HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-07-14, Page 5'THURSDAY, JULY 14, 949 CLINTON, NEWS -RECORD PAGE. FIVE'. News,RecOr� Classified Adlets Barin Quick results CASH RATE—(If paid by Wed- nesday following date of inser- 'f%ion)—One cent a word first in- sertion (minimum 35 cents); sub- sequent insertions one cent a wont (minimum 25 cents); 15 cents ex - Ara for box number or for direc- tion to NEWS -RECORD Office. IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -6 p.m. Wednesday ACCOMMODATION WANTIM WANTED—ONE ROOM suitable in location and size for Heir - .dressing salon; also an apart- ment for couple with one child. Phone Clinton 191J, from 8 to 5. 28-b ACCOMMODATION FOR BENT PARTLY .FURNISHED APART u lent for rent. Apply Box "P", NEWS -RECORD. .28-b ARTICLES FOR S.A.E CONVERTIBLE STROLLER IN good condition, complete with. •runners. Mrs. `Cliff Ashton, phone 372J. 27-28-b ONE RIGHT AND LEFT SIDE 'emery stand, roller bearings, com- plete, new; 1947 'bicycle, used one year; all in perfect condition. Phone -180W, . 28-b lets 30.95, cockerels 20.95. New MARRIAGES Hampsbires Rhode Island Reds: AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Non -sexed 20.95, pullets 30.95, cockerels 20.96. Lig(ht Slussex, 1943 MOTORCYCLE, 45 model, Black Australorps: Non -sexed new motor; also 1930 Model "A" 22.45, pullets 32.95, cockerels Touring Truck. Joe Potter, R.R. 20.95. White Rocks: Non -sexed $, Clinton, phone 907r3. 28-p 21.45, pullets 32.95, cockerels 2.95. Pullets: White Leghorn X Barred Rock, White Leghorn X Light Sussex 33.95; Black Min- orca X White Leghorns 34.95. Assorted Heavies: Non -sexed 19.95, pullets 29.95, cockerels 20.75. Three -week-old add 5c per chick. Older pullets 10 weeks to laying. Free catalogue. Twaddle Chick Hatcheries Limit- ed, Fergus, Ontario. 28-b MISCELLANEOUS SAWS, ALL KINDS FILED AT C. Hoare's orchard, mile north of town. Will work odd days, harvesting, etc. 22-29-p NEW SINGER Sewing Machines— cabinet and portable electric, also treadle machines; repairs to all makes. Singer . Sewing Centre, 78 Ontatlo St., Stratford. itfb, ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices • If not, will pay fertilizer pricphone at once. Phone colleIf ct, Gilbert Bras. Mink Ranch, 936rel or 936r32, Goder- ich 2btfb PIANO 'TUNING PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS to all makes. Cleaning, de -moth - Ing, free estimates. Write or phone William N. Gould, 314W, Clinton. 1-btfb POULTRY FOR SALE BARGAINS IN STARTED Chicks while they last. 2 week old: Barred Rocks, Light Sussex X. New Hampshire, Light Sussex X Barred Rock, New Hampshire X Barred Rock, Barred Rock X New Hampshires; Non -sexed 21.45, put - BIRTHS AR'CHAMBAULT In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, July 8, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Leon- ard Archambault (nee Betty Craig, Auburn), a son. ELLIOTT In Clinton Public. Hospital, on Wednesday, July 13, 1940, to Dr. and Mrs. George S. Elliott, Clinton, a son (George William). HANES—In Clinton Public' Hos- pital, on Saturday, July9, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Hanes, Ottawa (nee Margaret Lock- wood, Clinton), a son (Charles Laurie), a brother for Dawna and Bobbie. (Mother and baby both well). RADFORD — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, July 13, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Len Radford, Londesboro, a dau- ghter. SOUTHGATE—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, July 8, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. W. E. • Southgate, Seaforth, a son. STORM—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Friday, July 8, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. M. Storm, Clinton, a son (Douglas Paul). YUNGBLUT — In Victoria Hos- pital, London, on Sunday, July 3, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Yungbluit, Auburn, a 'son (Christopher Eldon). 1940 DODGE COACH, new tires, 'new paint jdb. :Priced for quick sale. Leonard Cole, Shell Ser- vice Station, Clinton, phone 5. 