HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-10-06, Page 7CLINTON MONUMENT SHOP OPEN FRIDAYS At any other time, contact J. J. Zapfe Ratteribury St. E., Phone 103' Memorials and. Cemetery Work of Every Description T. PRYDE and: SON CLINTON - EXETER «- SEAFORTH HU SDAY, OCTOBER 16, :T949 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE SEVEN. "Salads" Offers Plowing Awards Top winrers in this year's Inter -County Horse "Plowing Competition for boys at the International Plowing Matches will be awarded all expense tours of the United States to .study agricultural conservation methods. The trips, and a substantial list of cash prizes for competition at the International and at local plo•4ring matches, 'are being provided by the Saleda Tea Company. cel tpittllr '; y r V FOR Increased - Steady = Profitable Egg P i duction follow the MASTER FEEDING PROGRAM. Use RED HEAD EGG MASH with a noon feed of MASTER LAYING PELLETS and Scratch Grain at night. Ask for your free copy of the "Master Feeder -- Lay -Time Edition" MMMMM fid mivimm MASTER BALANCED FEEDS for ALL CLASSES OF POULTRY FARM LIVE noes F'UR BEARING 4NUR.2(, a sass', 'td W,try,eau.. a% fe9 A� M All I'd ,9MrdMl4M t.10!1;7 SILVaryA:eN.,le See us for. . Oyster Shell Salt Grit Concentrates and Mixed Feeds 3 Your Friendly MASTER FEEDS DEALER S.RIDDICK and SONS PHONE 114 - - CLINTON eetinnettenn netense FOR SAFE, SURE -GRIP MU PHY 1 O Chrysler and Plymouth Sales and Service PHONE 465 CLINTON You can't beat Dominion Royal Tires for quick, safe stops. And they're tops for mileage, too. '• Play safe. Come in and get the new tires you need today. 7,4 . Champions Named At CDC Field Day Under excellent weather con- ditions, the annual Field Day of Clinton District Collegiate Inst- itute was held in Community Park on Friday last. Competition was very keen, particularly in the intermediate boys' division, where the Malt- by brothers staged a neck -and - neck race for the championship. Cameron, the older of the two, finally edged out Clare by two points, winning the last event, the half mile, by only a step. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ACCOUNTANCY INCOME TAX RETURNS Private Business Farm Reports Bookkeeping records installed and checked monthly or as requested ROY N. BENTLEY 36 Regent St. Box 58 Goderich ARTHUR FRASER Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Service, Etc. Aim Street Phone 355W Exeter ERNEST W. HUNTER Chartered' Accountant 57 Bloor St. W., Toronto R. G. McCANN Accountant and Auditor " Rattenbury St. E. Phone 783-W Clinton CHIROPRACTIC D. H. MeINNES Chiropractic - Foot Correction OFFICE HOURS: Hotel Clinton, Friday, 1 to 8 p.m. Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, Monday, 1 to 8 p,m. HERBERT B. SUCH, D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic Goderich Office Hours: Mon., Thurs.