HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-09-01, Page 4'PAGE FOUR CLINTON NEWS -RECORD omert'Sand Churclh ,affairs �n GRANDMOTHERS' DAY ATTRACTS 76 ATTENDANCE Perfect weather conditions last Thursday favored the ladies of Clinton Women's Institute in holding their annual Grandmoth- ers' Day. The spacious lawn at the home of Mrs. A. F. Cudmore made an ideal setting to entertain the grandmothers of the town, and to be visited by the ladies of the newly -organized branch at Londesbaro. This was the first invitation the new branch had received and had accepted since being • organized. The president of Clinton Branch, Mrs: C. Sturdy, occupied the chair for the usual opening 'exercises, and conducted a few, items of business. It was decid- ed that the 'WI would purchase one page, in the Cook Book the Hospital Aid is producing, Also to enter exhibits at the Blyth Fall Fair, with Mrs. F. Hanley to sup- ervise showing of seine. The roll call was answered by "something I have learned from Grand- mother." The holding/ of a bazaar was Visit Clinton's New beauty Salon Located on ground floor in the Jervis Apartments, Albert St., next Roxy Theatre Permanents, Fingerwaves, Shampoos, Facials, Manicures THELMA CURRIE -- -- PHONE 542J i ATTEND Goderich Business College Huron's Centre of Modern Business Training Modem Equipment. Experienced . Teachers. Individual instruction. New typewriters. Placement Service for Graduates. Member Canadian Business Schools Association. REGISTRATION WEEK Plan now to visit us during registration week. The school will be open daily from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. starting August 29 and we urge all students to register as early' as possible. FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 6 Phones 428 and 166W F. M. WEAVER, Principal; G. DONNELLY, BA, Instructor 34-5-b I I�I PE.R 5-0NALS Miss Elizabeth Cooper, Freels ton, is holidaying with her grandmother, Mrs. J. W. Tse - leaven. ' Mrs. Charles Stewart is in Sb. Thomas this week attending the School for Leaders at Alma College. Mr, and Mrs. J. Bickerton, mentioned and it was left with the finance committee to decide on this matter. Mrs. M, Manning, president of the Londesboro group, then took the chair and presented the fol- lowing splendid program: a chorus by their members, entitled, "The Happy, Happy Grandma's," who responded to an encore, "The More We Get Together," with Mrs. Margaret Manning accomp- anying on the harmonica. Read- ing entitled, "Old Age," Mrs. B. Brunsdon; reading, "Great Grand- ma" by Mrs. Beecom; reading, "It takes a heap of living to make a house a home," by Mrs, W. Lyon. On motion of Mrs. Ray Fear and Mrs. F. Hanley, a hearty vote of thanks was extended to the visiting ladies for the splen- did program which they pre- sented. Miss Norah Cunningham, sup- ervisor of Nursing of the Huron County Health Unit, was present and extended a welcome to all to attend the formal opening of the new Unit, Mrs. J. R. Butler end her pro- gram committee took charge and the following events took place: prize for the oldest grandmother present was presented to Mrs. W. J. McBrien and donated by Mrs. M. McTaggart; youngest grand- mother, Mrs. A. Groves; grand- mother with smallest waistline, Mrs. R. Youngblutt, Londesboro; Mrs. Watt, Manitoba,. came the farthest distance; and Mrs. Harry Lyon, Londesboro, has 36 grand- children. While the supper was being observed each one told the name of their first school teacher and where they first attended school. A hearty vote of thanks was extended to Mrs. Cudmore for the use of her lawn, and to all ommittees in charge of the day's otivities. Dainty refreshments were served by the Clinton branch with Mrs. Leppington, Mrs. Groves, Mrs. Butler, Mrs. 114. rich, Mrs. E, Brown and Mrs. winbank, acting as hostesses. Engagements Announced Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Freemen, Huldett Township, wish to an- nounce the engagement of their younger daughter, Verna Joyce, to Cale Leonard Doucette, son of Mr. and Mrs, H. W, Doucette, Windthorst, Sask., the marriage ......,,,ese....,.,....a..l to. take place September 24. IRON FIREMAN STOKERS Lead the Heat Parade: NO Hopper to Fill! cAO:, YOU ,AFtORD': :OS IN( IRON FIREMAN STOKERS E R 30% MORE HEAT NO Coal Shovelling! A houseful of warmth without work or worry 10 Big Advantages of Your Iron Fireman Coal Stoker 1 It enables you to burn coal—North America's abundant, economy fuel, 9 It fires coal automatically, eliminat- 4 ing basement drudgery, It gives you the comfort, convenience, cleanliness, and the low cost of automatic coal heating. 4 The Iron Fireman Air Volumeter (Coal -Flow and Deluxe models) con- stantly maintains correct air-frtel ratio. Its exclusive Synerostat-control pro- • vides automatic temperature regula- tion day end night, with healthful, fuel -saving lowered night tempera- ture. C Iron Fireman's quarter-century i f u experience in combustion engineer- ing is your assurance of top per- formance. 