HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-05-05, Page 7THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1949 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Letters to the Editor EPORTS ON PC CONVENTION IN TORONTO ditor, limon News -Record DEAR SIR: As theonly voting represent- ve from the Township of ckersmith attending the On- 'o Progressive Conservative onvention hi Toronto, April -26-27, I would like to report e convention as I saw it, It Was the first ieonvek>t ten its kind that I had ever at- nded, though I recall almost years ago, as a 'teen-ager, a urney to London with Glenn ays, the present Crown Attorney Huron, to hear Denton Mas - and Gordon Graydon at a rty conclave. In our youthful inds were formed lasting im-. essions of politics and partic- arty of these two men. Not many years later, I came der the influence of Denton assey and his York Bible Class d incidentally, I am now more $nvinced than ever that if our lilies are so much concerned ith our youth they should be ring more than they apparently e doing to organize the youth ' this country. The convention in Toronto was tonic to everyone, affording trey leaders and followers an ►porttinity to meet each other ld to see et first hand the fruit years of organization. It was privilege to meet Prost, Porter, 'ackwell and Roberts, and I was coli impressed by the energy ch was expending in his cam - Usk effort to win the leader- ip. It was good to see Elgin cKiniey, our Progressive Con- rvative candidate for Huron- !rth, making himself familiar ;th the party leaders, an in- luable. way to learn the know - 1w that is a requirement of idership. To the readers of this article, whether CCF, Liberal, Socialist or PC, from the speeches of leaders. at this convention or prominent leaders of Canada and those countries belonging to the West ern bloc, it is quite obvious that Communism and Socialist trend to -day have reached alarming nto I talked to CCF party ' mhile in embers who who believe that in Toronto at least, the next election will be a straight, bitter contest between the CCF and Tory parties. � Tribute to Frost The old line party way of thinking seems to be a thing of the past. In our present day world of practical thinking, the individual is doing more for him- self than ever before, and right- ly soe. for modern democracy declares the importance and con- sideration of the individual to be paramount. The leader therefore, becomes more important than ever.. In Leslie Frost we have not only a capable, energetic new Premier, but a man .whose personality has an appeal for all. To the women I would like to point out the important port play- ed by yourselves at the conven- tion. Mr. Frost has a wife who possesses great natural qualities. She was the centre of attraction wherever she went, making countless friends, and impressing all she met with her belief and faith in her husband. Another characteristic of this able woman is her descent from very Irish ancestors, to this writer at least, a fact that seemed no handicap.. We all know the reputation en- joyed by the charming Mrs. Drew, whose ovation when she spoke at the women's meeting was a testimony to her great popularity. We cannot over- estimate the importance of wo- men in politics—they have been Bottle 6Carton �nIY ©uthori.cd bottler of Coca-Cola undor contract with Coca -Colo Ltd. STRATFORD BOTTLING COMPANY STRATFORD PHONE 78 Clinton Girl Weds 'Londoner se Cutting the cake following their wedding in Ontario Street United Church, Olinton, on Saturday afternoon, April 16, are MR. and MRS. JOHN STEWART WILSON. The bride, formerly Helen May Welsh, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver R. Welsh, Clinton, and the groom's parents are Mr. end Mrs. George Wilson, Wortley Road, London. The couple left fol- lowing a reception in Hotel Clinton, for a motor trip. They have taken up residence in London. Engraving courtesy The London Free Press the source of inspiration of greet men through the centuries, and their influence will not lessen in the future. Impressions Out of all the writings we scan- ned about the convention, few made the Impression of a short column of J. V. McAree in The Globe and Mail: "It seems to us to become Ieader of the Progressvie Con- servative Party, and thus Premier of Ontario, is rather a curious ambition. Yet it is a goal strenuously sought by sev- eral. There is no money in it, or at least not so much money as the leader and premier could earn by other means. There is certainly some sort of