Clinton News-Record, 1949-09-29, Page 5TOURSDAY,. SEPTEMBER '29 2949 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, • 'PAGE FIVE NewS-RecordClassif led Adlets Bring Quick Results 'CASH RATE—(If paid ber We nesday following date of 'inser- 'tion)—One cent a word first in- •aertion (minimum 35 cents); sub- sequent insertions one cent a word (minimum 25 cents); 15 cents ex- tra for box number or for :direr- aeon to NEWS -RECORD Office. IF CHARGED --15 cents extra. 'DEADLINE -6 p.m. Wednesday, a MISCELLANEOUS. ACCOMMODATION TO 'RENT ROOM TORENT, with or with- out board; two overcoats, size 40, in good condition; wool dregs, size 12. Phone 252, 39-b ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT FOUR -ROOMED, self-contained apartment, available October 15, 'Suitable .for couple or couple of 'business girls. Phone 1'49, 89-p ACCOMMODATION WANTED RCAF OFFICER, AND WIFE' wish, to rent an apartment or house, furnished or unfurnished. Apply Box "M", NEWS -RECORD. '39-p AGENTS WANTED BELL AND SONS (Canada) Ltd„ Verdun, Que., require a repre- sentative for Huron County to sell, 'their veterinary preparations, in - 'eluding Min-O-Vite Iodised Min- erals, direct to farmers. Car es- sential, commission basis. Apply to above address. 39-b ARTICLES FOR SALE 'SINGER TREADLE SEWING 'Machine in good, condifion; 'port- able battery radio, almost new. Phone 269. 39-p AUTOMOBILES FOR 'SALE 1948 CHEVROLET COACH, in top condition. Apply 147 James 'St., Clinton. 39-40-p 7940 PONTIAC DELUXE SIX Sedan in excellent condition. Phone Clinton 543J after six. 39-p 1936 PLYMOUTH for sale; in excellent running order. $500 or 'best offer. Phone 456W. 39-p BABY SITTING RELIABLE BABY SITTER avail- able. For information phone 155. 38-9-40-b OIL BURNER FOR SALE 'OIL BURNER FOR FURNACE, 'used three weeks, and two heavy 'tames. Apply Clinton Grill. 39-40-p CLOTHING FOR SALE LADY'S GREY GABARDINE Rain Coat with hood, good con- dition, size 16; $15. Phone 2061 'evenings (7-10 p.m.) 39-b YOUNG LADY'S CLOTH COAT, size 18; brown with velvet collar. Slightly worn. May be seen at NEWS -RECORD Office. 39-40-p FOR EQUIPMENT SALE Q. (NE -THIRD HORSE POWER, 'hall -bearing motor, used three winters. William Inkley, phone '788W, _ 39-p FURNITURE FOR SALE BED, COUCH and Trilite Lamp, -used six months, Phone Clinton '904r11, between 7 and 8 p.m. 39-b HOUSES FOR SALE TWO-STOREY FRAME HOME, nine lovely rooms with hard- wood floors downstairs; cellar under whole houge, all modern 'conveniences. Double garage end 'large lot with a number of maple send evergreen trees.. This prop 'arty has several possibilities such as a duplex or rooming house or just a fine home for a family. Apply Charles E. Elliott, P.O. Box 238, Clinton, or phone 326. 34tfb MODERN TWO-STOREY Eight - roomed house. Living room nat- nral fire place and hardwood floor; dining room tile floor with natural fire place; kitchen mod- ern built-in cupboards and break- Iast nook; three large bedrooms; storeroom; built-in bathroom, all modern fixtures; full-size base- ment with new 'furnace. House is insulated, also insul brick sid- ing, storm windows and combina- tion doors. Double garage, e barn and lots. Hydro, water and sewerage installed. Will sell house with or without lots. House priced right for quick sale. Any person interested contact Ross Fitzsimons, phone 559W, 33btfb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE rf,N CHOICE PIGS, six weeks old. Apply Mervyn Falconer, R.R. 3, Seeforth, Phar e Clinton 615r24. 39-p 'EIGHT PIGS, eight weeks old. Alex Sparks, Bayfield. 39-p 50 LITTLE PIGS, eight weeks old; 150 Sussex X New Hampshire pullets, ready to lay, Apply Lloyd. Pipe, Londesboro, phone Blyth 24r13. 