HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-09-08, Page 4PAGE FOUR.
Warren's and:Churc
Attairs in Clinton District
h h
Wesley -Willis WA
Has Good Attendance
The September meeting of the
Woman's Association of Wesley -
Willis United Church was held in
the church parlor onthe after-
noon of September 1 with a very
good attendance.
In the absence of the president
and first vice-president, Mrs.
Charles Nelson, a group leader,
occupied the choir and opened the
meeting by reading a poem, and
offering prayer. Mrs. H. Charles-
worth was pianist. The opening
hymn was "0 Master, let me walk
with Thee."
The subject of the devotional
period was "The Challenge of the
Christian home in the Commun-
ity." Mrs. E. Saville read the
Scripture lesson from the fifth
chapter of Matthew; "Lesson
Thoughts" were read by Mrs.
Wilbur Martin, followed by the
Lord's prayer in unison.
A dhtett, "Beautiful Dreamer,"
was sweetly sung by Misses
Margaret Holland and Kay Mc-
Gill. As an encore they sang
"On Galway Bay"; these were
much enjoyed.
The secretary, . Mrs, Wilbur
Martin, and treasurer, Mrs.
George Beattie, gave their re-
ports.. Reports from the conven-
ors of various committees fol-
Some plans were made for the
"Country Fair" of October 29,.
and for serving a dinner to the
school teachers in September.
A hymn and the Mizpah Bene-
diction closed the meeting, after
which tea was served by Mrs,
Nelson's group, and' a short social
time enjoyed.
The 'WMS of Ontario St. Unit-
ed Church will hold its Septem-
her meeting on Tuesday, Septem-
ber 13, at the home of Mrs. Nor-
man Carter. The new Study
Book "Growing with the Years,"
will be introduced.
SEE and D R Y V E
The New Vangard
It's Beautiful! It's Economical, tool
Now on Display at
C. L. Stanley, Proprietor
Miss JoAnne Cuningharne, Sar -1 Fit. Lt, and Mrs. G. G. Agnew
nia, was home for the holiday, returned Monday after spending
weekend. the past three weeks on a motor
Mrs. 0. L. Graham, Strathroy, trip to the Pacific Cont. They
is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Flor- visited Mrs. Agnew's parents,
ence Baines. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Daly, Abbots-
Mrs. Kenneth McGowan, Lon- ford, B. C.
don, was renewing acquaintances Mrs. Robert . Dean and Miss
in town this week. Jessie Trout, Indianapolis, Ind.,
Mr. and Mrs. James Murphy, and Miss Ella Ledierd, Owen
Alliston, were holiday guests of Sound, 011 former missionaries
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Zapfe. in Japan, leave been the guests
Arthur Saunders, Sarnia, was this week of Misses Harriet and
a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sybil Courtice.
Cuninghame over the weekend. E. S. Livermore, K.C., Mrs.
Miss Margaret Davies has re- Livermore and Wilfred, .London,
turned home after spending a were dinner guests with Mr. Liv -
month ' at the family cottage at ermore's parents, Mr. end Mrs.
Kintail. James Livermore, on \Tuesday
Miss Irene Snider, London, last. Mrs. H. S. Smithendorf,
spent the holiday weekend with Essex, spent several - days last
Visit Clinton's
New Beauty Salon
Located on ground floor in the Jervis Apartments,
Albert St., next Roxy Theatre
Permanents, Fingerwaves, Shampoos,
Facials, Manicures
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Shaddiek have
returned from a pleasant motor
trip through the South eastern
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Nethery,
Belgrave, were Sunday guests at
the home of Mr. end Mrs. James
A. McGill.
Frank Cummings and Gerald
Burns attended the Canadian Na-
tional Exhibition over the Labor
Day weekend,
Mrs. Cecil Cooper attended the
funeral in Brantford of her aunt,
the late Mrs. Fred Brown, for-
merly of Clinton.
Elwin Merrill and Benson Sut-
ter spent the weekend attending
Ryerson Beach Executive Lead-
ership Camp, Normandale.
Mr. and Mrs. John MacKinnon,
Toronto, were weekend visitors
at the home of the latter's moth-
er, Mrs. W. T. Hawkins.
Miss Kathleen McGill left on
Monday for Wheatley where she
has accepted a position on the
staff of the Public School.