28-p 1931 CHEVROLET COACH De - Luxe, six wheels, good tires, motor like new. A good looking car in Al condition. James El- liott, phone Dublin 71r8. 28-b CASH!' TO RENT SMALL PRIVATE LAKESHORE Cabin for rent, semi -furnished, suitable for two persons, from August 1. Phone 219J. 28-29-p FARMS FOR RENT :SMALL FARM with comfortable house and bank barn; good wood - lot; well watered; well suited for small , farming and grassland. Apply Box "M", NEWS -RECORD. 28btfb • FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE No. 5 MASSEY-HARRIS Binder, 6' cut, new canvas, price $50. M. W. Durst, R.R. 2, Clinton. 28-p STRATFORD DECKER Separator in good shape, size 32x48, new knives two years ago, 18' ele- vator and strew blower. Percy Gibbings, RR 1, Clinton, phone 805r32. 28-p FURNITURE FOR SALE. TWO SMALL TABLES, • mahog- any desk, white dressing table with mirror attached" Phone 55. 28-p KITCHEN SET, Table and four Chairs in natural finish with red 'trim; also white enamel kitchen range; all like new, for quick sale. Argyle Lockhart, phone Goderich 936r5. 28-b GUNS FOR SALE A RANGER .22 Repeating Rifle with four power telescope sight. Also has shoulder sling. In good condition. $29. George Castle, Box 35,, Bayfield. 28-b HAY FOR SALE QUANTITY OF CURED HAY and Manure. Apply Miss E. Becker, Erie St. 28-b HELP WANTED, FEMALE HOUSEKEEPER' FOR FEW DAYS starting Thursday, July 21. Ap- ply NEWS -RECORD. 28-x HOUSES FOR SALE SEVEN -ROOMED HOUSE, Isaac Si,, two blocks from main street. This house will be vacant the end of July. Hardwood floors down stairs; three bedrooms; large clothes press; three-piece bath; closed in porch at front of house; hydro, town water, connected to sewerage; house covered with asphalt shingles;. garage connect- ed with house; nice sized garden. Any person interested contact Mrs. George T. Jenkins, phone 222, Box 47, Clinton, 27-btfb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, 20' CHUNKS, A DANDY BUNCH, must sell this week. $13.75 ea. Alex Sparks, Bayfield, fourth con- cession. 28-b REG. PUREBRED COWS AND Heifers, Domino breed. Apply John 'K. Clark, R.R. 1, Auburn, phone Blyth 21r19. 28-29-p TWO 'HOLSTEIN HEIFERS due in 'July; one Jersey .heifer with ealf three weeks old.Don Mc- Kenzie, R.R. 1,, Bayfield, phone Clinton 909r13. 28-b REGISTERED SCOTCH SHORT - horn Bull, red in colour. This bull is 11 months old and from a 100 per cent clean herd in the, test, 'Apply Fred Brown, R.R. 2, 'Crediton. 27-28-p. RASPBERRIES FOR SALE LATHAM RASPBERRIES FOR sale. Phone Mrs. Lloyd Scotch- mer, Bayfield 9. 28-b RASPBERRIES, ALL GROWN from registered stock. Fred Bell, R.R. 2, Goderich, phone Godericb 934r22. We will deliver anything from half crate up. 28-b DON'T BE DISAPPOINTED THIS year. Get your order for rasp- berries in early. There is a re- duction in price if you pick your own. No children please. William D. Carter, Clinton, phone 587J. 27-28-p SEED FOR SALE CORNELL SMUT -RESISTANT Wheat for seed; also some mixed grain. Irvine Tebbutt, phone Clinton 902r6, 28-p STOVES FOR SALE JEWEL COOK STOVE, coal or wood, white enamel top, in per- fect condition. Gordon Scotch - mer, R.R. 3, Bayfield, phone Hay- field 58r5. 28-b QUEBECE HEATER, ' complete with stove pipes; also two -plate electric burner. Apply Mrs. F. Jamieson, apt• above Ruby and Bill's Snack Bar. 28-p TRUCKS AND TRAILERS 1947 DODGE Vs TON PICK-UP, good condition, low mileage. R. B. Quance, phone 488M, Clinton. 