HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-06-30, Page 5THURSDAY, Ji7NE. 30, 1949 CLINTON -NEWS-RECORD PAGE FIVE: !e!M Ciassif 'ed Adiets Bring Quick Results CASH RATE -(If paid by Wed- :neaday following date of i mer ,t sin)—One cent a word first in- exertion (minimum 35 cents); sub- 'sequent insertions one cent a word (minimum 25 cents); 15 cents ex- tra for box number or for 'direr-, Zen to NEWS -RECORD OHii;e. IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -6 p.m. Wednesday ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT 'FURNISHED APARTMENT for rent, Apply Box "C", NEWS- RECORD. 26-p AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1947 MERCURY SEDAN, in per- fect condition. Priced right. Ap- ply Box "M", NEWS -RECORD. 25-26-p ARTICLES FUR SALE AUTOIiIATIC RECORD PLAYER in mahogany ' finish case; small 'cabinet radio. J. T. McAsh, phone 'Clinton 626r3. 25-26-b BUILDING FOR SALE ,GOOD BUILDING, 20' x 14', suitable for kitchen, garage or .cottage, Maple floor, can be mov- ed, near Seaforth, phone Dublin "72x9. 26-p CABIN TO RENT 'CABIN TO RENT IN JULY AND August at Harbour Pork, Godes rich, or Bayfield. Apply P. 0. 'Box 12, Clinton. 26-p CEMENT FOR SALE 'CAR OF AMERICAN CEMENT 'for sale . A. G. Grigg, phone. 74W. 26-b EXPERT REPAIRING 'ELECTRIC WASHING Machines, 'or stoves, radios, etc., repaired; painting of any kind done. Ar- ticles called for. Phone 299. 'Roman Kaszoqski. 25-6-7-p • FURNITURE FOR SALE KITCHEN CABINET, iii good condition, suitable for kitchen or •summer cottage. Mrs. SiIiery, phone Clinton 628r33. 26-b FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE RUBBER -TIRED FARM WAGON; 'William Straughan, Auburn. 25-26-b :FORDSON TRACTOR IN GOOD running order; Oliver two -furrow plow. Morgan Jones, phone '.Clinton 902r4. 25-26-p ONE SEVEN FOOT McCormick .Deering Binder, seven years old. Apply Box "H", NEWS -RECORD. .. 26-27-p -STRATFORD DECKER Separator in good shape, size 32x48, new knives two years ago, 18' ele- vator and strew blower. Percy Gibbings, RR 1, Clinton, phone .305r32. 26-27-p A QUANTITY OF PARTS, both new end used, to fit Deering and 'McCormick mowers. These in- clude knives, sections, guards, etc., as well as gears and boxings :for most models. J. C. Proctor. 25-26-p MASSEY-HARRIS BINDER No. 4; ,young Yorkshire sow due in about month's time; also four - ,year -old horse. Apply George Colelough, phone Clinton 805r31. 26-p HELP WANTED—MALE LOST'AND, FOUND LOST—LADIES' BULOVA Wrist Watch, yellow gold with' white gold trimming in vicinity of rail- road tracks, No. 4 Highway and 'Matilda St. Reward. Mrs. Clar- ence Neitans, • phone 347Nf. • _26-p, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 13 PIGS, '1 N WEEKS OLD. Apply W. 'E."'efeere11, ,phone 803x2, 26-b THREE LITTERS OF PIGS, seven weeks old.- For particulars apply J. W. Crich, Clinton, phone 617r23. • 26-27-b ESTABLISHED RURAL Watkins Route available. If you are ag- gressive and between the ages of 25 end 55, have or can secure travel outfit, this is your oppor- tunity to gest established in a ;profitable business of your own. For full particulars, write today to The 3. R. Watkins Comp"any,' Dept. 0-C-16, 350 St, Roch St., Montreal, Que. HELP WANTED, FEMALE GIRL OF HIGH SCHOOL AGE wanted to help look after .tourist •camp. Lloyd Batkiri, phone Bey - field 52r2., 26-b HAY FOR SALE FOUR ACRES OP .. STANDING Hay. W. Shobbrook, 'phony"Clip- ton 807r14. 26-p LUMBER FOR SALE 'THREE WINDOWS AND SASH; one door. A Garen, . phone; 312. 24-25-b• TEN YORKSHIRE PIGS, eight weeks. A. H. Warner, R.R. 1, Bayfield, ph,Qrre, Clinton- 909r34. 26-b TWO PUREBRED SHORTHORN bulls of serviceable age by Elec- tors Mint, he by Klaymore Elect- or. ..George L. Reid, Varna. 25-26-b 'TENTS FOR SALE OR RENT, TENT, 9 X 10, IN GOOD CON- dition, for sale or rent. Phone '789.1. 26-p WOOD CUTTING 'SAVE TIME AND'; HARD WORK -next winter, get your wood cut the easy way. Apply Glenn E. Price, phone Clinton 621r31. MISCELLANEOUS SAWS, ALL KINDS FILED AT C. Hoare's orchard, mile north of town. Will work odd days, harvesting, etc. _22-29-p NEW SINGER Sewing Machines— cabinet and portable electric, also treadle machines; repairs to all Makes. Singer Sewing Centre, 78 Ontario St., Stratford. ltfb ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If not, in pay fertilizer rices. If dead wphone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 938r32, Goder- ich. 2btfb NOTICES NOTICE — ANYONE FOUND trespassing on Part Lots No. 41, 51, both sides of river, Tucker- sm'th Township at any time hereafter will be prosecuted ' by order of the owner, A. E. Parry. March 31, 1949. 