HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-08-11, Page 7SAY, ,,AUGUST 11, 1949 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD.' .,CARETA,KE?S WANED Applications will be receivedby the undersigned until August 20, for caretakers fot Schools N ,2 os. ,: 4..3 Ito 9 ciut'2Tucicersmith School Area; duties to: begin hi, time for, fall tern. "Applicants to state salary requireld. Werk' iso be done in a satisfactory manner. For further particulars apply to: S. ':H. ''Whitmore,, secretary -treasurer, SR.R.. 3, Seaforth - 3 1 -2-b swvww+.n� a e.uwr+r++++•r�+++�+•�i+.r.�..e.w+.re..J CLINTON MONUMENT SHOP •OPEN"'FRIDAYS At time, con4tact .i any -other A. `J. Zapfe ' Rattenbury St. E., Phone 103 `Memorials and Cemetery Work of Every Description. T. PRYDE and . SON CLINTON • -r RiGG tit SEAFORTH BR'7CEFIELD I Mr. and Mrs. Don Herne, Lon- cdlon, spent the weekend with her }parents; Mr.; and Mrs. William Henry r Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Boyce and children, Sault Ste, Marie, N"E VW S.'O F' • B R N Mrs. W. T. Robison is holiday- ing at Sauble Beach. Miss Mattie Mcllwain is visit- ing her brother, William Mcll- Wain. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Doble and are visiting Mr: and Mrs. Fred family are holidaying in Toron- Boyce oto and Kinmount. Rev. and' Mrs. E. R.. Stanway, Ross and Nancy, and Mrs, Stan- way, Sr., are holidaying atl Syd- ney Mines, Cape Breton,, Mr. and Mrs, L. Govier,, God- erich, visited Mr. and Mns. J. W. Graham on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wall and Little Marilyn Clifton, fiive- family, Langside, visited the year-old daughter of Mr. and lady's mother, Mrs. 3. Arthur, Mrs. George Clifton, was taken S Dr. a. to London. Sunday with patio- Dr. and Mrs. Charles 1Veform- Oshawa, are visiting the form myelitis. er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. O Mrs, Ii. Zapfe has returned McIlveen, home from a visit in Detroit. She l Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Weir and was accompanied by Mr. and family have returned to Ottawa Mrs. R. McKenzie who plan vis- after spending two weeks with iting here for a few days. Dr. B. C. Weir, Miss Violet Perie, Sault Ste, Visitors with Mr. end Mrs Marie, is visiting her sister and George Beadle on Sunday were family, Mr. and Mrs. R. Allan.' Mrs. C. Moglc, Henry Wilker, Mr. Miss Betty Allan is at her home and Mrs. William Facey, Tavi- after taking a summer course in stock, Toronto. i Auburn WI, to Meet WMS Meets I The monthly meeting of Aub - The regular meeting of Bruce- urn Women's Institute . will be field United Church WMS' was held in the 'Forester's Hall on held on Tuesday ai terngon• at Tuesday, August 16 eat 2.15 p.m. 2.?t) pan. ,',vlr"s- W. Scott,' the .The topic will be given by Mrs. presi.deht, was in the chair. De- Ed Davies; current events to be votional exercises were conduct- given by Mrs.. Donald Plunkett. ed by Mrs. A. Zapfe, the theme Roll call: "My Most Embarresing being "Freely ye have received, Moment." Hostesses; Miss Viola freely give." The program:' Thompson, Mrs. Sid McClinchey, "Wanted:. Gifts for Europe and Mr.s H. Yungblut, Mrs. O. And - Asia," *as taken in the 'form of erson, Mrs. E. Lawson and Mrs. a 'short play and was well pre -'Roy Easom. seated by Mrs. W. Scott, Mrs. A. I Auburn WMS Meets McQueen, Mrs, H. Dalrymple, I The regular meeting of Auburn Mrs. O. Johnston, Mrs. B. Thomp- r WMS met at the home of Mrs. son end Mrs. T. B. Baird, and Fred Toll on Tuesday with the gave a graphic picture of the ! president, Mrs. Toll, in charge, desperate need for food and and. Mrs. W. J. Craig presiding clothing and the relief work be- ,at the piano, The Scripture was ing done by the Protestant read by Mrs. Wilfred Plunkett, Churches in Germany. The meet- ,after which Miss M. Jackson led ing closed with the hymn, "0 in prayer. Mrs. E. Wighitman brother man fold to thy heart,' gave a splendid reading on thy brother" and closing prayer. 'Words and the contagion of a smile." The topic "The Steward- ship of Abilities", was given by Mrs. H. Yungblut, after which a duett by Mrs, F. Plaetzer and Miss Sadie Carter was rendered, MEN WHO KNOW INSIST ON ROE Atht� OF DETROIT FACING GRANO CIRCUS PARR The Tuller, a modern hotel for those who wont the best] Con- venient to Offices, Theaters, and Shops. friendly, courte- ous service and real Hotel Comfort. The Totter Coffee Shop or Cafeteria for your Dining Pleasure at modest prices. It pays to stay at �- r, Hotel Tuller, e 4ko. VISIT OUR COCKTAIL LOUNGE ONE OF DETROIT'S FINEST Ast 800 ROOMS 5275 WITH BATH FROM HOTEL HILLER ,RICHARD C. HOOGES, Mgr: nF0-e ROE FARMS MILLING CO., ATWOOD, ONT. YOU CAN GET ROE FEEDS FROM: H. Charlesworth, Clinton A. J. Mustard, Brucefield • /V/ �o�l/ .: �//jam •.