HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-12-01, Page 4PAGE ..FOUR CTil1V71m sttvi•S=RECORti THURSDAY,' DECEMBER 1, 1949 emerreeesenemer e.e.r.ememavreaemesarereeseemirierepreeseser Let's..- Chat A Woman's Viewpoint on This and That By MBA ANOTHER successful tea and linear was -held in the Council Chamber Saturday afternoon last. This was sponsored by the ladies of the Baptist Church Christmas decorations bright- ened the appearance of the room . IN CHARGE of the candy table were Mrs. Lloyd Butler and Mrs. E. Pocock' the Home -Baking table, Mrs. E. Adams, Mrs. R. Clif- ford and Mrs. T, Leppington; the apron and fancy work table, Mrs. John Butler, Mrs. William Coch- rane and Mrs. W. Aikenhead, while Mrs. A, Forsyth and Mrs. H. Cochrane looked after the touch -and -take and produce tables . The tea room was supervised . by Mrs. R. Gemmell and Mrs. E. Roberts . . . * xr * THE CLINTON Women's Insti- 'rute held a very pleasant meet- ing, Thursday ,afternoon last when the local branch entertain- ed the Goderich Institute G I t tuts Both groups combined to put on 2n enjoyable programme ... This included . two instrumentals by Mrs. E. Radford; .a vocal duet by Mrs. Sandersgii and Mrs. Cooper and a humorous reading by Mrs. Wilson entitled, "The Game" . . . Mrs. Charles Nelson conducted several quizz games . . . Tea hostesses were Mrs. Kyle,''Mrs. F. Hanly;' Mrs. E. Brown, Mrs, Swinbank, Mrs. T. Leppington, Mrs. J. Butler, Mrs. F. Fairservice, Mrs. 'Mel Crich, and Mrs. Nelson . . ANOTHER of the local victims j of poliomyelitis has returned home after having made excellent progress . toward recovery i n • Children's Memorial Hospital, London She .is four-year-old Katherine Anne Kennedy, daugh- 1 ter of. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas 1 Kennedy, who was taken to Vic- toria Hospital, London, early in (July . She is the second child from Clinton and district to be brought home . AFTER a week' of the, ' worst type of winter 'weather -,stormy and rain -there -was a change the !beginning of this week to what is more typical for this time of year There Were a number of. rather annoyed people Sunday! morning; not at the results of the storms particularly, but at • the walking. conditions in town Many took one look outside, and decided against going out ... . And the result was decreased church attendance . . The ones who braved it, found it heavy going in places . The trouble iswe urban Canedians no longer prepare for what is known as a good old-fashioned winter goloshes are. for warmth and are no help for snow deep enough to get in from the top , . O The W M S of Wesely-Willis • United Church will meet at the home of Mrs. George B. Beattie, Rattenhury St. E., on Thursday, evening, Devember 8, at eight o'clock. The programme will be in charge of Mrs. Wtlliain Murch's group and will be of a Christmas nature. present. Mothers' Study Club Plans Xmas Party. The 'Mothers' Study Group of Wesley -Willis 'United Church met at the home of Mrs. N. W. Trewartha, with Mrs. Agnes Moon in charge. The meeting was opened with the singing of a hymn after which Mrs• Currie. offered prayer and Mrs. Grigg read the Scripture lesson. I Mrs. H. C. Wilson was present and she was asked to continue coming to the meetings. Plans were made for the Christmas party which is to be held on Wednesday, December 28, when' all mothers and their families of the congregation are invited. Mrs. Moon and Mrs. Fowler Will be i in charge. Plans were also made 1 to hold the January meeting at the home of Mrs. Orval Lobb with Mrs. J. A, Addison in charge, and Mrs. Hukill and Mrs. Waldron the hostesses. Mrs. Thompson was presented , a parting gift by Mrs. Shipley, The meeting closed with the singing of a hymn and the bene- diction after which a delicious ' lunch was served by Mrs. Jervis, Mrs. Shipley, Mrs. Murch and Mrs, Trewartha.. 0 CLINTON HOSPITAL AID I The monthlymeeting of Clin- ton Hospital Aid will be held in the Council Chamber on Tuesday;, December 6, at 8 p.m, Mrs. Bul teaal will give her report on the' annual convention in Toronto. All money for the cook books is ask- I ed to,be brought to this meeting., PRESBYTERIAN WA The WA of Clinton Presbyter- ian Church will hold' 'a supper meeting in the. Church 'Basement, on Tuesday, December 6, at 6 p.m. All members are requested to be BAZAAR Sponsored by Girls' Club and W.A. of Ontario St. United Church Saturday, December 3 at 3 p.m. AFTERNOON TEA - 25 cents Beauty Salon located on ground floor in the Jervis Apartments` . . Albert St., next Roxy" Theatre PERMANENTS FINGERWAVES SHAMPOOS FACIALS MANICURES Thelma Currie Phone 542J P'ERSO'NALS f 1VIr. and Mrs. Harry McEwan formerly of Stratford, are becom- ing seated' in their. new home in t.iauton, recently purchased from Orville Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Heeley and two children, Toronto, spent tee weekend at the home or the lady's' parents,' Mr. and Mrs, Noole Holland. Mrs. Keeley in- tenas returning on December 3, and she and her children plan ''cc. 