HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-06-30, Page 1THE NEW ERA -84th YEAR ecorTHE; NEWS -RECORD -71st YEAR No. 26 CLINTON, ONTARIO, T1-11JRSDAY, JUNE 30, 1949 The Home Paper with the Nevis CardiffWins North Huron 521;MeLean Huron-Perthl7l Liberals' Victory Is Complete 1r it ; f ix$t CO1U inn= NIRS. G. E. SAVILLE ENJOYED new potatoes from her own gar- den on Friday, June 24, and stat- ed that it was a real treat to have them so early Mrs. Saville stated that it had just taken six weeks for the potatoes to mature . They were of a good size and had quite a good number in a hill . • * • CLINTON'S MAIN HIGHWAY intersection was subjected to the activities of several "tiiaffic meters" for two days last week :.. Officials of the Ontario Depart- ment of Highways, as promised to the Town Council deputation which went to Toronto recently, arrived pronto to take a traffic census, with the idea in mind of. installing traffic lights at the intersection of King's Highways 4 and 8, if traffic warranted them . , FINISHING UP THE FEDERAL Election campaign—this time with detailed results - The NEWS - RECORD finds itself very short of space in .to -day's issue, with the result that several important stories had to be left over until next week These included reports of the Masonic and Lions installations, presentations to Rev. Andrew and Mrs. Lane, sports stories, Town Council and Canad- ian Legion meetings, as well as weddings and obituaries HURON -PERTH DETAILS Township of Fullerton Seven polls 384 362 30 —Plurality for McKinley — 22 Township of Hibbert Four polls ' 269 505 14 —Plurality for McLean — 236 Township of Usborne Seven polls 446 325 31 —Plurality for McKinley -121 Town of Exeter Seven polls ..,684 584 86 Plurality for McKinley -100 Township of Hay 1—C. Knight's 48 56 2 2—H, McEwen's 49 66 3 3—Schilbe, Turkh'm 133 176 5 4—Ed, Beaver's . 106 135 5 5—J. Jeffery's 26 88 0 6—C. Oestreicher's 106 98 4 7—G. Dater' , . . 32 49 0 8—E. Corriveau's 22 93 0 Totals 522 - 761 19 —Plurality for McLean -239 Township of Stephen 1—•G. Hepburn's , 104 76 11 2—H. Fahner's 76 26 11 3—H. Lewis' , 69 102 9 4—Ed. Beaver's , 92 100 19 5—J. Mawhinney's 28 80 4 6—R. Goetz' . 130 81 12 7 -J. Houlahan's . 37 70 2 8—Wm, Love's . 86 14 2 9—Bestard's, Warp's 119 106 20 Totals 741 655 90 —Plurality for McKinley— 86 Township of Mullett 1—G. Leitch's 95 66 22 2-J, McEwing's 57 57 2 3--J, Flynn's 37 67 4 4—G. Brown's 94 69 11 5—I. Hoggart's 32 23 3 6—E. Youngblut's , 79 48 3 7—Mrs, Brednock's 66 72 4 Totals 460 402 49 —Plurality for McKinley — 58 Township of Stanley 1—W. Sinclair's , . 57 49 3 2—W. Caldwell's . 45 70 4 3—W, L. Mellis' , . 46 42 0 4—R. McAEister's 191 18 1 5—Mrs. M. Elliott's 85 13 0 6—C. Campbell's . 78 63 0 7—P. Bestard's 23 43 0 8—F. Fowiie's 124 61 9 Totals 649 - 359 17 —Plurality for McKinley -290 Township of Mexillop 1.—J. J. Wa1sh's ' 23 202 4 2—J. B. Hogg's , 114 78 20 ' 3—L. Leeming's 87 108 24 4-11. Alexander's . 98 76 22 Totals 322 464 70 Plurality for McLean — 142 Township of Tuckersmith 1—W. Devereaux' . 105 95 6 2—Mrs. Flannery's 98 106 3 3—G. McGregor's. 62 86 5 4-1. Broadfoot's . 78 77 6 5—G. Bell's 65 70 1 6—I. Forsyth's 54 63 7 Totals 462 497. 28 —Plurality for McLean — 35 Village of Mensal' Two polis .l .. , . 198 207 3 --Plurality for McLean - 9 Town of Seaforth Six polls . 507 702 28 —Plurality for McLean — 195 Township of Logan Seven polls 430 565 34, —Plurality for McLean — 135 Town of Mitchell Five polls 622 479 37 —Plurality for McKinley -143 Grand totals . 