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Clinton News-Record, 1949-07-28, Page 7
3'ih[1RSDAY., JULY 28, 1949 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD _PAGE SEVEN NEWS OF AUBURN Mrs. Alice Wilson is visiting 1 their Children's Day picnic at her sister, Mrs. George Yungblut. Wightanen'sGrove on, Wednes- Donald Ross, London, was a day. Owing to the busy season 'weekend visitor with his mother, the attendance was not as large Mrs. F. Ross. as usual. Games dull races were Mr. and 'Mrs, Jack Bennett' and enjoyed under the sports coin - family, Ridgeway, visited Mr. and mittee; Mrs. Harry Sturdy, Mrs. - Mrs, William Straughen. Oliver Anderson and Mrs. Gordon Mr. and Mrs. McIntyre, Detroit,MCClinehey. A picnic lunch was are visiting the lady's parents, served by Mrs. Bert Craig, Mrs. served py Mrs. Bert Craig, Mrs. Donald Fowler, Mrs. Roy Finni- gan, Mrs. Albert Campbell and Mrs. Archie Robinson. Celebrated Birthdays Two highly esteemed residents:, of Auburn celebrated liar tltdays on Sunday, July 17, James W. Medd, his 80th, 'and Jeremiah Taylor, his 77th. • Mr. Taylor, son of the late Iltr, and Mrs. Henry pTaylor was born in West Wawanbsh. In December, 1898, he married Minnie Rutledge. After their marriage they lived on the Taylor farm in West Wawanosh'untiI 1905 when they moved to the farm now owned by Kenneth Scott. In 1925 they. sold their farm and moved to Auburn where he and his son Gordon conducted a general store. H sold it to his son Gordon ein 1934 and has sinceive retired. 1 d He ane -"Mrs. Taylor quietly ob- served their golden wedding last December. Mr. Taylor is in goer health, .Mr. and Mrs. George Beadle. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jackson, Port Dover, Misses Laura and Lottie Jackson, Goderich, visited Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Mcrlveen. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Graham on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Osborne . and family, Ripley; ' Mrs. Hallanby, 'Toronto; and Mr. and Mrs. 'Wil- liam Scrimgeour, Palmerston., Undergoes Operation Jerry Vesterfelt, son of Mr. and.. 'Mrs.' Wilfred 'Vesterfelt, 'under- went en appendix operation 'in Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, 'Tuesday morning. ; Open Air Service Weather 'permitting, an open air • service will be held on St. 'Mark's Anglican Church lawn next Sunday evening at eight 'o'clock, The sgrvice will be in charge of the rector, Rev. Murray 'Wyatt, 'with special music by the choir. " • -WI Children's Picnic The Women's. ,Intitute • held CLINTON MONUMENT SHOP OPEN FRIDAYS At any Hither 'time, contact' J. J. Zapfe Rattenbury. St. E., Phone 103 Memorials 'arid 'Cemetery Work .of Every Description T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON EXETER —. SEAPORTS DRIVE IN AND `•SEE THE GREATEST FIRE VALUES 'IN CANADA... .4.GOODA ANADA:... iOODA:EAR TIRES • Wise motorists ride on Goodyear tires. Because Goodyears give more for the tire dollar,...., more mile- age, more trouble. free service, more blbwout protection, at less cost ... mile - for -mile , than any other kind. LEONARD COLE PHONE 5 SHELL SERVICE STATION B5 Mr. Medd is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Medd of West' Wawanosh. He learned the tailoring trade in Clinton and started' in business in Dungannon 54 years ago, moving in 1910 to Auburn where he opet}e. d a tail- oring business in the shop now used as the local post office. Four years later he bought his present shop 'and residence from " John Nicholson. ' In 1903 he married Ethel Duff of Dungannon who died in 1929. On Monday evening e number of the men of 'the village surpris- ed him when they met 'at his home and presented loin with a purse of money in honor of his. birthday. A. 'Rollinson expressed the best wishes of the gathering for many more birthdays. Mr, \/ledd, completely taken by sur- prise, thanked his friends for. their kind gesture. Lunch, including a large birth- day cake with candles, Was serv- ed. Mr. Medd, who was very i1,1 in the,, spring is better end able' to conduct his own business again. HENS'ALL Dr. and Mrs. B. Campbell, To- ronto, are. -vacationing in Hensel]_ Mr. and Mrs. Morris Tudor and little son, Vancouver, B.C., ,;are visiting with the former's par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Stan Tudor, Mr. end. Mrs. Case Troyer, Aylmer, spent last Thursday with Mr Troyer's sister, Mrs. George Hudson. Mr. Troyer is CNR. agent at Aylmer. - Eric Smale, young son of Mr, and Mrs. William Smale, was. operated on for appendicitis in. Clinton Public Hospital last Fri- day and is doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. B., Donaldson, London, Mrs. Al