HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-05-12, Page 13*THURSDAY, NIA/ 11, 1949 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE THIRTEEN News -Record Classified Adlets Bring Quick ReSURi CASH RATE -41f paid by Wed- sesday following date of laser - Simile -One cent a word first in- sertion (minimum 35 cents); sub- sequent insertions one cent a word (minimum 25 cents); 15 cents ex toe for box number or for direr- lien to NEWS -RECORD Office. IF CHARGED -15 cearhs extra. DEADLINE --6 p.m. Wednesday ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT NOTICES NOTICE -- ANYONE : FOUND trespassing on Part Lots No. 41, 51, both sides of river, Tucker - smith Township at any time hereafter will be prosecuted by order of the owner, A. E. Parry. March 31, 1949. 13-15ptfb PIANO TUNING PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS to all snakes, Cleaning, de-moth- Mg,free estimates. Write or phone William N. Gould, 314W, Clinton. 1-btfb 'THREE FURNISHED ROOMS for rent, Also a good building lot on Queen St, for sale. Apply Don McDonald. 19-b ACCOMMODATION WANTED SELF-CONTAINED Apartment, suitable for two adults. Apply PA. Box 134,• 19-b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1948 DE LUXE PLYMOUTH Sedan, like new, 8,000 mines, Ap- ply Box "X", N.EWeG. -RECORD. 16-btfb 1942 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL De - Luxe Sedan with slip covers, :Beater and defroster. Highest cash offer. Stanley Jackson, R.R. 5, . Clinton, phone 620r25. 19-p BOWLS FOR SALE -SET OF FOUR LAWN BOWLS, Dunlop composition, in good con- dition; price on enquiry. W. L. ' Johnson, phone 482J or 286. 19-p CEMENT, FOR SALE CAR 01' AMERICAN CEMENT 'arriving next week. A. G. Grigg, phone 74W. 19-b FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE elteCORMICK-DEERING BINDER also one steel wagon. 'Gordon Gilbert, R.R. 2, Bayfield, phone Clinton 908r22. 19-20-b FARM PRODUCE FOR SALE STRAWBERRY PLANTS for sale. Limited amount of William Belt plants. Apply Ttoy'Tyndall, phone '907r3. 19-20-p r FURNITURE FOR SALE ICE BOX FOR SALE, IN GOOD condition. 'Phone 323R. 19-p DOHERTY PIANO IN GOOD -condition, cheap; also some cloth- ing. Apply Box "D", NEWS - RECORD. 18-19-p HELP WANTED DISHWASHER, hours two to `four and seven to rune o'clock daily, 'Clinton Grill: ' 19-p OFFICE HELP WANTED, mate or female, typing, bookkeeping and general office work,, short- hand preferred. Permanent posi- tion. Apply Ellwood Epps Sports Shop. 14-b HELP WANTED, .FEMALE.. CAPABLE GIRL Ole WOMAN as housekeeper for small family. Highest wages. No "heavy work. Other help kept. Ample time off. Apply Mrs. H. B. Brennan, London House, London, 19-b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE ELEVEN PIGS, SIX WEEKS old; three chunks. Gifford Crich, phone Clinton '61'4r24.19 -p NUMBER OF LITTLE PPIGS, six weeks old; nine pigs, nine weeks. Stewart Schoenhals, phone Clin- ton 903r12. 19-b LOST AND FOUND LOST—BROWN SCOTCH Collie, trimmed with white, answers to "Chuck." Anyone with any in- formation of this dog phone Bert Murphy, Clinton '820r22. 