6,696 6,867 536 -Plurality for McLean over McKinley -171 The Weather 1949 1948 High Low High Low June 23 83 50 88 64 24 87 62 86 70 jr 25 83 68 76 59 26 89 58 80 55 27 81 63 79 64 29 89 69 88 70 Rain:.31 inches Rain: .52 inches McKinley and McLean -Each Wins Seven Municipalities McKinley McLean Peters Polls (PC) (Lib.) (CCF) Fullarton (7) 384 362 30 ' , Hibbert (5) • 269 505 94 Usborne (7) 446 325 31 Exeter (7) ' 684 584 8,6 e' , Hay (9) 0 522 761 19 Stephen (10) 741 655 90 Hu19ett (7)� 460 402 49 Stanley (8) 649 35,9 17 McKillop (4) 322 464 70 Tuckersmith (6) 462 497 28 Hensal'1 (2) 198 207 3 Seaforth (6) 507 702 28 Logan (7) 430 ' 565 34 Mitchell ' (6) 622 479 37 Grand totals (91) 6,696 6,867 536 —Plurality for McLean aver McKinley — 171 Victor in Huron -Perth ANDREW Y. MoLEAN, MBE BAYFIELD LIONS INSTAL TED MACK NEW PRESIDENT About 60 sat down to Bayfield Lions Ciub "Ladies' Night" din- ner at The Little Inn on June 22. The Invocation was by Rev. 1'. G. Stotesbury, followed by a sing- song led by Ken Merner. After dinner there was another sing -song before Ted Mack pro- posed the toast to the Ladies, Mrs, Ted Davies replied quite charm- ingly. Deputy District Governor Mel Traquair, Exeter, spoke briefly ,and he expressed the gen- eral regret felt that Rev. F. G. Stotesbury, a charter member of the Bayfield Club was leaving the district. The Reverend gent- leman's influence had contribut- ed greatly to the club, he felt, and would be grealy missed. Grant Turner, the retiring president, made the presentation of favours to the ladies which were Berkley -ware butter and mayonnaise dishes Mrs. Bob Stirling won the door prize, a large silver relish dish. Grant Turner expressed th' feeling of loss, not only to the club, but that the village as a whole would experience in Mr. Stotesbury's removal. He ,had during his four years pastorate here, taken a keen interest ` in every phase of village life and contributed greatly to the crea- tion of a greater community spirit. .In appreciation of his ef- forts in the Lions,Club, he pre- sented him with a leather brief case on which his name was' embossed. Mr. Stotsbury was taken by surprise, but madean appropriate reply in which he expressed his thanks and wished the club well in the future. Reg. Francis gave the statement for 1948. Mel Traquair installed the of- ficers for 1949 which are as follows: President, Ted Mack; lst vice-president, Charles Scotch - mer; 2nd vice-president, J. E. Hovey; 3rd vice-president, Spen- cer Ervine; secretary, Reg. Fran- cis; treasurer, Les Elliott; Lion tamer, Ted Davies; tail twister, Grant Stirling; song leader, Bob Welsh; directors: Elgin Porter. Jack Seo'tchmer, Jack Howard, Alf. Scotchmer. There followed a violin solo by Bob Person, Clinton, accompanied by Mrs. Oliver Welsh. Miss Mary Elliott, accompanied by her mo- ther, Mrs. Roy Elliott, Goderich Township, favoured with a vocal solo. A magic show was given by Gerry Fulton, and another violin solo by Bob Person. Both the latter are stationed et the RCAF •School, Clinton. A most enjoyable evening, closed with the singing of the National Anthem. - o TWO BAND CONCERTS Clinton Citizens' Band is plan- ning to entertain the folk at Huron County Home on Sunday afternoon when a concert is to be presented there. In the even- ing, the band will give a concert in Clinton Community Park, to which all citizens are