HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-09-01, Page 54'13URSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1; 1949 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD s-Tiecord Classified Adlets Bring. Quick Results ?CASH RATE—(If paid by Wed- nesday following date of inser- tion)—One cent a word fust in- =sertion (minimum 35 cents); sub- ' sequent ub-'sequent insertions one cent a word (minimum 25 cents); 15 cents ex- tra for box number or for direc- titan to NEWS -RECORD Office. IF CHARGED --15 cents extra ;DEADLINE -6 p.m. Wednesday • -e ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE COMFORTABLE Accommodation 'for elderly ladies (not tied pa- tients), tray service; space for one -elderly 'man, Phone Goderich 9,50R or write P. O. Box 280, Goderich,. r 34-35-p ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT ONE BEDROOM TO RENT. Phone 789J: 35=b 'ROOM FOR RENT, Reasonable, with home privileges. Apply -Boat' "C", NEWS -RECORD. 35-p ACCOMMODATION • WANTED 'WANTED—DOUBLE ROOM with or without board. Sgt. Patton, M. H., phone 382, local 43. • 35-p WANTED — MEDIUM SIZED house or apartment, unfurnished. References. Phone 382, local 43. 35-p AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1949 FORD FOR SALE. Phone Clinton 58811. 35-p 1928 PONTIAC SEDAN. Priced -right for quick sale. Apply Box "D", NEWS -RECORD. 35-p BICYCLES FOR SALE MAN'S BICYCLE, slightly used. See Thomas Cole at J. le. Butler's Insurance Office, 35-p BUILDING LOT FOR SALE NUMBER OF SUITABLE Build- ing Lots for sale on Alma, Erie :and Church Sts. Apply Miss E. Becker, Erie St., Clinton. 34-35-p BUILDING FOR SALE OUTSIDE TOILET, built o f matched lumber inside and out- side, in good repair. Apply Charles E. Elliott, PO Box 238, Clinton, phone 326. 34-tfb CLOTHING FOR SALE 'USED CLOTHING SUITABLE for school girls. Phone 224-J. 34-b CUSTOM CORN CUTTING CUSTOM CORN CUTTING and Filling. Two -row corn •binder with Ioader, by the acre; 15" finger feed box by the hour; out- fit requires only 8-10 men. Ap ply to Ray Potter, phone Clin- ton 911r11. 33-4-5-6-p FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE BUCK RAKE FOR SALE, ready • to go to work. Apply Del Gard- ner, R.R. 1, Goderich, phnne Clinton 903r11. 35-p THRESHING MACHINE, 28" cylinder, 50"• body, Goodison, with cutter, in good condition. 'Apply Alex Riley, Londesboro, phone Seaforth 850r11. 35-6-p FURNITURE FOR SALE ONE SOLID OAK BUFFET, three drawers, two door compartment for dishes and large mirror. In very good condition. Apply Box "`H" NEWS -RECORD. 35-p ONE LARGE PIECE of Linoleum, size 13x11 ft., ivory and green block pattern. In very good con- dition. Will sell very reason- eble. Apply Box "F", NEWS - RECORD. 35-p FRESH GARDEN FLOWERS, Asters, Gladioli, 'Mums. Mrs. C. H. Epps, phone 264. 35-b FRUIT FOR SALE GARDEN HUCKLEBERRIES for sale. Apply James Makins, phone 265.; 35-b GARAGE FOR RENT GARAGE FOR RENT IN GOOD repair. Phone 224-J. 34-b GUNS FOR SALE 12 GAUGE SHOTGUN, Ithaca Featherweight pump, full. choke, 28"' barrell, in perfect condition, Apply John McIntyre, Clinton. 35-p HOUSES FOR SALE THREE-BEDROOM COTTAGE with asphalt shingles. Built-in cupboards and new bathroom, Fruit trees: Sewer connected. 'Bert White. 35-p TWO-STOREY FRAME HOME, nine lovely rooms with hard- wood " floors downstairs; cellar under whole house, all modern conveniences. Double garage end. Iarge let with a number of maple and evergreen trees. This prop- erty has several possibilities such as a duplex or rooming house or just a fine home for a farrely. Apply, Charles E. Elliott, P.O. Box "238, Clinton,' or phone 326. 