HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-07-14, Page 4PAGE FOUR
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford H. Epps
are holidaying in the Parry
Sound district.
Mel Glidden has returned from
a pleasant trip through the West-'
ern Provinces.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cox spent
a long weekend holiday at Niag-
ara Falls, Ontario,
Mrs. Donald E. Symons spent
a week with relatives at Welcome,
near Port Hope.
Miss Hattie Turner Toronto, is
spending the vacation period with
her parents .Mr. and Mrs. George
Miss Elizabeth Cooper, Freel
•ton, is spending a holiday with
her grandmother, Mrs. J. W.
Fred Elliott, Toronto, is spend-
ing a two weeks' vacation with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Pockling-
ton and two children, Peter and
Nancy, spent the weekend with
friends in Mi+iden.
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Carter and
son, Lorne, spent last week in
Harriston, visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Carter.
Weekend visitors with Mrs. I.
M. Nay were Mrs, A. Stringham
and Miss Etta Wheatley, Wood-
Miss Jane Atkey, Petrone,, I is
'spending a few days with her
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. R.
S. Atkey.
Mrs. Elizabeth Walker, Kitch-
ener, is visiting her son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
George Walker.
Mrs. D. D. Ross, Los Angeles,
Calif., is visiting her sisters,
Misses , Delle and Winnifred
"Pon and, Anne Epps are holi-
daying at the summer home of
theft grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
E. H. Epps, at Port Elgin.
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Nelson, St.
Catharines, spent the weekend
with the latter's parents, Dr. and
Mrs. H. A. McIntyre.
Mrs. G. E. Atkey, Owen Sound,
spent a few days with her son
and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. R. S. Atkey.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ord, Abler-
foyle, and Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Ord; Elora, were weekend guests
of lair, and Mrs. R. G. Bennett.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Aiken are
spending the week with Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Aiken at the latter's
Summer cottage et Sauhle Beach.
Miss Barbara Ford' returned
yesterday after spending a vaca-
tion at the summer home of Mr.
and Mrs. IL C. Lawson, Drysdale,
Mr. and Mrs. John A, Sutter
and family, Benson, Miss Shirley
and Mr, and Mrs. B. P. Robbins,
Crediton, attended the Ratz re-
union in. Waterloo Park on Sat-
urday. Mrs. Robbins contributed
a solo at the banquet hour.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hill, To-
ronto, are visiting the lathers
son and daughter -id -law, Mn'. and
Mrs. Norman L. Fitzsimons, and
other relative's in town.
Frank Trick, Calgary, Alta arid
George Trick, Port Franks, have
been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Flet
cher • Townsend and other rela-
tives in this vicinity.
Mr. George McCartney, Mr. and
Mrs, Ross McCartney, Linda and
Billie, Woodstock, were weekend
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. D,
McCartney and Mrs. I. M. Nay.
Mr, and Mrs. G. Ralph Foster
and children, Corson and Helen,
left by motor Thursday last for
a fortnight's vacation with Mr.
Foster's parents at Denholm,
Northern Saskatchewan.
Miss Margaret 'Joyce Crandall,
Tillsonburg, left today after
spending a vacation with her
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. C,
M. Shearing at their summer
home at Drysdale,
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Jackson
and children Joan and Ronald,
have been holidaying at South-
ampton. They were guests there
of Dr. and Mrs. L. R. Wray,
Chicago, also of Mr. and Mrs. C.
W. Wray and family, Woodstock.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C, Kelly and
son Paul, London, spent a few
days with Mr. and Mrs, J. A.
McGill. Other guests in the Mc-
Gill home last week were Mr.
end Mrs. A. H. Nethery, Sarnia,
and Mr. and. Mrs., T. E. Wenz,
Detroit, who are at their cottage
at Grand Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. James Carver and
son, Douglas, Lincoln Park,
Mich., visited relatives in this
vicinity during the weekend,
coining to he present at the mar
riage of the latter's sister, Miss
N. M. Forbes; to Lorne Porter, in
Londesboro United Church on
Saturday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold McPher-
son and Douglas, Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Beeves and children,
spent Sunday in Port Elgin and
on their returned were accomp-
anied by Mrs. George Taylor who
has been visiting at the summer
home of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Epps,
at Port Elgin.
