HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-11-10, Page 11` 14URSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1949 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD t%AS)t RATE—(If paid by Wed- nesday following date of inser- f4 n) ---One cent a word first in- seation (minimum 35 cents); sub- sequent insertions one cent a word (minimum 25 cents); 15 cents ex - fire for box number or for direr. rtlon to NEWS -RECORD Office. ?Il CHARGED ---15 cents extra. DEADLINE -6 p.m. Wednesday. ,AIJTOIVIOBILES FOR SALE 1938 ERSKINE CAR; ice box; English, skin shoes, 81k, almost new; also good tweed coat. All 'cheap for 'quick sale. -Apply Box '"P", NEWS -RECORD. 45-p 1942 NASH SEDAN, in good condition, with air conditionings and radio. Best offer. Apply 'C. D. Simpson, Brucefield, phone .Clinton 632r23. 45-p 1935 MASTER DELUXE Chev- rolet Sedan, excellent condition both mechanical and body. Pric- ed right for quick sale. NI, F. Corrie, Bayfield. 43-4-5-b 3949 FORD COACH, good tires, ear looks and rune Iike new. This car is real bargain, as good as any new ear, •end if sold immediately will take $200 less than list price; good reason for selling. Evan 'Sparks, "Bayfield 4th Concession. BIRDS FOR SALE CANARIES, beautiful colors and songsters, guaranteed singers. $8 each. Nelson liloulden, Aub- urn. 45 -6 -7 -B -p BICYCLES FOR SALE LADY'S BALLOON -TIRED Bicy- 'rle in good condition, Phone '582. 45-b CLOTHING FOR SALE ONE HUDSON SEAL COAT, size 18, in excellent condition. Phone 16. 44-5-b I1WO BOYS' OVERCOATS, 16- 18; baby sitting. 'Mrs. Lon Matthews, phone 565.1. 44-5-6p TWO COATS, size 14 and 16, one brown and one blue, in real good condition, prices reasonable. Apply to Mrs, William Shaddock, phone Clinton 185.1. 45-p 'BLUE WOOL FITTED COAT, size 12, in perfect condition; also rose wool jumper, size 10. Phone 39$. 45-b BOY'S BROWN OVERCOAT, size 16; sweaters and brown tweed suit coat, size 14; rubbers, size • 33/2; two pair rubber boots, sizes 5 and 7; child's play pen, Phone "57. 45-b CUSTOM PLOWING. CUSTOM PLOWING end quan- tity of baled straw, Jack Tyndall, phone 907r3 45-b DEALERS WANTED 'DEALERS WANTED! Splendid opportunity to earn from $50 to '$60 a week. Sell direct from door to door 20 household neces- sities. Compleje assortment of 'Gift Boxes. Very little capital required, Thirty days' trial with- out risks, Write for full details: .PITO, 5130 St. Hubert, Montreal. EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 'COCKSHUTT TRACTOR -PLOW, "for sale or trade, Apply Guy Ives, R,R. 2, Clinton, phone Car- low 1612. 45-p FOWL FOR SALE 'YOUNG ROLAND DUCKS and 'Drakes for breeding purposes. Phone 804r2, 45-p FURNITURE FOR SALE CRIB WITH MATTRESS, 18"x36", 15. Phone 698M 45-b HELP WANTED—MALE WANTED Secretary -Treasurer for Huorn, County Federation of Agriculture. Duties to commence early in December. Apply by tender to W. V. Roy, secretary - treasurer, Box 310, Clinton, not Tater then November 29. 44-5-b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE EIGHT PIGS, seven weeks old. Keith Tyndall, phone 807r23, 45-b" TEN LITTLE PIGS, five weeks old. Apply FIoyd Stenbury, phone Blyth 33r14. 45-p HOLSTEIN COW, six years old, due November 15. William J. Dale, phone Seaforth 841e21, 45-p SIX PIGS, over six weeks old. Ed. Hayes, RIR. 1, Brucefield, phone Clinton 825r2. 45-b GOOD DURHAM CALF, one week old; also dressed turkeys and geese far Christmas' (milk - fed). George Colclough, phone Clinton 805x31. 45-b 30 PIGS, NINE WEEKS OLD; 25 pigs, seven weeks old. Stewart Schoenhals, R. Ft, 2, Bayfield, phone Clinton 903r12. 44-5-p THREE HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, to freshen, one in November, one in March, and one in April. D. L. Stephenson, phone Clinton 802r23. 45-p TEN LITTLE PIGS, eight weeks old.' Apply Frank Tyndall, phone Clinton 807r33. 