HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-05-26, Page 4PAGE FOUR ODDPELLOWS AND REBEKAHS ATTEND SERVICE CIinton Lodge IOOF No. 33, and Huronic Rebekah Lodge No. 306 attended Divine Worship in Ontario St. United Church on Sunday evening, May 15: The service was in charge of the minister, Rev. W, J. Woolf- rey, who chose to speak on the subject, "Faith." Mr. Woolfrey referred to the international picttrre stating that unless our representatives at the' International conferences such as United Nations and the meetings of foreign ministers and so on took Christ to these meetings, the world could hope for nothing else than World War III. "It is -Christ end Christ alone that can save this world from destruction, and surely after two such conflagrations as we have come through the majority of the people realize that they must put their faith in Christ and His cause," the speaker declared. Mr. Woolfrey touched on the individual side at things. - If a man can go to Church on Sunday and then play the part of the devil en Monday he might better have stayed home in the first place. But if a man does go to Church on Sunday and then con- ducts his business ie a Christian manner. on Monday, that man will prosper, Mr. Woolfrey's message was a direct challenge for each person to have a living faith in God and then lives ' by it every day. Mrs, Edward Wendorf presided et the organ throughout the ser- vice and led the choir in the singing of the anthem' "Sun of my Soul," in which Misses Cor- onna Wendorf and Elva Wiltse had solo parts. Mrs. 13, Gordon Bennett also favoured with a solo "Beside Still Waters." Buy Your STRAW HAT NOW! While our Selection is Complete Men's and Boys' Colored or Plain - Priced from 15c to 75c Light cool durable Mesh Helmets, colored Ivory Silver or Sand -29c to 55c CANVAS SUMMER FOOTWEAR CANVAS RUBBER' SOLE SHOE with heel, ideal for light comfortable wear -- $2,75 CANVAS CREPE SOLE SHOE, is back again either Oxford or boot style - $3,25 and $3.50 AIKEN'S with logkrZ Interior Gloss Paint • Is your kitchen bright and plea\,snt to work in? If not, come in and let us tell you how to give it a "beauty treat- ment" with FIo-glaze Interior Gloss Paint. This paint is exceptionally easy to apply, leaves no brush marks, looks, feels, and washes like enamel. See the attractive, light -reflecting colors avail- able -anti brighten up your kitchen "4iS we t: rl,J lrt.:.ut'5 ?,y: MARTINS PHONE 36J PHONE 36W PERSONALS Miss Norma Streets has joined the staff of • Ball and Mutoh as bookkeeper and stenographer. Miss Shirely G. Sutter is yi ing her brother-in-law and sist Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Robbs Crediton. Mr. end Mrs. Thomas Bell a small son, Negritos, Peru, a visiting the lady's parents, M and Mrs, William F. Corson. Mrs. W. T. Hawkins left Tu day for Kirkland Lake to vi her son-in-law and daughter, Mr and Mrs. Al W. Smith. Mrs. Dorothy Brunsdon h joined the staff of Ellwood Ep Sport Shop as bookkeeper sur eeding Miss Jessie Campbell wh being marired June 4. Mr, and Mrs. John G, Ma Kinnon, Toronto, were weeken and holiday visitors at the hom of the latter's mother, Mrs: T. Hawkins, Elwin Merrill and Benson Su tar spent the weekend in Wind sor where they attended the firers' Congress of London Con ference YFU of the Unite Church of Canada. Miss Olga Karchut, Edmonto Alta., who has had considerabl experience in he home city, has taken a positio n Clinton Public Utilities offs Mr. and Mrs. James A. McGill nd daughter, Miss Kathleen pent the weekend in Hamiito where they attended the marring f Mrs. McGill's niece, Miss Dor thy Nethery. Mr. and Mrs. J, Cree Cook ccompanied by the letter's broth r -in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs Bell, Detroit, left on Pride ast for a motor trip through th bates, travelling as far west a ritish Columbia. They expec • be