HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-06-09, Page 9°Ji1tottSDAY, • Ns .0; 1949 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE NINE News -Record Classified Adlets Bring Quick Res ufts ;RATE—(If paid by Wed- ,'" following date of inner- 41(m)—One cent a word first in- sertion (minimum 35 cents); sub- sequent insertions one cent a word ,(minimum 25 cents); 15 eents ex- .3ra for box number or for direc- cion to NEWS -RECORD Office. IF CHARGED --15 cents extra. DEADLINE-6p.m. Wednesday^ ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT TWO FURNISHED ROOMS with coking privileges, central loca- `tion. Phone 461. 23-b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1940 FORD TUDOR SEDAN in .:excellent condition. Phone Clin- ton 373W, after 5 p.m. 23-b 1949 MERCURY, 8,000 MILES, .radio, heater, air conditioned, -every extra. $2,495. Area Sparks, three miles north of Bayfield, ,concession 4. 23-p ';MODEL "T" FORD COUPE, good •runningorder,, new tires. Phone2 'Clinton 802r3.'" BUILDINGS FOR SALE =FRAME BARN, 34'x50'. Percy Carter; phone Blyth 28r8. 23-24-p LUMBER FOR • SALE GOOD USED LUMBER for sale, all kind bond timber and square timber. Apply George Baird, Wingham. 23-24-p NOTICES ANY PERSON found trespassing on property below railway. -tracks which is being' used as—a' chicken ranch will be prosecuted by order of owner, Arthur St. Amens, Clinton. 23-24-p NOTICE - ANYONE FOUND trespassing on Part Lots No. 41, 51, both sides of river, Tucker - smith Township at any time hereafter will be prosecuted by order of the owner, A. E. Parry. March 31, 1949. 13-15ptfb PERSONAL CORN OR CALLOUSES WON'T mar your joy, if Lloyd's Corn Salve you do employ. 50 cents at Pennebaker's Drug. Store. 23-b. POULTRY FOR SALE 400 NEW HAMPSHIRE X ROCK Pullets. H. Managhan, phone 376W. 23-b TWO -WEEK-OLD STARTED Chicks, Non -sexed Barred Rocks BICYCLES FOR SALE $21:95, Pullets: New Hampshires, Barred Rocks $30.95, White Leg - horns $33.95, Black Minorca X White Leghorns $34.95. Cock- erels, Barred Rocks, Black Aust - EQUIPMENT FOR SALE ralorps $20.95. Three -week-old, add 5 cents per Chick. Also IRON PUMP AND JACK, 30 feet other breeds. Also day -olds, 12 -piping; seven foot binder in good pure breeds and 13 cross breeds 'shape; Quebec riding plow. Jack non -sexed, pullets or heavy cock - Menke, phone 802r5. 23-p erels. Turkey poults. Send for reduced price list • for June. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries .Limit- ed, Fergus, Ontario. 23-b LADY'S NEW CCM BICYCLE; one man's second-hand bicycle. .J. S. Snider, Albert St. 23-p 'NEW IDEA "EASY -WAY" HAY :Loaders, mowers . and manure :spreaders. Also some good used machinery in stock. New Idea Distributors, Goderich, Ont. phone :Carlow 2821. 23-24-p •ONE LINE SHAFT, 18' LONG, hangers and pulleys; also one saw' frame with 16" rip saw. IL D. Cameron, corner Huron and Orange Sts. 23-p FARMS FOR SALE 100 ACRES, sugar bush, ample :timber for fuel and lumber and fencing. Buildings and 30 acres ;cleared workable land. One new )hay rack 16x7aa ft. with rolling lRNop13Bussell Bent- ley, n ey, he B4r33, 21-24-b FURNITURE FOR SALE PROPERTY FOR SALE GENERAL STORE and Residence (Summerhill), well- established business. For further particulars see Harold Lobb or phone 802r3. 23-p PIANO TUNING. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS to all makes. Cleaning, de-moth- ing, free estimates. Write or phone William N. Gould,, 314W, Clinton. 1-btfb STOVES FOR SALE. COLEMAN.. THREE - BURNER gasoline stove in good condition. Mrs. Ira Merrill, RR. 2, Clinton, phone Clinton 902r16. 23-x S PECIAL! SOLID OAK DINING DIANA BANNER COOK STOVE, ✓ oom suite, dark oil finish; med- good baker, reservoir, shelf, burns ium size chest of drawers; kitchen goal or wood. Phone 615r41. cabinet. Bert Langford, Clinton. . . 23-24-p 23-p `THREE-PIECE CHESTERFIELD „Suite, , rust ; colour, in,,,good .con- .dition. Mrs, Noble Holland, phone 17r22: • • . ::23-24-b, • HELP WANTED, FEMALE LADY WANTED FOR °GENERAL liandywork. Good wages. Apply Clinton 'Grill, 23 24r=p' HELP WANTED ., CLEM FOR POST OFFICE, must be accurate at figures. Apply to Postmester, Clinton. 