Mrs, O. C. Hellyar left yester-
day to visit at the home of her
son and daughter-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Beattie, Toronto.
Miss Luella Walkinshaw has
returned after a vacation spent
in Toronto, the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. A. E. Ballantine and Miss
Anna Clarke.
Mrs. E. F. Jackson has returned
from Port Elgin and will make
her home with her brother-in-
lew and sister, Mr. and Mrs.
James Livermore.
Misses Nancy Ford, Kathleen
Glew and Edna Bayley left for
London on Tuesday to com-
mence training in Victoria Hospi-
tal School of Nursing.
Mr. and Mrs. S. MacDonald
and two children, Hamilton, are
spending a few days with the
lady's brother and sister-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gatien.
Mr. . and Mrs. W. J. Crooks,
Vancouver, B.C., arrived Friday
evening to spend a vacation with
their brother-in-law and sister,
Mr. end Mrs. W. M. Aiken.
Mrs. R. Carnegie and two
children, Carolyn and Bobbie,
London, spent last week at the
home of the lady's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes.
Mrs. A. D. Beaton and son,
Holmes, returned on Sunday aft- the four had to be omitted.
er a very pleasant week's visit at A draw was made for the hand
made mat, on which tickets had
been sold lest spring. Mrs. L.
MacKinnon made the draw and
it was won by Mayor Robert Y.
New colours and styles.
Sturdier Construction
$15.75 up
in new shades and patterns
$4.95 up
Luggage and Leather Goods
Phone 2
�tir�ww+wa•nuu�savNre++a awseauspe�.
week at the same home.
Mr. and Mrs, Bert Boyes visit-
ed for a few days last week in
Pontiac, Mich., and Windsor.
This week, Mr. and Mrs. Boyes,
accompanied 'by • the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs Ed Boyes,
motored to Tobermory, Manit-
oulin Island and ,Sudbury for a
few days. „
Hugh Fraser, Cainsville, Ohio,
accompanied by his two brothers-
in-law, John Cope,. Cleveland,
and Edward Cope; CainsvilRe,
visited his mother, Mrs. Charles
Fraser, over the weekend. They
also visited the former's brother
and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
John Fraser, Bayfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Stewart
returned Monday evening from
a two weeks' visit in Halifax,
N.S., with their son Jack and
family. Jadk is Petty Officer
(First Class) he the Royal Can-
adian Navy. While there, they
met Mrs. Jack Stewart's mother,
who is visiting her daughter, from
Manchester, England.
Engagements Announced Ontario St. WA Holds
a a .5
Mr. end Mrs. Henry Adkins,
Hansen, announce the engage-
ment of their only daughter,
Shirley Lovina Caroline, to
Ernest Raymond Powell, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Powell,
Goderioh, the wedding to take
place Saturday, September 17.
a a *
Mr. and Mrs. John A, McEwen,
Brucefield, Ontario, wish to an-
nounce the engagement of their
only daughter, Margaret Lillian,
to Russel G. K. Zurbrigg, only
son of 'Mrs. Zurbrigg' and the
late Ezra Zurbrigg, Wingham,
Ontario. The marriage will take
Place in Brucefield United Church,
on Saturday, October 1, at 2.30
Ball & Munch Funeral Home
The Fine Appointments of this Funeral Home
are Beautiful and Appropriate, Among Which the '
Varge, Pleasant Rooms and Electric Organ are Not
the Least.
There is No Extra Oha"rge for Services Held
Here Under Such Ideal Conditions.
Phone 361-W
Phone 1'95
Phone 361-3
The engagement is announced
of Vesta Anita Cruickshank , and
John Paul Denomme, Hamilton,
formerly of Clinton. The young
couple will say their marriage
vows Saturday, September 24, at
11 a.m. in Holy Family Church,
Kenilworth Ave., Hamilton,
Successful Rally
Of "Youth For Christ"
Hospital Aid Hears
Cook Book Report
Interesting Meeting
Ontario St.. WA met on Tues-
day, September 6, with the presi-
dent, Mrs. C. Verner, in the chair,
The meeting opened by singing
hymn 384 after which Psalm 700
was read alternately followed by
the Lord's Prayer,
Mrs. Fear took the devotional
period in absence of Mrs. Wiltse,
opening buy singing hymn 380
and taking as her topic, "Let
your light so shine before men,"
followed by prayer. The various
reports were given.
