HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-10-27, Page 5,w1 �J!IiURSTjtLY, OC 0HER We'1949 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD: PAGE FIV News -Record Classified Adlets Bring Quick Results CASH RATE --(If paid by Wed- nesday following date of inser tion)—One cent a word first in- sertion (minimum 35 cents); sub- sequent insertions one cent a Word (minimum 25 cents); 15 cents ex- tre for box number or for direc- tion to NEWS -RECORD Office. IF CHARGED --15 cents extra. DEADLINE -6 p.m. Wednesday. ARTICLES FOR SALE ELECTRIC WASHING Machine, just three years old, has Lovell wringer, porcelain tub, very sturdy construction; also 10" •electric fan. Reason for sale, .owner moving to 60 cycle area. :Phone Clinton 2iJ, 43-b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1949 VANGUARD SEDAN, in -very best condition; just broken. Apply Donald Cooper, R. R. 5, Clinton. 43-4-p 1936 PLYMOUTH COACH in fain condition. Best cash offer, Ap- ply Box '"M", NEWS -RECORD. 43-p 1935 MASTER DELUXE Chev- rolet Sedan, excellent condition both mechanical and body. Pric- ed right for quick sale. M. F. Corrie, Bayfield. 43-b 1941 HUDSON COACH, new tires, new slip covers, air-con- ditioning heater; in first jdia)es 'condition. Apply James White, Huron Road, phone Goderich '721R. 43-4-p 1947 PONTIAC COACH in ex celleht mechanical condition and. goodappearance. Priced reason- ble. Phone Clinton 191W, 43-p BARN FOR SALE GRAIN BARN, approximately '36x54, square timbers, located on highway not far from Clinton. Highest offer before November 15, Write 198 Victoria St., Lon- don, or phone Met. 4032M, 42-3-4-p CUSTOM PLOWING -PLOWING GARDENS and bull- dozing. Call either Frank Ben - 619r14, or Bill Steep, 554J. 43-4-p CLOTHING FOR SALE BROWN BOX COAT, size 38, in real good condition, chamois - lined to waist, Just worn one year. Phone 804r24 48-p 'GIRL'S BROWN WINTER Cost, size 12. Phone 3727. 42-b BOY'S BROWN THREE-PIECE Winter Suit, size 4; also boy's blue snow suit, size 2. Phone 355W. 43-p 'MAN'S OVERCOATS, 'SIZE 40; woman's tweed winter coat, size 42; girl's green ski jacket, blue wool jacket, navy winter coat, all size 10; new pair fur galoshes, size 41/2. Apply Box ".R", NEWS - 'RECORD. 43-b WHITE VELOUR BABY'S Out- fit; also five -piece child's coat set, navy (size 5), with leopard trim, Will sell reasonable. Phone 359X. .48-p EQUIPMENT FOR SALE ALLIS CHALMERS TRACTOR, "C" Model; also 'quantity 8 -inch `tile. A Petrie, Brucefield, 43-b FARMS FOR SALE 50 -ACRE FARM with comfortable house end bank barn, good wood - lot, well watered, well suited for small farming and grassland: also a number of weaned pigs and chunks for sale. Apply Box "H", NEWS -RECORD. 42-b FURNITURE FOR SALE DINING ROOM SUITE, six chairs, 'table and side board. Apply Robert Freeman, Victoria Si,., Clinton. 43-p GARAGE "WANTED GARAGE WANTED—Near cor- ner of Albert and Mill Sts., heat- ed or unheated, for daily use. Apply Box "C", NEWS -RECORD. 43-p HELP WANTED, FEMALE 'TWO WAITRESSES. Good wages, meals provided. Hotel. Clinton, phone Clinton 793. 43-b HOUSES FOR SALE "TOWN OF CLINTON, seven -room dwelling, living room, dining room, modern kitchen, 'hardwood floors down, four bedrooms and bath up, insulated, air -condition -1 ed furnace with stoker, garage, ideal Iocation. Possession Dg- -comber 1, Apply H. C. Lawson, Realtor, phone 251W, Clinton. 43btIb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE - S5 LITTLE PIGS, SIX WEEDS old. Stewart Schoenhals, phone "Clinton 903r12. 43-p 1.1 LITTLE PIGS, SIX WEEKS •old. George I. Colclough, phone 'Clinton 908r23. 43-b BREFORD Bulll REGISTEREDO 11moths�old. Sired by Pine Echo local e Stanway 5th: Herd under eccreditation, passed first test with no reactors. Fully guaranteed if kept in condition. Apply Bert Beacom, R, R. i Blyth, phone 22r4,' 43-4-p REGISTERED TB. TESTED'Dur- ham Bull, 15 months old, Stan- ley Jackson, Kippers, phone Sea - forth 653r5, 42-3-p .0.0.0'°MO'I'WKIN,....."ININT0,0.0,1,NWSI,NOWNIN..041,041,M0,04.1..../Ws•Mv+.