HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-10-13, Page 4PAGE FOUR
A Woman's Viewpoint on This and That
. Let s C
By MBA good work . . .
THIS COLUMN is going to be a
Women's Column .. , So gentle-
men readers please go no fur-
ther . The NEWS -RECORD
has felt for some time that the.
Womery's Page needed something
more personalized — of a chit-
chat nature, in addition to the
usualreports of meetings, etc.,
that are regularly found on this
page, so we shall try to fill
the bill .
IN ORDER to do this, we are
going to need the cooperation of
the women of the town and
district . We shall need your
suggestions, your criticism and
any interesting stories in con-
neetion with women's work or
activities in the community , .
a s 4'
YOU KNOW, writing a column
is quite a chore . It's not the
writing, but getting sufficient
ideas that is the problem . . ,
And that we know only too well,
because for six years we con-
ducted a column for the Barrie
Examiner, similar to whet we are
attempting here . . . The only
difference there was — we got
paid for it .. . Incidentaally, the
titlewe are using here is what
A SKUNK at a banquet
'Tis true . . . And this isn't Rip-
ley's "Believe it or not" . But
that is what the guests at the
Seaforth Lions 25th anniversary
dinner beheld when they travel-
led to Seaforth to celebrate that
gala occasion- . . and hear the
Lions International president, who
for the second time in the hist -
hey of Monism is a Canadian
Walter Fisher from. Queenston i
The Lions have a peculiar official
called a Tail Twister, whose job
it is to evoke fines from mem-
bers for supposedly misdemean-
ers , . . The Seaforth Tail Twister
roamed around the banquet tables
with a cage which` held one of
those black and white striped
creatures so prevalent on Clin-
ton streets of late . . Fortunat-
ely, the little creature was de-
odorized . . but another Lion
followed the Tail Twister with
an atomizer, who sprayed per-
fume almost as bad . There
were ten couples from Clinton1 e
present . . The Cliff Epps,
Pocklingtons, the Stewart Mid-
dletons, the Bennetts, the Fing-
lands, the Wiliiem Dales, the
"Nick" Whytes, the Vie Roys, the
Dick Atkeys, and Bill Perdue and
Mrs. W. L. Mair, Detroit, visit-
ed with Mrs. W. Higgins last
Miss Lee Nott, Toronto, silent
Thenksgiviine with, her 'parents,
Reeve land Mas. W. G. Nott.
mond Whitmore, Holmesvil'le.
Mrs. Charles Orchard, Kemp -
vile, Calif., is visiting her sis-
ter, Mrs. Charles Fraser, end
niecg, Miss Viola Fraser. It is
40 years since the sisters have
Fred H, Elliott. Toronto, spent Inn•
the weekend with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Elliott.
Mr. 'and Mrs. Arnold Hill, To-
ronto, spent the holiday weekend
visiting relatives. in Clinton.
Mrs. Blacker and son, Ernest,
Toronto, spent the weekend with
the former's sister, Mrs. Rummell.
Miss Jean Vodden, Toronto,
spent Thanksgiving with her par-
ents, Mr. sand Mrs. W. J. Vodden.
Mrs, Irene Henri and Miss
Shirley left Tuesday morning to
spend a few days in Toronto and
Reginald A. Elliott, graduate
male nurse, Stratford, is at pres-
ent oaring for H. T, Rance,
Clinton, `
Mr. and Mrs. George Barbour,
Saskatoon, Sask., spent a :few
days last week with Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Torrance re-
turned to Toronto yesterday after
spending the holiday weekend
with the former's brother. and
sister, Mr. John and Miss Maude
Mr. and Ars, A. H. Carter and
son, Donald, Toronto, and 1VIr,
and Mrs. Len Evans, St. Thomas,
spent the weekend at the home
of their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Carter.
Miss Marion Leibold, R.R. 2,
Clinton, celebrated her sixth
birthday recently by having a
party and •entertaining some of
her school chums, everyone hav-
aving a good time.
Mr. C. J. Bartley, and Mr. and
Mrs. J. Wes Campbell, Owen
Sound, and Misses Grace and
Ethel Z•apfe, . Kitchener, were
Miss BettyCourtice, Hamilton, weekend and holiday visitors at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
spent the holiday weekend with j Zapfe:
her aunts, Misses Hattie and
Sybil Couhtice.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Clark,
Toronto, spent the holiday week-
end .at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Wise.
