HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-09-29, Page 7THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29. 1949 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE SEVEN GM. Train of Tomorrow Tours Canada, Hello Homemakers! One of the slices of tomato on toast. Serve strangest things about the history with crisp bacon. of the tomato is that although its Savory Baked Tomatoes origin, was South America and 4 large tomatoes Mexico, it was unknown as food t/i cup minced celery in the New World until long after 1, tbsp, chopped onion it had been generally accepted % cup bread crumbs in Europe. The Italians, who '/s cup chopped parsley were the first to eat tomatoes in Salt and pepper. 1550, for years had considered Cut slice from stem end of them an ornamental garden plant, tomatoes. Scoop out portion of due to a mistaken idea that the pulp and press it through sieve. tomato, then known as love apple combine pulp juice with bread or gold apple, was poisonous. crumbs, celery, parsley, onion and The species does belong to the seasonings. Fill cavities . of to- Nightshade family, some members matoes and top with buttered of which are very poisonous, but crumbs. Bake in electric oven the cultivated tomato is nutrit of 375 degrees for 20 minutes. taus and much improved in size Tomatoes and Macaroni and flesh. 1 pkg. shell macaroni A well-known American states- 1 green pepper man, Thomas Jefferson, was the 1/4 cup minced pickle first to grow tomatoes in 1781 2 taps. lemon juice in • America, and it was not for 1/2 cup old cheese another 50 years that the fruit 2 tbsps. onion was grown in our. country. The 1 cup flaked salmon Italians made the pouts d'pro Salt and pepper. famous as a vegetable—and'spag- 6 large tomatoes. heal is hardly spaghetti without Boil one package of macaroni tomato sauce. As a'food of world- in salted water until tender. Drain wide importance, the tomato is and add grated cheese. Set aside the newest. to cool, then add chopped pep- per, onion, relish= salmon, lemon juice and seasoning. Pile into peeled, hollowed tomatoes. Top with a spoonful of mayonnaise. Garnish with pepper rings and serve enn chopped lettuce and. Fresh tomatoes are a refresh- ing adjunct to any meal, simply peeled, sliced or quartered and served on crisp greens with a good dressing. Firm quarters of bright red tomatoes intermingling with tossed salad greens are very Parsley, tenanting even to those men Who The Question Box profess not to like salads. TS' s 11. S. requests ingredients make a more decorative dish, of pie filling made of green stuff scooped out centres of to- rntttoes to- mato with diced celery, chopped chive and minced meat, Broiled tomato slices ere deli- cious with many meats or just served on toast, plain or with cheese sauce. After preparing thick slices, saute in bacon drip- ping until brown. Add milk slowly to make a gravy, a little grated cheese and pourthis over Answer: Mock Mince Meat 6 green tomatoes 6 apples % pound seedless raisins ? pound seeded raisins % .cup citron - 1 orange -rind 1'teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon cloves tile14,t,4 ,� fla'G4 0,4sithe ITS 'FRAGRANCE IS SEALED IN VACUUM A GENERAL MOTORS experimental. train that is packed full of mechanical marvels, new -as -tomorrow interior decorations and many post-war features for the comfort and safety of passengers, now is on a tour of eastern Canadian cities. Powered by a GM Electro -Motive Diesel locomotive, the ears—Day coach, Diner, Sleeper and Observation Lounge—are of an entirely new design that permits an Astra Dome atop each (see above) for unrivalled view of land- scape, and a depressed car floor beneath; resulting in four floor -levels in every car, with ramps or steps connecting them. GM is constructing ,a new plant at London, Ontario, to build Diesel locomotives for, Canadian use. 1 tablespoon cinnamon % cup fruit -juice Vs cup vinegar % teaspoon allspice 1/2 teaspoon ginger % teaspoon grated nutmeg Chop tomatoes, apples and rai- sins. Add other ingredients in order given and cook until thick. This amount should make three pies. Mrs. M. Cl, asks for good catsup recipe using green tomatoes. Answer: Old Virginia Catsup 1 peck green tomatoes % peck white onions 3 