HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-12-01, Page 3' THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1949 wLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE THREE "YOUTH FOR CHRIST" PRESENTS TWO BIG RALLIES DEC. I st in Wingham Town Hall, 8 p.m. REV. HARRY C. TROVER Station HCJB "The Voice of the Andes", Quito, Ecuador; and THE JERICHO JUBILEE SINGERS. DEC. 3rd in Clinton Collegiate, 8 p.m. REV. ALEX NIMMO, Wingham. JACK VANLIMIPE, outstanding accordion play- er from Detroit; LOCAL CHOIR from surrounding districts. COME EARLY AND ENJOY IT A single phone call places' the entire burden of unfamiliar detail in friendly capable hands, when you choose, in time 'of need. ., . ., At BEATTIE and McROBERTS Funeral Home Genre B. Beattie Hardld C. McRoberts 1 MRS. JABEZ RANDS, SR. Funeral services were held e the Ball and Mutch Funera Home, High St., Clinton, on Mon- day ' afternoon, November 28 1949, for the late Mrs. Jabez Rands. Rev, W. J. Woolfrey o Ontario St. United Church of- ficiated and was assisted by Mr R. W. Hart, Toronto. Interment followed in Clinton Cemetery. Pallbearers were E. A. Rum- ball, George Rumball, Roy Good- hue, Frank Mutch, and S. Mc- Donald, all of Clinton, and Wil- liam Routledge, Sault Ste. Maxie, Ont. Flower bearers were Wil- liam Bodily, Walkerton; Erwin Lemont, Paisley; . Walter Lemont, Paisley; and Clarence Routledge. Hamilton. 'Those from a distance who were present for the funeral -in- clude Mr. 'and Mrs. Frank Mallen, Toronto; George Routledge, List- owel; Mrs. Banwick, Listowel; Clarence Routledge, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. William Routledge. Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.; Ear, and Mrs. William Boddy, Walkerton; Mr, and Mrs. Erwin Lemont and Mr. end Mrs. Walter Lemont, all of Paisley. Mrs. Rands, the former Rosa M. Routledge, was born in Hul- lett Township on November 19, 1877, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Routledge, Following her marriage she came to Clinton and had resided here ever since. Mrs. Rands, was identified with Ontario St, Unit- ed Church. Although suffering from a heart ailment for some time, Mrs. Rands had been able to be up and around as usual and attend to her daily duties. Her death came very suddenly on Friday, November 25, following an illness of only four hours duration after suffering a very severe stroke, Mrs. Rands was married on October 9, 1897, to Jabez Rands who predeceased her in July 1941. Surviving are two sons Jabez E., Clinton, and Oliver Walkerton, and two grandchild- ren.- Also surviving are one sis- ter, Mrs, Frank Mallen, Toronto, end one brother, George Rout- ledge, Listowel. Little, who predeceasedhim 21 t 'ears ago,' He leaves to mourn 1 hisloss his only daughter, Estella, Mrs. John -L, Adams, Blyth, and four sisters, i ary, Mrs, Robert Brotherson, Clyde, N.D,; Dorothy, f M•rs. John, 'Hartle, Hensel, N.D.; Margaret, MTs. J. Leeson, Lyn- . ;Wood, Calif;; Agnes, Mrs, J. Bick- ford, Fontana, Calif, The funeral service was held front the family residence, Hul- 1 lett Township;- on Monday, No- vember 28, with Rev. S. H. Bren- ton, Londesboro, officiating, Pall- bearers were William 13e11, Rob- ert Watson, Peter MacDonald. Thomas Colson, Thomas Knox and John Caldwell. interment followed in Blyth Union Ceme- texy. The floral. Tributes were many and •beautiful • 'and gave mute testimony to the esteem in which Mr. Murphy was held. OBITUARY WILLIAM G. MURPHY William G. Murphy quietly passed away in Scott Memorlel Hospital, Seaforth, ' on Friday morning, November 25, 1949, in his 75th y'ear. Mr. Murphy was a life-Iong resident of Hullett Township. Mr. Murphy was the beloved busbend of the late Catharine PIACI OF MIND AND SECURITY The married woman wants peace of mind and security for herself and her family—money for food--shelter—clothes—education. The business woman wants pea<:e of mind and security a retirement. Ask for our pamphlet e5peolal;y written for women entitled "I Want Insurance", It will inte•esf you, ONsnru r Confederation Life HEAD OFFICE Association t 0 R 0 N r 0 J. R. BUTLER, Representative, Clinton Fire Sale, A complete $25,000 Hardware Stock at unbelievable Savings, including: Electrical Appliances Stoves — Power Toois Kitchen Ware — Cutlery Sporting Goods and Builders' Hardware LE STARTS SATURDAY, DEC.. 3, . at 9.00 a.m.. Hardware to be sold from two stores Baldwin Hardware and Cardno's Store E A F O i H • GODER1CH LOSES Listowel District High School captured the WOSSA six man rugby championship when , they. defeated Godelich Collegiate 24-5 on a snow covered field at List- owel Saturday.. PORTER'S .HILL Grace Church WA The December meeting