HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-09-08, Page 5'THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER'S, 1949 News -Record Classified Adl�ts CLINTON NEWS -RECORD 'CASH RATE—(If paid, by Wed- nesday following ed-nesday.following date of unser- tion)—One cent a word first In- sertion (minimum 35 cents); sub- sequent insertions one cent a word (minimum 25 cents); 15 cents ex - ire for box number or for direc- tion to NEWS -RECORD Office. IF CHARGED. -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -6 p.m. 'Wednesday. ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE COMFORTABLE Accommodation for elderly ladies (not bed pa- tients), tray service; space for one 'elderly' man. Phone Goderich 95011 or write P. O. Box 280, `Goderich. 36-38-b ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT 'FULLY - FURNISHED - STEAM- heated apartment, suitable for 'couple only. Availbale October 1. Phone 1764 36-38-b ROOMS TO RENT, SLEEPING accommodation with meals option- al. Apply Box "M", NEWS - RECORD. 36-b ACCOMMODATION WANTED 'TEACHER REQUIRES BOARD and room for school term. Would prefer quiet private home. Apply Box "J", NEWS -RECORD, 36-p AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. '1936 PONTIAC COACH, SIX +cylinder, three new tires, in good 'running order; Guernsey cow, six years old, good milker; four- wheel trailer, license for four ton, needs two tires. William Steep, phone Clinton 5543. 36-p PRICED FOR QUICK SALE — 1938 Pontiac Sedan, good running 'condition, steering column gear shift; heater., Phone 454W. 36-p 'MODEL "A" FORD, 1931, RE - 'conditioned motor, in Al con- dition. 122 Maple St., Clinton. 36-b 1937 WILLYS SEDAN IN VERY good condition. 144 .Tames St. p 1942 OLDSMOBILE SIX De Luxe, four door sedan, good condition, low mileage GM heater, Preston antifreeze, any reasonable offer considered. Apply Mr. Waters, "Wellington St. 36-p BUILDING FOR SALE 'BANK BARN FOR SALE, 36 by 56 feet; steel roof on one side, steel roof available for other side; also limited number of hydro poles, all sizes. Apply W. J. Forbes, phone Clinton 904r31. 36-38-p CLOTHING FOR SALE 'BROWN LEATHER Windbreaker, in good condition, size 38. Phone Clinton 900r41. . 36-b CUSTOM CORN CUTTING CUSTOM CORN CUTTING and Filling. Two -row corn binder with loader, by the acre; 15" finger feed box by the hour; out- fit requires only 8-10 men, Ap- ply to Ray Potter, phone Clin- ton 917.r11. ' 33-4-5-6-p FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 'POTATO DIGGER, almost new; also low truck wagon with steel wheels. Apply George Colelough, phone Clinton 805r31. 36-p 1VIASSEY-HARRIS CORN Binder for sale, in good running order. May be seen at Lorne Jervis', R.R. 3, Clinton, phone 910r33. Brock Thompson, owner. 36-b THRESHING MACHINE for sale, Tear old. Apply Ralph Cantelon, phone Clinton 905r25. 36-p THRESHING MACHINE, 28" cylinder; 50" body, Goodison, with cutter, in good condition, Apply Alex Riley, Londesboro, phone Seaforth 850r11. 35 -6 -pi FLOWERS FOR . SALE FRESH GARDEN FLOWERS, Asters, Gladioli, 'Mums. Mrs. C. B. Epps, phone 264. 35-6-b FRUIT FOR SALE PEARS FOR SALE, ready to pick now. Mrs. Humphrey Snell, phone Clinton 807r13. 36-b FALL APPLES and BARTLETT Pears in. the Cantelon Orchard, "Raglan St. Call 19J. 36-b HELP WANTED FEMALE -EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER wanted, full or part time. Apply -Henri's Beauty Shoppe. 35.6-b CAPABLE GIRL for Housework, live in, modern conveniences, good wages, must be fond of :children, steady employment, Apply Box "R" NEWS -RECORD, HOUSES FOR SALE TWO-STOREY FRAME HOME, nine lovely .rooms with hard- wood floors downstairs; cellar under whole house, all-. modern conveniences', -Double garage end large lot' with a number of maple and evergreen trees. This prop- erty has several possibilities such as a duplex or rooming house or just a fine home for a family, Apply Charles E, Elliott, P.O. Box 238, Clinton, or phone 326. 