Dr. and Mrs. T. E. Hull, Toron-
ton, John Cuninghame, Owen
Sound, and Miss JoAnne Cuning-
hame, Sarnia, were home last
weekend." Mrs. Hull had spent
the previous weeks with her par-
ents, Mr. end Mrs. Gordon Cun-
inghame, prior to leaving for her
new home in Vancouver where
Dr. Hull has accepted a position
on the staff of the University of
British Columbia. They plan to
motor, going by way of Ottawa,
Montreal, Boston, New York,
Princeton and Weshington, from
there to the Pacific, visiting the
forrner's parents at Calgary en
Public School
All Public School children wishing
to go to Seaforth for swimming, are to
be at the school at 1 p.m, each Wednes-
day during the summer months, when bus
transportation will be provided. Children
under supervision at all times.
Sponsored by Clinton Lions Club
Have Your Furnace
by experts
Protect Your Investment
Jack Little
Phone 335-W
Brides -elect Honoured
Prior to Marriage
(By our Bayfieldcorrespondent)
Mrs. E. A. Featherston enter-
tained at a miscellaneous' shower
on Friday evening in honour of
her two nieces, Misses Norah and
Louise Porker, beides-elect of
this week, There were 38 guests
present. The evening was spent
inprogressive euchre. Mrs. Jack
Parker won the prize for high
score and Mrs, .Pd. Weston the
At eleven o'clock two decorat-
ed baskets were set on the table
and the girls, who were com-
pletely taken by surprise, asked
to open the contents. They ex-
pressed their thanks and apprec-
iation for the many beautiful
gifts, quite charmingly, after
which the hostess served a de-
licious repast. Miss Louise Park-
er and her fiance, Harry Presber,
arrived from Nalcam, Seek•., on
The WMS of Ontario St. United
Church will hold its ,outdoor July
meeting at the home of Mrs.
Charles Stewart on Tuesday af-
ternoon, July 19, at three o'clock.
The executive are in charge of
the programme end lunch, Will
those needing transportation meet
'at Library Park at 2.15 ,o'clock.
The WMS of Clinton Presby-
terian Church will meet at the
home of Mrs. Robert McKenzie,
Huron Road East, on Tuesday
afternoon, July 19, at 3 o'clock.
Church Directory
During July, St. Paul's Anglican
and Presbyterian Churches
join in worship in
Presbyterian Church
REV. D. J. LANE, Minister
Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist
and Choir Leader
Sunday, July 17
9.45 a.m.--Service at Bayfield
10,00 a.m.--Sunday School
11.15 a,m.-Divine Worship
"Christ's Leaven at Work"
All Welcome
During July, Wesley -Willis and
Ontario St. congregations
will worship in
Ontario St. United,
REV. W. J. WOOLFREY, Minister
Mrs. E. Wendorf, Organist
and Choir Leader
Sunday, July 11
10,00 a.m.-Sunday School
11.00 am. -Morning Service,
Rev. W. J, Moores, Belgrave
7.00 pen. -Evening Service
"Faith's Testing"
9.45 a.m.-Service at Turner's
during summer months,
Baptist Church
REV. A. FORSYTH, Minister
Mrs. Ernest Adams, Organist
J. R. Butler, Choir Leader
Sunday, July 17
11.00 a.m.-Worship Service and
Sunday School. (during July
and August the worship ser-
vice will be held at 11 a.m.)
Pentecostal Church
Matilda St., South of CNR
Sunday, July 17
10.00 a.m,-Sunday School
11.00 a.m.-Worship:
7.30 p.m, -Worship
Thursday, 4.30 p.m. - Sunshine
Corner, A Children's Hour;
• 8.00 p.m. -Bible Study,
You are invited.
The Church of
Jesus Christ
of Latter Day Saints
Elder Ray C. Jenks has Ieft
Clinton district and has been re-
placed by Elder Lorne Smith,
Champion, Alta„ who is assist-
ing Elder Evan G. Hunter, San
Francisco, Calif., in this district.
To get in touch with,,these Elders,
phone Clinton 159.
\ \.
Now something extra hos been added to famous SWP House Pa:at
Makes Your HouselKeep
That "New Look" -Longer!