23-b, MISCELLANEOUS SAWS; ALL KINDS FILED AT C. Hoare's orchard, mile north of town. Will work odd days, harvesting, etc. 22-29-p NEW SINGER Sewing Machines— cabinet and portable electric, also treadle machines; repairs to all makes. Singer Sewing Centre, '78 Ontario St., Stratford: ltfb ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitablefor mirk feed will pay more than-, fertillzer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead phone at once. Phone soliect, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, ••Goder- ich. 2btfb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE PIGS, SIX WEEKS OLD. Apply "Harold Tyndall, phone 905r2, 23-b SEVEN YORKSHIRE P I G S, six weeks old, D'Arcy Rathwell, phone 627r6. 23-p 12 PIGS, SEVEN WEEKS OLD. Keith Tyndall, phone 807r23. 23-b SEVEN PIGS, SIX :WEEKS OLD. Apply Douglas Farquhar, phone 'Clinton 805r5. 23-b 13 YORKSHIRE PIGS READY TO wean. Apply Theodore Dale, phone 800r25. 23-p JERSEY COW, SIX YEARS OLD, to freshen end of June. Russell Grainger, Zurich, phone Bayfield 80:3, 23-b TWO YORKSHIRE SOWS due to farrow intwo weeks time; 12 chunks. These pigs are a real fine bunch. Alex Sparks, three miles north of Bayfield, conces- sion 4. 23-p LOST AND FOUND REASONABLY PRICED Kitchen Stove with over: thermometer and reservoir; also two burner, elec- tric plate ,with. insulted'. oven. M. •Wallis, Egerton Beach, Bay- field+.f ` 22-23-p TENDERS; TENDERS WAITED TO HAUL all school `chil"dren froth, SS,'lEb. '8, God'emich Township, 'td, Bay- field ,.School, commencing Septem- ber 1, 1999. Certified cheque for one-tenth of amount must accompany tender. Lowest or tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders tcabe in hands of. Under- signed by' June , }8 Crliarle.s Wallis, secretary -treasurer,. S. S. No. 8, R.R. 1, )3ayfrelclee:, .23-b LOST — BLACK AND BROWN dog, with white markings, pert 'hound and part terrier, answers to name of Timmie. Anyone knowing whereabouts please phone Clinton 616r5. 23-24-b;; TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED up to June 24 for decorating the inside of No. 4 School and the outside of No. 1 School, Goderich Township School Area; This work is to be done by brush. • Frank Yeo, secretary -treasurer. 23-24.b TRUCKS FOR SALE 1948 HALF -TON DODGE PICK - up truck in good condition. Low mileage. Apply R. B. Quance, phone Clinton 488M. 23-p TRAILER FOR RENT CABIN TRAILER ON PREMISES of Arthur Fulford, North St. Rent quite reasonable. Phone 73. 23-24-b WANTED SECOND-HAND PIANO in good condition. Write to P:O. Box 402, Clinton. 23-24-p BIRTHS TOWN COUNCIL BRAITHWAITE—In Clinton Pub_ PLANS TO ACT lic Hospital, on Saturday, June 4, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. George ON NEW PAVING Braithwaite, Exeter, a drau ghter., • LOBB—In Clinton Public. Hos-,, (Continued from Page Five) pitah on Saturday, June 4, 1949, progress a the building Town underpins ng, to' Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn W. and the fencing of the dumping Lelia, RR. 2, Clinton, a dau-ground. Library work has gone McGREghter.GOR—In Scott Mernorial down 12 feet on account of Hospittel, Seaforth, on Wednes- quicksand' day, June 1, 1949, to Mr. and Street Construction Mrs. Rex McGregor, Egmond- ;- Reeve Nott reported contact ville, (nee Dorothy Cook, Clin- ing the County Engineer and his ton), a son (stillborn). approval of Levis Contracting Co. PARKER—In Minneapolis, Minn., street construction contract. The on Thursday, May 26, 1949, to amount Was ordered paid in full. Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Park- Highway Paving er (formerly Mary E. Ross, The Reeve read a letter from Niece of Misses le, and W. the Minister of Highways with O'Neil) a daughter (Melissa reference to paving that part of Ann). King's Highways Nos. 4 and 8, SWITZER — In Clinton Public which form the connecting links Hospital, on Tuesday, June 7, through the town. 1949, to Mr. and Mrs, Donald Send Deputation Switzer, Clinton, inton' a daughter. After some discussion, a mo- MARRIAGES.tion was passed that Mayor 'Hat - tin, Reeve Nott as Street Chair- BASTOCK--CAMPBELL—I•n St. man, and Ald. Trewartha, as Paul's Anglican, Church, on Finance chairman, be appointed Saturday, June 4, 1949, by Rev. as a deputation to meet the R.. M. P. Bulteel, Jessie Mae, proper authorities in . Toronto re• daughter of Mrs. Campbell and the paving of that part of the the late -George B. Campbell, highways which form part of the to Herbert Leonard, son. of Mr. town's main streets. and Mrs. H. A. Bastock, Regina, Ald. Hartley reported repairs Sask. and placing new roof on the EVANS-CARTER—In Ontario 5t. cemetery tool house. United Church, Clinton, on Ald. Trewartha read the Fin- ance report for May whioh was adopted. Tourist Camp License Council approved renewal of tourist camp license to Douglas R. McLean, the renewal fee of $2.50 to be retained by the Clerk and Treasurer, according to reg- ulations, Saturday, June 4, 1949, by Rev. 'W. J. Woolfrey, Marion Joyce, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman L. Carter, Clinton, to Leonard Cherries, younger son of the ]ate'Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Evans, Strathroy. EVANS-MILLER—In Sheri4ourne St. United Church, Toronto, on Saturday, May 21, 1949, by Rev. A: E McKenzie, Freda Coral, youngest daughter of Mrs. Mil- ler and the late Henry Miller, Clinton, to Robert Leonard ' Evans, onlyson of Mr. Robert Evens and the late Mrs. Evans, Westville, .Nova Scotia. LEEMING - WATSON — In 5t. Andrew's United Church, Bay- field, at 2 p.m. on Saturday, June 4, 1949, by Rev. F. G. Stotesbury, Ethel, only daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wat- son, Bronson Line, Stanley Township, to William J. Leem- ing, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thom- as Leeming, McKillop Town- ship. MACAULAY-SHADDOCK — In Clinton Presbyterian Church, on Saturday afternoon, June. 4, 1949, by Rev. D. J. Lane,'Ilelen • Grate,' elder' daughter of Mrs. Shad'dock and the late William Shaddock, Clinton, • `• to LAC William Stuart Macaulay, Goose Bay,: :Labrador, son df Mr. and Mrs. William J. Macaulay; Winnipeg, Man. • 43,4:.4;41 -4 :M« , wa r. -4MMW'•4ON HW'H:«41 $; ;£ 3f ' PROPERTIES ' FOR SALE .t 4 One -storey, seven -room 3 X dwelling; hydro, water, 4/.• re 4 acre of land with hen house. _: Early possession.. Price .g al $2,200. ; ,: • • • • 3$ Stucco cottage, four rooms, e with water, hydro, garage, € P small quantity of fruit trees, $ good lot. Possession June 30. ;t� • • -• H. C. LAWSON s s REALTOR re Phone 251W — Clinton, Ont. WANTED 50 strawberry Pickers Apply .immediately to F. W. ANDREWS -Phone '33 Clinton 21-btfb DEATHS COX—At' the home of her dau : CATTLE:. 12 Durham cows, ghter Mrs.. Austin Harris, Godo ; ranging from 5 years ..to an aged ;rich Township, ona'Saur•day, ,cow . A11 the :cows•. are milking 1 June, 4,, 49,' Annie :13a `Woods, beloved. wife of the late Her-' bert Cox,. in her ,68th' year: Funeral from the Beattie Fur} eral Home,'. RattenburiyeSt E Clinton, to Maitland Cetiletory, on Monday after oo 4; June 6. COCKERDINE;—'At' the h01ne' of her daughter;' .2080 rQueeri E., Toronto,.,on• Tuesday, June' 7, 1949; Agnes Isabella Sander- son; widow of George: Cocker- line, formerly' of atearidesboro,' dearly,.,beloved mother .of Mrs. George, Hunter •(Lillian);::To= rontoa and E. Wesley. Ceeker- . line,. Montreal. Funeral from the Treater :enema •Home, 1111 Danforth Ave„ • on. Thursday. . afternoon, to Pine Hill's Ceme- tery, Toronto. FERGUSON — In Bayfield, on Monday, June, 6, 1949,, follow- ing a short illness, Leonora Govenlock, beloved wife of William L. Ferguson, in her 68th year. Funeral from. Knox Presbyterian Church, Bayfield, to Bayfield Cemetery, on Tues- day, June 7. Council approved payment of $300 to M. McAdam, as part pay- ment on the Town Hall building repair project. 