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Clinton News -Record r
THE CLINTON NEW ERA Established 1805 THE CLINTON'NEWS-RECORD Established 1878
Amalgamated 1924
An Independent Newspaper devoted to the Interests of the Town of Clinton and Surrounding District
Population, 2;500; Trading Area, 10,000'; SwornCirculation, 1,908; Rate, :03 per line
MEMBER: Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association; Ontario -Quebec Division, CWNA
Western Ontario Counties Press Association I 421i;'
SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Payable in advance — Canada and Great Britain: $2 a ` year;
United States end Foreign: $2,50
Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa
Published EVERY' THURSDAY at 'CLINTON, Ontario, Canada, in the. Heart of Huron County
R. S. ATKEY, Editor. A. L. COLQUHOUN, Pliant Manager
Clinton Old Home Week, Saturday -Wednesday, August 5 - 9, 1950
Government Cracks Down
Province will approve the apparent intention
of the Ontario Government to "crack down"
on any and all violations of the law by present
licence holders in connection with the sale of
alcoholic beverages and extensionof the pres-
ent facilities for this sale. This attitude is
evidenced by the fact only 14 of 165 applica-
tions for liquor licences heard at meetings of
the Ontario Liquor License Board in. Toronto
last weak were granted.
Judge W. T. Robb, chairman of the Board,
said that the Board isnot favorable to grant-
ing further lounge licences outside of bona
fide hotels, but feels that there is a good deal
of merit in the dining room license and dining
lounge license. He declared that the Board
woulc' open immediately "a full review of
existing. licenses and a review of conditio"ns"
with a view to achieving a higher standard.
of service to the public,
Premier Leslie M. Frost, in a statement
'zeminded operators of drinking places that
they had a great responsibility. Licenses, he,
said, were not granted for the benefit of
license holders, but "to meet public require-
ments, It is not their business to push sales
and it is most certainly their duty to prevent
drunkenness, disorder, and sales to Minors on.
their premises," he pointed out.
The Premier reiterated that a few weeks
ago he had stated that intoxication, .sales to
minors, and infringements of the regulations,
would not be tolerated, and promised strict
enforcement. He urged, the present licence
holders to realize that "substantial amounts"
of profits must be put back into their busi-
nesses to improve services and accommoda-
The NEWS -RECORD is glad that both the
estimable Judge Robb, whom we know well
personally and whom we hold In high regard,
end Premier Frost, have cleared the air some-
what regarding the intentions of the Liquor
License Board and the Ontario Government.
It was high time that the "high -binders" in
the liquor business in this Province were set
in their places. While the present liquor
legislation is in effect, we maintain it should
be enforced, and are very glad that both the
Board and the Government, plan to "crack
down" on a situation that was getting out of
hand in many parts of this feir Province.
Boys, B
Christian Science Monitor, an international
newspaper published in Boston, Mass.
Even if Britons and Americans speak
(roughly) the same language, there's no need
to speak roughly at all, International exchange
will not benefit from the exchange of epithets;
dollar shortages will not be helped by temper
shortages, nor economic cooperation by the
depreciation of courtesy.
The British politician who pictured the
United States as a nation of "potbellied cap-
itelists" conspiring•to overthrow the Labor
government certainly did not speak for the
whole British public, which remembers too
well the friendly generosity - of Americans
through even darker days.
The American cartoonist who pictured
Britain as a ragged loafer begging oustide the
"Socialist Saloon" certainly did not represent
typical American opinion, which'remembers
to well the courageous wartime sacrifices that
oys, Boys!
reduced Britain to its present rags.
Yet these extremist examples of ill-natured
misunderstanding do not stand entirely alone,
The Monitor points out. The sad fact is the
United States has not yet learned the man-
ners and mores of a creditor nation, nor Britain
the manners and mores of a debtor nation.
It is easier to be generous than just, to lend
without being willing to accept the imports
which alone make repayment possible. It is
hard, on the other hand, to accept aid grac-
iously when one has been top dog oneself for
a triumphant century or more.
Britain in the past has proved itself a
good creditor, and America more recently has
proved itself a good friend. Isn't it tine for
self-appointed critics in each country to stop
hurling schoolboy taunts at each other and
learns the basic facts of life, asks The Monitor.
Canada's role as mediator and concilator
may prove much more important than many
people think.
Editorial Comment...
THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY—The little voice
inside of one may no longer be his conscience
-just a pocket .radio.