34tfb MODERN TWO-STOREY Eight - roomed house. Living room nat- ural fire place and hardwood floor; dining room tile floor with natural fire place; kitchen mod- ern built-in cupboards and break- fast nook; three, large bedrooms; storeroom; built-in bathroom, all modern fixtures; full-size base- ment with new furnace. House is insulated, also'insul brick sid- ing, storm windows and combina- tion doors. Double garage, a barn and lots. Hydro, water and sewerage installed. Will sell house with or without lots, House priced right forquick sale, Any person interested contact Ross Fitzsimons, phone 559W. 33btfb ALO T AND FOUND LOST — TWO BALLS BAILER Twine, on Tuesday, either be- tween Clinton and Holmesville or Holmesvlile and Porter's Hill, Reward. Finder contact C. Le'. Beauphone Clinton 619r2. 36-p POULTRY FOR SALE 200 CHOICE WHITE LEGHORN pullets, laying about 30 per cent. Phone Zurich 91113. 36-38-p 75 HYBRID PULLETS, Rock and New Hampshire, six months old, starting to lay. Apply Mrs. Arnold Rathwell, phone 905r32. 36-p MISCELLANEOUS SAWS, ALL KINDS FILED AT C. Hoare's orchard, mile north of town. Will work odd days, harvesting, etc. 29-37-p FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE there is a new Sieger Sewing Centre located on the Square in Goderich. New cabinet and port- able machines, also treadles. Re- pairs to all makes, 30btfb ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead phone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r23 or 936r32, Goder- ich. 2btfb NOTICES NOTICE — ANYONE FOUND trespassing on Part Lots No. 41, 51, both sides of river, Tucker - smith Township at any time hereafter will be prosecuted by order of the owner, A. E. Parry. March 31, 1949. 24-28-p PERSONAL SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! Gain 5 to 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new healthy flesh; new vigor. New "get acquainted" size only 60 cents, All druggists. SEWING LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S dressmaking, buttonholes made and buttons covered. Mrs. Des- jardins, Tyndall Apartments, Ap- artment No. 2, over Agnew's Pool Room. 36-38-p SEED FOR SALE QUANTITY OF TIMOTHY SEED for sale. Apply 'Charles' Cooper, phone Clinton 905r15. 35-6-b CORNELL 595 SEED WHEAT, second generation from certified seed, clean, smut -resistant, and free from cockle. Price $2 per bushel, J. Arnold Jamieson phone Clinton 816r33. 35-6-b STOVES FOR SALE CLARE JEWEL RANGE, COAL and wood, in good condition, Ap- ply H. Cochrane, Mary St., phone Clinton 153. 36-b GOOD FINDLAY STOVE WITH water front; also jacket heater. Call 193. . . 36-b TRUCKS FOR SALE 1941 DODGE THREE -TON stake truck, D.P. axle, Booster' brakes, good condition, reasonable. Phone Goderich 9508 or write P.O. Box 280. 36-38-b WOOD FOR SALE _ QUANTITY. OF MIXED WOOD, 12 inches 'in length. Apply C. D. Connell, phone Clinton 3. 35-6-p 20 CORDS CEDAR; 10 'CORDS Maple land Beach limb wood; also one Yorkshire hog. Phone 906r33. 36-b HELP WANTED, FEMALE 36-b OFFICE POSITIONS HELP WANTED, MALE CARPENTERS and LABOURERS Steadily expanding business wanted. Parker Construction Co., necessitates adding to Head 'Housing Project, RCAF Station, Office staff. Clinton. 36-38-p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 'FIVE CHUNKS OF PIGS, wean- ed four weeks, priced reasonable; also eight weaaers. Alex Sparks, Bayfield, 4th concession. 33-b TWO TWO-YEAR-OLD Register- ed .Holstein heifers; two grade Holstein heifers, to freshen this month. Apply Roy Tyndall, phone Clinton 9073.3. 36-38-b WANTED U'E'B E C HEATER ' IN GOOD condition. Call 193. .36-b WANTED -GOOD ALFALFA and Mixed Hay. Goderich Alfalfa Milt, C. R. Holland', proprietor, ;phone 1025 'Goderich. 