HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-12-01, Page 511711YRSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1949 sat,IPITON, Yi!r; tEt99$>a , PAGE FIVE News -Ron assi ring Quick Results CASH 'RATE -(Of paid by Wed- aesday following date of inser- eivn)—One cent a word first in- aertion•(minfmum 35 cents); sub eequent insertions one cent a word (Minimum 25 cents); 15 cents ex- tra for box 'number or for diree- Itton to NEWS -RECORD Office. IF. CHARGED ---15 cents extra. DEADLINE --6 p.m. Wednesday. APPLES FOR SALE HAND-PICKED NORTHERN SPY and other, good cooking apples. $1 per bushel in awn containers, Phone T. R. Jenkins, 910r23. •47-8-9-p 'SPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE. Spy, Greening, Baldwin, King, :Bellflower, etc., ',Fred McClymont, Varna, phone Clinton 613r24. 48-1-p AC FOR RRE TION 'TWO FURNISHED ROOMS, heat- ed, on Rattenbury St. E. Percy Bile', phone Clinton 464. 48-p ARTICLES FOR SALE PAIR OF DRAPES. Apply Box "E", NEWS -RECORD. 48-p AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1942 CHEVROLET COACH in -excellent condition. Phone 794. 47-48-b 1931 MODEL "A" FORD Coach, motor and body in good condi- 'tioii. Ken Damm, Kippen. 48-b BICYCLES FOR SALE 'GENT'S BICYCLE with carrier and bell, almost new. Phone !Clinton 88. 48-p BIRDS FOR SALE CANARIES, beautiful colors and songsters, guaranteed singers. 18 each. Nelson Moulden, Aub - lush 45-6-7-8-p CLOTHING' FOR SALE 'BROWN MUSKRAT FUR COAT, -size 14. Phone Clinton 292. 48-b LADY'S GREEN COAT, size 14, fur trimmed, form fitting; ladies' white skates, size 6r/z. Mrs. Don Hanley, . phone 315W. , 48-b "TWO PAIR,, OF BOYS' Cashmere Overshoes, size 5; two pair of boys' skates, size 5; both used -only one winter. Phone Clinton, "828r12. 48-b RED RIVER COAT, size 10-11 years, in good condition,' freshly cleaned; Margaret Rose plaid skirt, size 10-11 years; baby sleigh with hand rail. Apply Box •"O", NEWS -RECORD. 47-p DEALERS WANTED 'DEALERS WANTED! Splendid opportunity' to earn from $50 to 160 a week, Sell direct from 'door to door 20 household neves- • shies. Complete assortment of Gift Boxes. Very little capital required. Thirty days' trial with- • out risks. 'Write for full details; =�tITO, 5130 St. Hubert, Montreal. 45-6-7-8-b FURNITURE FOR SALE ENGINE -DRIVEN Beatty Wash- ing Machine; DeForest Crossley 'battery radio; two Coleman gas lanterns. Phone 800r11. 47-48-b HOUSES FOR SALE MEDIUM-SIZED - BRICK House containing two apartments. Must 'be sold to close estate. Contact Jabez Rands, Clinton, phone 80. 48-9-b HELP WANTED—Female WOMAN FOR HOUSEWORK, "two hours three days weekly, or lake in washing five days weekly. 'Phone Clinton 572W. • 48-b HELP WANTED 'BOOKKEEPER -CLERK Wanted for hardware store. Good wages. 'Hugh R. Hawkins, phone Clinton .244.48-b LOST AND FOUND LIVESTOCK FOR SALE; SIXTEEN PIGS, NINE. WEEKS old. Gordon Scotghmer; R. R.• 2, Bayfield, phone Clinton 909r12. •48-b FOUR PIGS, over six weeks old. Apply Ed Boyes, R.R. 1, :Bruoe- field, phone Clinton 625r2.48 -b SIX PIGS, SIX WEEKS OLD. Apply' D. S. Farquhar, . phone 805r5. 48-b ELEVEN PIGS about seven weeks old;. 50 Rock pullets; Iron Horse engine, one-quarter horsepower, nearly new. James East, R.R. 4, Clinton,' phone. 807r6. 48-p TWO SHORTHORN BULLS, one red, ten months old, and one roan, 12 months" old; also one or two females, any age. All registered or eligible. Glen Bros., R.R. 5, Clinton, 48-p MISCELLANEOUS SAWS, ALL KINDS FILED AT C. Hoare s orchard, mile north of town. Will work odd days, harvesting, etc. 46-2-p ANYONE WISHING AVON Pro- ducts for Christmas please con- tact the representative, Mrs. Wilfred Freeman, phone 791J, for appointments. . 48-9-p ANYONE WISHING TO ORDER Du Jour ladies', men's and child- ren's wear please order early and avoid disappointment at Christ- mas. Mrs. Roy Mann, 48-9-b COME INTO YOUR SINGER Sewing Centre and see our prac- tical Christmas Gift suggestions. Phone Goderich 1135 or ' write Singer Sewing Machine Co., God- erich. 47btfb ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead phone at once. Phone collect. Gilbert Bre.. Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Goder- ich. 2btfb NOTICES I WOULD 'APPRECIATE VERY much if people owing me money for wood cutting for the past two years would settle with me as soon as possible. Thank you. (Signed 1—Glen Price. 