'spend the winter with her parents, until their new home rs finished on the old Mount Dennis. Mr, and Mn!. Kenneth:;N,lcBur- ney and family :'are, moving to Clinton for the- winter. Ray , Rumball,, Montreal, has been visiting 'at., the home of his mother, Mrs.Clara. Ruinball. Mrs.. A. E. Finch. ,spent the weekend, in . Goderich :. with her son-in;law` and daughter, Mr. and Mrs,. Harvey. Scrimgeour, Mi's. l:. 1,. Moffat and children, Bickford, near Sarnia, Vent a long weekend with the farmer's mother, Mrs. A.'',.,D. Beaton. . G. E. Hall leaves today 'to spend some time with his' son and daughter-in-law, Mr.. and Mrs. G. L. Hall, Cayuga. Miss Anne . Forsyth, Chat- ham, and Miss Trixie Forsyth, Hamilton, spent; the weekend with their parents,' 'Rev. and Mrs. Archibald Forsyth, Miss Maude Torrance and John Torrance: left on Friday last to spend the winter in Toronto. Their 'address will be 2001` Bloor St. W., Apt. 10, 'Toronto 5. Mr. and Mrs. 'B. B.'Pockling- ton' and two children, Peter and Nancy, left Clinton to -day to' re- side in London. Their address will' be 152- Ellworthy St. • Elwin Merrill and Mr. and Mrs. Benson Sutter ei were in Goderich on Sunday assisting with the service on the Victoria .St. Unit- ed Church Charge. Mrs. Fred Mutch' has returned home after spending the past i' month with tier son and daugh- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mutch, Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McElroy and' Jerome', •Toronto, were the guests of Mrs. McElroy's, parents, Mr.' and Mrs. J. W. Shobbrook. R. S. Atkey attended a confer- ence' of' weekly newspaper 'pub- lishers in Guelph onSaturday. Rev. Elishe A. . Townsend, returnedmissionary from China representing the Canadian Holi- ness Movement, visited relatives in the district this week, includ- ing his ' brother, Robert Town- send, Londesboro, ` and sisters, Mrs. James Robe"ton, Auburn, and . Mrs.. Frank Wood, Londes- boro.. art FOR THE IDEAL GIFT at Christmas time, what could be better than an item of Luggage or Leather Goods? For the ladies, a lovely handbag of English Calf- skin or Genuine Morocco, a billfold de- signed for her, or an item of beautiful luggage of which she would always be proud. 'For the men, a wallet or billfold of quality, a pair of comfortable, durable house slippers, or a business case ' or travelling bag. The utility case for his shaving needs or the ever popular leather bound writing case would be only too acceptable for travel or holidays. Before deciding on your Christmas gift list, see the items at Aiken's Leather Goods tV `,�Lyf L�L�fLy{Ly� y�1�� y1Ls1 1� y/Ly( y� y�ty� dg X; y� J(�� y( !`./cam O'.rlJfe.0 I �iJti7/��1f efAi c7l� . t.04i1 tl/tdA'i i i9ktit �i�ii7�t7si1fi7faIMI A' CO.i11 4kV A�91� CHIL I..ast{ing at IFT$ BALL and MUTC DOLL BUGGIES $4.50 and up BABY BUGGY, steel runners . pr. 5.50 8.25 and up 7.75 to 14.25 TRICYCLES WAGONS Men's "Sunshine" BICYCLES ... 64.50 Children's BICYCLES ......... 39.50 SKATING OUTFITS for boys, girls, men and ladies ROLLER SKATE'S CHILDREN'S SLEIGHS in three sizes Baby Sleighs 5.25 Hardware and Furniture PHQNE 195 CLINTON PROMPT Local and •. Long Distance• TAXI SERVICE PHONE 110 4ah%`a Taxi, F12:4 BILLFOLDS Priced From Exquisitely made From the finest leathers obtainable. Patented expansion feature, eye appeal and the name "Tilley" ewe. bine to giveyou the finest in English billfold,. Aiken's Luggage Fontwear and Work Clothing Phone 2 Clinton Hold Sectional Rally Of Presbyterial WIVIS Baptist Ladies' Aid, Hears of Christmas Clinton Baptist Lad'ies' Aid met at the Parsonage. on Tuesday af- ternoon, with the president, Mrs. 'A. Forsyth, in charge. The meet- ing opened with the singing of the hymn "Safe in the Arms of Jesus, followedby the Lord's Prayer repeated in unison, The Scripture lesson, taken from • A sectional rally of WMS workers of Huron Presbyterial was held in Wesley -Willis Unit- ed Church on Friday afternoon lent, with the president, Mrs. Kirkby, Walton, in the chair. The devotional period was taken by Mrs. B. C. Hearn and Mrs. James A, McGill. Miss Olive Sperling, London, addressed the meeting on the work among the Young People's organizations. Mrs. L. C. White Talbotville, president of the London 'Conference "Branch, gave an excellent message, as did also Mrs. Kirkby. 