33-4=5-6-p Single ladies ages 17 to 25 re- quired for, messenger, filing, typing, and accounting posi- tions. Allowance will be made for ex- perience. Inexperienced clerks interested in acquiring these skills will be. trained on the job. Also Academic students with either Senior or Junior Matri.c- ulationstanding required for clerical positions in senior de- partments. Apply 'in person or write to: . The Personnel Department THE MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA Head, Office Waterloo BIRTHS BURUMA ee ' : In !Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, September "4, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Cor- nelius Buruma,. R,R.r 2, Gode- rich, a daughter (Sandia). MILLS—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Wednesdey, Septem- ber 7, 1949, to Mr. Mrs, Goerge Mills, R.R. 1, Clinton, a daughter, MARRIAGES BALL-McLEAN—At the James St. United Church Parsonage, Exeter, on Saturday, Septetn- bar 3, 1949, by Rev. Harold J. Snell, Mrs. Erna McLean, Pilot Mound, Man., to Norman Ball, Clinton. MOTYER-MacKINNON—In Wy- cliffe College Chapel, Toronto, on Friday, September 2, 1949, by. Dr. Ramsay Armitage, prin- cipal of the College, Margaret Eleanor, daughter of Mrs. Mac- Kinnon, Clinton, and the late J. G. MacKinnon, formerly of Moncton, N.B., to John Fletcher Motyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Reginald Motyer, Pembroke, Bermuda. JERVIS-CULP—At the home of the bride's parents, by Rev. Cherles D. Cox, Ilderton, on Saturday, September 3, 1949, at 2 p.m., Mary Eilzabeth, daugh- ter of Mr.•, and Mrs. James S. Culp, Goderich, to Donald Wayne Jervis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Larne Jervis, Clinton. THOMPSON-HERMAN — In St. Paul's Anglican Church, Clin- ton, by Rev. Frank Hermon, Markham, assisted by Rev, R. M. P. Bulteel, at 2.30 p.m., Monday, September 5, 1949, Margaret Phyllis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Herman, Clinton, to Robert Eric Elliott Thompson, Goderich Township, son of Mrs. Thompson and the late Robert G. Thompson, God- erich Township, DEATHS HOLMES—Suddenly, at her home, La Jolla, Calif„ on Saturday, August 20, 1949, Mrs. Louise Holmes, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Doherty, Clinton, and dear mother of Mrs. Foster 'Copp, La Jolla. Service on Sunday, August 21, with cremation following. REYNOLDS—At her late resi- dence,, Napier, St., Goderich, on Sunday, September 4, 1949, Mary Jane Grey, widow of the late John F. Reynolds, former- ly of Hullett Township end Clinton, in her 91st year. Fun- eral from the residence of her son, James B. Reynolds, Gode- rich, to Hullett Cemetery Wed- nesday morning, September 7. STIRLING—In Clinton, on Mon- day, September 6, 1949, Agnes Blanche Stirling, beloved dau- ghter of the late Robert and Christina Stirling, in her 76th year. Funeral from Ball and Mutch Funeral Home, High St., Clinton, on Thursday afternoon, September 8, at 2.30 o'clock, to Clinton Cemetery, Police Seek Carr Which Caused Crash Provincial police are on the lookout for a car which crowd- ed a ' marl carrier off the 'reed Saturday causing him to collide with another at the side of the road Both the carrier, George Thiel,' Hensel], and driver, of the parked car, Herb Neab, Zurich, said that a speeding car , swept down the middle of Highway 84, one mile west of Zurich. Both drivers escaped injuries as did Kenneth Schilbe, 10 pas- senger in Thiel's oar. Damage of several hundred dollars was done to the front end of Thiel's cat. Provincial Constable Helmer Snell, Seaforth, 'investigated. New Bridge Opened In McKillop. Township After months of planning and work a new modern 92 -foot bridge has been' opened to traf- fic between lots 15 and 16, con- cession