Clinton News-Record, 1949-11-17, Page 3it of gardens still have snap-
^agons and marigolds .. .
a C *
hurch WA and WMS chose an
scellent date—last Saturday—for
ieir bazaar and tea in the Coun-
Il Chamber, Clinton It was
Clinton Day", and with hundreds will be
Let's Chat
-1s Viewpoint int on
This and That
o V
IT . SEEMS to us that it is , CONGRATULATIONS `to Mr.
and Mrs. John H: McEwen,
Stanley Township, who celebarted
their 45th wedding anniversary
Sunday, with a dinner party held
at the home of their daughter
and son-in-law Mr and Mrs
ry late in the season for
ravers still to be blooming in
rdens . But that is true in
any Clinton end country gar -
.Ethel Thompson told
Mrs. Wilfred:: Shaw, Dresden,
and Mrs. Stan Glover and dau-
ghter, Wallaceburg, : spent the
jl weekend with Mr. and Mrs. A.
J. McMurray.,
Mr. and .Mrs. Gordon 'Caning -
Baptist Mission
Band Holds- Meeting
The Mission Band of Clinton
B Ch eh held
a . ist r
toric were in Owen Sound over
Baptist u
Mrs. L. W. Elliott has joined 1 the Remembrance Day weekend, monthly meeting in the Kind`er-
the staff of Ellwood Epps' Sport I garten room of the church, with
'the guests of their. son, John E. the president, Gordon Murray, in
Shop as stenographer. Cuninghame, of that city.
Mill Lily Kennedy has return -the chair. The call to worship
ed to her home after spending I J. c. cooper and daughter, Miss was given, the opening hymn
g Elizabeth, Freelton, and the for- "Brine them in" was sung, fel-
the past four weeks in Toronto. mer's brother, Donald Cooper, lowed by the Lord's Prayer re -
Miss Catherine Fingland, Alma Hamilton, were weekend guests !parted in unison and the singing
College, St. Thomas, spent the at the home of Mrs. J. W, Tre- Iof the. National Anthem,
weekend at her home in town. leaven. The Scripture Lesson from
Mrs. Blair Graham and Baugh C. M. Shearing, W. D. Wells - Mark 10: 13--16, was read by
she picked a bouquet o£ Large Stewart Middleton ter, Betty Ann, Bright, are visit- and W. E. Perdue attended the Donna Moore, The minutes of
cosies Saturday and she also a: a ing this week with Mr. and Mrs. Fall Reunion of Moore Consistory; the•last meeting were read by
Jack Leiper. 32nd degree Scottish Rite, in 'the secretary, Fay Aikenhead,
Id usshe had seen a flowering A' SONG that amused us Mrs. Charles Quennell, Toron-g r
aple (supposedly delicate) in greatly was one we heard when to, spent the weekend at the home Hamilton, on Thursday•and Fri'- land the roll call was answered
And -
of on London Reed ... A num- attending the Huron Holstein of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. day last, Iwith 20 present, Maureen And -
E. Johnston.
Miss B. Farquharson and Miss
F. McLaughlin, Toronto, spent
the weekend at the home of Mr.
banquet as a reporter (first
thing we know we'll be a full-
fledged newspaper woman) on
Thursday evening . . . That in-
imitable 'leader of sing -songs, and Mrs. Frank Fingland. the mhssionary topic ,on n ia,
Gordon Bennett, was in charge, Wesley Shobbrook`' and a missionary story "Peter's
and the song was "And the C, V. Cooke, I . C. Cooke and Eric Beveridge 'of the Depart- Thank You" was given by Mrs:
smoke goes up the chimney just Wilfred Denomme attended the ment of Agriculture, Regina, Sask.,•, Earl Robert.
the same" — with gestures for Al De Mero School of Designing while in charge' of 'the Saskat-' The' meeting closed with the
E extra people in town, it meant every phrase of the song , . As in London on Friday of last chewan exhibit at the "Reyna INIizpah Benediction. The next
ladies r " old out by the song is repeated the words week Winter Fair, Toronto, visited his
meeting Benediction,
held Wednes-
ame later for tea and the ex is on they gestures—all of which Meafor•d visited over the week- 5ut- ,Ontario 'St. WMS
day, November 23, at 4 p.m.
Mr. and'' Mrs. `J. W. Shobbirook erson took up the offering.
have returned from Toronto after I Eric Geimmo, l favoured with a
having been called there on ac- .cornet solo, I with of our Fath -
count of the sudden death of their err: Fay Alkenhead gave a short
little grandson,;the late John !reading. Rev. A. Forsyth gave
T d'
outstanding bills, was given by
Miss L. Walkinshaw.