+vs FEMALE HELP WANTED Maids for kitchen and general duty at CLINTON PUBLIC HOSPITAL Onod Wages and Full Maintenance . APPLY Miss A. B. Sinclair, Superintendent LOST AND FOUND LOST --THREE CALVES strayed from premises, one white, one roan, one black. Douglas Robin- son, phone Hensel]. 97r2, collect. 43-p MISCELLANEOUS SAWS, ALL KINDS FILED AT C Hoare's orchard, mile north of town. Will work odd days, harvesting, etc. 38-46-p FOR f YOUR CONVENIENCE there is a new Singer Sewing Centre located on the Square in Goderich. New cabinet and port- able machines, also treadles. Re- pairs to all makes. 301atfb ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD1 animals. If suitable for rank feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer. prices. If dead phone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros, Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Goder- ich. 2btfb NOTICE ANYONE WANTING GARDEN plowed by garden tractor, at reasonable price, please phone Clinton 6162.42. 42-3-4-p MRS. ROY MANN wishes to an- nounce that she has the agency for Du Jour Lingerie for ladies, children, bebies and men, Also can supply with a nice line of Christmas cards. For information contaet Mrs. Roy Mann, phone 689X. 42-3-b PERSONAL KEEP FOOT -HAPPY with ICE MINT. Relieve aching, burning feet. 50 cents and $1 at Penne- baker's Drug Store. SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! Gain 5 to 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new healthy flesh; new vigor. New "get acquainted" size only 60 cents. All druggists. STOVES FOR SALE KITCHEN RANGE, burns either wood or coal, good condition. Mrs. Ed. Farquhar, phone Clin- ton 805r5. 43-b RENFREW COOK STOVE, reser- voir, shelf, good condition, used two ye -es, George Cantelon, phone Clinton 620r14. 43-p SPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE WOLF RIVER, best for apple butter, 50 cents per bushel, at orchard in own containers; also Talman Sweets and Wealthys at popular prices. Ken Stewart, phone Clinton 620r12. 43-p HAND-PICKED SPIES, SNOW Apples, Tallman Sweets and oth- er good cooking apples. Bring your own containers. $1 per bushel, T. R. Jenkins, phone 910r23. 42-3-4-p SPY, KING, GREENING, BALD - win, etc.; also cider apples. Fred 1VIcClymont, Varna, phone Clinton 613r24. 42-3-4-5-p TRAPPERS' SUPPLIES GUN LICENSES, TRAPPERS' licenses, Deer licenses; Buck Lure fbr the doer hunter; Dailey's Animal Gland Lure for the trap- pers. Everything the trapper needs. I am buying fur again this year. Mervyn Batkin. 43-4-p WANTED TO BUY 200 PULLETS, HEAVY BREEDS. Phone Blyth 20r16. 43-b WOOD CUTTING CUSTOM WOOD CUTTING, chain saw or circular; also wood for sale. Apply Glenn E. Price, phone Clinton 6212.31. 42-3-4-p NO. 5 RCAF REUNION The first postwar reunion of No. 5 RCAF (male) will be held in the old Airmen's Mess, Brant- ford, on Friday, November 4, at 8 p.m. It promises to he a real get-together. Any interested are asked to write No. 5 RCAF Re- union, Box 7, Brantford. remartemvenwarmure De You Know —A girl who is planning to be marritd? WE HAVE A FREE GIFT FOR HER. We believe that every bride- to-be should see and hear about our modern cooking method that retains the natural flavor in the food. Our lovely gift (4.50 value) is given Free for the privilege of showing her the newly styled "Wear -Ever" Water- less cooking utensils that. are not to he seer, in any, store. There is no obligation to buy Only girls that have not yet, seen our equipment are elig- ible for the gift, Send. or Phone names to your. nearest distributor: D. CAMPBELL, Code, irk, 958MP L. CdIERRY, Bru^seis, (Not Sold. in Stores) "WEAR -EVER" Sales and Service 32 1Foxbar Rd. Phone 349 London I%wMNN.aIaOAafaMNfI.NlaNt!'