six and seven, McKillop Township. The new bridge, • which angles across the intersection, re- places two former iron bridges which served for many years. Made of reinforced concrete the hew structure provides a clear passage of 30 feet for, the river. The bridge contains 570 toms of material, including 20 tons of steel. Three hundred and thirty- four cubic yards of gravel were required, as well as 2,500 bags of cement. • SCHOOL WINDOWS BROKEN Police have been notified of vandalism at U.S.S. No. 11 East Wawanosh and Hullett, where 36 panes of glass were broken by stones, WESLEY-WILLIS WMS The WMS of Wesley -Willis United Church will meet in the' church on Thursday, September 15, at 8 p.m. Mrs. Reg. Ship- ley's group will be in charge of the meeting. Miss R. V. Irwin will be present to tell'the story of her cruise to South America in the spring. A cordial invitee tion is extended to all ladies of the congregation to be present, o - The Girls' Club of Ontario St. United Church will hold its first meeting of the fall season tonight (Thursday) at the home of Mrs. Willis VanEgmond. Mrs. Van- Egmond's group will be in charge. SPECIAL CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Dale here wish to express their sincere thanks to the people of the sur- rounding community for their kind and generous help given to them in their recent loss by fire. Mr. and l$Irs. Dale and Thelma Anne thank all those who so kindly attended, sent cards, treats, and gifts to Thelma during her recent illness in Clinton Public Hospital. ,36 p TOMATOES x are now at their best for canning purposes, etc. Go to your grocer and secure some of F. W. Andrews' Home Grown Tomatoes 34-tfbI SHARKSKINS GABARDINES WORSTEDS SERGES PLAINS STRIPES CHECKS No matter the size, style, cloth, or color, we have a suit that suits you. Sizes 35 to 46 $42,50 to $59.50 TOPCOATS are a "must" for these chilly nights. We suggest Gabardine or Covert Cloth. Sizes 35 to 42. {� $32.50 to $49.50 PICKETT a CAMPBELL Stetson Hats PHONE 25 Carson's Luggage Arrow Shirts CLINTON e PAGE FIVE. Bring Quick results ROXY THEATRE CLINTON -- Now Playing; "Mexican Hayride" Abbott &G Costello — MON., TUES., WED. — Commencing at 7 pan. Doors open '5,45 p.m. Anton Walbrook Marius Goring Moira Shearer "THE RED SHOES" A Technicolor Production -- THURS., FRI., SAT. — DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, Jr. "T H SENA CARTER FIGHTING O'FLYNN" Sept. 19th: "TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALL GAME" with Esther Williams and Gene Kelly CAPITAL THEATRE CODE NOW: Gene Autry and Techni- color in "STRAWBERRY ROAN" — INION,, TUES., WED. — Claudette Colbert - Fred Mac- Murray and Rita Johnson — The :riotous sequel to "The Egg and I", continuing the cross-purpose of the same young matrimonials, "Family Honeymoon" — THURS., FRI., SAT. — Red Skelton - Maryfin Maxwell & Job Boyle—A popular bumble - foot comedy star presents his latest and most hilarious Scream - treat "The Show -Off" Coming: "YES SRR, THAT'S MY BABY," with Donald O'Connor and Gloria De Haven REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH NOW: Joel McCrea and Alexis Smith - "SOUTH OF ST. LOUIS" in Technicolor — MON., TUES., WED. — "The Red Shoes" Britain's top prima -ballerina is starred in a glorious Technicolor - ed story of the Ballet — Moira Shearer - Anton Walbrook and Marius Goring — THURS., FRI,, SAT, - Sonny Tufts - Barbara Britton & Gabby Hays—Outdoor adventure at its exciting best, with Techni- color to enhance its na'turel back- grounds "The Untamed Breed" Coming: Lana Turner and Gene Kelly in "The Three Musketeers" AUBURN Mr. and Mrs. Herb Goirler were weekend visitors in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Patterson and Ross spent the weekend in Toronto. Messrs. Stewart Toll and Glenn Youngblut spent the weekend at Ridgeway, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Craig and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McClinchey spent the weekend in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Asquith, of Toronto, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Asquith. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Carter, and Joseph Carter, Port Elgin, spent the weekend with Miss Sadie Carter. Wellington McNeil has been spending a few days with his brother, Stanley McNeil and Mrs. McNall at Welland, Mrs. Robert Johnston and Al- len Johnston of Konora visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beadle and Charles Beadle. Mr. end Mrs. Elvin Wightman, Toronto, and Mr, and Mrs. George Munns, and Teddy, Whitby, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wightman. Miss Isobel Rollinson, Toronto, was a weekend visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rollinson. Mr . and Mrs. William Medd spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rol- EBENEZER Hydro Installed Hydro has been installed in Ebenezer United Church this week. Anniversary Services The anniversary servcies of Ebenezer United Church will be held on Sunday, September 11, at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. The guest speaker will be Rev. Charles D. Cox of Ilderton. Special music i is being prepared, with a male quartette supplying the music for the evening service. DON C. COLQUHOUN Modern Kitchen Cabinets Now is the time to have your kitchen re -modelled PHONE 128W Free Estimates • HONEY Golden Light Amber 10c 12c 15c Hunting Licenses Now Ready A. F. CUDMORE Phone 192 35-6-b CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion K. C -Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 661 BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St. East Phone 585 linson. An accident victim is William Thorn, who fell out of a fruit tree and suffered a severe hip' injury. He is a patient in Alex- andra. Hospital, Goderich. • We are glad to report that W. A. Campbell, who was attacked by a bull on Friday at his East Wawanosh farm, is making fav- orable recovery at Wingham hos- pital. Mr. Campbell suffered severe bruises and shock. Baptist Anniversary Anniversary services will be held in the Baptist Church next Sunday, September 11 at 3 p.m. and 7:30 p.m: The guest speaker will be a former Auburnite, Rev, William Raithby, Strathroy. Teachers Return Teachers resuming their posi- tions include Miss Mary Houston to Hamilton; Donald Ross to Galt; Mrs. Harry Yungblut to near Walton; Donald Yungblut to Walton; Emma Robertson to Nile. Teachers in this district iriolude Ellis Little at S.S. No. 5, Hullett (Auburn); Miss Inez Herne, Kirk - ton, at S.S. No. 9, Hullett; Stew- art Toll to Prosperity School, THE GIFT OF GOD IS ETERNAL LIFE Rom. 6:23 "Ho, every one that fhirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that ihatt no money: come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price." --Isaiah 55:1. TRUST THE LORD JESUS CHRIST AND RECEIVE ETERNAL LIFE. CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles 53, Calif. Off iced Help Wanted We require an alert young man of neat appearance and pleasing personal- ity for work in our Clinton office. Matriculation :standing preferred, Good opportunity for advancement for person with above qualifications. APPLY; Canada Packers Ltd. Clinton, Ontario Monster Bingo Sponsored by - CLINTON LIONS CLUB in LIONS ARENA Clinton Fri® ` ;'' ete 7 1 $500 IN PRIZES $200 IN SPECIAL CASH PRIZES Remember the date! — Tell your friends! EVERYBODY WELCOME! �...rm.*ono.v:au.s:.mnnro�.,�o+a,.vwv.✓.mws.Pa+.nmv+avaa Leave Your ORDER EARLY for a new CLARE. ' :«ec1a" FUR ` ' ACE PIPES and FITTINGS In Stock Hugh R. Hawkins Hardware and Plumbing ' PHONE 244 CLINTON