HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-05-12, Page 15'T'HU,RSDAY, MA 1.2, 1949 .CLINTON NEVUSeRECORD S OF AUR,uRI Donald Ross,'Gait, was a week Lawson 'tend visitor with ihs: diotl\er, Mrs. Miss Vivian. Straughan, London, 3”. Ross. spent the weekend with Mrs. C Bill' ,Kruse, Galt, spent the IM. Straugham ' weekend with Mr. and Mrs. E. I The . Stinshine Sisters henquet immeomilormorimponfir QUALITY FEED Welcome to Clinton SATURDAY For this is Clinton Day! You are also welcome at our mill every day. Come in and have a chat. Let us show you our FEEDS; let us ex- plain their merits and quality. Quality is our motto, You purchase the best and be sure of largest profits. A feed for every need. ' 6% DISCOUNT ON ALL FEEDS PURCHASED CLINTON DAY, May 14. Mixed Feeds -- Grain, Whole or Ground Concentrates . -- . Fertilizer and Seed. Corn S. RIDDICK and SONS PHONE 114 CLINTON YOUR . CHOICE OF Good Used Cars and T h` UCKS 1948 MONARCH Sedan 1947 FORD Sedan 1946 DODGE Coach 1946 DODGE Coupe 1940 OLDSMOBILE Sedan 1942 GMC V2 Ton Pick-up TRADE-IN CARS AND TRUCKS ACCEPTED AT FAIR ALLOWANCES Aberhart's Garage Mercury, Lincoln, Meteor Sales and Service St. Andrew's St. GODERICH Phone 625W OPEN EVERY EVENING FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE! "Be Miles Ahead With Meteor" You Have Cooperated Well Ontario Employers - And it looks now as if most of the under- graduates ndergraduates from Ontario universities needing summer employment will be able to find it by the end of the school year. The . situation with regard to permanent jobs 'for graduates is also promising. However, MORE summer opportunities STILL .. a remeeded for undergraduates and permanent openings for graduates, especially for "Arts graduate?' whose training has not fitted them for'any particular industry. but who will react quickly to an employer's advantage after brief training on the job. Through the "clearance system" of the National Employment Service, the Executive and tProfessfonal Liaison Officer at your local office can locate a graduate or undergraduate from -almost any course you can name, either from within the province or neighbouring provinces. 'The H.S. is a Community Service Use Your Local Office Department of Labour HUMPHREY MITCHELL Ministerof Labour A. MacNAMARA Deputy •iklinister Ontario. Ad 1 11 IP. YOU PLAN TO CALL AT Huller Sash --Lumber Mill on "Clinton Day", May 14 for Outstanding Bargains in all Building Requirements Lumber -- Masonite -- Plywoods Wallboards -- Asphalt Roofing Siding' and Building Paper Builders' Hardware (all kinds) Carpenter's Tools , HEPCO PAINTS -- ENAMELS Window Sash -- Screen Doors Built -In Cupboards Made to Orc'er One Day Only . loto20%OFF all purchases Be sure to see these Bargains at Bert Huller's Phone 319-J — King St. Clinton baseiiiifnt oti'Tuesday;„MAY !7. Eric .Mrthreen, •:°Queeat,'s- `,U1 verslty+ Kingston, is Ad -siting his parents Mr., and Mrs. F. O. 1Vle- iiveen. Miss Stella Rutledge,•Godv.'rich, is nursing Mrs: Charles Scott'at present. .We are. glad ;.to report an improvement in- Mrs. Scott's health. Taken to Hospital Miss Margaret King e g g is a patient in Alexandra Hospital, Goderieh, suffering from an attack of BRUU.EFIELIJ Miss`Marlon and'Ron' Paterson, London, spent the weekend 'With their parents. Mr, `and Mrs. R. Brock; Exeter, visited on "Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J, K. Cornish. Mrs. Doris .Austin, London, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs, Clara Dutot, MMargisses Henry, London, and Betty Allan Hyde Park visited their homes oyer the weekend, Mr. and Mrs, T. B, Baird and pneumonia. United Church WMS The Monthly meeting of the VITUS of the United Church was held in the church basement with Mrs. Fred Toll in charge. Mrs. ilSia W m Straughan ra ha r n g cad the Scripture and Miss Margaret Jackson offered prayer. A min- ute of silent prayer was observ- ed in memory of• the late Miss Margaret Small. A 'tribute to her good life and good work was given by Mrs. Toll. 