19-b MISCELLANEOUS SAW FILING, ALL KINDS done at Hoare's Orchard, one mile north of town; also ladders for sale, various lengths. Enquire, 16-21-p NEW SINGER Sewing Machines— cabinet end portable electric, also -treadle ,machines; repairs to all snakes. Singer Sewing Centre, 78 Ontario St., Stratford. ltfb ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If not, will per fertilizer prices. If dead phone at onto. Phone dolieet, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 9361.21 •or 936r32, Goder- iich. 2btfb POULTRY FOR SALE STARTED COCKERELS, Pullets, non -sexed many breeds and cross breeds•.to choose from 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 week old et bargain prices while they Iasi. Also day old cockerels, pullets : and non - sexed chicks, turkey poults, im- mediate delivery. A sample of the bargains: 6 week old Light Sussex; X New, Hampshires, New Hampshires, Light Sussex cock- erels 36:95, 'non -sexed 43.95, pul- lets 58.95. ,Send for' complete bargain price List and• catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limit- ed, Fergus, Ontario. 19-20-b PLANTS FOR SALE MIXED GLADIOLI BULBS, 50e a dozen; Chrysanthemum plants, 15c eech. No box plants for sale. C H, Epps, phone 264. 19-b PROPERTY FOR RENT TWO BEDROOM COTTAGE ON lake front near Bayfield, screened porch, comfortably furnished, re- duced rates for May and June, Apply Mrs. Arthur Welsh, R.R. 2, Bayfield. 19-x JUNE AND JULY, "Grumblenot" cottage, Bayfield, rent by month or half season only. Apply E. Churchill, 2183 Bloor St. W., Toronto, phone Murray 1524. 17btfb PROPERTY FOR SALE 11 -STOREY MODERN BRICK dwelling on south side of King St., Village of Blyth, 1/2 acre land, with garage, rock garden and fish pond. Six -roomed house contains three-piece bath end shower, pressure systems on both hard and soft water, built-in cupboards, Frigidaire and stove to be sold with house, Immediate PosSessillore Apply by phoning Blyth 136 'or writing to P.O, Box 24, Blyth. 19-20-b PUPS FOR SALE A REAL BUY!! REGISTERED black Scotch Terrier puppies for sale; males, with papers, $25; without, 820; females, $20 with or without papers. These puppies sell in pet stores from $30 up- wards for males and $25 upwards for females. Also two electric chicken brooders, 500 -chick cap- acity, in excellent condition. Roy i Vodden, R.R. 2, Seaforth, phone Seaforth 851r14. • 19-p • STOVES FOR SALE BEACH COAL RANGE, GOOD condition. Complete with 14 lengths pipe, $15. Box "S", NEWS -RECORD. 18-19-b THREE-BERNER,.,,,COAL OIL Stove, wickless with lighting rings, almost new, $10. Mrs. C. J. O'Brien, phone Clinton 615r25 • 18-19-b BIRTHS BIGGART—In St. Andrew's, NH., on Saturday, May 7, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Biggaet, a daughter. BLACKWELL-In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, May 5, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. John Blackwell, Hensall, a son (Laurie John). ' COLEMAN .— In Clinton Pubic' Hospital, on Tuesday, May 10, 1949, to Mr. end Mrs. Clarence Coleman, B.R.,1, Cromarty, .a daughter (Ruth Anne). COOK—In Windsor, on Friday, May 6, 1949, to Mr. end Mrs, Stewart Cook, a son (Donald Stewart, a brother for Nancy). HEIDEMAN — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, May 7, 1949, to Mr, end Mrs. Albert Heideman, Zurich, a son. ISRAEL—In Kitchener -Waterloo Hospital, on Sunday, May 8, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Israel, Kitchener, (nee Marg- aret Cra+a,ford) a daughter, MacDONALD—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, May 11, 1949, to Mr,. and Mrs, J. E. "Dick" MacDonald, Clinton, a daughter. POLLOCK — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, May 9 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Murray Pollock, R.R, 4, Clinton, a daughter (Janet Elaine Mary). TUNNEY In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, May 6, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs, Freemen Tenney, Blyth, a daughter (Pamela Jane). • DEATHS BIGGART—In