HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-06-30, Page 3THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1949
Happy Workers Meet
The Happy Workers' Club met
at the home of Mrs. Fred Pepper.,
The meeting opened by singing
"Praise God from Whom ell
Blessings Flow," followed by the
Lord's Prayer, There were 14
The roll call was answered by
"will we have meetings in July
and August." The next meeting
was planned for the 'home of Mrs:.
Noble Ifolland• Mrs. William
Glazier won the prize. During
the afternoon a quilt was finished.
A dainty lunch was served by
Group 2 which is• composed of
Mrs. AlbertGlazier, Mrs. Wilfred
Glazier, Mrs. William Holland,
and Mrs. Fred Pepper. Proceeds
of afternoon amounted to $2.43.
and leave the rest to your
f� Aiielementsire
5 -hent awithee.
Accurate, auto.
math control of
heat in True.
Temp oven.
Good cooking is a ''natural'
with your Westinghouse Elec.
tric Range. Five -heat surface
elements (netmerelythree) give
you everything from gentle
SIMMER" cooking to record
"HIGH" speed. And the fully
automatic oven heat control
takes all the guesswork out of
roasting, baking and oven.
cooking. Make a date to see
these beautiful new Westing.
house Ranges today.
#ou q TE .a Westin t 1). 61-,
RANGES $85 up
Clinton Electric Shop
To all owners and harbourers of dogs within
the limits of the Town of Clinton:
As dog licenses are due and payable
March 1st yearly, we have instructed our
Police Force to catch and impound any and
all dogs running at large without a License
Tag, on and after Monday, June 27, 1949.
Captured dogs will be held for 48 hours
at Dr. G. S. Elliott's Veterinary Hospital.
If not claimed and License and Impound-
ing fees paid within the above mentioned time,
any dog so held will be destroyed.
Police Committee of Clinton
Town Council
(Signed) -R. Y. HATTIN, Mayor
BY-LAW NO. 5 FOR 1937
of The Town of Clinton
A By -Law to Amend By -Law No. 5 for 1937
The Corporation of The Town of Clinton enacts as follows:
1. Every person owning, possessing or harboring a dog,
and the head of every household in which any dog is owned,
possessed or harbored in the Town of Clinton, shall annually
register such dog at the office of the Tax Collector of the
said Town.
2. Every person required to register a dog under the.
provisions of this By -Law, shall obtain from the Tax Col-
lector a license for such dog.
3. The fee payable for such license shall be as follows'
Where one dog only, is owned, possessed or harbored
in any one household, for such if a male or spayed
female dog: $2.00, and if a bitch $4.00;
Where more than on dog is owned, possessed or
harbored in any one household, for each additional
male Or spayed female dog: '$4,00, :and for each ad-
ditional bitch, $5.00,
4. For every dog owned, possessed or harbored in the
said Town on or before the 1st day of March in any year,
a license hereunder shall be obtained on or before the 1st
day of March in such year, and for every dog subsequently
acquired or possessed during that year, a license shell be
obtained within fifteen days after such dog has been acquired.
5. No person shall own, keep, possess or harbor in the
said Town any dog for which a license for the current year
hes not been obtained in accordance with this By -Law.
6. Any person contravening any of the provisions of this
By -Law shall be liable to a fine or not more than $10.00,
exclusive of costs, for each infraction thereof.
7. This By -Law passed this 1st day of February, 1987.
' BY-LAW NO. 11 FOR 1948 -
of The Town of Clinton
A By -Law to Amend By -Law No. 5 for 1937
for Licensing and Registration of Dogs:
1. There shell be added to the end of Paragraph 5 of the
said By -Law, the following:
Such Licences shall be in the form of a tag, which
the owner or harborer shall attach to a collar to be
Worn at all times by each dog.
2. There shall be added immediately after Paragraph 5 of '
the said By -Law, the following:
5. (a) Each owner or harborer of a dog shall keep
the same from running at large during the months
of May, June end July in each year.