Any traffic sign may mean death or
tragedy eunless you obey it But traffic signs
protect you—if you respect them
Plan now to attend Clinton Old Home
'Week, Saturday -Wednesday, August 5-9, 1950.
Let us know what you think about it.
The Exhibition, re -opening of school, and
fall fairs, add up to only one thing—summer
is dead and autumn is fest approaching.
Organizations like Bayfield Summer Theatre
should be encouraged. Their second annual
production Saturday evening packed them in
to the Town Hall, Bayfield.
Best of luck to Clinton Colts in their cur-
rent drive for the OBA Intermediate "C"
chempionshipl They knocked on the door last
year; it would be nice if they could enter the
charmed circle this year.
It is tribute to the accuracy of the elec-
tion officials that ten official recounts have
been completed without a change in the Fed-
eral Election results on June 27 last. Parliam-
ent opens on Thursday, September 15.
Daylight saving time will be In effect only
a little more than three weeks more. It is our
opinion, that rather than have drastic restric-
tions in the use of electric power, as we did
last year, "fast" time might easily be extended
another month or so.
Canada's "productive forest" area is about....
ten times that of Sweden's, but our fire loss
last year, was 500 times greater -800,000 acres
against a mere 1,600. In Sweden, there is
'widespread public education in forest safety;
here, there is little but indifference.
Thriving on filth and decaying matter, the
common housefly is a carrier of infection and
disease. Every possible action should be taken
to eliminate such a dangerous public enemy.
All garbage should he wrapped and placed
in a covered container. All food, especially
milk, must be protected from contamination.
At this season of the year, sprays may be
used effectively.
Tuckersmith Settler
Had Lean Seven Years
After 18 weeks on the Atlantic
Ocean, during which the vessel
was required to return to Scot-
land for repairs, "Sandy" Mac-
Kay arrived in Tuckersmith
Township, in 1854.,
As was the habit of new sat-
lers taking up new land, Sandy
entered the bush, looked over
the 50 acres which he supposed
to be his grant from the Canada
Company, and started chopping.
I By the time , seven years of
clearing and burning and plow-
ing had passed, Sandy had clear-
ed ten acres. There was plenty
of wild timberland at that time,
and it rarely occurred to a
settler to have his land claimed
until he had a good portionof
it under cultivation. So Sandy
MacKay was ready to go to God-
erich and have the land regist-
Before he could leave, how-
ever, another settler, who had
comeinto the district later than
the' Scotsman, rode up to the
cabin, sitting amid flowers in
the ten acres, and told Sandy
he had just come from Goderich,
where he had claimed the 50
acres which for seven years Sandy
had known as his own.
Sandy was forced to give up
his seven years of work and
moved over to the next 50 -acre
lot, which he claimed immedi-
One of his descendants is Ross
MacKay, a sdhoolteacher of
Historical Sketches of the County of Huron
(Continued from Page One)
William Rattenhury
Long previous to this time the
country surrounding "Vander-
burg's" had become tolerably
well settled to the north (on the
"base -line"), to the south on the
London Road, and to the north-
west and south-east on the
Huron Read; but the immediate
neighborhood of , "The Corners"
possessed not a single inhabitant
except those mentioned above,
till subsequent to Mr. Rattan-
bury's advent, This gentleman,•
who was. really the founder of
the town, is a native of Devon-
shire, England, whence he came
to Canada in 1831, end to the
Huron District in 1835. He first
settled on Lot 42, London Road
Survey. Tuckersmith, whence he
subsequently removed to Glad-
erich, where he lived for eight
years, moving to the present site
of Clinton in May 1844. He was a
blacksmith by trade, and had
been working chiefly for the
Canada Company since his settle-
ment in the Huron District, dur-
ing which time he had helped to
build most. of their mills, whar-
ves, stores, etc., at various points.
Recognizing . the .advebtagtous
position of "Vanderburg's" he
purchased lots on three' of the
four corners where the two roads.
crossed, and laid out a village
as early as, 1855 which he called
CLINTON, in honour of Limit, -
General Lord Clinton, upon
whose estate in Devonshire his
father was a large tenant farmer.
More Settlers Arrive
Soon after this settlers began
to come in and buy Lots from him.
Among the' first were Bartley
Lavin, a blacksmith, and one
Higgins, a shoemaker. George
Palmer was then .living on the
south side of the Huron Road,
just outside' of the present north-
west limit of the town. He was
an ' Englishman who came into
the "bush" with more money
than experience of "roughing
it," and after a while succeeded
in making an exchange of the
two commodites, and also chang-
ed his resdience and his flag at
the same time, by following the
advice of Horace Greeley.