34tfb MODERN TWO-STOREY Eight - roomed house. -Living room nat- ural fire place and hardwood floor; dining room tile floor with natural fire place; kitchen, mod- ern built-in cupboards.and break - 'fast nook; three 'large 'bedrooms; storeroom; built-in bathroom, all modern fixtures; full-size base- ment with new furnace. House is insulated, also instil brick •sid- ing, storm windows and emblem - ton doors. Double garage, a barn and lots. Hydro, water and sewerage installed. Will sell house with or, without lots,. 'House priced right for quick sale. Any Terson interested "eon:taet Ross ,Fitzsimons, phone ' 559W.. ' 33btfb HELP WANTED,, FEMALE EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER wanted, full or .part time. Apply Henri's Beauty Shoppe, 35-b MIDDLE AGED WOMAN wanted as housekeeper in home with one adult. Apply Box "J", NEWS - RECORD., 35-p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE PUREBRED HEREFORD BULL of serviceable 'age. Apply Ezra, Ellis, phone Clinton 802r4, 35-p A NUMBER OF HOLSTEIN heifers ranging from one. month to 18 months. This is surplus stock in fine condition, Apply Charles E. Elliott, P.O. Box 238, Clinton, phone 326. $4btfb MISCELLANEOUS_ . SAWS, ALL KINDS FILED AT C. Hoare's orchard, mile north of town. Will work odd days, harvesting, etc. 29-37-p FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE there 1e a new Singer Sewing Centre located on the Square in Goderich. New cabinet and port- able machines, also treadles. Re- pairs to all makes. 3Obtfb ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for think feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If not,. will pay fertilizer prices. If dead phone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bro.. Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Goder- ich. 2btfb NOTICES WILL THE PERSON WHO WAS seen "borrowing" rufromgsRoy o y Mann's car kindly return them before receiving a cell by police. Signed—ROY MANN, 35-b WILL THE PERSON WHO RE - moved the medium long handled clippers, from the property of Mrs. George T. Jenkins please return them immediately. This act of petty pilfering was noticed and if the clippers are returned at once further trouble will be avoided. -- MRS. GEORGE T. JENKINS. 35-b NOTICE ANYONE FOUND trespassing on Part Lots No. 41, 51, both sides of river, Tucker - smith Township at any time hereafter will be prosecuted by order of the owner, A. E, Parry. March 31, 1949. 24-28-p PERSONAL IF FREE FROM CORN or Callous you'd be for Lloyd's Corn Salve your druggist you must see. 500 at Pennebaker's Drug Store. 27-b POULTRY FOR SALE 1.85 PURE NEW HAMPSHIRE pullets, reedy to lay, a choice Hoek. 1928 Chevrolet Coach. Ap- ply Cliff Glazier, phone Clinton 633r4. 35-p ROCK AND RED CROSS Breeds and New Hampshire pullets, start- ing to lay. • W. T. 'Livingston, phone 84701, Seaforth. 35-p 2,75 PULLETS, LAYING, Sussex - New Hampshire hybrids. A good healthy flock. Roy Connell, phone Clinton 807x4. 34-5-b 'n PURE SUSSEX PULLETS, 5t4, months old, started to lay. Anply Aaron Fisher, Jr.. R.R. 2, Clinton, phone Carlow 167. 35-b SEED FOR SALE QUANTITY OF TIMOTHY SEED for sale, Apply Charles Cooper, phone Clinton 905r15, 35-b QUANTITY ,MIXED GRAIN, $46 per ton, delivered. Apply Ewan C. Ross, R,R, 2, Clinton, phone Clinton 901r4. 34-35-p CORNELL 595 SEED WHEAT, second generation from certified seed, clean, smut -resistant, and free from cockle. Price $2 per bushel. J. Arnold Jamieson, phone Clinton 616r33. 35-6-b STOVES FOR SALE BEACH KITCHEN RANGE, 14 lengths of pipe, in good condi- tion. Price $15, complete. Ap- ply Box "5", NEWS -RECORD. 