5. (b) Any dog found running at large during the
months of May, June and July in each year, may be
destroyed by a Police Constable, and any dog found
running at large at any time without a tag, may be
destroyed by a Pollee bonstable.
5. (c) Every owner or harborer of a dog running at
large shall be liable to the owner of en)" property
which may have been damaged or destroyed by Moen
dog so running at large, in the amount of damages
so caused.
3. These amendments shall come into force and effect
immediately on the passing thereof.
Passed this fifth day of July, 1948.
Miss Elizabeth Scott, London,
is holidaying with Mrs: A. Ham
and Miss lMr. and MM, rsS. wAa
toan v
ited with Mr. and Mrs. C. Halstead
in Stratford on Sunday.
Misses Ellen end Ina Scott,
London, are visiting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott,.
Mn and•Mrs, W. McQueen, To-
ronto, and. Mrs. Elsie Forrest of
London, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
A. McQueen.
Decoration Services
The annual Decoration service
was held in Baird's Cemetery
recently when graves of members
of the IOOF, Rebekahs and vet-
erans who had fought in two
wars, were decorated. Rev. E.
R. Stanway , had charge ,of the
services which were well at-
Garden Party Held
The Garden Party, under the
auspices of the managers, was held
on the manse lawn Tuesday even-
ing and was well attended. The
program, which consisted of vocal
numbers by Mrs. F. Kling, Mr.
F. Willis and the Vanderburg.
family from Seaforth; piano solos
by Mrs. Murdock; a reading by
Eva Stackhouse; and musical
numbers by Miss Eva Stackhouse
and Miss Phylis McBride, were
enjoyed. All evening Mr. Vand-
erburg delighted all with music
on the Hammond organ.
Goderich Township
Mn and Mrs. D. Purvis spent
several days last week at their
Lane O'Pines Beach summer
Mr. and Mrs. George Woods,
Detroit, ' spent the weekend at
their cottage at Llan ()Tines
Beach. Beach.
Miss. Alme Barnes, London,
spent the weekend at "Alsaja,"
Lane O'Pines Beach. Her guests
were Miss Edna Wilson, London,
and Miss Burridge, Toronto.
Mr. end Mrs. Cecil Merkley,
Wingham, with their guests, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Hail, Miss Doro-
thy Piper, Mr. Roy Manuel, spent
the weekend at Lane O'Pines
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Bowers
and daughter Carolyn, Detroit,
who are vacationing In Mr. Fred
Wallis' cottage at Lane O'Pines
Beach, had as their weekend
guests Mr. and Mrs. Tom Feeney,
Mrs. B. Jassen, Charles Goodell
and Mrs. A. Montry, all' of De-
16 Sheep Killed
The election didn't cause all
the excitement in Goderich Town-
ship as Reeve J. R. Stirling and
Constable George Little have been
trying to locate sheep dogs that
have killed 15 sheep belonging
to Jack Potter and one belonging
to Rees Jnkins.
Stanley Township
Miss Lois Moffat, London, spent
a few days at her homethis week.
Mrs. Herman Johnson and dau-
ghter of London, are visiting
Mrs. H. Penhale.
Mrs. Glen Deitz and son, Gor-
don Albert, Hensall, visited her
sister, Mrs. Norman Baird, this
Mrs. Fred Robinson and dau-
ghter, Linda Dianne, Toronto, are
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Goldie Graham.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Tebbutt,
Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. O. L.
Paisley, Clinton, and Mr. and Mrs.
Stewart Middleton, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. John H, Mc-
Celebrate Anniversary
Recently, near -by relatives of
the immediate families of Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Clerk, Goshen
Line, Stanley Township, met with,
them at Bayfield Park in honour
of their 25th wedding anniver-
sary. A lovely dinner was sew-
ed and the honoured couple were
presented with a substantial purse
and a wedding cake. The .presen-
tation was made by CIifford Keys,
brother of the bride of 25 years.
and the spoke in well chosen words
groom fittingly replied,
Mr. and Mrs. William Jewitt
and family spent Sunday at Bay-
field. ,
We are pleased to report Mrs.
