HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-08-25, Page 4CLINTON, NEWS -RECORD:
Women's and Church Affairs in Clinton Disirict
Ltmmer ebbtlig0
FREEMAN—LUMMISS Lummiss, only daughter of Mr.
Kingston Road United Church, and Mrs. Willard Lummiss, West
Toronto, attractively decorated Hill, became the bride of Frank
with ferns and standards of white Alfred Freeman, Kingston, for -
gladioli, was the setting for a manly a member of the Public
lovely late summer wedding on School staff, Clinton, son of the
Saturday afternoon, August 20, late Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Free -
at four o'clock, when Lola Elsie man Owen Sound.
length gown of powder blue petty
point taffeta, featuring a full
skirt, tight bodice, short puff
sleeves, and an escalloped neck-
line. She wore matching elbow -
length mittens and a picture hat
of natural straw. Miss Irene
McNaught, Toronto, was brides-
maid wearing a floor -length gown
of peach taffeta made with full
skirt, tight bodice and cap
sleeves. She also wore matching
elbow -length mittens and a, pic-
ture hat of natural straw. Each
carried a colonial bouquet of pink .
gladioli, pink roses and corn-
f"lowers, Little Miss Susan Lum-
The performed
The ceremony miss, niece of the bride, was a
by Rev. J. E. Mitchell. Mrs. H. dainty flower girl, wearing a
C. Thomas presided at the organ floor -length gown of pink taf-
and accompanied the soloist, feta and carrying a nosegay of
Miss Beth McDonald, who sang pink Sweetheart roses and corn-
Elwin Merrill Clinton, was
best man, and the ushers were
Sam McCall, Toronto, and Jerry
McCaul, Napanee,
for fast service
"The Lord's Prayer" during the
ceremony and "Ich Liebe Dich"
(I Love Thee), Greig, at the
si min of the register.
Given in marriage by her fa-
ther, the bride was charming in
a gown of white slipper satin. The
Following the ceremony a re-
ception was held at Prince Arthur
gown featured a tight -fitting House where the guests were re -
bodice, with tiny buttons to the ceived by the bride's mother
waist in front, a V-shaped bertha wearing a pearl grey silk ben -
with lace insert and Peter Pan galine frock with black and
mauve accessories and a corsage
of pink gladioli and roses. She
was assisted by the groom's sis-
ter, Mrs. C. McCall, Toronto, who
chose a gray figured crepe frock
with brown accessories and a
corsage of red roses,
Later the young couple left on
a trip to the Manitoulin Island,
the bride donning a powder blue
gabardine suit with navy acces-
sories end a corsage of Queen
Elizabeth roses. On their return
they will .reside in Kingston
where the .groom is a member
of the teaching staff of the Board
of Education.
collar, and long sleeves ending
in lily points over her hands.
The long full skirt ended in a
cathedral train. Her finger-tip
veil was held in place with a
Juliet cap of satin and glass
beads. She carried a cascade.
bouquet of pink Butterfly roses
and white gladioli.
Attending the bride as matron
of honour was Mrs. Margaret
Bandy, Toronto, wearing a floor -
Come' and Visit Clinton's New
Beauty Salon
Permanents, Shampoos, Fingerwaves, Manicures, Facials
Located d'olvn:stairs and downtown. If you care to
see this shop ca14 in Sautrday afternoon or evening.
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Business College
Huron's Centre of Modern Business
Modern Equipment. Experienced Teachers.
Individual instruction. New typewriters. Placement
Service for Graduates. Member Canadian Business
Schools Association.
Plan now to visit us during registration week.
The school will be open daily from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
starting August 29 and we urge all students to register
as early as possible.
Phones 428 and 166W
F. M. WEAVER, Principal; G. DONNELLY, BA, Instructor
3 4-5-b
Mrs. John A. Sutter visited her
sister, Mrs. W. E. Floody, Toron-
to, on Saturday.
Misses Dorothy Monaghan and
JoAnne Castle are holidaying at
Inverhuron Beach.