public honor in it, but the man we admire is the man who seeks private honor. "The premier will be de- nounced and covertly insulted by his political enemies. He will be praised fulsomely by his political allies. Neither of these can add to the self- respect of a decent man. He will have considerable author- ity over the lives of a great many other people. Who would seek such authority? Why should any rational man want to become the arbiter of others' fortunes? "If he is an evangelist or a prophet, it might . be that he covets the position in order to save the people. But the people do not need saving, The new premier will sacrifice most of his home life. He will have to smile when he feels like swearing. He will live in an atmosphere which most normal men would find suffocating. He will eventually be expelled from office with contumely. Unless he is a Mitch Hepburn, he will not have much fun. The time will come when he will, in all !party membership is your first step in taking an active part in (your country's future. Through aggressive leadership, the Progressive Conservative Party has already done much for you. 'You can help do more. This is your fight for better living conditions and greal#,,litill seductions. 'Work with the party Ithat works for you .. do* Tiff PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE PAk1T MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY! L 1 osealggerprwomes LLOYD BUTLER, Box 315, Clinton I wish to join the Progressive Conservative Partys NAME ADDRESS 11')t.se yrbt) (Ykose Prior) CONSTITUENCY... ...... ea.. <ioed rsvS £sd M1 tdwtMWi ' MA PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE PARTY OP 1 1 probability, curse }ria political ambitions. Yet what would we do without this curiosity who helps carry on our business?" To us it seems to reach the core of the matter, and while it presents a bleak picture of our system of public life we cannot fail to ream how much we owe to leaders suck as Drew, Frost, McDonald, Ilsley, Rowe, Massey, King, Pearson, Graydon, Church, Macaulay and Kennedy. These men are not evolved in the night like mushrooms, W. H. 'BUZZ" FINNIGAN, May 2, 1949 Egmondville, Ont. Rev. P, A. Ferguson and Stew- art McQueen attended a meeting of the Synod of the Presbyterian Church held in Ridgetown last week. HENSAJL J. F. Blackwell, principal' of the Public School, is confined to his home suffering with muntps. The IOOF and Amber Rebekah Lodge attended divine service in the United Church Sunday even- ing, May 1. Mrs. William Pepper is much improved in health following her recent serious operation in Clin- ton Public Hospital. Pupils of Miss Greta Laramie will broectcast a half hour pro- gram on CKNX, Wingham, Sat- urday, May 21, commencing at 11,15 a.m, Mrs. R. Dennison left Tuesday, May 3, for Kingston and Belle- ville district to speak to High School girls who are interested in nursing. This is a project of the Department of Health M order to recruit nurses. New Light Standards Hensel/ has installed 12 new standards for street lighting which were turned on at 7.30 p.m. Sat- urday, April 30, for the first time in the main seetion. There are 300 -watt lamps to each standard with cables all laid underground. ' Pays Official Visit Earl Campbell District Deputy Grand Master of District No. 8, IOOF, made his •official visit to Exeter Lodge, No. 67, Tuesday evening, April 26. Hensel/ third degree teem conferred the degree, on six candidates. Rebekah Visit Ainber Rebekah Lodge, 349, will motor to Stratford by bus Friday, May 6, to attend a school of instruction to be held In the auditoriunt of the Masonic Temple. Mrs. Aetna Bumstead, president of the Rebekah Assembly, will be present. Newlyweds Feted A reception for Mr. end Mrs. Harry Armstrong wee held to a packed hall Friday, April 29. Mx. and Mrs. Armstrong, a recent bridal couple, were presented with a dinette set, the honors going to Ed. Corbett. Murdech's Orchestra furnished the music for the dance. Business Change John Henderson has purchased the produce business of Alvin W. Kerslake, taking possession on Monday of this week, Mr. Kers- lake intends to operate a chicken ranch. Attend Hobby Fair Pupils of grades five and six, Henson Public School, accomp- anied by Russell Dennison, as- sistant teacher, and several of the mothers attended the Hobby Pair in London Friday last The program. included a visit to the Muncey Indian Reservation Kel- logg's factory, Park, nobby Fair, University of Western On- tario, banquet at Fingal University Indian