Joseph Whitehead
Another very first settler in
other of the very first settlers in
the neighbourhood was also an
,Englishnvan, now widely known.
The incidents, related of Joseph
Whitehead ' on his first advent to
the backwoods are es amusing to
others as same of hes, earlier ex-
periences with the "bloomin"'
swamps, and stumps. and snakes,
and mosquitoes, and fire flies,
must have been perplexing;, to
himself. But Mr. Whitehead
readily adapted himself to the
change of climate and of circum-
stances, settling on the base -line
in Hullett about a mile north of
the junction of the Huron Road,
But before and since his advent
to Canada, Mr. Whiteheed's ex-
perience' has been such, as to
give him a prominence amount-
ing to general interest. He was
a mechanical engineer by pro-
fession, and it is related on good
authority that he was the man
who "fired" the first trip of the
first engine ever built by Steph-
enson; and while that great dis-
coverer handled the throttle of
the "Rocket" on the celebrated
run from Manchester to Liver-
pool, ever memorable in the' his-
tory of science, Whitehead per-
formed the duty of stoker. After
settling near "The Corners,' he
engaged in farming, but chiefly
in making potash, until the build-
ing of. the Great Western Rail-
way, when he took a contract on
that road in the neighbourhood
of Dundas, and did so well there
that he was enabled shortly after-
wards to compete successfully
for a very heavy contract on the
Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway
'from Brantford to Buffalo. Foll
owing this he became a resident
of the village -was one of the
most active and enterprising of
all its citizens in the promotion
of its material interests, and held
the chief positions of. honour and
tripe in .the gift of the people;
among wijieh was that of the first
Reeve of : the village after its
"If we 'can't have our border line in RED ink
well HUM."
From Our Early Files
25 Years Ago
Thursday, September 4, 1924
A. H. Johns took his Sunday
School class of boys on a camp-
ing expedition last week.
Miss Vera Dodds has accept-
ed a position in Miss McDonald's
millinery store, replacing Miss
Rogerson who resigned.
The Young People's League of
Ontario St. Church held a very
pleasant picnic at Bayfield. Dur-
ing the course of events Mrs.
George Van Loon, a recent bride,
was presented with a handsome
silver cake plate.
Clinton' Collegiate has an en-
rolment of • 170, the first form
being overcrowded.
Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Chowen
and family, Mr, end Mrs. H. E.
Rorke and family and Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. Ford and family have
all returned after camping at
N. W. Trewartha treated his
Sunday School class to a day
at the lakeside on Monday.
Friends are regretting the de-
parture of D. A. Andrew, assist-
ant Agricultural Representative,
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew have been
very prominent in the social life
of the town. Mr. Andrew plans
to further his studies and at the
same time eat in the capacity of
assistant dean of residence at the
O. A. C., Guelph.
Mr. Cod Mrs. W. J. Nediger
have returned after a pleasant
motor trip in the Bruce Penin-
w C *
Thursday, September 4, 1924
Robin G. Hunter has been
awarded the third Edward Blake
Scholarship at the University of
Nott—Rogerson—At the Ontar-
io St. Church Parsonage on Wed-
nesday, September 3, by Rev. C,
J. Moorhouse, Mary Jane, dough -
ter of Mr. end Mrs. Fred Rog-
erson, to Wilbur Rafton, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nott, The
young couple were attended by
Miss Elva Nott and Norman
James Snell and sons made a
clean sweep at the Canadian
National Exhibition with their
flock of Leicester sheep. Mr,
Snell has been booked to act as
one of tht judges at the Ottawa
Fair next week.
The winning rinks at the
local 'bowling tournament on
Labour Day were made up of J,
E. Hovey, W. Brydone, E. Liver-
more, Dr. Campbell, George Rob-
erton, W. Grant, D. L. McPher-
son, E. Pickard, R. J. Miller, Dr,
F. A. Axon, G. Ven Horne, F.
Rogerson, Dr. F. Copp, Dr. J. W.
Shaw, Dr. J. C. Gandier, Dr. P.
School teachers who have gone
to their schools include: Miss
Amy Hellyar to Massey; Miss
Etta Hardy to Tiverton; E. S,
Evans to Dunnville; Miss Jean
Middleton to near Toronto; Miss
Mary Marrs of Maple Creek; Miss
Elizabeth Fbrd to Oshawe; Miss
Isobel Draper to Brantford, and
Harold Ifiity to Toronto.