35-b COAL AND WOOD RANGE with reservoir and waterfront, in good condition: Beatty washing ma- chine. Priced right for quick sale. Phone 184,1. 35-b COLEMAN SPACE HEATING Oil Burner, slightly used: Addle= battery radio, practically new. Apply George E. Little, phone Bayfield 8. 35-b TRAILER FOR SALE TWO -WHEEL TRAILER. WITH stock rack; one work horse. Ap- ply 1. E: Dale, phone 633r6. 35-p TRUCKS FOR SALE 1941 DODGE THREE -TON stake truck, DP. axle, Booster brakes, good condition, reasonable, Phone Goderich 950R or write P.O. Box 280. 34-35-b WANTED WANTED—GOOD ALFALFA and Mixed. Bay. Goderich Alfalfa Mill, C. R. Holland, proprietor, phone 1025 Goderich. 33-4-5-6-p WOOD FOR SALE 12" HARD BODY WOOD. Oslo mixed furnace blocks. Also have a"nntity of Bartlett Pears. C. E. Wise, phone Clinton 905124. 35-b QUANTITY OF MIXT'•D WOOD, 12 inches in length, Apnly C. D. Cannell, phone Clinton 3. 35-6-n WINGIIAM HOME OJT A heavy electrical Stavin Wingham Saturdey caused light- ning to strike the home of Mr. and Mrs John Gorbutt, Jr,, in the Hillcrest section, The belt tore a hole 18 inches square in the 'bathroom wall, can along a curtain rods—twieting it severely —rand ripped a small' hole .in'the Side of the house on its way out. BIRTHS ONTARIO ST. W.A. The WA of Ontiario St. United FERRIN—In Clinton Public Hos- Church will meet in the Church pital, I Friday, August a26,s- Hall on Tuesday, September 6, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Derrald ath 3 e of The programme is s. F. Fe'rrin, Clinton (nee Donna charge and thes. ladiesdsrof and Mrs, Lobb), a daughter (Patricia Aiken the of the Base Kay). Line and 16th "Concession will JACKSON — In Clirston Public serve refreshments. Hospital,, on Tuesday, August WESLEY-11VILLIS GIRLS' CLUB 30, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. 'Gor- don Jackson, Clinton, a son The Girls' Club of Wesley (Daniel Gordon), Willie United ChuLch will held NELSON—In St. Catharines Gen- res ost meetisd of the rn8, eral Hospital,' on Saturday, reason4.3 onp T. (Mem Septembersre 8 ask- August 27, 1949, to Mr. and at 4 30 change hers are Mra. Gerald E. Nelson, St. ti m ), notetChan a of date and cot - Catharines (hee Dorothy Mc- time), y Mrs. Cree.Cook'sCokIntyre), a daughter (Catherine will Bayfield cMharge . group Ann). be in charge with Miss L. Morley, Detroit, as guest speaker. PEASE—In Clinton Public Hos-Ipetal, on Tuesday, August 30, A picnic lunch will be served. 194r, to Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm 3,3Cars will leave the church at Pease, R.lt. 1, Blyth, a daughter. heD y invitation and onei at 6 extended A MARRIAGES he�anty is to MARRIAGES 'all past and present members, 0 BERRINGER-PYBUS—in Dundas I.O.O•F• NOTES Centre United Church, Lon- don, Saturday, August 27, 1949, Clinton Lodge IOOF, No. 83, by' Rev. A. M. Stewart, Iris will reopen for its fall activities Jeanne, daughter of Mrs. Pybus, on Tuesday evening, September London, and the late. Gordon 6, when the regular meeting will Pybus, formerly of Hensall, to be held at eight o'clock. George Elton Derringer, son of a s' w Mr. end Mrs. A. W. Berringes', Huronic Rebekah Lodge will South Brookfield, N,S. hold its first meeting of the fall GRANT-STUHR—In Fort Massey Church, Halifax, N.S., on Mon- day, August 15, 1949, by Rev, G. M. Grant, Toronto, son of the groom, Mrs. Susan Easton Stuhr, Minneapolis, Minn., to Rev. David Kenzie Grant 120 Henry St., Halifax. LADD-GOW—At the home of the bride's parents, by Rev. A. G. Hewitt, minister of Knox Unit- ed Church, Auburn, Gladys Priscilla, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Gow, Auburn, to