HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-07-21, Page 2PAGE TWO Clinton News -Record THE CLINTON NEW ERA Established 1885 THE CLINTON NU'W$-11/11C41t0 :flFitiilil' )'ittd 1018 Amaletnnated 1924 An Independent Newspaper devoted to the Interests of the Town of Clluten OW Nel:eolith JCitte let MEMBER; Canadian ,Weekly Newspapers Association;,Ohtarlo-Quobtte DPildtiifi, OWIreA SUBSCRIPTIONRATES: Payable 3n advance -- Canada and Grunt ferhattrl old Ii 1ruikt; "United States and Foreign: $2.50, Authorized es second clan§ mail, Post Office Department, Ottawit Published EVERY THURSDAY at CLINTON, Ontario, Canada, in the IVelt't ci' klct'on Ciounty', R. S. ATICEY, Editor A. L. COLQUI101:114, Plant illailIlMtif THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1949 Seven Cents May be $186 Million' SIXTEEN UNIONS ` of railway workers have put their heads together and formulated their annual demands 'for wage' increases. This time they are asking for a raise of seven cents an hour, together with forty-eight hours pay for. a forty -hour week. They don't want a forty -hour week, end would be disappointea if they got it✓: What they do want is a forty- eight hour week with a full week's pay for the first forty hours and overtime rates for the other eight hours. Overtime Mites are at leant one and one-half times the regular rates. These demands, if granted, will work out something like this, it is pointed out by John Atkins in his journal, "The. Scene from Shing- wauk Farm", The present wage rates for the workers Involved in this application average about $1.07' per hour, A seven cent rise would bring this up to $1,14 per hour, or $54.72 for .a 48-hour week. If this weekly wage is to be paid for 40 hours work it will he . equal to $1,37 per hour, and the overtime rates will be 1%/z times 51.37 or $2,05 per hour, A full week's wages would be 40 hours regular time ...... 54.72 8 hours overtime at $2.05 16.40 Total 48 hours $71.12 This is equivalent to $1.48 per hour for all the hours worked, So, when it is all figured out the increase demanded Is The difference between $1.07 and $1.48, or 41 cents' per hour. This would raise the average Work- ers wages by a little over $1,000.00 a year. Multiply that by 135,000, the number of employees involved, and we find the Dost to the railways would be 1130 mi`ilioo ctoilnl's a year or $10,00 each for every Iran, woniaanl and child In Canada, But that is not all., The rending tredve the men who operate the teethe, have not yet been heard erten. We don't know what; they are going to ask for; but we can be sure that they will insist on, at least as good treatreent as the present applicants, "The Seem" points out, Public Apathy May Cost $10 Each Are we to have a repetition of the rail- way wage and rates boosts performance this year? Are the people of Canada going to sit idly by, while 135 million dollar's is added to their railway obligations? One thing is. cer- tain, If these wage increases are granted, the people will have to pay for them, There is no other source from which the money can come. If we won't pay it in higher freight rates, we will have to pay it in higher taxes. It is much better that we make our protest now, before the wages are increased and the cards stacked against us, "The Scene" urges. The new government should give homed, - late consideration to the question of how these trade unions and other pressure groups, have become so powerful and what can be done to curb their powers, There is reason to believe that the trouble lies in the laws we have pas- sed during the last decade, and in our failure to maintain law and order during industrial disturbances. If such is the case, the remedy will lie in revising the legislation and en- forcing the law. "Excessive Speed" is Worst Driving Fault TO FIND OUT how much the average driver knows about avoiding traffic accidents, the Department of Highways has been conduct- ing a public opinion poll among drivers, One feet stands out; the public and the experts are agreed that excessive speed is the most dangerous action that drivers indulge in. The poll asks the question: "Which of the fol- lowing bad driving practices, in your opinion, is the worst?" In the results, "Excessive Speed" headed the list of six bad driving faults, with 41 per cent of the votes, 17 per cent more than any other single fault.. This checks with official provincial accI- dent statistics . for last year, which show "speed too fast for road or traffic conditions" as an accident factor onp third more often than any