HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-05-12, Page 4PAGE FOUR CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Ontario St. WA Hears Discussion on Youth Ontario St. United Church WA met on Tuesday, May 3, in the Church Hall with the president, Mrs Venner, in the chair. The meeting opened with the singing of a hymn and the reading of a responsive lesson followed by the Lord's Prayer repeated in unison. Mrs. Maltby took the Devo- tional period taking as her topic "Youth and Their Christian Duties." Miss Wiltse sang a lovely solo. Another bYMil was sung. The minutes of the last meet- ing were read by Mrs. Charles Elliott. Various reports were given. Miss Evans contributed two solos which were very much appreciated. Miss Wiltse read some very suitable poems. The meeting closed with the singing of, a hymn and prayer, followed by a picnic lunch served by the social committee, RCAF OFFICERS' WIVES RUMMAGE and HOME SALES CLINTON TOWN AUXILIARY. COOKING HALL • Sat., May,14 Rummage Sale at 11.30 a.m. Home Cooking Sale at 3 p.m. LUCKY DRAW for Horne -Cooked Angel Food Cake at 4 p.m. English Bone China Cups and Saucers Special for Clinton Day—$1.29 and $1.59 Ladies' Handkerchiefs Reg. Special Swiss petite point .75 .59 Irish linen .49 Cotton embroidered .35 .29 Gift Wrappings Reg. .35 — Clinton Day Special .25 10% discount on all sales over $1 (except on specials) The Treasure House NNW Miss Freda Schoenhals, prop, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1049 ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mr. Robert M. Peck, Kippen, wish to announce the engagement of their younger daughter, Marion Grace, to Robert Jackman, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Jackman, Detroit, Mich., the marriage to take place quiet- ly the latter part of May. • Mr. and Mrs. Fred Potter, Clinton, announce the engage- ment of their Second daughter, Ruth Mary Madelon, to Lloyd Edward, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bond, Gederich Township, the marriage to take place quietly the latter part of a Mr. and /qrs. Fred Watson, Stanley Township, wish to an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Ether Jean, to, William John Leemlag, son of. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Leeming, McKillop Township, the marriage to take place in Si. Andrew's 'United Church, Bayfield, on June 4. • Mr. and Mrs. Milton R. Wiltse wish to announce the engage- ment of their daughters, Lois Lucille, to Cecil Marley Elliott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Elliott, and Mildred Edith, to Ross Phillips Merrill, son of Mr. and Mrs, Ira Merrill, all of °na- 1 ton; the wedding to take place in Ontario St. United Church, Clinton, on June 1. • Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smith, Toronto, announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Shirley Ina, to Heri7 E. Lobb, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lobb, Clinton. The marriage will take place May 21, at seven o'clock in Runnymede United Church, To- ronto, • The engagement is announced of Helen Grace, elder daughter of Mrs. Shaddock and the late William 3, Shaddock, Clinton, to LAC William Stuart Macaulay, RCAF Station, Goose Bay, Lab- rador, only son of Mr. end Mrs. W. 3. Macaulay, Winnipeg, Man., the wedding to take place in Clinton Presbyterian Church on Saturday, June 4. Wesley -Willis WA Plans Strawberry Tea The Woman's Association of Wesley -Willis United Church met on Thursday afternoon, May 5, in the Church Parlour. The presi- dent, Mrs. W. A. Oakes, was in the chair and Mrs. H. Charles- worth was pianist, The opening hymn was "0 Lord of life and love end power" and was followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. The subject of the devotional period was "Youth and Christian Liberty." Mrs. Reg. Shipley read the Scrip- ture lesson from Galatians 5. Mrs, A. T. Cooper gave "Lesson Thoughts" and Mrs, Oakes offer- ed prayer. The secretary, Mrs. Wilbur Martin, and the treasurer, Mrs. George Beattie, gave their re - NTO HOSPITAL AID CLEARS $236 ON RECENT PLAY Clinton Hospital Aid held its monthly meeting in the Council Chamber Tuesday evening, May 3, with the president, Mrs. F. Fingland, in the chair. • The minutes were read by Mrs, L. Brown, while the treasurer, Miss L. Walkinshaw, reported a balance of $504,51, with severe] outstanding bills. A vote of thanks was moved to all those who assisted with the play, "Out of This World," These included metnbers of the cast not membera of the Hospital Aid, those who had assisted with properties, and the gentlemen and girls who helped at the door the nights of the performanees. Mrs. W. H. Robinson reported for the membership committee, Mrs. F. Thompson fon nurses -in - training, and Mrs. B. B. Pock- lington for finance. The latter stated that $236 had been cleared by the play. She also requested that each member bring favorite recipes to the Hospital on Hos- pital Day or to the next meeting. Fingland outlined the ar- rangements for Hospital