Mrs. J. A. Sutter, for the Buy-
ing Committee, stated that three
chests and mirrors had been pur-
chased. Mrs. Alex Middy re-
ported for the Hospital Supply
Committee, and Mrs. B. B, Pock -
tie a es wee s
iur o'clock ..However, many gradually cease ...And emphasis Mr. and Mrs, Percy Douglas, aunt, Mrs. Harry. Bartliff.
tl k Elwin Merrill and Benson
ellent cold plate supper . . . is a grand way to get people end with Mr. and Mrs. Frank ter were among the party ofo--
IN CHARGE of the various
abler were Mrs. A. Bond and
Irs. W. Yeo, produce Mrs.
gaiter and Mrs. D. E. Glidden,
ancy work .. , Mrs:'. Cudmore,
Irs. C. Freeman, Touch -and -
'eke . . Mrs. E. Trewartha,
s. J. B. MoMatlr, Mrs. Ross,
s. Mulholland, Mrs. Huller,
stirred up after a heavy meal... Layton and Mr. and Mrs. Fred from London Conference who
And in a good mood to listen to Pepper. attended Algoma Presbytery YPU
a speaker .Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carter convention in Sault Ste. Marie, Hears Delegates
spent the past week with Mr. Ont., during the weekend.
WE WERE mighty pleased to and Mrs. Len Evans, St. Thomas, Visitor's at the home of Mr. and
hear that the Boy Scouts are and Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Hooper, Mrs. James A. McGill over the
having a paper collection this St. Marys. weekend included.'Mr. end Mrs. ing at the home of Mrs. W. M.
Saturday . Every week we Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Mor- C. A. Kelly and son, Paul, Lon- Aiken on Tuesday afternoon,
have scanned The NEWS -RE- row, Detroit, formerly of Winni- don, Miss Kathleen McGill, 'November 8, with 32 members
CORD to see if the Legion were peg, Man., visited their friends, I Wheatley, G. A. Nethery, Hamil present. Mrs. W. S .R. Holmes
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ball on ton,. C. W. Nethery; Belgrave, and was in the chair
Saturday, A. R. Harding, London, The meeting opened with the
The WMS of Ontario St. United
Church held its November meet -
said that the Cook Books had.'
been selling well and that Mns.
Epps and Mrs. Shearing Would'
be in charge of the dance. '
A striking committee, consist-
ing of Mrs. Henri, Miss W. O'Neil
ared 112rs, Cree Cook,: was ap-
lington for finance. The latter pointed.
planning but to no
k' . . . The Mission Band ala it . a And n ,
u� avail And every time we
ere responsible for the candy went down cellar and saw our
ble, with Mrs. Tevener, Ken- pile of papers and magazines
Patter and Jack Norman in getting larger and larger, we
arge , .. wondered if by spring we would
* '' °' be able to wade through them all
TEA ASSISTANTS were Mrs. to get to the furnace , . Thank
, Bond, Mrs. G. Copley, Mrs. J. you, Scouts, don't forget to call
eo, Mrs. B. Batkin, Miss Molly along Vinegar Hill . . .
inlay and Miss Reta Yeo . . . "` 4' °`
eking after the kitchen were OUR APOLOGIES to Eddie
s. E. Potter, Mrs. E. Grigg, Elliott . In our account of
s. N. Heard, Mrs. W. Norman, the talent Auction Sale last week
s. Harrison, Mrs. T. Elliott, there was a "grave" error
rs. Palmer and Mrs. Wilson... We --said Eddie bought a "bed"
rs. N. Trewartha was cashier . . It should have been a"bib"
Town Council Chamber, Clinton
Saturday, Nov. 26
Homemade Baking, Candy, Aprons,
Touch -and -Take Table
all & Mutch Funeral Home
The Fine Appointments of this Funeral Home
are Beautiful and Appropriate, Among Which the
Large, Pleasant Rooms and Electric Organ are Not
the Least. -
There is No Extra Charge for Services Held
Here Under Such Ideal Condition's.
We can't even claim it was
a typographical error ... It was
just our bad writing . . Laurie
does a wonderful job decipher-
ing our "copy," but he isn't a
mind reader , . The trouble is
we usually write "Let's Chat"
propped up on a stool at- the
kitchen table, with one eye on monthly meeting in Clinton Col -
what's cooking on the stove . . legiate Institute, . on Saturday
evening, November 5, with the
president, Rev. George Medley,
Goderich, in charge.