Joe Riley returned home on Sun-
day where she was a patient in
Clinton hospital.
Verne Dale returned home front
Seaforth hospital on Thursday,
after an operation; we hope for
a speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson,
Geraldton, Ont., left for their
home on Tuesday, after visiting
for a week with their sister, Mrs.;
A. Nicholson and Mr. Nicholson,
We are sorry to learn Mr. Pete
Lindsay is .a patient in Scott
Memorial Hospital. Mr. Lindsay
underwent en operation recently.
We hope for a speedy recovery.
The men of the neighborhood
recently wrecked the church
driving shed, Which . had been a
landmark for good many years.
A small one was rebuilt, which!
is quite an improvement.
Bride -elect Feted
Miss Marion McMillen London,
held a shower at her borne on
June 7, assisted by Miss Doris
Holmes, in honour of Miss Doris
Lawson, bride-to-be. After an
evening of contests, she received
many useful and lovely gifts. A
delicious lunch was served by.
the hostess.
On June 10, Mrs. J. E. Busby,.
Chatham, also held a shower at
her home, assisted by Mrs. Glen
Robertson, in honour of the
bride-to-be. Several contests
were enjoyed, after which she
was showered with many beauti-
ful gifts. A delicious lunch was,
then served.
Prior to her arrival home, Miss
Doris Lawson was presented with
a beautiful table lamp and cheque
by the branch office .staff 'of the
North American Life Assurance
Co. of Louden, where she has been
employed for the past several
Mrs. Earl Lawson held a trous-
seau tea for her daughter, Doris,
on Wednesday afternoon 'and'
Blyth Council Meets
At a special meeting of Blyth
Village Council the tender of
Kkr digging.
aFrank trench anirdby layingof$125 tile foaccording
to the engineer's specifications,,
was accepted.
Names had been submitted to
Council by the various organiza-
tions concerned, to be a control-
ling, board for Blyth Community
Recreational Centre, and on..mo-
hon of Cound lorss..G. Radford
and W. J. Riehl, the list was ac-
cepted. They are: W. J. Ref-
fron, W, N. Watson; C. Galbraith,
A. Meddocks, Mrs. H. Phillips,
Wallace Bell, Lewis Whitfield
and W. .1. Riehl. •
Successful Frolic
The fourth annual frolic sport
evening, June 22. Mrs, Lawson
and. Doris received the guests,
with Miss Muriel Dale and Miss
Marilyn Taylor at the door and
Miss Shirley Busby at the reg-
ister. Mrs. Verne Dale, Mrs,
Cliff Henderson, Mrs. George
Webster, Mrs. Stuart Chamney
and Miss Florence ,Taylor assist.
ed in the different rooms.
In the afternoon, Mrs. William
Webster, Lucknow, and Mrs. Jack
Davidson, Seaforth, poured tea,
and in the evening Mrs. Bert
Ferris, Provost, Alberta, and Mrs.
J. E. Busby, Chatham, poured tea.
Others assisting were Mrs. Roy
Lawson, Mrs. Leslie Lawson, Mrs.
Harvey Taylor and. Mrs. Lorne
cared by Blyth branch No. 420,
Canadian Legion, in 'Agricultural
Park here Thursday evening,
June 23, was a decided suceess.
Fine weather and a Marge crowd
made the members of the' Legion
happy. The evening's entertain-
menit began with a scheduled ball
game between Blyth Dukes and
Lucknow Sepoys, which resulted terY.
in a win for Lucknow, 8-6. Bat-
teries: Lueknow, A, Hackett, Tre-
leaven; Blyth, W. Terms, Bert
Gray. The Blyth Lions Club
Boys' and Girls' Band made their
first outdoor appearance of the
season and provided music for the
A special attraction was the
draw for a new Plymouth sedan
on which the Legion had sold
tickets. It was won by Robert
Yuill, Belgrave, who had bought
a new car this spring, Huron
County Warden John Armstrong.
turned the churn to mix the tick-
ets; Stewart Henry, Blyth, a blind
war veteran, drew the lucky
piece of paper; and. George Mc -
Nail, president of the local branch,
read out the name of the winner.