'Readings on Christian.. Stewardship and the Christian church were' given by Mrs, E. Patterson and Mrs. E. Wightman, respectively. Mrs, (Rev.) Hewitt favoured with a solo. A report on the Presby- terial held recently in Hensall was given by Mrs. Toll and Miss Amelia Mcllwain. Correspondence was read and accepted. The meet- ing was dismissed with the Bene- diction by Mrs. Toll. • Mr. and Mrs. H. Aikenhead att- ended, the funeral of the late Mrs. T. McNaughton at Wroxeter last week, Ladies Insured Mrs, J. K. Cornish had the mis- fortune to fall and break a bone in her ankle last week. She will have it in a cast for some time. Mrs. R. Scott is also laid up with. a bad sprain. Three Baptized Baptismal service was conduct- ed Sunday morning by Rev, E. R. Stanway. Those receiving bap- tism were: Leslie Willis, son of Mr, and Mrs. Wilber Broadfoot; Richard Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs, Archie Mustard; and Berbera Is- abel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mac Chesney. Mother's Day Services Special Mother's Day Services were held in United Church on Sunday, Rev. E. R. Stanway con- ducted services and a Junior 1 Clinton Day Specials HOT SHOT BATTERIES -- for electric' fencers Reg. $ 3.40—Special $3.15 WILLARD BATTERIES—Model SW -190 Reg.. $18.95 Special $15.95 Other models reduced accordingly Nelson's Machine Shop King Street Clinton escaimm Floor Sanding and Finishing I should appreciate it if my customers would contact me during May for work to be done after July 1, as I will not . be available during June. J. Cree Cook FLOOR SANDER Phone Clinton 23-j During .summer months—Phone Bayfield 45r2 Choir led in singing. Scripture Readings were taken lay Apn Haugh. Bob and Mary Broadfoot, Jack Dallas read the story ,of David Livingston. Mr. ,,Stanway spoke on the subject "Building. a home." A quartette, composed of Donna and Leola Taylor, Verna Eyre and Margie Za fe sang very sweetly. United WA Meets s The Monthly meething of Brumfield United W.A. was held on Tuesday, May 3 with 23 ladies present. The President, Miss Bowey, was in charge of the meeting which opened by repeat- ing the creed, The First two verses of Hymn 609 were sung. Mrs. R. Allan read the scripture, also the Topic for May, "Youth and Christian Liberty". The first two and last two verses of Hymn 662 were then sung, Mis. R. Allam led. in .prayer. Minutes of prev- ious meeting were read by Mrs. Wilson. The treasurers report was given by Mrs. MCBeath. Roll call was answered by a verse on "Mather" Business was discussed The meeting closed with the Theme Song and Prayer of the W, A, Roll call for June ---Fav- orite Hymn, HENSALL Collection Exhibited The Housser collection ' was shown in Hensall last week. Mrs. Housser is at present assistant instructor et the Ontario College of Art. The personal preference vote taken resulted in "The Little Falls" by J. E. H. MacDonald and the small landscape by J, M. Beattie, ,tieing for first place, "Bass Port," a large canvass by Mrs. Housser, and two sketches, Winter Landscape" end 'Czech Farm" by A. Y. Jackson shared second honours. Also on the pre- ferred list were "Glacier" by Lauren Harris, "Pine Tree and Rocks" by Arthur Lismer, "Wild Geese" by Tom Thomson, and "House in Moonlight" by'4 Isobel McLaughlin. Tea was served by members of the Sketch Club. Mother's Day Observed Mother's Dey services , were fittingly observed in the churches Sunday, May 8, with large con- gregations attending. At the United. Church, Rev. R. A, Brook occupied his own pulpit, and de- livered an appropriate message, "In Every Home, Jesus Christ" He was assisted in the service by John Corbett, superintenlent of the Sunday School. Mrs, R. Den- nison presented the story of "David Livingstone." The infant children of Mr. and Mrs, Edison Forrest, Mr, enil Mrs. Ross Richardson 1VCr. .and Mrs. Gordon Cudmoro; Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickie, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Simmons, of Hensall; and Mr, and Mrs. Paul Sedley, London, re- ceived the rites of baptism, con- ducted by the minister. Bible readings were given by Ted Nonminton, Judy Shaddick, Ger- ald Flynn, Beverley Nicholls, Ron Chuter, Ruth Soldan, Ron Passmore. The senior choir for their an- them sang, "To Mothers," and the Junior Choir sang, "Father, we thank thee," Four lovely baskets of flowers on the piano, Communion table, and pulpit platform, were in memory of Mrs, Albert Spencer, and Mrs, Grant Ryckman, placed there by members of the families, S. Rannie directed the choirs, Miss Greta Lammle was et the organ console, and Miss Betty Mickle accompanied at the piano for the Junior choir. At the evening service, Mr. Ronnie rend- ered a lovely solo, "Open the Gates of the Temple," At Carmel Presbyterian Church Rev, P. A. Ferguson, minister, preached a very inspiring message in keeping with the occasion, he was assisted by George Tinney, superintendent of the Sunday School, The following children received the rites