John Clayton Ladd, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Clay- ton Ladd, Auburn. REIBLING-JOHNS—In .Turner's United Church, Tuckersmith, on Saturday, August 27, 1949, by Rev. W. J. Woolfrey, Eleanor Lee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Johns, Tuckersmith, to Lloyd Henry Reibling. son of Mr, and 'Mrs. Solomon Reib- ling, Tavistock. DEATHS BROWN—In Brantford General Hospital, on Sunday, August 21, 1949, Ida Bezzo, beloved wife of the late Fred Brown in her 69th year. Funeral from Thorpe Bros. Funeral Home, Brantford, to Mount Hope Cemetery, on Wednesday, Au- gust 24. CORRIE — In Victoria Hospital, London, on Sunday, August 28, 194.9, Carol Alma, infant dau- ghter of Mr, and Mrs. Maynard Carrie, Bayfield, Private fun- eral from Bell and Murch Fun- eral Home, High St., Clinton, to Bayfield Cemetery on Mon- day, August 29. o— CARD OF THANKS As it is impossible to thank all personally, we wish to take this means of thanking all who help- ed to save our home on Satur- day, including the members of the four fire brigades, Brucefield, Clinton, Clinton RCAF, and Bay- field, and for the co-operation of Clinton Central. Office,—Mr, and Mrs. George Falconer and fam- ily. 35-p ROXY THEATRE CLINTON Now Playing: Robert Mitchum in "BLOOD ON THE MOON" --- MON., TUES., WED. — MATINEE Monday at 2.30 p.m. JAMES STEWA.RT as MONTY STRATTON who was on the way to Fame and Fortune when Fate stepped in, the drama of his come -back, a wonderful story of romance end courage. It's also the story of JUNE ALLYSON that girl he met on a blind date. And from the baseball world: Gene Bearden, Bill Dickey, Jimmy Dykes, Mervyn Shea DON'T MISS "THE STRATTON STORY" CAPITAL THEATRE C O D E R I C H REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH Now Playing: In Technicolor "SOUTH OF ST. LOUIS" with Now Playing: William Bendix Joel McCrea and Alexis Smith "THE LIFE OF RILEY" — MON. -- TUES. — WED. -- 44 RETURN of OCTOBER " A once -in -a -great -while picture, With colour by technicolour and a superlative cast, you will enjoy every racing minute of this unique comedy fantasy. Glen Ford -- Terry Moore -- Albert Sharpe James Gleason -- Dame May Whitty THURS., FRI., SAT. — Gene AUTRY & Champion with Gloria Henry & Jack Holt — A musically treated Western,• with action aplenty, technicolor and 'ange-singing in Autry manner. "Strawberry Roan" — THURS., FRI., SAT. -- "Mexican Hayride" coming: Claudette Colbert and Fred MacMurray in "FAMILY. HONEYMOON" — THURS., FRI SAT. — Joel McCrea Alexis Smith Zachary Scott "South of St. Louis" A Western Drama in Technicolor Coming: THE RED SHOES" School Board Refuses To Release Teacher The school board for area No. 1, Tuckersmith Township, has seasor, on Wednesday evening, arranged to have Huron County September 7. The meeting will Health Unit serve its schools. The board ;also made a contract with Scott Hahkirk, Seaforth, for continuing the school bus trans- port. A contract was given D. O. Sills for installing a new furnace in S.S. 5 at a cost of $308, in- cluding electric janitor. The board refused to release Miss Winnifred Campbell from her contract to teach at No. 5 school for the next year, and the contract will stand as far as the board is concerned. begin with a pot luck supper in the lodge room at 6 p.m. s a FEDERATI• ON NEWS Co-operative Insurance is the project being sponsored this year by the Federation of Agriculture. About 500 County farmers have already availed themselves of Co-operative Automobile Insur- ance. o Trade winds always blow from an easterly direction toward the equator. AUCTION SALE of 50 Holstein