ounces white mustard seed 1 ounce allspice 1 pound brown sugar 1 ounce cloves 1/2 cup dry mustard 1/s ounce black pepper 1 ounce celery Seed Vinegar. Chop ,the tomatoes and onions, sprinkle with salt, and let stand three hours. Drain well and put the pulp in a "preserving kettle with the other Ingredients. Cover with vinegar, and boil slowly for one hour. Seal in clean, hot jars. Less mustard may be used if a less hot catsup is desired. Mrs. J. A. asks for ingredients of Chow Chow pickle. Answer: Chow Chow 18 green tomatoes 8 cucumbers 5 dozen small green onions 1 pound green string -beans 1 cauliflower 1 bunch celery 3 chopped red peppers 1 cup salt 2 quarts vinegar 1 cup brown sugar 2 tablespoons tumeric powder 4 tablespoons mustard seed 1 tablespoon cloves COUNTY HOME CAPTURES MANY SEAFORTH PRIZES Huron County Home, Clinton, carried off many prizes in Hol- stein cattle at Seaforth Fall Fair, Friday last. In the dairy section, Lorne Hood had grand champion cow, best three cows and best dairy herd. Huron County Home was second and Irwin Trewartha•third in the herd class. Winners in Shorthorn cattle included Bruce Keyes, William Turnbull and Son and McKinley Farms, while Fred McClymont, Varna, won many prizes in poul- try. Principal winners in sheep were Orval McGowan, Blyth; George Armstrong, G. L. Martin, W. R. Pepper and John Cowan. Thomas Pryde, MLA for Hur- on, officially opened the Fair. Despite the brief showers which prevailed throughout the day, the fair was n decided success, with entries a record ands attendance up to standard. Seaforth Collegiate Cadet Band headed the parade, winners of which were: urban — Seaforth Public School. Rural—S. S. 3, Hullett, first; S.S. 8 McKillop, S.S. 2 Tuckersmith, and S.S. 6 Hullett. The silver cup donated by W. L. Whyte to the secondary school in Huron County for having ob- tained the most points in high school section was won by Sea - forth. 1 tablespoon pepper Anne Allan invites you to write . to her % CLINTON NEWS -RE- CORD. Send in your suggestions on homemaking problems and watch this column for replies. avS "Why accept anything less than the most Beautiful BUY of all?" ria:!; i:i i3 tittEeS Stand by for a Chevrolet and get the most for your money fix r°ela :. tzCHEVROLET H's your money you're spending, and you're entitled to get the molt motor car, in return. All Canada says that moans Chevrolet—the most beautiful buy of all—and the car that gives EXTRA VALUES in every phase and feature of motoring. It brings you fine -car advantage after flat- car advantage, from Fisher Body Styling and Valve -in - Head performance to Centre -Point steering ease and the greater riding comfort of the longest, heaviest car in Its field. And otters these advantages at the lowest prices! M1 So, why accept anything less than the most beautiful buy of all? ... Invest in a Chevrolet and get the most for your money! Insist on getting these EXTRA VALUES exclusive to Chevrolet in its field! WORLD'S CHAMPION VALVE -IN -HEAD ENGINE the extra efficient power plant that's setting the trend for the industry. FISHER BODY STYLING AND LUXURY found elsewhere only on higher priced cars. CENTRE -POINT STEERING giving maximum steering ease with minimum driver,fatigue or '"car -wan- der" and found elsewhere only on costlier cats. CERTI-SAFE HYDRAULIC BRAKES (with Dubl-Life Rivetless Brake Linings) assuring swifter, safer stops for you and your family. FISHER UNISTEEL BODY CONSTRUCTION with steel welded to steel all around you for maximum solidity, quietness and safety. CURVED WINDSHIELD with PANORAMIC VISIBILITY supplyingthat extra vision which means extra safety, exclusive to Chevrolet it, Its field. LONGEST, HEAVIEST CAR IN ITS FIELD with WIDEST TREAD, as well giving more room, more riding -comfort, more road-steadinessand safety. 