HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-09-29, Page 4PAGE FOUR CLINTON -NEWS-RECORD THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29. 1949 Women's and Church Affairs in Clinton District B R. S. Atkey spent the weekend n Owen Sound with his mother, Mrs. G. E. Atkey. Mr. and Mrs. David Johnston, Kitchener, spent Sunday last at the - home of their parents, Ms. and Mrs. J. H. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Douglas and two daughters, Kay and Nancy, Erin, were - weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. McLay. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Oke, Lon- don, visited with Mrs. Grace Hig- gins, and Mr. and 'Mrs. F. B. Pennebaker recently. Mrs, Grace Higgins has been xenewing old acquaintances, and visiting relatives in Exeter dur- ing the past week. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Pennebaker are in Toronto this week attend- ing the Drug Show at the Royal York hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Len Evans, St. Thornes, were weekend visitors at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carter. Rev. and Mrs. Hugh C. Wilson are .visiting for a few days this week with Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Reycraft, Peterboro. Mr: and Mrs. B. B. Pockling- ton and two children, Peter and Nancy, returned on Sunday after spending 'the past month in the Western Provinces. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Landsbor- ough, Clinton, and Misses Helen and Kay Jervis; Toronto, have returned from a month's motor trip to the West Coast. Mrs. G,eorge M. Shiles and daughter Mary left Clinton yest- erday to join Squadron -Leader Shiles in Toronto. They will re- side et 207 Millwood Road. 'S/L' Shiles is attending RCAF Staff College, Armour Heights. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sutter and Miss Shirley, and Mrs. Ben- son Sutter visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Robbins, Cred iton. - Mrs. Benson Sutter was guest Soloist at the Crediton United Church anniversary. Guy Brissenden, now of Toron- to, former inspector of the houses that were built here, with Mrs. Brissenden, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. James Livermore and other friends in town last week, Rev. K. J. Beaton, Toronto, while in town over the weekend was the guest at the home of his mother, Mrs. A. D. Beaton. Benson Sutter spent the week- end in Barrie attending Toronto Conference YPU convention as a• delegate from London Confer- ence YPU. Mr. aed Mrs. James Livermore and brother, John, and Mrs. Jack- son, took in the Western Fair, London, for a day during Fair week, George Rathwell, Toronto, has returned to his home after visit- ing his sisters, Miss Mabel Beth - well, Clinton, and Mrs. William Foster, Hensall. Miss Marjorie Stanley has been appointed recently by the Min- ister of Agriculture as clerk - stenographer at the Department of Agriculture office in Clinton. PERSONALS V.MNN.N?II0.4..~ 004,••HN INSIST ON THE BEST KIRSCH Custom -Made VENETIAN BLINDS Aluminum - Steel Slats • Choice of: PASTEL - COLORED SLATS and TAPES FREE ESTIMATION AND INSTALLATION SERVICE IN TOWN OR RURAL PHONE 36J OR CALL AT STORE MARTIrVS 38-39-b ONTARIO ST. WA The WA of Ontario' St. United Church will meet on Tuesday;, October 4, in the Church Hall, Mrs. Shipley end Miss Grant will be in charge of the programme with the ladies of No. 4 Highway and Concession 2 Hullett, serv- ing lunch. A miscellaneous shower is also requested for the bazaar. Visit Clinton's New Beauty Salon Located on ground floor in the Jervis Apartments, Albert St., next Roxy Theatre. Permanents, Fingerwaves, Shampoos, Facials, Manicures THELMA CURRIE -- -- PHONE 542J Ball & Mutch Funeral Home HIGH STREET, CLINTON The Fine Appointments of this Funeral Home are Beautiful and Appropriate, Among Which the Large, Pleasant Rooms and Electric Organ are. Not the Least. , There • is No Extra Charge far Services Held Here Under Such Ideal Conditions. BALL AND MUTCH Funeral Directors D. G. BALL, W. J. MUTCH Phone 361-W Phone 3614 :b`�M.ii Srnc ::. ..