HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-05-19, Page 7ei ITRSDAY, MAY 19; 1949' CLINTO,ei NEWS RECORD Town Council In Action Clinton Town Cornell had a usy session'at, itsMrs_p meeting, ' M► tttbly etatethette I Advisee was„ rettleed horn 3. G* mba, District Engiiieet of rriicip' 1 Road's, thee' Wee dem' artiiieetut was requesting amonth - ent of e+l1 street .t erisuranee protection Kenneth W. Colgirhoun, by etteit requested the Veivi1ege of Vlewing tile' tmAm s instuaniee' roteetible It was eigeeested'thrie '•,ldiid over until later in the eason:- Police Holiday Night Constable Edward Craig uested that his •liglidays start` y 16, and this was left to the lace Committee. It was sage, d that Week Heins; be Set- g constable" iit' the absence ' of Constable 'Craig. N,Ibtlu s passed included • following: Municipal Association That .'Council :apRrove iete' ,far- mation` of a eeiiein Bounty 11'2un- icipal Officers +-Aasociiation, and the payment of membership 'fee, bf $10 for 19,19.,-- r. Shore Parking Spare That • 'Council grant • Superior' Store the'' privilege of rese'r`ving u ten -foot parking space`; at the Telleds'cif each day 2s-regirested they to sleepy ; sign ea suggested' iii written application Nee, Street Liget That Council approve",placing a street light on' Rattenbury St. F., as requested by a sig -nee pet- ition of ratetieeeis Advertising That Cournoii approve plan of, an advertisement' and' story of Clinton highlights in 100th ann- iyersary.• issue, of The London Free Press'' early in June at a. Dost of about' $35, Payment ,to Contractor xhat, 'subject' to npeedval of either` the 'County or District En - tSJ`jei the Whether youre pobiting C -1-L PAINTS can take it! They have the lasting beauty, the rugged resistance to we`ar and weather, whie'li'Mean true paint economy. A For walls and woodwork, use Interior Gloss, Semi-Gloss'or Flat Wall Paint ... C.I-L Varnishes for natural wood. ;I,LuX.,Enamel is ideal for iurnTture Oniete s crus in, Yee, and automobiles, too. Goes. ori smoothly ; `dries.quickly'- and bow it lasts! See your C -1•L Paint beater '.I.ere.'s a C' -I -L Finish for every painting need. Whenever you paint ...'whatever you paint ..: it pays to see your C I -L Paint Dealer first. Sutter -- Perdue • RAGE SEVEN s°„at Hens It • W. GrARFIELD CASE, ex -MP for Grey North, who will speaeing ata public' meeting in Hensall on Thursday,. Mey. 19. effete, Council approve an ad- vance' pay'nient of $2,500 to Levis Contracting Co. on the recent street contract • that Council• ep prove payment of $92.50 • to • Lavis Contracting Co., for grading and work with the bulldozer ' `et dumping .ground. Direct Relief That Council approve direct relief "assistance to amount of $15 per mouth` 'to two people, as urged by investigator cd the Old Age Pensions Commission, pay - menu to, date trete June 1, 1949. Replace Sidewalk That Council approve agree-' mefft with Supertest Petroleum to replace about 500 sq. feet• of sidewalk at Le'yton's service station at an approximate cod of $175, half of which is to be borne by Town of Cltiion, • Taxi License That Council approve issue of additional taxi Jen at a fee of $10;• according' to 'by-law, to Clifford Ashton. '`'Cigarette Licenses That Council” aliproVe issueend renewal 'of cigarette and tobacc& licenses to '21" Yuma and individ-' ua'is • to April 30, 1950; subjer"t to' approval of the Chief of 'Police: Tax By -Hair By-law Na ir foe' 1949 was passed• to authorize levy' and col- tectibn of taxes on 1948 assess-' merit.' Youth and Mother Wirt in Acc c1 ni A 22 -year-old 'youth and' his mother were injured Tuesday, May 10, in a oar. -truck crash on Main street Henvalt. Howard Adkins, R.R. 2, . Hen- sall, received two fractured -ribs, and his mother, Mrs. Henry Adk- ins, lacerations to her forehead when a car driven by the youth was in collision with a gasoline truck owned by Hensel" District Co -Operative and driven by Gar- net efousseau. The truck driver was uninjured. Police said both vehicles were traveling west on Elizabeth street when the truck turned left onto King street. The car, traveling directly behind the truck, crash- ed into the side of the truck. The injured were treated at the office of Dr. J. C. Goddard, Hen- sel', and taken home. Continuous Quality Is Quality You Trust SAME PRICE AS 1N 1886 SPRING WEDDINGS SMITH'' WREN 4•'tovely spring wedding was solemnized at,the home of Mr. and Mrs Gordon Wren,:Kippen,; when their only daughter, Alice Eiiz- abeth, London, became the bridle of• Thombs.H: Smtth,•Loridon, son of Mr. and Mrs: •Thomas"Smith, Chatham. Baskets of spring flow- ers 'forineil are attractive setting for the ceremony which was per- formed by Rev. A. E.'"