Miss Jean Vodden, Toronto, has
been visiting, her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Vodden.
Mr. and Mrs. I. Rattenbury,
Peterboro, called on Mr's. A. J.
Holloway on Friday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Noble and
Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Noble spent
a dray in Stratford recently.
LAC and Mrs. Martell have
left on a month's motor trip to
Montreal and the East Coast.
Mrs. J. E. Chesney, Stratford,,
is visiting this week at the home
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wiltse.
Miss Edith Stanway of Clinton
Public Hospital staff is holiday-
ing with her sister in Toronto.
,Mr. and Mrs. Marsh, Niagara
Falls, spent a few days at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Zapfe.
Miss Donalda Adams, accomp-
anied by Miss Helen Phillips left
Monday by air for New. York
Mrs. F. A. Axon and son, Fred,
Toronto, were weekend visitors
at the home of Miss Lucille
Mr. and Mrs, Fred J. Eagleson,
Aberdeen, S.D., are visitors at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
Mrs. R. P. Robbins, Crediton,
spent the weekend. at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
A. Sutter.
Joe Yesbec, Tillsonburg, while
renewing acquaintances in town,
is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John
Nediger, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Courtice,
Hamilton, have been the guests
this week of the farmer's sisters,
Misses Hattie and Sybil Courtice.
Jim Moore and Miss Virginia
Erickson, Detroit, spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. McBride
and daughter, Harriston, spent Westminster, B.C., who have been
Sunday with Mr. end Mrs. A. J. visiting the former's brother, J.
Mrs. A. Moore has returned to
her home in Detroit after spend-
ing two weeks with her brother,
A. J. McMurray.
Miss Dorothy Cornish, Toron-
to, has been vacationing at the
home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Garnet Cornish.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford H. Epps
attended the Canadian Gladiolus
Show in the Memorial Arena,
Guelph, Friday last. The form-
er assisted in judging.
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Whitmore
and daughter Mary, Hamilton,
left Friday last after spending
a week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ray-
mond Whitmore, Holmesville.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Weir, Dunn-
ville, were renewing acquaint-
ances in town for a short time
et the first of the week.
Mervin Glazier is making good
(By our Auburn correspondent)
St. Stephen's Anglican Church,
Toronto, decorated with baskets
of pink and white gladioli and
lighted candles, made an attrac-
tive setting on Saturday, August
13, for the marriage of Mary
Nesbit, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Alfred Nesbit, and George Law-
rence Gray, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Gifford Gray, Toronto. Canon J,
E. Ward officiated, end the or-
ganist, Robert Cameron, played
the wedding music. A full sun-
pliced choir sang "0 Perfect
Love" bete e the ceremony and
during the signing of the register
Mrs. Grace Dunn sang "Still As
The Night."
The bride, given in marriage
by her father, looked charming
in a floor -length gown of white
bridal satin trimmed with Swiss
lace. Her headdress, a coronet
of satin, held her floor -length
veil. She wore the groom's gift,
a strand of pearls, also an heir-
loom silver brooch which be-
longed to her great-grandmother.
She carried a white prayer book
from which fell red roses and
Mrs. William Govier, Auburn,
was her sister's matron of hon-
our, and Miss Kate Gray was
bridesmaid. The attendants were
gowned alike in floor -length
gowns of turquoise brocaded
crepe, white picture hats, white
accessories including silver pin,
the gift of the bride. Their nose-
gays were roses and gypsophilia.
Thomas Gray, Weston, cousin
of the groom, was best man, and
the ushers were Frank Nesbit,
brother of the bride, Auburn, and
James Gray, cousin of the groom,
A receftion followed at Hazel
Holme, Lynhurst Avenue, which
was decorated with white glad-
ioli and candles. The bride's
mother received in a petit point
crepe frock with black accessor-
ies and corsage of red roses. The
mother of the groom chose silver
grey crepe, black accessories with
progress toward recovery fol-
lowing his recent serious illness
in Clinton Public Hospital,
'Mr. and Mrs. George Miller
and daughter Nora,' Chatham,
were guests of Mr. and Mrs; A. J.
