HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-05-05, Page 5'THURSDAY;; IVIAY "5, 7:949' CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE FIVE assified Adlets Bring QUICk'it�.suftS 4C,ASH RATE—(If pedd by Wed- raeaduy following date of . ioser- telen)—One cent a word first in- `iertion (minimum'85 cents); sub- aeequent insertions one cent a word (minimum' 25 cents); 15 cents ex- elatei for box number or for dime ellen to NEWS -RECORD Office. IF CHARGED -45 cents extra. DEADLINE --6 p.m. Wednesday ACCOMMODATION WANTED LOST AND FOUND LOST - ''SIVIALL';TAND=1VIADE tan purse with initials "D 'F J' contaieieg., spin of money,, lost on Tuesd4ry; May ,, ' on Hpron St, Phone 348W. Reward. 2$-p MISCELLANEOUS SAW FILING, ALL KINDS 'done at Hoare's Orchard, one mile north of . town; also 'ledd'ers for sale, various lengths, ' Enquire. 16=21-p -PLEASE! YOUNG COUPLE AND two-year-old daughter desper-, .ately require unfurnished house ;for rent. Please phone 698M. 18..p ACCOMMODA.TION FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Apply Box "M", NEWS -RECORD. 18-p AGENTS WANTED LIVE- WIRE SALESMEN TO handle new line of Hand -Painted 'ties. Sensational fast -selling item. No special connection needed. Sells on sight to consumer. Good living assured, No competition. Rush reply for free catalogue to Oriental Art Studios, 2027 St. Timothee, Montreal, Quebec, 18-b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1948 DE LUXE PLYMOUTH Sedan, like new, 8,000 miles. Ap- ply Box "X", NEWS -RECORD. 16-btfb 1947 CHEVROLET, A-1 CONDI-' 'tion, with radio, heater, slip cov- ers; 90 -day guarantee. actual Mileage, 12,000 miles. For partic- ulars phone Frank Cummings, Clinton, phone 186. 18-b 1940 MERCURY Five -Passenger 'coupe, in good condition. Phone 5673. 18-p MODEL "A" FORD. PHONE Clinton 618r31, or Seaforth 659r31 18-b 1940 DODGE Five -Passenger Coupe, newly painted; 1939 Dodge Sedan; both in good condition. J. E. Howard, Bayfield, phone ^Clinton 624r31. i0btfb ARTICLES FOE BALE REVERSIBLE BROADLOOM Rug 9x12, colour wine, nearly new. Apply Mrs. Wilbur Welsh, Rat- •tenbury St. 18-b CARETAKING .GOING AWAY FOR THE SUM - eater? I will look after your house and belongings. Handy man in anything. Reply in writing to Box "A", NEWS -RECORD. 18-p FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 9x12 BROODER HOUSE, contain- ing oil burner brooder stove, set up ready to go. Both practically new; also four grass cattle. Jack Cluff, R. R. 2, Beyfield, phone 'Clinton 906r21. 17-18-p FARM PRODUCE FOR SALE STRAWBERRY PLANTS for sale; ,a limited number of Raspberry canes. Phone 669-15, Seaforth. 16-17-18-b 4 FURNITURE FOR SALE 14 FOOT SLANTING FRONT, 'marble base showcase, in good condition, Bartliff Bros., phone 1, Clinton. 18-b DOHERTY PIANO IN GOOD condition, cheap; also some cloth- ing. Apply Box "D", NEWS - 'RECORD. 18-19-p NE* SINGER Sewing Machines— cabinet and .portable electric, also treadle -machines; repairs to all makes. Singer Sewing Centre, 78' Ontario,st., Stratford. itfb ALL OLD. HORSES AND: DEAD animals. If suitable for sheik feed will pay' more than fertilizer prices If not, will pay fertilizer prices,. If .dead phpne -at one*. Phone dulled, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Goder- lob. 2btfb NOTICES NOTICE — ANYONE FOUND trespassing on Part Lots No. 41, 51, both sides of river, Tucker - smith Township at any time hereafter will be prosecuted by order of the owner, A. E. Parry. March 31, 1949.' `13-15ptfb PROPERTY FOR RENT JUNE AND JULY, "Grumblenot" cottage; Bayfield, rent by month or half season only. Apply E. Churchill, 2183 Bloor St. W., Toronto, phone Murray 1524. 