•4r'.4;:atalaltt It esis r= THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1940. yA4+hrt!.�+.'#! �+:!+Lro....:H�4+. i � WOOI Fr!`r H R rt,.«. �..0,✓.'�' y ;1 s!oH;«:'re,tttrat.� , M144'�..`r',t«t.'Y .Elections in Two Townships o_ n Monday �.. ♦ QH ,ret Yt{et 4 :4 +0'0♦♦Hr11f 44144+4444t: ♦ fH4 *4, 4 9-4+ r r t 4.H84rir.<A!iC? s'ad. ItA!*.r!'::'.H I.Yir+p'V r+. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE' TOWNSH'I'P OF HULLETT: Your influence and Vote on Monday, December ,5' would be appreciated. VOTE Jib-a-rn J. Dale for REEVE TO THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT: Ladies and Gentlemen: • Having served on the Township Council for '12 years, I feel I am now in a position to serve you as Reeve for 1950 I,would appreciate your support and influence at the polls on Monday, Dec. 5. Respectfully yours, IRA RAPSON TO THE RATEPAYERS OF GODERICH TOWNSHIP: Your cooperation in the Victory Loans made them a success. Your cooperation in the Goderich Township School Area made it a success. Your cooperation with LAITHWAITE in your 1950 Goderich Township Council will bring strict economy in spending the taxpayers' money to try and reduce the taxes; therefore ease the burden on the farm and cottage owner. • Vote on Dec. '5 and make it (CLAYT) LAITHWAITE FOR COUNCIL TO THE ELECTORS OF GODERICH TOWNSHIP: Having allowed my name to stand for the position of COUNCIL- LOR, your votewould be appreciat- ed at the polls on Monday, Dec. 5. Wilmer Harrison To The Electors of Goderich Township Ladies and Gentlemen : I sin a candidate for the office of Reeve of your T wnship for 1950. Unable to call on every- one personally, I take this means of contacting you. The following years of service qualifies me to serve you on the Township Council: over 20 Years on Public School board; 10 years on Tele- phone Board (7 years as chairman); 3 years on Township Council, of which I am now a member, If You see fit to elect mc, I promise to conduct your business faithfully and carefully. It will be my endeavour to lower your taxes quite substantially in 1950. A square deal to all! COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON! W. R. (Bert) Lobb TO THE, ELECTORS OF GODERICH TOWNSHIP: I stand on my record as Reeve during the past year. Note that the Township will have a substantial surplus at the end of 1949. That's something to be' proud of. Vote to re-elect James 'R. -Stirling Reeve for 1950 :`(One Good Term Deserves Another!" TO THE ELECTORS OF GODERICH TOWNSHIP: I solicit your support to - Re -Elect me as a: TOWNSHIP COUNCILLOR FOR 1950. I will endeavour to represent your. interests- to the best of my ability.. You can count on me at all times„ John W. Deeves GODERICH TOWNSHIP ELECTORS Vote to RE-ELECT Edward N. Grigg Councillor for 1950 If elected, I shall continue to serve - you to the best of my ability., ELECTION DAY, MONDAY, DEC:. 5 I solicit your vote for the REEVESHIP of GODERICH TOWNSHIP for 1950' VOTE ORR Gordon A. Orr TO THE ELECTORS OF GODERICH TOWNSHIP: Having served you for the past year I have decided to. again let m name stand for COUNCILLOR, an would greatly appreciate your su port at the polls on Monday, Dec. Kenneth C. Mern ing Annual Meet• Bayfield Agricultural Society Town Hall, Bayfield Wednesday, Dec. 14 8.00 p.m. All members and interested persons are asked to be present ALFRED WARNER, MRS. A. M. BASSETT, President Secretary tsaks,� sa CHH. tae 4+41 ?,teal' l a tataa+;H +: datatat ,! n t . tai lH;. 4HtHt..',444Hb V.: to sa HERRIN For FREEZING or SALTING Special Prices for Box Lots Bayfield Fish . House t+ BAYFIELD DOCK Bill Robinson IT. 48-b illahlifEttatalalalsitaaasaaS4aalit , adalaSsa ssa4»v ww;n Wwyta4'at tr✓.tt it t+*rt ta' NOTICE COURT OF REVISION The Council of the Township of Hullett will hold the Court of Revision on the 1950 Assessment Roll on Wednesday, December 7, 1949, at 2 p.m., in the Community Hall, Londesboro. GEORGE W.. COWAN, Clerk 46-47-45-b. BRUCEFIELD Wayne Turvey, Exeter, spent the weekend with Htigli Zapfe, Mr. and J. Hill, Stratford, spent the weekend with friends in the village, M,r and Mrs. George Griffith end Becky,Stratford, a d, visited. Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. H. Berry. Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott and Ruth, Mrs. A. Ham and Miss M Swan, were in London Saturday attending the wedding of the former Janet Handley. Congratulations! Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Cornish celebrated their 30th wedding an- niversary on Monday evening when many of their relatives and friends gatfiered. to spend a soc- ial hour with them. They were presented with many lovely gifts. Successful Show The films, "The Meat We Eat" and also "The Royal Winter Fair" were presented on Tuesday even- ing under the auspices of Group, One of the WA. There was quite a good crowd to See these very educational a n d entertaining films. A delicious lunch follow- ed, the meats for sandwiches .be: ing supplied by the meat company. return to Westminster Hospital; on Friday last for treatment. His many friends hope to see him home soon. Successful Dance Jackson's Orchestra played for the Threshermen's dance in the Town Hall on Friday evening last, at .which there was a fair attendance. The door prize of a turkey was won by George Faulk- ner. The lunch counter in the basement' was well patronized. ' No Service in Trinity There will be no service in Trinity Church, Bayfield, this Sunday, Deemeber 4, and it is hoped that as mealy as possible will -attend St. John's Church. Varna, where Rt. Rev, W. T. Hallam, formerly Bishop o f Saskatoon and now assistant Bishop of Huron Diocese, will be in charge of the service et 11 a.m. Goderich Township Mrs. Reg. Miller is visiting in London at the home of her bro- ther, Joseph Garrett. Mr. and Mrs. Howard McCul- lough and Reg. Miller attended the Royal Winter Fair in Toron- to last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middleton and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Middle- ton attended the Royal Winter Fair, Toronto, last week. St. James' WA to Meet The WA of St. James Church, Middleton, will hold its annual business meeting Wednesday af- ternoon, Dec. 7, at the home of Mrs. Charles Wise. S.S. 4 Farm Forum Meets The regular weekly meeting of S:S. No. 4 Farm Forum was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lobb with an attendance of 12 members. The topic for discus- sion was "Are we good farmers?" Following the discussion the re- creation was in charge of Mrs. Bert Lobb and Harold Howard. There were contests and games and lunch was served by the ladies. Please note the next meeting will be held on, Tuesday evening, December 6, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Jones. Members are asked to listen to the Broad- cast on Monday evening as usual. Recreation will be in charge of Morgan Jones and Jack Merrill. LONDESBORO Mr. and Mrs. Capling, Kitch- ener, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. end Mrs. J. C. Vin- cent. Best Wishes! The friends and neighbours of Mr. Dave Ewan wish him a speedy recovery after having been confined to his bed for this past week, Hunters Return The local hunters returned home last Wednesday. after hav- ing been up north' hunting for the past week or so. They came home with very good results of their trip. Two Baptized A baptismal service was held in the Londesboro United Church on Sunday. The infant son, Jef- fery Walkom, of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Shaddick, and William Allen. infant son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Vincent, were baptized. Mission Band Meets The - Mi.sion Band held its Autumn Thankoffering meeting in the basement of the church on Sunday morning, November 20, with the president, June Man- ning, in the chair and Ann Flair - service at the piano, The meet- ing opened with Call to Worship and hymn 206, followed by God Save the King and the Lord's Prayer in unison. The Scripture lesson was read by Marjorie Young. The minutes of last meet- ing were read by secretary Muriel Shobbrook" and the roll call was answered with 46 present, The offering was taken up by Bob Shobbrook. A temperance story was given by Kenneth Gaunt. Ann Fair - service favoured