HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-08-11, Page 4PAGE FOUR
Tl tYRSDAY, AVGt7'S'T` 11," 1949..
Women's and Church Attairs joi Minton
Aire, E. W. Johnston' spent the of last week. She will spend
weekend in Goderich, , her vacation as guetst in the home
John Sorensen Is spending hisof Mr. and Mrs; A. G. Saunders
vacation at the home of his par- hof that city
ents near Stratford. Rev. and Mrs. Hugh C. Wilson,
Gerald. D. Mistele was a week and son, John, and daughter,
Old visitor at the home of, Ms miss Ruth, returned on Thursday
mother in Rodney. last after spending their vasa
' Miss Effie Johnston, Detroit, is tion ' at their summer home at
the guest of her aunt, Mrs. F. W. Tobermory.
Johnston, Rattenbury St. W. I MI , James Hackett, Thames -
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weary, ford, returned home Tuesday of
Bowm'anville, visited with Mr. ter spending a few days with her
end Mrs. 0, W. Potter over the; mother, Mrs. George H. Elliott,
weekend. I who returned with her " for is
Mrs. Arthur Wiltse has return- short time.
ed after spending the past week Miss Alys I3olrnes, London,
in Farmington and Keegw? Har-Miss
of India, returned Sun-
beur, Mien• day alter spending a few days
Mr, and Mrs. Orville Gardiner as the guest of Miss Kay McGill.
and threeafchildren, Mr. Stratford, Mr.and Mrs. James E. McGill
Mrs.a few days with Mr. and I and daughter, Mary Jean, Wind -
Mrs, Carman MoPherson,
E. Saville for a few days last
Flying Officer and Mrs. James
H., Lynch and children, Freddie
and Paul, have returned • after
sor, spent last week with the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
James A. McGill.
Mrs. J. C. Radford, accomp-
anied by her daughter, Miss
visiting friends in Toronto. Wilma, and some friends from
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Noble, London, left on Saturday last for
New Westminster, B.C., leaned an extended motor trip through
on an old friend, Mrs. David ,the south-western states, and
Steep, lest week. � also through the Western Caned -
Misses Louise and Priscilla Lan Provinces.
Burtch, and Mrs. A. Burtch, Galt, 1 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Cook,
visited at the home of Mr, and who returned last week from
Mrs. J. A. McGill on Sunday. (their wedding trip to Banff, Alta.,
Mr. and Mrs. Anstrom, Mar -,visited for a short time on Sun
tette, Mich„ were Sunday visite:day day with the former's parents
ors with Mr. and Mrs. C. Far- and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
quhar and Mrs. Margaret John- i Cook es Cook,'Iand
Mrs.sJ. E.
Miss Ellen Draper spent last they. The young couple are
week with Mrs. David Steep. ;spending this week getting settled
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Noble, din their new home in Ingersoll,
Blyth, called on Mrs. David; Miss Isobel Strachan, New;
Steep Thursday last. York City, is renewing acquaint -
Benson Sutter spent the week- lances in town and while here is
end at' Kent -Essex Camp, Mor- the guest of Mr. end Mrs. D. A,
path, representing London Con -,Kay.
ference YPU of the United Church j Out-of-town guests at the ree-
of Canada. lent Sauder-Jefferson wedding in -
Miss JoAnne Cuningheme flew eluded; Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Pat -
to Yarmouth, N.S., on Saturday : erson, Wiarton; Mr. end Mrs. A.
Graham Creighton, New London,
Conn.; Mr. and Mrs: Allan
Earl Gren and Dr.
Green, Columbus, Ohio; Mr. and
Mrs. George Boutell, Detroit,
Mich,; Mrs. Frank Moyne, Chi-
cago, 1111.; Mr. and Mrs. John
Moynes, Detroit; Lt. Col. and
Mrs. Robert Orr, Washington,
D.C.; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Spence,
Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Jefferson, Owen Sound; M. and
Mrs. Sam Jefferson, Newmarket;
Mr. and Mrs. Foster, Berrie; Mr.
and Mrs. C. E. Groskurth, Wes-
ton; • NIr. and •Mrs. Ralph Carter,
Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. L. Sauder,
Kitchener; and Mr. end Mrs. W,
A. Simpson, Toronto.
SEAFORTH—Chairman Harold
Finnigan, • of Scott Memorial
Hospital Board, announdes that
the position of superintendent
has been accepted by Miss V.