St. Andrew's, N.B., on Saturday, May 7, 1949, in- fant daughter of Mr, and Mrs. R. C. Biggart, MacDONALD—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, May 11, 1949, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. "Dick" MacDonald. WATT—At the home of her son, Leo Watt, Hullett Township, Ida Elizabeth Parsons, wife of the late James Watt and moth- er of Leo and George, Hullett Township, and James, Toronto, in her 85th year. Funeral ser- vice at the home of Leo Watt, Lot 10, Concession 13, Huliett Township, on Monday after- noon, May 9, to Burns Ceme- tery. COME TO CLINTON and ENJOY THE SIGNERY * * • KIRBY SIGNS PRINCESS. ST. W. CLINTON, PH. 589R ELECTRIC RANGE, used only four months, four plain burners, automatic oven control, $125 cash. Mrs, W. V. Roy, Clinton, phone 324J. 19-b STRAW FOR SALE A FEW LOADS OF GOOD, clean cut straw. $5 a load at the barn. Apply Donald Crich, phone Clinton 614r3. 19-p TEACHERS WANTED QUALIFIED PROTESTANT Teacher for S.S. No, 2, McKillop Township, well-equipped school has hydro and basement. Apply stating qualifications and salary expected. Duties to commence September term. Apply Joseph T. Hugill, secretary -treasurer, R.R. 2, Seaforth. 17btfb TRACTORS FOR SALE 15-27 MODEL "D" JOHN DEERE Tractor in good repeir, Stewart Dele, phone Seaforth 847r21, 18-19-p. TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE PORTABLE TYPEWRITER, Smith Corona, as new, price 875, WANTED SECOND HAND POOL TABLE or other games suitable for men's games room. a Anyone having such please contact Mrs. M. E. Jacob, Huron County Home, Phone 24, Clinton. 18-p WANTED TO BUY 100 TONS OF DRY BRIGHT Wheat Straw, wire baled; also mixed hay, loose or baled, wired, I. .1. and B. L. Cousino, Erie, Mich. 18-19-20-p WANTED TO EXCHANGE TENANT WITH THREE -BED - room wartime house in Goderich wishes to exchange for three -or - four -bedroom house in Clinton. Phone Clinton 111. 18-19-b WOG)) CUTTING CUSTOM WOOD CUTTING, either Hornet Chain Saw or cir- cular saw, in Clinton and vicin- ity. G. E. Price, R.R. 1, Bruce - field, phone Clinton 621r31, 19-20-p WORK WANTED WORK WANTED FROM 7 P.M. Apply Box "D", NEWS -RECORD. to 11 P.M.Apply B9 xNEW S -RECORD. 19-20-211 19-b Lowe8rothers. MELLO-GLOSS (SEM!•Gtess) WALL PAINT This beautiful, long lasting satiny lustre finish is easily cleaned with soap and water. LoweBrothers MELLOTO? E' FLAT WALL PAINT its soft, pastel colors are a perfect background for furnishings., Easy to keep "lean. PER QUART 4 .0 Just the thing for your home! Qt. $2.30 n/ Pt. .70 D . KAY. and Son. P,ailiters and Decorators :Ruron St. PHONE 234W Clinton Silver Medals' Awarded At County Festival • The following were awarded silver medals for obtaining the highest marks in their respective classes at Huron County Festival of Music, held at Goderich, under the auspices of the Goderich Music Club: Class 1—Margo Grange, Aub- urn; 3—Victor. Conon, Clinton; 5—Corinne Cranston, Goderich; 7 -Marlene Jervis, Clinton; 9— Betty Bowra, Goderich; 12—Shir- ley Robertson, Goderich; - 16 — Ruth Clark, Clintonee 31 — John McDougall, Goderich; 51—Claire Taylor, Walton; 53—Ross Crich, Clinton; 65—John Sharpe, Clin- ton; 68—Faye Aikenhead, Clin- ton; 70—Ruth Dockstader, Gode- rich; 81—Jayne Ford, Goderich; 82 — Patricia' Videan, Goderich; 83—Betty Bowra, Goderich; 87— Victor Herding, Goderich; 90. Jean Elliott, Clinton, I.O:O.F. Notes Clinton Lodge No. 83, IOOF, and Huronic Rebekah Lodge No, 306, will attend Divine Worship in Ontario St. United Church on Sunday evening, May 15, at seven o'clock. The