A second draw was made for a
new bicycle, on which each child
under 12 years buying a ticket to
the grounds had received' a ticket.
This was won by Wayne Jack-
son, elder, son of Dr. and Mrs. K.
G. Jackson,
After the draws, a spectacular
display of fireworks was present-
ed. The evening's entertainment
concluded, with a welt -patronized
donee in 1Vlemorfal Hall, with
music by Wilbee's Orchestra.
BRUSSELS -Funeral services.
for Mrs. Lake, 68, widow_ of John
Lake, were conducted at her late
home . in Brussels, by Rev. Hugh
Wilson, United Church. Inter -
Mein was made in Brussels. Came -
Barn and Cellar Sash, in stock
Check Rail, Casement, Transom
available in two weeks
Asphalt Shingles, Roll Roofings,
Aluminum Roofing, Building, Papers
Sheetrock, Ten -Test, Beaver Board
Plywood • Masonite S Arborite
Paints, Enamels and Varnishes
J. W. Counter
Builders' Supplies
Phone 290M Delivery CLINTON
DASHWOOD-Owner of hods
in Listowel, Tii'lsonburg, Credit-
on, Parkhill and Dashwood, as
well as a Grand Bend restaurant,
Alex J. Service, 80, died at his
home here after a long illness, He
Was a native' of Salford.
Competitive Prices plus Personal Srevice
Specials and Reminders for 'Fhurs., Fri. and Sat.
Stoc% up eoe' You leave
Don't wait' until the. last minute to shop for your
vacation needs -here we have listed some of the many
needs which help to make your holiday a more enjoy-
able one.
612 Insect Repellant ., 59e
Velvetta 622 Insect Re-
venant ' 49e
Tantoo Insect Repellant, 57e
Ivy -Dry Poison Ivy
Lotion 590
Poison Ivy Lotion, I.DA.
Brand 29c, 59e
Oil of Citronella,
I.D.A. Brand 25e
Olympene for bites, 75e, 1.25
Velvetta Suntan Cream, 39e
Noxzema Suntan Creme
or Oil 30e, 600
Noxzema Cream for Sun-
burn .. 21e, 49e, 69e, $1.39
Unguentine for sunburn,
etc. 000, $1.20
Snowtan 49c
Tan -Gel 65o, $1.65
First Aid Kits, 89e,
$1.50, $2.75 up
Baby Brownie .... $3.00
Target Brownies, 6.72, 8.12
Brownie Reflex .. $11.76
Duaflox $14.56
Kodak Tourists, $25.25 up
Films, all popular prices,
32e, 37e, 48c, etc.
A.B.S. and C. Tablets, I.D.A. Brand, loos, reg. 23, 17c
Penetrating Liniment, I.D.A., 4 oz., reg. 45c . , .. 33c
Sulphur, I.D.A. Brand, 16 oz., reg. 15c 1 1 c
Cold Cream, Evelyn Howard, 1 lb., reg. 69c 54c
Witch Hazel, I.D.A. Brand, 4 oz., reg. 25c 19c
A.S.A. Tablets, 1008, 300s 19; 49c
Attachment Sets, Combination 39c
Combs, Ladies' Dressing, 10c value . , . 8c, 2 for 15c
Powder Puffs 9c, 3 for 25c
Cotton Picker, Bauer and Black 50c
Revlon Aquamarine Lotion $1.00
.Cook lard 9eel `3'ielk!
Pond's Angel Face .. $1.15
Certified Body Rub, 29c, 89c
= Velvetta Bath Salts .. 69c
1Iudnut Gemey Cologne, 1.75
Lady Esther Face Cream
34c, 65c, 93c, $1.50
YARDLEY Fragrance
Cologne $1.50
Lotus Cologne, $1.50, 2.50
35e, 59c
t 39c, 59e
Arrid Crea
NonspS 49c, 89e
Invitingyouto visit
a and is//M c � 1
to be opened soon on
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