• Phone 195 0 Couple Celebrate Silver Anniversary ONTARIO STREET CHURCH MARKS ITS ANNIVERSARY (By our Hensall correspondent) A very enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Mr. end Mrs. Orville Smith, Parr Line, Zurich, Saturday evening, Sept- ember 24, when a number of friends and relatives gathered to help them, celebrate their silver anniversary,. Dinner was served at 7.30 The table was• attractive, centred with a three -tiered wedding cake. Af- ter dinner music was enjoyed and en addresswas read. by Mrs. Harold Brodrick, 'end Mr. and Mrs. Smith were presented with a number of lovely gifts by little Miss Joan end Bob Roderick. Mr. Smith, on behalf of his wife and himself, extended thanks. One of the highlights of the affair and one which caused much merriment, was the presentation. of a mock wedding. Guests were present from Lon- don, Exeter and Hensall. The, immediate family were all pres- enth e . with the exception of the p eldest son, Jack, who is at White Horse, Yukon Territory. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Milton have returned to Toronto, after spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Orval Rapson, on their return from a pleasant motor trip to Ottawa and Montreal. Mr. end Mrs. Lawrence Den- omme and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Denomme and Mrs. W. Swinbank were in Hamilton on Saturday attending the Denomme-Cruickshank wedding. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cook include Mr. and Mrs. George Boyer and Billy and Mrs. Roy Dickson, To- ronto, and Mrs. High, Mr. and Mrs. High, Jr., and Charles and Douglas, and Mrs. Bertie Haber, all of Romeo, Mich. . charitable organization the world Mr. and Mrs John Moyter (nee has ever known and the Good Marny MacKinnon) have return- Samaritan to all the world. He ed from their honeymoon in felt, however, that being a good Bermuda, and spent the weekend Samaritan was not enough, but with their aunt, Mrs. W. Jackson that the reasons for a need of a and Mrs. MacKinnon. While in good Samaritan must be done Bermuda, a reception was tend- away with, that is, the road from ered the bride and groom and Jerusalem to Jericho, or from Mrs. Moyter took part in musical Shanghai to Tibet, must be clear - events, singing over the Bermuda ed of the robbers that cause the network. Mr. Moyter is a fourth need for help. year student in electrical engin- 0 erring at the University of To- ronto, while Mrs. Moyter is taking a post graduate course in Public Health Nursing at the same Uni- versity. St. Paul's WA Hears Fine Talk on Prayer Rev. Dr. Kenneth Beaton, To= ronto; was the guest speaker at the annual anniversary services of Ontario St. United Church, Sunday morning and evening, before large congregations. Special music, under the cap- able leadership of Mrs. E. Wen- dorf, was enjoyed. At the morn-'' ing service, this included an an- them, "Blessed Be the Name of the Lord," Maunder; a solo, "Thanks Be To God," by Mrs. R. G. Bennett; a quartette, consist- ing of Miss E, Wiltse, Miss Cos- Unna Wendell, D. Symons and Pearson. At the evening service,. there was an anthem, "Tarry with me. 0 My Saviour," with Mrs. Bennett and Miss Wiltse as solo ists; a duet, "Somebody is Pray- ing for You," by Mr.. and Mrs. Don Symons;, an anthem, "The Day. is Past and Over," with solo parts taken by Miss Wendorf and D. Symons. The minister, Rev W. J. Wool - trey, had. charge of both ser- vices. At the moreing service; the guest speaker, , Dr. Beaton chose as his subject, "The Riches of the Church" He outlined the many ways in which the church was rich; first in her gospel which stressed the infinite worth of every individual and of the suf- ficiency of Jesus Christ; second- ly, in the gratitude of the large group of people at home and abroad who for the church would never crave had a chance. Next, the church is rich in the character of her ministers end missionaries and also in the calibre of the na- tive Christian leadership in many fields. The evening services at St. Paul's Anglican and Wesley - Willis were cancelled, so that the congregations could worship with Ontario St. United. At the even- ing service the Scripture was read by Rev. Hugh C. Wilson of Wes- ley -Willis United Church. Dr. Beaton chose as his subject, "Who is My Neighbour," basing his remarks on the story of the Good Samaritan. He stressed the fact the church is the greatest The members of St. Paul's Church WA met for the regular meeting in Owen Memorial Hall on Tuesday afternoon, Sept 20. In the absence of Mrs. Hudie, the president, the chair was tak- en by Mrs. L. McKinnon. Var- ious reports were submitted and the work for fall term considered WOMAN, BABY, FATALLY HURT IN CAR PLUNGE A woman and her three -month- old baby were fatally injured Saturday night when a car plung- ed into ,an eight -foot excava- tion for a culvert on a. 