HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-09-22, Page 5117HURSDAY, 'SEPTEMBER 22,. 1249 CLINTON' 'NEWS -RECORD PAGE rmVIS News -Record Classified Adlets Bring Quick Results 'CASH RATE -.(if paid by Wed- HELP WANTED, FEMALE LADY WANTED to do house- work either hourly or part days. Apply Mrs. Alvin Lobb, corner William and Ontario Sts., phone 691W. 38-p nesday following .date of inser- tion)--Onecent .a word ',first inr sertion (minimum 35 cents); sub- sequent insertions one cent a word (minimum 25 cents); 15 cents ex- tra for box number or for dhee- 4lon to NEWS -RECORD Office. iF CHARGED --15 cents extra. DEADLINE -6 p.m. Wednesday. ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE .ACCOMMODATION available for two boarders or roomers. Apply Box "L", NEWS -RECORD. 38-p COMFORTABLE Accommodation for elderly Iadies (not bed pa- tients), tray service; space for one elderly man. Phone Goderich 950R or write P. O. Box 280, Goderich. 36-38-b ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT SULLY - FURNISHED STEAM - heated apartment, suitable for couple only. Availbale October 1. Phone 176. 36-38-b ACCOMMODATION WANTED APARTMENT WANTED BY ,couple, furnished or unfurnished rooms. Apply Box "E", NEWS - RECORD. 38-p ARTICLES FOR SALE. 'ONE 250 AMPERE PORTABLE -electric arc welding machine; coal and wood range; quantity maple plank, cedar logs and rails; also Neveral hundred new red brick. Apply R. J. Carter, Maitland 'Concession near Holmesville. • 32z AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1941 SPECIAL DELUXE Chev- rolet Sedan, excellent condition throughout, under seat heater. 'Phone Clinton 191W," 38-b 1942 FORD TUDOR COACH, new Mercury motor, super -cush- ion tires, owned since new by garageman, Apply ' Reg. Bell, Superior Store. Clinton. 38-b 1936 PLYMOUTH • for sale, in -excellent running order. $500 or `best offer. Phone 456W. 28-p 1946 CHRYSLER WINDSOR, reasonable, will accept trade. F. McKellar, next to Roxy Theatre. 38-p 1949 METEOR SEDAN, white sidewall tires, heater, radio, light- er, side mirror, 3,400 miles. $2,125. H. M. Fitzgerald, Clinton, phone 189M. 38-b 1942 BLUE DODGE SEDAN, new -tires, heater, defroster, very good condition. J. MacKenzie, Bayfield, phone 49r3. 38-p 1928 WHIPPET, four now snow tires, in good condition. Cheap for cash. Apply Henry Pickett, Clinton, 38-p 1939 NASH LAFAYETTE, best offer, Apply D. C, Elford, R.R. 3, Clinton. 38-b FORD MODEL `'A", '31, recon- ditioned motor, good paint, new seat covers, good tires, best offer. -I. A. Dufresne, 122 Maple St. 38-p 1938 PONTIAC BLUE SEDAN, good tires, heater, motor and body in excellent condition, steering •s:oluren gear shift. Phone 454W. 38-p BABY SITTING 3.3,ELIABLE BABY SITTER avail- able. For information phone 155. 38-9-400 BICYCLES FOR SALE MAN'S BICYCLE FOR SALE, in good condition, Phone Clinton 233R. 38-p BUILDING FOR SALE 'BANK BARN FOR SALE, 36 by 56 feet; steel roof on one side, steel roof available for other side; also limited number of hydro poles, all sizes, Apply W. J. 'Forbes, phone Clinton 904r31. 36-38-p BUILDING SUPPLIES ROUGH HEMLOCK LUMBER, one -inch end two-inch, just ar- rived. J. W. Counter Builders' Supplies, Clinton. 38-b CLOTHING FOR SALE RED COAT WITH RED SATIN lining, in excellent condition. 'Size 18. Apply Box "H", NEWS - RECORD. 38-p FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE OLIVER TWO -FURROW Tractor Plough with 102 bottom, Apply Eldon O'Brien, phone -Clinton '815r33, 38-b 'TWO WAGONS, GRAVEL BOX, set of sleighs with platform, set of heavy harness, brass mounted, -walking plough. William Cook, phone .260W. 38-p 10-20 . McCORMICK TRACTOR in fair condition. Apply David Trebner, R.R. 3, Kippen, phone 'Hensel '77r3. ,38-p FURNITURE FOR SALE COOK STOVE; CRIB SPRING - Jelled mattress, large size; six oak dining room chairs. Apply Abe Orpen, King St. 38-p ONE GLASS SHOWCASE, eight teat long, 26 inches high by 26 inches wide. Apply W. N. Counter, Clinton. 38-b FRUIT FOR SALE 'SPRAYED APPLES, fall variety. Orders taken for Spies, Kings, Greenings, etc. Apply Fred Mc- eelymont, Verne, Phone Clinton d13r24. 38-39-40-n • HELP WANTED, MALE CARPENTERS and LABOURERS Wanted. Parker Construction Co., Housing 'Project, RCAF Station, Clinton. 