— ----.= d lrrli9 r M{-!+ixwa^�3^" `?' • w Combine aster chin A recent survey showed the owners of self- propelled combines in Western. Canada to be divided like this: 61,9% were owners of Massey -Harris 38.1% were owners of other makes This is a very significant fact. Farmers don't choose their machines by whim or fancy. Such a high preference for Massey -Harris is proof beyond doubt that, Massey -Harris combines give them' the best all-round performance ... in fast harvesting, clean threshing, freedom from field delays, low cost of operation. If you were to visit the Massey -Harris .'combine factory and watch the long train - TORONTO •rt BEGINA S may: -a•" -v� AFA Modern Far, ' ars loads of combines pulling out of the railway siding, you would see something else that is. noteworthy. Many of these train -loads are destined,for United States points, because Massey-arris combines are as popular in Kansas, Texas and the Dakotas as theyare, in the Canadian West. ' And if you observed further, you would find many carloads destined' for far -away countries ' like Argentine, India, Turkey, Tanganyika. All over the'' World; 'the Massey -Harris self-propelled combine is known and recognized as the master mach- ine for modern farmer's.,Wherever . you find modern agriculture, yu find Massey - Harris combines in use and in demand. SSEY. Established 18.47 ',MONTREAL ' MONCTON YORKTON ;SWIFT CURRENT WINNIPEG CALGARY BRANDON EDMONTON:, SASKATOON VANCOUVER. VARNA The heralds responded, Mrs. B. Patterson on Christian Steward- ship and Mrs. G, Cunningham on ;Africa. Several thank -you notes were read by the corresponding secretary. Mrs. Toll brought to the attention of the meeting the needs of a family who have suf- fered loss by fire. It was de- cided to learn what articles were most needed • and donate them as soon as possible. Mrs. Toll closed the meeting with prayer. Baptist Ladies Aid The monthly meeting of the Baptist Ladies' Aid was held on Friday afternoon et the home of Mrs. Wilfred Vesterfelt and was conducted by the president, Mrs. C. A. Howson. The devotional part was taken by Mrs. (Rev.) A. Forsyth and Mrs. Frank Raithby. Readings were given by Mrs. Thomas McNeil, Mrs. Stanley Johnston end Mrs. R. J. Phillips, the last two were taken from the poem and short story book of the Iate Mrs. Pearl Toll Laugh- lin, and were much appreciated; a solo by Mrs W. Vesterfelt; the topic by Mrs, Glen Raithby. Mrs. E, Davies gave a talk on her recent trip to Florida. The meet- ing was closed with prayer by Rev. A. Forsyth; The hostesses were Mrs. Thomas McNeil, Mrs. Frank Raithby and Mrs. W. Vesterfelt, served a dainty lunch and a social time was enjoyed. G. Saunders, Detroit, visited, with Mrs. G. Reid one day last week. Mrs. Stelck is spending some time with Mrs, A. McNaughton, London. Bobbie Cameron and friend, Hensall, visited with relatives ha the village Sunday. Mrs. Tuffin spent a few days last week with her daughter, Mrs. John Aldington. Mrs. Jamieson and sons, Clin- ton, spent a day last week with the lady's mother, Mrs. G. Reid. Mrs. R. Cameron, Hansell, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Foster and Mrs. Stelck. Mr. and Mrs. Pongracz and sons, London, spent the weekend wan the ladies' parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Chutor. Mrs. Chris Parker end daugh- ter, Beulah, left on a motor trip to Neicam, Sask., in company with Mr. am Mrs. Presber, last week. Mr. and Mrs. S. Rathwell, in company with Mr. and Mrs. Moffatt, Lucknow, were renew- ing acquaintances in the village Iast week. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Knight, in company with their mother and daughter, Hamilton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reid one day last week. Mr. Ivory and Mr. Stevenson motored from Toronto Sunday, returning in the evening, ac- companied by Mrs. Stevenson, who was a guest at the home of Mrs. William Hart for the past three weeks. Preached Here Sunday Rev Mr. Richardson, London, conducted services in St. John's Church, Verne, and throughout the parish, on Sunday. El in Hospital We regret to report that Mrs. H. Soper is still in Clinton Public Hospital. Her many friends hope soon to see her home again. o• DOCTOR LOSES LEG SEAFORTH — Word has been received that a former well- known resident, Dr. F. Burrows, now living in Winnipeg,had one of his legs amputated in order to prevent the spread of gen- gerene. His condition is still critical, Dr. Burrows conducted a practise in Seeforth until his iretirement a few months ago. toe w�E`wsfM•q�� it 1..., rtre k f5 ,1r14T, M BENEFIT BY THIS GOOD NEWS COMBINATION YOUR HOME TOWN PAPER gives you complete, dependable local news. You need to 'know all that is going on where you live. But ' you live also in a WORLD where big events ore in the making— events which can meats se much to ' you, to your job, your home, your future. ,For coentructive reports and inferpre- rations of notional orb inferno - Hanoi news, there is no substitute for T.HE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR. Enjoy the benefits of being . best informed—locally, nationally, internationally with your Iocol paper and The Christian Science Monitor. LISTEN Tuesday nights over 'ABC stations to "The Christian Science Monitor Views the News." And use this coupon today for a special in- troductory subscription. at. �fiin4 The Christian Science Monitor One, Norway St., Boston IS, Moss., U.S.A. Ploose send me ;an. Introductory subscription to Tho Christian Science Monitor — 26' Issues, I enclose $5. (name/ (addrenl --•-- PBT(thy) Ise) (stabil BUSINESS AND. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ACCOUNTANCY INCOME TAX RETURNS Private Business Farm Reports Bookkeeping records installed and checked monthly or as requested ROY N. BENTLEY 36 Regent St. Box 58 Goderieh ARTHUR FRASER Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Service; Etc. Ann Street Phone 355W Exeter ERNEST W. HUNTER Chartered Accountant 57 Bloor St. W., Toronto R. G. McCANN Accountant and Auditor Rettenbury St. E. Phone 783-W Clinton CHIROPRACTIC D. H. McINNES Chiropractic - Foot Correction OFFICE HOURS: Hotel Clinton, Friday, 1 to 8 p.m. Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, Monday, 1 to 8 p.m. DENTAL DR. D. C. GEDDES Dentist Lovett Block Clinton Telephone 170 Hours: 9-12 a,m.; 1.30-6 p.m. INSURANCE Be Sure : Be Insured K. W, COLQUIHOCN GENERAL ANSURANCE Representative: Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Office: Royal Batik Building Office 50 - PHONES - Res. 9W J. E. IIOWARD, Bayfield Phone Clinton 624r31 Car - Fire Life - Accident Wind Insurance If you need Insurance, I have a Policy. H. C. LAWSON Bank of Montreal Building Clinton PHONES: Office 251W; Res, 251J Insurance -- Real Estate Agent: Mutual Life Assurance Co. LOBE INSURANCE AGENCY Cor. William and Rattenbury Sts. Phone 691W — GENERAL INSURANCE — Representative: Monarch Life Assurance Co. • Howick Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co. R. L. McMILLAN, Bayfield Life, Accident, Sickness, Auto- mobile, Hospitalization, Household ' Phone: Clinton 634r15 THE McIiILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Seaforth Officers 1949—President, C. W. Leonhardt, Bornholm; vice-presi- dent, H. Alexander, Walton; man- ager end secretary -treasurer, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Other directors: S. H. Whitmore, Seaforth; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; R. Archibald, Seaforth; J. H. Mer wing, Blyth; F. McGregor, Clinton, J. L, Ma- lone, Seaforth; H. Fuller, Gode- rich. Agents: J E. Pepper, Bruce - field; G. A. Watt, Blyth; R. S. Mc - Keleher, Dublin; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; S. Baker, Brussels. LEGAL FRANK FINGLAND, K.C. Barrister Solicitor Notary Public Albert St. Clinton H. T..RANCE Notary Public Division Court Clerk Division Court Office, Clinton MEMORIALS ' T. PRYDE and SON Cemetery Memorials Clinton Showrooms Open Fridays See J. J. Zapfe, Phone 103 OPTOMETRY A. L. COLE, R.O. Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted Goderich - Phone 33 RUTH HEARN, R.O. Optometrist Huron St. --Phone 69 --Clinton RADIO 'SERVICE PERSAN' and MADSEN Fast Efficient Radio Service Ten Years Previous Experience on all, Auto 'and Home Radios Free FM Inform,atoll' PHONE 471-W, CLINTON Goderich Township Miss Mary R. Stewart is spend- ing this week with friends in Brussels. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wallis and children accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Merkley to Tilbury on Tuesday. Mr: and Mrs. Thornes Dunbar and Barry, Lambeth, spent the weekend in their Lane O'Pines Beach home. Mrs. W. J. Hoover and son Ralph, Edmonton, Alta., visited with her niece, Mrs. John Middle- ton, the past week. Mr. and Mrs. C. Ankeny, Wyandotte, Mich., end daughters, Carol Ann and Judith, are. holi- daying . at Lane O'Pines Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Merkley, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. 11. Hall, Winghem, were at their Lane O'Plnes Beach summer home. Mr. and Mrs. George Rumball, Mrs. Lawson and Misses Gloria and Elaine Rumbali, Ciinten, ere vacationing in "West EE" at Lane O'Pines Beach. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Barnes and son Leigh, have returned to their home • in Niagara Falls, N.Y., having spent the pest two weeks in "Alsaja" at Lane O'Pines Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Husband, London, spent the past week in the Wallis cottage at Lane O'Pines Beach. Accompanying them 'were Mr, and. Mrs. T. Barnes and two children, London. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bower. daughter Carolyn, son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs Tom Feeney, Detroit, ere vacationing this week in their Lane O'Pines Beach summer home. Miss Mary H. Stewart is spend- ing the summer at her cottage at Paradise Vista. Her guests this past week were Miss Alice Archi- SIGNS Signs for Every Purpose Outdoor. Advertising - Trucks Cut-out Helens Window Cards; 27 years' experience KIRBY SIGNS Phone 58911 Clinton VF,TERINARIAN D1 G. S. miaow' Veterinarian Phone iO3 Clinton PAGE SEVEN bald, Seaforth, and Miss Mary Maclntyre, Belmont. Mr. and Mrs. George Woods, Detroit, are starting the last week of a three weeks' vacation at Lane O'Pines Beech. Their guests the past week were Miss Beverly Woods ' and Mr. Royal Cooley, Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sundsttroin arid son Alvin, Sault Ste. Marie, who are enjoying a motor trip through Southern Ontario, spent a weekend with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Middleton, at their cottage neer Bayfield. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. John Middleton. Back from West Coast Mr. end Mrs. James Barnes, London, have returned home from a six weeks' trip the West Coast and are at their Lane O'Pines summer home "Alaja," Their guests ere their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Franks, and two small sons, Johnny and Jimmy, Buffalo, NY. A TTENTI 4 N Goderich Township! Owing to the rush of the harvest season, the date for registering dogs has been extended from August 15 to August 20. For further convenience tags may be obtained from the reeve and councillors. It, E. THOMPSON., Clerk, Township of Goderieh 32-b Lakeview Casino Dancing Nightly Neil McKay and his orchestra CONCERT in aid of Lions Club Fund for New Exeter Hospital SUNDAY, ALT ' a 14 9 !p.m. NEIL McKAY and his ORCHESTRA Special Features: MONICA TURNER - Vocalist DON HARDING — of "The Don Harding Radio Show" FRANK MONAGHAN - CBC Pianist MARION McKAY - CFPL Radio Artist A "LEAD THE BAND" CONTEST DRAW FOR PEDIGREED BLACK COCKER SPANIEL 8 weeks old, from the Boug Kennels, London AlI Artists offering their services free SUPPORT THIS CONCERT — HELP YOUR DISTRICT YOU WILL BENEFIT! PLEASE OFFER YOUR SUPPORT IN DOLLARS— NOT DIMES! 32-b THESE GOODYEAR HI -MILERS GIVE COST CUTTING SERVICE LEO PHONE: 5 a Truck operators report extra -mileage, extra profits when power wheels are equipped with Goodyear Hi -Miler All -Weathers ... and front wheels with Goodyear. Hi -Miler Ribs. They're a proven cost -carting, money -making team - we have 'em, drive in today! SHELL SERVICE STATION sly '�Z f: F'� f fWw i tF of 1 �f"f T�� tHiiM T�A� T �Hf' •fH+Hf RHwHy/ ��� TH�HHrH� ]H$46�H�H� Co ORD r ► you" ►• • 0 ••• o•••• o 1 C CS e a s e o Many dairymen discover that a McCormick -Deering Separator Fives them nv ' profit than an additional cow. 'T get more and better cream with I .c laborand di low cost.These dairymen know that a McCormick- Deering cCormickDeering Separator can stop butter- fat from slsplsing away. Find out about these advantages for your- self. We'll be glad to show you -this money -making machine. McAlpine 'and Da. ' International Harvester Sales and Service Victoria St. — Imperial Oil Products -- Phone 338-1