of Baptism; William Ross, son of Mr, and Mrs, Roy Bell; Brian James, son of Mr, and Mrs, Ed. Fink; Bonnie Joan, daughter of• Mr, and Mrs, Fred Peters; Colleen Moire Joy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Lawr- ence B•aynham; Carolyn Diane, daughter of Mr. and Ma's, H. Campbell, Mrs. A. Scholl rend- ered a lovely solo, "Mother's prayers have followed me," and the ehildremof the Sunday School sang, John Nicol was at the con- sole of the organ, HOLMESVILLE "Congratulations to Miss Eileen. Glidden whose pupils did excep- tionally well et the music Fes- tival rn Goderich last week, Rev. and Mis Stewart Miner and faniily, Fordwirh, visited on Sunday with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Trewartha. Mother's Day Service A splendid Mother's Day ser- vice was held in Holrnesville United Church on Sunday. ,morn- ing, with the children's Choir leading in the service of praise, Miss Helen Potter gave a. splen- did reading an "Mother." Rev, C. P. Tavener gave the address of the morning on "Building Again." r There was a good con- gregation in attendance. The ser- vice was under the direction of Miss Eileen Gliddon who was et the organ and Miss Marie Glid- den. Stanley Township Mr. and Mrs. Herman John- son and daughter Anna, London,. spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. H. Penhale. 0 TAX RATE VP Wingharn--The local tax rate for 1949 hasbeen set at 55 mills; en increase of four mills over 1938 The boost is due to a three- ini11 rise in the school rate and. a two -mill increase in the county rate. Council budgeted this year to reduce a bank overdraft by $7 000 VARNA ,PAGE :FIFTEEN PORTER'S HILL Mr. and. Mrs. Shannon ando Grace Church WA Son, The monthly meeting of the Brussels were recent guests Of WA of Grace United Church was Mrs. M. Reid. held on Thusrday, May 5, in the William Ball and son Nelson; church basement with 16 ladies visited with Mr. and Mrs, H. present, The president, Mrs. L, Elliott and Mrs. 1Vlossop Last Thur- Cox was in charge of the meet, sday, ing which opened with e h wi hi Mr d John A. Hor llr and 1VIr folldwed by a prayer offered b and Mrs, A. Ings.?' Torrance. The Scripture Sunday guests in the villa a lesson was read by Mrs. Allen g Betties and the roll call answer - were Mr, and Mrs. Ross Lathan ed by a verse containing the word and son London with Mrs. L. 'peace," Following the business Beatty and Edith, discussion Mary Torrance gave Moved to Varna a very interesting reading Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Foster have meeting closed with a h The ed to the village etd ale ter which a'bountiful Iunclinwa movs comfortably settled. We wel- served by Mrs. 3. S. Lockhart, come them to the village' Mrs. A. Lockhart and Mrs, Les Back from Hospital Cox. The June meeting will be We are pleased to report that held at the home of Mrs. Bab Mr. Moir has sufficienity recov- menwain, erad from his recent burns to be able to leave the hospital. '— -"— Mr. and Mrs. McBride and Chutor, Mrs, Dr. P. J. O'Dwyer family, Exeter with Mr. and Mrs. and daughter Patricia R. N. and Michel, Zurich with Miss Mossop, 9 av ,An ,aad keep clean. You'll quickly - find that ALL of these "musts" Q t/� and many other benefits, are blur into the McCormick- ) , Deering Milker. Let us show sEN%i you a McCormick -Deering. 441 ft� Then, discover its advantages !/ for yourself. Clinton Day Specials! All guards for McCormick, Deering and McCorinick-Deering Mowers Ea. Reg. .6(5 Special .55 McCormick -Deering 600 - foot Binder Twine, 50 -ib. bale, Reg. %12.50 Special $12. Performance must be tops in the milker you buy. You must have smooth -running efficiency, ie, gentle, massaging milking action, and the milker itself must be easy to use, handle McAlpine and Daw International Harvester Sales and Service Victoria St. -- Imperial Oil Products -- Phone 338-j Special Offer for "Clinton Day" Only On all Ontario grains purchased by me on Saturday, May 14, I will allow a premium of ONE CENT PER BUSHEL On all Western grains sold by me on Saturday, May 14, I will allow a dis- count of ONE CENT .PER BUSHEL Deliveries not necessary on that date. Fred O. Ford GRAIN DEALER Isaac Street -- Clinton -- Phone I23W Welcome, Clinton Day Visitors! We handle the famous ewe Life FEEDS AT ROCK -BOTTOM PRICES. Their quality and price are drawing dozens of new customers every day. DROP IN SATURDAY AND TALK IT OVER WITH US! Dr. Salsbury's REN -O -SAL Jervis Hatchery and Poultry Farm PHONE 194 — R. L. Jervis, prop. — CLINTON 1