36-,38-p • HAY FOR SALE BALED HAY. SECOND CUT. Apply Robert . Rathwell, phone Clinton 906r16. 38-p HOUSES FOR SALE TWO-STOREY FRAME HOME, nine lovely rooms . with hard- wood floors downstairs; cellar under whole house, all modern conveniences. Double garage and large lot with •a number of maple and evergreen trees. This prop- erty has several, possibilities such as a duplex or rooming house or just a fine home for a family. Apply Charles E. Elliott, P.O. Box 238, Clinton, or phone 3.26, 34tfb MODERN TWO-STOREY Eight - roomed house. Living room nat- ural fire place and hardwood floor; dining room tilefloor with natural fire place; kitchen mod- ern built-in cupboards and break- fast nook; three large bedrooms; storeroom; built-in bathroom, all modern fixtures; full-size base- ment with new furnace. House is insulated, also insul brick sid- Ing, storm windows and combina- tion doors. Double garage, a barn and lots. Hydro, water and sewerage installed. Will sell house with or without lots. House priced right for quick sale. Any person interested contact Ross Fitzsimons, phone 559W. 33btfb • INSTRUMENTS FOR SALE STELLA GUITAR, made in USA, with case and attachments, all in good condition. Phone 224J. 38-b, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE TEN LITTLE PIGS, SIX WEEKS old. Apply R. J. Semple, Hay- field Line, phone Clinton 909r25. 38-b TWO TWO-YEAR-OLD Register- ed Holstein heifers; two grade Holstein heifers, to freshen this month. Apply Roy Tyndall, phone Clinton 907r3. 36-38-b EIGHT I"GS, SIX WEEKS OLD; also some chunks nine weeks old. Calf suitable for waling. Apply Lorne Tyndell, phone 904r4. 38-p 40 YOUNG PIGS, mostly Tam- worth. James Leishman, Bruce - field, phone Seaforth 656r31. 38-p COW AND HORSE FOR SALE. Phone Blyth 24re. 38-p TWO PUREBRED HEREFORD bulls, 14 months old. Apply Spence Scott, Wingham, phone 735J2. 38-p POLLED HEREFORD BULL, ten months old. Apply Francis Powell, phone Clinton 907r4. 38-b REGISTERED HEREFORDS: five cows due in December; one cow due in March; one two-year-old heifer; three yearling heifers; two ten -months -old bulls, Three grade year olds; Belgian team, six years old; two Belgian fillies. Arnold Dale, R. R. 1, Clinton, phone 801r3, 38-39-p LOST AND FOUND LOST -CHILD'S HAND Knitted sweater, bright red in colour, name on neck band; on Highway 4 near Clinton. Finder please Phone Paisley 85 collect. Re- ward, 38-b MISCELLANEOUS SAWS, ALL KINDS FILED AT C. Hoare's orchard, mile north of town. Will work odd days, harvesting, etc. 38-46-p FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE there is a new Singer Sewing Centre located on the Square in Goderieh. New cabinet and port- able machines, also treadles. Re- pairs to all makes. 30btfb ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals, If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. It not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead phone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Goder- ieh, 2btfb NOTICES NOTICE - ANYONE FOUND trespassing on Part Lots No. 41, 51, both sides of river, Tucker - smith • Township at any time hereafter will be prosecuted by order of the owner, A. E. Parry. March 31, 1949. 24-28-p POULTRY FOR SALE 80 SUSSEX x NEW HAM-PSHIRE hybrids, 5r/2 months old, started to lay. G. Cudmore, phone Clin- ton 907r12. 38-b 50 NEW HAMPSHIRE x SUSSEX pullets, laying 35 per cent. Lee McConnell, Varna, phone Clinton 623r14 38-b 200 NEW HAMPSHIRE Pullets, laying; Renfrew electric cream separator, two years old. ;Elgin Nott, phone Seaforth 847r5. 38-p PROPERTY FOR SALE BEING LOT 28, CONCESSION Varna Road, containing 40 acres more or less, 25 acres hardwood and cedar bush, the remainder suitable for road gravel. For further particulars apply to J, B, Rathwell, Bayfield, phone 51r4. 