A song service was conducted
by Rev. H. G. Bodway, with Mrs.
Muriel Snyder at the piano. After
the opening prayer, Miss Joyce
Sanderson, Kitchener, favoured
with solos "He is not disappoint-
ment to me," "Oh, what a day,"
Phone 361-W
Funeral Directors
Phone 195
Phone 361-3
"Youth for • Christ"
Hears Radio Preacher
Clinton area "Youth for Christ"
International 'held' its regular
And always with a . very dull
pencil . . . However, we're still
wondering, Eddie it °
DEFINITION ... Simplicity is
the exact medium between too
little and too much . .
THE HURON Fish and Game
Club held quite a gala party
Monday evening for members,
their wives and friends Over and "I trust in God."
200 turned out ... It started with The Scripture lesson was read
a delicious turkey dinner in the from Luke 15: 17-19, by the visit -
Sunday School of the Presbyter- ling pastor, Rev. Quinten J. Ever-
ian Church, with several short est, South Bend, Indiana.
speeches following . Willia4ri Sgt. A. R. Person, 'Clinton, The November meeting of
Jervis, the president, had charge (favoured with violin solos, "Free- Clinton Hospital Aid was held
of proceedings. ious hiding place," "Alone," At in the Board Room of the Agri-
* * * the end of the road," and also culture Office, Clinton. The presi-
MOVING over to the Town I gave a vocal solo, `Victory in dent, Mrs. F. Fingland, was in
Hall, the guests had lots of fun 'Jesus."
Ithe chair. •
with square dances, schottische' The speaker, Rev. Q. J. Everest,- The minutes were read by the
Do You Need
RUBBER BOOTS (Regular or Short)
MACKINAW RUBBERS (Blucher or Plain Type)
OVER RUBBERS (Spat Clogs or Plain)
(also full lace type)
RUBBER OVERSHOES (Zipper or Buckle- type)
1, 2 or 4 Buckle
We Have
"▪ Miner"
"Gutta Percha"
,To Fill Your Requirements
Luggage and Leather
singing of the hymn, "Peace, t
Perfect Peace," followed by pray-
er by Mrs. Holmes. The devo-
tional period was conducted by
Mrs. McMurray, Mrs. R. G. Ben-
nett favoured with a solo which
was much appreciated. The hymn,
"Spirit of God" was used es a
Delegates to the sectional
meeting at Brucefield gave splen-
did reports. Mrs. H. C. Lawson
gave the chapter from the Study
Book, . `Growing with the years."
The tiymn "Work for the night
is coming', was sung and Mrs.
Woolfre,y closed the meeting with
prayer. The December meeting
will be held at the home of Mrs,
W. B. Olde.
Hospital Aid Hears
Favorable 'Reports
and round dancing to music of I is well-known by his extensive secretary, Mrs L, Brown, while
the club's own orchestra . . radio ministry every Sunday the treasurer's report, showing a
It consisted of Ruby Haddy, piano; morning as "Your Worship Hour balance of $956.81, less several
Mitcheal McAdam, hawaion grit -'Pastor," from South Bend, Ind -
an; Fred Miller and Jim Murray, Tana. The subject for the even -
violins; Bob Irwin, drums; Stan ing was "True Freedom,' and
Doucette, accordian; Gordon ,his text Luke 15:17.
Ontario St. United
Steep, spanish guitar; Jim Cruick- I The next meeting will be held
shank, tenor banjo . . . on December 3 in CDCI audit-
orium. The programme will be
of a Christmas nature., REV. W. J. WOOLFREY, Minister
Mrs. E. Wendorf, Organist
and Choir Leader
Church Directory
Beauty Salon
Wesley -Willis -,WA
Hears Good Reports
located on ground floor ; The Woman's Association of
in the Jervis Apartments Wesley-Wiis1is United! Church
:met in the church parlour on
Albert St., next Roxy Theatre Thursday afternoon, November 3, 1
with the president, Mrs. W. A.
PERMANENTS Oakes, in the chair, Mrs. H. Wesley -Willis United
FINGERWAVES Charlesworth was at the piano I Churg,
SHAMPOOS The opening hymn was "Break, i
FACIALS . Thou the Bread of Life," follow- tRev. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister
MANICURES ed by the Lord's Prayer. The Mrs. Morgan J. Agnew, Organist
subject of the devotional period, A. R. Person, Choir Leader
was "The Sacraments." The Scrip-
hire Lesson was read by Mrs.'Sunday, November 20
11.00 a.m,—Morning Worship
"Saving Face"
12.15—Church School
7.00 p.m.—Union Evening Ser-
vice in this church.