other reported violation. On the other hand, the poll shows the experts that the public is not as concerned as it should be about another dangerous practice —driving on the wrong side of the road. Only five per cent of the answers to the poll rated "Driving on the Wrong Side" as the worst offence, whereas in actual accident records, this dangerous practice ranks second in rural accidents and third in the combined figures of rural. and urban accidents, "Cutting In" was picked as the worst offence by 24 per. cent of those polled, while 22 per cent picked "Passing on Curve or Hill. A positive way to avoid these two offences, as well as the offence of driving on the wror side of the road, is to "Stay in Your, Ou Traffic Lane." Appropriately enough, $' same rule Is one of the current themes in the Department of Highways' newspaper advertis- ing campaign at this peak period of dangerous summer holiday traffic. Editorial Comment... THOUGHT FOR TO -DAY' — If we don't stand for something in Iife we are apt to fall for anything. With a drastic reduction in imports by I3sritain and other sterling countries from Canada coming, Canadians may have to tight- en their belts quite a little during the com- ing year. ! ai1;1t Bayfield Lions deserve your hearty sup- port when they stage their third annual Carni- vat Wednesday evening next. They are doing a worthwhile chore in that flourishing com- munity on Lake Huron. The proposal to hold an •01d Home Week in 1950 has received a temporary setback, but we trust the project will be investigated fully before the corpse is interred. The least that could be expected from the Town Fathers is a fair. investigation. It only takes one accident to spoil those many days that could have been so much holi- day fun. Take it easy when driving during these summer vacation months and especially be on the alert for the thousands of carefree happy children. They're, on• their holidays too . • , . don't ruin them with an accident! Letter to Editor OLD HOME WEEK The Editor, Clinton News -Record, DEAR SIR: , In going'over your issue of July 14, I was interested to read about the proposed "Old Home Week in 1950." I always like to get in early, so if I am alive and well, put me down as one old Home Visitor. I was not horn in Clinton, but I attended the Collegiate. I can- not remember the names of all the teachers. Mr. Houston was the Principal, I believe. Some of the teachers were Miss Hume, Mr. T. A. Retie end Mr. A. P. Gundry. I lived, if I remember • PORTER'S HILL Grace Church WA The WA of Grace United Church held its monthly meeting on Thursday afternoon, July 14, at the home of Mrs, Peter Har- rison with a large attendance. The president, Mrs. Les Cox, was in charge of the meeting which the name of the street correctly, an Mill Street. With every good wish for the success of Old Home Week in Clinton, Sincerely yours, (Signed) RUSSELL T. KELLEY Minister of Health Toronto, Ontario. July 19, 1949, opened with a hymn followed by a prayer offered by Mrs. J. Mc- Cowan. The Scripture was read by 'Laren Cox. The roll call wsa answered by a Bible verse beginning with "J." During the business section of the meeting plans were made for a supper to be held later in the fall and also the redecorating of the parsonage wee discussed. Jimmy and Ralph Harrison sang a duett and the meeting closed with a hymn. A delicious lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. W. A. Townshend and Mrs. Reid Tor- rance, The next meeting is at the home of Mrs. Jim Cox. o - Ludwig von Beethoven, . prob- ably the world's greatest com- poser, once was arrested as a tramp because he was dressed so shabbily. Business LEGAL. IL T. RANCE Notary Public Division Court Clerk Division Court Office, Clinton FRANK FINGLAND, K.C. Barrister - Solicitor. Notary Public Albert St. Clinton CHIROPRACTIC _ D. H. MeINNES Chiropractic - Foot Correcttes OFFICE HOURS: Hotel Clinton, Friday, 1 to 8 pan. Commercial, Seaforth, Monday 1 to 8 tem.._.. ACCOUNTANCY R. G. MCCANN Accountant and Auditor Rattenbury St. E. Phone 783-W Clinton ERNEST W. HUNTER' Chartered Accountant 57 Bloor St. W. Toronto ARTHUR FRASER Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Service, Etc. Ann Street Phone 355W EXETER INCOME TATS RETURNS • Private Business Farm Reports Bookkeeping records installed and checked monthly or as requested, ROY N. BENTLEY 36 -Regent St. Box 58 G,odericb, Ontario DENTAL. DR. D. C. GEDDES Dentist Lovett Block Clinton. Telephone 170 Hours: 9-12 a.m.; 1.30-6 p,:a. And Professional Directory OPTOMETRY A. L. COLE, R.O. Optometrist byes Examined and Glasses Fitted GODERICH - Phone 33 RUTH HEARN. R.O. Optometrist Huron St. - Phone 69 Clinton MEMORIALS Cemetery Memorials T. PRYOE and SON Minton Showrooms Open Fridays See J. J..Zapfe, Phone 103 SIGNS Signs for Every Purpose Outdoor Advertising - ` Trucks Cut-out Designs - Window Cards 27 years experience KIRBY SIGNS Phone 58911 Clinton RADIO SERVICE PERSAN and MADSEN Fast Efficient Radio Service Ten Years ' Previous Experience on all Auto and Home Radios Free F.M.