McMurray during the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Brock and
Mrs. Carrie Newcombe, Toledo,
Ohio, spent afew days last week
at the home of Dr..and Mrs. J.
S. Evans.
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Fisher,
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Noble and
Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Nolle, New
Westminster, B.C., spent Sunday
at Bayfield.
Miss Eleanor Plumsteel and
Miss Fennell, Seaforth, have re-
turned after taking a summer
course at Queen's University,
See in Our Store The
Popular Coleman
• Radiates Heat and Circulates Heat—
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• Low Flame Fuel Saver for low turn-
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Model No. M51 $119.95
A Smaller Model, No. R32, priced at ;$76.50
Buy an AUTOMATIC CONTROL for your Coleman Heater!
Completely controls your heat by thermostat.
Priced at $32.50
Hardware arid Furniture
son's Point, Lake Siniicoe, for the
A. V. Quigley, Toronto, has
been spending a vacation with
John A, Quigley, Hullett Town-
ship. While in town, he renewed
his subscription to The NEWS -
RECORD for another year.
Rev, and Mrs. Harold J. Snell
and two sons, Gordon and Peter,
Exeter, have returned to their
camp in Muskoka after spending
a few days this week at the home
of the lady's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Plumsteel.
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Cook,
Ingersoll, have been visiting the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Cook, and grandparents,
Mrs. Martha • McClinchey, and
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cook, this
Mrs. Clara Barker, London, was
a weekend visitor at the home
of Mrs. David Steep. Other vis-
itors at her home on Sunday
were her son and daugher-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Steep
and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Steep, ell
of London.
Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Struthers,
Toronto, were weekend visitors
at the home of the latter's brother
and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
A. T. Cooper,
Mr. and Mrs. Knox Williams,
Dwight and Carol and Mrs. Annie
Brown, spent Sunday with the
letter's daughter, Mrs. Gordon
Cures, Thedford,
Elwin Merrill and Mr. and Mrs•
Benson Sutter were in Toronto
on Saturday attending the Free-
man-Lummiss nuptials in King-
ston Road United Church.
Visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Rath recently
were Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Fisher
and family and Mr. and Mrs. G.
F. Noble of British Columbia.
Mrs. John Hattin has returned
to her home in Fergus after
spending five weeks at the home
of her son-in-law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Elliott.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Hymes,
Toronto, have been visiting at
the home of their aunt, Mrs.
Grace Higgins, and also with Mr.
and Mrs. F. B. Pennebaker dur-
ing the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Noble, New
corsage of pink roses.
Mr. and Mrs. Gray left later
for a wedding trip to Muskoka.
For her travelling, the bride
chose a powder blue dress with
white accessories and crosage of
pink roses.
On their return their will re-
side in Toronto.
berry, Man.
Miss Emme Plumsteel - is
spending a few days in Toronto
with Mrs. George Chesney. Mrs.
Chesney's friends will be sorry
to learn that her son, Milton,
died on Tuesday; less than a
month after her son, Earl, had
passed away.
Visitors with Mrs. I, M. Nay on
Tuesday were Mr,, end Mrs. James
Walker, Brandon, Man., Mrs,
James Walker, Brucefield, and
Mrs. John Watt, formerly Annie
Jennison, Carroll, Man., who is
remaining for a time to renew
old acquaintances.
Mr. and Mrs. [ B. B. Pockling-
ton and two children, Nancy and
Peter, left Monday morning on
a motor trip through the Can-
adian West. They will spend some
time with the lady's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. H, L. Dempsey, Car -
R. Noble, Clinton, as well as his
nephews, are now at the home
of his niece, Mrs. Aaron Fisher.
Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Jenkins
and Miss I. M. Walkinshaw, ac-
companied by F. Washington,
Kirkland Lake, motored to Jack -
(By our Hensall correspondent)
The living room of the resi-
dence of Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook,
Hensall, was the setting for a
wedding, Wednesday, August 10,
at 3 p.m., when their elder dau-
ghter, Norma Elizabeth Joyce,
was united in marriage to Mervyn
Alexander, eon of Mr. and Mrs.