0 THE NEWS-RnCORD FOR FINE PRINTING PHONE. ' 4 Church Directory Ontario St. United Church REV., W. J. WOOLFREY, Minister Mrs. E. Wendorf, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, Deceniber 4 11.00 a.m.-Morning Service 12.15 -Sunday -School 7.00 p.m. -Union Evening Ser- vice in St. Paul's Anglican Church. Wesley -Willis United Church Rev. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister Mrs. Morgan J. Agnew, Organist A. R. Pusan, Choir Leader Sunday, December. 4 10.00 a.m.-Visiting Committee 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship "Can A Man's Nature Be Changed." 12.15 -Church School 7.00 p.m -Union Evening Ser- vice in St. Paul's Anglican A Welcome for Everyone. Pentecostal Church Matilda St., South of CNR CLAYTON WARRINER, Pastor Sunday, December 4 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Worship: 7.30 p.m. -Evening Service, Tuesday, 8 p.m. -Cottage Prayer Meeting. Thursday, 8.00 p.m -Bible Study Friday -Young People's Meeting; Films will be shown featur- ing the Bible stories of both the Old and New Testaments. You are invited. Baptist Church REV. A. FORSYTH, Minister J. R. Butler, Choir Leader Mrs. Ernest Adams, Organist Sunday, December 4 11.00 a.m.-Worship Service and Sunday School. A special Worship Service will be pre- sented by the Mission Band. Guest speaker, Miss Thursa Luitt, Missionary in Elgin County. EVERYONE WELCOME St. Paul's Anglican Church REV, R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Freinlin, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader Sunday, December 4 11.00 a.m.-Morning Service end Sunday School. 7.00 p.m. -Union • Evening Ser- vice in this Church. Tuesday, Dec. 6, 3 pen. -Ladies' Guild in Owen Memorial Hall. Presbyterian Church REV. D. J. LANE, Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, December 4 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School. 11.00 a.m.-Divine Worship "The Meaning of Self -Sur- render" Announcement will be made on the vote for the eldership. 2.30 p.m. -Service at Bayfield. All Welcome Citizens of Clinton and District! 4.OU'D LIKE TO SEE ALL YOUR FRIENDS NEXT SUMMER? So would eye! YOU KNOW WHO THEY ARE AND WHERE THEY GIVE? We don't! i Send us their names and addresses aim- mediately .sd we can invite them to Clinton Old Home Week These should be sent toil. C. Lawson, Secretary. Thank You,' E. J. JACOB, ' • Chairman,. Publlici'ty Conlmiftee St. Luke 2: 1 -ll; was read by Mrs. R. Clifford, The secretary's and treasurer's reports were read and adopted. Christmas readings were given by Mrs. Leppington, Mrs. Roberts, and • Mrs. Gemmell. • The. • topic for the meeting "Spirit of 'Christmas" was taken by Mrs. Forsyth. Christmas music was enjoyed by all. The meet- ing closed with the Mizpah.Bene- diction.. A ' dainty lunch was served by the hostess. Don't wait until the last minute! Don't wait until' the selection is all gone! Smart Shoppers are SHOPPING NOW! JOIN THEM! We are Loaded with Gills!' .• GIFTS for the Home • GIFTS for her • GIFTS for the children. Remember- ' A wise person gives ,a useful .giftl A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY ARTICLE III AIR FORCE PERSONNEL -- Your houses at - the Camp will soon be ready. We extend to you an invitation to visit our • CURTAIN .AND 'DRAPERY DEPARTMENT. Select your material and see it •tn your awn rooms with your awn furnishings before the bolt is cut. Don't buy at random! Be satis- fied from the start. Time payments can be arranged. III WEEKEND SPECIAL - With the purchase 'of enopgh Fuzzy-Wuzzy Yarn for any one article, we will supply a pattern leaflet Free. III IRWIN'S Pre -Holiday Special Friday and Saturday December 2 and 3 THREE-PIECE SUITS .80 OVERCOATS $1.00 BLUE UNIFORMS .75 GREATCOATS .80 LADIES' PLAIN DRESSES .75 LADIES' SUITS, 2 -piece ... .80 LADIES' COATS, plain ... .80 -- ALL SPECIALS CASH AND CARRY - Support your Clinton Colts by buying a ticket on the Turkey Gliddon Cleaners We Call For And Deliver PHONE 466W One -day Service if Requested FREE -12 Beautiful Portrait Greeting Car as shown above, by having your Portrait to at FOWLER BROS., Photographers. REMEMBER - ONLY YOU CAN GIVE TOUR PORTRA • Low Prices • You must be sat You can have a Portrait made Your Proofs must be and Prints delivered for you expect. or as low as THERE WILL BE NO 3 for $3, or 12 for $9 MADE: MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT TO This offer expires Saturday, Decemb PHONE EITHER STUDIO AND REVERSE THE C THIS IS THE VERY LAST W Fowler Bros.,' Photo Phone 228, MITCHELL; Phone 84, I ii �} ,+ii.H±i �«i:�+ie•.:�;�rA�*M �•+,e?+'.` .�+.HjH: A+✓. 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