Drape, Petrolia.
1 7 5
Well appointed
Waiting Room
olootOttfdfci# q . . .
Fall Term Opening
Class rooms are being redecorated, modern furni-
ture has been purchased, new typewriters are on order
for the opening of Goderich Business College, Tuesday,
September 6, 1949.
Our 'instructors have had many years of teaching
experience and have been approved by the Ontario De-
partment of Education.
The school is a member of the Canadian Business
Schools Association and teaches standard courses of the
Association. Member schools are located across the
Dominion. Olt
Whether you are looking forward to setting up a
business of your own or accepting a position in a business
office, the training received in this school will be of real
and definite value to you.
Placement ser•:vice for graduates at Toronto, London,
Guelph, Sarnia and other centres.
Goderich Business College
Office 428; Residence 166W
F. M. WEAVER, Principal; G. DON'NELLY, BA, Instructor
Ball & Mutch Funeral Home
The Fine 'Appointments of this Funeral Home
are Beautiful . and Appropriate, Among Which the
Large, Pleasant Rooms and Electric Organ are Not
the Least.
There is No Extra Charge for Services Held
Here Under Such Ideal Conditions.
Phone 361-W •
Funeral Directors W J. MUTGIi
Phone 361-3
Phone 195
Couple Will Reside in 'Toronto
— ph'te by Earl Maclaren Goderich
wedding cake following their marriage in Wesley -Willis United
Church. Clinton, on Saturdev, July 30, 1949. The bride, formerly
Miss Catherine Howard Jefferson. is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Genre Howard Jefferson, Clinton Mr, Seuder is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Sander, Toronto. The couple will
reside in Toronto on their return from a honeymoon at Edge-
water Beach, Haliburton Island,
(By our Bayfield correspondent)
'St, Andrew's United Church,
Bayfield, was the scene of a
pretty summer wedding on Sat-
urday afternoon, August 6, at
three o'clock, when Evelyn Lor-
raine, elder daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Henry Bell, Bay-
field became the bride of Beverly
Rossweli Beaton, elder son of Mr.
end Mrs. Beverly Beaton, Gode-
Large baskets of pink, white
and yellow gladioli and ever-
green placed artistically on the
pulpit, standards and across the
front of the chuch made an ef-
fective setting for the ceremony.
The pastor, Rev. Peter Renner,
Given in marriage by her fa-
ther, the young bride was beauti-
ful in a gown of white brocaded
satin with full double net skirt
falling from the hipline and end-
ing in a short train. The long
tight basque which flared below
the waist was buttoned up the
back, had a circular net inset
yoke with high round neckline
end long sleeves ending in lily
points on her hands. Her'finger-
tip veil was held in place with a
coronet of seed pearls. A family
heirloom of gold locket and chain,
was her only ornament and she
carried a cascade of white glad-
ioli end baby's breath with
touches of blue,
Miss Phylliss Lindsay, aunt of
the bride, was maid of honour.
Her floor -length gown of pastel
rose taffeta was fashioned with
a tight fitting bodice buttoned
down the back and full sweeping
skirt. Her shoulder -length veil,
held in place by to floral head-
dress, and long lace mitten were
aqua in colour and she carried
a nosegay of old fashioned flow-
ers to snatch her costume.
The bridesmaids, Miss Marie
Sterling in a primirose yellow
taffeta fashioned with long full
skirt, bustle effect, tight. bodice
with circular net inset yoke, high
round neckline and puff sleeves;
and Miss Helen Blair, cousin of
the bride, in a long powder blue
bouffant gown with puff sleeves,
each wore a matching shoulder -
length veil held in place with
floral headdress, short lace mit-
tens and carried a nosegay of
old-fashioned flowers to match
her gown.
George Heard was best man,
and the ushers were Jack Mir-
iam, Goderich, and Malcolm
Beaton, Detroit.
Miss Betty Lou Larson played
traditional wedding music and
Miss Viola Fraser sang "Be-
cause," before the ceremony, and
"I'll Walk Beside You" during
the signing of the register.