48-p LOS T — BLACK AND TAN Hound, missing since November 22. Reward. Anyone knowing whereabouts contact Gordon Hoy, 'Clinton. . 43-p 'LOST—RED HEIFER, some white on it, about 800 lbs. Please notify Jack Medd, phone Seaforth 841r11. 47-8-9-p 'LOST — PAIR OF 'GLASSES on 'Mary St., Monday, November 28. 'Finder please Phone '329. "48-b PUPPIES FOR SALE WHY NOT GIVE A PUPPY FOR Christmas? Registered Black Scot- tie Terrier puppies, reasonably priced. Roy Vodden, R. R. 2, Seaforth, phone Seaforth 851r14. 48-p POULTRY FOR SALE CHOICE CHRISTMAS Turkeys for sale, 55 cents per lb. dressed. Arthur St. An'sans, phone 7831, Ontario St., Clinton. 48-9-50-p POULTRY WANTED, WOULD LIKE TO BUY a num- ber of pullets, would prefer Leg - horns, Phone" 933r3, Goderich. '48-p STOVES FOR SALE GRAHAMETTE HEAVY DUTY Electric Range, two burner and heat control oven. Only few months old. Owner must sell, Reasonable. Apply to Apt. 4 above Superior, Store, 48-p WANTED TO BUY BIRTHS CRAIB—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Wednesday, November 30, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Craib, Clinton;, ladau- ghter. HARWOOD—In Chatham General Hospital, on Tuesday, Novem- -ber 22, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Maurice W. Marwood, Thames - vine, a son (David Maurice), JOSLING - In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, Novem- ber 29, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Josling, R.R. 1, Londes- boro, a son (Kenneth Arthur). STRONG In Clinton Public Hospital, en Tuesday, Novem- ber 29, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Strong, Clinton a son. DEATHS MCGREGOR -- In Windsor, . on Monday, November 28, 1949, following a long illness, Ray 'McGregor, son of Mr. and Mrs Robert McGregor, Kippen, in his 12th year. Funeral . from family residence to Hensel) Union Cemetery Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 30. MITCHELL—In Detroit, Mich., on Wednesday, November 23, 1949, Mrs.. William,Mitchell (nee Susie Mitchell).and dear aunt of J. E. Cook, Clinton, in her 76th year. Funeral and inter- ment at Ypsilanti, Mich., on. Friday, November 25. MURPHY — In Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on Friday, November 25, 1949, William G. ,Murphy, beloved husband of the late Catharine Little, in his '75th year. Funeral from his late residence, Hullett Town- ship, Monday. November 28, to Blyth Union Cemetery. RANDS—Suddenly, in Clinton, • on Friday, November 25, 1949, Rosa M. Routledge, beloved wife of the late, Jabez Rands, in her .73rd year. Funeral from the Bull and Mutch Funeral Home. High .. St., Clinton, on Monday afternoon, November 28, to Clinton Cemetery, o ---- C. R. COULTES NEW. PRESIDENT (Continued from Page One) to Huron County heading the list. It was one of four counties in Ontario recognized by the visiting delegation, and the visit was productive of much good. The delegates had been very favorably impressed with their reception here, and with exhibits they witnessed at Clinton Spring Show. Mr. Lobb said he appreciated the support he had received dur- ing the past two years as presi- dent, but in retiring from the office, "my heart and soul will still be in it," he declared. W. V, Roy, Clinton, secretary - treasurer, who has resigned that office after five years, recited the tremendous growth of the Huron Federation in thaerpt- Huron Federation in that period, but thought it was "slipping a bit" unless it looked into the appointment of a fulitime field man. The duties of the secre- tary -treasurer had gone far be- yond a $500 -a -year part-time lob, he said. It is understood that four applications have been re- ceived for the position of sec- retary -treasurer. Charles R. Coultes, Belgrave, first vice-president, introduced the main speaker, R. W. Morrison, who was thanked in behalf of the Federation by George C. Fea- gan Goderich ur USED OAT ROLLER in good nover of more than $12,000 wood. Clarence Montgomery, during the year, a balance of $632 R.R. 1, Clinton, phone Seaforth at October 31, 1949, and assets in 841r31. 