0 CARD OF -THANKS Mr. J. R. Murdock wishes to express sincere thanks and ap- preciation to all his friends for their kindness in remembering him with gifts flowers and calls while he was a patient in Clinton Public Hospital and also to the doctors and the Hospital staff. 23-b AUCTION SALE of FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS at Lot. No. 7, Concession 13, Huliett Township, 114 miles • north of 'Londesboro, and 5 miles east of No: 4 Highway, ' on .. Thursday, June' 16 at 12.30 p.m. sharp, the following: HORSES: Matched team of Percheron mares, 8 years old. LO.O.F. NOTES Upwards of 100 attended the regular meeting of Huronic Re- bekah Lodge on Monday evening when a number of Members of Amber Lodge, Hensa'll, were guests. During the evening, the Clinton degree team, under the capable direction of Sister Mery Nediger presented the degree and initiated six members into the Clinton Lodge and four members for the visitors. Delicious re- freshments rounded out a very pleasant evening. ROXY THEATRE CAPITAL THEATRE REGENT THEATRE CLINTON GODERICH SEAFORTH NOW PLAYING: Gregory Peck -' Dorothy McGuire "Gentleman's' Agreement" Mon., Tues., Wed. "Life With Father" William Powell - Irene` Dunne Edmund Gwenn Elizabeth Taylor — IN TECHNICOLOR — Thurs., Fri., Sat. "Three Godfathers" — 1N TECHNICOLOR — John Wayne Pedro Armendoriz Harry Carey, Jr. A legend of the Southwest JUNE 20th—DOUBLE BILL "ARTHUR TAKES OVER" and "DANGEROUS YEARS" Now: "ARTHUR TAKES OVER" and "DANGEROUS YEARS" MON., TUES., WED. Adult Entertainment "JOHNNY BELINDA" Top picture of the year and one of the best of all times, a story of mother -love and its problems. Jane Wyman - Lew Ayres and Charles Bickford THURS., FRI., SAT Butch Jenkins - Peter Lawford Beverly Tyler—It's romantic! It's exciting! It's different! It's a great story about a boy and his whims. "My Brother Talks to Horses" Edward Arnold & Charlie Ruggles Coming: "The Aventures of Robin Hood" Now: Frank Sinatra and Techni- color is "The KISSING BANDIT* MON., TUES., WED. Vivien Leigh - Ralph Richardson & Peggy Swift—Telling an ap- • pealing story of a woman you will never forget. "ANNA . KARENINA" Thurs., Fri., Sat.—Two Features Lois Collier - 'Richard Crane & Ann Todd—A gob and his gal provide one. of•the season's bright- est comedies. "Arthur Takes Over" William Halop - Scotty Beckett & Richard Graine—Bring to the Regent screen a dramatic tale of modern, youth. "Dangerous Years" Coming: "JOHNNY BELINDA" Adult Entertainment AUCTION SALE of HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS from home of Mrs. Herb Castle, Victoria St„ Clinton, on Saturday, June 18 at 2 p.m. sharp, the following: 2 bedroom suites; 2 inner -spring mattresses; 2 studio couches (nearly new); 2 wicker rocking chairs; cherry drop-leaf table; 4 dining room chairs; floor lamp; sideboard; 3 tables (kitchenette size); 6 kitchen chairs; kitchen cabinet; electric kelvinetor (5 cu. ft. capacity); . electric rangette; 2 two -burner hot plates; congol- eum rug 9'x12'; Quebec heater; New Williams drop -head sewing machine; kichen cupboard; dishes, cooking utensils, sealers, and numerous other articles. TERMS—CASH No reserve as the proprietress is renting her house. MRS. HERB. CASTLE, Proprietress EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. Colquhoun, Clerk. 23-24-b 0 and bred again. •Purebred•Short- 'horn bull, 4 yrs. old with papers,. RegsitenedeNo. 282587,;.,6 4yearling' steers and heifers,12.' winter caves -g " < ,Ir' . IMPLEMEN'15:`' Ceekshutt "Nor 70• Tractor;•^'eockehtitt•'3'kfurrow tractor •plow;' Cockshuttarla-inch gtain grinder'" with' Mull ' speed jaek; Sawyer 1V3assee 36=50 grain separator with cutter: 't ' 6 -inch belts, 50 fret long; M. -H. binder, tt, cut; M. -H. 11 -hoe fertilizer Orin; M. -H. mower, 6 ft. cut; M. -H. • hay loader; M. -H. side - delivery rake; M. -H. sulky rake; M. -H. • 2 -row , cultivator; Oliver manure spreader; John Deere 2- row corn planter; McCormick spring tooth cultivator; tandem disc; 6 sections of harrows; 2,000_ lb. beam scale; 2 farm