Day. Presbyterian WA Holds Good Meeting The WA of Clinton Presbyter- ian 'Church met in the Sunday School room on Tuesday, May 3, with a good attendance. Mrs. Lane took the chair in the ab- sence of the president, Mrs. Shaddock, and Mrs. Snider was at the piano. A hymn was sung and Mrs. Lane offered pray«,r after reading part, of the 13th chapter of St. Luke's gospel. Mrs. Maxwell read the secre- tary's and treasurer's reports. There was considerable discus- sion relative to the annual bazaar on June 11. It was decided that members of the WA would sup- ply flowers for the Church in May and the girls' Club asked to supply flowers in June. The members were asked to bring more articles for the bazaar to the June meeting. Hostess for June are Mrs. Lane and Mrs. Twitchell. A hymn was sung end the Lord's Prayer in unison closed the meeting. Mrs. Cudmore and Mrs. McEwen served tea. ports. A number of letters- of thanks were read by the cor- responding secretary, Mrs. Wil- liam Murch. Mrs. John Neidger, Jr., gave the flower report. A "Strawberry Tea" will take the place of the regular June meeting and will be held on the lawn at the home of Mrs. Frank Fingland. Members are invited to bring friends. The WA. is planning a visit to Huron County Home in the near future when a programme will be enjoyed and treats given to, those living there. The Mizpah 'Benediction brought the meeting to a close after which afternoon tea was served by Mrs, Harold Adams' group. Il1/11•11MIMIMMINIMR Youth for Christ Rally Draws Big Attendance A successful "Youth for Christ" rally was held Saturday night in the Town Hall, Clinton, with an estimated attendance of nearly 200, coming from various sur- rounding centres as far as Gode rich, Exeter, Sebringville, Strat- ford, Wingharn end Listowel. The sound picture, "China Challenge," provoked much ser- ious thought. It showed the des- perate conditions in China, both physically and spiritually, and the need for help there and in many other countries of the world. •A large collection was taken for China relief, An invitation to remain for en organizational after -meeting was given and a large number re- mained. A temporary executive committe was named to act for three months, rd which time election of 0 permanent executive will take place. Members are: director, Rev. G. W. Medley, Goderich; secretary - treasurer, IVIrs. G. Haines, Blyth; song lead- er, Rev, H. G. Broadway, List - °veal; Rev. Mr, Beach, Grand Fiend; E. Mousseau, Kippen; R. L. MacMillan and C. E. Talbot, both of Hayfield, Lunch was served and plans were made tp meet in Clinton ance a month, iPRES•BYTERIAN GIRLS • The Girls' Club of Clinton Presbyterian Church will meet at the home of Mrs. Frank Mac- Donald an Tuesday evening, May 17, at eight o'clock. 0 ONTARIO ST. GIRLS The Girls' Club of Ontario St. United Church will meet on Fri - PRESBYTERIAN WMS ' Clinton Presbyterian WMS will meet at the hone of Mrs. J. S. Snider on Tuesday, May 17, at 3 p.m. day evening, May 13, at the home of Mrs. George Levis. Mrs. M. Batkin's group will be in charge. e....o.pao4,44e#~44. PHOTOGRAPHS ..,a04,44,.. • cut .C144.4. Wedding @mg Your wedding photograph above all others must be perfect , , must show you at your very best. • We're especially equipped to make it for you in our modern studio. May we eall on you with samples of our work? 3owlet Atotheti PHOTOGRAPHERS Phone 84 MeEwan's Clinton Also Studios in Mitchell and Stratford ••••••/`,./. Irwin's Offer You Bargains Galore "CLINTON DAD, MAY 14 A Reduction of 25% will be allowed on all Suits, Coats, Shorties, Also on all CHILDREN'S COAT -AND -HAT SETS in sizes 1 to 6x. Other bargains throughout the store — Children's Overalls — Boys' Knee Pants — Bath Sets and a few lines of Yard Goods MEMBIIIIIMMIES116231219241111111EW 1 Y' BARCA .1•••••Isaillm. SPECIAL PRICES For Saturday, • May 14, ONLY Children's Wear COATS and COAT SETS Boys' and Girls' Your Choice of Entire Stock 25% off LINGERIE Satin Slips By KAYSER SIZES 32 to 42 Reg. Special $3.95 $2.65 Chinaware DEPT. Table of Special Bargain Items TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION LADIES WEAR PULLOVER SWEATERS All Shades Reg. to $4.95 Special' $3.50 HOSIERY NYLONS SLIGHTLY IMPERFECT Sizes 9Y2 to 1052 SPECIAL .99c Piece Goods Unbleached - Sheeting 81 inches wide EXTRA SPECIAL. VALUE AT •.98c YARD —GINGHAM.— Black and White Check Brown and White Check SPECIAL 49c Yd . Baby Wear ESMOND BABY BLANKETS Large Size Reg. 1.89 Special $I.50 KNITTING WOOLS ONE Ball of Wool FREE WITH PURCHASE OF EVERY 6 BALLS LINENS Tea Towels Part Linen Reg% 35c Special 25c LINEN TABLE CLOTH 70 inches wide VERY SPECIAL $2.25 yd. Men's Wear DUNGAREE WORK PANTS Size 32 and 34 Reg. $2.95 Special $1.95 NAVY SANFORIZED DRILL PANTS , Sizes 30 - 36 Reg. $3450 Special $2.50 Footwear FREE, a pair of work socks With Purchase of of Men's Rubber Boots Knee Length Wallpaper FREE Withevery room of wallpaper we will supply border FREE PHONE 36J No Phone Orders On Specials During "CLINTON DAY" am. MARTINS mum PHONE 36w