Mrs. George Elliott, Miss Dor-
we originated for the Examiner.. gen and Barry, and Miss Shirley
Rapson, spent the holiday week -
As that paper is no longer using )daughter, Mrs Tate ' . . end in Huntsville,
this title, we felt that we would
like to revive the old name and Mr. and Mrs. O
start in afresh .
L. Paisley
WOMEN'S ORGANIZATIONS I spent the holiday weekend in
are getting into full swing for Toronto, with their son, E. W. M.
fall ectviities especially is Paisley, and family.
this so in regardsto money- Miss Hattie Turner, • Toronto,
making activities . Summer- spent the Thanksgiving weekend
hill Ladies' Club led off Satur- at the home of her parents, Mr.
day last, with a bazaar and tea and Mrs. George Turner.
in the Town Holl Fine wee- Mr. and Mrs, M. J. Snider,
ther plus good home baking, etc., Meaford, spent a few days last
drew a large crowd . ... When week with the former's parents,
we looked in around four o'clock, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Snider.
they were practically sold out, Mr. end Mrs. D. A. Kay and
except for some produce, and son, Don, and Miss Shirley Jones,
many ladies lingering over the spent the holiday weekend in
tee table . A handsome gold' Owen Sound and Chatsworth.
and orchid quilt was raffled, Andrew Oke, ' Toronto, has
while we were there . . It was been the guest of her sister, Mrs.
won by Mrs. Was. Vodden William Higgins and Mr. and
Mrs. F. B. Pennebaker last week.
happiest young ladies in Clinton Miss Kathleen McGill, Wheat -
this week is Barbara Ford ley, spent the Thanksgiving
She was the 'liner of $100 at weekend at the home of her par -
She ents, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Mc -
the Lions Bingo Friday last • Gill.
Barbara has the right idea the' Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bawden and
two sons, Jack and Bruce, Hamil-
ton, spent the weekend and holi-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Brown,
m *
Detroit. Mich., left Saturday af-
ter spending a vacation with
friends and relatives in this
pital Aid Cook Book yet?
Nearly one hundred town and
district ladies have contributed
their favorite recipes . And
there are some dandy ones, be-
cause we have been trying them
out . . . especially the Supper
Dishes, which are always a
bugbear to a housewife . . .
44 +tr ro
a marvellous job since its re-
organization three years ago ....
The new wing of the Hospital
would not be the attractive and
efficient place it is today, if it
were not for the contributions
of the Hospital Aid , . . Just
to mention some of the more im-
portant items purchased by the
Aid, there is the equipment for
the delivery room . . . drapes . She opened a savings ac -
and blinds for the entire new
wing ... all furniture end dishes
for the dining room . . 'part of
the furnishings of the nurses'
sitting room . . So your pur-
chase of a Cook Book will assist JUST PHONE
this organization to carry on its suggestions to 8M
count with her acquired wealth
and has set the foundation
for a prdsperous and happy fut-
Mn and Mrs. John R. Cook,
Ingersoll, were holiday visitors, at
the home of the former's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cook,
and also with his grandparents,
Mrs, Martha McClinchey and Mr.
and Mrs. J. E, Cook,
Recent Bride Feted
Prior to Her Marriage
Prior to'her recent marriage
Mrs. Cale Doucette, the former
Verna Freeman, was honoured
with a number of pre -nuptial
Mrs. Douglas Bartliff and' Miss
Marion Pickett entertained at a
delightful shower honouring the
bride -elect at the home of Mrs.
William Moffatt when about 35
friends gathered. Miss Freeman
was they recipient of many beaut-
iful and useful gifts, and the
evening was rounded out by de-
licious refreshments being serv-
ed 'by the hostesses.
Ideas or
Visit Clinton's
New Beauty Salon
Located on ground floor in the Jervis Apartments,
Albert St., next Roxy Theatre
Permanents, Fingerwaves, Shampoos,
Facials, Manicures
Canadian Legion
Council Chamber, Clinton
Sat., et. 15
from 3 to 5 p.m.
AFTERNOON TEA - - - 25 cents
Homemade Baking Candy' Apron
Knitting Doll Booth Doll Clothes for Sale
DRAW FOR DOLL.—Tickets 10c, 3 for 25c
Ball & Mutch Funeral Home
The Fine Appointments of this Funeral Home
are Beautiful and Appropriate, Among Which the
Large, Pleasant Rooms and Electric Organ are Not
the Least.
