HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-11-03, Page 4'THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1949 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE FIVE Let's Chat A Woman's Viewpoint on This and That By MBA THE IVIYSTI'O season of ghosts, , 'riding an aeroplane" . Pun - hobgoblins and witches, has i ishment still continues all this come and gone . . And we understand the Hallowe'en party in the Town Hall for the young fry, was a `howling success," to use the words of one fond par- ent, with lots of treats and fav- ors for everyone , R * @ HALLOWE'EN for us means a yearly "surprise" visit from a pretty young lady who lives close by . . Altho' she did tell us the W.A. and Girls two weeks ago she was coming, Wesley -Willis. Church Saturday it is always difficult to guess afternoon . who this masked "elderly" lady is . . with her long flowing THE SUNDAY School Room, skirts, fur nape and much jewelry decorated with baskets of flow - This year she was aceomp- era and pumpkins around the anied by a small clown, so it gallery and hand -made Iace was easier to guess their idem- table cloths and wool mats on ity . However, they did not the walls, made an attractive stay long because for the first setting . Mrs. W. A. Oakes, time, they were excited about Mrs. Hugh C. Wilson end Miss getting to the Town Party . , Winnie O'Neil received t h e guests , THE COLLEGIATE students V e * celebrated Halldwe'en Friday IN CHARGE of the Novelty evening last with a gay party at table were Mrs. Riddick, Mrs. the school . . . Maybe the word G. Grigg, Mrs. Wilfred Jervis and "gay" isn't accurate—es far as Mrs, Shipley; the candy table, the First Formers are concerned Viola Fraser; the Home Baking for they were on the receiving end of the initiation ceremonies.. 8 * * THE PARTY started with a 'short program — a dance by' Jeanne Gibbings and Joyce And- rews; a vocal solo by Les Hard- ing and a piano duet by Lorraine Hamilton and Marguerite Hall , .. A THRILL of a lifetime was Then the real business •ef the the reaction of Mrs. W. A. Oakes evening started-- a court trial, 'when she received a phone call where First Formers were the from a "ham" radio operator at defendants and the 'penalty was the Radio School, telling her a friend was calling her by ham radio from Val D'Or, Quebec .. The friend, visiting a ham oper- E ^ton at Val D'Or, contacted the �(,0'� Clinton Radio School . , and by PP means of telephone and radio, sae week with the lads' wearing make-up, pants rolled up, silk stockings and garters end carry- ing a doll . . , The gals with no make-up, six pigtails and wear- ing flour sacks . has been, the guest of his cousin,ion dental W -W Mothers'Club W:I. TO HOLDproblems were filled Miss Florence R. Cuninghame. II I Mr. Callander is a con of the late Plans to Pack Bale DISTRICT RALLY se by those present, these to be e'�'�%�a1 1 sent to the Department of Health IN BLYTH DEC and Child Welfare. n, The Mothers' flub of Wesley- a Miss Dorothy McGuire .,e the l Robert Callander. the first Mayor l of . Clinton, ' Miss' Effie Johnston, Detroit,: W. B, Olde and Miss Margaret Willis United Church held its is visiting her aunt, Mrs. F. W. monthly meeting at the home of Johnston. Miller of Clinton District Colleg- Mrs. Murch on Tttesdiay even - Mr. and ;Mrs. G .W ,Nott and fate Institute staff, attended the ing, October 25, with Mrs. Flar- Mr. and Mrs. Bert Boyes'spent 'annual meeting of District Four, ence Shipley in charge. The the weekend in Chicago.meeting 'opened with the singing Nlrs, M. D. .McTaggart left Federation, in Stratford on of e Lord's Ontario Secondary School Teach-- u.—_ 'opened , �L i Tuesday to spend the winter in her old home at Morrisburg. Mrs, Paul Stirler and daughter Betty, Detroit, were weekend visitors with Mrs. F. W. John - curacy. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Atkey; A. L. Colquhoun, Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Cooper and Mr. and' Mrs. H. star L. Cowles, represented- The HEIGH! HO! Come to the Ralph Bouskill, Winnipeg, Man., NEWS -RECORD at the semi - Fair was all the invitation need- was a weekend visitor at the annual meeting of Western Ont- ed for many Clintonians to at- home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer ario Weekly Newspapers Assoc - tend the Country Fair,given by Wallis. Assoc- iation in Harriston on Saturday.' Y ' Club of M. and Mrs. .Alfred Butler, Mrs Fred Livermore Mrs Toronto, visited on Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Mc- Cartney. Lloyd K. Butler has joined the Confederation Life Association, Clinton, es sub -agent with his father, J. R. Butler. ' Miss Morwennow Judd 'and niece, Gloria Rumball, spent the Weekend with Miss Florence McCallum, Kincardine. Mr. end Mrs. E. H. Epps visit- ed their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Epps, Lon- don. over the weekend. Elwin Merrill and Benson Sutter attended the Executive meeting of- London Conference TPU in Forest over the weekend. Mrs. Paisley, Miss Torrance and , Mr.and Mrs. A. E. Garrioch Mrs, W. Murch; the tea room, and Sandra, Windsor, are visitors Mrs, Innes, Miss. Ida Walkinshaw, this week. at the home of the Mrs. F. Fingland and Mrs. J. lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Neddger . Mrs, Cree Cook W Nott. was responsible for the decora- Mr. 'and Mrs. Gerald C. Elliott tions . . . and baby Candace, London, were * weekend visitors at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Elliott. James McGill, Windsor, and F. W. Brewer, Parkhill, were weekend guests at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James McGill. Miss Betty Potter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Potter, R.Et. 3, Clinton, and CDCI stud- ent joined the staff of The Royal Bank of Canada Tuesday. Mrs. D. J. Lane attended the Synodical executive meeting of IT IS GOOD news to hear that the WMS of the Presbyterian one of the little girls, who was a Church in Canada held in Lon - victim of the polio epidemic last don on Thursday and Friday last. summer, is now well enough to Thomas Callander, Rockwood, return home . She is Betty, thing of a record for such a Ann Gibbings, daughter of Mr. happy occasion We learned and Mrs. Warren Gibbings, R.R. about this, when talking to Mrs. 4, Clinton, who came home Cree Cook the other day , Wednesday last . . 9 * R PRIOR to leaving the Child- ren's Memorial Hospital in Lon - 01111, �r Mrs. Oakes had a pleasant con- versation with her friend , . n o Mrs. Cook and her four sisters, originally natives of Blyth, were all reunited at the home of one don, BettyAnn was chosen to of the sisters—Mrs. Charles Grant, of McClure, B C The lat- �� represent" the patients at the Tay- 'ter's home is on an island -27 ing of the cornerstone of the miles from Kamloops The new wing by Lieutenant-Gover- sisters, who travelled to B.C. for Why not take advantage nor Ray Lawson . . . The cere- the reunion ' were Mrs. Ida On', of our Special Rates for molly ended as two small patients Calgary; Mrs, J. Taylor, Sen Morning Appointments? HENRI'S BEAUTY SHOPPE PHONE 223 - - CLINTON 43-4-p were escorted to the platform by Nurse E. Gilbert . . One of them, Betty Ann..then presented flowers to Mrs. Ray Lawson .. , FIVE SISTERS, who for the first time in 46 years all got to- gether this past summer, is some - Everything in Rubber Footwear for MEN and BOYS AIKEN'S LUGGAGE and LEATHER GOODS Phone 2 -- -- Clinton Ball & Mutch Funeral Home HIGH STREET, CLINTON The Fine Appointments of this Funeral Home are Beautiful and Appropriate, Among Which the Large, Pleasant Rooms.and Electric Organ are Not the Least. There is No Extra Charge for Services Held Here Under Such Ideal Conditions. BALL AND MUTCH Funeral Directors W. J. 'HUTCH Phone 361-J D. G. BALL Phone 361-W Phone 195 Francisco; Mrs. William Bell, De- troit, and Mrs. Cook, 'Clinton ... All are planning to come to Clinton and Bayfield next sum- mer, to be here for the Clinton Old Home Week . :H r' THIS WEEK is annual Canad- ian Book Week . For many years now, the first 'week in November has been set aside to draw attention to the reading public, the remarkable work done by our"writers to develop a Canadian literature . . and to uoint out the significance of a literature to the life and progress of a country . Book Week does this by means of displays in libraries and hook stores, by broadcasts, and speeches to or- ganizations by outstanding Can- adian writers . 