invited. MIDDLE SCHOOL RESULTS Grade XI (Only those subjects for which Departmental certificates are granted have been graded). ANDREWS, JOYCE—Eng.; Anc • • Hist. C; Alg. II; Phys. I; ' French. ARKELL, ROSEMARIE — Eng.; Anc. Hist, I; AIg. III; Agr. Sc. .11; French; Com.; Home Eco- nomics. ARMSTRONG, KENNETH—Eng.; • Alg. C; Agr. Sc. II; Com,; Shop Work. BELL, EVELYN — Eng.; Ane. Hist. I; Alg, I; Agr. Sc. I; Com.; Horne Economics, CAMPBELL, JEAN — Eng,; Ane. • Hist. II; Alg. II; Phys. I; French; Home Economics. CHOWEN, WILLIAM—Eng,; Agr. Sc. III, CHUTER,. VIVIAN—Eng,; Home Economies. COOPER, SHIRLEY—Eng,; Alg C; Phys. C; French; Home Economics. COX, MADELON—Eng.; Alg, II; Agr. Sc. C; Com.; Home Eco- nomics. DENOMME, FRANCIS — Eng?; Ane, Hist. I; Alg. III; Phys. II; Latin, French. DURHAM, MARGARET — Eng.; Anc. Hist. II; AIg. II; Phys, II; Latin; French.' ELLIOTT, GERALD—Eng.; Anc. Hist. III; Alg. C; Agr, Se, I; French; Corn. GIBBINGS, JEANNE—Eng,; Anc, Hist. III; Alg. III; Phys. II; Latin; French. GLEW, ANNA—Eng.; Anc. Hist. I; Alg. I; Phys. I; Latin; French. HANLY, PHYLLIS — Eng,; Anc. Hist. I; Alg. I; Latin; French. JONES, MARION — Eng.; Anc. Hist. III; Alg, II; Phys. I; French; Home Economics, KEYES, JEAN—Eng.; Anc. Hist, C; Alg. II; Agr. Sc. 1I; French; Home Economics. KYLE, MARY—Eng.; Anc, Hist. C; Com.; Home Economics. LANE, GORDON — Eng.; Anc, Hist. III; Alg. 1II; Phys. II; French. McKENZIE, DONALD — Eng,; Anc, Hist, I; Alg, I; Phys. I; Latin; French. McKINLEY, JEAN — Eng.; Anc, Hist. C; Alg. I; Agr. Sc. I; French; Com, McNALL, DONALD—Eng.; Anc, Hist. II; Alg. I; Agr. Sc. I; Com. MALTBY, CAMERON — Eng.; Anc, Hist. I; Alg. I; Phys. I; Latin; French. MANNING, GAIL — Eng.; Anc. Hist, I;; Alg, I; Phys, I; Latin; French. MUSTARD, MARJORIE — Eng.; Com.; Horne Economics. NEDIGER, WILLIAM—Eng,; Anc, Hist, I; Alg, I; Phys. I; Latin; French. OLIVER, AUDREY—Eng,; Anc, Hist. II; Alg. I; Phys. II; Latin; French. PECKITT, JOHN — Eng.; Anc., Hist, IIT; Alg. C; Agr.. Sc. II; Com. PORTER, MARGARET — Eng.; Alg. C; Agr. Sc. III; Com.; Home Economics. RATHWELL, JOHN—Eng.; Anc. Hist. II; Alg. 1; Agr, Se. I; French; Com.; Shop Work. SHADDOCK, ANN — Eng.; Anc. Hist. III; Mg. II; Phys. II; Latin; French. STIRLING, MARIE— Eng.; Anc. Hist, II; Alg. I; Agr. Se. I; Com,; Horne Economics. TAYLOR, ROBERT —Eng.; Alg. II; Agr. Sc. II; Corn.; Shop TEBBUTT, LEWIS — Eng.; Anc. Hist. I: Alg. I; Phys. I; Latin; French. THOMPSON, YVONNE — Eng.; Anc. Hist. I; Alg, I; Phys. I; Latin; French. WATT, JESSIE—Eng,; Anc, Hist, C; Alg. C; Agr. Sc, III; French; Com.; Home Economics. WOOD, KENNETH ;Eng.; Ana Hist. I; Alg. I; Phys, I; Latin; French, (Results of Lower School Pro- motion Examinations are pub, lished on Page Eight of this issue). ELECTION RETURNS BY PROVINCES Final party .standing by provinces: Party Total Nfld. PEI NS NB ' Que. Ont. Man. Sask. Alta. BC Yuk. Lib. 193 5 3 9 8 68 56 12 15 5 11 1 P.C. 42 2 1 3 2 2 25 1' 1 2 3 0 C.C.F. 12 0 0 1 6 0 1 3 4 0 3 0 S.C. 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 Ind. 4 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 Ind. -L. 1 0 0 0' 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Total 262. 