HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-11-10, Page 3THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1949 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD LONDESBORO Mr.: and Mrs. John Armstrong are spending the week in Toron- to and Brampton, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Webb, Toron- to, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. end Mrs. John ShObbrook. Roy Green, Toronto, and Miss Doris McCool, Clinton, visited with Miss Doreen Armstrong on Sunday. Dr: and Mrs. L. Whitely, Cor- rie, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Youngbluth on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Durnin, J. D. Ross, Lucknow, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Durnin. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn. Eekmier and Mrs. Sampson, Pine River, visited with friends in the vil- lage on Sunday. Rev n • re Mr. Bre turned home on Satuday after having been called to British Columbia owing to the death of his brother. The sympathy of the community goes out to Mr. Brenton and fam- ily in their sad bereavement. WA to Meet The WA will hold their meet- Mrs. Joe Youngblutt, Mrs. Earl ing on Thursday, Nov. 17, at 2.30 Gaunt. All the ladies of the congregation are invited to attend Goderich Township S.S. 4 Farm Forum S. S. No: 4 Farm Foram met this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Merrill, with 12 present. The radio farm forum programme was entitled "Educa- tion—divided by ten," This was an interesting subject and very lively discussion followed. The recreation took the form of a "smelling"' contest with the lad- ies against the men, the latter winning by one point, Lunch was served by the ladies. For the next meeting Farm Forum is invited to meet at the home of Mr ,and Mrs. Gordon MacGregor, Hullett; Mrs. Mac- Gregor being a former member of the forum. Mrs. A. Hebden and Mrs. H. Howard are on the receration committee f o r that evening. p.m., in the basement of the church. The roll call to be an- swered by telling something about one of the disciples or prophets. The hostesses are Mrs. J. H. Shobbrook, Mrs. S. Lansing, When in Town Clinton Day, Saturday, November 12 Why not call at our NEW OFFICE to see a wide variety of "Flasher -and -bell" System at Southern Entrance BRUCEFIELD e spent th we kend with Misiss s Thelma Bai de Will McDowell, Westfield, is visiting Mr, and Mrs. W. Stack- house. Mr. and Mrs, B, Kaiser, De- troit, spent the weekend with Mrs. H. Zapfe, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Zapfe and Wayne, London, visited overthe weekend in the village, Mr. and Mrs. Don Herne, Lon- don, were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. W. Henry, Mrs. Ivan Whiteman, Belgrave, is spending a few days with her father, J. McCully, who has not been feeling well. Brueefield WA The monthly meeting of Bruce Verna PAGE THREE " field WA was held November 1, with 19 present. The president, Miss Bowey, was in charge of the meeting, which opened by re- peating the reed, followed by hymn 339. Mrs. R. Allan read the Scripture. The theme for November, "Sacraments," was read by Mrs. Henry. Hymn 187 was then sung. Mrs. Henry led in prayer. The minutes of pre- vious -meeting wore read by Mrs. Wilson, followed by roll call, a verse on "Peace." Treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Mc - Beath. The meeting closed with the theme song and prayer of the WA. Roll call for December is' "Christmas Thought." . Competitive Prices Plus Personal Service Building Materials many of which are Substantially Reduced on this day, for cash Plywoods Arborite Aluminum Trim Paints Doors Enamelled Tileboard 10 ()off , 24', 28' and 32' Extension Ladders 80c per foot 3 -in -1 ASPHALT SHINGLES $8.25 per sq. • DISCOUNT ALLOWED ON ACCOUNTS PAID ON THIS DAY J.W. COUNTER BUILDERS' SUPPLIES "YOUR PLYWOOD HEADQUARTERS" Corner Albert and Princess Streets Phone 290M — Delivery --- Clinton triaii(n•, itaig.diiiYl7 • " • '31\14(334 'OW. /A6`,lyi�1Y•'\7fYi`CilYAll7g4!