48-p reserve valued at $3,109. CARD OF THANKS I wish to take this opportunity of expressing my sincere thanks to those who so kindly remem- bered me during my illness, while in the hospital and after returning home, Special thanks to the Baptist Ladies' Aid and Sunday School, end to all those who so kindly sent flowers, gifts, cards and letters. (Signed)—Mrs. Percival McMichael, 200 Arling- ton Ave., Toronto. 48-p IN MEMORIAM FINCH—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Arthur Elmer Finch, who passed away one year ago, November 30, 1948. "His last faint wish we should like to have heard And breathed in his ear one last parting word, Only those who have lost are able to tell The pain of the heart in not saying - farewell. --Ever remembered by wife, sons, daughters, and grandchildren. Christmas Trees A quantity of Spruce and Balsam Trees will ,be in next week -for sale .Apply to: A. H. STEEP SPENCER STREET — CLINTON 48-49-50-b and 'D'R1'VE he 'New Vanguard SALOON '4 -DOOR SEDAN! ]t=s Beautiful! It's Economical, too! See Them 'To -day at New Low Pricer Now on Display at union Motors 'C. I.. Stanley, Proprietor Authorized Dealer -PHONE 205W,,— 'CLINTON ararrarassarrasal Garbage Collection ALL DAY SATURDAY Garbage collected by truck. PROMPT SERVICE For particulars Phone 465 Gordon Hoy Clinton 48-p MR. AND MRS. ROXY 'THEATRE . BERT HULLER CLINTON, ANNIVEt2SA'— RY Now Playing• -= The silver wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Bert' Haller was celebrated on November 17 at their home on King St., Clinton, by an afternoon and evening re- ception which' was ;attended by 180 guests. ' Twenty-five years ago Mr. and.. Mrs. Huller were married in Port Arthur bythe late Rev... Father La Rue in St. Andrew's Rectory, and made their home for five years at Port Caldwell, onthe north shore of Lake Superior, Twenty years ago they and their,. only child, Vernon, came ., to. Clinton and have resided here ever . since. Mr. Huller is well known as a building contractor, having built many new houses in the north and around Clinton, and for the past two years he has had his . own , building supply business. Guests were welcomed at the door by Mrs. Roy Menn, in the afternoon, and by Mrs. Lawrence Denomme in the evening. All' friends were requested to sign the guest book which was in charge of Mrs. Frank Evans, Jr., in the afternoon,, and Miss Gloria Palmer,' in the evening. In the living room Mr. and Mrs. Huller received the congratulations and good wishes of ' their guests and Mr. Huller presented each lady, -with a nose- gay, and each gentleman` with a carnation as a souvenir of the event, Mrs. Huller looked lovely wearing a wine moire dress and matching fur felt hat trimmed with coque feathers and black accessories, and a nosegay similar to the one given to each lady present. Refreshments took the form of a buffet tea served in the dining - living room which was suitably decorated with pink and white streamers end white wedding bells, also low bowls of rose and white chrysanthemums. The table, covered with a silk lace cloth, was decorated with pink • and white candles flanking, a repro- duction of the original three- storey wedding cake, Presiding at the tea table in the afternoon, were Mrs. David Kay and Mrs. Proctor Palmer, and in the evening Mrs. Irene Henri and Mrs. Frank Evans, Sr. Others helping to serve in the afternoon were' Mrs. Morley Jor- sossessagasssd CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion K. C.Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and CMM BEA J 1:' I. -5";70P PE a'rampu,: Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St. -East Phone 585 Jamses • Stewart - Joan Fontaine "YOU GOTTA STAY HAPPY" -- MON., TOES., WED. -- ROSALIND' RUSSELL "THE VELVET 'TOUCH" THURS„ FRI., SAT. — DAN DAILEY "CHICKEN EVERY SUNDAY" with Celeste Holm - Allan Young CAPITAL . THEATRE REGENT..THEATRE, GODERJCH S E A T O R .T. H NOW; Victor Mature & Richard NOW: June Allyson and James Conte in "CRY OF THE CITY" Stewart "The STRATTON Story", Mon. -- Tues. --- Wed. David Niven Jane Wyman - Victor Moore Wayne. Morris and Maria . Ouspenskaya a merry romantic romp hits the heightsin hilarity,' with the lovable, laughable new team of Niven and Wyman "A KISS IN THE DARK" -- THURS.. FRI„ SAT. -= Ann Blyth - George Brent and Howard Duff—Its glorious back- grounds captured in Technicolor and every page of its rugged .ac- tion brought to. life.. "RED CANYON" Comings Ida Lupino