Museum� Observatory. IOOF Anniversary The IOOF Hensall Lodge No. 223, observing their 130 anni- versary, end 'Amber" Rebekah Lodge No. 349, attended divine service in the United Church, Sunday evening, May 1, and were addressed by Rev. R. A. Break, who delivered a most inspiring message. The choir, under direc- tion of S. Rennie, with Miss Greta Lanxnue at the organ console,, renderedas their anthem, "The Life Everlasting." T. J. Sher- rift sang in fine voice, "bless this House." Guest lodges were present from Brumfield, Exeter, end St. Marys. At the conclusion of the service the lodges marched' to the lodge rooms where a vote of thanks was extended to Rev. Mr. Brook, the choir, and soloist. Brief speeches were given by visiting brethren including Lloyd Hedge; St. Marys, Past District Deputy. PAGE SEVEN Aurae Pupils on Tour " Pupils of grade five and six of Rensall Public School left Friday morning, April 29, for a bus tour to the Hobby Fair at London, and visited the follow- ing places: Muncey Indian Re- servation School, lfelloggs, YM- CA, Hobby Fair, University of Western: Ontario, banquet at Fin- gal Hall (University), University Indian Museum and Observatory. Several . parents accompanied the children as well as the teach- er -in -charge, R. Dennison, form- ' erly of London, who is president of Huron local, Ontario Public Seboal Men Teachers' Federation. E. E. M. Joblin, Mt. Elgin Indian Day School, invited them to stay for 'a ball game and to have their picnic lunch ori the grounds of his brand new four -roomed school which is situated on the Thames River at Muncey Resort. Purpbse of the trip was co- relation with social studies:, crafts and science. 1 The Show You Have Been Waiting For! DASHW000 Thurs., May 12. LUTHERAN CHURCH SHED at 8:15 p.m. SiPECIAL MOVING PICTURES` Five films showing over 300 persons from Dash- wood and surrounding disli'ict. The main a kors are you and your friends. Film for Children: "A DAY AT THE ZOO", also a comic film. One film showing World Events. SPECIAL ATTRACTION: The Mountaineers from Switzerland featuring Sylvia Seiler with her piano accordion. SOUND FILM -40 minutes: Cleveland Indians vs. Boston Braves Official 1948 World Series picture showing the Muni- cipal Stadium, home of the Cleveland Indians, the largest baseball park in the world, packed with 87,000 baseball fans. See for yourself the much -talked -of pick -off piny, Feller to Boudreau. See the stars of America's National Game in action. Thrills and sus- pense with every pitch, for young and old; an evening that will be enjoyed by alt. Sponsored by Dashwood Baseball Club: Coach, Carl Wein; Manager, Wally Wein; President, Wally Wein; Vice -President, Lorne Kleinstiver; Sec- retary -Treasurer, Lorne Haugh; official scorer, Ches. Geiser; Equipment Manager, Louis Corveiu; Reporter, Raymond Wein. REFRESHMENT BOOTH Adults 50c; Public School Children 25c Your Attendance will be Greatly Appreciated 18-p exy t NEWBEAUTY ... NEW FASCINATINIG COLORS FOR YOUR KITCHEN OR BATHR.00 with RICH GLOSS COLORS "Luxor" your kitchen and bathroom walls, ceilings and woodwork: You'll be delighted with the way Luxor Rich Gloss Colors trans- t°eADo form even the dingiest room into a home of brilliant, sparkling beauty, This wonderful "Luxor" finish is superior to ordinary enamel. It gives a more permanent, beautiful gloss and does not show brush marks! Luxor new Rich Gloss Colors are proof against acids, hot liquids, alcohol, and cover solid one coat. Easy to clean. Your Luxor Dsdr's Help and Advice Are Yours For the Asking — Consult Hint About Your Decorating Ideas Today/ was sow FORfADOR esees4 PA CAN''s nranarwe. 'Ile CANADA PAI NT. 4 IUONTREAL•TORONTO•WINNIFEG.CALGARY•VAN000PER.HA, IFAX LUXOR YOUR FLOORS WITH GLORIOUS NEW PORCH AND FLOOR COLORS Keeps doors, porch etepo or basement fresh and sparkiiog - gives super -.wear- reniatance on wood or cement surfaces.: It dries over -night, is easily wanted and ie not affected by strong SUN -GLOW SEMI -GLOSS FOR INTERIOR WOODWORK There is roal class, style and distinction in the exquisite shades of SliN.GLOW SEMI -GLOSS In- terine Finishes. The lovely, satin -like, velvet abodes of SUN -GLOW blend pgrfeetly ,with all lands of draperies. and furnishings. ,:s::' \3+,C'.,r1",i rst xst LUXOR CLEAR GLOSS Superior to Ordinary Varnish Beautifier, appearance, of all natural wood surfaces in your homo makes fleece, linoleum, doors and woodwork proof against acids, hot Liquide, alcohol — easy to keep clean. 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