17btfb PIANO TUNING PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS to all makes. Cleaning, de-moth- ing, free estimates. Write or phone William N. Gould, 314W, Clinton. 1-btfb PERSONAL SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! Gain 5 to 15 "lbs. New pep, too.. Try ferrous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new healthy flesh; new , vigor. New "get acquainted" size only 60 cents, All druggists. SLENDOR TABLETS are effect- ive. 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks $5, at Pennebaker's Drug Store. wmals POULTRY FOR SALE DRESSED BROILERS, two lbs. end over 43 cents per pound de- livered in lots of five or more. Will also have all kinds of garden end flower plants in a week or more. A. E. Leibold, R. R. 2, Clinton, phone 910r13. 18-p PUPS FOR SALE COCKER SPANIEL PUPS FOR sale. Beautiful honey -coloured and black puppies. Phone 191W 18-b STOVES FOR SALE COAL OR WOOD RANGE; also electric two -plate; reasonable. Harold Tyndall, phone 905r2. 18-b PRINCESS PAT COAL AND Wood Range, used about six months. Priced reasonable. Phone 626r6. 18-b BEACH COAL RANGE, GOOD condition. Complete with 14 lengths pipe, $15. Box "S", NEWS -RECORD. 18-b MOFFAT RANGETTE, $37 cash. Mrs. T. W. Strachan, married quarters, RCAF Station, Clinton. 18-p THREE -BURNER COAL OIL Stove, ivickless with lighting rings, almost new, $10. Mrs. C. J. O'Brien, phone 'Clinton 615r25, 18-19 b LARGE STEEL CRIB, with mat- tress; wagon; steel ice box, all in good condition. N. Cole, Mery St. 18-p HELP WANTED OFFICE- HELP -WANTED, male or female, typing, bookkeeping and general office work, short hand preferred. Permanent posi- tion. Apply Ellwood Epps Sports Shop. 14-b HELP WANTED, ITEMALE ASSISTANT FOR LAUNDRY 'work in Clinton Public Hospital. Apply Miss A. Sinclair, superin- tendent. 17-18-b PRACTICAL NURSE or some one to help with housework, Couple of rooms to rent, close 'to school. For further informa- tion phone 619r13, 18-b HELP WANTED—MALE 'ESTABLISHED RURAL Watkins Route available. If you ere ag- gressive and betvyeen the ages of 25 end 55, have or can secure travel outfit, this is your oppor tunity to get established in a profitable business of your .own. For full particulars, write edtday,; to The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. O -C-16, 350 St, Roch St., Montreal, Que. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE NINE, PIGS, SIX WEEKS OLD the first of the week. ' J: e'. Shanahan, R.R, 1, Clinton. 18-p 12 SOWS, DUE IN MAY, first ::and second litter. Apply Alex Specks, R.R. 1, Bayfield. :17.18-p 'ONE, COW, just freshened lash week, with calf at aide also .two cows clue to freshen in month. For particulars phone's. Frank Cummings, •Clinton, phone 186. 18-b FOUR YEAR-OLD HEIFERS, thr'se of them registered, take 'your choice, Also a grade cow due now. Glen Bras,; phone Clinton 620r15. 18-p SEWING •LADIES' s AND . CHILDREN'S dressmaking; alterations, etc, ,.. Desjardins, Tyndall Apts., above ;Superior Store. 18-p. TEACHERS WANTED QUALIFIED PROTESTANT Teacher for S.S. No, 2, McKillop Township, well-equipped school has hydro and basement. Apply stating qualifications and salary expected. Duties to cornnience September term. Apply, Joseph T. Frugill, secretary -treasurer, RR. 2, Seaforth. 