-9 a,m, to 5 p.m, Tues., Fri. --9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Wed. & Sat. -9 a.m. to 11.30 • a.m. Vitamin Therapy, Electro Therapy Office -Corner of South St. and Britannia Road. Phone 341. DENTAL DR. D. C. GEDDES Dentist ° Lovett Block Clinton Telephone 170 Hours: 9-12 a.m.; 1.30-6 p.m. INSURANCE Be Sure • • Be Insured K. W. COLQUHOUN GENERAL INSURANCE Representative: Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Office: Royal Bank Building Office 50 - PHONES - Res. 9W J. E. HOWARD. Bayfield Phone Clinton 624r31 Car - Fire Life - Accident Wind Insurance If you need Insurance, I have a Policy. H. C. LAWSON Bank of Montreal Building Clinton PHONES: Office 251W; Res, 251J Insurance - Real Estate Agent: Mutual Life Assurance Co. LOBE INSURANCE AGENCY Cor. Williem and Rattenbury Sts. Phone 691W - GENERAL INSURANCE - Representative: Monarch Life Assurance Co. Iiowick"Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co. R. L. 1VIcMILLAN, Bayfield Life, Accident, . Sickness, Auto- mobile, Hospitalization, Household Phone: .Clinton 634r15 THE MOKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Seaforth Officers 1949 President, C. W. Leonhard:, Bornholm; vice-presi- dent, H. Alexander, Walton; man- ager and Secretary -treasurer, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Other directors; S. H. Whitmore, Seaforth; E. J. Trow artha, Clinton; R. Archibald, Seaforth; J. H. Maiming, 'Blyth; F. McGregor, Clinton, J. L. Ma- lone, Seaforth H. Fuller, Gode- rich. Agents: J, E. Pepper, Bruce - field; G. A. Watt, Blyth; 11. S. Mc- Kercher, Dublin; J. F: Procter, Brodhagen; S. Baker, Brussels. LEGAL FRANK FINGLAND, KC, •Barrister. - Solicitor Notary Public Albert St, Clintoh H. T. RANCE Notary Public Division Court Clerk Division Court Office,Clinton MEMORIALS T,. PRYDE and SON Cemetery Memorials Clinton Showrooms Open Fridays See 3, J. Zapfe. Phone 103 OPTOM'ETRY ° • A. L. COLE. R.O. Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted Goderich Phone 33 IRUTII HEARN, R.O. Optometrist, Ieuron St, -Phone 69 --.Colinton RADIO SERVICE PERSAN and MADSEN Fast Efficient Radio Service: Ten Years Previous Experience on all Auto and Home Radios •Free FM Informatoin PRONE 471-W, CLINTON ' SIGNS Signs for livery Purpose Outdoor Advertising - Trucks Cut-out Designs - Window Cards 27 years' experience KIRBY SIGNS Phone 5898 fltinfnu VETERINARIAN DR. G. S. ELLIOTT Veterinarian Phone 203 Clinton At Seaforth Today A team of bays and girls re- presenting CDCI, will compete in the North Huron Secondary Schools Association track and field meet et, Seaforth, competing against Goderich, Wingliam and Seaforth. l ntered in 'WOSSA Principal E. A, Fines has off- icially entered a team in the WO SSA athletic meet which will be held in London, Saturday, Octob- er 15. Champions Declared, Championships were won as follows: Senior Boys -Champion, Grover Clare, 24 pts; runner-up, William Andrews, 17. Intermediate Boys -Champion, Cameron Maltby, 24;. runner-up, Clare Maltby, 22. Junior Boys -Champion, Bob Fines, 30; runner-up, Ron Cart- er, 22. Juvenile BOYS - Champion,' Murray Meltby, 23; runner-up, Gerald Tebbutt, 20. Senior Girls -Champion, Anna Glew, 17; runner-up, Jean Mc- Kinley, 12. Intermediate Girls -Champion,. Vera Lyon, 16; runner-up, Eileen Kelley, 14. Junior Girls -Champion, Joan- ne Castle, 22; runner-up, Donna Taylor, 14. Points were awarded as follows: first, 5 points; second, 3 points; third, 1 point. Detailed results were as foll- ows,: Senior Boys 100 yards -Grover Clare, Will- iam Andrews, John Wilson; 220 Alex Wilson; 440 yards -G. Clare, ren Arkell, A. Wilson; 880 yards -G. Clare, K. Arkell, W. And- rews; running broad jump -W. Andrews, 17 ft. 1 in.; J. Wilson, G. Clare; hop, step and jump- W. Andrews, 35 ft. 9 ins; G. Clare, J. Wilson; pole vault - Francis Denomme, Louis Ducharme; 12 - lb. shot put -J. Wilson, 42 ft. 9 in; K Admit, A. Wilson; running high jump -John Wilson, 5 ft. 3 ins,;; K. Arkell, W. Andrews; relay trace-eirst (Andrews, Ar- kell, Clare, J. Wilson); second (R. Taylor, F. Denomme, A. Wil- son, ilson, L. Dueharme). Point winners -G, Clare, 24; W. Andrews, 17; John Wilson, 15; K. Arkell 12; F. Denomme, 5; A. Wilson, 3; L. Ducharme, 3. Intermediate Boys 100 yards - Cameron Maltby, Clare Maltby, Jack Wilson; 220 yards -Cam Maltby, Clare Malt- by, J. Wilson; 440 yards -Clare Maltby, Cam Maltby, Don Epps; 880 yards --Cam Maltby, Clare Maltby, Cliff Talbot; running broad jump -William Ross, 17 ft. 3 ins.; Cain " Maltby, J. Wileon; running high jump -- George Beatty, 5 ft.; William Ross, Ro- bert Love; hop, step and jump - William Ross, 36 ft.; Cam "Maltby, I, Wilson; pole vault -Don Epps, 9 ft. 1 in.; Clare Maltby, Bill Monaghan; 12 lb. shot put -Clare Maltby, 36 ft. 9 ins.: Bob Elliott, Don Epps. Point winners -Cam Maltby 24, Cadre Maltby 22, W. Ross 13, D. Epps 7, G. Beatty 5, J. Wilson 4, R. Elliott 3. W. Managhan 1, R. Love 1, C. Telbot, . Junior Boys 100 yards -Bob Fines, Ronald Carter, Richard Durand; 220 yard• --R. Fines, R. Carter, R. Durand; running broad jump -R. Fines, 15 ft. 6 ins.; R, Carter, Mur- ry Colquhoun; running high jump -R. Fines, R. Carter. M. Colquhoun; standing broad jump -R, Fines, 6 ft. 10 ins.; M. Col- quhoun, R. Durand; hop, step end jump -R, Fines, 30 ft. 6 ins.;, Ro- bert Marshall; pole 'vault - R. Carter, 7 ft.; Gordon Howatt, M. Colquhoun; 12 lb. shot put -- R. CLEARING AUCTION SALE of FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, FEED and HOUSEHOLD EF- FECTS at Lot 33, concession 1, Tuckersmlth Township, on No. S Highway, 3 miles east of Clinton, or 6 miles west of Seaforth, on Tuesday, October 11 at 1.30 p.m. sharp, the following HORSES: Matched grey team of Percheron mares, 6 yrs. old. CATTLE: Durham cow, '7 yrs. old, due Jan. 27; Polled Hereford cow, 5 yrs. old, due Nov,' 1; Polled Hereford cow, 5 yrs. old, due Jan. 1; Hereford farrow cow, '7 yrs. old; 2, Hereford heifers, 2 yrs, old, due Oct. 25; Hereford bull, 2 yrs.: old: 3 Hereford spring cal - tees; 2 calves, 4 months old. These are T.B,-tested cattle. PIGS: York sow with litter; 5 chunks, approx. 160 lbs.; 9 pigs, 8:.weeks old. POULTRY and Equipment:, 100 Sussex X Rhode Island Red pul- lets; 20 Sussex X Rhode Island Red year-old hens; colony house, 8 x1;0'; range shelter, • IMPLEIVIFNTS: Rubber tire warms. 600x16 tires; hay rack; gravel box; bench sleighs and flat rack; McCormick• Deering culti- vator; walking plow; 3 -section' harrows; cutter; hay car; 125 ft. of hap rope; quantity of hemlock lumber (inch); Melotte cream separator (550 lbs. capacity); quantity of elm: plank; electric fencer (new); wire pliers (new): forks, shovels, logging chains and numerous' other articles, FEED: Approx. 300 bus. of mix- ed grain; 2 loads of eat sheaves; 2 loads of mixed hay; quantity of straw; 8 to 10 bags potatoes. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Din- ing room extension table; 8 kit- chen chairs; toilet ret; Colemlan icon, milk filter; 2 water pails; linoleum 8'x12'. TERMS -CASH Noreserve es proprietor hat sold. his farm, FRED R. PEPPER; • Proprietor EDWARD VV. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer • K, W. Colquhoun,' Clerk 39.40-b . Carter, 31 ft. 10 ins .;"0, Howatt, Don Armstrong, Point wihners-R. Fines 30; R. Carter 22, G. Howatt 6. M. Col- quhoun 6, R. Durand 3, D. Arm- strong 1.. Juvenile Boys - 50 yards --Murray Maltby, Ger- ald, Tebbutt, Tom Colquhoun; 100 ,yards -M. Maltby, T, Colqu- houn, John Hartley; running broad jump -T. Colquhoun, 13 ft; 6 ins.; G. Tebbutt, Richard Elliott; standing broad jump --M. Maltby, 6 ft. 10 ins,; G. Tebbutt, Richard Elliott; running high jump T. Colquhoun, Richard El- liott, G. Tebbutt; hop, step and jump -G. Tebbutt, 28 in 3 ins;; Richard Andrews, J. Hartley; 12 -lb. shot put -M. Maltby, 20 ft 10 ins.; R. Andrews, T. Coiclu- houn; pole vault -G. Tebbutt, M. Maltby, T. Colquhoun. Point winners: M. Maltby 23;' G. Tebbutt 20; T. Colquhoun 16; R. Andrews 6; R, Elliott 5; J. Hartley 2. Senior Girls , 50 yard dash --Anna Glow, Jean McKinley, 3. Gibbings; 75 yard dash -Anna Glew, Jean McKin- ley, Rosemarie Arkell; running brand jump -J. McKinley, 12 fit.. 9 ins.; Marg Durham, Anne Glew; standing brood jump - Phyllis Hardy, 6 ft. 7 ins.; Jeanne Gib- bings, Jean McKinley; running high jump, J. Gibbings, 3 ft. 6t/ ins,; Rosemarie Arkell, Anna Glees; basketball speed throw -,I. Gibbings, Jean McKinley, Anna Glew, 34% ft.; Rosemarie Arkebl, Phyllis Handy, Marg. Durham 33% ft. Point winners: Anna Glew, 17; Jean McKinley, 12; Jean Gibbings, 10; Phyllis leanly, 8; Rosemarie .Arkell, 4; Margaret Durham 3. Intermediate Girls 50 yard dash -Vera Lyon, Max- ine Bunking, Delphine Hunking; '75 yard dash -M. Bunking, Vera Lyon, D. Honking; running broad Jump -Eileen Kelly, 13 ft, 3 ins.; V. Lyon, Shirley Cooper; stand- ing broad jump -V. Lyon, 6 ft. 6 ins.; S. Cooper, E. Kelly; run- ning high jump -E. Kelly, 3 ft. 11 ins.; Marion Jones, Gail Man- ning; baseball throw -D. Bunk- ing, 121 ft. 4% ins.; E. Kelly, M. flunking; basketball speed throw -G. Manning, M. Jones, Ann Shaddock, 56%; M: flunking, D. Bunking, V. Lyon, 29; S. Cooper, Margaret Porter, E. Kelly, 24%. Point winners: Vera Lyon, 16; Eileen Kelly, 14; Maxine Bunk- ing, 9• Delphine •Bunking 7;'Shir- ley Cooper, 4; Marion Jones, 3; Gail Manning, 1. Junior Girls Donna Taylor, "Shirley Proctor, 50 yard dash -Joanne Castle, '75 yard dash -D. Taylor, J. Castle, S. Proctor; running broad jump - D. Taylor, 14 ft, 4 ins.;; J. Castle, S. Proctor; standing broad jump -Ann Morritt, 6 ft. •11 ins.; J. Castle, D. Taylor; running high jump -J. Castle, 4 ft.; S. Proctor, Barbara Brandon: baseball throw for distance -S, Proctor, 133 ft.; J. Castle, Phyllis Mack; basket- ball speed throw (revolutions per minute) -J. Castle, Barbara Mac- Donald, Ji11 Blatchly, 33; Bev Smith, P. Mack, Ann Fairservice, 31%; Dorothy Managhan, Lorine Garon, Joyce Bailey, 271e. Point winners: Joanne Castle, 22; Dotlna • Taylor, 14; Shirley Proctor, 11; Ann Morritt," 5; Barbara Brandon 1, Phyllis Mack, I. Officials Officials were as follows; Start- er -E. A. Fines; Sr. Girls -S. R. Stubbs, D. Grierson, M. Sloman; Int, Girls -Miss M. Miller, Miss A. Pond, D. McKenzie, J, Rath - well; Jr. Girls -Miss E. Merrier, L. Harding, E. Blair; Official Re- feree (Girls) Miss Helen Proud - foot. Sr. :Boys- John Seaman, L. Ducharme, D. McNall: Int. Boys -G. W. McGee, 3. Kyle, B. Vod- den; Jr. Boys --N. P. Garrett, H. Oakes, B. Pinch; Jun. . Boys - W. B. Olde, D. Oakes, B. Taylor, 0 FIRE TRUCK ARRIVES LUCKNOW Lucknow's new fire truck, a LaFrance pumper, has arrived: Jack MacDonald and Harold Thompson have been ap- pointed to take instruction in operating the truck. Goderich Pair Wins Mixed Doubles Event. Goderich Lawn Bowling Club held a mixed doubles tournam- ent last week, when 30 rinks from Seaforth, Clinton, Blyth, Wingham, Lucknow, and Gode- rich participated. The tournament was won. by Mrs Argyle and Bill Moore, Goderich; second, Ma's. Soloman and Pelt McCoy, Luck - now; third, Mrs. Allison and Earl Allison, Goderich; fourth, Mrs, Reid and Dr. Brady, Seaforth; fifth, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rouse, Goderich; and sixth, Mrs. Over- holt and Tom Pritchard, Gode- rich. CENTRAL ,MORTGAGE AND HOUSING CORPORATION 395 Fleet' Street, West, Toronto TENDERS Clinton (DND—Non.Urban) No. 1, 1949 Seated Tenders, plainly marked as to content and addressed to the undersigned, will be received up to 12 o'clock noon, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1949, for the dismantling and removal from site of a farm dwell- ing house, solid brick, slate roof. The material is to become the property df the successful bidder. The site including all foundation stone is to be cleared of all debris. Dismantlingof this property is to commence at once. The lowest or any tender not necessarily.accepted. A. P. CUMMING, rim Parker Construction Co., Clinton, Ontario. 39-40-b tam ADIAtiG A CO*, ro YOU% VISRD I•aaaaaaaa.ee••Io•••• Many dairymen discover that a McCormick -Deering Separator given them me - profit than an additional cow.'' get more and better cream ■rich I .s labor and at low cost.These dairymen know that a McCirmieln. Deering Separator can stop butter- tat utter- t t from slipping away. Find out about these advantages for your. self. We'll be glad to show you this moneymaking machine. McAlpine and Daw International Harvester Sales and Service Victoria St. — Imperial Oil Products -- Phone 338-i • e�. eelr f. re e. ',, Bui• lding pigs within the sow ... putting body weight on the sow herself as a reserve for the -milking period , . improving the quantity and quality of the milk after she farrows , . is a job for a top quality feed ... a mash. that's made fresh with National Sow and, Pig concentrate t• Feed your next litter in the sow:1 See your total NATIONAL Feed Dealer today I a 9 5 I If a sow farrows 7 0 pigs, if she must Wield 45 pounds of young pigs as well as her own body in the last 1 1 4; days. Only a specially balanced sow I ration con do this job. If you want strong, i large 'vigorous litters - feed them in the I sow and keep them growing on a ration made I Lthe NATIONAL way. L------- =I ., Me1®Erg rel sr. 19411®PmMS1,47.11 WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITED INGERSOLL •-NTARIO nsist.on NATIONAL well -cured, properly -blended fertilizer 4441440.4444