HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-09-01, Page 3THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER1, 1949
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(By our Hensel/ correspondent)
In an attractive ceremony in
Dundee Centre United Church,
London, Saturday, August 27,
Rev. A. M. Stewart united in
marriage, Iris Jeanne, daughter of
Mrs. Pybus, Lorne Ave., Lon-
don, and the late Gordon Pybus,
formerly of Hensall, to George
Elton Berringer, son of Mr. and
Mrs. A. W. Berringer, South
Brookfield, N.S. Maurice Beck-
ham provided a background of
wedding music during the ser-
vice, which took place in a
candlelit setting of palms, ferns,
and pastel shades of gladioli.
Entering the church with her
uncle, William Pybus, Exeter,
the bride was attractive in a
traditional gown of white slipper
satin, fashioned with pearl trim-
med -bertha collar, and full bouf-
fant skirt falling into a slight
train. A halo headdress studded
with pearls held her finger-tip
veil and she carried a bouquet
of yellow Gloria roses.
The bride was attended by her
two sisters, Miss Margaret Pybus,
In yellow taffeta, and Miss Mild -
BothPybus, in mauve taffeta.
gowns were similar tight-
fitting bodice and bouffant skirt
and they wore matching halo
hats and' carried bronze talisman
Edward Berringer, Montreal,
brother of the groom, was best
man, and ushers were Ronald
Young and Ernest Clark.
Receiving guests at Hook's
Coffee Shoppe, London, follow-
ing the ceremony, the bride's.
mother was costumed in dove gray
crepe trimmed with lace, with
matching accessories end wore a
corsage of mauve gladioli and
yellow roses. 'For a wedding
trip to Nova Scotia the bride
donned a sky blue gabardine suit
with navy accessories and a cor-
sage of white end pink roses. On
their return they will live in
Guests were present from
Guelph, Montreal, West Lorne,
Hensel', Exeter, Lambeth, Cent-
ralia and London.
(By our Henson correspondent)
James Street United Church
parsonage, Exeter, Saturday, Au-
gust 20, at 2 p.m, was the set-
ting for a charming wedding
when Doris Marguerite, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward H.
Westcott, Exeter, became the
bride of Ronald O. Stephan, air
mechanic, RCAF, Dartmouth, NS,
son of Mrs. Earl Stephan and the
late Otto Stephan, Hensall, in, a
double ring ceremony performed
by Rev. H. J. Snell.
For her wedding the attractive
bride chose a floor -length gown
of white nylon marquisette 'styled
with ruffled yoke and ruffled
waistline tapering into a train,
Her headdress of ostrich tips
held her French illusion veil and
her bridal bouquet was red roses.
Miss Maxine Parsons, London,
her bridesmaid, was gowned in
blue dotted swiss with matching
headdress, and she carried a
bouquet of yellow roses,
Mervyn Stephan, London, bro-
ther of the groom, was best man.
Following a reception for 30
guests, held at the home of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Stephan left for a honeymoon
trip through Northern Ontario,
the bride travelling in 'a green
gabardine suit with accessories
in grey.
Turner's United Church, Tuck-
ersinith Township, was the scene
of a' 'Very pretty wedding on
Saturday, August 27, at 2.30 p.m.
when Rev. W. J. Woolfrey united
in marriage Eleanor Lee, elder
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. How-
ard E. Johns, Tuckersmith, and
Lloyd Henry Reibling, son of Mr.
and Mrs, Solomon Reibling,
Miss Helen Jervis, cousin of the
Stratford CNR Employees' Band
Will present a Two -Hour Concert in
Tue., Sept. 13 s P.M.
You will hear Baritone Duetts and other Soloists
direct from the C.N.E.
6 Valuable Draw Prizes!!
will be made following the concert
Prizes on display at the Beattie Furniture Store
TICKETS: 25c; 5 for $1.00
Each ticket admits one person to the park, concert
and draw.
The Musical Treat of the Year
bride', presided at the organ and
also accompanied the soloist,
Robert Jervis, who sang "The
Lord's Prayer," after the bridal
party were assembled at the front
of the church, and "Because,"
during the signing of the register.
The lovely bride, who entered
the church on the arm of her
father, wore a gown of satin and
lace, fashioned with a peplum
and lily point sleeves. The full
skirt extended to a train. A
crown -shaped beaded tiara held
her long hand -embroidered veil
of tulle illusion. She carried a
bouquet of red Briarcliffe and
Starlite roses,
The attendants, wearing identi-
cally styled gowns of blue and
rose taffeta with fish tail backs,
matching headdresses and gloves
and carrying colonial bouquets of
pale yellow Lestra Hibbard roses
with matching yellow ribbons
were Mrs. Anson McKinley,
Zurich, as her sister's matron of
honor and Miss Delores Issler,
Tavistock, as bridesmaid.