-Information - PHONE 471-W CLINTON INSURANCE ' R. ' L. McMILLAN, BAYFIELD Life, Accident, Sickness, ,Auto- mobile, Hospitalization, Household Phone: Clinton 034r15 H. C. LAWSON Bank of Montreal Building Clinton i'BONES: Office 251W, Res. 251J Insurance -- Real Estate Agent Mutual Life Assurance Ce.' LOBE INSURANCE AGENCY mor, William and Rattenbury Sts, PHONE 691W .—• GENERAL INSURANCE Representative: Monarch Life Assurance Co, Rowicit Farmers' Mutual Fire .Insurance Co. J. E, HOWARD BAYFIELD, Ont, Phone Clinton 624r31 Car—Fire—Lite'-Accident' Wind Insurance If you need Insurance, I have a Policy. Be Sure : Be Insured K. W. COLQUUOUN GENERAL INSIIRANCE. Representative: Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Office' Royal Bank Building' Office 50 PHONES - Res. 9W THE Mclr;ILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Seaforth Officers 19e9—President, C. W. eonhardt, Bornholm; vice-presi- dent, Hugh Alexander, Walton; manager and Secretary-treasu,rcr, M. A. Reid,, Seaforth. Other directors: Sam H. Whit- more, Seaforth; 31 J. Trewartha, Clinton; Robert Archibald, Sea- forth; John H. McEwing, Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seaforth; Harvey Fuller, Goderich. Agents J. E. Pepper, Bruce- field, R.R. 1; G. A, Watt, Blyth, R.R. 1; R. S. Mci;archer, Dublin, R,R. 1; J. ,F. Printer, Brodhagen; Selwyn Baker, Brussels. VETERINARIAN DR., G S. • ELLIOTT Veterinarian Phone 203 Clinton CIL MVO S-11 ORD THURSDAY, JULY 1, 1949 QKif! ev Hawi. Hunt • • L think we'd be wise to come across and pay that eighth of a cent raise." From Our Early Files 25 Years Ago THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Thursday, July 24, 1924 Miss Winnie Maleth and Miss Jean F;argcthar have been en- gaged to fill the vacancies on the Public School staff. David Cantelon, J. B. Lindsay, David' Beacom, James Stevens, Charles Lovett and William Stan- ley attended the gathering of Goderich Township Old Boys et the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Laithwaite. All those present were around the 80 year mark or over. Benjamin Cole passed away on Thursday evening Iest after hav- ing been seriously ill since he felt about a month ago while shing- ling. He is survived by his wife, the former Minnie Mitchell. Rev. A. A. Holmes conducted the fun- eral and interment followed in Ypsilanti, Mich. Miss Eleanor McKenzie is able to be out again after her recent appendix operation, Miss Ruth McMath is one of the leaders at the CGIT camp at Port Elgin. Misses Mae and Bessie Davies are holidaying in Bayfield. Miss Winnie O'Neil is holiday- ing at the family summer home at Southampton. Miss Rena Pickett has resign- ed as assistant at the Post Office after serving for quite a number of years. At present she is en- joying a holiday in the Wrest. John and Gordon W. Coning- hame attended the funeral of the late Charles Naftel in. Goderich on Tuesday, , 4 as. ,11 THE CLINTON NEW ERA Thursday, July 24, 1924 Jack Bawden has accepted a position in one of the Hamilton schools. Hydro was turned on for the first time in Blyth on Friday last. It has been decided to hold a fruit show on November 11, in Clinton. Bert Marshall and Will Hovey have 'taken a boat trip to King- ston. A splendid poultry culling demonsrtation was held at the home of Frank Powell on Thurs- day iast. Clinton students who were successful at the College of Edu- cation were: Miss Katherine Mc- Gregor, Erskine Evans, Alvin Leonard, John R. Townshend. Mrs. Harry Fitzsimons and sons, Ross and Norman, a r e holidaying at Fullerton. Smyth -Shanahan -In St. Jos- eph's Church, -Clinton, on Wed- nesday, July 16 1924, by Rev. Father Gaffney, Ella J., daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John Shanahan, to Charles B. Smyth,' son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smyth. The at - tendants were Miss Ann Shan- ahan and Edward Smyth, and the soloist was Mrs. Joseph Boyle. Misses Kate, Beaton, Beryl Salter, Nellie Cowan and Eve Carter are attending Goderich Summer School. Dr. J. W. Shaw was able to save Gordon, son of Mr. Stock liolmesville, after it was thought the young lad had drowned while swimming in the river. 