38-9-40-1-b PLOUG'HI'NG GARDENS PLOUGHED by small garden tractor, reasonable charge; also ducks, dressed far Thanks- giving David Colclough, phone Clinton 805r31, 38-p SEWING LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S dressmaking, buttonholes made and buttons covered, Mrs. Des- jardins, Tyndall Apartments, Ap- artment No. 2, over Agnew's Pool Room, 36-38-p BIRTHS • BAIRD-In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Monday, September 19, 1949, to Mr. end Mrs. Nor- man Baird, R.R. 1, Brucefield, a daughter (Sharon Marilyn). BARTLIFF In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, Septem- ber 20, 1949, to Mr. end Mrs. Bruce Bsrtliff, Clinton, a son (Donald Bruce), DECKER - In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, Septem- ber 13, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Karl Decker, Dashwood, a son (James Richard). LIVERMORE--In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, September 16, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Percy Livermore, Clinton, a daughter (Elizabeth Anne, a sister for Jimmy). LOBE -In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Tuesday, September 13, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs Alvin Lobb, Clinton, twins, a son ' (Gerald Douglas), and a dau- ghter (Joan Carolynn). MacDONALD-In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, Septem- ber 8, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs, Donald MacDonald, Clinton, a son. McDOUGALL-In Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, September 18, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. James McDougall, R.R. 1, Auburn, a son. OAKES-In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Wednesday, September 14, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. 'Harry Oakes, R.R. 2, Clinton, a• son (George Herbert). PEARSON - In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, Septem- ber 17, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Pearson, R.R. 1, Dun- gannon, a daughter. STEWART-On Wednesday, Sep- tember 7, 1949, in the Halifax Infirmary, Halifax, N.S., to Petty Officer and Mrs. John H. Stewart, twins, a son (John Robert Barratt) and a daughter (Bambara Blanche Alexis). WELSH -In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Tuesday, September 20, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Welsh, R.R. 2, Bayfield, a son. WILD -In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Tuesday, September 13, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. John Wild,, Bayfield, a daughter (Rosemary). MARRIAGES HAINS-HENNICK-At the Par- sonage of St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Stratford, by Rev. G. N. Schaus, en Saturday, Sept- ember 10, Harriett C. Hennick, Stratford, to Elzard F. Hairs, Sault Ste, Marie, Ont. FLYNN-CARBERT-In St. Jos- eph's Church, Clinton, on Mon- day, September 5, 1949, by Rev. S. J. McDonald, Rita Gertrude, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, George Carbert, to Theo- dore Demonic, son of Mrs. Flynn and the late Owen Flynn, all of Mullett Township. REPPINGTON-SMITH-In Wes- ley -Willis United Church, Clin- ton, on Saturday, September 17, 1949, by Rev. Hugh C. Wilson, Helen, daughter of Mrs. Bruce Smith, Clinton, to Charles Reppington, Wilsonville. NEEDHAM MILLER- In North St. United Church, Goderich, on Saturday, September 10, 1949, by Rev. C. Wesley Cope, Pearl Bernice, younger daught- er of Mr. and, Mrs. Norman W. Miller, Goderich, formerly of Clinton, to Robert Ronald, eld- er son of Mr. and Mrs. Regin- ald Needham, Goderich, SEELEY - SAND'ERSON - In Toronto, on Saturday, Sept- ember 10, by Rev. C. W. DeWitt Cosens, minister of Wesley United Church, formerly of Wesley -Willis United Church, Clinton, Mary Lou, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Sand- erson, Goderich, to William Albert Ford Seeley, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred E. Seeley, Clinton, Notice to Creditors In the Estate of SARAH VOD - DEN, late of the Town. of Clin- ton, in the County of Huron, Married Woman, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate; on or before the 10th day of Octob- er, A.D. 1949, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, this 3rd day of September, AD, 1949 F. FINGLAND, ICC., Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 38-39-40-h STOVES FOR SALE OIL HEATER, used two winters only. Oil drums available. Phone Clinton 191W. 38-b QUAKER BURNOIL SPACE Heater, medium size, good' con- dition. Apply L. Haughton, On- tario St., Clinton, phone 41. 