Ray Reibling was his brother's
groomsman and Anson McKinley
acted as usher.
The reception was held at Hotel
Clinton where the bride's mother
received in a -dress of navy flow-
ered silk crepe with grey acces-
sories and a corsage of pink roses.
She was assisted by the groom's
mother who wore a black figur-
ed silk dress with black acces-
sories and a corsage of red roses.
Later thaebride and groom left
on a, wedding trip to Detroit,
Harbour Beach. and Bad Axe, the
bride travelling in a grey blue
dress of faille with blue and navy
accessories. On their return they
will reside in Waterloo.
Out -o -town guests were pres-
ent from Toronto, Drayton, Tavis-
tock, Waterloo, end. New Ham-
Rev. David Kenzie Grant, 120
Henry St, Halifax, N.S., and Mrs.
Susan Easton Stuhr, Minneapolis,
Minn., were married in Fort Mas-
sey Church, Halifax, N.S., • Mon-
day, August 15, 1949. The cere-
mony was performed by Rev.
Gordon Macgregor Grant, pastor
of Rosedale United Church, :To-
ronto, son of the groom.
Out-of-town guests included
Mrs. Leora Cassidy, sister of the
bride, and Miss Elizabeth Bond,
both of Minneapolis, and Rev.
and Mrs. G. M. Grant, Toronto.
Rev. D. K. Grant will be re-
membered by many of the older
residents as he was at one time
pastor of the former Willis Pres-
byterian Church, Clinton.
(By our Auburn correspondent)
Under an arch or evergreen
and summer flowers a pretty
wedding took place on the lawn
at the home of Mr, end Mrs.
William Gow on Saturday, Aug-
ust 27, at 11 a.m., when Rev. A.
G. Hewitt of Knox United Church,
August, united In marriage Gladys
Priscilla, eldest daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. William Gow, and John
Clayton Ladd, only son of Mr.
and Mrs. Clayton Ladd, all of
Given in marriage by her fath-
er, the bride looked lovely in a
gown of white satin styled in
princess lines, a bertha ?Oiler and
net yoke, long sleeves ending in
lily points over the hand and tiny
buttons down the back, with a
short train. Her finger-tip veil
The First Showing of
Columbia Residential Light Fixtures
Merrill Radio and Electric
Completely re -decorate your room with one of these low-priced,
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For this THUR., FRI., SAT., SEPT. 1, 2 and 3, ONLY
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Funeral service's for Mrs. Rach-
,eI Collinson, 87, were conducted
by Rev. W. J. Rogers, in Lock-
wood's, funeral home Blyth; and
interment made in Blyth Union
Cemetery. Pallbearers were
Jiames Crawford, William and
Henry Bunking, Frank Longman,
Harold Cook and J. B, Watson,
For many years she and her
late husband farmed in Bullets
Township, retiring 14 years ago.
Surviving are two brothers and
one sister, John Hesseiwood,
Bullets Township:, James Hessel-
wood,land Mrs. Matilda Melville,.
Funeral services were conduct-
ed at the Thorpe Brothers' Fun-
eral Home,' Brantford, on Wed-
nesday afternoon, August 24, for
Ida Bezzo, wife of the late Fred
Brown, Rev. L. H. Hylton, min-
ister of Immanuel Baptist Church,
Brantford, of which Mrs. Brown
was a member, officiated. Dur-
ing the service two duetts "Good
Night Here and Good Morning
Up There" and "Safe in the Arms
of Jesus" were sung by Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Woghorn accomp-
anied at the organ by Mrs. G. M.
Cook. Interment followed. in
Mount Hope Cemetery.
Pallbearers were George Mars-
den, Norman Ford, Arthur Cowie,
Charles Waghorn, W, C. Hunt and
Thomas Field,
Mrs. Brown, in her 69th year,
was born in Clinton, a daughter
of the late Charles Bezzo and
Mary Ann Smith, and had resided
was held in place with a white
floral headdress. Her only orna-
ment was a double string of
pearls, a gift of her mother. She
carried a bouquet of Briarcliffe
Miss Donna Gow, sister of the
bride, was maid of honour. She
was gowned in rose taffeta similar
to the bridal gown, ' Her floral
headdress held a shoulder -length
veil, and she carried a basket of
The flower girl, Violet Gow,
youngest sister of the bride; wore
a heavenly blue taffeta frock
trimmed with rainbow ribbon and
metching headdress. She carried
a small basket of colourful asters.