Mrs, Charles Bell wore a
street -length frock of regal sheer
with three-quarter length sleeves,.
grey taffeta and felt hat and ac-
cessories, and, corsageof yellow
gladioli petals, marigold and fern.
for the reception which followed
at The Little Inn. She was as-
sisted by the groom's mother who
chose• a powder blue crepe street-
eength frock with which she
wore a black fell hat and acces-
sories and corsage of pink glad-
ioli petals and fern.
The bride's table done in pink
was centred by the three -tiered
wedding, cake flanked by pink
tapers in silver holders. Floral
decorations were carried out in
pink and white.
Thirty-five guests were pres-
ent including the following from
a distance: Mrs. Leland Merrill,
Melccollan Beaton, Detroit; Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Greene, Eg-
mondville; Mr. and Mrs, Wet,.
Greene, Mitchell; Mr. and Mrs,
William Greene, Exeter; J.
Greene, • Klppen; Misses Betty
Heard, Gloria Westlake and Betty
Lou Larson, London.
The groom's gift to the bride
was a gold compact, to the beet
man and ushers, gold tie pin and
clipe and the bride's attendants,
organist, nd soloist received cups
and saurc'rs.
Miss 0.1 rte Sterling caught the
bride's ,' 'i gust which she tossed
as she ' It The Little Inn.
For 'oeymoon trip to De-
trait a' ether points 'in Michi-
bgan, 1' oaten donned. a regal
lue s' with black accessories.
They ' aside in Croderich on
their ' •,,
The , friends of the pop-
ular 1 '•tsh the young couple
every sores, in the future.
The Globe and Mall, Toronto)
One . of those letter postcards,
telling the story of Bayfield, Ont.,
in word and picture, has arrived
from Liz Gardner, the writer.
Liz is the wife of Jim Scott,
book editor of The Toronto Tele-
Engagements Announced
Mr. and Mrs, Howard E. Johns,
Tuckersmith Township, wish to
announce the engagement of
their elder daughter, Eleanor Lee,
to Mr. Lloyd Henry Reibling,
Waterloo, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Solomon Reibling, Tavistock, the
marriage to take place in Turn-
er's United Church on Saturday,
August 27, at 2.30 p.m.
a q, x
The engagement is announced
of . Margaret Eleanor, daughter
of Mrs. MacKinnon, Clinton, and
the late Mr. John George Mac-
Kinnon, to John Fletcher Motyer,
son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Reginald
Motyer, Pembroke, Bermuda. The
marriage will take place on Fri-
day, September"2, 1949, at three
o'clock, in the Chapel of Wycliffe
College. ! .
We learned a great deal about
the countryside from the quaint
drawings and chatty script, which
we quote in part, "Tucked away
on the edge of Lake Huron it
boasts no sidewalks, no street
signs, no movies; rather third and
fourth genetration families who
return perennially (like the.
Scots) to enjoy its beauty."
It goes on to explain that Bay-
field is the counterpart of an
English village — although Clan
Gregor Square (which is a
circle) might' be right from
Scotland. And now there are
summer theatricals in the town
hall and the flax fields en route
to Clinton (where the RCAF
station is) ere in blue. Sky and
meadow "begging for camera
Driving takes you to B e n
Miller -- a place, not a person.
Here there is an old mill which
has been run by one family for
some 135 years. Although the
working personnel has changed,
it is suggested that to live that
long in Bayfield is a happy and
Like the suggestion, too, when
Bayfield shops and merchandise
are mentioned that "if you must
collect something, collect some -
not altogether impossible dream.
thing beautiful."
A` pretty wedding took place
at the homer
of the - bride's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Doig,
Tuckersmith, when their• eider
daughter, Margaret Elizabeth,
(Betty), was united in marriage
to John Laverty, son of Mr. and
Mrs. William Laverty, Owen
Sound. Miss Mae Smith, Walton,
played the wedding music and
at the close of the ceremony,
Miss Anne gusty, Clinton, sang
`Always." Rev. James Elford•
officiated. •
The bride, given in marriage
by her father, wore a floor -
length gown of embroidered silk
net over satin, made' with fitted
bodice, sweetheart neckline, long
tight sleeves, and bouffant skirt,
Her long veil was held in a
tiara headdress and she carried
a cascade bouquet of American
Beauty roses.