38-p MOFFAT HEAVY DUTY Electric range in excellent condition with cooking oven and' warming oven. Phone Clinton 191W, 38-b WANTED 51,000 FOR ONE, YEAR WITH good security. Apply Box "5", NEWS -RECORD. 33-I; WANTED TO BUY PIANO, IN GOOD CONDITION. Apply to Box "E", NEWS -RE- CORD, stating full particulars, 38-p TRUCKS FOR SALE 1941 DODGE THREE -TORI stake truck, D.P. axle, Booster brakes, good condition, reasonable. Phone Goderich 950R or write P.O.' Box 280. 36-38-b WOOD FOR SALE 1,000 CORDS 12" HARDWOOD. F' ed C. Kalbfieiech and Son, Phone 69, Zurich. , 38 -9 -40 -lb 20 CORDS CEDAR; 10 CORDS Maple end Beach limb wood; also one Yorkshire hog. Phone 906r33. '"" 36-38-b Presbyterian WA Has • Successful Meeting The WA of Clinton Presbyter - len Church held its meeting in the Church School room, • on Tues- day, September 6, with the presi- dent in the chair, and Mrs. Snider as secretary, in the absence of Mrs. Maxwell. The meeting open- ed. by the singing of a hymn and the reading of a psehn followed by prayer. It was decided on motion of Mrs. Roberton end "Mrs. Clifton that the meetings be held in the large school room in the even- ings, on the first Tuesday in the month. The ladies were asked to come to the school room on Thurs- day evening to prepare for the fall rally. Other routine business was transacted and the meeting clos- ed with the singing of a hymn and the Lord's Prayer repeated in unison. o� • DEATHS BROOKS -Suddenly, in Winni- peg, Man., on. Thursday, Sep- tember 15, 1949, Mrs. James F. Brooks, sister of Mrs. E. Ken- nedy and Mrs. M. T. Corless, Clinton, Mrs. Arnold Hill, To- ronto, and W. T. Colquhoun, Mitchell. Funeral and interment in Winnipeg, on Saturday, Spetember 17. BROWN -In Victoria Hospital, London, on Friday, September 9, 1949, Jean Ferguson. Balk - will, beloved wife of John H. Brown, London, in her 26th year. Funeral from the A. Millard George Funeral Home, Landon, to Forest Lawn Mem oriel Gardens, on Monday, Sep- tember 12. HOLMES-In Campden, on Sun- day, September 18, 1949, Hester Holmes, beloved daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Holmes, St. Catharines, former- ly of Clinton, in her 72nd year. Funeral from the Hulse Fun- eral Home to Victoria Lawn Cemetery, St. Catharines, on Tuesday, September 20. JAMIESON-At his home, Ontario Street, Clinton, on Saturday, September 17, 1949, John Y. Jamieson, beloved husbapd of Harriet E. Carter, in his 83rd year, Funeral from the Beattie and McRoberts Funeral Home, Rattenbury St. E., Clinton, on Tuesday afternoon, September 20, to Clinton Cemetery. WHITMORE-In Alexandra Mar- ine and General Hospital, God- erich, on Thursday, September 8, 1949, Isabelle Jane Reid, be- loved wife of the Iate Frank Whitmore, in her 79th year. Funeral from the Beattie and McRoberts Funeral Home, Rat- tenbury St. E,, Clinton, on Saturday, September 10, to Clinton Cemetery. ROXY THEATRE CLINTON -- Now Playing - GLEN FORD in The Return of October Technicolor - MON., TUES., WED. - Ronald Regan - Jack Carson "JOHN LOVES • MARY" with Edward Arnold and' Wayne Morris - THURS., FRI., SAT. - Joel McCREA - Alexis SMITH Zaeha►;y SCOTT "SOUTH OF ST. .LOUIS" Dorothy Malone -- Alan Hale Technicolor • CAPITAL THEATRE REGENT GODERICH SEAF NOW: Glen Ford and William Holden in "THE MAN FROM COLORADO" -- Technicoh, - MON., TUES., WED. - June Allyson -- Perry Como - Judy Garland and Ann Southern, with Gene Kelly, Lena Horne & Mickey Rooney in the biggest musical comedy ever done in technicolor: "Words and Music" - THURS., FRL, SAT. - You haven't laughed until you've lived "The Life of Riley" as based on the hit radio show and presented by Bill Bendix Riley with James Gleason, Digge O'Doll and Rosemary DeCamn Coming: Rita Hayworth in "THE LOVES OF CARMEN" Adult Entertainment THEATRE ORTH NOW: Jeanette MacDonald and Technicolor in "THE 51.114 COMES UP" - MON., TUES., WED. - Ronald Reagan •-- Jack Carson --. Wayne Morris -of all the funny Carson matri-tangles, this Is the most hilarious, with bumbling Jack acting as Cupid. "John Loves Mary" - THURS., FRI„ SAT. - Bette Davis - Robert Montgom- ery. - Fay Bainter -- You can't imagine a funnier plot and it couldn't be given a more capable cast. "June Bride" Coming: Adult Entertainment "THE LOVES OF 'CARMEN" In Technicolor The Real Point "And what," someone asked the candidate, "will you do if you are elected?" "Good gracious!" exclaimed the startled candidate. "What will I do if I'm not?" CARD OF THANKS Bobby Garen would like to thank the Doctor and nurses at the hospital for their kindnesses both times he was in the hospi- tal, and the friends and neigh- bours for the fruits end candy which they sent and also to his 'teacher and the pupils in his class for their thoughtfulness. 