Clinton News-Record, 1949-06-30, Page 6PAGE SIX CLINTON NEW S-RieCOI n Interesting Items From News -Records NEWS OF BAYFIELD Representative: Phone Bayfield e5r3 Miss Lucy R. Woods Donald McAuley left on Fri- day for his home in London. Mrs. Irene Bassett has opened her Antique Shop for the summer., Mrs. Walter Westlake has open- ed the Blue Water Booth for the summer. 'Mr. and Mrs. ' W. Cotton, Lon- don, were at their cottage over the weekend, ee end, Mr. and Mrs. H, Edwards, Jr., London, were, at the New Ritz over the weekend. Mrs. Fred McTaggart and fain: Ottawa, are occupying a Cot- tage in Bailey Park. Mr. and Mrs. Bonar Aust and family, London, were at their cot- tage over the weekend. Lawrence Fondle, ire London, L ndon, vis - DANCE DATES $AYFIELD PAVILION Beginning July 1, 1949 EVERY FRIDAY & SATURDAY NITES Frank Traher and Orchestra EVERY WEDNESDAY NITE "Tune Wranglers" 0. Ontario's Foremost Old Tyme Band Direct from Wonderland This will be the Dance Schedule for July and August i i /4'u a7efridttee moi/ AFGe s e e 'AND HIGHER WAGES HAVE GREATLY INCREASED OUR COSTS ix THE res' five years the number of employees has (doubled and our payroll has gone up from 20 million. ,dollars to over 50 million dollars. Yet, up to now, despite rising costs on all sides there has been no increase in the (basic telephone rates established 22 years ago. To meet unprecedented post-war demand for more telephones, our expansion 'and improvement of service have of necessity taken place in a period of rapidly rising costs. Most businesses have offset their higher costs by higher prices for their products. We have not yet done so. You can be sure we will keep on doing our best to provide you with adequate and constantly improving tele- phone service — and to provide it at the lowest rates con- sistent with a fair return to our investors and employees. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA r Your car will catch the holiday spirit too, at any Reliance Sta- tion. With Reliance Ethyl Gag. - and Vitahibe Motor Oil, you'll take to the highways with new, i surging power. Wherever you "r drive, make Reliance, the Ste - 1 lion with the Red lam(, your motoring headquarters. Reliance i is your assuranceof dependable, I courteous. service -and carefree ..driving. ited' his sisters, Misses F. end: E, Fowlie over the weekend. Ronald Burt, London, spent the weekend with his gr'.ap (parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Balker, Mrs; N. B, Alexander, London, and George Alexander, Ottawa, were at her cottage on, Sunday. Mrs. D. Warshaw and two children, Detroit, erre ,occupying, Boul r dge for the season. andMr, Mrs.. A. F. Furter end Bill, London, spent Sunday et the home of, Mrs. W. J. Stinson, Miss Marie Elliott, Bracel^ield, spent a couple of days last week with her aunt, Mrs. Bruce 1VIenery. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ahrens, De- troit, and guest, Mr. Taylor, are holidaying at their cottage, "Trail Blazer." Fred Fisher and family, De- troit, have• been occupying Wil- liam L. Metcalf's cottage this month; Miss Gloria Westlake, London, is spending her vacation with her parents} Mr. and Mrs. Walter Westlake. Miss Elizabeth Hall, Binning- ham, Mich:, is visiting Mrs. son Mitchell at her cottage on Chiniluy Street. Miss Sheila Higgins, Toronto, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. D. Hig- gins and family at their cottage Jowett's Grove. Mrs. Elmer Parker, London, has been spending ten days at her summer' home here. Miss Sang-, ster was her guest. Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Tillmann returned to London on Tuesday after having spent a couple of days at their cottage. Mrs. William Greig and d ghter Jean, Toronto, arrived week to spend the summer their cottage, "Bali Acres." Mr. end Mrs. Lawrence Leo and family, Windsor, Mrs. H Lowry, spent the weekend Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Ervine, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Sander turned to Kitchener on Su evening after having been guests of Mrs. F. A. Edwards Miss Maxine Edighoffer spending a week in the v' before leaving to take a suin n course at University of Toron Mrs. A. McPhedron returned her home in Petrolie on Tuesd after having visited her cous Mrs. Robert Scotchmer for days. Mrs. Edward Friedberger two children, Jimmy and Jul and Miss Theresa Bauer, Wa are at the family cottage week. Mrs. Frank Burch and children, Toronto, are at Mustard cottage for the sum Mr. Burch was .also with the over the weekend. Bill Furter is well known Bayfield, being a grandson Mrs. W, J. Stinson, His frien are proud that lie has calved this honour. