HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-10-27, Page 6'AGE SIX CLINTON NEWS-IiEC'Ott1 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1949 Interesting It�r�s From News- NEWS OF BAYFIELD Representative: 87iss Lucy R Woods Phone Bayfield 45r3 D. L, Atkinson, Detroit, spent a few days recently at his home here. Miss 'Betty Lou Larson, Lon- don, spent the weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. Stothers and family, Elmira, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ted. Mack. Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Parker, London,were at their home in the village over the' weekend, Mr. and Mrs. S. Bryant, Lon- don, spent a few days last week at their cottage in the village. Mr. and Mrs. J. Atkinson and family, St. Clair Shores, Mich., spent the weekend at their home. Master Bobby Middleton, Hen- sall, spent the weekend with his grandmother, Mrs. N. W. Woods. Rev, and Mrs. F. H. Paull, List - at the home of H. Gilmour dur- ing the summer, left on Thurs- day last to spend the winter in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bisback spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Edward Sturgeon. Mrs. Will Menerey, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Chatterton and two daughters, Yale, Mich., were the guests of Mrs. Bruce Menerey over the weekend. Donald Cameron and daughter Miss Ethel Cameron, Northville, Mich. and William L, Cameron, Detroit, spent the weekend with their sisters, ,Misses E. and M. Cameron, Mrs. Delbert Haw and dauglvt- owel were the guests of Mrs. N. er Dawna returned to their home W. Woods on Tuesday and Wed- in Proton Station on Saturday nesday. after having spent some time with her brother, William Heard. He accompanied them to Proton Station, returning home on Mon- day. Spring Flowers Bloom! Once more we've heard about more spring flowers which are blooming again. While working in her garden on Friday last, Mrs. J. E. Howard reports finding a snowball end a forsythia bids- som. She has seen forsythia blooming in the autumn before, but never a snowball. 30 Years Married Mr. and Mrs. Walter Westlake were surprised on Saturday night when their daughter, Mrs. Mer- ton Merner, entertained immed- iate relatives in honour of their thirtieth wedding anniversary, The evening was spent in cards, and for lunch a special anniver- sary wedding cake graced the table. Mr. and Mrs. Westlake were the recipient of many beautiful gifts and on this their pearl wedding anniversary, Mr. Westlake gave his wife Pearl, a gold necklace, brooch and ear- rings set with pearls. We join their many friends in extending congratulations! Mrs. Bruce Menerey is having extensive alterations made to her home on Louisa Street and having it sided with dark red Maul brick. Mrs. P. V. Elliott who has been ANNUAL MEETING Hullett Branch Federation of Agriculture COMMUNITY HALL LONDESBORO Thur., November 3 8 p.m. Followed by Dancing to Wilbee's Orchestra Silver Collection at Dance Ladies Please Bring Lunch EVERYONE WELCOME William Jewett, President W. K. Govier, Secretary 43-b ALL DAY and NIGHT WITHOUT REFUELING! Ws Made in Canada ...and Made Rights MAIM moi nine COAL .HEATER Amazing patented, interior construction results in remarkable headngdillciencyat low cost. Burns any kind of coal, bituminous or anthracite, coke or briquets. Semi-automatic, magazine feed. Holds 100 pounds of coal. Has Built-in Automatic Heat Regulator. Requires less attention than most fur- naces. Your home is WARM every MORNING. More than a million now in use! Comte iet and see the WARM MORNING. The Edward Coal Co. Clayton H, Edward, Proprietor BRITISH and AMERICAN ANTHRACITE • COKE and BITUll9INOUS COAL PHONE 98 GODERICH Used Car Bargains 1949—Chevrolet deluxe Sedan radio, undersea1: heater, whitewall tires and many extras 1948—Chevrolet Sedan 2=1948—Chevrolet Fleetline Coaches one equipped with radio 1948—Chevrolet Coach 2-1947—Chevrolet Coaches, in A-'1 condition 1947 --Chevrolet Coach priced to sell at %.1,475 1940 ---Chevrolet Special deluxe Coach 1935—Hudson Sedan 1935—Ford Sedan with new motor ' 1935—Terrapiane Sedan 1934—Chevrolet Coach 2-1934—Chevrolet Sedans 1933—Ford Model t`B" Coach 1932—Ford. Coach and many others Brussels Motors "THE HOME OF BETTER USED CARS" Convenient Terms Open Every Evening PHONE 73-X BRUSSELS PORTER'S HILL Will Mair, Koinolca, spent the weei+end with his brother-in-law, Milton Woods, Mr, and Mrs. Sia* Fisher and children, London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Harris. Congratulations! Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Grant Stirling, who were' married on Saturday Iann, The bride was the former Anne Cole, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Ca:a. • Many Attend Play A large crowd attended t he play, "He's My Pal," which was presented in Grace Church on Friday evening. Much credit is due both directors and the cast for their fine performance Be- tween acts, solos by Mrs. Bergie and Iittle Ralph Harrison, were very much enjoyed, Church Anniversary Anniversary services of Grace United Church will be observed on Sunday, October 30, In the morning at 11 o'clock the speaker will be Rev, P. C. Renner with special music being provided by a male quertette from Clinton. The speaker for the evening ser- vice at '7.30 will be Rev. L. H. Turner, Godericls, The soloist will be James Cornan, Holmes- ville, and the regular choir are preparing special music. Community Club Meets Mrs, Gordon Liscombe was hostess for the meeting ci •the Community Club at her home on Wednesday of last week. Mrs. J. A. Torrance, ,resident, was in the chair The roll call was answered by what trip you would like to take. The secretar,' and treasurer's reports were rend and adopted, A leading war giv- en by Mrs. Donald Harris. The remainder of the afternoon was spent quilting, after which the hostess served dainty refresh- ments. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Robert 119 cilwain, HENSALL Confined to Hospital Miss Clarissa Mitchell, who is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, the result of a fall she suffered in her home recently, has had her knee cap removed and her leg is now in a cast. She will be confined to the hospital for some time. Evening Auxiliary The annual Thankoffering meet- ing of Arnold Circle Evening Auxiliary was held in the school room of Carmel Presbyterian Church, when members and their husbands enjoyed a delicious banquet. President Mrs. Glenn Bell presided for the programme which included solos by Miss Jean McDonald, and Grant Mc- Donald of Exeter, who also rend- ered vocal duetts. John L, Nicol acompanist. Rev. A. P. Ferguson introduced the guest speaker, Rev. Douglas Stewart of Kincar- dine, who presented a very in- spiring message expressing the vital need of a Christian awaken- ing within ourselves, or else Mis- sions will become extinct. !ecord's, Corr° p ncl . New Device on ` CPA Planes Canadian Pacific pilots flying out of Montreal are now being trained in the use of a cross -wind landing gear which 'has been instaljed on one of the company's DC -3 passenger plants. With the device, the wheels swivel automatically, like the casters on en office chair, to enable the planes to land or take off without regard to wind. direction. This will enable • the plane to maintain scheduled operations using one -strip landing fields new being completed at Val d'Or and Rouyn -- Noranda in a service connecting Montreal and Northwestern Quebec in which Canso amphibian planes are now being used. The photo above, which illustrates the device, shows the port wheel castored at a 15 -degree angle with the starboard wheel in conventional fixed position, This is the first commercial plane in the world on which the device has been installed. —Canadian Pacific Railway Photo LONDESBORO Mr. Walker Kerslake spent Mrs. Mary Brunsdon and Mr. Sunday with his brother, W. L. Howard Brunsdon visited with Mr. Terslake, Hensall. and Mrs. Jack Bloor, Mount For - Mrs. Millie Partlow and Mrs. est on Sunday. Mr. Bloor is in Walter Townsend, Toronto, spent very poor health and confined to the weekend at the home of Mrs. his home most of the time. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Allen and The regular monthly meeting of e WMS was held in the S.S. family attended the Thames Road room on Octoberrg13, with group United Church anniversary ser- No. 2 in charge. The program n the Missionary Monthly was followed. An invitation from the Eire Protection Constance WMS to meet with them on Wednesday, October 26 A meeting was celled on Fri- was accepted. day night of the villagers, to discuss the matter of fire pro- tection for the village. As there has never been anything in the way of equipment to fight a fire sod the scarcity of water, there has been a long -felt want for F. Woods. vices and spent the day with Mr and Mrs. James Simpson, of