Richard Bostater, uncle of the
groom, Byron, Ohio, was best
Miss Marie Raithby, Goderich,
played the Bridal Music from
Lohengoin, and accompanied Mrs.
A. G. Hewitt, who rendered
Walk Beside You."
Following the ceremony, a re-
ception, was held , on the lawn,
the bride's mother wearing a blue
faecone crepe dress with blue and
black accessories. The groom's
mother received in white figured
crepe with white accessories. Both
mothers of the bridal couple wore
corsages of American Beauty
The wedding luncheon was
served on the lawn by Mrs. Earl
Raithby, Goderich, assisted by
Mrs. Richard Bostater, Bryon,
Ohio, and Miss Eleanor Andrew,
A unique feature of the wed-
ding was ,the presence of the
four grandmothers, each of whom
was honoured by being presented
with a white rose. The groom's
gift to the bride was a chest of
1947 Rogers Brothers "First Love"
silver and also a boudoir lamp
set; to the maid of honour and
flower girl, a brooch, and ,to the
best man, a blue satin tie. Suit-
able gifts were also presented to
others who assisted.
Later, the couple left by Motor
on a wedding trip to be spent in
Michigan and Ohio, the bride
travelling in a maize figured silk
dress, lime green shortie coat and
black accessories. On their re-
turn they will reside in Goderich.
Guests were present from Dun-
gannon, Blyth, Goderich, Bright,
New Orleans, Bryon and Auburn.
in Brantfordfor the past 33 years,
•Mrs. Brown's death occurred hi
the Brantford General Hospital
on Sunday, August 21, 1949.
Surviving are three sons, Wes-
ley H., Clifford, both of Brant -
Haile. Selassie claimed descent
from Solomon and the Queen of
ford, and C. Clinton, Louisville,
Kentucky; two daughters, Mrs,
Howard Burke (Eva), and Mrs.
William Kerr (Doris), both of
Brantford; and one brother,
Charles M. Bezzo, Kitchener.
PENCILS H -B Rubber Tipped, IDA, ea. 2c
COMBS, Ladies' Dressing, 8c,' 2 for 15c
BLANDOIL, Pure Vegetable Oils,
reg. 25c -- 19c
OLIVE OIL, IDA Brand, 4 oz.,
reg. 35c -- 29c
Help keep the whole family in the best of
health this fall and winter by starting now to
build resistance to colds, etc. ,
75, 1.75
Cod Liver Comp. $1.00
Neo Chemical Food
Caps, 1.45, 2.65, 5.95
1 and 214 ib,
79c, 1.79
Baby's Own
Extract of Malt & Cod
Liver Oil
Pleasant tasting, nutrit-
ious vitamin preparation
1 lb, 21b. 41b.
65, 1.09, 1.89
Allenbury's Haliborange
85, 1.50, 2.75
Ayerst 10D Cod Liver Oil
75, 1.75
Kepler Malt & C,L.O. . 90, 1.50
One -A -Day A & D Tabs
60, 1.35, 2.50
Parke -Davis Abdol with C.
2.70, 4.95, 11.50
Wampole's Cod Liver Extract
LD.A. Halibut L. Oil caps
1.29 4.79
Mead's Cod Liver Oil .. 6d 1.20
Vitavax 'Cold Vaccine & Vitamins
2.50, 7.00
Vitavax Multiple Vitamin
Capsules 1.15, 2.70
Pre-cooked Cereal
8 oz. 25, 18 oz. 50
IDASAL Tablets for pain, 300's,
Reg. 89c. -- 59c
A. B. S. & C. Tablets, IDA, 100's,
Reg. 23c -- 17c
IDDL-AGAR, Mineral Oil & Agar,
59c, 1.19
COLD CREAM, 16 oz. jar, reg. 69c -- 54c
,1, ,1„1,
Small Pints
Dozen $1.19
Royal York
Orange Pekoe TEA
lb. pkg. , ... 47c
Ell -Marr
Peanut Butter
15 oz. jar .35c
Royal Jelly Powders
3 for 25c
I for Olc
All for .26c
"Margene” Brand
1 lb. pkg. , . .35c
New Pack
15 oz. tin
COHOE % lb. tins
SALMON, 3 for $1
Quick Quaker
3 lb.
box , .27c
Regular pkg. Fab 370
1 Bar Palmolive Soap , Ole
SARDINES Zsc lb. bag .... ,29c
24 lb. bag 1.29
7 lb. bag . , .. .39
at gallon 45c
2 bottles Catsup .50c
and 1Tm
Tomato Juice Free
Dewkist ,16 -oz.
Grapefruit jar
Sections ... , 19c
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