of the W. A. of -Grace Church will be held on Thursday,. December 8, at the home of Mrs, J. A. Torr- ance.' This will be the annual. meeting' so a good attendance is requested. Community Club Meets The monthly meeting of Port- er's Hill Community Club was held on Wednesday last at the home of Mrs. Robert Nleliwein, The meeting was in eharge of the president Mrs. J. A. Torrance and opened with repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison, Secret- ary's and treasurer's reports were read. Several items of business were discussed and it was decided to purchase additional chairs and card tables. A card of thanks was read from Mrs. Frank Pleat. Two short readings were given by Mrs, P. Harrison. The remainder of the afternoon was spent quilting after Whish the hostess served a delicious lunch, The December meeting will be at the home of. Mrs. J. A. Torr- ance on Wednesday, December 14, Westinghouse . FEATNECTOUCN SAFETY RELEASE 'PURE WRITE PORCEI ENAMEL TUB • a Ci SNIONER NOTION• QTRATOR.. • ;EXCLUSIVE, • "SSENTINEL'OF SAFErr' ;•t.•r .. 'PRECISION -1111 MECHANISM • Canada's Newest Washcr? -.11rl4tG�tL'I�GCGiCG.ri HERD'S a great new washer, combining all the quality, dependability and solid value for which Westinghouse washers have always been famous ... with exclusive advantages that every woman wants. In safe, speedy washing action ... in longer life for your clothes ... in extra protection for you ...in extra convenience and economy ...you get MORE in this modern strearndined Westinghouse. WASHES CLEANER Gets out the most 550550rn dirt. LESS WEAR ON CLOTHES Proved in actual tests. LASTS LONGER Ruggedly engi- neered by West- inghouse for years of trouble-free service, Clinton Electric Shop D. W. CORNISH — WESTINGHOUSE DEALERS — PHONE 479 ' RESIDENCE 358 Ran fralede NOW WITHIN YOUR REACH ROES IAJESUUC adeb Rogers Majestic Model R-239 $249.5° Walnut Console Radio -Phono- graph Combination with three - speed Automatic Record Chang- er that plays all standard and microgroove recordings: —Plays 10" and 12" Records intermixed —Standard Broadcast Band --Record storage space —Bunt -in Aerial —5 Tubes SPECIAL! Reconditioned "Miss Simplicity" Washer $7950 Philco - Sparton Admiral RAn'OS SPACE HEATERS. $79 up GROVES ELECTRIC Huron St. — Phone 290-W Clinton DRUG STORES *arta a z : 1nukt •4- PAafki pRaci c. p-Q'+Lc . in a choice of her favorite Faberge perfume APHRODISIA .. WOODHUE . and now TIGRESS E2aaXix.LAi Fabergette .: , with exclusive Touch -Control applicator ... in purse -perfect leather pouch 3.00 Perfume Ensemble . , , Fobergette with matching cologne d. 50 the set I.D.A. Specials CAMPHORATED OIL 3 oz. . , 29c • _ Cocoanut Oil SHAMPOO 4 oz. .,. 19c 3 oz. ... 32c DEPENDABLE HOT WATER BOTTLES . 95c EPSOM SALTS, 1 lb. 11c HALIBUT LIVER OIL • CAPSULES, 100 93c 500 .. 3.89 IDAMALT, 1 lb. , . 44c 2 lb. . 79c 4 MINERAL" OIL 16 oz. , . 39c. 40 oz. .. 77c WAX PAPER 100 ft. roll . , 27c POWDER PUFFS 9c; 3 for 25c REVLON FASHION WRITE Lipstick in one end ' Pen in other $2.50 MIRROCLOTH roll 79c BRUSH, COMB and MIRROR SETS $3.95 - $6.70 - $9.70 - $10.00 . $11.00 $11.50 - $14.75 - $20.00 - $21.00 MEN'S FITTED LEATHER CASES $5.50-$6.15-$6.50-$7.65-$8.00-$10.00-$15.00 HUGHES - KEYSTONE - PRO-PHY-LAC-TIC BRUSHES $1.00 - $1.25 $1.50 -12.50 - $3.25 - $3.50 UNIQUE PHOTO SERVICE F. B. PENNEBAKER DRUGGIST i'BONE 14 II I,I1140 111111111 II 11 IIII 11111111 I III Ihilpolll!illll 1111 II M1II11111111111,1Qlllfil« II,IIilII III 111 Eurll1111lmim11llm The number for lumber Has changed, you know; • When you call us now Ask for one -two -oh! I J.W. COUNTER BUILDERS' SUPPLIES i!!''1111g11eg1 'o , . .411111111111111=E— 1 U4WWWUWBIUUYC 1 11I0111UOBIlIIUIIIWU1101W1 "YOUR PLYWOOD HEADQUARTERS" orner Albert and Princess Streets PHONE 120 II IIIIPBIIIIlDI111e t; ,,;;11! I •Ifieti 11 Illill111 4 1 • S. z "`n^,-`1 0=0-'f..CTlF,1 •! =40 0=t, COME ONE! COME ALL! To The MAMMOTH "FEATHER PARTY' Under The' Auspices Of The Seaforth and District MEMORIAL RECREATIONbed CENTRE Wednesday Night, Dec. 7 IN Seaforth Motors SPACIOUS HEATED GARAGE Hundreds. and Hundreds of Big Chickens, Geese, Ducks and Turkeys to be won on the Wheels or a "BINGO" DRAW FOR 50 PRIZES! Due to the difficult weather conditions, the district canvas for the Memorial Recreation Centre, will not be completed by December lth. The $500.00 in major gate prizes will not be drawn for at this party but will be held over until the official opening of the centre. Tickets of the consolation prize wieners drawn, will be put back in the drum for the major draw to be announced at a later date. No Admission Charge Come Out and Support The New Seaforth and District MEMORIAL RECREATION CENTRE