39-p '11 LITTLE PIGS, seven weeks old. Apply Edgar Rathwell, phone Clinton 909r4. 39-p SAWS, ALL KINDS FILED AT C. Hoare's orchard, mile north of town. Will work . odd days, harvesting, eta. °" $8=46-p FOR YOUR' CONVENIENCE there is a new Singer Sewing Centre located on the Square in Goderich;"New cabinet and port- able machines,' also treadles. Re- pairs to all makes. S0btfb ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead phone at once. Phone•eolleet, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Goder- ich. 2btfb - • NOTICE NOTICE — ANYONE FOUND trespassing on Part Lots No. 41, 51 both sides of river, Tucker- smith Township . • at any »time hereafter will be prosecuted by order of the owner, A. E. Parry. March •31,'1949. " 24-28-p THE MAPLE LEAF CHAPTER, IODE, Goderich,.. is willing to sponsor a dancing teacher from the Voskoff Canadian rBellet School, Toronto, if a sufficient number of pulpits are interested. Classes arranged for both child- ren and adults. Enroll now and geteagood foundation in a rap- idly growing art in Canada. Any- one interested can communicate with Miss Josie Saunders, Gode- rich, 316, or' Mrs. H. M. Ford, Goderioh, 268J. 39-b PERSONAL" SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! 'Gain 5 'to 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try famous Osteex Tonic Tablets for double results; new healthy flesh; new vigor. New "get acquainted" size only 60 cents. All'druggists. HELP FOR 'TIRED, BURNING feet—give yourself an "Ice -Mint" treat. 50 cents and $1 at Penne- baker's Drug Store. PIANO LESSONS PIANO LESSONS COMMENCED Monday, September 26. For in- formation phone 243W, Clinton. 39-p POULTRY FOR SALE 50 WHITE SUSSEX PULLETS, 71/2 months old. $1.90. Apply Cornelius Buruma, R,R. 2, Gode- rich. 39-p REGISTERED HEREFORDS: five cows due in December; one cow due in March; one two-year-old 'heifer; three yearling heifers; two ten -months -old bulls. Three grade year olds; Belgian team, six years old; two Belgian Mlles, Arnold. Dale, R. R. 1, Clinton,. phone 801r9: 3849-p LOST AND FOUND ':LOST — AUTOMOBILE GLOVE, left hand, holes cut on back of glove, finder please return to School of Commerce, Reward .given: .39-b WANTED TO BUY 60 NEW HAMPSHIRE RED Pul- lets. Apply Ed Boyes, Bruce - field, phone Clinton 625r2. 39-b 80 SUSSEX X NEW HAMPSHIRE Pullets, laying. Apply Ernie Crteh, phone Clinton 614r24. 39-b 240 NEW HAMPSHIRE .X Sussex Pullets, ' six months old, laying 30 percent. Russell Erratt, Varna, phone Bensall 196r21. 39-b 200 NEW HAMPSHIRE X Sussex Pullets, six months old; also Prin- cess Pat range. Phone Bayfield 59r4, ' 39-40-b 25 ROCK PULLETS. starting to lay; quantity •of "Everbeering" Raspberry plants for sale. Can fill small or large order. A. Giron, phone 312. 39-b PROPERTY FOR SALE . BEING LOT 28, CONCESSION Varna Road, containing 40 acres more or less, 25 acres hardwood and cedar bush, the remainder suitable for road gravel. For further particulars apply to J. B. Rothwell, Bayfield, phone 51r4. 38-9-40-1-b RADIOS FOR SALE TABLE MODEL PHILCO RADIO. excellent condition. $35 or 'best offer. Lorne Brown Motors, 39-b REFRIGERATOR FOR SALE SLIGHTLY USED 7 CU. FOOT. Leonard Refrigerator, in excellent shape. Still three years on guar- antee, Apply Merrill Radio and Electric, phone 313. 39-b SEED GRAIN FOR SALE QUANTITY OF MIXED GRAIN, $46 per ton, delivered. Apply Ewan C. Ross, RR. 2, Clinton, phone Clinton 901r4. 39-40-p ' STOVES FOR SALE CLASSIC COOK STOVE for sale. W. Freeman, phone 791.3, call In evenings, 39-p NEW PRINCESS PAT RANGE, burns coal or wood, with warm- ing closet and reservoir, used,two. winters. Fred Reid, Varna, phone Clinton 630r16. 