\'FYo a_< t1' Men's Wool Sport WINDBREAKERS (10 only) Half Price Come In! See The CLEARING LINES MEN'S SWEATERS WORK SOCKS 'm After considerable effort has been expended by Clinton RCAF Station. Clinton and Dist- rict Chamner of Commerce, and Clinton Town Council, a new "flasher -end -bell" signal system has been installed at the Victoria St. CNR level crossing, King's Highway 4, near the southern limits of Clinton. Flashing lights in four directions provide adequate warning at .the crossing. ABOVE shows the crossing and Victoria St., faring north, with Canada Packers Poultry and Egg Plant on the right. —Photo by Fowler Bros. Studio J. H. CAMPBELL HEADS COUNTY TEMPERANCE Chairman, F. R. Howson, Wing - ham, alcoholic beverages. Eighth — That this convention urge the Ontario Government to increase the tax on a glass of Ladies' Club Meets The annual convention of Huron beer by 50 per cent—this revenue Tuck.essmith Ladies' Club held Temperance Federation was held to be used entirely for temper- its November meeting at the in the Presbyterian Church, Blyth, once education and the relief of home of Mrs. F. Falconer with on Tuesday,the families of alcoholics. an attendance of 14. The meet- president, eet- J. November 1. The Ninth — That this convention ing opened with the singing or was si chairman Howard Campbell, urge the Government to increase the Opening Ode and thee peat - The following resolutions were the income tax on all dividends ing of the Lord's Prayer in unis- adopted: received from shares in brewing on. The minutes were read and First—That this convention as- and distilling corporations, the roll called. Mrs. Les Lawson sure the Otathi Government of Tenth — That this convention and Mrs. B. O'Brien each conduct - register its appreciation of the ed a guessing contest. the confidence of the people of Huron County in the Canada - leadership provided by the On- It was decdied to hold an auc- Temperance Act as a temperance torio Temperance Federation. tion sale on November is. Each measure. Honorary presidents, Gordon member is asked to bring two Second—That this convention Lamb, Goderich; Miss Jean Mur- 50 cent gifts to the December petition the— OntarioGovernment ray Hensall; A. T. Cooper, meeting; one gift for the Sloman to reinstate the restrictive pro- Clinton; president, J. Howard box and one for a Sunshine visions of the Ontario Liquor Campbell, Belgrave; vice-presi- Sister. Control Act in CTA counties. dents, Roy B. Cousins, Brussels; Third — That this convention Rev, G. W. Medley, Goderich; The 1950 slate of officers was wage on the Provincial .Govern- Mrs, George Johnston, Godericli; read as follows: president, Mrs. ment the importance of law en- Mrs. R. A. Brook, Hensall; sec- IE. O'Brien; vice-president, Mrs. foreemhe the matter retary, W. C. Pearce, Exeter; W.Roberts; secretary, Mrs. L. including treasurer, Frank R. Howson, ,Lawson; treasurer, Mrs. E. Whit - of the importation of beverage Wingham; educational director, more; assistant secretary-treas- alcohol,, into CTA territory by I urer, Mrs. W. Pepper; press licensed public carriers. repotrers, Mrs. 3, Landsborough, Fourth—That this convention Mrs. G, McGregor; pianists, Mrs. petition the Ontario Government Hullett Township E. Crich, Mrs. W. Rogerson; to order that closing time for flower committee, Mrs. F. Fal - beverage rooms be 10 p.m., in- coner, Mrs. W. Whitmore; buying stead of 2 a.m.Fireside Forum committee, Mrs. William Pepper. Fifth — That this convention The regular meeting of the Mrs. E. Whitmore, Mrs. H. Johns; petition the Ontario Government Hullett Fireside Forum group met quilting committee, Mrs. W. Wal - to put a