gone a month. Miss Mary E. Lane hes com leted her third year at the Uni ersity of Toronto end is spend ng a short vaoation at the ho in her parents, Rev. and Mrs ndrew Lane, before leaving fo employment at Ba piing Hotel, Alta. Mrs. Humphrey Snell and hes rster, Mrs. Carl Beranek, who as spent the past six weeks in linton and vicinity left on Fri - ay last for Denver, Col., the atter', home. Mrs. Snell ex- erts to spend a couple of months Denver and then go to North akota to visit her former home nd before returning to her ome in Clinton will spend some me on the west coast, Squadron Leader A. P. Crow - y, RAF, Mrs. Crowley and two children, Kenneth and Lorna, ve taken up residence in the Churchill house at the corner of bert and Mill Sts. Mrs. Crow - y and children sailed from verpool, England, May 17, on e 'Empress of Canada," erriv- g in Montreal on Tuesday and ached Clinton by motor' yest- day afternoon. t. Paul'sWA Hears ,it- er, ns, nd re r, es - sit as ps ho c- -W0 - W. . t- Of- a. n, Ie r ca, n e y e a 0 0 a e E 1 5 B p v 0 A s S si h C 0 in D a h ti le ha Al le Li th in re er S Report of Meeting The WA of St. Paul's Church met at the horn of Mrs. Fred Hudie on Tuesday, May 17. A large number of members at- tended. The president, Mrs. Hudie, was assisted by Misses Holmes and Slomen in the opening service, Mrs. Bulteel's concise account of the various events in connection with- the annual meeting held in London recently, was enjoyed. Each address was carefully re- ported and many helpful hints were received. The members are very grateful to Mrs. Bulteel for her unstinted efforts in this report. s et me or nff • CLEARANCE SALE of Electrical Appliances ELECTRIC TOASTERS, 3.95 for $2.95 ELECTRIC IRONS '1 0.80 for $4.95 ELECTRIC KETTLES, 11.95 for $9.95 Clearance Sale of Paint MURPHY NARVO •ENAMEL QUARTS, reg. 2.25 for $1.85---%2 PINTS, reg. .70 for .55 Special for Friday, Fair Day 10% Discount on all Aluminum and Enamelled Utensils BALL and MUTCH D. G. BALL Phone 361-W Funeral Directors Phone 195 W. J. MUTCH Phone 361-3 CLINTps NEWS -RECORD Engagements Announced Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Edward Sturgeon, Bayfield, wish to an- nounce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Jeanne Luc- ille, to Francis John Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank And- erson, Science Hill, The wedding will; take place June 25 at 12 o'clock in the St. Andrew's United Church, Bayfield. Church Directory Wesley -Willis United Church REV. ANDREW LANE, Minister Mrs. Morgan J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, May 29 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship Flower Sunday, 12.15 -Sunday School 7.00 p.m. -Evening Worship Baptist Church REV. A. FORSYTH, Minister Mrs,: Ernest Adams, Organist T. R. Butler, Choir Leader Sunday, May 29 11.15 , am, --Sunday . School 7.00 p.m. -Worship Service, Guest preacher - Rev. J. B. McLaurin, BA, DD, secretary, Canadian Baptist Foreign Mission Board. EVERYONE WELCOME Pentecostal Church Matilda St., South of CNR REV. H. KENDRICK, Pastor Sunday, May 29 e 2.00 p.m. -Sunday School 3.00 p.m. -Worship; come and hear our new assistant pastor, CIayton Warriner, graduate of Eastern Pente- costal Bible College, Toronto. 7.30 p.m. -Five reasons why Christ Dame. Thursday, 4.30 p.m. - Sunshine Corner, A Children's Hour; 8.00 p.m. -Bible Study. You are invited. THUESDAY, MAY ' 20, 1849 Presbyterian V 'M'S Hears About Trip There was a good attx+ndanoo at the May meeting of Clinton Presbyterian WM'S, held at the 'home of Urs, John Snider, The president opened the meeting With prayer. A hymn was sung and ,Mrs. Scott, and Mrs. Shad - dock concluded the deeotipns. Current events were ably given by Mrs. Charles Twitchell who described a trip to the Orient by the student secretary, Miss Pel- ton. Mrs. James Malcins gave a splendid resume