39-b CLARE JEWEL Coal and Wood Range, ,excellent condition, real good cooker, and warming cab, inet. Phone 589R, Mrs. A. Kirby, Princess St. W. 39-p FRIGIDA.IRE TABLE ;.MODEL Electric Stove, one year old, like new, S. Miller, Londesboro, phone Blyth 26r17, . 39-p SPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE, SPRAYED APPLES, fell variety. Orders taken for Spies, Finns, Greenings, etc. Apply Fred Mc Ciymone, Verne, Phone Clinton 613124, 38-39-40-p WE HAVE WOLFS RIVER, Blen- heim Pippin, Snow and Macin- tosh for immediate delivery, also taking orders for Spy and De- licious, Bring your own contain- ers and get your winter supply et H. R. Plumsteei, Highway 4, phone 619r4. 39-40-p SPY 'APPLES, grown on young trees, all sprayed. William Lov- ett, ov-ett, phone 804r4, Clinton, 39-40-p TRUCKS FOR SALE 1949 DODGE PICK-UP, lk ton, two weeksold gone ,30,0 miles, 'PIANO, IN GOOD CONDITION. gear shift on steering wheel, will` Apply to 'Box "E"NEWS-RE- sell below list See it right away. CORD, stating 'full particulars. Evan Sparks, Bayfield; 4th con- -p i cession. 39-p BIRTHS BELL --In Clinton Public Hospi- taI on Friday, September 23, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bell, Blyth, a son (Buddy Ray- mond). HEFFEL—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Thursday, September 29, 1949, to Mr, and Mrs. James Heffel, Clinton, a daughter (Linda Jane). KINACH—In Welland Hospital, on. Sunday, September 4, 1949, to Mr. and. Mrs. N. W. 'Kinach, Stoney Creek, formerly of Clin- ton, a daughter (Janet Wendy). LEISHMAN — In .. Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, Septem- ber 22, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs, James Leishman, R.R. 1, Bruce - field, a son (Donald James). PHELAN — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday,. Sep- tember.28, 1949, to Mr. and 'Mrs. Louis Phelan, R.R. 2, Myth, a SOIL RUELLE—In Farmington, Mich. on Saturday, September 24, 1949, to Mr and 'Mrs Stuart. Ruelle (nee ;Georgi MacDon- ald), a son, SHADDICK — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, Septem- ber 22, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Allen Sheddick, Londesboro, a son (Jeffry Walkom). STAN—At the Stephan Nursing Home, Hensel', on Monday, September 26, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Victor Stan, London, (nee Laura Sangster, Hensali ), a son. YEO—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Tuesday, September 27, 1949, to Mr.' and Mrs. Eldon Yeo, R.R. 3, Clinton, a son (William Charles). MARRIAGES BRIGHAM-PENNINGTON — At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leon- ard Rooney, R.R. 1, Myth, on Saturday, September 24, 1949, at 2.30 p.m., by Rev. W. J. Rogers, Blyth, Margaret Eliza- beth, daughter of Mrs. Leonard Rooney and the Iate Harold Pennington, Kincardine, to Charles Ralph Brigham, son of Mrs. Elsie Brigham, R. R. 1, Blyth, end the late James Brigham. DENOMME-CRUICKSHANK—In Holy Family Church, Hamilton, on Saturday, •September 24, 1949, by Rev. Leonard Barry, Anita Vesta, eldest daughter of James Cruickshank, Clinton, to John Paul Denomme, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Den- omme, also of Clinton. GOODING-MUNN — In Cannel Presbyterian Church, Bengali, by Rev, P. A, Ferguson, on Saturday, September 24, 1949, et 2.30 p.m., Aileen Jane, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Munn, Exeter, to Donald A. Gooding, son of Mr. and Mrs. Basil Gooding, Perkhill. 0 IN MEMORIAM ELLIOTT—In memory of Vera E. Elliott, beloved wife of Fred H. Elliott, who passed away September 26, 1949. "The depths of sorrow we can- not tell Of the loss of one we loved so well; And while she sleeps a peace- ful sleep Her memory we shall always keep" • .