5 -INCH WIDE -BASE WHEELS (with Extra Low -Pressure Tires) the widest rims in the entire low -price Sold, providing greater ride -stability. EXTRA ECONOMICAL TO OWN—OPERATE-- MAINTAIN and bringing you more when you trade; for Chevrolets ,aro most wanted- — new or used! A PRODUCT of GENERAL MOTORS C.19995 Lorne Brown Motors I MUSIC INSTRUCTOR GODERICH—The Public School Board has engaged Alex Clark, organist of North Street United Church, es instructor of music In public schools. He has been in- structor of music at the collegiate for a year, and succeeds Mrs. .1. G, McDougall, who has resigned after five years. She has been the president of Huron County Festival of Music three years. th az of DETROIT FACING GRAND CIRCUS PARK The Tulle,. a modern hotel for those who want the best! Con- venient to Offices, Theaters, and Shops. Friendly, courte- ous service and teal Hotel Comfort. The Tuller Coffee Shop or Cafeteria for your Owing Pleasure at modest prices. It pays to stay at Hotel Tuller, e aVISIT OUR )COCKTAIL LOUNGE Ca ONE OF DETROIT'S FINEST • 800 ROOMS $)75 WITH BATH FROM HOTEL TULLER RICHARD C. HOOGES, Mgr. //////%i ,AT nus Bayfield Man Plans To Instruct at UWO James R. Scott, Toronto and Bayfield, will instruct in creative writing at the department of English in the University of West- ern Ontario. Some of his last year's selected students again will be in his class. Mr. Scott, who is literary Ed- itor of 'The Toronto Telegram, is well-known as a Toronto .edi- tor, radio speaker and critic, After graduating from. Univers- ity of Toronto in 1938, he took post -graduate work at Harvard and Toronto and was a member of the department of English at the University of Saskatchewan for four years. He is frequently heard as a critic -of radio programs on the CBC program, "Critically 'Speak- ing." While on the staff of the CBC he originated such programs as "The Readers Take Over," a book review series, end 'Canad- ian Short Stories," 0 HEALTH CENTRE GODERICH - Huron County Health Unit has been given per- mission by the Kirk session of Knox Presbyterian Church, to use the lecture hall and adjoining rooms for a child health clinic for Goderich end district. Road Commission Has Busy Season Under the supervision of County Engineer T. R, 'Patterson, Huron County Road Commission had a busy summer with bridge con- struction, road building and re- pairing. Building of the road south of Varna has been, completed, and that from Nile to Sheppardton rebuilt, The road south of Egmondville is being completed, among other projects. I New bridges have been con- Istructed at Londesboro and Elm. - vale The Marnoch Bridge, which was undermined by floods,has been repaired, DUCKS FLY SOUTH GODERICH—Southward flying ducks and geese are giving signs of the approach of an early 'win- ter. Game Warden Ken Jock and commercial fisherman Ab Leon- ard both have noticed large flights of ducks and geese head- ing south over Lake Huron dur- ing the past week or more. It is stated that the flights are almost a month earlier than normal and this is taken, to indicate an early winter. Just what would your wife live on if you were no longer here to earn the money? There's a Mutual Life of Catoada policy specially designed to take care of feet this contingency for you: Consult ole' local representative. He wall show yen bow a new source of Income can be provided for her. Protection at Low Cost MUTUAL ag of CANADA HEAD OFFICE WATERLOO, OMT. 'YOU'LL FIND YOUR LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE HERE` H. C. LAWSON Bank of Montreal Building, PHONE: Office 251W; Res. MT GOVERNMENT OF CANADA BONDS 3% due October 1, 1952 have been coiled for payment October 1, 1949 These bonds should be presented for redemp. tion with all coupons of later date attached. No further interest will be paid on these bonds after this date. 502W NEVER BEFORE have farm implement prices been so low in comparison with prices of other supplies the farmer buys On the average, supplies which farmers must buy to carry on their business, have gone up 70.1% in price since 1941, In the same period. Massey -Harris prices for Canadian -made farm implements have gone up only 43.9% ... not much more than half the average rise. Massey -Harris has held down its prices in the face of a 92,6% increase in cost of raw materials, and an increase of 87% in the average hourly wage rate to its employees. Demand' has been keen in all parts of the world, and Massey -Harris factories have been working at top capacity. High volume has spread the overhead costs over more machines, and enabled the Company to absorb part of the increased coat of material and labor. _ •Downton 4., daoNaks 1,4.1 i, tit" MASSEY-HARRIS