HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-09-08, Page 7JULIUS CHALLET Funeral services for Julius Challet, 63, were conducted Mon- day afternoon, August 29, in Hoffman's funeral heme, Dash- wood, by Rev. K. Woods, and interment was ;Wade in Bay,f eld Cemetery resided on the Mr. Challet, who Bluewater Highway, near Drys- dale, died in Clinton Public Hos- pital following an operation. Last his N, hewasstruckoing by afor United States scar and as he was in hospital crossed high- way,util May. Surviving is a brother, Alex, with whom he resided. MRS. JOHN F. REYNOLDS Mrs. John F. Roe s died 4,unday night, Septem in her 91st year at her home on Napier St., Goderich. The former Mary Jane Grey, ship, a daughter of the late Al- Meted: she was born in Hullett Town- p/O Rene Fortier, RCAF Sta- fred and Mary Blake Grey. After "Maybe the menhad previous records. aybe they did—maybe they (tion, told the court that none of . her marriage, she lived in Detroit 'did." Dr. Hemming Joins Entomology Staff" The announcement of the ap- pointment of Dr. Walter Edward Hemming of Whittier, California, to the staff of the Department of Entomology and Zoology to take the place of Dr. D. P. Pileous who has joined the Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, is made by Dr. W. R, Reek, president of the Ontario Agricultural Col- lege. Dr. Hemming graduated from the Ontario Agricultural College in 1929; specializing in Entomol- ogy. He took his PhD. degree from Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, in 1929. He comes to the College staff from the staff of Whittier College, 'Whittier, California, where he has render- ed significant service for some years. Dr. Hemming is a native of Owen Sound, and a graduate of Owen Sound Collegiate Institute. Mrs. W. E. Hemming (nee Helen Robertson) is also a grad- uate of the Ontario Agricultural College in 1929. SEAFORTH — Yvonne Mary Bolton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Bolton, and a pupil at Sea - forth High School, has been a- warded a bursary in connection with fourth form work by the Department of Education. She was a member of Louisa St. Clair Chapter, Daughter of the American Revolution, and the Church of Our. Father, Detroit. She is survived by her Funeral services were held on Monday, August 29, at 10:30 am. at the William R. Hamilton Chapel and burial was made in Evergreen Cemetery, Detroit. Overdone Field Marshal Viscount Alex- ander was in Hollywood recently, add while there visited a film studio. He was in uniform. So were some of the actors waiting to go on the set. Lord Alexander was talking to them when an assistant producer came along and looked at his ribbons, and remarked doubt- fully: "Say, buddy, I think the wardrobe department may have overdone it." Before the actors could put the film pian right, Lord Alexander Fined for Stealing Money at Bath House Pleading guilty to the theft of $5 from George Griffin, Goderich, Benoit Gignac RCAF Station, Clinton, was fined $15 and costs or three weeks' imprisonment, in Magistrate's court at Goderich Tuesday, Aug. 30. Roger 'Cantin, charged jointly with Gignac, was dismissed. The money was taken from a wallet in e locker et the bath house at the Goderich beach, when Gignac asked for the box in which Mr. Griffith had placed his clothing. He put it under a box of cigarettes in the car. Joseph H. A. M. Quesnel, RCAF Station, Clinton, was fined $5 and costs cr two weeks in jail after pleading guilty to the theft of a lantern from the Department of Highways on August 20. He used it as a tail light on a Model T Ford when he went to Gode- rich with Gignac and Cantin on August 20. The lantern was or- dered returned. and Clinton, and moved to Code - rich 15 years ago. Her husband died in 1932. She was a member of . St. Pet- er's Church, Altar Society, and League of the Sacred Heart. Surviving are a son, James B. Reynolds, governor of Huron County jail, Goderich; and one daughter, Mrs. F. E, Bernard, De- troit. Funeral servicesepcewere heldat d Wednesday, a.m. from the home of her son, to St. Peter's Church, where re- quiem high mass was sung by Rev. Fr. Gleeson. Interment was in. Hullett Township Cemetery. MRS. W. S. WIGHTMAN (By our Bayfield correspondent) The death occurred in Alex- andra and Marine Hospital, God- erich, on August 25, 1949, of Mrs. William S. Wightman., Formerly Miss Grace Scott, the deceased woman was born 85 years ago at Harbor Beach, Mich. In 1926, Mr. and Mrs. Wight - man