7 4 13 10 73 83 16 20 17 18 1 Prime Minister Louis St. Laur- ent and his victorious Liberals moved confidently, into another five years as Canada's governing party in the wake of the greatest political triumph in the history of the nation. Monday with a `smashing gen- eral election victory that was es breath -taking as it was decisive, they captured 193 of the 262 seats in the new House of Commons to command an ,unprecedented parliamentary majority of 121 votes.' Putting "1949' .'into an im- pressive roll of ,Liberal election victories over the past 14 years - 1935, 1945 and 1940'—they reduc- ed the CCF to minor -party status and crushed the hopes of George Drew's Progressivet, Conservatives that they might this time regain the federal power they lost in 1931 When the final votes were counted end the last seat won and lost, the party standing fell into this ):,iberal-dominant pattern: Liberals, 193; Progressive Con- servatives, 42; CCF, 12; Social Credit, 10; Independents, four; Independent -Liberal, one. By contrast, this was the standing after the 1945 election for a 245 -seat house, Liberals, 118; Progressive Con- servatives, 66; CCF 28; Social Credit 13; Independents, eight; Independent -Liberals, seven; oth- ers, five. As Canadians voted in record numbers, the government rolled up roughly 50 per cent of the popular vote, with the Progressive Conservative total just. over 30 per cent and the CCF between 13 and 14 per cent. It was en election triumph that outdid any previous political victory on Canadian record. Cardiff in North Huron Lewis Elston Cardiff was one of the 42 Progressive Conserva- tives elected to the House of Commons, retaining the North Huron seat, which he has held since 1940, by a plurality of 521 over R. S. Hetherington, Liberal, and a clear majority of 28 over both • Hetherington`. and H. C. Burrows; CCF. The final count, exclusive of the service vote which likely will be made known Saturday, was: Cardiff, ' 6,954; Hetherington, 6,433; Burrows, 493. In the count, the ultimate win- ner was never behind. When final returns were made known, Mr. Cardiff toured the riding and received congratulations. He spoke briefly from the Post Office Square, Clinton, thanking his supporters. McLean in Huron -Perth Huron -Perth staged one of the closest battles of the campaign when Andrew Y. McLean, Lib- eral, had a plurality of 171 over Elgin McKinley, Progressive Con- servative, but failed to gain ma- jority over McKinley, and Rev. J. R. Peters, CCF. Exelusive of the service vote, which not likely will change the result, the final count stood: Mc- Lean, 6,867; McKinley*, 6,696; Peters, 538. c� etionati i Elwin Merrill is holidaying in Toronto, Belleville end Kingston. cion. Miss Alice Beveridge, Regina, Sask,, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bartliff. Mr.. and Mrs, John Todd, Souris, Man,, are visiting the latter's sis- ter, Miss Mabel. Rathweli. Mr. and Mrs, R. H. McCarter, Roseland, were guests recently of Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Corless, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Davies, London., spent the weekend with Mrs. V.D. Falconer, Princess St. W. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Cooper have returned after visiting their dau- ghter, Mrs. Percy Elliott, Port Colborne. Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Oakes were in Toronto at the end of the week attending the wedding of the Tat- ter's nephew. Rev. R. M. ' P. Bulteel left Mon- day to spend the month of July with his son-in-law and deugh- ter•in Vancouver, B.C. Gordon Cuningheme will re- turn home this week having en- joyed the month of Juneat their summer home at Bayfield. • -Mrs. Army Martinson •has re- turned' to her home in Winnipeg after spending some months vis- iting her sister, Mrs. 11. B. Combe. (Continued on Page Four) e. COMING EVENTS Ye Olde Tyrie Barn Dance, Crystal Palace Ballroom, Mitchell, Friday night. Don Robertson and Ranch Boys. Entire proceeds for Lions Swimming Pool. 26-p The office of 11. H. McInnes, Chiropractor end Drugless Thera- pist, in, Hotel Clinton, is closed for vacation and will reopen an July 29, 26-b The annual memorial service at Ball's Cemetery, Auburn, will be held at the Cemetery on Sun- day, July 3, at 7.30 p.m. Rev. J. Honeyman of Knox Presbyterian Church, Auburn, will have charge 26-b Huron -Perth OBA' Baseball, Clinton Comxriunity Park, Mon- day, July 4, 6.30 p.m., Hensall PC Candidate is Victorious In 9 of 14 Municipalities Burrows Cardiff Hetherington Polls (CCF) (PC) (Lib.) Ashfield . (7) 22 436 442 Blyth. (2) 4 239 139 Brussels (3) 11 283 216' Clinton (8) 41 763 613 Colborne (4) 18 224 262 Goder1ch, town (18) 156 1,217 1,451 Goderich Twp, (6) 32 499 278 Grey (7) 31 498 440 Howick (8) 42 665 666 Morr+is (6) 20 496 '346 Turnberry (4) 43 325 300 East WawanoJh (5) 4 305 282 West Wawaalosh (6) 13 3.48 ' 313 Wingham (8) 56 656 693 Grand totals (92) 493 6,954 6,433 —Plurality for Cardiff over Hetherington -521 —Majority for Cardiff over all , , , , .—• 28 MIDDLE SCHOOL RESULTS Grade XII ARKELL, KENNETH — Eng. II; Mod. Hist. I; Geom. II; Agr. Sc. I; Corn. II; Shop Work II, BAYLEY, EDNA—Eng. I; Mod. Hist, I; Geom. C; Chem. III; Latin I; French I. BEATTY, MARY—Eng. C; Mod. Hist. C; Geom. C; Agr. Sc. C; French III; Home Econom- ics I. CAMPBELL, GAROLYN—Eng. II; Mod. Hist. II; Geom. II; Agr. Sc. II; French II; Com. II. CLARE, GROVER—Eng: III; Mod. Hist. II; Geom. I; Agr. Sc. II; Com. II; Shop Work II. COUSINEAU, MICHAEL — Eng. III; Mod, Hist. I. FORD, NANCY — Eng. 'I; Mod. Hist. I; Geom. d; Chem. I; Latin Il• French II. GARON, JEANNE—Eng. I; Mod, Hist. I; Geom. I; Chem. II; Latin II; French I. GLEW, KATHLEEN — Eng. II; Mod. Hist, II'; Geony, , 71; Chem. C; Latin III; French II. HILL, MARION — Eng. II; Mod. Hist, III: Geom. C; Agr. Sc. C; Com. III; Home Economies I. HOLLAND, MARGARET—Eng. I; Mod. Hist. I; Geom. I; Agr. Se. I; French I; Horne Eco- nomies I. LEMMON, WILLIAM — Eng. II; Mod. Hist. I; Geom. I; Chem, I; Latin C; French III. LOVE, HELEN — Eng, II; Mod. Hist. I; Geom, II; Agr, Sc. I; French II; Com, I. LYON, FRANCES—Eng. I; Mod. Hist. I; Geom, 1; Chem, I; Latin I; French L MacDONALD—EVELYN — Eng. III; Mod, Hist, C; Geom. III; Agr. Sc. C; French C; Com. II, McCONNELL, JOHN — Eng. ,C; Mod. Hist. II; Geom. I; Agr, Sc. II; French C; Com. II. McGUIRE, DOROTHY — Eng. II; Mod. Hist. I; Geom. 1; Chem. III; Latin II; French I. McNALL, DF4LORES — Eng. C; Geom, I; Agr. Sc. 11. PHILLIPS, SHIRLEY — Eng. I; Mod. Hist. I; Geom. II; Agr, Sc. I; French 1I; ' Com. I. POTTER, ELIZABETH -Eng. III; Mod. Hist. III; Geom. I; Agr. Se. I; French II; Corn. I. SHANABAN, DONALD—Eng. C; Mod. Hist. C; Geom. C; French C. SHANAHAN, PHYLLIS—Eng. II; Mod. Hist. II; Geom, C; Agr, Sc. III; French III; Com. II. SHOBBROOKE, THELMA—Eng. II; Mod. Hist. III; Geom. I; Agr. Sc. 1I; Corn, 1; Home Economics I. SMITH, NORMAN—Eng. C; Mod. Hist. II; Geom. II; Agr. Sc, II; Corn. III. SPEIR, ROBERT—Eng. C; Mod. Hist. III; Geom. C; Agr. Sc. II; French I; Com. C. STEPHENSON, JOYCE—Eng, II; Mod. Hist. III; Geom. II; Agr. Se. II; French II; Horne Eco- nomics I. THOMPSON, MARY -- Eng. C; Mod. Hist. II; Geom. C; Chem C; Latin C; French