There is No Extra Charge for Services Held
Here Under Such Ideal Conditions.
Mrs. D. Laidlaw and ` Mrs.
George B. Beattie and two child-
ren. David and Beverley, were m
Winston last week attending the
opening of the new hospital, and
while there were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Paterson.
Miss JoAnne- Cuningheme and
John E. Cuninghame were, home
for Thanksgiving. Other out-of-
town guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon 'Cuninghame were Mr.
and Mrs. Edgar T. East, Wind
soil, their son,. Raymond Eagl,
and Arthur Saunders. Sarnia.
Mr. end Mrs. Albert Leibold
and two children, Douglas and
Marion, were in Zurich on Sun-
day. While there the children
wart baptized by their great uncle,
Rev, H, H. Leibold, Sebringville,
who preached at the anniversary
services in the Evangelical
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Collett and
son, Billy, Niagara Falls, spent.
the holiday weekend at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fear and
Mrs. Mary Sperling. Other
Thanksgiving visitors at the
same home were Mr. end Mrs.
Alex Spading and son, St. Marys;
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ham:ather
and sorts, Dashwood; Mr. and
Mrs. James Landsborough and
son, Tuckersmith; Mrs. J. H.
district. Manning, Brussels; Miss Dorothy
Mr. and Mrs. Donlad Symons Cunningham, Toronto; Mr. and
and Mr. and Mrs. Willard A. Mrs, Walter Harlock and Miss
Phyllis, London.
Dividing by Two,
"Do you realize, John, that Mrs.
Jones has had five new hats this
year and I've had only one? Don't
you think that's all wrong?"
"I certainly do. What do two
women want with six new hats?"
Mrs. S. H. Freeman entertain-
ed at a trousseau tea in honour
of her daughter, Verne, when 140
friends and neighbours registered
Mrs. Frank Provot, Mrs. William
Moffatt and Mrs. Wilfred Pickett
poured tea with Mrs. Wilfred
Denomme, and Misses Phyllis
Shanahan and Jeanne Garen ass-
isting.. Miss Marion Pickett dis-
played the trousseau, Mrs. Doug-
las Bartliff the linens, Mrs. Lloyd
Bond the gifts, and Misses
Thelma Glazier and Leota Free-
man the china and silverware,
The Girls' Club of Clinton Pres-
byterian Church will hold its
monthly meeting at the home of
Mrs. Dick Jacob on Tuesday
evening, October 18. All mem-
bers are asked to meet at the
Post Office at 7.45 p.m.
Mrs. Wendorf Attends
Music Choral Clinic
.Mrs. Gertrude Wendorf, Clin-
ton, attended the Choral Clinic
for Music Educators at Knoll -
wood Perk School, London, on
Saturday, October 1. Sponsored
by the Music Section of the On-
tario Educational Association 'and
designed to save music teachers
and choral conductors countless
hours searching out music ma-
terials, the Choral Clinic proved
very popular when almost 100
school music specialists met.
Aiken, spent the weekend visit-
ing relatives in the Port Hope
Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Robbins,
Crediton, visited over the holi-
day weekend at the home of the
lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
A. Sutter:
Mrs. Charles S. Linton, Toron-
to, was a Thanksgiving visitor at
the home of her brother and
sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Mr. and Mr's. J. L. Wasman,
Toronto, were Thanksgiving vis-
itors with the letter's brother-
in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs.
John Innes.
Benson Sutter spent the week-
end In. Oshawe attending the
Eastern Coaching Congress of
the National Y.P,U. of the 'United
Church of Canada.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Beacom, were read by Mrs. Lorne Brown
Pickford, Mich., visited at the i
home of the former's aunt, Mrs. and Miss L. Walkinshaw in Ben
treasurer's reported showed a
John Beacom, and else with Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Wise.
Mr. and Mrs. Dia Cornish have
returned home after spending a
vacation in Detroit, and Feline,
Mich., and Toledo, Ohio, visiting
with friends and relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. James Hale,
Stratford, "and Mr. and Mrs. J.
K. Cornish, Brucefield, were
Sunday visitors at the home of
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Layton.
