HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-08-18, Page 3THURSDAY, AUGUST •18, 1949 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PACE THREE Pei.nebaker's Drug tore Completely Remodelled' Exterior and Interior Views to the Town" other • _- ., and'one brother, Edgar u a u sa yet s , OBITUARY Visson, also of Straffordville. Woofer, and Mrs. Wilbert Mores Is General nmmen �, �f �� �.•F. Eaye Scott, iMr5s Hazel Wisson both of•Straf the former Ruth Lyon; tWrk gan Trenton; three sons,JL. . D. R. HENNESSY ' 'A ? Word has been receivedof the I $ennessy, 'Toronto; William 'Recently ,completely remodel- local boy, first was employed by led, inside''•and out, Pennebaker's Mr, Hovey, back in 1914, while Drug, ;Store is now one of the finest' end most modern shops in Clinton. , Exterior View Its visual front allows' the ut- most in natural light into the • store and provides for attractive display of merchandise and a maximum of display space. The front is of black arborrte, with chrome trim, and'large plate glass windows. The sign '•Penne- bakers" is:jig-sawed. in. modern script, and is coloured in bright red, with a background of black • arborite, The awning is green. Interior View Interior of the drug store is featured by a lowered ceiling, recessed shelving, and modern lighting system, all carried out in white. The floor is marbo'leum in green and lerge cream squares.. There seems to be a place for everything, with everything in its place; in other words, the shop is '9orderly." A modern, open dispensary adds to the gen- eral effect. Founded in 1894 The drug store, business was founded in 1894 by J. E. Hovey, who now resides retired in Clin- ton. He had attended Ontario College of Pharmacy and had been apprenticed to the late James Combe. Clerk in 1914 Frank Burrows Pennebaker, the present proprietor, and a still ,at school, and commenced his apprenticeship in 1916, serv- ing four' years as an apprentice. He graduated from Ontario Col- lege of Pharmacy, Toronto, in 1922, as a pharmaceutical, chem- ist. During the period until 1928, he was employed in several To- rorsto drug stores, end then re- turned to Clinton in the fall of 1928 as a druggist with Mr. Hovey. Upon the retirement of Mr. Hovey, Mr. Pennebaker purchas- ed the - business May 1, 1945, end has carried on ever since with fine attention to quality and value, BLYTH Friends in the community of the 13th concession of Mullett township paid a surprise visit Thursday evening to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Longman, honoring them on their recent marriage with a miscellaneous shower. The evening was spent playing games; and lunch was served. Personals: Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cook and family, Mitchell, with Mr. and Mrs. E, Johnston; Nor- man Taylor, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cook; Mr: and Mrs. C. Robinson, David, Marilyn, and Bobby, Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davidson, Brussels, with Dr. and Mrs. K. G. Jackson. COMPLIMENTS to FRANK PENNEBAKER! Plastering W. E. MANAGHAN Plastering Contractor R. R. 5 -- CLINTON ESTIMATES F R'E E LY GIVEN! Through the courtesy of Fowler Bros. Studio, Clinton, The NEWS -RECORD is able to publish above, three pictures of Pennebaker's remodelled Drug Store, Clinton. TOP shows an exterior view of th,e store featuring the modern visual front; CENTRE is a view of the left or north side of the store; and BOTTOM is a view of the right or south side of the store, with the open dispensary in the rear. Congratulations to Pennebaker's Drug Store the complete remodelling in oftheirfine shop --- inside h c to � � inside and out! It is a credit to the town. MINA We had the privilege of handling the General - Contract for all work done on two floors. ESTIMATES GLADLY SUPPLIED! 