ban on liquor advert's- at the home of Robert Jamieson ters, Mrs. B. Garrett; sewing ing including So-called good -will on Tuesday night with 23 present. committee, Mrs. Sellery, Mrs. advertising. There was a lively discussion Rogerson, Mrs. A. Crich, Sixth — That because of the on the topic, `Wanted—a chance The meeting closed with the mounting tide of crime, accident for experience.' Young people Homemakers prayer. A dainty and disease this convention wage should be encouraged and given lunch was served by group 2. on the Government the acute every opportunity for training need for imposing restrictive for future leadership. measures on the liquor traffic. Games were enjoyed followed Seventh—That this Convention by euchre, Winners were: ladies' wage on the Government the most games, Betty Addison; low, justice of imposing heavier lic- Mrs. Harvey Taylor; lone hands, ense fees on restaurants serving Mrs. K. Hesselwood; men's high, Rev.' G. Hazlewood, Walton; Mrs. Donald Buchanan; low, Bill Youth secretary, Rev. A. G. Hew- IJewitt: lone hands, Mrs. Buch- tt, Auburn; law and legislation, anan. Lunch was served. Next A. T. Cooper, Clinton; finance !meeting will be held at Bill Jewitt's home. TUCKERSMITH SAVE at AIKEN'S `Clinton Day" Clearing 15 BOYS' PARKAS Reg. 9.45 - 11.50 $7.75 Don't Miss These Values! Men's Doeskin Work Shirts Reg. to $2.75 $1.69 PURE WOOL MOTOR RUGS _ Finest Quality, Colorful Genuine Tartans Special $5.25 Men's Wool Ski Caps Reg. 1.25 79c AIKEN'S LUGGAGE and LEATHER GOODS Phone 2 -- -- • Clinton .4!•0:1!3- ::\•l;.\!13,• /,N, .,?It:.,5 e,U/4,\' JUAN55) _• R! av_i„VFAU:0.W..it/ !"/d\!/j Men's and Boys' MITTS i GLOVES Off Twelve MEN'S PARKAS 25%off Men's and Boys' RUBBER FOOTWEAR by GOODRICH MINER GUTTA PERCHA Wide Selection! Eg ? • JLVb • , V r y U/..J thl13/4.Viaj j`•413,' o19• •iyNg0.9/:4,3 X Only those who obtain Life Insurance when they don't need it, will have it when they need it very badly, Let's talk this over. BASIL B. POCKLINGTON Rattenbury St., Clinton Phone 473 SPECIALS and REMINDERS for Thurs., Fri. and Sat. FACE -ELLE SPECIALS SAMPLER 39c Rubber SPECIAL 50c value .. Gloves (seconds) pr. 19c KLEENEX Chubby or Hanky Size 18c 2 for 35c Man's Size 29c I.D',A, Brand Specials BABY'S or CHILDREN'S COUGH SYRUP, reg. 35c 27c AROMATIC CASCARA 3 8r 6 oz. reg, 22c 39c i BLANDOIL I,D,A. Blend of Vegetable Oils 19e MILK OF MAGNESIA 100, 300 tabs. ..... 27c, 59e WILD STRAWBERRY COMPOUND, reg. 35c 23c Mead's PABLUM 25c, 50c JOHNSON'S Baby Powder 28c, 55c KKOVAH SALTS 29c, 49c, 79c Dr. CHASE'S Nerve Food 69c, 1.79 Fellow's Syrup 1.39 DeWitt's Pills 25c, 60c, 1.00 Absorbent Cotton 1 lb. .. 69c For Strength and Energy IDAFER Iron & Vit. B Compound 60 caps. 1.25 240 caps. 3.75 16 oz. 1.25 A.S.A. TABLETS 100's 19c 300's 49c CUTEX Handam Two 43cCrejars 69c NOXZEMA 03c Jar 79c TONI Spin Curler Special .. $2.79 PALMOLIVE Lux, Lifebuoy Soap , . 9c MODESS 12's , 35c 2 for 69c 48's . $1.29 KOTEX 12's , 33c 2 for 65c 48's . $1.23 For Many Years A Family Favorite BRONCHIDA I.D.A. Brand Cough Syrup Promptly relieves deep tight chesty coughs 8oz• .50c TAMPAX 25c, 39c $1.29 Specials f or 2 CASHMERE BOUQUET SOAP and 1 CASHMERE BOUQUET HAND LOTION All for 49c 5 CAKES La FLEUR CASTILE and 1 WASH CLOTH 49c Clinton Day COLOGNES Louis Phillipe, Angelus, Fleur de lis Reg. $4.25 for .79c SCHICK RAZOR with 12 Blades and Tube Shaving Cream 98c PIPES Reg. up to $2.00 69c UNIQUE F. B. PENNEBAKER PHOTO SEl'1VICE DRUGGIST PHONE 14 REG. BALI, Free Deliveries Proprietor PHONE 111 Food Market WELCOMES ALL TO CLINTON FOR "C L.11V 7 ON DAY " LIBBY'S 20 oz. tins AYLMER TOMATO JUICE . 2 for 21c TOMATO CATSUP 2 btls. 31c OUR RED-HOT SPECIAL MEDIUM CURE --BEST PRICE - CHEDDAR CHEESE IN YEARS 40c Ib.) CAMPBELL'S 10 oz. tin ROYAL YORK 34 lb. pkg. TOMATO SOUP . .... 10c ORANGE PEKOE TEA . 47c SELL FOR LESS"