38eb CARD OF THANKS The Jamieson family wish to express their deep and sincere. appreciation for the many . acts of kindness extended; for the many beautiful floral tributes and .to those who loaned cars and assisted in any way in their re- cent sad bereavement, 38-b CARD OF THANKS Mr. Gordon Troyer wishes to take this opportunity to thank all his neighbours and friends who so kindly gave their time to help with the harvest during the summer, also to all those who have sent cards, frait and flow- ers. Special thanks to Dr. God- dard, Dr. Oakes and Dr. Addison, and to all the special nurses who have been on, also to the staff of Clinton Public Hospital while a patient there. 38-p CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Frank Whitmore wish to express their sincere appreciation to the many friends who extended sym- pathy during their recent bereave- ment. Special thanks to Rev. B. H. Farr, those who loaned ears, and all who sent floral tributes. 38-p Favourites For Fall Now is the time for your new Fall Suit, Cost and Hat. You will look smart- er and feel better if you choose your wards obe from our complete stock. • SUITS in new Fall styles and colours. Choose from solids and patterns including S'harkskins, stripes and checks in a range of blues, browns and greys. • TOPCOATS of distinction Gabardiine:s, .Coverts, Twe'ed's; all shades and sizes for meg- Wars, shorts and tails, .o..mv.w.e•ew.�..na,w.•...��+e+,�.�ara.wsss ei00 //a Top oft your ward- robe with a New Hat by Stetson or Crean. IN STOCK Air Force Officers Trenchcoats by Croydon PICKETT a CAMPBELL Stetson Hats Arrow, Shirts Carson's Luggage CLINTON • PHONE 25 WHAT SHALL WE DO THAT WE MIGHT WORK THE WORKS OF GOD? John 6;28 JESUS ANSWERED AND SAID UNTO THEM, THIS IS THE WORK OF GOD, THAT' YE BELIEVE ON HIM WHOM HE HATE SENT, John 6:29 BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST AND THOU SHALT BE SAVED AND THY HOUSE • Acts 16:31 CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles 53, Calif. Keg. Smith • Bandsawing • • Jigsawed Signs and Woodworking • PHONE 797W CLINTON 38-p CARD OF THANKS The nephews end nieces of the late Miss Agnes Stirling wish to express their sincere apprecia- tion for all kindnesses shown their aunt during her illness and would also like to express their thanks for all acts of thoughtful- ness shown in their sad bereave- ment with special thanks to Rev. D. J. Lane and Dr. J. W. Shaw. 38-p IN MEMORIAM REID-In loving memoyr of a dear sister, Millie Reid, who passed away September 26, 1942. "Asleep in God's beautiful garden, Free from all sorrow and pain, And when our life's journey is ended We know we will meet her again." -Ever remembered by her sister Laura and brother-in-law Lloyd end three nephews. 38'b IN MEMORIAM BEZZO In loving memory of our dear father, William C. Bezzo, who passed away three years ago, September 8, 1946. "Closed ere they sweet eyes From this world of -pain, But we trust in God To meet thee again." -Ever remembered by the fam- ily. 38-p CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion K. C.Cook,e FLORIST Phones: 66w and 661 BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St. East Phone 585 BEFORE YOUR BUY BE SURE TO SEE The New Clare Jewel Cook stove Heaters Gas and Electric Ranges Now In Stock Full Stock of Hand -Made STOVE PIPES Hugh R. Hawkins Hardware and Plumbing PHONE 244 CLINTON Monster Bingo Sponsored by CLINTON LIONS CLUB in LIONS ARENA Clinton Fri. Oct. 7 $500 IN PRIZES $200 IN SPECIAL CASH PRIZES Remember the date! - Tell your friends! EVERYBODY WELCOME! 1 3