SWP House Paint -Canada's favourite -now
brings you beauty that lasts a full year longer
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product now gives your home a nest "freshly -
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Paint Now - with SWP House Paint.
if Check these 5 advantages:
I. No deep brush marks -no weak
spots in the,flm.
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3. Smoother surface.
4. Self -cleansing.
5. SWP meansthe most for your
Phone 195
• • Clinton
Miss Kathleen McGill
Feted Ere Departure
• Miss Kathleen McGill, Clinton,
was honored by her pupils and
associates at Saltford, prior to her
departure after two years on the
teaching'staff of Colborne School
At a presentation by the pupils,
she was given a handsome en-
graved silver cake plate; from
the Community Club, a cup and
saucer; and from her associate
teacher's, a beautiful gold neck-
lace and pendant.
Miss McGill was fortunate in
having her entire entrance class
successful in their High School
Entrance Examinations, end car-
ries with her the best wishes of
her many friends as she goes to
her new work as teacher iii room
three of Wheatley School.
St. Paul's WA Holds
Delightful Party
The W. A. of the St, Paul's
Anglican Church entertained the
Little Helpers at a very delight-
ful party en Friday afternoon last,
The first part of the ,afternoon
was a short service held in the
church. Mrs. May Rance Mac-
Kinnon presided at the organ and
also told a very interesting story
as to how the Little Helpers
group was started.
Later a party was held on the
Rectory lawn where 40 mothers
and children enjoyed the hospit-
ality of Mrs. Bui'teel. Games
were conducted by Mrs, L. G.
Winter. Dainty refreshments were
served by members of the WA.
Mrs. Gerry Revest
Feted Ere Departure
A delightful afternoon was
spent on Wednesday, July 6, at
the home of Mrs. Hal Hart, Mar-
ried Quarters, Clinton Radar
School, when a farewell tea was
given for Mrs. Gerry Revest,
prior to her leaving Clinton for
Guelph, She is joining her hus-
band at Fort Nelson, B.C., in the
near future.
Mrs. Revest received several
parting gifts from her friends on
the Station.
A delicious lunch was served
by the hostess, and tea was pour-
ed by Mrs. Sherman Burbank.
The WA of St. Paul's Anglican
Church will hold its regular July
meeting in the form of a Garden
meeting at the home of Mrs. L.
M. McKinnon, on Tuesday after-
noon, July 19, at three o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Holland
and son, Rickey, have moved
from Goderich to Clinton, Mr.
Holland is now working with
Leslie Ball Auto Supply.
Engagements Announced
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fowler,
Londesboro,'wish to announce the
engagement of their eldest dau-
ghter, Helen Joan Marie, to
Raymond Robert Hoggarth, elder
son of Mrs. Gladys Hoggarth,
Clinton, the wedding to flake:
place the latter part of July.
Our congratulations to A. C.
Kelly who has passed his third
year in Honor Science at Univer-
sity of Western Ontario with sec
and class honors.
(Continued from Page One)
that city by the Americans ex-
actly four years ago.
`You'll see a group of men
congregated - very close, very
intense. You wonder if that's
communism and whether you'll
be considered a capitalist. You
approach, 'and find they are
playing bowls.
I didn't feel the Italians
friendly like the French. They
were helpful but they went our
money and that's all. And the
tourist is surely spotted; and take
en for a ride.
'But there is a thrill to it all -
their lovely ant, opera, cathed-
rals, shops! The whole of Italy
is a picture. Such scenery, such
drives through valleys, up the
hills, along the lakes, hair -pin
turns, the Appennines with you
all the time. I'm sure we carne
to Lake Trasumenus• on the same
route that Hannibal used,
"You should keep in mind if
travelling here a few essential
points. First, St. Marghuerita,
Rapello and Portofina. Then the
circular tour from Florence via
Sienna. You couldn't travel
those trips too often - very
magnificent. Then Sorrento,
Amalfi and Capri 'from Naples.
How these people love to climb!
You mount° stairway after stair-
way, but you never get to the
top. At St. Peter's in Rome, the
people who did get up lookd to
us like flies, It's all so stupend-
our, very difficult to assimilate
but it definite'y leaves its mark.