C. WALLACE, IRMA—Eng. II; Mod. Hist. I; Geom. II; Agr. Sc. C; French III; Com. I. WATSON, EDWARD — Eng. C; Mod. Hist. C. WILSON, ALEX—Eng. C; Mod. Hist. C; Agr. Sc. C; French C; Com, C. WOOD, LOIS—Eng. I; Mod. Hist. I; Geom. I; chem. I; Latin I; French L Local Normal School Students Successful Clinton students attending Strat- ford Normal School have all been successful in their chosen studies and are being congratulated by their friends. The students in- cluded; Trixie Forsyth, James Leonard Johnson, Anna Doreen McGuire and Corona Mary Wen- dorf. Another name of local interest is that of Ruth Irene Jefferson, RR, 1, Munro, a niece of G. H. Jefferson, principal of Ciintdn Public School The pupilshave all been suc- cessful in obtaining schools and will teach at the following points, beginning with the fent tern: Trixie Forsyth will go•to Hamil- ton City; Leonard Johnson is to teach at Tynd'all's School in Goderieh Township; Doreen Mc- Guire hap obtained a school in Stanley Township in the Bruce= field area; and Corona Wendorf goes to the Harlock school in vs: Clinton Colts. 26-b Mullett Township. North Huron Winner L. ELSTON CARDIFF Tuckersmith Farmer Wins Lions' Tractor A Tuckersmith farmer, John, Sinolair, 40, R.R. 1, Kippen, was the lucky winner of the draw at Clinton Lions Street Frolic which attracted a very Large attendance last night. Given the choice of an automobile or a tractor, he chose the tractor, a Massey -Harris "44." The ticket, number 27, had been sold to Mr. Sinclair some time ago by J. Howard Brunsdon, who, incidentally, is Massey - Harris agent. The draw was made shortly after midnight, with C. H. Epps, general chairman of the Street Frolic Committee, and J, G, MoLay, president of the Lions Club, in charge. The ticket stubs were turned in a huge drum located beside the Town Hall, and Cecil Carrick, a boy picked from the crowd, drew the lucky ticket. A fuller report of the Street Frolic will be published in next week's issue. 0 LOCAL CHURCHES TO UNITE DURING JULY AND AUGUST Four Clinton churches will unite in two churches during the months of July and August. The churches thus co-operating are St. Paul's Anglican, Clinton Pres- byterian, Ontario St. and Wes- ley -Willis United Churches, In July St, Paul's Anglican will meet in Clinton Presbyterian Church with Rev. D. J. Lane in charge. During this period ex- tensive renovations will be un- dertaken in St. Paul's Church. During August Rev. R. M. P. Bulteel will have charge of the two congregations services being held in St. Paul's Church. As is their annual custom, the United Churches will join forces for the summer months. The; congregations will worship in Ontario St. Church in July with Rev. W. J. Woolfrey in charge. In August the services will be in Wesley -Willis Church with the new minister, Rev. Hugh C. Wilson, in charge, This arrangement gives each of the minister, organists and choirs a month's vacation. • During July and August, the Baptist Church will hold its wor- ship service in the morning in- stead of the evening. HOLIDAY HOURS Postmaster G. M. Counter, Clin- ton, has announced that the fol- lowing hours will be in effect on the holidey, Friday, July 1: The wicket will be open for two hours, 10.30 to 11.30 a.m., and 2.30 to 3.30 p.m. The lobby will remain open for the usual holiday period. Party Standing As Vote Results 1949 1945 Liberal 193 118 Progressive Con. 42 66 C.0 F 12 28. Social Credit 10 ' 13 Independent 4 8 Independent Liberal 11 7 5 Totals ' •<. 