The bridesmaid, Miss Vine Mac-
Donald, Teeswater, was gowned
in blue net over satin and .car-
ried pink roses.
Vincent Van Muerte, Kitchen-
er, was best man.
The bride's mother received in
a navy blue flowered crepe
dress, with pink rose corsage,
Mrs. Laverty, mother of the
bridegroom, was dressed in gray
figured silk, and also wore a
corsage of pink roses. A buffet
supper was served to about 60
guests. The toast to the bride
was proposed by Mr. Alfred Cur-
tis of Buffalo.
Guests were present from
Buffalo, Owen Sound, Kitchen-
er, Walton and Seeforth.
After a short wedding trip the
couple will reside in Kitchener.
Clinton WI Holds
Successful Pid!nic
A good crowd attended Clinton
Women's Institute picnic which
was held in Seeforth Lions Park
on Thursday afternoon, July 28.
The president, Mrs. C. Sturdy,
conducted a short business period.
The sum of $20, or two shares,
was voted to the committee in
charge of Clinton's Old' Home
Week to help start proceedings.
Final arrangements were made
for the Grandmothers' meeting to
be held on the spacious lawn at
the home of Mrs. A. F. Cudmore
on Thursday, August 25, Any
grandmother of the town wishing
transportation to . this meeting
kindly phone Mrs. M. Bi>♦tkjn.
The Londesboro ladies will be
guests and provide the program
for this occasion.
Mrs. Swinbank and the sports
committee then took charge and
the following events took piece:
bean guessing contest; Mrs. F.
Layton: abbreviations contest,
Mrs. 'Cox, Mrs. Adams, Mrs,
Sturdy,, Mrs. Layton, tied; lucky
'tot race, Mrs. F. Layton; peanut
hunt, Mrs. .1. Butlers team; mys-
tery lady was Mrs. A. Groves
and was correctly identified by
Mrs. Butler. Two races were held
for the children present, winners
of these events were Ruth Ann
Betkin and Glenn Scott.
All sat down and partook of
the contents of heaped picnic
baskets with lee cream as a "top-
per offer." A good time was
enjoyed by all,
Newlyweds Surprised
On Return to Clinton
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond' Hog-
garth, newlyweds of last week,
were pieesenl:ly surprised wheal
they returned to Clinton this.
week and went to their apart
meet alt the home aMrs, IVr.
Addison„ Huron St.
Pure' they found that the
nneigh•bours of Dr, and Mee
Howard Fowler, grandparents of
the bride, reps'esentted by Mrs,
r T, Seville and Mrs. J. A. Mc-
Gill, had called during their ab-
sence unci Pert a gift, wishing
th n
e y nig couple• hePpiness alosug
life's way.
GRAND BEND --Raw sewage',
stagiest; ng in n creek e:1st of the
;Blue, Waiter llighwny,.lias been
I reported by reside,* of the
district es '"being so strong we
can't sit in our: yard;."
WI Branches Plan
To Enter Exhibits
The executive of West Huron
district Women's Institute met
Wednesday afternoon, August 3,
at the home of the secretary,
Mrs. O. Popp, Dungannon. Mrs.
L, M, Sorimgeour presided, and
plans were completed far the
third annual district picnic; to
be held in Goderich—Ent Harbor
Park ifthe weather is favorable.
Husbands' and families are wel-
come to attend. A mysterious
"Miss West Huron" will be on
the grounds.
RCAF Officers' Wives
Make Presentation
Mrs, M. E. Jacob and staff of
Huron County Home enjoyed a
very pleasant visit recently from
members of the Offices' Wives
Auxiliary of RCAF 'Station,
During their call, the ladies
presented a card table with
matching chairs for use in the
men's room, and also a large
quantity of magazines. Even
though the weather has been ex-
tremely warmthe men have used
their gift quite frequently and
are enjoying it very much.
Drafts and notes differ in that
the former is a written order to
pay; the latter is a written prom-
ise to pay.
You are warned that in a ven-
ture to the'postoffiee where
every one goes twice daily, with
dogs, you may get lost. This is
bedause of a street-signlefs,
single policeman setup. But only
temporarily, you are assured.
