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Clinton News-Record, 1949-11-10, Page 7
1$FIRU!1SDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1949 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD CLINTON MONUMENT SHOP OPEN FRIDAYS At any other time, contact J. J. Zapfe Rattenbury St. E., Phone 103 Memorials and Cemetery Work of Every Description T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON -. EXETER — SEAFORTH Ws Made in Canada ...and Made Rightl 1 nom moninmc COAL HEATER , Amazing patented, interior construction results in remarkable heating efficiency at low cost. Butes any kind of coal, bituminous or anthracite, coke orbriqueu. Semi-automatic, magazine feed. Holds 100 pounds of coal. Has Built-in Automatic Heat Regulator. Requires less attention than most fur- naces. Your home is WARM every MORNING. More than a million now in use! Caere in ,stsd see the WARM MORNING. The Edward Coal Co. Clayton H. Edward, Proprietor BRITISH and AMERICAN ANTHRACITE CONE and BITUMINOUS COAL 'PHONE 98 GODERICH 1181111111111111111. Clinton Day Only 15% off WASHING MACHINES in stock 10/0 off PACKERS and DOUBLE DISCS in stock J. H. BRUNSDON Rattenbury St. E. PHONE 15 SPECIAL LOW RAIL FARES TO ROYAL AGRICULTURAL WINTER FAIR TORONTO .NOV. 15-23 FARE AND ONE-HALF FOR THE ROUND TRIP Good going—November 14th to November 16th inclusive. Return—Leave Toronto not later than midnight, November 24th. Fall information from any agent. 4/0(401°' YOU CAN GET $10,000 LOW RATE INSURANCE PROTECTION TOIA ;o!SABILITY" $10,000 for your family if you die from a natural cause or— "4N9, n S20,000 if you die by accident; or— $30,000 if you die byaccident while ridzn as a risen er in a AcFi6�Iyr public conveyance (aeroplane excepted), or due to a fire in a public building. Liberal cash payment for loss of parts of your body and total disability. Ask for printed card "$10,000 Low Rate Protection" which explains this policy. It will interest you. ye Bgree C Coria/t• on f e deration Life I C E ASSOCIC'11.1©Ii r O A ONTO N t A O OV 3. R. BUTLER, Representative, Clinton PAGE SEVPN CLERK'S NOTICE - Of First Posting of Voters' Lists for 1949 Municipality of the Township of Goderieh, County . of Huron NOTICE is hereby given that 1 have complied with Section 8 of the Voters' Lists Act and I have posted up in my office at R.R. 2, Clinton, on the 31st day of October, 1949, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the Municipal- ity at Municipal Elections and that such list remains there for inspection. And I -hereby nail upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected accord- ing to law, the last day for appeals being the 21st day of November, 1949. Dated at R.R. 2, Clinton, this 31st day of October, 1949. R. E. THQMPSON, Clerk oaf the Towndhip of Gofi•erich 44-5-b 1 Ma IIIMV r.= yertrioi The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the Council Cham- bers, Court House, Goderich, commencing TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, at 2.00 p.m. All accounts, notices of deputations and other business requiring the attention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1949. N. W. MILLER, CountyClerk, Goderich, Ontario 44-45-b Hospitality. at Home -- o . CIS 9' — Pr. li 4. ' ! av iM , r.�.�'i/�R p �i171r/ .."4.I: Xray Ask for it either way , . , both trade -markt mean Mt same thing. • Authorised bottler of Cooa.Cota under waked with Ceea.Cela Ltd. STRATFORD BOTTLING COMPANY STRATFORD PHONE 78 LIKE 4000 ACO p to you% RD l*.a .•.•.•.•••..... Many dairymen discover that a' McCormick•Deering Separator gives them: Inc , profit than aq additional cow.'' get mote and better cream withl .alaborand at low cost, These dairymen know that a McCormick- Deering Separator can atop butter- fat from slipping away. Find out about these advantages for your- selL Well be glad to show you this money -making machine. McAlpine and Daw International Harvester Sales and Selrwice Victoria St. — Isnperial Oil Products -- Phone 338-j .�f&v: Dominion Royal Nobby Traction oil, PUtt LIKE MULE 810 on the Roughest Roads! Deep, husky' nobs dig: --give extra pulling power. No need for chains when you get Dominion Nobby Traction Tires. MURPHY BR S. Stiles and Service Chrysler and Plymouth PHONE 465 CLINTON kx !tY nton F'max, corliall invites all A t,G ,3ri.: ed mill :..,:F'. visitors on Clinton Da -- — You will see an up-to-date and efficient Feed Plant in action Your 1..,yca! SHUR-.GAN .Feed Service Mill Is at Your Service No other organization can offer the feeder Ai.1, 't•e ,!;,stages of SHUR-GAIN Feed Service. Localmanufactu:e rnl.^.t:s better quality fresh feeds which cost you less because there are no middle- men handling charges. , To assure you of top quality, all feeds are sampled regularly by SHUR-GAIN inspectors and these samples after being scored for texture and quality are chemically analysed for protein, fat, fibre, and vitamin content. Further tests under farm conditions are made at SHUR-GAIN experimental farm. INSPECTION 'SHUR-GAIN inspectors sample all feeds .and after carefully checking texture and equality, send the samples to the laboratory Tor analysis, The feeder is assured of laboratory tested and farm tested feeds when he buys SHUR-GAIN. 51ela 11rnraO.e-.+,.n.. ,/--cy\\\ :1° -!++lar coo 'LABORATORY All SHUR-GAIN feeds are ,analysed for pro tem, fat, fibre and vitamin content. SHUR GIN feeds are ctualite•resr•P.+,and guaranteed EXPERIMENTAL FARM All feeds are tested under farm condi• +tions at SHUR-GAIN experimental (farm When you buy SHUR-GAIN, you know that you are buying r PROVEN :feed; on, which you can depend, r r r r r r. r ear....:=-••K-•�'.-ti .