6 * OUR OWN PUBLIC Library has dere much to give Clinton - ions an opportunity to enjoy the works of Canadian authors . . All worthwhilenCanadians is Presbyterian Church found on its shelves—both fiction and non-fiction REV. D. J. LANE, Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist SEVERAL FAIRLY recent and Choir Leader Canadian books we would draw your attention to, if you have Sunday, November 6 not already read them, are "Un- 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School. der the Quiet Water" by Frances 11,00 a.m.—Divine Worship Shelley; "Wees" --'a fascinating The Sacrament of the Lord's suspense story; "Mary Wakefield" Supper will be administered. by Maze de la Roche; "The Rob- New members will be receiv- her" by Betram Brooker; "The ed. Sermon "The Necessity Serpent's Tooth" by Isabelle of Christ." Hughes; "High Towers" by Thom- 2,30 p.m.—Service at Bayfield. as Postale . , In non-fiction, Holy Communion. Members there are Hat -vest Triumphant" by Merrill Dennison; "On Being a Canadian" by Vincent Massey; "From Colony to Nation" by Prof. A. R. Lower , .. And many more which our capable librarian, Miss Evelyn Hall, could tell you about . , . • Junior Institute, gave a splendid The Women's Institutes of this demonstration of a bedroom en - area will hold a District Rally in semble, a project which had been Blyth on December 2, it was taken by the Juniors last year, announced at the monthly meet- end she displayed the finished ing of Clinton Women's Institute garments. She also told of at - in the Board Room, Agricultural tending the Junior Farmer's O££ Camp at Geneva Park, as one chosen on a team representing C. Sturdy, was in the Huron County. h Mrs. Norman ' Carter very Reports of standing committee sweetly sang "God give u conveners were presented. Several notes were received from the sick p thanking the ladies for flowers and cards sent to them. The sum of . 10 was voted to the Navy League of Canada. The secretary was instructed to send for some bulletins on nutrition. It was decided to invite the Prayer repeated in unison, and ice, Clinton, on Thursday af- the reading of the .Scripture 'terneon October 28. The presi- lesson. dent, It was decided to pack a bale, chair, articles are to be left at the home of ,Mrs. N. W. Trewarthe, before the, next meeting. This meeting will he held at Mrs. Tre- wartha's home with Mrs. Jervis and Mrs. Shipley as hostesses. Viola Lampman, and Mr. and Mrs. Murch and Mrs. Griffiths Mrs. Don Bissett and family,sang a very pleasing duett and Goderich, spent the weekenlater a discussion period was enjoyed. The meeting closed with the singing of ,a hymn and the repeating of the Mizpah Benedic- tion. Mrs. Moon and Mrs. Ad- dison served dainty refreshments and an enjoyable social hour was held. with the former's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Trouse, Woodstock. . Weekend guests at the home of Mrs. Lucy Bezzo 'were Mr. and Mrs. William Basso and daugh- ters, Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. Ro- bert Cook, St. Thomas; Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bezzo and daugh- Presbyterian Church ter, Dashwood; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bezzo, Centralia, and Pat Wheal, Sees 'Two Baptisms Stratford. Visitors at the home of Mrs. Rev. D. J. Lane officiated at Charles and Miss Viola Fraser the Sacrament of Baptism which over the weekend were Mrs. was administered in Clinton Pres - William Rutherford, Toronto; byterian Church on Sunday last. Mrs. Maggie Raymond, Mr. and Two children received this Mrs. Edwin Joyrt and Mr. and rite: Catherine Isabel, daughter Mrs. Frank Higgins, all of Mid- of Mr. and Mrs. Ed MacLeod, land, , Mich.; also Mrs. Charles and Donald Charles, son of Mr. Orchard of California, who has and Mrs. C. H. Edward (nee been visiting her sister Mrs. Madelon Lane), Goderich, and a Fraser, for the pest month. grandson of the minister. Church Directory Ontario St. United Church REV. W. J. WOOLFREY, Minister Mrs. E. Wendorf, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, November 6 11.00 a.m.—Morning Service 12.15—Sunday School 7,00 p.m.—Union Evening Ser- vice in Wesley -Willis United Church. Wesley -Willis United Church Rev. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister, Mrs. Morgan J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, November 6 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship Dr. E. C. Wilford. of China. 