—Ever remembered by her hGs- band, Fred H. Elliott. 39-b WOOD FOR SALE 1,000 CORDS 12" HARDWOOD. Fred C. Kalbfleiseh and Son, Phone 69, Zurich, , 38 -9 -40 -lb TO RENT ON SHARES, 15 ACRES OF SOD to be ploughed this fall, Apply to Edward Welsh, KA. ,2; Bay- field. 39-b PURCHASE. RADAR EQUIPMENT . 'FOR NATION'S DEFENCE For its internal air, defence system, the Defence Department has contracted for "considerable quantities of radar equipment of modern design and higher power" .and it will be produced in Can- ada, according to Defence Minis- ter Claxton. This; he told the Industrial Preparedness Association,' is an- other front on which defence orders are a stimulant to industry. Mr. Claxton, in a speech pre- pared for delivery 'in Toronto, had this to say about other ord- ers wihch were running ahead of the 1948-49 fiscal year in virtually every item: 1. Aircraft costs for nein planes, repairs and parts have run to $45,500,000 in the first five months of this fiscal year, more than double the total for all last year. 2. Canada's own two-seater, night -fighter, long-range inter- ceptor aircraft is "about to be tested" by the A. V. Roe firm at Milton, Ontario, and a develop- ment contract involving an in- itial amount of $3,950,000 has been made for purchase of ten pre -production types. If it proves a success, steps are being taken Ito start production without delay. 3. The $8,000,000 naval escort vessels of which three are on order "will be the first built anywhere to meet, the require-. merits for detection and destruc- tion of modern submarines." 4. Defence appropriations ere up 50 per cent this year from last. "If more is to be spent it should have to be at the expense of other government departments or at the further expense of the public by an increase in taxes," • o Holiday Special, A spend -easy, sailor asked how he spent his money so quickly, re- plied that he had spent some in the pub, some on the ponies, some on women, and the rest he had spent foolishly. Notice to Creditors In the Estate of AGNES STIR- LING, late of the Town of Clin- ton, in the County of 'Huron, Spinster, Deceased. All parsons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solic- itor for the said Estate, on or before the 17th clay of October, A.D. 1949, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entiled thereto, hav- ing regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, this 23rd day of September, A.D. 1949. F. FINGLAND, ICC., Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 39-40-41-b Notice to Creditors In theEstateofSARAH S RAH VOD - DEN, late of the Town. of Clin- ton, in the County of Huron, Married Woman, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before the 10th day of Octob- er, A.D. 1949, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, this 3rd day of September, A.D. 1949 F. FINGLAND, K.C., Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 38-39-40-b BIG DANCE Sponsored by Clinton Fire Department .,TOWN HALL, CLINTON Friday, S pt. 0 Commencing at 9 P.M. Music By KEN WILBEE and His Orchestra Adunission: 50 cents BEFORE YOUR BUY BE SURE TO SEE The .New Clare Jewel Cool St ve Heat en's Gras and Electric gas Now In Stock Full Stock 'of Hand -Made STOVE PIPES • Hawkins r.. j Hardware and Plumbing PHONE 244 -- CLINTON ROXY THEATRE CLINTON Now Playing Alexis Smith - ' Zachary Scott "South of St. Louis" (TECHNICOLOR) — MON., TUES., WED. — Claudette Fred COLBERT MacMURRAY in "FAMILY HONEYMOON" — THURS., FRI., SAT. — Bette Robert DAVIS MONTGOMERY in "JUNE BRIDE" October 10th: June Allyson and Peter Lawfurd in "Little Women" A thrilling coming event (Tech.) CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH REGENT THEATRE, SEAFORTH NOW: William Bendix & James Gleason in "The Life of Riley" NOW: Bette Davis and Robert Montgomery • in "JUNE BRIDE" Adult Entertainment MON., TUES., WED. Adult Entertainment Rita Hayworth -, Ron Randall — Glenn Ford —. Victory dory Margaret Wycherly — Recapitulating, in Techr.