45-b DURHAM AND HEREFORD, two steers and two heifers, weigh- ing around 650, make good cattle to feed; priced reasonable as must be sold immediately, Alex Sparks, Bayfield, 4th Concession. 45-p LOST AND FOUND LOST — SHEAFFER FOUNTAIN Pen, mottled blal^k and gray, with name "R S. Atkey" on barrel. Reward at NEWS - RECORD. 45-6-x LOST—WELDING HELMET and mask, Saturday evening, between Neon s Machine Shop and resi- dence, R.R. 5, Clinton. Finder contact John McFarlane, Jr., phone 620r11. 45-p MASSAGE IF YOU ARE DISABLED OR just run down, have remedial Swedish massage; also medical steam c^hinet baths, by L. Leeper, property -trained, experienced and licensed masseur, at Trick's Spring Creek Farms, Clinton, phone 907r5. 44-5-p MISCELLANEOUS SAWS, ALL KINDS FILED AT C. Hoare's orchard, mile north of town. Will work odd days, harvesting, etc. 38-46-p FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE there is a new Singer Sewing Centre located on the Square in Goderich. New cabinet and port- able machines, also treadles. Re- pairs to all makes. 30btfb WEEK END SPECIALS — See our windows for Christmas fruits, new low prices; 149 -piece dinner- ware, lovely `Peach Blossom." Save tokens received on cash purchases. Ask for circular, W. L. Johnson and Son. Free Delivery twice daily, phone 286. 45-p ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead phone at once. Phone collect. Gilbert Bros, Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Goder- ich. 2btfb SINGER TREADLE SEWING 'Machine, in good condition. Phone 782J. 45-b FIVE -PIECE BEDROOM SUITE, medium dark finish, practically 'brand new. Phone 544W. 45 p GARAGE WANTED 'GARAGE WANTED --near corner of Albert and Mill Sts., heated 'or unheated, for daily use, Ap- ply Box "C", NEWS -RECORD. 45-p HOUSES FOR SALE DESIRABLE SIX - ROOMED cottage in Egmondville, close to -school, church, store, good stone cellar, ,large garden, hydro. in- stalled, Township taxes, immed- iate possession. Apply David 'Elliott, Clinton. 44-5-b TOWN OF CLINTON, seven -room -dwelling, living room, dining room, modern kitchen, hardwood floors down, four bedrooms and bath up, insulated, air-condition- ed furnace with stoker, garage, ideal location. Possession -cember 1. Apply H. C. Lawson, Realtor, phone 251W, Clinton. 43btfb 'WORK WANTED—Male AIRMAN WOULD LIKE PART - time work on Saturdays, in 'Clinton, Willing 'to do any kind of work. Phone '782W. PERSONAL REFRESHING RELIEF for burn- ing feet, with Ice -Mint. Find out whet real foot comfort may be. 50 cents and $1 at Penn.ebaker's Drug Store, POULTRY FOR SALE DRESSED CHICKENS, 38 cents a pound; also Christmas turkeys. Charles Houghton, R.R. 2, Clin- ton, phone 902r11. 44-5-6-p SPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE SPY, KING, GREENING, BALD - win, etc.; also cider apples. Fred 1IVIcClymont, Va:•na, phone Clinton 613x24, 42-3-4-5-p SEWING MANY KIND OF REPAIR WORK or plain sewing done, Apply Box "L", NEWS -RECORD. 45-p 'WORK WANTED—Female POSITION AS COMPANION for room and board. Box "S", NEWS - RECORD. 45-p CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to my friends and neighbours for their kindness in sending cards and treats, end visiting me while e patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, and Scott Memorial Hos- pital, Seaforth. Special thanks to all those who prayed for my re - 45_p covers also doctors and nurses. —John Armstrong. 45-b Clerk's Notice Of First Posting of Voters' Lists for 1949 Municipality of Clinton, County of. Huron "NOTICE 'is hereby, given that I have complied with Seddon 8 of the VOTERS' LISTS ACT and I have posted up in ply office at Clinton on the 28th day of October, 1949, ' the list of all persons 'entitled to 'vote :In 'the said Municip- ality at Municipal' Elections and that such list remains there for inspection. 