John Young, Birchciiffe, To-
ronto, spent the holiday weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Welsh,
Clinton, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray -
Phone , i
Funeral Directors W.3.MUTCH
D. G. BALL .
Phone 361-W Phone 361-J
Phone 195
Church Directory
All Services Eastern Standard
With the co-operation of ten
music publishers who exhibited
their music, the assembled con-
ductors sang through some fifty
selections under the leedeaship
of Garfield Bender, Director of
School Music, Kitchener, and
Earle Terry, Director of School
Music, London.
Don Wright, arranger of school
music and conductor of the Don
Wright chorus, introduced his
Book II of. Youthful Voices. Dur-
ing the sessions, Harvey Robb,
Principal of Western Conservat-
ory and Major Brian McCool, As-
sistant Director for the Provincial
Department of Education, spoke
to the group.
First held in Kitchener last
year, the Choral Clinic offers an
unusual meeting place for choir
conductors and "school music
specialists to explore the newest
in school music.
Engagements Announced
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Town-
shend, Goderioh Township, wish
to announce the engagement of
their elder daughter, Anna Emily,
to William John Joseph, only son
of Mr; and Mrs. Clarence Blatch-
ford, Atwood, the. marriage to
take place this month.
St. Paul's Club Fetes
Departing • Member
A social evening was held by
St. Paul's Friendship Club at the
home of Mrs. Thomas O'Connell.
There were 27 present.
The evening was pleasantly
spent playing games. A pleasing
feature was the presentation of
a parting gift to Mrs. Grace White
who has gone to reside in Mitch-
ell. A delicious lunch was served
by the hostess.
The next meeting is to be held
at the home of Mrs, Leonard
The WMS of Clinton Presby-
terian Church will hold its Thank
Offering meeting at the home of
Mrs. Clifton on Tuesday, October
18, at three o'clock. The guest
speaker will be Mrs, (Rev.) Milne,
Brussels. All ladies of the con-
gregation are cordially invited to
Ontario St. United
REV. W. J. WOOLFREY, Minister
Mrs. E. Wendorf, Organist
and Choir Leader
Sunday, October 16
11.00 a.m.—Morning Service
Sacrament of Baptism. Par-
ents wishing children to be
baptized please inform the
pastor before Sunday.
12.15 -Sunday School
Turner's Anniversary
2 p.m. and 7.30 p.m.—Rev. G. G..
Burton, Moorfield, a former
minister, will be guest
The Cook Books, compiled by
the Hospital Aid, were distribut-
ed to the members at the month-
ly meeting held in the Council
Chamber, Tuesday evening last.
Mrs. Frank Fingland presided.
Minutes of the last meeting
Do You Know
—a girl who is planning
to be married?
We believe that every bride-to-
be should see and hear about
our modern cooking method
that retains the natural flavor
in the food.
Our lovely gift (4.50 value) is
given Free for the privilege of
showing her the newly styled
"Wear -Ever" Waterless cooking
utensils, thet are not to be seen
in any store.
There is no obligation to buy.
Only girls that haves notyet
seen our equipment are eligible
for the gift.
Send or Phone names to your
nearest distributor: D. Campbell,
Goderlch, 956M; L. Cherry, Brus-
sels. (Not Sold In Stores)
Sales and Service
32 Foxbar Rd.
Phone 349W London
Tr.,'r:,: I
for fast service
balance of $603.
Mrs. B. B. Pocklington, finance
chairman, stated that the distri-
bution of the Cook Books was
in the hands of Ward Captains
and members crould obtain copies
from them. The captains in-
clude ,Mrs. Pocklington for St -
Andrew's; Mrs. Cree Cook for
St. James'; Mrs. C. H. Epps for
St. John's; and Mss II. S. Aticey
for St. George's. Mrs. Pocking-
ton also stated that plans had
been started for the Christmas
dance on December 26.
Other committee chairmen re-
Porting were Mrs. H, A. McIntyre
for sewing; Mrs. F. G• Thompson.
for nurses -in -training; and Mrs.
May Rance MacKinnonfor con-
sulting. On the recommendation.
of the latter IL was decided to
redecorate two rooms of: the
nurses' sleeping quarters and
buy three chests,
Mrs. Fingland and Mrs. Bul
teal were appointed delegates to
the annual convention of Hospi-
tal Aids.