• Hinton, nitaister 'of St. `Andrew's United Church; Ktppen Given 'in naeriage by her fath- er, the bride wore a miler 'Wale street length dres's with a corsage of reef roues: She wore the groom's gift a two• strand` of pearls with' matching' earrings: Mrs, R. McGuire, London, was .matron of ' honor weerieg gr sills crepe with black accesso' caths+ corsage' of punk roses J' Sthith, Loedon, brother of the groom' was best' reran. For their wedding trip to Ham - Mort and. Niagara Fall's the bride we' a• nMe blue costume with wine shortie coat• end accessories'. in'"grey They `will' re'si'de hi Lon- don:' SPARKS.-McPHEE A pretty'' wedding wet solemn ized at Kin Presbyterian Church Manse, Goderiele on• Wednesday May 11, when Lola Joyce, daugh ter' of Mr. and. Mrs. Chester Mc Phee, Auburn, was united in Marriage ' to Ross Lyle Sparks, Goilerieh, son of Mr. acid IVfrs. Ross Sparks, Goderich. Rev. G. MacMillan officiated. Tice' bride looked charming i a • pink gabr.rd ire• 'suit' with navy accessoriets and corsage of pink carnations and red • roses, Mi June McPhee, twin sister of 'th bride, Was bridesmaid'; wearing a powder blue suit with corsage of leek•end red carnations. Mr, Mac Sparks •was his brother's. best man Following the wedding cere- mony a: receetion was' held at the 'home 'of- the 'bride's parents. The bride's mother received 'Wearing an orchid' and' 'white flowered dress, and assisted by the. bridegroom's mother, who was dressed in navy blue crepe. The home' was decorated in pink end white;; 'and the bride's table was centred' with a three-tier wedding cake and lighted' tapers. Assisting in'serving' were two aulits of the bride;• Mrs. Robert Bogie and Mrs. Ross McPhee, also Mrs. Fred Taylor. Later,. Mr. and Mrs, Sparks left for a 'honeymoon to•be spent at Toronto and Niagara Falls. On their return they will reside in Goderich.. Friends were present from Sarnia, Goderich, Colborne Town- ship -•and- West • Wawanosh Town- ship. Following a reception at Lynn Lodge, the couple 'left on a wed- ding trip east. ' For travelling the bride wore a cinnamon' suit' with matching shoes and bag end Kelly green top coat. Hem hat' was: of golden straw. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Scott Sangster will re- side in London.' IQ'$I'�'VARy1. G. C. McGOWetN George Clarence McGowan died in Clinton Publlic Hospital where lie had been, a patient for the Nast six Weeks, on. Saturday of ra ternoon, May 14. A kind' neigh - bar, his jovial disposition had, ries made for hint many friends. lie Jam was in his 57th year, • A son of the late William Mem; Gowan end Agnes Dodde, Mc- Gowan, he was born on the 3rd concession of East Wewanose. On July 31, 1920 he married Janet Luella Cook,' younger daughter pf Mrs. J. Cook and the late Jasper Cook Blyth. Following their marriage theyy took up farm- ing on the '3rd concession of East Wawanosh, where they lived con- tinuously, with the exception of a few years in Windsor. Last De- _ eember they gave up farming and retired to a home they purchased in Blyth His wife is the only survivor, Tie was a member of Blyth Unit- ' ed Church. • A 'private funeral service at n the home was £olowed by a pub- lic service at the church, Tues- day afternoon; May 17. Rev. W. ss I J. Rogers, 'minister of Blyth Unit- e ed Church, officiated • and burial das in Union Cemetery, Blyth, SANGSTER—FORSTER (By our Hen_sall correspondent) Westminster Hospital Chapel, London, was graced with spring flowers and ferns Saturday, May 14, for the wedding of Eleanor Jean, daughter of Mrs. Forster, Bruce Street, London, and the late F. B. Forster, to Douglas Stott Sangster, eldest son of