in "ROAD HOUSE" Adult Entertainment — THURS., FRI., SAT. — Dan Dailey - Celeste ' Holm and Allan, Young—You will thorough- ly enjoy this tale of an ambitious young husband and his cautious young wife. Chicken Every Sunday Coming: Rosalind Russell, Claire Trevor in "The VELVET TOUCH" rr dan, Miss Joan Jordan,•Miss Lucy Levy, and Mrs. Ronald Scott. In the evening Misses Dorothy Mc-, Guire, Lenore McGuire, Phyllis. Shanahan . and Doreen Elliott, served. They were assisted by Mrs, Charles Lockwood, Mrs. Joe Becker,, Mrs. Louis' Freeman and Mrs. Germain Pigeon. Refreshments consisted of a variety of dainty sandwiches with relishes, . and fancy cookies, serv- ed with teaor wine. The wed- ding cake was served by Mr. and Mrs. Huller together to their guests, then mints and nuts were passed. ,Several toasts were pro- posed during the afternoon and evening, to which Mr. Huller re- plied:, on behalf of the happy couple. During the reception, music consisting of familiar old love songs and popular wedding music, was played by Mrs. Jack Bourne, Sr., in the afternoon, and Miss Viola Fraser in the evening. High- lights of the evening were movies taken by Father S. J. McDonald, and two solos by Miss Gloria Palmer, accompanied by Miss Fraser. The bride and groom were re- cipients of many beautiful gifts from their many relatives and friends. A pair of silver candel- abra, gift of the groom, and an onyx set gold ring with white gold initials was the gift of the bride. Their son Vernon and family presented his, parents with CARLING'S CONSERVATION CLUB FREE PICTURES Monday, Dec. 5 11 8.30 p.m. QWN HALL, CLINTON Auspices Huron Fish and Game Club ,412: cs eteifIOC:for the MAN in your lifer SHIRTS SWEATERS TIES SOCKS BELTS %JACKETS HATS COATS riSLIPPERS �' HANDKERCHIEFS SCARVES Ci; • GLOVES CUFF LINKS, TIE PIN.. etc. r.: r: c: ---^ ..ter--•�----- 'r iIu1'lniRtl 1 .� n eIr4141it1I it I I %Arrow ShirtsCarson's Luggage Stetson Hats •'%� PHONE 25 — - CLINTON ' a silver tea service in grape de- Mrs. Lawrence Denomme made sign. Telegrams and cards of the wedding cake which was iced congratulation were received from and decorated by Mr. and mtg. many out-of-town friends. Francis Evans, Jr. HOW TO BE BORN AGAIN No one can be saved unless he is born again by the power of God's Spirit. CHRIST SAYS: "Ye must be born again or we cannot see the Kingdom of God."—John 3: 3, 7. "But as many as received him, to them gave he powers to become the Sens of God, even to them that be- lieve on his name. WE ARE BORN AGAIN AS SOON AS WE RECEIVE CHRIST AS SAVIOUR." CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles 53, Calif. Gifts Igor The Whole 1 amity! DON'T FAIL TO VISIT OUR WELL -STOCKED STORE NOTE: Beatty Ironer Demonstration will take place SATURDAY, DEC. "17 Hugh R. Hawkins Hardware and Plumbing PHONE 244 -- -- CLINTON 0 Proclamation MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS TOWN OF CLINTON Nominations Wednesday, December 21 1 9 4 9 Election Thursday, December 29 • 1 9 4 '9 NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the Electors for the Nomination of Candidates for the positions of Mayor, Reeve, Councillors, Public Utilities Commissioner, and Members of the Public School Board, for the ensuing term, will be held in the Town Hall, Clinton Wednesday, " December 21, 1949 Between the hours of 7:30' o'clock and 8:30 o'clock in the evening, M. T. CORLESS, Returning Officer and if necessary, an Election to fill the above-named positions, or any of them, will be held on Thursday, December 29, 1949 at the following places, and by the following named persons, that is to say, in ST. ANDREW'S WARD --At the Town Hall, E. L. Mittel', Deputy Returning Officer ST. JAMES' WARD—Dr; George Elliott's Office, • ; R. IB, ' Fitzsimons, Deputy Returning Officer • ST. JOHN'S, WARD -Ball -Macaulay Show Room, ' King St., W. Wallis, Deputy Returning Officer ST. GEORGE'S WARD—At R. L. Jervis' Office, Albert St., Arthur Groves, Deputy Returning Officer. commencing at the hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon and continuing until the hour of five o'clock in the afternoon • and the results will be publicly declared in the Town Hall, on Friday, the 30th day of December, 1949 at 12 o'clock noon. M. T. CORLESS, Clerk and Warning Officer 4$-49-50-b '!