Far- quhar. MMMWAMOMW STANLEY Melvin Graham visited his sis- ter, Mrs. Fred Robinson, Toronto, last week. HHughamilton MclastKenzie and Arthur Chapman attended a wedding in Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Baird end Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Baird, Orrin and Gerald, visited in De- troit over the weekend. Misson Band Meets The Mary Grierson 'Mission Band held their meeting in the basement of the church on Sun- day morning at ten o'clock, with the president, June Manning, in some sort of fire protection. It the chair and Marguerite Lyon at the piano. The meeting open - have was decided at this meeting to four water tanks built in led with Call' to Worship ,and hymn different places throughout the 256 and God Save the King, fol - village. Committees were ala- different cowed by Lord's Prayer in unison. pointed to look after same. The • The Scripture lesson was read by tanks to be built this fall, This I Marjorie 'Young; minutes of the last meeting were read. Trees - is a good start and as time goes on other equipment will no doubt be added. Wi4IS Tli'ankoffering On Sunday morning, October 'at November meeting, Birthday pennies were given by Mrs. Bert Shobbrook, Marguerite Lyon, Gordon Sohbbrook, John Shad - dick and Kenneth Gaunt, The collection was taken by Bob Saundercock, The temperance story was given by Kenneth Gaunt; the World Peace by Mrs. Bert Shobbrook. The Study Book was given by Mrs. Ivan Carter. Goderich Township Don Smith visited ' with his father, D. A. Smith, over Sunday, Bill McGuire has sold the Gal - pin farm to Mr. Mote of the Bay- field Road. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Harrison and Mary, Weston; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bailey, Jean and Bob, Amherstburg; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stirling, Mimico, spent the week- end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. James R Stirling. urer's report was given by Muriel Shobbroole The roll call was answered by 26 present. It was decided to hold Thankoffering 30, the WMS will hold their autumn Thankoffering meeting. Dr. Grierson, a returned mission- ary, will deliver the message, Dr. Grierson and his wife, the former Mary Fingland, have spent many years in Korea and other parts. His address will no doubt be most interesting and well worth hearing. Will the mem- bers please meet in the basement The meeting closed with benedic- a few minutes before the service, tion. Can You Name Her? Women's Editor . Fashion Expert . , World Traveller Cooking Expert , . . Grand- mother Authority on Family Relations. Who else but KATE AITKEN? Join her each Tuesday and Thursday morning at 10 o'clock on CRNX, Wingham• And tune 920 every day all day for top radio enter- tainment. pee SAYS: When a man dies own_ ing Life Insurance, his small deposits are mirac- ulously increased to the amount that he INTEND- ED to save. Let's talk this over, BASIL B. POCKLINGTON Rattenbury St., Clinton Phone 473 yed cella OE vITIMrit, REM PROMOTE GLOWING to 'ALThIar FATTER PROFITS, DILE TO SCIENTIFIC BALANCE OF FINEST INGREDIENTS Rosi;FARMS 'MILLING CO., AIWOOD,' You Can Get ROE Feeds From: H,,CI[ARLESWORTH, Clinton A. J. MUSTARD, Brueefield NOW IS THE TIME . . . to order your GEORGE WHITE THRESHING MACHINE for early delivery next year! W. G. SIMMONS & SONS LTD. Main Street -- PHONE 115 — Exeter Huron Road — PHONE 1132 — Goderich 43-4-5-6-b Special Hunting Licenses for Stanley Township can be secured from BAYFIELD HARDWARE and BRUCE MCCLINCHEY, VARNA OPEN SEASON FOR PHEASANTS, NOVEMBER 4 & 5 43-b GOVERNMENT OF CANADA BONDS 41/2% due November 1, 1959 have been called for payment November 1, 1949 These bonds should be presented for redemp- tion with all coupons of later date attached. No further interest will be paid an these bonds after this date. RB1W !!IIIIHIIII1111IIHIIIHIflhIH111111IIIII!1 !IHIIII IHII2111111 H! 1111111 HIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!111!IIIHn' i111W11 Stratlord and District Hardware Association Oct(' er Special Three Days Only Thur.FrLSat., October 21,28,29 BROOMS .83 Regular $1.39 • WO • Now LOCAL MEMBERS : Sutter --Perdue Ball and Mut& PHONE 147 • Phone 195 Hugh R. Hawkins 1_gII�IIIU l II 111111111111I�11H11, 11211111 iii 11111112110112 • PHONE 244 m'IIIDaii1Hlili;rN*7210!ilUlC11112ll.>n!n111110111 !pp[lRIilimfiINEEi P111.2 1111.lIDP"111!01,41111111119.1!1�IlP,1IL I' ! I !II!II I IV112