Mrs. Sangster and the late William Sangster, Hensel'. Rev. C. W. Cline officiated, Fred Sillett presided of the organ and Frank Emery sang "I'll Walk Beside You," prior to the ceremony, and "Because," during the signing of the register. Frilled tiers of net caught with tiny satin bows, featured the skirt of the bridal gown, extend- ing into a long cathedral train. The satin bodice was styled with a net yoke outlined with a frill and a frill fell over the hand from the long slim sleeves. A finger-tip veil of French illusion was held with a pleated head- dress arid she carried Johanna Hill roses and lily -of the -valley in a cascade arrengernent. Ted Forster, Hamilton, uncle of the bride, gave her in marriage. The attendants were Miss Marg- aret Sangster, Hensel', sister of the groom, as maid of honor, in gold brocaded satin; Miss Norma Sangster, Hensel', sister of the groom, in bengaline; u and Miss Mina Rossee brocaded r in pink bengaline. They each carried an arm bouquet of Tells - marl ramps. his Robbers $o Sangster, Hensall, was groomsman and ushers were Williaamre and William Hocking. Mrs. Forster or her �Worr' a d sty wedding, crepe frock With navy a�ccessarr--. les and a corsage of roses and tw'ee't peas. The groom's mother chose a navy and white ensemble with a blending corsage of roses, FACING GRAND CIRCUS PARK The Teller, o modern hotel for those who want the bast! Con• verdant to Offices, Theaters, and Shops. friendly,coorte- ons service and real Hotel Comfort, The Teller Coffee Shop or Cafeteria for your0 ...)Orme IPtepays o modest pilus. II pays to stay of (I\ Hotel Teller. p • VISIT' OUR 'r*COCKTAIL LOUNGE II OD ONE OF DETROIT'S FINEST 800 ROOMS 1175 WITH RATH FROM • HOTEL TULLER risk j'or it either way... hoth trade -marks mean the same thing. slut stud bottler (.t Coes-Cola ender co/d ass With cora-Col: ltd, . lou &fe : 'boas 78 RICHARD C. HOMES, Mgr - FREDERICK 3. COOK Frederick J. Cook, 67, a Life- long resident of Westfield com- munity; died suddenly Friday af- ternoon, May 13, of a heart seiz- ure in Clinton Public Hospital where he had been a patient only a few days, Mr. Cook was a son of the late John Cook and Bella Rodger Cbok of Westfield. He was a prosper- ous fatiner. He is -survived by his wife, formerly Edna Cook; one son, Arnold;. at home; three daugh- ters: Mrs. J, (Phyllis) Boak, GoderieI ; Violet and Ruth, at home; five brothers: • Thornes and Walter, Westfield; David, Mani- toba; Gordon: Coehrane; anal George'Cook. Belgrave; an three sisters: liths. d- Snell, Mrs. E. McKnight, Blyth, and Mrs. R. darter, Woodstock, Funeral 'aere+ices were held in ! Cook was a member. Buriril was thetetilday'School room of West- int Brandon Cemetery, Belgrave, field Crated Church of which Mr. on Sunday afternoon, 3•uteet Q i f ra t Lakeview Casino — GRAND SEND OPENING DANCE — Saturday, May 21 Canadair Outstaadiug Orchestra — NEIL M KAY and his DID BRO D ASTING O C Featured in several CBC Coast -to -Coast week! a grams ADMISSION 75 cents Tuesday, May 24 MAURICE JACKSON'S ALL GIRL ' ORCHESTRA Touring Canada Coast -to -Coast. A hit on every occasion and playing to record crowds each appearance, Don't Miss Them! Admission $IAO Picnic HaR open daily May and June; write or 'phone for reservations; During July and August, open only for plenio of 50 persons or more, by reservation only. 19-20-b If you've an eye for a buy... SEE THE GOOD/YEAR .0g.Wer • The new Goodyear DeLuxe gives more mileage .. : 34% more mileage than the big- iiaiIage Goodyear it replaces. Gives added protection from blow- outs . . PLUS super - traction . . , it's Canada's most popu- lar tire ... rhe over- whelming choice of thrifty motorists. at 0.71x/ 11 1 \� / LEONARD COLE PHONE: 5 SHELL SERVICE STATION et •n, 1, Rt. Hon. Louis St. Laurent Prime Minister's Visit to HURON COUNTY R. S. Hetherington The Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Louis St. Laurent will address a Liberal Rally Agricultural Park, in the Go erica (COVERED GRANDSTAND) THUR., JUNE 2 at 8:30 p.m. COME—SEE —HEAR this Distinguished Canadian in support of R. S. Het'he,ringt�n Liberal Candidate Huron North HURON NORTH:LIBERAL ASSOCIATION God Save TheKing` 20-21-b-