ladies will meet at the church at 6.50 and the men will meet in the Lodge Room at 6.30 All Odd Fellows and Rebekahs in the district are cordially invited to attend, • AUCTION SALE — of — Household Effects from the Norman Shepherd Cot- tage, Huron Street, Clinton, (one block west of the main street), on Saturday, May 14 at 1:30 p.m., the following: Four -piece living room suite; 2 complete bedroom suites; wal- nut chest of drawers; chest of drawers; combination buffet and China Cabinet; 5 dining room chairs; 2 small tables; buffet; office swivel chair; coudh; rugs; rocking chairs; wicker arm chair end rocking chair; cane rocking chair; congoleum rug 12'x16'; linoleum 11'x9'; Tudhope electric rengette; electric washing mach- ine; coal oil stove and oven; 1 burner electric plate; electric iron; table lamp; 2 set of drapes; 3 mattresses; 2 feather ticks; kit- chen table; 3 complete toilet sets; dishes; sealers; lawn mower; child's go-cart; child's rocking chair; 8 day clock; books; pictures and numerous other articles. Terms Cash WILMER WALLIS, Proprietor. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auction- eer. K W. Colquhoun, CIerk 19-b Carpenter's Tools For Sale The Carpenter Tools of the late Thomas Chapmen are offered for sale by tender, Offers 'will be received by the undersigned up to the 16th day of May, 1949. The tools may be inspected at the home of William Sinclair, Lot 26, Concession 2, Township of Stan- ley, by appointment. Telephone Clinton 6211.22. The highest or any tender not necessarily ac- cented. Dated at Clinton this 2nd day of May, 1949, F. FINGLAND, K.C., Clinton. Ontario. Solicitor for Executors of Estate of Thomas Chap- man. 18-19-b 0 PROPERTIES FOR SALE Two-storey brick dwelling, Modern conveniences, part well rented now; double garage; very central. Im- mediate possession. Four -roomed cottage, near- ly new, modern conven- iences, oil burning furnace. Immediate possession. 1% -storey frame dwelling, modern conveniences, gar- age. Immediate possession, One -storey double dwelling, 5 rooms in one half, posses- sion of this part June 15; other part well rented; Water, hydro. Good Loca- tion. " * H. C. LAWSON REALTOR Phone 251W - Clinton. Ont. BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St. East Phone 585 ut:^^;nets:,:,r.:,oa.t,. CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C.V.C",.I.OKE FLORIST , Phones: 66w and 6Gj R'OXY.THEATRE CLINTON Now Playing (May 12-14) "SINGAPORE" with Fred Mael4Iurray MON., TUES., WED. (May 16-18) Vast Heflin Susan 'Hayward Boris Karioff in "TAP ROOTS" A powerful drama of a civil war event (Technicolor) THUR., FRI., SAT. (May 19-21) Slapstick Musical Comedy with two of your favorites from "The Egg and I"—Marjorie Main and Percy Kilbride .in "Feudin' Fussin' & A ?ightin' " with Donald O'Connor and Penny Edwards Coming (May 23-25), , "THE BEST YEARS OF OUR LIVES" Now Playing (May 12-14) CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH Fred MacMurray and Frank Sinatra in ":MIRACLE OF THE BELLS" • MON., TUES., WED. (May 16-18) First showing 6 pm., second 9 pm. "The Best Years of Our Lives" Rated the best picture in a de- cade and now showing at reg- ular prices! A story of youth and courage — Myrna Loy Fredric March - Dana Andrews THUR., FRL, SAT. (May 19-21) Wallace Beery - Tom Drake & Dorothy Patrick — A character- istic Beery comedy, in which an uncouth character gets to putting on airs, "Alias a Gentleman" Coming (May 23-25) "LIFE WITH FATTIER" - In Technicolor REGENT THEATRE SEAFOETH Now Playing '(May 12-14) Ma