.aaNaiaNH•fMIMIN BIRTHS DIXON—In Clinton n P li C on ub 2.c Hospi- tal, on Saturday, October 22, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dixon, Clinton, a son (Richard Franklin). GOOD—In Clinton Public Hose i - tale, on Sunday, October23, Mrs. Russ 1949, to Mr, and Mr el shore, Good, R.R. 1, Londe a daughter (Helen Bernice). Pub' MAYFIEW — In Clinton ie Octob- er Mr Hospital, on Wednesday, 26, 1949. to Mr. s. Clinton,Harvey Mayhew, a daughter (Pemela Anne). Hos- pital, Clinton Pubes 2 on Tuesday, Oct 5, Mrs. Jac 1949, to Mr. and k a so Merner, R.R. 3, Zurich,n. MARRIAGES STIRLING -COLE - In Trinity Church, Bayfield, on Saturday, October 22, by . Rev. LaVerne Morgan, Anna Maxine, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Cole, R.R. 3, Clinton, to Grant Starling; son of Mr. and Mrs. James R. Stirling, R.R. 2, Bay- field. CARD OF THANKS I would like to take this op- portunity of thanking all those who remembered me while .a patient in Clinton Public Hos- pital. Special thanks to Dr. Ad- dison, Miss Sinclair and the hospital staff.—Mrs. Jack Must- ard, Brucefield. 43-b CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks to Dr, Weir, Dr. Olive Stewart, Miss Sadie Carter and nurses during my illness in Victoria Hospital, London, end to all thoughtful friends• who remembered me by so many acts, of kindness, with flowers, gifts, letters and cards. Thanks to each one.—Mrs. 'Charles Scott, Aub- urn. 43-p CARD OF THANKS Mrs. George Hess, Hensall, wishes to express her sincere thanks and appreciation for the many kind acts shown her in Clinton Public Hospital by all the nurses both on staff and special, and to Dr's. Oakes, God- dard, and Addison; also to the United Church, and other organ- izations; and to her many kind friends for flowers, cards, let- ters and treats. 43-b IN MEMORIAM STEWART—In loving memory of a deer mother, Amy Albert Stew- art, who passed away three years ago, October 24, 1946: 'Calm and peaceful she is sleeping, Sweetest rest that follows pain; We, who loved her, sadly miss her, But trust in God to meet again. —Lovingly remembered by son, Kenneth, Clarissa, and family. 43-b IN MEMORIAM COLCLOUGH—In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, who went to be with the Lord two years ago, October 27, 1947, also daughters, Lulu, December 15, 1940, and Phoebe, January 25, 1927: "Somewhere back of the sunset Where happiness never dies, They live in a land of glory Mid the blue and gold of the skies. And we, who have known and loved them, whose passing brought sad tears, Will cherish their memory always Down through the passing years." —Sadly missed by husband ane{' father, sons, and daughter, Bill, Glen, and. Roxanne. 43-p Notice to' Creditors In the Estate of JULIUS CHAL- LET, lateof the Township of Stanley in the County of Her - .on, Yeoman, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solic- itor for the said Estate; on or before the 7th day of November, A.D. 1949, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, hav- ing regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, this 14th day of October, A.D. 1949. F. FINGLAND, MC., Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estates 42-3-4-b Notice. to Creditors AND OTHERS All persons claiming against the estate of George Thomas Jenkins, late of the Town of Clin- ton, in the County of Huron. who died on the 6th day of July, 1949, are requested to forward full particulars to the undersigned by November 10, 1949, after which date the assets of the estate will be distributed, FRANK DONNELLY, K. C., Goderich, Solicitor for the Ex-, ecutrix. 41-2-3-b E ROCXLY I T H ARE !CAP ITAD L E T RHIEA RE — Now Playing— lNO : -Abbott and "THE BABE'RUTH STORY" "MEXICAN HAYRIDE" n — n MONDAY - TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY — Jeanne Crain. William Holden - Edmund Gwenn A joyous, warm and down-to-earth story is hailed as the year's most appealing picture "APARTMENT FOR PEGGY" IN TECHNICOLOR — ` THURS., FRI., SAT. — Fred Ginger ASTAI'RE ROGERS in "THE BARKLEYS OF BROADWAY" with BILLIE BURKE — THURS., PRI., SAT. -- Robert Mitchum - . Barbara Bel Geddes & Tom Tully—An action - packed tale of rugged conflict from a Saturday Evening Post story by Luke Short. - "Blood on the Moon" Coming; "In the Good Old Sum- mer Time" Technicolor with Judy Garland anowneramssemeem .1111111111111101111111111111111 IN MEMORIAM GLAZIER—A tribute of love and remembrance of a dear husband and father, Thomas Glazier, who passed away 11 years ago, Octob- er 31, 1938, Love's greatest gift—rememb- rance by wife and family. 