24-28-p BE IT KNOWN UNTO ALL MEN —that seeing that my wife, Mabel Price, RR 1, Brucefield, wilfully left my bed and board on or about the fifth day of February, 1949, I hereby declare that I am no longer responsible for any debts whatsoever'since that afore- said date, fifth February, 1949. (Signed)—Glenn E. Price, RR 1, Brucefield. 24-5-6-p PERSONAL SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! Gain 5 to 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new healthy flesh; new vigor. New "get acquainted" size only 60 cents. All druggists. PLANTS FOR SALE GARDEN GROWN, Late Variety Cabbage Plants, Apply Sirs. Joe Pestill, phone 906r23. 26-p PUPS FOR SALE REGISTERED Black SCOTTISH Terrier puppies, $15 upwards; also one Wiiizzer bicycle in ex- cellent working order, $125; Beach cook stove in good condition; two electric chick brooders, 500 -chick size." Roy Vodden, RR 2, Seaforth, phoneSeaforth851r14. 26-p PIANO TUNING PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS to all makes. Cleaning, de -moth - mg, free estimates. Write or phone William N. Gould, 314W, Clinton. 1-btfb POULTRY FOR SALE STARTED CI•HICKS-2 week-old non -sexed Barred Rocks, Light Sussex X New Hampshires, White Rocks 21.95, New Hampshire$ 21.45, Light Sussex 22.95, Assort- ed Heavies 20.45. Pullets: Barred Rocks, Light Sussex X New Hampshires, New. Hampshires 30.95, White Rocks, Light Sussex 32.95, Assorted Heavies 29.95. Cockerels: Barred Rocks, Light Sussex X New Hempshiras, New Hampshires, Light Sussex 20.95, White Rocks 22.95, Assorted Heavies 20.75. Three -week-old add 5c per chick. Also other breeds. Day -olds 12 pure breeds and 13 cross breeds, non -sexed, pullets and heavy cockerels. Prompt delivery. Turkey poults. Older pullets eight weeks to lay- ing. 26-b STOVES FOR SALE COLEMAN THREE - BURNER gas stove, low oven and compart- ment, in good•working condition. Apply Glen Layton, phone 619r3. 26-b SPENCER, COAL AND WOOD range,with Warming closet, wat- erfron.t, 'reservoir, 'in excellent condition. Apply Mrs. 0. C. Hell- yar, Princess St., phone 489-W. p Commencing Friday, June 24 HURON COACH LINES Daily Bus Service ., From • CLINTON To -SAYFIELD, GRAND BEND, PARKHILL and return. -' Two Round Trips Daily For further information contact: Bartliff Restaurant phone 1 Clinton Corrie's Lunch, -, phone 6 Bayfield 25-26-b BIRTHS CHEESMAN—In Clinton Public Hospital on Saturday, June .25, . 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. John Cheesmen, Clinton, a son (John Edward), COX—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Saturday, June 25, 1949,' to Mr. and Mrs. George Cox, Clinton, a son (William George). GOVIER—In Clinton Public Hos- • pital, on Tuesday, June 28, ' 1949, to Mr. land Mrs. William Govier, Auburn, a son. HARKNESS — In Clinton public Hospital, on lviopday,,, Jerre 27, 1949, to Mr, end Mrs. Gordon Harkness, Kippers a son (Den- nis Gordon). McCOOEYE — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday; June 25, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald McCoo'eye,: Brucefield,_ a son (David Garfield). SMITH—In Noranda, Que., on Sunday, June 19, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Smith (nee Mary Stewart), Noranda, a daughter. • VINCENT —, In 'Clinton Public Hospital, en Thursday, June 23, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Clare Vincent, Londeaboro, a son (William Allen). WHITTERS --- In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, June 28, 1.949, to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Whieters, Oliiitoir, • a daughter (Lynn Dianne). MARRIAGES ANDERSON-STURGEON—In St. Andrew's United Church, Bay- field, at 12 o'clock noon, Satur- day, June 25, 1949, by Rev. F. G. Stotesbury, Jeanne Lu- cille, youngest daughter of Mr. and . Mrs. Joseph Edward Stur- geon, Bayfield, to Francis John Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anderson, Science 11111. GALE-KIRBY — In St. Paul's Anglican Church, Clinton, on Saturday afternoon, June 