and Pa Kettle with Donald O'Connor in r'Feudist'''Fussln' and AFlghtin" MON., TIJES., WED. (May 18-18) Edward G. Robinson - Burt Lan- caster - Mady Christians — A package of dramatic dynamites Telling the story of a wartime' profiteer and his retribution "ALL MY SONS" THUR., FRI., SAT. (May '19-21) Dan Dailey - Nancy Guild and Charles Wlnninger — A grand denting, singing story done in Technicolor and featuring a star comedy cast. "Give My Regards to Broadway". Coming (May 23-25) In Technicolor "TAP ROOTS" starring Van Heflin ]Matinees: Sat., holidays, 2.30 p.m, St. Paul's Friendship Club Enjoys Social The Friendship Club of St. Paul's Anglican Church held a social evening at the home of the president, Mrs. Agnes May- hew, with an attendance of 33. The evening was spent in social chat. A delightful lunch was served by the hostess and her assistant, Mrs Mary Round. The next meeting will be held at the Rectory. SPECIAL NURSES' SERVICE A special service has been ar- ranged for Sunday evening May 15, in St. Paul's Anglican Church, Clinton, for ell nurses, pest and present, of this locality. The nurses are to meet at the Council Chamber at 6.45 and then will proceed to the church in a body. CARD OF THANKS Keith Keys wishes to thank his many friends who came to see him, for cards and treats, and also the ones who were asking for him while he was sick. 19-b Special Rogers -Majestic RADIO , Reg. $179.50 For $159.50 Automatic Record Changer Roomy Record Storage Symphony Tone ' Built-in Aerial SEE IT AND HEAR IT Hot Plates Rangettes Toasters Washers GROVES ELECTRIC PHONE 274 FREE! "By grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest eny man should boast." Eph. 2 : 8, 9. Salvation is free"=you cannot earn it. Trust in Christ's finished work and be saved. TUNE IN AND HEAR: CHAS. FULLER on Station CHUM 1050 KC 9.00 -- 10.00 a.m. Sundays CIIAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles 53, CAL SPECIALS FOR CLINTON DAY ONLY! Banana Cakes Cookies All . kinds of treats to eat! TRY OUR BAKING YOU WILL LIKE IT! Dixon's Pastry Shop Ralttembury St. E. — Phone 281W — Clinton "Clinton Day Specials" MEN'S— THREE-PIECE SUITS $1.00 101' COATS 1.00 TROUSERS .50 UNIFORMS ,85 RAINCOATS CLEANED 1.25 RAINCOATS WATERPROOFED 1.50 SUITS PR558E1) ONLY .50 LADIES'— - • .,.,:;3 r #:' I'esI TWO-PIECE SUITS $1.00 SPRING COATS 1.00 it SKIRTS (Plain) .50 SKIRTS (Pleated) .75 DRESSES (Plain) .90 DRESSES (Pleated) 1.25 DRESSES (Two -Piece) 1.00 SWEATERS ... , .50 HOUSEHOLD CLEANING— , Per pair $1.25 to 81.75 :FLOOR MATS. "ach 50c to $1.25 CUSHION COVERS .25 WOOL BLANKETS ,„ .75 BED SPREADS 1.00 . WOOL COMFORTERS 1.09 Agent for United DeForest Dyers, Toronto. Mothproofing, Waterproofing and Minor Repair Service 3 -Day Service -- Rush Orders Accepted 1 Gliddon Cleaners All work done on premises, King Street —WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER — Phone 466W—Clinton D MN' SESE "Clinton Day" Specials! TH Clearing Gabardine Zipper Sport Jackets Reg. to 6.50 1�2 PRICE Twenty Genuine Leather Zip per Billfolds 1/2 Price Genuine . Scotch Tartan Pure Ideal for Horne or Car Boys' Hard - Wearing • Overalls and Rivet Dungarees $2.19 pr. Broken Lines Men's WORK SHIRTS WORK PANTS 20% off Men's Solid Leather Work Boot with outer heel counter and rubber heel 3.95 pr. -- AT -- Medium Weight Wool Work Socks Regular 65c and 70c 39c ,. Wool Motor Rugs Special $5,45 Men's Fine Quality Socks Patterns and Diamonds Reg. $4.00 69C pr. Boys' Light Weight Black Oxford. Extra Special $1.69 AIKEN'S "TI -IE WORK CLOTHING STORE"