6 Every stoker is correctly engineered and soundly built for long years of dependable, trouble-free service. 8 Hundreds of thousands of satisfied • users of this high quality equipment have made Iron Fireman the best- known name in automatic beating. a Correct installation by experienced men insures efficient stoker opera- tion, ZA As an authorized Iron Fireman deal- " er, we are proud of the service we render our customers. There's plenty of coal!! An Iron Fireman Stoker burns it automatically, economically to give you unexcelled home comfort. $465 installed BALL and MUTCH HARDWARE and FURNITURE PHONE 195 - CLINTON III Windsor, spent the weekend with M. and Mrs. A. J. Me - Murray. • Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kirby left today for Toronto to spend a few days. at Canadian National Ex- hibition, Clinton BAYFIELD HALL. FULL TO DOORS FOR BIG SHOW (Continued from Page One) was designed and made by John McConkey). During intermission, Alfred McAlister gave a very clever portrayal of "An English Min - Mrs. W; H. Stevens and Mr. and strel" to the accompaniment of a Mrs. J. C. Stevens, Seiaforth, were Victrola record. renewing acquaintances in town Act II yesterday "The Voice of the People," a John. E. Cuninghame, Owen Canadian play in one act by Sound, and Miss JoAnne Cuning- Robertson Davies, directed by harne, Sarnia, ware home forthe Meriden Miller. weekend. Cast, in order of appearance: Murray Dale, Ottawa, has re- Aggie Norton — Mary Ashwell; turned to his home after visiting Sam North — Orin Miller; Shorty his father, Arthur Dale, Huron Norton—Basil Fitzgibbon; Myrtle Road East. Norton—Adelaide Mitchell; News. G. E Hall .and Miss Evelyn, bov—Larry Pemberton. are visiting the former's son and The scene is laid in the kit - daughter in-law Mr. and. Mrs. E. chen of. the Norton home in the E. Hsll., Toronto, early evening in a 'small town. Mrs. Myrtle Murray lift yest- It is a satire about living. Shorty erday for an extended trip Norton, a barber, comes home to through the South western States find no dinner and a mechanic end Western Canada. repairing the electric stove. He Mr. and ,,Mrs, Harry Johnson blows off steam about a letter and daughter Jane Anne, Aider- "The Voice of the People" writ- ten to the paps,: which he' is convinced is against barbers. He writes. a fiery reply end gives It to the. mechanic with instructions to take it to the editor. The mechanic confesses to writing the letter so the reply never reaches the press. Finale — "Another Show is. Over," the entire company. Tire group is indebted to Jack Guthrie end Bill Hawkins who were in charge of lights and who contributed so much to the suc- cessful staging of the shrew, Others who helped in vsri 'us capacities were: Musical director, Janet Mitchell; choreography, Jill Millsap; costumes, Gertrude Gairdner, Eleanor Torrens; prop- erty, Gwen Pemberton. carpent- ers, John McConkey, Ford Sted- man; programme and advertising, Jessie Metcalf, and Mary Ladd; prompter, Ruth McAlister; door- keeper, Ted Mack; makeup, Phyllis Buchanan; production, Jim Scott; co-ordinator, Liz Scott. shot, spent lest week with Mr. acid Mrs. L. Waiper. Mr. end Mrs. David Gardner, Atlantic City, N. J., and Miss Hazel Jackson, Washington, Penn., were the guests of Mrs. W. J. Jones last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Robbins, Crediton, spent Sunday at UV? home of the letter's parents, Mr and Mrs. John A. Sutter. Mrs. Fred Gatien and daughter, Cathie, returned last week after spending a couple of months visiting relatives iii ,England. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Evans, St. Thomas, were Sunday visitors at the home of the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carter. Miss .Merg'aret Woolfrey, To- ronto General Hospital, spent Monday in town after visiting her mother at Victoria Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carter leave to -morrow to spend a few days in Toronto with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. a n d Mrs. A. H. Carter. Reeve G. W. Nott left last weekend on a business trip by motor to Western Canada. He will visit the Pacific Coast be- fore his return. Mrs. D. Thomas, Aldershot, Miss Marjorie Edgar, Whitby, and Allan Powell, Cleveland, Ohio, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. 5', McMurray. Mrs. Effie Jamieson and Miss Edna Jamieson are visiting in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Carter, and also attending the Canadian National Exhibition. Mrs. S. Jervis and daughter, Miss Beatrice, Harold Jervis and Kenneth .and Grace, Toronto, were recent visitors wtth Mr. Robert McCartney and Mrs. A. L. Rodges. Recent visitors with Mr. a n d Mrs, L. Walper have been Mr. and Mrs. Paul McWilliams and son David, Detroit, Mich„ and Mr. and Mrs. Carl White, De- troit, Mich. Mr. end Mrs. Joe fliIlen and daughter, Miss IV[arie, and son, Bob, Detroit, yisited over the weekend with the lady's brother- in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Castle. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Noble who have been visiting at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Noble and Mrs. Aaron Fisher, have gone 'to Toronto to visit the for- mer's nephew, Reg Noble. Mr. end Mrs, R. Gordon Ben - nets and daughter, Carol, attend- ed the funeral of Mr. Bennett's brother, William Bennett, who died in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Friday last after a two months' illness. Dr. L. W. Brigham left on Thursday last for his home in Star City, Sask., after spending a couple of weeks visiting his sisters, Misses L. and O. Brig- ham and Mrs E. Adams and other friends in the vicinity. Mrs. D. L, Hanes and three children have returned to their, home in Ottawa after spending some time with the lady's par- Sunday, September 4 ents, Mr. end Ms's. Charles Lock- 11.00 a.m.—Morning Service wood, Clinton, and brother and No Evening Service sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James Tuesday, September 6, 3,00 'p.m. Lockwood, Blyth. Ladies' Guild meets in Owen —o------ Memorial Hell. The WA of Clinton Presbyter- Wednesday, September 7, 8.00 p.m. ion Church will meet in the Sun- Beard of Management. day School room of the church at 3 p.m. on Tuesday, September 0. A full ettendance is requested. First words spoken over the telephone were, "Watson, come here; I want you," spoken by Alexander Graham Bell to his assistant. Church Directory Ontario St, United Church REV. W. J. WOOLFREY, Minister Mrs. E. Wendorf, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, September 4 9.45 a m.—Service at Turner's 11.00 a.m.--Morning Service 12,15 p.m.—Sunday School 7.00 p.m.—Evening Worship Wesley -Willis United Church Rev. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister Mrs. Morgan J, Agnew, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, September 4 11.00 a,m.—Morning Worship "The Golden Rule" 12.15—Sunday School 7.00 p.m.—Evening Praise, "Acting on the Advice of an Expert" During August, the Presbyterian and St, Paul's Anglican Churches join in Worship in St. Paul's Anglican Church REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader ASHTON'S for fast service PHONE IIO Baptist Church REV. A. FORSYTH, Minister Mrs. Ernest Adams, Organist J. R. Butler, Choir Leader Sunday, September 4 11.00 -am—Worship Service end Sunday School. EVERYONE WELCOME Pentecostal Church Matilda St., South of CNR CLAYTON WARRINER, Pastor Sunday, September 4 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Worship: 7.30 p.m.—Evening Service, "God's Way of Salvation" Thursday, 4.30 p.m. — Sunshine Corner, A Children's Hour; 8.00 p.m—Bible Study, You are invited. YOUTH for CHRIST SPARKLING -- CHAI.,LENGING A PROGRAM THAT APPEALS TO EVERYONE A MESSAGE FOR YOUTH Conte and Enjoy It! Speaker: REV. ROY PITTS CLINTON TOWN. HALL SAT., SEPT. 3, at 8 P.M. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1949 District LEGION AU7rILIAItY The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion will meet in the Legion Hall Monday evening, September 12, at 8.15 o'clock. A good attendance is asked for as important business is to be dis- cussed. 35-36-x Clothes th es for School The best quality obtainable • at the Lowest Possible Prices. UNDERWEAR -- HOSE -- SKIRTS BLOUSES and DRESSES • Do you do your own sewing? —This week we are making room for new fall goods— See our table of Yard Goods Values to $2.95 per yard For only .69c per yard Goods for making DRESSES -- SKIRTS -- COATS and JACKETS. Nylon Hose Special First Grade Hose, Values to $1.65 pr. While They Last — ONLY $1.25 pr. t N at Rumball's Grocery 'THURS.s -- FRI, -- SAT. Sept. 1.2-3 Strawberry Jam24 oz. jar .39 McCormick's Bix ........ 2 pkgs. .33 Red Sockeye Salmon , . , ' lb tin .39 Shirriff's Lushus Jelly Powder 3 pkgs. .25 IGA Peanut Butter .... 16 oz. jar .35 Aylmer Chili Sauce 9 oz. bt1, .21 Fancy Quality Pumpkin, 28 oz. tins 2 for .27 HP Sauce 8 oz. bt1, .29 SPECIAL FAB - PALMOLIVE 1c SALE Box of Fab, bar of Palmolive Soap b.37c PHONE 8 6 --oth for -- WE DELIVER Your i�s4.,t.:,•:ei �ti ' Fresh Peach Sundae Saturday Night HOLIDAY BAKING Needs Filled Try Our TARTS PIES CAKES .COOKIES ICE CREAM SPECIAL! ♦ • •r• s. BARTLIFF BROS. Bakers and Confectioners PHONE I CLINTON Happy Wedding Day! Fowler Bros. extend to you their best wishes on this happy occas- ion. Photographs of your Wed- ding Day will add much to the richness of tomorrow's memories, Let Fowler Bros, make you an y album of keepsakes that will keep you smiling through the, ' years. 44r er : Fowler Brothers PHOTOGRAPHERS Phone 84 McEwaa's Om' ton Also Studios in Mitchell and Stratford