The piano factory is having
to work overtime in order to
catch up with the rush of ord-
ers which have been placed re-
Mrs. E. Wendort has returned
to town and her dul'"e i' org-n-
ist of Ontario St. Church after
holidaying at her home in Ches-
* e
40 Years Ago
Letters to the Editor
The Editor,
Clinton Ontario
Dear Sir;
The Department of Highways,
in co-operation with the police,
safety organizations and other
agencies, is endeavouring to dir-
ect public .attention to the 'traffic
hazards peculiar to the Labor
Day week -end, and, on the com-
inencemenit of another school
year to remind motorists, parents
and children of the special need
for care in their use of the streets
and highways.
In past years, the Labor Day
holiday has been the occasion
for a record number of traffic
accidents and fatalities. At this
time, a great many of our cit-
izens are taking advantage of the
last public holiday of summer;
cottagers and summer vacation -
fists are streaming back to cities
and towns and for these and oth-
er reasons there are undoubtedly
more cars on the road' than at
any other season of the year. All
this adds up to a very hazardous
traffic situation. On the day aft-
er Labour Day about 750,000
children in this Province will be
returning to their class rooms
and 75,000 of these will be start-
ing their first day at school.
Every possible precaution should
be taken to protect these young
Because of the added dangers
to be encountered at this time, I
am asking your helpin bringing
before the public the urgent
need for the utmost care, caution
and common sense by all high-
way users. Your assistance in
the past is deeply appreciated
and I know your continued in-
terest and support will do much
to reduce the danger in the days
Sincerely yours
(Signed) Geo. H. Doucett
Minister of Highways
Toronto 2, August 25, 1949.
Thursday, September 2, 1909
J. B. Hoover, J. Watt, J. Wise-
man, and W. Taylor won the
trophy and four Morris chairs.
at the Wingham Bowling tourn-
ament on Tuesday.
Officers elected at the annual
meeting of the Doherty Piano
and Organ Co. were: president,
W. Doherty; vice president, W.
Jackson; secretary -treasurer, F.
J. Hill; general manager, D. S.
Muff; director, C. E. Dowding.
Among those making displays
at the flower show were Mrs.
John Gibbings; Mrs. E. Carter;
John Harland; Mrs. James Fair;
Mrs. A. J. Holloway; Mrs. Thom-
pson, Albert St.; Mrs. A. Hooper;
Mrs. H. Warren; Mrs. W. D.
Fair; Mrs. H. E. Rorke; Mrs. W.
Robertson; Mrs. A, Seeley; A.
MacKenzie; T. 'Cottle; Miss Doan;
Dr. C. W, Thompson; Mrs. David;
Mrs. Brown; J. Cuninghame;
Mrs. W. Crich; Mrs. Holtzhauer;
Bert Hovey; Mrs. E. Munro;
Mrs. McGm'va; Mrs. G. D. Mc-
Taggart; Mrs. W. Walker; Mrs.
J. Hartley; H. W. Watt; Mrs. C.
C. Rance; Major McTaggart; Miss
F. Cuninghame; Miss Violet Cook
Miss Grace Walker; Miss Pearl
Onslow Crich attended the
annual meeting of the I.O.F,
High Court in Chatham.
Ike Rattenbury and Clarence
Rance are in Toronto attending
the Exhibition.
Mrs. James Livermore and
Iittle daughter, Kathleen, are
visiting In Toronto, and also plan
to take in the Exhibition.
* * *
Thursday, September 2. 1909
Rev. Mr. Cluff, a visitor in
town, challenged John Ransford
to a game of bowls and defeated
him. Playing were E. G. Court -
ice, S. Johnson, Jos. Farr, Rev.
Mr. Oluff, and J. L. Courtice,
Mayor H. Wiltse, W. J. Nediger
and J. Ransford.
Harry Bartliff, E. J. Cantelon,
W. E. Duncan and J. Leslie Kerr
were in Brussels attending a
football match.
The following have gone to the
west, having been ticketed
through by W. Jackson: Mrs.