25, 1949, by Rev. R. M. P. Bulteel, Florence Esther, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A, Kirby, Clin- ton, to John Frederick, only son of Mrs. Gale and the late J. H. Gale, London. HORNE-WALTERS—At the home of thebride's parents, Tucker - smith, on Saturday, June 18, 1949, by Rev. W. J. Woolfrey, Amy Pauline, youngest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Walters, to Donald Eugene, only son of Mrs. Margaret Horne, Seaforth. DEATHS. HOLLEY—Suddenly, on Thurs- day, June 23, Susan A. Holley, Detroit, summer resident of Bayfield, mother of Mrs. A. C. Suppnick end grandmother of Holley Suppnick and Carol Stephenson. Funeral at F. L. Hamilton Funeral Home, De- troit, Sunday, followed by ser- vice and interment at Weston, Ontario, Tuesday, June 28. Successful Tag Day, For Navy League Here The Ladies' Auxiliary of Clin- ton Branch of the Canadian Legion sponsored a very success- ful tag day for the Navy League of Canada on Saturday last, when the proceeds 'amounted to $62.15. Mrs. H. R. Hawkins convened the event and those tagging in- cluded Misses Joyce Hawkins, Connie and Patsy Scruton, Betty Lou Nediger, Gail Shearing, Shir- by DAWSON and NETBERY, ley Dales, Barbara Ford and JoanSolicitors, Sarnia, Ontario. Jackson. 24-25-26-b Loses Two Fingers In Power -driven Saw Alex Manning, owner and op- erator of a lumber yard and plan- ing mill et Blyth, met with a painful accident Monday after- noon, when the two middle fing- ers of his right hand were almost severed. His hand came in con- tact with a powerdriven saw he was operating. Mr. Manning had completed sawing a board when he put his hand too near the saw. He was taken to Clinton Public Hospital. Fred Boyce, Brucefield Named DDGM, IOOF Fred Boyce, Hrucefield, was elected District Deputy Grand Master of Huron District of the IOOF at the Grand Lodge $es- dons held in the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, last week. Mr. Boyce has jurisdiction over lodges at Seaforth, Goderich, Exeter, Clinton, Hensel! and Brucefield. Over 1,000 delegates from all sections of the province attended the meetings representing the Subordinate lodges of the 'order, of the Grand Lodge of Ontario, end also the Rebekah Lodges of the same district. FRACTURES ARM SEAFORTH—Miss Alice Chris- tie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Christie, received a broken arm in a fell from a Shetland pony. CARD OF THANKS We wish to convey to all our neighbours, friends, and relatives, our sincere thanks for their kind- ness and sympathy in this our time of sad bereavement, for all the beautiful flowers sent and to those who loaned cars for the funeral—Robert Blake and fam- ily. 26-b 0 CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs: Theodore Dale and Lois wish to thank Dr. Oakes and nurses, her school mates and friends and neighbours, for their kindness, flowers, treats, letters, get -well cards and phone cells during her recent illness in Clin- ton Public Hospital. 26-p CARD OF THANKS Mrs. V. D. Falconer and family wish to express their sincere appreciation for all the many acts of sympathy expressed, flowers sent, cars loaned, and helpful messages sent during our sad bereavement. We would also like to sincerely thank all those whose helpful gestures were so much appreciated by Mr. Falconer dur- ing his illness. Notice to Creditors In the Estate of EDWARD JAMES STEPHENSON, late of Seaforth, Gentleman. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full: partic- ulars of such Glamis to the under- signed Executor on or before the 15th day of July, 1949, after which date the estate's assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims that have then been received. Dated June 10th, 1949. THE CANADA TRUST COMP- ANY, London, Ontario, Executor, N.IMMM dI:I:NINNMN To the Electors of North Huron: I wish to express my sincere thanks that you saw fit to place your confidence in me once again. I shall do my best to merit that confidence, and will serve all my constituents to the best of my ability. i f ELSTON CARDIFF NLI.NIW.►NMI+• Card of Thanks Thank Yowl I appreciate most, sincerely the splendid support of the Electors of Huron -Perth on Monday. • --A. Y. McLEAN NMNI.IIJI NJI NNM:INI., MMI` MMIJfi+IJ.rNJIMI~1.r.. I.NJ .