purchased the late Mrs. Cowie's residence on Main Street, Bayfield, and remodelled it. They spent their summers here, where they made many warm friends, returning to Detroit or going south each winter until five years ago when Mrs. Wightman s ill health. confined her to bed. She bad been a patient in Alexandra. and Marine Hospital for two yearn PAGE SEVEN CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1949' OPEN SEASONS.. FOR BIRDS GIVEN AND BAG LIMITS Stratford's Famous CNA Band Will Play In, Clinton Tuesday, September 13 Open seasons on announced Birds, Ontario (1949), , a pEounced in a release supplied Epps' Sport Shop, Clinton, are as follows: Ducks, Geese, Rails, Coots and Gallinules:.North and west of the line across the Province from Parry Sound to Pembroke fol- lowing the line of Canadian Na- tional Railway through South Parry Scotia, Whitney, Barry's Bay. and Golden Lake--S'epte n- bee lineOctober to November;;b S0outh of the above December 8, except that in the County of Essex the open: season on geese is November 7 to•• De- cember 31. Wilson's Snipe—throughout the Province—October 1 to October $1. ' Woodcock — throughout the Province—October 1 to October 31. '(.Ali dated inclusive). Rag Limits Ducks—seven per day of which not more than one may be a Wood Duck; Geese—(other then Brant) five per day, season limit 25; Rail, Coots and Gallinules, 25 per day; Woodcock, eight per day; Wil- son's Snipe, eight per day. Hunting Section 57, sub -section 1 (a) of the Game and Fisheries Act: No person shall hunt any bird or animal with any repeating, auto- matic or auto -o loading or bolt action, shot -gun which. has not been ' permanently plugged or altered, so that it is incapable of holding a total of more than :tee -1r ., Act and Federal Regulations ection 17 (1) no person shall hunt, kill, or attempt to kill any migratory bird by the use of a rifle. Europe is the second smallest three shells et one time in the continent in the world. chamber and magazine (1949, e.37, Eight to ten weeks is the aver - s.17)., (1). age life of a housefly. Migratory Birds Convention OBITUARY Why, it's like riding on a cloud Dominion "Air Rides" do you proud. So let as take you for a ride en the smoothest tires you've ever tried. Clinton Citizens' Band Presents The Musical Treat of the Year Featuring .. The Famous Stratford CNR Employees' Band' with PAUL CROSS — Clarinet Soloist CLIFF KELLY and JOHN BELLA$D• Euphonium Duettists ...in... Community Park Clinton Tue., Sept. 13 8 P.M. DRAW FOR GRAND 'PRIZES ,..DON'T MISS THIS TREAT° Have you done anything about e replacing your earning power should it stop? Real peace of mind comes with the know- ledge that one's affairs are in order no matter what happens. There's a Mutual Life of Canada plan to provide a new source of income In the event of untimely death or at retirement. Consult our local 1- representative. Protedlon at Law Coat MUTUALIR E„ of CANADA HEAD OFFICE WATER00, Off. EA eYOU'LL FIND YOUR LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE HERE H. C. LAWSON Bank of Montreal Building, PHONE: Office 251W; Res. 251.1 iN END OF SEASON LEARANCE SALE: At the WOOLLEN SHOP Bayfield Sale ends Sat. night, Sept.10 So take advantage of the many more Items added this week 16 More Suits Added to Rack at STUDENTS TWEED SUITS 2 for the Price of 1 Sizes 35, 36, 37 -- All well tailored of long -wearing tweed ma- terials in good styles. Regular value $34.50 -- Now at the End - of -Season Clearance Sale you get one FREE — 2 for $34.50 MORE LADIES COAT S ADDEDiT OL'OUR ; ; i SALES ,RACK - - your choice 1/2 Price See these real good COATS and take advantage of the big sav- ings. Sizes 41 to 20 -- 36 to 42. Various shades and good styles. ALL Merchandise at SPECIAL REDUCT ION S KENWOOD BLANKETS Our $1.00 Table of Articles - include Children's Dresses, Blouses, Play Suits, T -Shirts and many other items. Visit the store and browse around and save $ Dollars 1/z Price Rack includes Sport Jackets, Men's and Boys' Sweaters, Slacks, Shorts, etc., etc. all grand merchandise -- now at HALF PRICE to clear SEE WHAT $3.00 Will BUY Girls' Odd Jackets -- Odd Coats -- Skirts -- Etc. Values as these are only offered once a year HUDSON BAY BLANKETS BEE HIVE YARNS KENWOOD COATS HUNTING JACKETS WOOL PLAID SHIRTS ALL WOOL SLACKS ALL SOUVENIRS Etc., Etc. All at Clearing Prices ALL Sales Are FINAL:: Sale Ends Sat. Night Septa.® Phone 49r5 T HE WOOLLE SHOP Bayfield ,(Operated by Edighoffer's, Mitchell)