Mrs. R. G. Bennett favoured
the, ladies with a lovely solo;
Mrs. Townsend gave a reading;.
"Clinton Area Youth for Christ"
held its regular monthly rally in
the Town Hall; on Saturday even-
ing, with a fair attendance con-
sidering the holiday weekend.
Rev. G. W. Bradley, director
of the Clinton Area . Youth for
Christ, opened the meeting with
a lively sing song and prayer.
Miss Annie Black, Port Elgin,
favoured with a lovely solo "Tell
Me His Name Again." Rev. Mr.
Medley gave a few of the high-
lights end spiritual blessings he
received while attending the
Keswick Conference YFC in the
past few days.
Rev. Roy Petts and his group
from' Blemheim were in charge
of the programme for the even-
ing. They favoured with several
musical numbers an their instru-
ments, steel guitar, violin, mar-
imba, also a male quartette sing-
ing for one of their numbers,
"This World is not my Home."
Miss Joyce Sanderson from Em-
manuel. Bible College, Kitchener,
sang three solos, `I Am Amazed,"
"I'd Rather Have Jesus" and "He
Came to me One Day."
Rev. Mr. Petts gave a short
message on winning the young
for. the Lord Jesus Christ, im-
planting into the heart' and life
the word. of God, giving a joy
and a place this world cannot
give, neither can it take away.
After the benediction had been
pronounced, the Executive was
installed for another year as fol-
lows: director, Rev. G. W. Med-
ley, Goderich; music, Mrs. Snid-
er; advertising, Clifford Talbot,
Bayfield, Rev. Glenn Beach, Grand
Bend, Frank Collar, Wingham,
Vivian McLean, Wingham, Rev.
H. B. Broadway, Listowel, E. A
Mousseau, icemen.
The next rally will be held on
Saturday, October 8, at 8 p.m.
sharp, in the Town Hall, Clinton.
The September meeting of the
Hoepital Aid was held in the
Board Room of the Agricultural
Office, Tuesday evening, with the
president, Mrs. Frank Finglanid,
Minutes of the last meeting
were read by Mrs. Lorne J.
Brown, while Miss L. Welkinshaw
gave the treasurer's report which
showed a balance of $614.42, less
outstanding bills.
Mrs. J. A. Sutter, reporting for
the buying committee, stated that
the mix -master and the bedside
lamps had been purchased. Mrs.
W. H. Robinson reported for
membership. Mrs. Fingland said
that sheets were needed for the
hospital and that the material
was available, -.
Reporting for the finance com-
mittee, Mrs. R. S. Atkey outlin-
ed the progress of the Cook
Book, stating that it would be
completed in a short time. About
90 local and district ladies have
contributed recipes. Unfortunat-
ely, four groups of recipes were
received Hospital Day, with no
name attached and :as all recipes
are credited in the Cook Book,
the home of the former's daughter
Mn.sC. E. Moffatt, Bickford. •
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur T. Ben-
nington and Mrs. S. Metz, Cleve-
land, Ohio, spent last week as
guests of their cousins, The
Davies, at the cottage at Kintail.
Mr. and Mrs, John Snider spent
a few days last week with Mr.
and Mrs. Murray Hetherington,
New Toronto, and also attended
the Canadian National Exhibition.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Shob- (Continued from Page One)
brook, Barbara and John. Wesley, William Cooper, Clinton, while
Toronto, have returned home af- the bride was Annie Louise Sal-
ter visiting Mr. Shohhrook's par- g
lery, , daughter of the late Mr.
eats, Mr. en Mrs. Wesley Shob
Kin -
and Mrs. Robert Sellery, Kin -
and Marlene Jervis sang a de-
lightful solo. The meeting closed
by singing of a hymn and Miz-
pale benediction,
Baptist Mission Band
Has Enjoyable Picnic
The Mission Band of Clinton
Baptist Church held an enjoyable
picnic • in the church ground's on
Wednesday, August 31, under the
leadership of Mrs. R. J. Gemmel.
Prizes in the games and races
were awarded to Joan Livermore,
Ruth Anne Moore, Gale Gemmel,
Sherry Cochrane, Bert Clifford,
Eric Gemmel, and Allen Coch-
Mrs. H. Cochrane assisted in
serving the lunch.
Mr. land Mrs. R. S. Atkey left • ;