43-p 2...+v. Announcement JOHN W. NEDIGER wishes to announce that as of October 17, 1949, he has purchased the coal and wood business of James E. Johnston. Mr. Nediger wishes to state that' he will continue to try and give the same courteous service as was given by his predecessor,, and would ap- preciate your continued patronage. For prompt, efficient service, Office 675W two PHONE House 675J 43-p Announcement Having sold the coal and wood'busi.. ness, which we have operated for the past four years to John W. Nediger, I wish to express my sincere appreciation to all my customers. I bespeak for Mr. Nediger your con- tinued patronage and good will. I know that he will continue to give you the same courteous service which we have - en- deavoured to give in the past. Yours respectfully, JAMES E. JOHNSTON. 43-p Tof s in Topcoats Why not take advantage of our Special Rates for Morning Appointments? I-IENRi'S BEAUTY SHOPPE PHONE 223 - - CLINTON 43-4-p CUT FLOW ERS FLORAL DESf,NS For Every Ot'er i,2.r, • C.Cctu+ e FLORIST Phones: 66w and "iii BEAUTY SFO:N–'k; Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St. East Phone 586 COVERTS GABARDINES ° VELOURS TWEEDS Smart Coats, styled to -suit every taste. Sizes 35 to 42 All Shades $32.50 to 49.50 Smart Selection Lew Prices Top off your Fall Ward- robe with a flattering hat. See New Shades and Styles by STETSON, CREAN, ADAM PICKETT a CAMPBELL Quality Work Clothing at Lower Prices PHONE 25 -- CLINTON ageseseareeneragaeaeheeememeeeee— REGENT THEATRE., SE/LEO R T B Now: "The BABE RUTH. STORY" William Bendix & Claire Trevor — MON., TUES., WED — TECHNICOLOR—The most pop- ular of Wait Disney's latest hits, the story of Bambi the Fawn and Thumper the Rabbit "BAMBI" M.G.M. presents the short feature that .has won acclaim wherever shown "SOME OF THE BEST" THURS., FRI., SAT. — Abbott and Costello with Virginia Grey—South of the border for a bull -fighting jamboree of fun and zany romance. "Mexican Hayride" Coming: Judy Garland and Gene Kelly in' "Words and MUSIC" WESLEY-WILLIS WA The WA of Wesley -Willis Unit- ed Church will hold its regular meeting in the church parlour on Thursday afternoon, November 3, at three o'clock. Mrs. Harold Adams' group will be hostesses. IF A MAN. DIE, SHALL HE LIVE AGAIN?—Job 14:14 JESUS SAID: "—these (unsaved) shall go away into ever- lasting punishment; but the righteous into life eternal." HAVE YOU TAKEN TIME TO CONSIDER ETER ITY?46 ARE YOU SAVED? WHERE WILL YOU SPEND LIFE AFTER DEATH? TRUST CHRIST TO SAVE YOU. CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles 53, Calif. SEE and DRIVE , The New Vanguard SALOON 4 -DOOR SEDAN! It's Beautiful! It's Economical, too! See Them To -day at New I.ow Prices Now on Display at Clinton Motors C. 1.. Stanley, Proprietor Authorized Dealer PHONE 205W — CLINTON 1 si nQ WEEKEND COAT SALE $10 WHY Such tremendous savings before the season even starts? BECAUSE This unseasonable weather has caused us to be over- stocked. WE HAVE REDUCED A SPECIAL GROUP OF COATS—Fur Trimmed and Untrimmed OTHER COATS — 29.50 and up $5.00 BLAZERS $$.00 While they last — our regular 8.95 and 9.95 blazers to clear at 5.00 $7.00 DRESSDRESSE $7.00 Choose several of these inexpen- sive, specially priced dresses in fall shades to round out your wardrobe. t vclitiive teLJ Shoppe CLINTON PHONE 1178W Are You In Need Of , A Coal or Wood Stove Gas or Electric, any Style? Combination Coal and Electric or Gas Our Line of Stoves are made by Clare Bros., • Preston i IECLA FURNACES IN STOCK ALSO A Complete Stock of , . BATHS, BASINS, TOILETS & SINKS See Our Goods and Prices Before You Buy Hugh R. Hawkins Hardware and Plumbing PHONE 244 CLINTON