12.15—Church School 7.00 p.m.—Evening Praise. A Community Service. An op- portunity for all to see and hear Dr. Wilford, A Welcome for Everyone. St. Paul's Anglican Church REV. R. M. P, BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. 'Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader Sunday, November 6 11.00 a.m.—Morning Service and Sunday School. 7.00 p.m.—Union Evening Ser- vice in Wesley -Willis United Church, Wednesday, November 9--8 p.m.— Board of Management. Beauty Salon located on ground floor in the Jervis Apartments . Albert St., next Roxy Theatre PERMANENTS FINGERWAVES SHAMPOOS FACIALS MANICURES Thelma Currie Phone 542J ASHTON'S TAXI for fast service PHONE 110 Baptist Church REV. A. FORSYTH, Minister J. R. Butler, Choir Leader Mrs. Ernest Adams, Organist Sunday, November 6 Anniversary Services 11.15 a.m.—Sunday School 7.00 p.m.—Evening Worship Guest Preacher: Rev. A. E. Pinkerton, BA., London, for- mer Padre in RCAF, Spec- ial music. EVERYONE WELCOME Pentecostal Church Matilda St., South of CNR CLAYTON WARRINER, Pastor The Pentecostal Church in- vites you to cone to the special evening meetings, Thursday and Friday evenings of this week at 8 p.m. LOUISA WINN Salvation for the Soul Divine Healing for the Body — The — Baptism of the Holy Ghost and the Second Coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ HEAR MISS WINN SING THE OLD SONGS AND PREACH "THE OLD MESSAGE" Sunday, November 6 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School are urged to attend. 11.00 a.m.—Worship: All Welcome 7.30 p.m.—Evening Service, Miss Winn will preach at both services. Mr. and Mrs, Derwin Carter,' Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer Meeting. Londesboro, have moved to Cliti- ,Thursday, 8.00 p.m.—Bible Study ton to the residence of Charles Friday, 8 p.m, Young People. H. Elliott, Whitehead St. You are invited. YOUR CHANCE,TO HEAR IN PERSON QUINTON J. EVEREST "Your Worship Hour Pastor" (Heard over 122 Radio Stations) SOUTH BEND, INDIANA PRESENTED. BY Youth for Christ SOLOIST: Joyce Sanderson, Soprano, Kitchener VIOLINIST: Sergeant Robert Persan, RCAF Station, Clinton Saturday, Nov. 5 8.00 p.m. IN THE Clinton Collegiate Auditorium. homes," accompanied on the piano by Miss Elva Wlitse. The hostesses, Mrs. Fear and her corn- mittee, served dainty refresh- ments, a ONTARIO ST. WMS The MS ofmembers of the Goderich branch ed Church willOhnoldr riits regular to attend the November 25 meet- meeting on Tuesday afternoon, ing, and to hold this meeting in November 8, at three o'clock, at the evening. It was announced the home of Mrs. W. M. Aiken; that Mrs. George Ginn attended Rattenbury St. E. The Study the area convention held in Lon- Book "Growing with the Years,' don last week. will be taken by Mrs. H. C. Law - Mrs. A. Holmes read a Ietter son, Delegates to the Sections regarding Home Economics and meeting at Brucefield will give Health, and two questionnaires their reports. Opportunity ,Weekend Here is your chance to save dollars on your winter clothing IRWIN'S COATS 10% allowed on every coat sold this weekend $28.50 coats will sell at $25.65 '$42.50 coats will sell at $38.25 etc. IRWIN'S• WONDER BRAS. To introduce this line to the public we will allow 20SJ,., on all sold this weekend, including all cotton, satin and nylon. IR WIN'S BAZA COUNCIL CHAMBER, CLINTON Saturday, November 5 J--5 p.m. Sponsored by Girls' Club of Clinton Presbyterian Church — BOOTHS — Home -Made Baking Candy , Apron AFTERNOON TEA 25 cents 43-4-b Do You Ever Forget a Face? Most of us cannot clearly recall the features of even our best friends, though they have not been absent long. Only good portraits can replace that link in the chain of memory, Give a FOWLER BROS.' Portrait for Christmas, Your friends will appreci- ate it! Make your appointment NOW and receive your gift of Twelve Portrait Greet- ing Cards. Fowler Brothers PHOTOGRAPHERS Phone 84 McEwan's Clinton Also Studios in Mitchell and Stratford ��/MMM►✓.INNMMI�M.I.MO�M.� Weekend Special CHOCOLATE ANGEL CAKE We carry a full line of CHOCOLATES CANDIES Try Our. Steaming HOT CHOCOLATE for Pep, Punch and Energy! BARTLIFF BROS. Bakers and, Confectioners PHONE 1 CLINTON