"Standing up to Life"
A Welcome for Everyone.
Sunday, November 20
11.00 a.m.—Morning Service
12.15—Sunday School
7.00 p.m.—Union Evening Ser-
vice in Wesley -Willis United
M from Matthew
Mrs.s. A.. T. T. Cooper gave Lesson
Thoughts and Mrs. Will Pickard
Phone 542J offered prayer.
The secretary, Mrs. Wilbur
Martin, -and the treasurer, Mrs.
George Beattie, gave their re-
;ports. The total receipts from
i the "Country Fair" amounted to
` I $295. The corresponding sec-
retary, Mrs. W. Munch, read sev-
eral letters of thanks from those
who lied received flowers and
cards during illness, Mrs. Will
Pinning reported for the prop-
erty committee, Mrs. Pickard for
the Manse, Mrs. A. T. Cooper for
the press and Mrs. -'John Nediger,
Jr., for the flowers.
A hymn and the Mizpah Bene-
diction brought the meett ri; to
a close, after wo.ich tea was serv-
ed by Mrs. Harold Adams and
her group.
A striking committee was ap-
pointed consisting of Mrs. Charles
Nelson, Mrs, W. Murch and Mrs.
N. W. Trewartha, .
A vote of appreciation was
tendered Mrs. B. B. Pocklington
for her work with the WA and
a wish for her success and happi-
ness in her new home in London,
Local and
Long Distance
4sIIe#t's Taxi
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"The Mark of Individuality!"
41) Select your own cards from the lovely samples
offered by the leading manufacturers.
l' Choose your own greeting or one selected by
you from our suggestions.
Prices Reasonable
Clinton News -Record
"Fine Commercial Printing" , •
Phone 4" - • -` Clinton
Pentecostal Church
Matilda St., South of CNR
Sunday, November 20
10,00 a.m.—Sunday School
11.00 a.m.—Worship:
7.30 p.m.—Evening Service,
Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer Meeting.
Thursday, 8.00 p.m.—Bible Study
Friday, Nov. 18, 7.30 p.m.—Fih-
will be shown featuring the
Bible stories of both the Old
and New Testaments.
Young People's Meeting
You are invited.
Baptist Church
REV A. FORSYTH, Minister
J. R. Butler, 'Choir Leader
Mrs. Ernest Adonis, Organist
Sunday, November. 20
11.00 'a.m.—Worship Service anc
Sunday School.
Shop Early while there is an abundance
of stock from which to choose
your gifts.
Under the devaluation of the dollar
cottons may become hard to obtain, and
prices will definitely go up. Buy your
Flannelette, Pyjamas, Gowns, Sleepers,
and Yard Goods NOW! '
We have a few 70x90 IBEX Blankets
in stock — Get yours soon as they will
not last long. '
"Weather Wilikey" Two -Pant Snow -
Suits are in stock. Have you seen them?
Corduroy and WoolJersey, by the
yard. A' new shipment has just arrived.
Municipality of the Township of Hulled, County
of Huron.
NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with
Section 8 of the,,Voters' Lists Act and that I have posted
up in my Office, in the Village of Londesboro on the 29th
day of October, 1949, the list of all persons entitled to
vote in the said Municipality at the Municipal Elections,
and that such list remains there for inspection.
AND I HEREBY call upon all Voters to take im-
mediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions cor-
rected according to law.
DATED at my Office this 29th day of October, 1949.
St. Paul's Anglican
REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector
Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist
Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon,
Choir Leader
Sunday, Novem- ber 20
8.30 a.m.—Holy Communion
11.00 a.m.—Morning Service and
Sunday School.
7.00 p.m Union Evening' Ser-
vice in Wesley Willis United
Thursday, Nov. 17, 8 p.m, -Con-
firmation by the Bishop of
Thursday, Nov. 24, 8 p.m.—Chan-
eel Guild at the home of'
Mrs. Caryl Draper. ,
Presbyterian Church
REV. D. J. LANE, Minister
Mrs, Bert Boyes, Organist
and Choir Leader
Sunday, November 20
10.00 a.m.—SundaySchool:
11.00 a.m.—DivinWorship
"An Old Testament Criticism
of Israel."
Congregational meeting after
service for nomination for.
2.30 p.m. --Service at Bayfield
All Welcome
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