Pearson, Toron- to, Mrs. Gladys Smith, Montreal, Mr. and Mrs. W, Freeman, Clin- ton, were weekend visitors with Mrs. A. Saundercock. Home From Hospital Joyce Munn, seven, twin dau- ghter of Mrs. Beatrice Munn, re- turned home on Thursday from the War Memorial Children's Hospital, London, where she un- derwent an operation on her leg. Joyce contracted polio three years ago and has worn a brace on her leg ever since, and: the operation was performedto enable her to walk without the aid of the brace. A polio specialist was in charge. Toronto Matt Wins Hensall 'Canadian Legion held• a frolic in Hensall and gave away a car, a refrigerator and a tailor- ed suit. R J. McMillan 12 Wellington St., Toronto, won the car; Ernest Talbot RR. 2, Kipper, won the refrigerator; and Mac Hodgert, Exeter, won the doer prize, a tailored suit. Fred Beer sold the ticket that won the automobile. Services Largely Attended Funeral services were largely attended Thursday afternoon last from Cannel Presbyterian Church, Renal] for Couneillor Melvin Moir and a manager 'of the church,,who was killed in an accidennear Brantford Tuesday evening, July 19. . Bev, P. A. Ferguson conducted the service, assisted by Rev. R., A. Brook, The Council attended In a body. Business places 'in Hensel] were colsed from 1.30 to 4.80 p.m. A union choir led in praise. T. L. Pry -de, MLA, Exeter end A. Y. McLean, MP, Seaforth, attended. Pallbearers were Reeve A. W. Kerslake, Russell Broderick, Ed. Little, Lloyd McDonald, • HHensall; Hilton Laing, Harry Snell, Exe- ter, Burial was in Exeter ceme- tery. .THE ONLY RAILWAY SERVING ALL TEN PROVINCES PORTE'R'S HILL Community Club Meets The. monthly meeting ti of g Por- ter's Hill Community Club was held Wednesday afternoon, July 20, . at the home of Mrs; George Johnston. A large number were present and the afternoon was spent cutting quilt patches. The president, Mrs. .1. A. Torrance, was ' in charge of the meeting which opened with repeating the Lord's Prayer in •unison. The secretary end treasurer's reports were read and adopted. The roll call was answered by where, when and by whom you were married. At the close of the meeting the hostess served delic- ious refreshments. The next meeting, will be at the home of Mrs. Will Cox when Miss . Cun- ningham, the Huron County Health Nurse from Clinton will be present to give a talk on the work, of the Health Unit. • EBENEZER Ebenezer Wet Meets Ebenezer WA met on Thursday- of hursdayof last week at the home of Mrs. W. Biggin, , Mrs. F. Jones' pre- sided 'at the meeting which was hymn, The n opened bya h minutes of the previous meeting were then reed, 'followed by the roll call which was "a favourite Psalm, and a verse repeated from it." The Scripture end a story were read by Mrs. C. Tavener, and Rev. C. Tavener led in prayer. A poem was read by Mrs. M. Jones and the chapter from the missionary book was given by Mrs. F. Jones. The meeting was closed with a hymn and the Mizpah Benediction. The hostess served a delicious lunch. The next meeting is to be held on the lawn at the home of Mrs. Morgan Jones, with the members bringing picnic lunch. HURON BRIEF STRESSES POINTS (Continued from Page One) clines in production. Another • practice deprecated was that found where individuals rent farms, take as much from the land as possible, then move on to other areas. This' should be curbed and the family form idea encouraged, according to the brief. It was suggested that Snore land -use surveys should be made, particularly on _rundown and abandoned farms, or where productivity is low. One main cause of soil deple- tion in Huron. County is' weeds. Urging ' revision of • the Weed Control Act to give more author- ity to the county weed inspector, officials wanted eradication of brush from pasture fields as well as more weed . control. More edticatiorr on weed identification and control should be taught in primary and secondary schools. Clean Seed Stressing the need of clean seed on every farm, the brief recom- mended that consideration be given to the development of suitable incinerators to be in- stalled at all government -inspect, ed seed -cleaning plants and mint, Consideration was also efor suggested income tax exem- ption on costs incurred by farm- ers for bulldozing on farms for removal of .thorn -tree's, brush, and stones. Dealing with flood control, Huron County recommended a survey of the Maitland River with a view of relieving the water- shed condition, particularly around the town of tWingham. A committee was favored to study the possibility of closing or part- ly closing some municipal drains and to consider the feasibility of erecting small dams to act as