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dutto were the guests Cpl. and Mrs. Ted Davies, occasion being in celebration Ted Davies' birthday„ Mrs. Fred B. Schafagitlen a twin daughters, Judy and Susi Niagara Falls, are . visiting th former's parents, Mr. and M William H. 'Robinson. Gilbert Knight returned to route Sunday after having a fortnight at the home of M. Gellteinhard. Mrs. Knight Mary are remaining for anoth week. Mr. and Mrs. W. Stothers a family, Embro, and Miss NI Zimmerman, Mrs. Stother's sister who las recently arrived fro Japan, spent Sunday with and Mrs. Ted Mack. Mrs. L. A. Stephens and dau ghter, Janie McGrigor, Mrs. McPherson end two children have been the guests of the f mar's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cr Cook, returned to ,Shelbourne Sunday. Mrs. Richard Dick, Detroit, an Mrs. David Murray and tw children, Cleveland, spent la week at the Kanter cottage, M Frank Kanter end family, De troit, are occupying the cotta this week. Guests at The Little Inn ov the weekend included: Mr. Mrs. Charles A. Luck, Miss Jean ette Keavy, Mr. and Mrs. Th ton, Detroit; Elizabeth and Flor ence Macpherson, Toronto; C. Charlton, Mrs. William Ewalt' and Mrs. Keenan, Birmingham Mich, _Mr. and Mrs. James R. Maynard Corrie attended erten McAulStreet onBap ddingChurch London, on Saturday. Following the reception at the Cobblestone Inn, the young couple visited the Beck Memorial Sanitarium and the bride left her boucjtet with Rev. Lavern Morgan. Misses M. end J. Miller are at their home here for the sunnier, Miss Jessie Metcalf who was also here lest week returnd to Detroit on Saturday to spend a few days in the city. She was accompan- ied an ��� De- troit,savage, Ale Avery, Holland, Mich., who were their guests here Iast week. Mrs. F. V. Martin returned to Detroit on Tuesday after having spent a few days at her cottage, Boulder Lodge." With her over the weekend were her son, J. Brown end small son Stephen, daughter, Miss 'Marguerite Edith Martin and Archie •McCardel, De- troit. 'Miss Marguerite Edith Mar- tin sails on the "Marine Tiger," July 1 for Paris where she will spend 'a Sew days before going on to take a . .summer course in psychology et Vienna, working towards her Master's Degree. LOLOrange N e 24 ChurchParade holdtheir annual church parade on Sunday CChchafternoon with Bannockburno Knox rt Pipe Band also in attendance. Members of the Order are asked to meet at two o'clock. Induction Tonight Rev. F. G. Stotesbury will be inducted as minister of Cook's, Sutherland's lend South Caredoc charge of die ,United Church of a at seeada, rrvicein South Caddlesex sadoc Church at 8.30 o'clock tonight. Undergo ,Operations Ronnie Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Smith, had his ton- sils removed in Clinton Public. Hal, and on Tuesday, Bill W'•liar E. Parker, ander Manid on au - this at Leon Ha with re- daythen is ill age er to. to ay to and le, thisater- three the mer. in of ids re- n, of the of nd • e, e rs. T0 - spent Mrs. and er nd na Mr. K. who for on d 0 at Mrs ge er and. Thur , Scan • the g Manias, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd IWeirins, underwent the same operation 113, Clinton' Hos- pital. Passes in. Detroit Mrs. A. Suppnick had just ar- rived at her cottage on June 23, when she was recalled to Detroit, owing to the sudden death of her mother, Mrs, Susan Holley. Mrs, Holley, who 'owing to ill health has not been tit her cottage for the past two seasons was well- known in the village, where, for many seasons the spent six months of each year. Successful Reunion Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Westlake attended the 25th annual reunion of the Penhale-Westlake-Snow- den families in Jawett's Grove on Saturday. There was an attend- ance of about 40. Although rain held up the program for a time, games and races were run off as usual. Plies to England Miss Ruth Jtiy Martin, Detroit, flew from. Ives Field, Connecticut, on Sunday to London, England. She will spend a few days in Perls before going to Fontenbleau to study art. Mr. and lairs. Castle and Fred Fisher, also of Detroit, who are going overseas to take the same art course were her guests at "Boulder Lodge," the amily cottage in the village from Monday until .Thursday last week. Pupils Receive Medals Before school' closed on Friday the Junior room ,assembled with the senior pupils to receive the medals won at a recent school track meet in the Agricultural Pork. Before the medals were given out, Bill Parker read an address expressing regret that Mr. McAuley was leaving and wish- ing him every happiness in the future. As he finished reading, Brenda Blair entered the room and on behalf of the pupils pre-' sented him With a Westinghouse electric toaster. Mr. McAuley surprised, and visibly affected by THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 194 • that when he made toast in the morning he would always think of his first school and pupils and the two happy years here. He then presented the athletic med- als which were won as follows; Senior. girls, Barbara Brandon; senior boys, Jerry Sturgeon; in- termediate girls, Shirley Bran- don; intermediate boys, George Telford; junior girls, Joyce Bell; junior boys, Don MacKenzie. Going to Camp Bill Cent- ral Collegiate Institute is onenof two London cadets chosen among 17 going to Banff for camp. Seventeen Western Ontario cadets have been, selected to attend the special Army Cadet Camp at Banff, July 31 --August 20. This represents one of the highest awards for cadets throughout Canada.Cadet corps with the highest proficiency rating in their individual size groupings were allotted vacancies for one candi- date each to attend this special camp. Candidates submitted by the corps were selected for ,out- standing ability in leadership, above average academic standing, athletic prowess and a thorough knowledge of cadet training sub- jects',. Capt. S. Blair of the Cadet Service of Canada from No. 39 Woodstock Collegiate Institute Cadet Corps will ' accompany the cadets from the Western Ontario areas. The camp is located near Banff National 'Park, Alberta, in the Canadian Rockies. Two-thirds of the time spent at the camp will be devoted to visits of places Pt interest in the camp area, with organized recreational activity among some of the world's finest scenery. The remainder of the time will be spent on advanced training in map reading, field craft, woodcraft and wireless signalling. Before leaving for Banff the cadets will assemble at Ipperwash Cadet Camp along with all other selected cadets their thought, expressed hisfrom Ontario. They will receive thanks and appreciation and saidcomplete equipment, including �,Tt�►rt�1� T Ft®tr/�tr/�nitd■itNf/■olli'/Rte r IT',S RESULTS THAT COUNT USE MASTER FEEDS for all your Livestock and Poultry Master Feeds are built on the grain base which has proven the best over the years. They are scientifically processed and are reg- ularly uniform. They are farm -tested on Canada's largest "private experimental farm. 1v4MMM'M MMAMIMMM MASTER BALANCED FDS ALL CLASSES. OF rot FARM LICE STOCK Furs reaemNC AMAMI & CCAS litlMMMMM .3011t0 1MI M M Poi Nruvnrocsynam TRY: Master Gainmaker 24% Dairy Concentrate Master Dry - freshening Master Calf Starter - Grower Master Pig Starter Master Sow and Pig Concentrate We carry all complete feeds and salt, shell, grit, fertilizer, etc,, Grain. Your Master Feeds Dealer is Correspondent the new summer -worsted khaki uniforms. Minister's Farewell Last Sunday the • farewell ser-. vice was,'helde in St. Andrew's United. Church. when Rev. P. G. Stotesbury was closing his min- istry in the Bayfield charge. Flowers and ferns used for the Anderson -Sturgeon wedding the day- before were left for this oc-_ casion at which there was good; congregation. Mr. Stotesbury took for hie closing sermon :the subject en- titled 'The Supremacy of the tin- seen:" Basing his remarks on iI Corinthians, chapter 4, verse 18, he spoke of the a ltalienge, (Continued on Page Seven) tern if EA Make tea double strength and while still hot pour into glasses :.filled with cricked lee' - Add sugar and lemon to taste.- i'l L . , Men Wanted Immediately for. HARVEST WORK ON ONTARIO FARMS This •message .is addressed particularly to men but some women also can be used.• Crops are ripening earlier than usual all over Ontario. Able-bodied men, willing to do Farm Harvest work, ate urgently needed at once. Wages and working conditions are good. • WAGES: $75,00 monthly with room and board free. • TRANSPORTATION: Paid to place of employment anywhere in Ontario. • FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Please check with the nearest Office of the National Employment Service Department of Labour HUMPHREY MITCHELL A. MacNAMARA Deputy Minister Minister of Labour S. RIDDICK and9SONS PHONE 114 CLINTON • TWAT'B A.L.I. T TPA ES TO E U Y A iieh ON dH,E • To really smarten up your porch and floors, use Sturgeons lastingly beautiful porch and floor enamel; 14 eye-catching colour., super -tough olasrk finish. Splendid for inferior Boon, too. -, J. W. Counter Builders' Supplies Albert St., Phone 29051, Clinton, Ont. PAINT PRODUCTS FOR HOMI AND INDUSTRY Get cash prices either wily ....ase our 30 day charms areornt or Thrifty Budget Plan. Convenient terms to suit your requirements. nay Now . . . Poy Later ... low down payment and cos- venient, eeonemi. eel low weekly payments. nlsk for it either way... both trade -marks mean the same thing. Authorised battler of Coca -Coin ander contract with Cec..Coia Ltd.: STRATFORD BOTTLING COMPANY 7,111, > Ph011• 1/8 Murphy Bros. Phone 465 Clinton