Even lost you will turn up . at
either the bluffs overlooking the
lake or ona
cedar -lined road;
a more pleases -is situation, ap-
parently, than most people find
themselves in when they know
where they're going. Finally, note
a P.S. to the effect that Bayfield
has no curfew, so the evenings
are long and merry.
Only Bayfield blues are in the
flax fields, obviously.
GODERICH—More than 3,000
persons attended the tattoo of
Goderich Blue Water Band As-
sociation here Saturday„ when
seven bands participated.
Church Directory
During August, Ontario St. and
Wesley -Willis Congregations
will worship is,
Wesley -Willis United
Rev. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister
Mrs. Morgan J. Agnew, Organist
and Choir Leader
Sunday, August 14
11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship
"The Royal Law"
12,15—Sunday School
7.00 p.m.—Evening Praise, Rev.'
Peter Renner, Bayfield.
9.45 a.m.—Service at Turner's
Wednesday, August 17, Congrega-
tional end Sunday School
picnic, Jowett's Grove, Bay-
field. Those wishing trans-
portation meet at church at
1.15 p.m.
During August, the Presbyterian
and St, Paul's Anglican Churches
join in Worship .in
St. Paul's Anglican
REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector
Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist
Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon,
Choir Leader
Sunday, August 14
11.00 a.m.—Morning Service
No Evening Service
Friday, August 19—Miss Grace
Gibbard, formerly of Hanan,
China, will address the WA
on Rectory Lawn at 3 p.m.
All ladies welcome. In case
of rain meeting will be held
in the church.
Baptist Church
REV. A. FORSYTH, Minister
Mrs. Ernest Adams, Organist
J. B. Butler, Choir Leader
Sunday, August 14
11.00 a.m.=Worship Service and
Sunday School. Guest preach-
er: Rev. Roy C. Cook, B,A.,
B.D. pastor of Farmer Me -
mortal Baptist Church, To-
ronto, formerly of Clinton.
Pentecostal Church
Matilda St„ South of CNR
Sunday, August 14
10,00 a.m.—Sunday School
11.00 a.m.—Worship:
7.30 p,m.—Evening Service,
The morning and evening
speaker will be Mrs. Milferd
Prouty, leader of the Daily
Vocational Bible School,
Thursdey, 4.30 p.m. — Sunshine
Corner, A Children's Hour;
8.00 p.m.—Bible Study.
You arc invited.
We are' anxious that every Boy
and Girl in Clinton and 'Sur-
rounding Country shall know the
Truths of the Bible and so we
are planning a
Daily Bible Vocational
-tn he held from—
Monday, 9.30 am„ August 15
to Frut tt August 26
at The Pentecostal Tabernacle
with Mrs. Milferd Prouty
in charge.
The October date chosen at the
district annual for the officers'
rally to be held in Blyth could
not be filled, and the depart-
ment suggested December 2. This
date was accepted by the execu-
Representatives of the various
branches present expressed their
intention of' entering exhibits at
thehobby fair being sponsored
by Blyth' branch at Blyth Fall
Fair September 6 and 7. All
entries must be in place before
11 a.m, September 7,
SEAFORTH Mrs. Elizabeth
Pethick, 84, widow of the late
John P.ethiolc, died Tuesday,
July 26, at her home. She had '.
been about the house although
not ingood health until a week
previously when she suffered a
stroke. Mrs. Pethick was born
in Walton, She was married 68
years ago to John Pethick who
died eight years ago. Mr. and
Mrs. Pethick lived at Winthrop
until 39 years ago when they
came to Seaforth.
Aug. Sale Continues
All that are left — HALF PRICE.
For Fall — HALF PRICE.
Including Sun Dresses, Shorts, Bathing Suits,
Jerseys, etc. — HALF PRICE.
Summer Prints — REDUCED 25%.
Print, Cotton, and Coton Twill—
School Days Are Coming Soon!
Have the children's portraits
made now so that their smil-
ing faces will always be with
YOUR portrait too will be a
welcome treasure for your
boy or girl away at school.
Let portraits by Fowler Bros.
be a bond between you and
your children.
Fowler Brothers
Plume 84 McEwan's Clinton
Also Studios in Mitchell and Stratford ,
for a delicious
Take home a brick of SILVERWOOD'S
Ice Cream To -day 0 .
• Bakers and Confectioners