'And 'I herdby -cell upon all voters to take immediate 'proceedings to, have any, 'errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law, the last day for appeal being 'the :19th day of November, 1949. Dated at Minton 'this 28th gay of October, 1949. -4'4.45,.464b M. `T. CORLESS, `Clerk dF 'the Town of Clinton i BIRTHS AVERILL In Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, November 6, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. William Averill, R.R. 5, Clinton, a son (Donald Gary). EAST—At Myers Nursing Home, Brussels, on Monday, October 24, 1949, to Mr, and Mrs. Harold East, Brussels, a son, MILTON—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Sunday, November 6, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mil- ton, Brucefield, a daughter. PEARCE—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Monday, November 7, 1949, to Mr, end Mrs. William Pearce Clinton, n a daughter titer (Linda). RATHWELL—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, November '1, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Rathwell, R. R: 3, Clinton, a daughter. STEVENS — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, November 4, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Stevens, Goderich, a daughter (Cherilynn Rose, a sister for Carol Vianne). TREWARTHA—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, November 8, 1949, to Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Trewartha, R.R. 2, Clinton, a son (Ronald Kenneth). MARRIAGES PEEBLES-MOIR—In the Manse of the Presbyterian Church, Hensel', on Saturday, November 5, 1949, by Rev. P, A. Fergus- on, Lila Olive, daughter of Mr. and- Mrs. George Moir, Hen - sail, to John Charles Peebles, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Peebles, Atwood. DEATHS GEMEINHARDT—In London, on Monday, November 7, 1949, Charles John Gemeinhardt, be- loved son of Mrs. Mary Gemein- hardt, Bayfield, in his 47th year. Funeral from his late residence to Trinity Anglican Church, Bayfield, on Wednesday after- noon, November 9, to Bayfield Cemetery. Auspices of LOL No. 24, Bayfield. RATHWELL—At Grande Prairie, Alta., on Saturday, Nov. 5, 1949, Walter Edward Rathwell, son of the Iate Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rathwell, Clinton, and brother of Miss Mabel Rathwell, Clinton, Why not take advantage of our Special Rates for Morning Appointments? HENRI'S BEAUTY SHOPPE PHONE 223 - - CLINTON 43-4-p Ex -Minister's Wife Passes in Toronto. Carl East, Toronto, brother of Mrs, Gordon Cuninghame, paid her a visit of several days early last week. Later he • and Mr. Cuninghame motored to the hunt cabin at Bai-de-ore, where they were joined by Roy East, Toron- to. Unfortunately, Carl East was immediately called back to To- ronto owing to the sudden death of his mother-in-law, Mrs. Ada AtUin, whois well remembered end highly esteemed y by many Clinton friends. Mrs. Agin was the wife of the late Rev. S. J. Arlin, at one time pastor of On- tario St. Methodist Church. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all my friends and neighbours, also the WA of Brucefield United Church, for flowers and cards and treats while a patient in Scott Memorial Hog- Hog - [Pita, Seaforth, (Signed). --Mrs, 'Alice Rohner, Brucefield. 45-b IN MEMORIAM LEPPINGTON In loving memory of our dear son and brother, William Thomas Edger Lepping- ton, who passed away at Galt, on November 8, 1942. "To -day and every day, we are thinking of some one Who was always kind and true, Some one we loved with all our hearts, That some one, dear Tommy, • is you." —Ever remembered and sadly missed by his parents, sisters and brothers. 