wagons; set of bench sleighs; flat rack; 2 hay racks; turnip drill; buggy, cutter; walking plow; Grimm maple syrup evaporator 3'x12'; also a supply tank end gathering tank; 100 sap buckets and spiles; electric fencer; 31 h.p. electric motor; 1/6 h.p. electric motor; set of breeching harness; set of driving harness; horse collars; 2 range shelters; 300 feet of snow fence; cream separator; emery stone; forks, shovels, logging chain; whiffle trees, end num- erous other articles. TERMS—CASH No reserve as farm is sold. NORMAN SHEPHERD, Proprietor EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. Colquhoun, Clerk 23-b THEY'RE NEW! THEY'RE DIFFERENT! "Ties From the Skies" ZODIACS by Abbey, 42 exciting new patterns, each one bearing a zodiac sign, one for each month of the year. Buy yours to -day, aril read your own horoscope. $1.50 each "I't's Smart to be Odd," and when it comes to ODD SLACKS, we have lots of them; over 200 pair of Gabardines, Tropicals and Flannels, sizes 28 to 44. • $7.95 to $2230 pr. Sport Shirts and Sport Shoes DON'T FORGET! June 41` is Air Force Day. Pay your respects tb the RCAF by visiting the RCAF Stallion, Clinton, on Saturday. They will be glad to show you around. c\We are pleased to pub- lish that: we supplied the blue leather jackets for the Cltinfton RCAF hockey telatn, group finIalj'sts this past se'a- Son. Pickett & Campbell Stetson Hats Arrow Shirts PHONE 25 - CLINTON ATTENTION, FARMERS! Hail Insurance The next 60 days • are vital to you. Protect your CROP investment with HAII. INSURANCE. i H. C. LAWSON Phone 251W, Insurance ,• - - Real1state 21-btfb ASHTON'S., • •TAXI • • for fast service PHONE 110 15-tfb BOWLING BITS (by MWS) "Presidents' Night" was held on Wednesday ' evening last at the Clinton Lawn Bowling green when Mrs. G. W. Nott and J. A. Sutter, presidents of the ladies' and men's clubs, sponsored the opening jitney of the season. Prizes were awarded as follows: ladies—Mrs. William Ross, Mrs. H. Fairservice; men's — Robert Vodden, Edward Dale; special prize, Caryl Draper; spider win- ner, Mrs. H. Elvidge; a draw on a cake donated by Mrs. Nott was won by John Snider. There will be a mixed jitney at the greens to -night (Thurs- day, Jane 9). HURON COUNTY REVISED TAX RATE 8 MILLS (Continued from Page Five) as well as any. Thanking the members for their co-operation, he asked commit- tees to keep well within esti- mates. He announced that Council would visit the County Home Wednesday, and after lunch there, would proceed to London to visit University of Western Ontario. BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents • ' ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St. East Phone 585 CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion K.C. Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 662 THE GOSPEL "F'or God so loved the world, that He gave his.... Only, begotten Soil', that whosoever beli&,eth in Him should not Perish, but have Everlasting Life." John 3 :16. CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles 53, Calif. -We ,carry a •conaplete sock. Of P'"LUMB;ING HECLA FURNACES CLARE BROS. STOVES HUCH R. HAWKINS PLUMBING and HEATING Phone 244 - - Clinton Oearylow*Hoilia Lsin zowe . ; HIGH STANDARD HOUSE PAINT FLOOR ENAMEL Interior and Exterior Specially formulated for extra toughness. Covers cement as well as wood. Eight attractive colors. For indoor and outdoor use. Price: Gallons 6.40 Quarts $2.00 1/2 Pints .65 an. 4i`°mrt Bial Al: Sfn br•HNIGr13 PAINT 'iff1 House. -PAINT '( For the first coat use Lowe! Brothers "260 Primer White". This forms an all -covering elastic film, a perfect and uniform foundation for the second coat, Lowe Brothers High Standard House Paint This 2 -coat treatment gives maxi- mum coverage, long-lasting beauty and protection. Price: Gallons $6.30, Quarts 31,9E 1211W6ir!I2ta` areeasier to work with, do a smoother job. They won't shed onto a wet surface, carry more paint and wear longer. D. A. KAY and Son Painters and Decorators Huron St. PHONE 234W Clinton