27-28-p Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE of ELIZA REID, also known as Elizabeth Reid, lateof the Village of Hay- field, in the County of Huron, Spinster, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solic- itor for the said Estate, on or be- fore the 25th day of July, A.D. 1949, after which date the assets will be distributed: amongst the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims of which notice shallhave been given. DATED at Clinton, this 29th day of JuneA.D. 1949. F. FINGLAND, K.C., Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate 27-28-29-b Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS In the Estate of MARGARET WALMSLEY, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Spinster, deceased, who died on or about the 4th day of December, 1948, intestate. All persons, having claims against the above estate are re- quired to file proof thereof with the undersigned administrator on or before the 11th day of August, 1949. after which date the admin- istrator will distribute the estate, having, regard only to the .claims of which it shall then have had notice. The Guelph Trust Company, Dated at Guelph this 6th day ,f July, 1949. Wyndham Street, Gu.cuph, Ontario, Administrator, by Its solicitors herein Hungerford & Gamble, 15 Douglas Street, Guelph, Ont. 28-29-30-b LOST AND FOUND LOST—AT HAYFIELD, a navy blue silk bag, containing watch,. compact, etc. Finder please re- turn to Mrs. E. C. Ellwood, Bay- field. 28-b NOTICES NOTICE ANYONE FOUND trespassing on Part 'Lots No. 41, 51, both sides of river, Tucker - smith Township at any time hereafter will be prosecuted by order of the owner, A. E. Parry. March 31, 1949. 24-28-p ANYONE WISHING 'AVON Pro- ducts fpr personal use or gifts 'contact LMss..../Milfredi ,!Freeman, ;phone 791'J,'Clinton. "27-28-b ASHTON'S 'CAXI for fast service PHONE 110 COPE-LAUGHLIN—At the home of the bride's uncle, Roy Toll, concession 3, East Wawanosh, on Saturday, July 9, 1949, at 2 p m by Rev John Honey - men, Blyth, and Rev. C. W. Cope, Goderich, brother of. the groom, Laurel, only daughter of Mrs. Pearl Laughlin, Blyth, to Roy Cope, Forest, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cope, Forest. HERNE-HENRY — In the United Church, Brucefield, at 5 p.m., Saturday, July 9, 1949, by Rev. E. 12. Stanwey, Margaret Jan- ette, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Henry, Brucefield, to Donald H. Colrick Herne, Lon- don, son of Roy Herne, Sud- bury, and the late Mrs. Herne. JOHNSTON-CARTER—Mrs. A. E. Finch wishes to announce the marriage of her youngest dau- ghter, Olive Mae, to Arnold James, youngest son of Mrs. Johnston and the late R. J. Johnston, Timmins. PICKARD-NIVINS—In the Unit- ed Church Parsonage, Dungan- non, by Rev. J. Bright, .at 2 p.m., Monday, July 11, 1949, Ruth Elizabeth, daughter of Mrs. Nivins and the late Wil- liam Nivins, West Wawanosh, to William Charles Donald Pickard,: Clinton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elwin'Pickrad, Dundas., PORTER-FORBES — fn'' Landes-'' baro United Church. on Satur- d Pepper Family :Holds Well -attended Reunion The Pepper family held its an meal reunion in Lions Park, Sea - forth, on Saturday, July 2, with over 100 present. They gathered from Weyburn, Sask.; Deloraine, Man.; Toronto, London, Sarnia Dashwood, Hen - sail, Mitchell, Niagara Falls, Clin- ton, Seaforth, and Goderioh. Results of the sports: races — children, 6 and under, Mervin Pepper, Nancy Pepper; girls 7-10, Katherine McGregor, Mary Ann VanHorne; boys, 7-10, Billy Bar- rett, Wayne Pepper; girls 10-12, Jean McGregor, Marion Pepper;, boys 10-12, Bert Pepper, Jack Mo - Gregor; girls 13-16, Hannah Pep- per, Gladys Pepper; boys 13-16, Bob McGregor, Freddie Pepper; young ladies', Hannah Pepper, Gladys Pepper; young men, Ray Stewart, Bob McGregor; time race, ladies, Mrs. Frank cGreg- 'or; time race, men, Glen Pepper; kicking slipper, ladies, Mrs. John. McGregor; kicking slipper, men, Ernie Pepper; lucky spot, Leslie Pepper; ringing toothpick couples, Katherine and Neil McGregor; hammering nails, ladies, Mrs. Dalton Malcolm; hammering nails, I meth, Albert Pepper; dropping clothes pins, Bob Yeo; stoutest lady, Mrs. James Malcolm; bald- est man, Roy Pepper; guessing candies in jar, Bob Yeo It was decided to hold the picnic on the last Saturday in, June next year at the seine' place ay. July 9, 1949, by Rev. S. H. Brenton, Nina Marion, daugh- ter of Mrs. Forbes and the late James C. Forbes, Hullett Town- ship, to Lorne Porter, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Richard