'gravel road about three and three- quarters miles east of Blyth. Mrs. Lawrence Jacklin, B,R. 2 Brussels, died Shortly after the car, being driven west by her husband, crashed into the hole, which police said had been ex- cavated by a power shovel earl- ier the same day. Her baby, Glen, died almost instantly. ' Mrs. Jacklin was said to. have been riding in the front seat of the car holding Glen when, the car took the fatal plunge. Mr. Jacklin suffered chest and facial injuries and . was removed to Scott Memorial Hospital in Sea- forth. Four other Jacklin child- ren—Gordon, six; Donald, five; Marline, four; and Wayne, two— escaped with cuts end bruises. Wayne was 'riding in the front seat of the car with his parents and baby Glen when the crash occurred. The car, a 1939 model was described by police as a total wreck. After the car came to rest right side up in the gaping hole said to extend 15 feet lengthwise of the top of the goad. Mr. Jacklin carried the body of baby Glen from the wrecked vehidle and his wife, still alive to the top of the embankment. He saw that the other children were safely out of the automobile, then ran to the farm of Archie Young for help. When he returned he found that Mrs. Jacklin was dead., A post mortem performed on Sunday showed that Mrs. Jack - lin died of internal injuries and the baby with a fractured skull. Medical aid was summoned from Brussels as well as an am buten& for Mrs. Jacklin, but the injured woman died before the arrival of the ambulance. Dr. E. A. McMaster, Seaforth, coroner, has ordered an inquest for October 5 at 3 p.m. Dr. -Mc Master said the excavation ap- parently had been left unprotect- ed and that he saw no sign of a warning light on the road, known as the Hullett-Morris boundary road. He said that his examina- tion of the section near the ex- cavation indicated that there was a sign marked, "Road Closed" some 40 feet from the hole on one side of the road• The ex- cavation stretched across the en- tire width of the road, Dr. Mc- Master said. I.O.O.F. NOTES Instalation of officers will be the special feature of the meeting of Hurons Rebekah Lodge on Monday, October 3. D,D.P. Sis. Edith Boyes, and her team, Sea - forth, will be in attendance and confer this honour on the officers, of the Lodge. Clinton Lodge IOOF No. 83 is planning a fowl supper, for mem- bers only, on Tuesday evening, October 18. Entertainment will be provided. Installation of officers of Clin- The usual bale for Endeavor; ton Lodge will be held on Tues- Sask., will be prepared soon, and day, October 25, when DDGM Fred good used clothing, or new gar- Boyce and his team, Brucefield, cnents and knitted articles are re- quested. Mrs. May Rance MecKinnon took the topic for the day, which was "Prayer" The speaker very ably brought to the minds and will be present. 0 PRIZE CAR DAMAGED BELGRAVE—Robert Yuill, 4th line, Morris; while motoring on the highway south of Brampton hearts of her listeners the potency had his car hit from the rear by of prayer, both for individuals another during a traffic halt. His and for groups, and she told of many concrete instances where prayer had brought happy results. o Presbyterian WMS Holds Good Meeting 0 The regular meeting of the WMS of Clinton Presbyterian Church was held at the home of car was thrown into a five-foot ditch, Damage to his oar, a sedan won at the Blyth Legion draw this summer, was estimated at $400, but Mr. YXuill and a com- panion both escaped injury. Mr. Hogb'ristle A men named Joe Hogbristle appeared hi court to have his name legally changed. The judge Mrs, James Deakins. After sing- nodded understandingly, and ask- ing a hymn, the 23rd psalm.. was ed, "What name do you want repeated in unison, the president to take?" following with prayer, • "Frank Hogbristle. I'm tired Mrs. John Snider read an int of hearing people say, "Hi, .Toe, cresting letter 'from a girl in whaddya know'. Women's Christian Medical Col- ' e lege, Ludhiana, India. The course No Difficulty is a very difficult one, especially for women, and this girl asked for the prayers of the WMS. "We pioneer south of the Clouds," subject of the last chap- ter from the study book, was well given by Mrs. Allan Maxwell. Mm, Roberton reported the high- lights of the Presbyterial Rally held recently. The meeting clos- ed with the singing of a hymn and the Lord's 'Prayer, The Important Part This society regrets the passing of Miss Agnes, Stirling, a valued Brown was telling Andrew that and devoted member: he had gone to a lawyer for At