with a piano solo. Mrs. Grierson. who was guest speaker, told the children some interesting things about the children of Korea. The meeting closed with hymn 111 and clos- ing prayer by Mrs. Shobbrook. I-TURlilyRn a D Happy Worker Meet The Happy Workers Club held its November meeting at the home of Mrs. Helen Burns. The meeting opened by singing "When He Cometh," followed by the Lord's Prayer. The treasurer's and secretary's report was there given. Names were drawn for oaastmas. The next meeting to be held at the home of Mrs. Wil- liam Glazier. giftSunshine basket and also a were given to Betty Ann Gibbings and also a gift to Sandra Elaine Irwin, The afternoon was spent in a social form. A dainty lunch was served by group three, which are Mrs. Newman Garrett, Mrs. Warren Gibbings, Mrs. Ken McBurney, Mrs. Noble Holland and Mrs. Helen 'Burns. Proceeds were $3.54. ry«'�s.r. yMtetit•; :4ate1e W 4'e!tsalt4tet1a'tr.W,!✓ry'6_:y;W t4+4•4r'.4;:atalaltt It esis r= THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1940. yA4+hrt!.�+.'#! �+:!+Lro....:H�4+. i � WOOI Fr!`r H R rt,.«. �..0,✓.'�' y ;1 s!oH;«:'re,tttrat.� , M144'�..`r',t«t.'Y .Elections in Two Townships o_ n Monday �.. ♦ QH ,ret Yt{et 4 :4 +0'0♦♦Hr11f 44144+4444t: ♦ fH4 *4, 4 9-4+ r r t 4.H84rir.<A!iC? s'ad. ItA!*.r!'::'.H I.Yir+p'V r+. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE' TOWNSH'I'P OF HULLETT: Your influence and Vote on Monday, December ,5' would be appreciated. VOTE Jib-a-rn J. Dale for REEVE TO THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT: Ladies and Gentlemen: • Having served on the Township Council for '12 years, I feel I am now in a position to serve you as Reeve for 1950 I,would appreciate your support and influence at the polls on Monday, Dec. 5. Respectfully yours, IRA RAPSON TO THE RATEPAYERS OF GODERICH TOWNSHIP: Your cooperation in the Victory Loans made them a success. Your cooperation in the Goderich Township School Area made it a success. Your cooperation with LAITHWAITE in your 1950 Goderich Township Council will bring strict economy in spending the taxpayers' money to try and reduce the taxes; therefore ease the burden on the farm and cottage owner. • Vote on Dec. '5 and make it (CLAYT) LAITHWAITE FOR COUNCIL TO THE ELECTORS OF GODERICH TOWNSHIP: Having allowed my name to stand for the position of COUNCIL- LOR, your votewould be appreciat- ed at the polls on Monday, Dec. 5. Wilmer Harrison To The Electors of Goderich Township Ladies and Gentlemen : I sin a candidate for the office of Reeve of your T wnship for 1950. Unable to call on every- one personally, I take this means of contacting you. The following years of service qualifies me to serve you on the Township Council: over 20 Years on Public School board; 10 years on Tele- phone Board (7 years as chairman); 3 years on Township Council, of which I am now a member, If You see fit to elect mc, I promise to conduct your business faithfully and carefully. It will be my endeavour to lower your taxes quite substantially in 1950. A square deal to all! COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON! W. R. (Bert) Lobb TO THE, ELECTORS OF GODERICH TOWNSHIP: I stand on my record as Reeve during the past year. Note that the Township will have a substantial surplus at the end of 1949. That's something to be' proud of. Vote to re-elect James 'R. -Stirling Reeve for 1950 :`(One Good Term Deserves Another!" TO THE ELECTORS OF GODERICH TOWNSHIP: I solicit your support to - Re -Elect me as a: TOWNSHIP COUNCILLOR FOR 1950. I will endeavour to represent your. interests- to the best of my ability.. You can count on me at all times„ John W. Deeves GODERICH TOWNSHIP ELECTORS Vote to RE-ELECT Edward N. Grigg Councillor for 1950 If elected, I shall continue to serve - you to the best of my ability., ELECTION DAY, MONDAY, DEC:. 5 I solicit your vote for the REEVESHIP of GODERICH TOWNSHIP for 1950' VOTE ORR Gordon A. Orr TO THE ELECTORS OF GODERICH TOWNSHIP: Having served you for the past year I have decided to. again let m name stand for COUNCILLOR, an would greatly appreciate your su port at the polls on Monday, Dec. Kenneth C. Mern