Women's Institute
To' Provide Prizes
The regular monthly meeting
of Clinton Women's Institute was
held in the Board Room of the
Agricultural Office, with the
president, Mrs. C. Sturdy, in the
chair. The meeting opened with
the singing of the Ode end re-
heating the Lord's Prayer in
The secretary's report and
standing committee reports were
given and numerous items of
correspondence read, It was de-
cided to purchase the usual Vet
craft wreath for Remembrance
Day from the Legion.. It was
also decided 'to apply for the
Legislative grant and to provide
prizes for highest student In the
local school with the same. Final
arrangements were made for the
"500" party ' which was held at
the home of Mrs. M. D. McTag-
gart on Friday evening, Septem-
ber 30.
The programme consisted of
two very pleasing solos rendered
by Mrs. Bennett and accompan-
ied at the piano by Miss Elva,
Wilts°• A delightful lunch was
served . by the hostesses, Mrs. M.
Batkinand her committee,
A very successful "500" party
was held at the home of Mrs.
M. D. McTeggart on Friday even-
ing, September 30. Highest pointe
were won by Mrs. W. Shaddbck,
Mrs. M. Ned'iger and Mrs. 3. 'M,
Elliott, A lovely bouquet of
flowers was presented to . Mite.
McTaggart by Mrs. Sturdy, presi-
dent of the WI. Refreshments
were served at the closes:
Wesley -Willis United
Rev. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister
Mrs. Morgan J. Agnew, Organist
and Choir Leader
Sunday, October 16
11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship
"Religion and the Family"
12:15—Church School
7.00 p.m.—Evening Praise,
"Standing up to Life"
Union service. A welcome
to everyone.
St. Paul's Anglican
REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector
Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist
Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon,
Choir Leader
Sunday, October 16
8.30 a.m.—Holy Communion
11.00 a,m.—Morning Service
and Sunday School.
7.00 p.m.—Evening Service.
Baptist Church
REV A. FORSYTH, Minister
J. R. Butler, Choir Leader
Mrs. Ernest Adams, Organist
Sunday, October 16
11.15 a.m,—Sunday School
7.00 pan—Evening Worship
Presbyterian Church'
REV. D. J. LANE, Minister
Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist
and Choir Leader
Sunday, October 16
10.00 a.m.—Sunday School.
11.00 a.m.—Divine Worship
"The Captain of our Salvation"
2.30 p.m.—Service at Bayfield.
All Welcome
Sunday, October 23 --Anniversary
Services, 11 am, and 7.30 p.m.
Guest speaker: Rev. Ralph
Boa, minister of Dutch con-
gregation worshiping in this
Pentecostal Church
Matilde St., South of CNR
Sunday, October 16
10.00 a.m.—Sunday School
11.00 a.m.—Worship:
7.30 p.m.—Evening Service,
Thursday, 4 30 p.m. — Sunshine
Thursday, 8.00' p.m.—Bible Study
You are invited.
The Pentecostal
Assembly . of
In'v'ites you to come to the
at 8 o'clock every evening
commencing on
Salvation for the Soul
Divine Healing for the Body
— The—
Baptism of the Holy Ghost
and the Second Coming of
our Lord and Saviour
Jesus Christ
Hear Miss 'Winn sing the
Old - Songs and Preach
"The Old Message"
Come to an Old Fashioned
Revival Meeting and
Meet God,
Weare Prepared for Winter
Are You ?
I RW I N'S ---
Cool Nights Ahead
Just arrived — Dr. Denton Sleepers
in three colors --pink, blue and natural --
These now come in two-piece combina-
tions, extra sleeper bottoms, with snap -
on domes are obtainable.
We are expecting d,aily a shipment
of the famous 'Weather Winky" Snow
Suits. Don't fail to see this line when it
comes in.
I 11 IN N
F REE!! One Dozen Portrait
Greeting Cards
lust for making your ap-
pointment early! Portraits by
Fowler Bros. are the ideal Christ-
mas Gift. It cannot be dupli- "p
cated and grows more precious*
'with each passing year.
Phone Fowler Bros. now and be IST A
sure to receive your gift of 12 tOR CNS
Portrait Greeting Cards!
Fowler Brothers
Phone 84 McEwan's Clinton
Also Studios in Mitchell and Stratford
Cold Weather Treats
Stop in for a
Order a SPICE CAKE for Saturday
Bakers and Confectioners
- ... ._ .. flefl ,..•.w..#eS#.-ore....nos.e....nn....a...o..•.....n ..�
For Wet Weather .. .
Rubber Boots
Mitts and Gloves
Luggage and Leather Goods