Porter, Goderich Township. WHITMORE-TWAMLEY—In Cal- vary United Church, London, by Rev. J. A. Agnew, on Sat- urday, July 9, 1949, Elva Ro- berta Twamley, daughter of Mr. Wallace L. Twamley, London, and the late Mrs. Twamley, to Albert Carman Whitmore, son ROXY ,THEAT1 E C L I N 'T O H CAPITAL THEATRE; REGENT THEATRE GODERICH SEAFORTH Now Playing: Dean Stockwell as ,• "THE BOY WITH__ 'GREEN HAM" MON., TUES.;. WED.. MONTGOMERY i1LIFT ALINE MacMAHON ir' .. • "THE SEARCH", Au M.G.M. Picture THURS., FRI., SAT.' ERROL FLYNN OLIVIA DE-HAVILAND "ROBIN HOOD" In Technicolor COMING: Rosalind Russell ' "NO TIME FOR "COMEDY" Now Playing: Jimmy Stewart,' Rosalind Russell "NO TIME FOR COMEDY" MON. - TUES. WED. Jack Carson Doris. Day .& Eve Arden, with'Adolphe Menjou and a cast of funmaker-s in„the Tech- nicolor musical comedy bit "MY DREAM I'S YOURS” THUM -' FRI.' - SAT. TECHNICOLOR Roy Rogers ,e Dennis Day & The )Andrews Sisters — Fred Waring and his Pennsylvanians are feat- ured in 'this latest Disney classic. "MIE,LODY: TIME" Now Playing: • Pat O'Brien & '1t)ean Stdekiiieir in "THE -BOY WITH GREEN HAIR" Technicolor., MON. - TUES. - WED. r Jimmy Stewart - Rosalind Russell. and Charlie Ruggles—Present' a ;. show that belies its name, a riot:' out laff-hit that will banish your blues`, "NO TIME FOR COMEDY" THUR;• - FRI. - SAT. Mark Stevens, Barbara Lawrence & Lloyd Nolan—Tense, susliense- ful drama presented by a match- less cast of popular etain. "The"'Street . With.-clYo• Name?'. Comiug i ". Coming: Jeannette MacDonald & Techni- • Roy Rogers & Trigger in •-' color in "THE SUN COMES -UP" .Walt Disney's- "MELODi',1TIME" with the same committee charge: President, Sandy Pepper, Seaforth; secretary -treasurer, Ms. Pearl Way, Seaforth; sports, 'Mr's. John McGregor, Clinton. of Mr, Samuel H. Whit-More,I Seafarer, end the late Mrs. Whitmore. DEATHS FINGLAND—In Londesboro, on Saturday. July 9, 1949, • Alice Baird 'Fingland, beloved dau- ghter of Mrs. Fingland and the late John Fingland. Rested at' the Bell and' Mutch Funeral Home, High S., Clinton. Fun- eral from Londesboro United Church to 'Clinton Cemetery, Tuesday afternoon, July 12. NOTT — In Tuckersmith Town- ship, on Saturday, July 9, 1949, Frederick Robert Nott, beloved husband of Blanche' Craig, in his '75th year. ' Funeral' from Ball and Mutch Funeral Home, High St, Clinton, on Tuesday afternoon, July 12, to Clinton Cemetery. ROGERSON—ln Hullett Town- ship, on Sunday, July 10, 1949, Susan Maria Wheatley;'belov- ed wife of Robert B. 'linger - soh, in her 77th year. Funeral from •Ball end Mitch Funeral Home, High Ste., Clinton, on Wednesday, July 13, to Clinton Cemetery. BEAUTY STIOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMP'SON Princess St. East Phone 585 FOR JULY AND AUGUST Our phone number will be Clinton 909r24• WILLIAM E. JERVIS CARTAGE HOLM'ESVILLE TWO WAYS TO BE COMFORTABLE SPORT SHIRTS Smart checks and plain shades, all colours, ail sizes, by Sun Valley, Ar- row, Stag and Chelsea. 3.95 to 6.50 ea. SPORT SLACKS SLACKS 'Plain shades and checks. • Gabardines, Tropical), Bedford Cords, 7.95 to 22.50 pr. Complete' your Summer Outfit with a pair of Summer Shoes: Crepe Soles, Cleated Soles, Moc- casin Vamps, Basket Weaves, Loafers and. other styles. +,.;,,.s.w.«•:..a•.envn..+r+•w...o...+..w•ei•�...r.e..,w.:a • SPECIAL -- Short Sleeve White. ' Cotton Shirts, Small, med., lge. sizes. While they last 98c each Pickett €3 Campbell Stetson Hats • Carson's Luggage • Arrow Shirts PHONE 25 .