the close of the meeting 'the advice. hostess served refreshments, as- "Why spend money on' a law- sisted by Mrs. Snider yet?" asked Andrew. "Didn't o you notice that he read the ad - PRESBYTERIAN WA TO MEET vice out of a book?" The WA of. Clinton Presbyterian "Sure," replied Brawn. "But Church will meet at the home of he knows what page it is on." Mrs. M. D. McTaggart on Tries- --o day afternoon, October 4, at threes o'clock. The impecunious young man had just learned from his sweet- heart's own lips that she loved him, but his joy was tempered. "Darling," he said, "you know I love you, but marriage just now is impossible. Why, I couldn't keep a canary!" "Don't be silly," said the ami- able young lady. "I' like can- arses, tool" ASHTON'S x for fast service PHONE Iago The population of the world has doubled in the last 100 years. DON C. COLQUHOUN. Modern Kitchen Cabinets Now is the time to have your kitchen re -modelled PHONE 128W Free Estimates •-........�..,�.-nom. Church Directory All Services Eastern Standard Time HOSPITAL AID TO MEET The regular sheeting of Clinton Hospital Aid will be held in the Council Chamber, on Tuesday evening, October 4, at eight o'clock, Ontario St. United Church REV. W. J. WOOLFREY, Minister Mrs. E. Wendell, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, October 2 11.00 a.m.—Mo•ning Service 12.15—Sunday School ... 7.00 p.m.—Evening Worship Wesley -Willis United Church Rev. HUGH C. WTLSON, Minister Mrs. Morgan J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, October 2 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship Rev. S. H. Brenton, chairman of Huron Presbytery. 12.15—Church School. 7.00 b.m.-Eveni'•ig Praise. Rev. Mr. Brenton. Welcome to Worship. St. Paul's Anglican Church • REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremiin, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader Sunday, October 2 11.00 a.m.—Holy Communion and Sunday School. 7.00 p.m.—Evening Service. Tuesday, October 4 at 3 p.m.— Ladies' Guild in Owen Mem- ' oriel Hall Wednesday, October 5 at 8 p.m.— Board of Management. Baptist Church REV. A. FORSYTH, Minister Mrs. Ernest Adams, Organist J. R. Butler, Choir Leader Sunday, October 2 11.15 a.m.—Sunday School 7.00 p.m.—Evening Worship EVERYONE. WELCOME • Pentecostal Church Matilda St., South of CNR CLAYTON WARRINER, Pastor Sunday, October 2 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Worship: 7.30 n:m.—Evening Service, "Jesus—Saviour and Healer." (Come and be prayed for). Thursdey, 4.30 p.m. — Sunshine Hour. Thursday, e0,0 min.—Bible Study You are invited. Presbyterian 'Church REV. D. J. LANE, Minister- Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist ,,.,. and Choir Leerier Sunday, October. 2 10 00 a.m.—Sunday School. 11.00 a.m.—Divine Worship "Wise or Foolish". 2,30 pm.—Service at Bayfield. All Welcome' WESLEY-WILLIS WA r The WA of Wesley -Willis Unit- ed Church will meet in the Church Parlour on Thursday af- ' ternoon, October 6, at three o'clock. Group four will be in charge. i Something to Remember®I Air Force or civilian, we can offer you service that is well worth your while ! When buying draperyslip - or cover material,' come in and pick from our wide variety- of fabrics, what you would want in your room. Then, for no extra charge we will bring the bolts of materials you have selected'to your home that you may see them in your room. You have to live with them a .long time - why not like them from the start.. We have found great success with this method in the past. You too may profit by it. IR W IN'S SEE and DRIVE I The New Vanguard SALOON 4 -DOOR SEDAN! It's Beautiful! It's Economical, too! See Them To -day at New Low Prices Now on Display at Clinton Motors C. L. Stanley, Proprietor Authorized Dealer PHONE 205W -- CLINTON 4..4.04.. 1 We Have -Work Gloves and RUBBER FOOTWEA To Suit Your Needs! Large Selection — Right Prices Phone 2 at AIKEN'S Luggage and Leather Goods Clinton Tomorrow's Treasures! Portraits that preserve your personality as you are today will become tomorrow's most precious treasures! Your portrait deserves the individual attention t h a t makes Fowler Bros.' photo- PERSONALITY."ORTRAITS WITH Fowler Brothers PHOTOGRAPHERS Phone 84 MeEwan's Clinton Also Studios in Mitchell and Strafford ORDER ONE FOR SATURDAY Choc. Marshmallow Roll Fresh Raspberry Pie Really A Treat! BAR.TLIFF BROS. Bakers and Confectioners PHONE I CLINTON N!IMN•.NNI'MMf..MNJJd'....'�IdA"MY..M..'.I.iM•MJdd.I•PP..fw'N n tiIntrMIMMIMMINIIIMMVO