reservoirs. Intensive study of the problem of gully erosioit on the Lake Huron shore line was urg-, M.MMM'Me MWV! .MMMMMMNI Master Fed Hog WINS! At the recent Ontario Swine Breeders' Field Day, a carcass from Leitchcroft won first prize. This hog carcass scored, 96 in advanced reg- istry and, of course, was fed MASTER FEEDS. ' Watch the Master Feeds ad. in the farm papers. You too may procure Top -Grade Hogs by following the MASTER Programme: BASTER BALAh10Ea F'o ALL CLASSESDS or I ' POULTRY TABU LIVE STOCN GRAIN -MIXED FEEDS FUR BEARING MAULS s DOGS •; IndCONCENTRATES fel lMMMM V. M M M 1W M '' . Your Friendly MASTER FEEDS Dealer is: —MASTER Brood 'Sow Ration. —MASTER Pig Starter. —MASTER Sow and Pig Concentrate, plus your own grain. +okolro £LLruons U$rtm a S. RIDDICK and SONS PHONE 114 CLINTON 5, ;Zi ?SI!it. xaeitt "h "DU TRAM '`'..,. PRODUCTS sr. .. 'Comfort is the word for Canadian National travel. Whether you. • tide in coach or parlor car, you enjoy roomy armchair ease as the nail speed smoothly by. The hours pass swiftly, perhalis in interesting convetsation, in reading, letter -writing — or in just relaxing. Stretch your'legs when so minded, by a stroll to the smoking compartment of dining car. Canadian National service ensures your every comfort. You arrive relaxed and refreshed --- when you go Canadian National, For dependable all-weather service, travel by train. ±.i.P+s'ireeatoiatLiar: N''.. ' J 5 Your car will catch the holiday spirit too, at any Reliance Sta- tion. With Reliance Ethyl Gas— and Vitalube Motor Oil, you'll take to the highways with new; surging power. Wherever you drive, make Reliance, the Ste. Hoe with the Red Band, your motoring headquarters. Reliance is your assurance of dependable; courteous service - and carefree driving, ed, with the aim of initiating a liractical program to control the problem. , According to the brief Sm' - mediate steps should be taken to carry out various drainage sur- veys to prevent the draining of natural water reservoirs, such as swamps, ponds and streams. Reforestation Urged Turning to :reforestation, Mr. Strang,, said the amount' of farm woodlots and plantations leaves much to be desired. According to a ,1941 census only 8.3 per cent of the county is classified as woodland. The recommended figure is 20 per cent. One , of the main factors contributing to extinction of woodlots is the practice of pasturing'of livestock. in wooded areas, Young growth is eaten and trampled, while stock also injures large trees by trampling the soil around the roots. It is believed that if cattle were stopped from running in bushes, there would be a marked improvement in the woodlot condition. Reforestation Advantages Depletion of wooded areas is affecting water levels. The county delegation recommended educe-, Comet work to teach farmers the 'advantages. of reforestation end woodlot management. The De-. partment of Education was urged to give consideration to the . teaching of forest conservation as part of the curriculum in Ontario public schools, Other 'recom- mendations included more discus Bion offarm forestry problems in farm forum programs and that counties and the province share equally the cost of erecting an eight -strand wire fence for a woodlot owner, This latter re- commendation would not include • costs of posts or labor, The brief called for the amount of woodland that can be exempt- ed from taxes to be increased to 15 acres in every 100 acres; and recommended that if, a good bush is present on a farm, a purchases of that place should be able to secure financial assistance at low, interest rates so he would not have to sacrifice the bush to help meet the capital investment. A committee of more or less permanent nature ' was recom- mended to study all phases of soil conservation. 214.4.4 zoxed VACUUM P.I.CKED • ALWAYS FRESH 'Eta M':1:i N;:::::::3'_A�'?„i!.�!.jr�; �.�jr�.�..�4.�. ;..:"ii!':!�. i . r .'y1"i°i'y> :�!'i_c�'•'F'.'� C� Ap ,00 COj► to you% �� © i Many dairymen discover that a McCormick -Deering Separator Fives them ma profit than an additional cow. ^” get more and better cream with ..labor and st low cost. These dairymen know that a McCormick - Deering Separator can stop butter- fat from slipping away. Find our about these advantages for your- self. We'll be glad to show you this moneymaking mischine. FA McAlpine and Daw International Harvester Sales and Service Victoria St. --- Imperial Oil Products -- Phone 338-j Paint Sale 15% Discount until Saturday, Aug. 6 on any paint in stock: Canada Paint —for exteriors LUXOR —for interior finish KEM-TONE —"the modern miracle wallpaint " GIVE YOUR HOME NEW SPARKLE! Jervis Hatchery and Poultry Farm Phone 194 - Clinton