40 Years Ago Don't Sell Your Bonds If You Need Quick Cash Like hundreds of thousand's of Canadians in recent years, you probably have bought a nest -egg of bonds for your future. But now you may need money to meet an emergency or opportun- ity, and the miestlon is whether to sell these bonds, *William Robinson, the Bank. of MoC it tton stronglys agains l's cadviseaaer tt it, Bonds represent money you've THE CLINTON NEW ERA Thursday, July 22, 1909 Robert D. Fleming, son of L. C. Fleming, YMCA secretary, has passed his entrance examinations at the early age of nine. Prin- cipal Hartley of Clinton Public School is justly proud of this pupil. Clinton bowlers who defeated London were J. Taylor, 3. Har- land, D. A. Forrester, J. Fair, W. Graham, W. J. Nediger, W. J. Stevenson, C, E. Dowding, John Riggin, while working at Ilderton, had the misfortune to fall off a load of hay and break his shoulder blade. The Town. of Clinton Voters' Lists are in the hands of the clerk and contain 943 names, of which 314 are eligible to serve es jurors. Contracts have been let for the Waterworks System which in- cludes stand pipe, receiving bas- in and power house. Many citi- zens have also mode plans to connect with the drains as soon as possible. Fire broke out in the station house at the CNR depot on Sat- urday afternoon last and was brought under control after a big hole lied been burned in the roof. A bucket brigade which was formed was able to get the fire under control before the town fire department arrived. A deputation from town went to Listowel to inspect the Water- works System there. T. R. Shepherd is holidaying at Niagara Falls. s e ,t THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Thursday, July 15, 1909 Clinton bowlers defeated bowl- ers from Exeter and Seaforth. Those bowling were: W. Jackson, J. McLeod, E. J. Courtice, J. B. Hoover, J. L. Courtice, J. Wise- man, W. J. Nediger, W. J, Stev- enson, C. J. Wallis, 3. Hunter, J. Watts, J.' Harland, J. Taylor. Those successful in passing their music exams include M, Shanahan, C. Holtzhauer, F. Henry,, E, Plumsteel, E. Wiltse, F. Pearson, G. Pearson. W. G. Smyth, R. J. Cluff, Josh. Cook, Fred Cutler, D. and P. Cantelon, Mayor H, Wiltse, Rev, C. R. Gunne, Rev. W. J. Joliiffe, Rev. W. H. Dunbar, were in charge of events for the Glorious 12th celebration which was held in 'Clinton on Monday. saved," he says. "If your prop- osition is sound, you can keep your nest -egg intact by simply borrowing against your bonds at the B of M. When you've repaid your loan in . easy instalments, you'll still have your savings in reserve." You'll be in good company if you take Mr. Robinson's advice, Many thousands of people, he says, use their bonds to borrow at the B of M every year. The entire cost of a loan against Government Bonds is exceedingly small; indeed, it is little more than the interest you receive on the 'bonds themselves, 29-b DRUG STORES 40% OFF! Dorothy Gray DAINTINESS CREAM DEODORANT $1.25 size for 754 LIMITED TIME ONLY Enchantingly fragrant, this definitely dainty preparation quickly checks perspiration ... acts as a deodorant tile instant it is used. Antiseptic-- non- irritating to normal skin: harm- less to fabrics. Buy several jars of Daintiness Cream Deodorant at this special low price: 'UNIQUE HOTO SERVICE VITA RAY SPECIAL COLOGNE Reg. $1.50 DUSTING POWDER Rge, $1.15 The Two for $1.50 Lady Esther Free Offer 65c NEV CREME MAKEUP • with 65c JAR CREAM SPECIALS BORACIC ACID 16 oz. 19c CALAMINE LOTION 4 oz. 19c, 8 oz. 37c HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 16 oz. 23c MINERAL OIL 16 oz. 39c 40 oz. 77c -WASH CLOTHS 9c; 3 for 25c TR. IODINE 1 oz. 14c FLIT 5 oz. D.D.T. 8 oz. 25c; 16 oz. 40c 32 oz. 75c F. P. PENNEOAKER DRUGGLST PHONE 14 MHPINV,NWJI-M44,P."14,-.0.1,4,0N`MTPANV.P. WO Special for This Week A Beautiful Tooth Brush and Tooth Paste Holder for your Bath Room FREE with your choice of Tooth Brush and Dentifrice at the Rexall Drug Store Your Rexall Store W.S. R. HOME AINOJNINA li3O"e‘1.4•VaINTINIVYNNW4,04,014 84...0 "P,.1 gerieele W. N. COUNTER Counter's for Finer•Jewellery for Over Half a Century in Huron County , When approaching through highways,—STOP and WAIT—it always pays Before turning into or crossing a through street or hiihway, come to a complete stop. Look both ways for on -coming it'uffic. Then proceed with care. GEO. H. OOUCETT, Minister ONTARIO' g E P A R T M E N 7 OP. HIGHWAYS • 1