•icolor, the tumultuous affairs of a famous temptress and the destiny that laid her low. "THE LOVES OF CARMEN" — THURS., FRI., SAT. — In Ciriecolor Sonny Tufts - Barbara Britton & George Hayes—A roaring tale of the cattle country, where men are men and women are hard to come by. "The Untamed Breed" Coining: ESTHER WILLIAMS in Technicolor in "NEPTUNE'S DAUGHTER" — THURS., I'RI„ 'SAT. — The MARX BROTHERS, Groucho, Harpo and Chico with Kitty Car- isle and Alan Jones presenting a revision of the funniest film ever suede• 'A Night at the Opera' Coming: June Allyson. and Peter Lawford in "LITTLE WOMEN" Technicolor Special Price on New Portable Remington Rand TYPEWRITER With Case Regular $89.50 Sale Price — $74.95 (One Only At This Price) Get Your Boy or Girl a New Remington Rand Typewriter at this Special Price! JOHN R. BUTLER PHONE 274 CLINTON 39-p CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion w K. C.Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 661 BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St. East Phone 585 HONOUR DECEASED DUNGANNON Flowers were placed at the pulpit of Dungan- non United Church by Mrs. Wil- liam Bradley, Goderich, in mem- ory of her grandparents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Alton, at the anniversary services of the church. Rev. Gordon Hazlewood, Walton, was the speaker. ANNIVERSARY BELGRAVE.—Autumn flowers, ferns, and maple leaves decorated Knox United Church, Belgrave, for the annual Harvest Thanks- giving services Sunday. Rev. W. J. Moores, conducted the services. Rev, H. W. Avison, Gait, preach- ed both morning and evening. WHAT SHALL WE DO THAT *E MIGHT WORK THE WORKS OF GOD? John 6:28 JESUS ANSWERED AND SAID UNTO THEM, THIS IS THE WORK OF GOD, THAT YE BELIEVE ON HIM WHOM HE HATH SENT. John 6:29 BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST AND"THOU SHALT BE SAVED AND THY HOUSE Acts 16:31 CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles 53, Calif. e�,wsr. Reg. Smith • Bandsawing • Jigsawed Signs and Woodworking PHONE 797W CLINTON e 39-40-b TENDERS for EXCAVATION and REPAIRS to St. Pauls Church SEALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned until. 12 o'clock noon; Saturday, Oct,. 8, 1949. For Excavation and Repairs to St. Paul's Church, Clinton, Ontario. Specifications will be available September 29th from the undersigned; lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. L. C. WINTER, Chairman, Property Committee, St. Paul's Church, Clinton, Ontario 39-b MI.SFNMPI.OJMJV•NMJ•nN• You Be The Judge! Come in to -day, look over' the dozens. and dozens of NEW FALL. SUITS for Men. If you don't agree that we have the largest and finest stock of ready-made suits in town, we'll give 'you one Free. e • GABARDINES BARATHEAS WORSTED SERGES • • PLAINS STRIPES CHECKS ' SHARKSK'INS • • • DOUBLE BREASTED LOUNGES SINGLE BREASTED • • • • BLUES BROWNS GREYS GREENS a • a REGULARS SEMI -STOUTS STOUTS 36 to 46 • From $39.50 to ` $59.50 MADE -TO -MEASURE Suits, Topcoats, Overcoats, by WARREN K. COOK • REGAL PARK • W. R. JOHNSTON TIP TOP TAILORS We specialize in RCAF Officers' Uniforms, Greatcoats, and Trenchcoats. Pickett fal Campbell Stetson Hats ' Carson's Luggage Arrow Shirts Phone 25 - Clinton