Andrews to Winnipeg; Mrs. Milne
to LloydminIster; T. Middleton
to Alexander; "Mrs. Lowery to
Medicine Hat; H. Baker to Ed-
monton; G. Hill to .Lethbridge;'
W. Farquhar and Miss Farquh-
ar to Saskatoon; T. Jackson and
George Thompson to Seattle,
Wash. As well Mr. Jackson has
booked: Scenes Stevenson and
Mrs. John Middleton to Ottawa;
C. C. Rance to Halifax; Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Newcombe, Miss Potts
and Miss Lindsay to Fort William
W. Jackson, C. E. Dowding,
James Fair and D. A. Forrester,
winners of the trophy at Owen
Sound Were successful in defeat-
ing a group of bowlers from Sea -
forth on the local greens.
Mrs. Tebbutt, Princess St., is
adding a wing to her house, and
T. Murphy, also of Princess St.
is having his house painted.
Ii iing's Plate
The extra quality Silverware with the
visible silver mound inlaid at the points of
wear on staple pieces, that makes King's
Plate something more than plated silver,
giving extra years of service. Two beaut-
iful patterns to choose from—Mayflower
and Inspiration—both offer a genuine val-
ue in beauty and craftsmanship, backed
by nearly severity years experience pro-
ducing fine silverware in Canada.
See thisSilverware at our store soon.
We can show you lovely sets in three diff-
erent size chests—Duchess, Aristocrat and
UP, s
C�D1�. tor
Counter's for Fine' Jewellery for Over Half a Century
in Htmien' County,
It would be grand to talk over
old happenings of the lacrosse
(R. H, Middleton)
Hansell, August 27, 1949
I notice with interest you are•
planning for an Old Home Week
in 1950.
In a way of suggestion, would
It be possible to have a special
day for all former Clinton Col-
legiate Institute graduates who
not necessarily have been resi-
dents of the town, but would
enjoy meeting the old students
from rural and village districts.
I know several former students
who would welcome such a re-
union. Maybe the school could
look after this.
Don't forget to tell Bill Mutch,
Ed. Wendorf, Bill Fulford and
"Tubby" Lawson to arrange for
a get-together dinner of the old
lacrosse team of 25 years ego.
Mr. R. 5, Atkey, Editor
Clinton, Ontario
Dear Mr, Atkey:
I note with pleasure in your.
recent issue, the item regarding
1950 Home Week. The writer
is very much interested and
would be very glad if you can
give me a list of people, former
Clinton boys.'
I would be very glad to write
them and try to interest them to
come back for the 1950 Celebrat-
Mrs. B. 5. Gibbings mails me a
copy of your paper quite often,
and I still get quite a kick out
of reading your newsy paper.
Yours very truly,
(Signed), R. R. Andrews
President, Factory Tool and
Supply Co.
Akron 11, Ohio
August 25; 1949.
A baseball has a cork centre
about the size of a marble.
B of M Service Helps You
Toward Financial
"I'd like to buy more Canada
Savings Bonds, but I can't afford
them because of the high cost
of living." Next time you hear
this, ask the speaker how he'd
live if he made less money. When
he gays he'd cut out certain ex-
penses, tell him that's the secret
of successful living.
All your friend need do is put
his pay in a Bank of Montreal
savings account and ask Mr.
William Robinson, manager at
Clinton, or • any member of the
staff, to deduct a reasonable
monthly instalment for a Sav-
ings Bond. Soon, he'll find him-
self frittering away less money.
And he'll be mighty pleased with
his progress towards the things
he really wants.
Even if you have already
bought a Canada Savings Bond
with money you've already saved,
why not consider buying an ex-
tra one through the B of M's
easy instalment plan? The more
you invest now, the faster you'll
make your plans come true. Talk
it over with Mr. Robinson or his
accountant, Mr. Benson Corless.
The enchantingly refined odor blended
in Lo the superbly fine texture of
is what makes them most alluring,
Face Powder (your shade)
Talc (specially soft)
Cologne (refreshing) .. 65c and $1.00
at Your REXALL Store
`I! • Bra R.
coiled of Safely, en tutu ve
+estl,ehoe, feature, protects the
Ater against damage and provl as
convenient switch to start nd
+eo the moron
Back again is the washer bearing the name
that means so much — Westinghouse — the
only washer with Cushioned Action, your
guarantee of a brighter, cleaner, faster wash,
protection for your clothes, a long life of
trouble-free service. Only Westinghouse has
the Cushioned Action gyrator, the last word
in washing-noacloine progress. Another great
Westinghouse feature is the streamlined
Lovell wringer with feather -touch release and
adjustable pressure. See this fine washer
to -day. Their quality is still limited but their
Quality is worth waiting for.
Clinton Electric