262 245 NORTH HURON DETAILS Eaz • r Vv 0y. Township of Ashfield 1—Dungannon 0 94 53 2—Finlay's School 13 94 37 3 --Orange Hall ... 2 , 85 70 4—Port Albert .. 5 66 44 5—Kingsbridge .. , 0 18 104 6—Ferrish's 1 36 64 ' 7—McKenzie's 1 43 70 • 442 Totals 22 436 -Plurality for Hetherington --6 • Village of Blyth 1—Radio Shop. 3 121 68 2—Memorial Hall 1 118 65 'r Totals 4 - 239 131 —Plurality for Cardiff -108 Village of Brussels 1—Town Hall 1 106 92 2—Clerk's office , 5 73 . 60 3 -Public Library .. 5 104 64 Totals 11 - 283 216 —Plurality for Cardiff -87 Town of Clinton la—(A-J) Town Hall 2 94 64 lb—(K-Z) Town Hall 3 86 68 5 - 10 2a—(A-J) Scribbins' 3 114' 132 76 2b—(K-Z) Scribbins' 7 97 87 10 - 211 163 3a—(A-J) LionsArena 8 111 66 3b—(K-Z)LionsArena 3 107 88 - 218 4a—(A-J) McEwan's 154 3 105 177 4b—(K-Z) R. Jervis' 12 49 87 15 154 164 Grand totals .., 41 - 763 613 —Plurality for Cardiff -150 Township of Colborne 1—Benmiller 5 79 58 2—Saltford 11 26 59 3—Township Hall , 2 79 92 4--Chisholm's , , 0 40 53 Totals. , . 18 224 262 —Plurality. for Hetherington -38 Town. of Goderich I8 polls 156 1,217 1,451 —Plurality for Hetherington -234 Township of Goderich 1—Orange Hall , , . 15 106 58 2—Lorne Rodges' .. 8 86 46 3—Wm. McGuire's . 4 97 54 4—Harold Tyndall's 1 65 29 5—Arthur Hebden's 3 85 50 6—Mrs. W. Yee's .. 1 69 41 Totals 32 - 499 278 —Plurality for Cardiff -221 Township of Grey 1—No. 4 School 1 68 48 2—No. 1 School , , 0 79 48 3—No. 2 School , , 2 53 55 4—Moncrieff 6 58 71 5—Ethel 17 110 90 6—No. 5 School 3 61 68 7—Cranbrook 2 69 60 Totals 31 - 498 440 —Plurality for Cardiff -58 Township of Howick 1—No, 1 School . , 7 87 54 2—Gadke's 7 54 120 3—Gorrle 4 177 102 4—Fordwich 16 160 479 5—No, 18 School , 5 59 90 6—Newbridge 0 48 52 7—Wroxeter 3 80 61 Totals 42 665 666 —Plurality for Hetherington -1 Township of Morris 1—No, 1 School 3 80 61 2—No, 9 School . , 5 89 55 3—No. 5 School 2 71 65 4—Township Hall .. 3 107 36 5—No. 7 School 1 85 47 6—No, 10 School 6 64 82 20 - 496 346 Plurality for Cardiff -150 T1—No. . of 20 b 111berr4 102 2—Bluevale 2 84 82 3—No. 9 School , , 8 81 45 4—No. 3 School , , 13 66 71 Totals 43 325 300 —Plurality for Cardiff -25 Township of East Wawanosh 1—McGowan's School 0 38 38 2—No, 13 School . 0 94 80 3—No. 4—John 1 48 64 5—Auburn 0 53 39 Totals 4 305 282 --Plurality for Cardiff -23 Township of West Wawanosh 1—Dungannon ... , 10 91 52 2—Auburn 0 91 62 3—Township Hall 0 50 32 4—St. Helen's , , , 1 38 61 5—Patrons' Hall . , 2 62 54 6—St. Augustine . , , 0 16 52 Totals 13 348 313 —Plurality for Cardiff -35 Town of 'WVtngham Eight, polls 56 856 693 —Plurality for Hetherington -37 Grand totals . , 493 6,954 6,433 —Plurality for Cardiff over Hetherington— 521. —Majority for Cardiff over all -28, PETTY THEFTS Residents of King St. are be- ing subjected to a series of petty pilferings and would be greatly pleased if this were stopped. The home of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Nickle was entered and the sum of $8 removed from Mrs. Nielcle'a purse. Misses Walkinshaw had their dawn mower stolen at the end a the Week. A Senile , for Today A postcard from Italy tells of a group of British tourists enjoy- ing the scenic views of Italy. En - route the party stopped at Pisa end it was there that dear old lady, after a keen serutinyof the famous leaning tower, was. beard to say, "If that had happened .In England they'd have spared no effort to put it right"