Cows and Heifers H. Jackson and W. Scott have received instructions from the undersigned to sell at Mitchell Sale Barns on Tuesday, September 6 at 2 p.m. 50 High Grade Holstein cows and heifers. These cattle are all T. B. Tested and mostly are calf - hood vaccinated and consist of: 1 cow due October 1; 2 four year old cows due Sept. 15; 1 heifer rising three years old, due Sept- ember 12; 15 heifers rising three years, springing; 30 well marked growthy heifers ranging from .12 to 18 months old, many of them ready to breed. Also 4 Tamworth sows, bred 10 weeks; 2 Tamworth sows bred 4 weeks; 1 Purebred Tamworth Hog, 10 months old; 1 rubber - tired truck wagon; Usual run of weaners and Chunks, Terms Cash JACKSON and SCOTT Auctioneers AARON STEINACKER, Propriet- or 35-p TOMATOES are, now at their best for canning purposes, etc. Go to your grocer and secure some of F. W. Andrews' Home Grown Tomatoes 34-tfb Back to School! MOTHERS! if you are faced with the prob- lem of sending two or three husky boys off to school shortly, why not share your worries with us? Let us show you our lines of BOYS' SUITS, 9 SHIRTS, SWEATERS, SLACKS, SOCKS, SHOES, Etc. WE HAVE WHAT YOUR BOY WANTS! REMINDER -- We still have a few pairs of BOYS' OXFORDS en sale at $2.50 pr. Men's' - burrl�erSlaoaa., still at 33 and 1/3 % off a PICKETT a CAMPBELL Arrow, Shirts „ Carson's Luggage ® Stetson Hats PHONE 25 -- CLINTON HOSPITAL AID TO MEET The regular meeting of the Hospital Aid will be heldein the Board Room of the Agricultural Office on Tuesday evening, Sep- tember 6, at 8 o'clock. A good' attendance is requested. Clearing AUCTION SALE of MACHINERY and HOUSE- HOLD EFFECTS at Lot 9, Con- cession 9, Rupert Township, 11/4 miles north and 1 mile west of Hinburn, on Wednesday, Sept. 7 at 1 p.m. Offered et sale will be farm machinery, tools and a full line of household effects, dishes and kitchen utensils. TERMS—CASH ROBERT JIOGERSON, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer 34-35-b HONEY Golden Light Amber 1Oc 12e 15c Hunting Licenses Now Ready A. F. F. CUDMORE Phone 192 35-6-b py il4¢Jlmre,•r. ' CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion K. C. coke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 661 BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St. East Phone 585 Canning Peaches FOR SALE ' South Haven. Vidette, Valiant and ELBERTAS LATER ON Bring B1sketSt VanceBros. Phone 611-14 Forest van.* THE GIFT OF GOD IS ETERNAL LIFE Rom. 6:23 ▪ "Ho, every one that thirste'th, come ye to the waters, and he that 'hath no money: come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without • price."—Isaiah, 55:1. TRUST THE LORD JESUS CHRIST AND RECEIVE ETERNAL LIFE. CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles 53, Cant r••++++v+w.nsr..+...r.v,.rv...awn......,....4,0..0ar.+vV~".>r.4,... o+.".. STARTING MONDAY, AUGUST 29 our phone number will be Clinton 910r16 WILLIAM E. JERVIS CARTAGE -- -- HOLMESVILLE 34-b +,s+++•rn►+•wr+wav++v.444•44.r..•.4.4.+v44+4•4v44.4..44v+w.4w,+r+4•e1 Hardware Specials!! 1 only Eureka Lawn Mower Rubber Tires, five blades, 16 -inch cut Reg. x$21.40 . To Clear $15.98 CLOTHES BASKETS Two sizes , .. $1.69 and 1.98 Copper CLOTHES BOILERS ea, $5.95 Galvanized CLOTHES BOILERS ea. $3.25 Hugh R. Hawkins Phone 244 Hardware and Plumbing - Clinton FALL SHOE VALUES for MEN and BOYS Men's MAPLE BROWN BROGUE OXFORDS Men's 'HEAVY SOLE STRAP OXFORDS •••• $5.75 $7.50 $4.95 4 LUGGAGE Boys' SOLID BROGUE OXFORDS BACK -TO -SCHOOL { New Colours and Styles Strongter Sturdier Construction Priced from 15:75 to 32.50 AIKEN' Luggage and' Leather Goods ▪ Clinton