45-p IN MEMORIAM JOHNSTON—In loving memory of John Wellington Johnston who passed away, Nov. 9, 1948. "Nothing but memories as we journey on, Longing for a smile from a loved one gone None knows the depths of our deep regret, But we remember when others forget." —Always remembered by wife and family. 45-p • CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion K. C.Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 661 BEA-U.177x1 1fl0?P.E Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THO111PSON Princess Si. East Phone 585 Special Cash Draw for CLINTON DAY Each producer Who delivers eggs to our Egg Grading Station on Satturday, Nov. 12, will participate in a draw for cash prizes: 1st—$8 2nd—$5 3rd—$2 Draw at 9.30 p.m. C. J. Livermore Your Best Market for Poultry and Eggs A full line of Ch.oiceteria and Rose Brand Feeds Phone 214 Clinton Special Offer dor "Clinton Day" Only On all Ontario grains purchased by me on Saturday, November" 12, I will allow a premium of ONE CENT PER BUSHEL On all Western grains sold by me on Saturday, November '12, I will allow a discoult of ONE CENT PER BUSHEL Deliveries not necessary on that date. ' Fred 0. Ford. I GRAIN' DEALER Isaac St. --Clinton —= Phone I• IN MEMORIAM, POWELL—In loving memory of my dear sister, Susannah (Susie) E. Powell, who entered into rest one year ago, November 2, 1948. —Sadly missed by sister and friends. 45-b AUCTION SALE 45 COWS and YOUNG CATTLE at Lot 31, Concession 6, Goderich Township, one mile south of Porter's 1110 on Tuesday, November 15 at 2 p.ni. 30 cows consisting of: 10 Hol- steins; 6 Jerseys; balance Dar - hams and Ayrshires. These cows are recently freshened, early calvers and balance milking, due in the spring; 15 choice Holtsein heifers. This is another good lot of cattle and are all T.B. tested, some vaccinated end may enter any T.B. tested herd or area. TERMS—CASH A. E. TOWNSIfEND and SON, Pro EDWARD W, ELLIOTTprietors Auctioneer K. W. Coiquhoun, Clerk ance Sponsored by CLINTON JUNIOR FARMERS Town Hall, Clinton Friday, Nov. 11 Music supplied by MURDOCK'S ORCHESTRA 44-5-b "Clinton Day" SPECIAL! FREE MANICURE with every Finger Wave Beauty Salon located on ground floor in the Jervis Apartments Albert St., next Roxy Theatre PERMANENTSIS SHAMPOOS FACIALS MANICURES Thelma Currie Phone 542J NNW PAGE ELEVEN IF' A MAN DIE, SHALL HE LIVE AGAIN?—.Job 44:44 JESUS SAID: "—these (unsaved) shall go away into ever- • lasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal," HAVE YOU TAKEN TIMEMatt. 25;46 TO' CONSIDER ETERNITY? ARE YOU SAVED? WHERE WILL YOU SPEND LIFE AFTER DEATH? TRUST CHRIST TO SAVE YOU. (SAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles 53, Calif. ' .++.+v+ww. n. SEE and DRIVE The New Vanguard SALOON 4 -DOOR SEDAN! It's Beautiful I It's Economical, too I See Them To -day at New Low Prices Now on Display at Clinton Motors C. I,. Stanley, Proprietor Authorized Dealer PHONE 205W -- CLINTON Quality Feeds Clinton Day Specials NOVEMBER 12 6 o Discount on all feeds purchased on -Clinton Day MASTER and BLATCHFORD FEEDS and CONCENTRATES — NATIONAL CONCENTRATES — GRAIN --•whole or ground IS. RIDDICK and SONS Phone 114 Clinton Saturday at Beattie & McRoberts We are not overstocked --We did not make a special purchase— It is not our anniversary—We are not taking inventory— It is not a store wide clearance -- We Just Want to Have a Sale!! WE OFFER IO %OFF CHESTERFIELD SUITES DINETTE SUITES KITCHEN SUITES STUDIO COUCHES and DAVENPORT BEDS REGULAR PRICES ON: BEDROOM SUITES DINING ROOM SUITES These items mean REAL SAVINGS to you' for one day only, "Clinton Day", Saturday, November 12 POP 1,0 ,0.04 Specials for Clinton Day 1 CABINET SINK and TAPS, Reg. $12 5 .. , . Special $100 SPECIAL DISCOUNT on COAL and WOOD STOVES See our SPECIAL on WASHING MACHINES TWO BARGAIN TABLES Be Sure and See Them! FREE DRA on Pyrex Percolator with Every. Purchase HUGH R. HAWKINS Phone 244 HARDWARE and PLUMBING 0 , n •' Clinton