K. C. Hopkinson, Ancaster. Rev.
R. A. Brook officiated.
The bride, given in marriage
by her father, wore an ice blue
floor -length lace dress with a
tiered skirt. She carried a bou-
quet of pink roses and wore a
matching headdress. The brides-
maid, her sister, Miss Eleanor
Cook, wore a turquoise net dress
over taffeta. She carried a bou-
quet of yellow roses and wore a
matching headdress of roses end
William Muchan of Ancestor,
was groomsman.
The wedding ceremony was
held in front of the fireplace
which was banked with white
gladioli. During the signing of
the regieter, Dr, Eunice Oest-
richer, London, sang "At Dawn-
ing," accompanied by Miss Greta
Laramie. A reception was held
at home at which the members
of the United Church WMS ably
The bride's mother wore a
heavenly blue tissue faille dress
with navy accessories. The
groorri's mother wore a navy blue
sheer ensemble with white ac-
cessories. For travelling the bride
wore a beige dress with tan ac-
cessories On their return, the
couple will reside in Kingston.
The bride is a graduate in
medicine from University of
Western Ontario, and the groom
will be interning at Kingston
General Hospital.
Church Directory
Engagements Announced
The engagement is announced
of Rite Gertrude Cerbett, daugh-
ter of the late Mr. and Mrs.
George Carbert, to Theodore
Flynn,son of Mrs. Flynnnd
the ate Owen Flynn,, all of
Hullett Township, the wedding
to take place early in Sepember.
* * i
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Herman,
Clinton, wish to announce the
engagement of their younger dau-
ghter, Margaret Phyllis, to Ro-
bert Eric Elliott, only son, of Mrs.
Thompson and the late R. G.
Thompson. The wedding is to
take place early in September
in St. Paul's Anglican Church.
During August, Ontario St. and
Wesley -Willis Congregations
will worship in
Wesley -Willis United
Rev. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister
Mrs. Morgan J. Agnew, Organist
and Choir Leader
Sunday, August 28
11.00 a,m.—Morning Worship
' "Trusting Securely"
12.15—Sunday School
7.00 p.m.—Evening Praise.
"The Master's Face"
9.45 a.m.—Service at Turner's
During August, the Presbyterian
and St. Paul's Anglican Churches
join in Worship in
St. Paul's Anglican
REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector
Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist
Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon,
Choir Leader
Sunday, August 28
11,00 a.m,—Morning Service
Solo. "I Will Lift Up Mine
Eyes," Miss Mamie MacKin-
No Evening Service
Baptist Church
REV. A, FORSYTH, Minister
Mrs. Ernest Adams, Organist
J. R. Butler, Choir Leader
Sunday, August 28
11.00 a.m.—Worship Service and
Sunday School. The service
will be conducted by the
Stratford Quartette under the
leadership of Mr. F.J. Bryant.
Pentecostal Church
Matilda St., South of CNR
Sunday, August 2.8
10.00 am.—Sunday School
11.00 a.m.—Worship:
7.30 p.m.—Evening Service,
Thursday, 4.30 p.m. — Sunshine
Corner, A Children's Hour;
8.00 p.m.—Bible Study.
You are invited.
School Bag
Sand Colour Bag of Heavy Waterproof Material,
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Solid Leather Bag with shoulder strap and strong
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Solid Leather Book Bag with outside extra
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Luggage and Leather Goods
Back to School Togs
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PAPER DRAPERIES .... only .99c pr.
GLOVE'S—We have selected an assort-
ment of women's and misses' fall
gloves to clear at i/, Price.
Children's CottonPanties and Briefs, in
sizes 2 to 12 years, values to .89c,
only .49c
Sending Your
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invite our photographer to
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Let Fowler Bros. photograph
those happy smiles!
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Order one for Saturday along with
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Bakers and Confectioners