~.1AI MiN..11~~ P. Card of Thanks I would like to sincerely thank allthose who supported, me at the polls on Monday, with special men- tion of the Young Progressive Cozl- servatives, ELGIN McKINLEY ROXY THEATRE CAPITAL THEATRE CLINTON GODERICH Now Playing: Gary Cooper Aim Sheridan "GOOD SAM" MON., TUES., WED. DANA ANDREWS GENE TIERNEY JUNE HAVOC "The Iron Curtain" Based on the actual story of Igor Gouzenko, formerly a code cleric in the Russian Embassy, Ottawa. THURS., FRI., SAT: Mark Stevens - Richard Widmark Lloyd Nolan - Barbara Lawrence "The Street With No Name" COMING: "My Brother Talks to Horses" Now Playing: • Gary Cooper & Ann SZieridan "GOOD SAM" MON. - TUES. WED. Joan Fontaine, Jimmy Stewart •& Eddie Albert—A small town yarn with real life characters and all the fun of everyday living. "You Gotta Stay Happy" THUR. - FRI. - SAT. Pat O'Brien, Barbara Hale and Dean. Stockwell Technicolor photography makes an unusual picture -story about a boy and his incredible experience, "The Boy with Green Hair" REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH Now Playing: Cary Grant & Betsy Drake in "Every Girl Should Be Married" MON. -, TUES. - WED. Gary Copper, Ann Sheridan and Edmund Lowe — A great story about a great guy, whose good nature knew only one limit. "GOOD SAM" THUR. - FRI, - SAT. Dana Andrews,Jean Peters and Cesar Romero—A heart-warming tale of the sea and the redempo tion of a wayward boy. "DEEP WATERS" Coming: "NO TIME FOR COMEDY" Coining: "SHOW OFF" Red Skelton FEDERATION NEWS On July 2, the Huron County Federation of Agriculture will open up an office in Clinton to be occupied jointly by the Fed- eratibn, Co-operative Automobile Insurance and Co-operative Life Insurance. This office will be in the business section directly opposite the Cold Storage Locker BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St. East Phone 585 CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion &C. Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 661 PROPERTIE'S FOR SALE • • • Seven -room dwelling, with sun porch, bedroom and bath downstairs, two bed- rooms upstairs, garage, good lot, immediate possession. • • • Two-storey brick dwell- ing consisting of large liv- ing room with natural fire- place, dining room, sum porch with electric fireplace, four bedrooms, four -piece bath (modern), hot water heating, garage, landscape lawn, ideal location. Posses- sion 30 days, • • • • Stucco cottage, four rooms, with water, hydro, garage, small quantity of fruit trees, good lot. Possession June 30. • • • H. C. LAWSON REALTOR Phone 251 W— Clinton, Ont. The facilities of this office areyou id make use of it, when in at your disposal and we invite Clinton. THE ABC of the GOSPEL a A. Acknowledge your guilt and need of a Saviour. B. Believe on Christ who died for our sins in our stead to save us. C. Confess and repent of your sins to Jesus and confess Him before men. Read ROMANS 4:5, 10:9. CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles 53, CAL Our First - Anniversary We are now celebrating our first anni- versary in business in Clinton, and want to express to yon, our customers, our sin- cere appreciation for your patronage. We will endeavour to continue to serve you with the best quality meats at the lowest possible prices. Fitzsimons' Meat Market Phone 162 Clinton FARM FOR SALE Approximately 100 acres of clay grassland in Colborne Township, with about 15 acres of bush, well watered. For further particulars, apply to Frank Donnelly, K.C., Goderich, Ont. 26-2 7-28-b FOR JULY AND AUGUST Our phone number will be Clinton 909r24 WILLIAM E. JERVIS CARTAGE HOLMESVILLE SUMMER CASUALS Look Cool! Feel Cool! Be Cool! In a smart shirt and slack Combination from our Iarge selection - SPORT SHIRTS-- ! in plain or check patterns, all shades and sizes, from 3.95 up. SPORT SLACKS— ill Gabardine, Tropical Worsted, Bedford Cords, etc. Plains, stripes and checks. All sizes, 28 to 44 waist. From $7.95 up. Are YOU in the SWIM? You can be if you wear one of our new SWIM SUITS. Made in regular trunk style and the popular Boxer style. All sizes. All colours. from $2.75 ug Visit OUR SACK BAR The newest in MEN'S SOCKS for Summer wear. All new patterns in plain or pastel shades. All sizes. from 75c to 2.25 pr. Pickett 1 Campbell Arrow Shirts Carsons Luggage Stetson Hats PHONE 25 - - - CLINTON