"We got' into Venice just at
dusk. No noise there, little bustle,
no motors, no bicycles, The C.I.T.
man, put me and my luggage in
a gondola, end off I set with an
Italian. At the end of a long
day, to arrive at an unknown
place, set off alone along the
canals, winding in and out with
an Italian is a unique experience.
It took a long time and so I
looked at the buildings and as
I passed right by door -steps,
winding in and mit, a silly nurs-
ery rhyme commenced going
THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1949 •
through my head:
"Brian a'Flynn, ,and.. his wife
and wife's mother,
All went over the bridge to-
The bridge toppled down, the
three tumbled in,.
'We'll go home by water,' says
Brian O'Flynn".
"Suddenly, very quickly," we
stopped at some stone steps. I
got out and went in to the Pen-
sion 'La ,Calcina' and was taken
up (two flights) to a glorious
room overlooking the canal, on
which the lights off the city were,
reflecting and dancing. '
"In Venice more than any-
where except here, how 1long-
ed for money to shop. Such
glass, such lace -but very ex-
pensive. The square of Se Mark
with all its pigeons - and the
little tables there, where we sat
in the sun, and watched the birds,
the Cathedral of St. Mark, the
Palade of the Doges where we
stood on the `Bridge of Sighs' and
later went down, down to the
dungeons, the leisurely afternoon
where we meandered up and down
the canals in gondolas, stepping
out at intervals to visit Cathed-
rals, Desdemona's house, the one
I where Browning lived and died,
the Bridge of the Rialto with.
all its stores (14),' Shylock's
'house, the final departure at 3.30
am, in a gondola, this time with
a C,I•T. man to put me, on my
oItrain. All this is commencing
ncing t
fade already, gradually taking
its place among other lovely
"At Milan I had to change. 3
was just settled in a compart-
ment when I heard voices. Some
delightful people -Mr. and Mrs.
Brown and' Billy. They are en
rout from Arabia` to Portland,
Oregon, on furlough. Mr. B. is
connected with the American
Arabia Oil Co. I met them first
travelling from Rome to Naples,
had lunch with them et Cassino,
and again at Amalfe, and had
listened to their stories of life in
Dharran, Arabia. We had not
expected to meet again, and how
delighted I was. In, an instant,
Mr. Brown had me and all my
luggage transferred to their
compartment, and I was with
them until I got off at Sierra.
"There I took the funicular to
get up here. This is quite off
the beaten path - a place very
worth while -winter or summer.
or HOLIDAYS- . ` ' 'r•gii5i
Phone 2
Our Large Assortment
A free 8" x 10" hand colored
portrait of the bride to every
bridal couple we photograph.
Commemorate that day of days
with studio portraits by Fowler
Bros., or an album of candids
that will live through the years.
Make that day live forever!
.f7oWte' / Motheti
Phone 84 ' McEwau's Clinton
Also Studios in Mitchell and Stratford
Go on your holidays with a fine wardrobe and money in your purse.
We are offering the complete range of
Summer Dresses at "Quick Sale" Prices
Dresses priced from
21.00 to 23.50 --- 15.50 .11.50 to '12.95 --
16.50 to '19.50 - ,12.50 8.50 to 10.50
13.50 to 15.75 -- 9.95 6.2.5 ,to 7.50 --
Sun Tan Dresses:
Priced from 3,95 to 4.75 - only 2.98
5.95 value for 3.95 7.95 value for 5.50
WOMEN'S and MISSES SUITS -- All remaining .. , , . 250 off
Coats and Shorties
All remaining, including Kenwood's - One -Half the Original Price
Children's Coat and Hat Sets:
Your choice of those re maining; values to $13.75
Boys - 5.00 Girls - 6.50
Don't fail to see these splendid values:
Women's and Misses 2 -piece Suits $10.00
Women's and Misses "Gab" and Satin
Raincoats . 5.00
Children's Coats, sizes 9 to 14 5.00
Plastic Rainwear
Children's, Misses, Women's
any garment.--- 1.00
4 Women's Coats (2 winter) $10.00
Women's and Children's Slack Suits --- Half Price
Odds and Ends of Dresses, Skirts, etc.
There are still a large
number of
Prints, Tea Towel.
ing, Dress Goods, Curtain
ends, etc.