- - CLINTON AUCTION SALE. of HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS in the Village of HAYFIELD, one block from the Square, on Saturday, July 16 • at 2 p.m. sharp, the following: Three-piece living room suite; dining' room extension table and 6 chairs (leather seated); leath- er couch; cherry drop-leaf table; hail seat and mirror; table lamp; fireplace equipment including hamper, tongs, shovel; etc.; Que- bec heater; 3 -burner Coleman gasoline stove and oven; 2 -burner coal oil- stove; carpet 'sweeper; 3 feather ticks; •3 -piece oak bed- room suite; iron bed; bend wring- er; dishes; curtain stretchers; cooking utensils; large barrel; hand '••scuffler; and numerous other articles. TERMS—CASH MRS. I. MENEitY. Proprietress EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. Coleuhoun, Clerk 28-b AUCTION SALE of the Estate of the late Jessie Scott, at BRUCEFIELD on, Wednesday, July 20 at 1:30 p.m. sharp, •the'?foilowing: Complete bedroom suite; bed and dresser; single bed and dres- ser; rope bad (antique); chest; walnut- 4 -piece living ro m suite; console table' (walnut finish); chesterfield; upholstered arm chair; 2 rocking chairs; 2 leather rocking chairs, Newcombe piano and stools: piano stool-•Trhohair): foot stool; scatter mats! hooked mats; bridge lamp; 4 -Ripe lampk• table lamps; coal oil lamps; 4 small tables; dining room table and 6 chairs; china: ciibinet; com- bination bookcase, :and ):writing desk; 2 sideboards;"cabinet radio; Raymond drop -head sewing ma- chine; arm, `hair: wicker arm chair; wicker rocking chair; odd chairs; 2 lawnd1yairs; veranda chairs; several Ilhbleum rugs; Coleman 3 -burner gas stove; weight clock; 8 -day: clock musi- cal clock; pocket watehea (sterl- ing and coin silver) ;;(dice pump; one-sixth h p. electric. motor; 50 feet of garden hose; ' several feather ticks; feather pillows; woollen blankets; 'crochet and knitted bed spreads: embroider- ed bed spread; curtains and drapes; linens; quantity of lace and fancy work; silverware; silver tea service; cruet set; quan- tity of books; set of Fenmore Cooper books; pictures; dishes (some antique)„ glassware; seal- ers; cooking utensils and num- erous other articles. MISS ELIZABETH SCOTT, Executrix EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, , Auctioneer K. W. Colquhoun,°,Clerk , ! .28-b' • CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion • I.G. Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66j PROPERTIES FOR SALE • • • Seven -room dwelling, with sun porch, bedroom and bath downstairs, two bed- rooms upstairs, garage, good lot, immediate possession. • • I Two-storey brick dwell- ing consisting of large liv- ing room with natural fire- place, dining room, sun porch with electric fireplace, four bedrooms, four -piece bath (modern), hot water beating, garage, 'landscape lawn, ideal location. Posses- sion. 311 osses-sion.30 days. • • •. Stucco cottage, four rooms, with water, hydro, garage, small quantity of fruit trees, good lot. Possession June 30. •. • • H. C. LAWSON REALTOR Phone 251 W— Clinton, Ont. rr. redaaa-r THE' ABC of the 'GOSPEL -A.. Acknowledge your' guilt • and ..ne'ed of a Saviour.. B. Believe on Christ who died foriour sins In bur stead to save us. - C: Confess and reperit-of your sins to Jesus and gonfess:. - 'Him before men. t, , Read ROMANS 11:5, 1 o:9. -•• " ' • CHAS..;E. FULLER; ER; Box 123, Los- Angeles 53, Calif. aorissamsa ..FARM FOR SALE -Approxiriiately 100 acres of clay g>;:.sslaxzd 1I1: ;Crlborne Township, with about ' l' 5 'acres pf bush, well' watered. For...further tparticulars, apply to FrankY.I anrlelly, K.0 Goderich, Ont. 26-27-28-b COME ON AND SEE OUR . ' :NEW 6AS RANGE Essotane lights,automatically, gives you instant heat at..the"touch of a switch. • 'Essotane gives you accurate oven control—for V surer cooking results. Essotane gives you a hotter, cleaner 'lathe than you've ever, known. ' Essotane is safe, non-toxic, time -saving and . ' ,`economical!- • V Essotane does' not blacken pots and pans. Essotane gas ranges are priced from $00.00 V to $000.00. Convenient terms are -available— ;, you pay just one-tenth whenthe_ range is installed. Come in and see them. HUGH R: HAWKINS Plumbing, and Heating Phone 244 - - Clinton I - It's cooling!' It's refreshing! It's delicious!. It's the creamiest .. tastiest ice cream you've 'ever; tast- ed!A perennial summer time -treatfor,•gl'T"the family. .. Buy a supply of SilverwoO''s Ice Cream To -day! BAR.TLIFF BROS. Bakers and Confectioners "i J,it, PHONE I , . , ' CLINTON I;,, ar awereww�e