of the Chapter in the Study Book entitled "Tale - van re-entered". A large quanti- ty of gifts for the layette and for Birtle Indican School were brou- ght in for the bele, The June meeting will be held in Stanley when a report will be. given on thes recent Synodical meeting held in Goderieh, The meeting closed with prayer after which the hostess served re- freshments, 0 Presbyterian Girls' Club Holds Meetin>r The Girls' Club of Clinton Pres- byterian Church held its monthly meeting at the home of. Mrs. Frank MacDonald with a good attendance, The meeting opened with the singing of a hymn foll- owed by Mrs, Dick Jacob reading the Scripture lesson and Mrs. Bob Cook leading, in prayer. Th'a minutes were read and ad- opted and the roll call was an- swered by a Missionary Current Event, The treasurer's report was given, after which the bus- ness of the evening wes discuss - d. Mrs. Lane gave an account of the Synodical meeting which was held in Goderieh, The meeting closed with the singing.of a hymn and the repeat- ing of the Mizpah Benediction, A social half hour was spent when a delicious lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Sam Castle, Jr. 0 Presbyterian Church REV. D. J. LANE, Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist • and Choir Leader Sunday, May 29 10,00 a.m.--Sunday Sehool 11.00 a.m.-Divine Worship "Are People Responsible for Idle Words." 2.30 p.m. -Service at Rayfield. Sunday, June 5: The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed. All Welcome Ontario St. United Church REV. W. J. WOOLFREY, Minister Mrs. E. Wendorf, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, May 29 11.00 a.m.-Morning Service 12.15 p.m. -Sunday School 7.00 p.m, -Evening Worship St. Paul's Anglican Church REV. R, M. P. BULTEEL, Rector ars. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader Sunday, May 29 11.00 a.m.-Morning prayer and Sunday School. 7,00 p.m. -Evening Worship COME IN AND SEE ter trizna ELECTRIC WASHERS Outstanding value 1 O Come in and see our nev,s Dominion Washers. You'll be as proud to own me as we are to show thorn to you. New, atiracti,,e streamlined appeaxar,ce, Naw Penne-Seal action washes cleaner. PRICE: $149.50 GROVES ELECTRIC PHONE 274 16,00O'Brick : For Sale White Brick, in Good Condition, First -Class Building Material. Located at Dublin SEE US FOR QUOTATION! 500 -GALLON FUEL TANK 1935 INTERNATIONAL TRUCK, Half -ton panel MITCHEAL McADAM General Contractor Post Office Box 448 Clinton 21-b :!: cal A`;ateele,'»' keel lel site et r M'� eaIree4et II»5 ++ i - • • - i 1 Try to Attend . . . x 3 in ST. PAUL'S PARISH HALL, CLINTON Blossom Tea. Under auspices of Friendship Club SATURDAY, MAY 28 RF from 3 to 6 p.m. Aprons - Novelties - Homebaking and Candy COME ONE! COME ALL! .11111.11110111011111041011110110111~4101111"1101W «T»«F?Q4«t•$4-044:wW`.A+`.�+%M'�"'.3«;4+T`d`+.C.«I!!i;:!4.2«ktm-4i+2iSPat VI Q ttuctatioln is extended to all ladies accompanyin g their sons and husbands on SPRING SHOW DAY to come in and browse around • through our store. We will try to sake your visit to Olinbon a pleasant one. Feel free to come in and if we are busy, go through the racks yourself and, see if there is anything here to your liking. We have an abundance of SUMMER DRESSES BLOUSES' SKIRTS and SLACKS at the lowest possible prices. We are still offering all remaining SUITS - COATS and SHORTIES at 25% off. DO COME IN, WON'T YOU? IRW1N'S To Make Your Wedding Complete . . P \ I We Specialize in Cake Decorat ing BARTLIFF BROS. Bakers and Confectioners PHONE 1 CLINTON • To Cherish Beautiful Wedding Forever ... PORTRAITS Bridal loveliness, captured forever in a beautiful wedding portrait by Fowler Bros. . . , a cherished reminder of this happiest of days. Call Clinton 84 for appointment. Jowte i /i iotzej3 PHOTOGRAPHERS Phone 84 ' McEwan's Clinton Also Studios in Mitchell and Stratford