1W"YFORD BROS. BOX 113 Contractors - _ - CLINTON MRS. C. G: MANAGHAN • Funeral services were held on Saturday, August 13, at the Ball. and Mutch Funeral Home, High St., Clinton, for Margaret Hay- dock, beloved wife of Clarence G. Monaghan. Rev. A. Forsyth officiated and interment followed in Clinton Cemetery. Pallbearers were Ralph Josling, Leslie Ball, William Pickett, Henry Pickett, George Wright and James Murray, Flower bear- ers were Tom Booth, Allister Murray, William Monaghan, Ro- bert Manag:han and Carl Murray. Mrs. Monaghan, age 49, was born in Belfast, Ireland, and came to Windsor 29 years ago from Toronto. She resided at 1249 Argyle lid, She was a member of the Bethel Chapter of the Eastern Star Lodge. Mrs. Monaghan's death occur- red on Wednesday, August 10, in Metropolitan . Hospital, Wind- sor, following a lengthy illness. Surviving as well as her hus- band, are four sorts, Clarence T., James E., John S., and David G.; two daughters, Mrs. David O'Brien and Miss Margaret, all of Windsor; and one sister, Mrs. S. Palmer, Toronto. MRS. HAROLD SOPER Funeral services were held at the Ostrander Funeral Home, Tillsonhurg, on Monday, August 15, 1949, for Verna Olean Wisson, beloved wife 'of Harold Soper, Varna. Rev, Reba IFern and Rev. E. A. Poulter, officiated, the lat- ter reading some verses, and in- terment followed in Strafford - villa Cemetery. Pallbearers were Lyle Grant, Robert Grant, George Grant, Wallace Raymond, Ted Price and Joe Yesbec. Friends of Varna and Straffordville communities car- ried the numerous floral tributes which showed the high esteem in which deceased was held. During the service, Mrs. Soper's favourite hymn "Beyond the Sunset" was played by Mrs. J. Climie. - Mrs. Soper was born in Straf- foraville on September 5, 1914, a daughter of Mn.sMabel Wisson and the late Herman Wisson. Mrs. Soper had lived in her native village a good part of her life, moving to Varna a few years ago, where her husband conduct- ed a general store. In religion she was United Church, and was a member of Varna United Church. Mrs. Soper's death occurred in Clinton Public Hospital, .'n Thursday, August 11, following a lengthy illness, On September 3, 1932,.she married Harold Soper, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Soper, Strafford - villa, who survives as well as two daughtern, Sheila, age 12, and Glenda, age 4. Also surviv- ing are her mother, Mrs. Mabel Wisson, Straffordville; four sis- ters, Mrs.- Frank Thompson (Florence), Waterford; Mrs. Frank Brook (Grace), Sudbury; Mrs. Asel Bartlett (Audra), and CONGRATULATIONS to PENNEBAKER'S for a fine modern front II Expert advice costs you nothing. Our 27 years with the trade at your Service WRITE OR PHONE KIRBY SIGNS CLINTON Ph. 589R .10 Princess St. W. Congratulations to Frank Pennebaker He sure owns a fine, modern drug store with all the latest appointments. We had the pleasure of doing all the INTERIOR DECORATING and EXTERIOR PAINTING . Grant W. Rath Phone 344 PAINTER and. DECORATOR Clinton death at Brighton on Sunda Brighton and James, Codring- August 7,' of Daniel R. Hennessy, ton;" father of Mrs. Garnet W. McGee, I The body was laid to rest in Clinton.. ,the Friends Cemetery, Wooler, on Surviving also are his wife, Tuesday, August 9. .... Special Values and Reminders I � , \A, DRUG STORES: tiI for Thurs., Friday and Sat. Boracic Acid, '16 oz. reg. 25c 17c Calamine Lotion, reg. 25c, 45c . 19c, 37c Cascara Tablets, 100's, 5 gr. 39c Corega Plate Powder ... 23c, 43c, 73c Rubber Gloves (seconds) pr. 19c Thompson Shave Cream 39e Green Cross Flit 5 . DDT ' HOUSEHOLD SPRAY Flit . . 25e, 45c, 75c Spray Gun 25c OLYMPENE for Aches and Pains, Athlete's Foat, Poison Ivy, Insect Bites 75c $1.25 REMEDIES Alka-Seltzer . . 29c, 57c Dr. Chase's Nerve Food . 69; $1.79 Horlick's Malted Milk . . 48c, 97c Dodd's Kidney Pills, 49c Baby's Own Tabs . 23c Fruit-A-Tives . 25c, 48c Ex-Lax 15c, 33e For HAY FEVER Idaphedrin IDA brand Nose Drops 50c Lantigen "E" ... $6:00 Allerai-Tabs $1, $2.50 $7 ' Duke-Fingard Inhalator $7.95 Medication $2.00 Inhalit Jr. 75c Privine 75c Templeton's Raz-Mah Caps . 60c, $s.25, $5 Haytone Liquid, 50c, $1 Talcum Powder "Jeanette" 14c, 2 for 27c Hydrogen Peroxide, I.D.A. . Special 9c, 23c Klean-Or' Antiseptic, I.D A 19c., 57c Health Salts, I.A.A. Brand 1 lb. 59c Wild Strawberry Compound, Y.D.A., reg. 25 23c KOTEX 12's -- 33; 2 for '65'e 48's -- $1,23 KLEENEX � k 4i Man's Size 29c Hanky or Chubby Size 18c; 2 for 35c PHOTO P. B. PENNEBAKER PHONE 14 SERVICE DRUGGIST Just Arrived Car of Western Cedar containing 1x6 -- 1x8 -- 1 x 10 Shiplap 2x4 to 12 up to 20 ft. 4 x 4 and 6 x 6 and 8" Bungalow Siding Still a good stock of 1" and 2" SPRUCE and 1" and 2" PINE CONGRATULATIONS to PENNEBAKER'S on their Fine New Front J.W.' COUNTER BUILDERS' SUPPLIES "your plywood headquarters" Phone 290M Delivery CLINTON