17bt1'b WANTED TO BUY GIRL'S BICYCLE IN GOOD condition, Phone 794. 18-b SECOND' HAND ICE BOX. Must be. reasonable,' Mrs. T. Smith, Albert St„ or phone "780W. 18-b 100 TONS OF DRY BRIGHT Wheat Straw, wire baled; also mixed hay, loose or baled', wired. I. J, and B. L. Cousin; Erie, Mich. ''"' 18' 49-20-p WANTED TO BUY . in central location, building 'lot, store; or business. Apply: in writing to P.O. Box 371, . Clinton. 17-18-p TRACTORS FOR SALE 15-27 MODEL "D" JOHN DEERE Tnaetee in ;good' repair. Stewart Dale,Phone,:Seaforth 847r21. 18-19-p WANTED TO EXCHANGE TENANT WITH THREE -BED - room wartime house in Goderich wishes to exchange for three -or - four -bedroom house in Clinton, Phone Clinton 111, 18-19-b WANTED PASTURE FOR YOUNG COLT for summer. W. T. Livingston,. phone Seaforth 847r31. 18-p, WORK WANTED YOUNG MAN TO DO PART - time work in evenings and week- ends in the vicinity of Clinton, Goderich or Bayfield. Apply Box "5", NEWS -RECORD. 18-b CEMETERY WORK WINGHAM — Increased rates for cemetery work willgointo effect immediately, involving per manent cam, digging of graves, and constructing foundations. 'BIRTHS . ATWOOD—In Grace Northwest- ern Hospital, Detroit, on Fri- day, April 22, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. James Atwood, Detroit, formerly . of Bayfield, , a son (William Frederick "Billy"). McEWAN — At Mrs, Farrell's Nursing home, Zurich, on Thursday, April 28, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McEwen (nee Hazel Uttley), Ifensall, a son. RILEY--In Hullett Township, on Wednesday, April 27, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs, Ben Riley, Lon- desboro, ondesboro, a daugther (Pelene Doreen). - MARRIAGES McVEAN-FORRESTER—Quietly, in the Glenview Presbyterian Chapel,, Toronto, on Saturday, April 30, by Rev, Kenneth M. Glazier, Barbara Elizabeth For- rester, daughter of Mrs. James. A. Cameron, Toronto, to Ro- bert Menzies, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter McVean, Perth, Scotland. PARKS—JERVIS la Holmes-' ville United Church, art high noon, on Saturday, April 30, 1949, by , Rev. C. P. Tavener, 'Mary C(aroiyn, only daughter of Mr. and; Mrs, Leslie Jervis, Hohnetville, to LAC Allen Stanley Parks, Napanee and Clinton R.C.A.F. Station. WIGHTMAN-MUNNS — In the Baptist Church, Whitby, by Rev. F. Darnell, Evelyn Mae, only daughter of 1Vlr. and Mrs, George Munns, Whitby, to Elvin Henry Wightman, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wightman, Auburn DEATHS 9OLLIFFE—In New York City, on Saturday, April 30, 1949, R. Norman Jolliffe, beloved hus- band of Olive Scholey, brother of Edith, Toronto, Ruby, Miami, Fla., and Dr, Arthur, California, and son of the late Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Jolliffe, former minister of Wesley Methodist Church, Clinton. Funeral and interment in Prospect Ceme- tery, Toronto, Tuesday May 3. KERSLAI{E---Suddenly, ire Lon- desboro, on Sunday, May 1, 1949, Ada Maude Fletcher, be- loved wife of Walker Kerslake and mother of Genevieve, Mrs. Thomas Allen, Londesboro, in her 67th year. PILGRIM — In Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth,, on Friday, LEGION AUXILIARY The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion will hold its monthly meeting in the Legion Hall on Monday evening, May 9, at 8.15 o'clock. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Charles C. Pilgrim wish to thank their many friends for the kind acts of sympathy in their recent rad bereavement; also to all those. who loaned cars or helped in anyway,18-p, 0 IN MEMORIAM RUTLEDGE — In loving memory of our mother, Mrs. Mary J. Rutledge, who •pasesd away May 9, 1944. "Two loving hands are resting, The voice We loved is still; The mother who worked so hard for us, ROXY THEATRE ' CLINTON Now Playing (May 5-7) "SONG IS BORN" (Technicolor) Danny Kaye & Virginia, Mayo MON., TUES., WED. (May 9-11) Mickey Rooney » Ju4y Garland Tom Drake - June Allyson in "WORDS and MUSIC" Technicolor" The greatest musical of them all THUR., FRI., SAT. (May. 12-14) Fred MaeMnrray - Ave Gardner in "SINGAPORE" A suspense -filled tale of the Orient Is waiting on God's beautiful Coming hill." "TAP —Daughters, Mae, Margaret and grandchildren, 18-b (May 16-18) ROOTS" (Technicolor) with Van Heflin CAPITAL THEATRE G' O D E R I C R. Now Playing (May 5-7) Donald O'Connor with Ma and Pa Kettle in "Feudin', Fussin' and A Fightin' " MON., TUES., WED. (May 9-11) Van Heflin - Susan Hayward & Boris Kurloff --From the tempest- uous pages of Janies Streets' greet book comes a story of flaming glory. "TAP ROOTS" THUR., FRI., SAT. (May 12-14) Fred MacMurray - Virginia Valli and with Frank Sinatra as Father Paul—Telling a beautiful tale of a romance Chet recognized spirit- ual values. "MIRACLE of the BELLS" Coming (May .16-18) "THE BEST YEARS OF. OUR LIVES" at regular prices, First show at 6 p.m, REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH Now Playing} (May 5-7) Fred MaeMurray in "MIRACLE Oe' THE BELLS" MON., TUES., WED. (May 9-11) Greer Gerson Walter Pidgeon Elizabeth Taylor—In which Gar- sen cuts up as an acrobat and contributes to a really hilarious comedy, "JULIA MISBEHAVES" THUR., FRI., SAT,' (May 12-14) Donald O'Connor - Marjorie Main Percy Kilbride - Ma and Pa Kettle leave "the Egg and I" to produce a rib -rocking funshow, "Feudin' Fussin' & A : ightire " Coming (May 16-18) ' "ALL MY SONS" A grand story Matinees: Sat„ holidays, 2.30 p.m. IN MEMORIAM Carpenter's Tools HESSELWOOD—In loving mem- ory of Vera Hesselwood, who passed away three years ago, May 11, 1946. "She is gone but not forgotten, And as dawns another year, In our lonely hours of thanking, Thoughts of her are always near." —Sadly missed by another end Sister MabeL 18-p April 29, 1949, Charles Ceedle Pilgrim, Varna, formerly clerk . of Stanley Townishp, in bis 86th year. Funeral from Ball and Mutch Funeral Home, High St., 'Clinton, on Sunday, May 1, to Baird's Cemetery. WEATHERWAX — Suddenly, in Orilite, early ,Thursday morn- ing, May 5, 1949, Andrew Weatherwax, beloved husband of Pearl Cantelon, formerly of Clinton. Funeral arrangements not complete. BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St. East Phone 585 f2 7alareesea efairelea4'whyeteR»GwaHarMatrel t' lies .+ seetatee x i-'r3r-'.zc el; FLOWERS and PLANTS IDEAL GIFTS FOR MOTHER! _: 3To the left, is the official Mother's Day Poster for 19.49, honouring Mothers, s young and old! 3 C. V. COOKE •FLORIST Member: Florist Telegraph Delivery Phones: .66-w and 66-j• . s iaiws:ev: iliyiAgi2 . »w«; «4A-Ac,•3M!4"`pkyig d»S !4iaskse 2t'A_T_+i"s%w To -day the magic word in clothing is D I n SUITS Five'different shades of English all -wool gabardine. Sizes 36 to 42. from. 49.50 to 59.50 TOPCOATS Truly the finest to be had, in all sizes, 47.50 to 49,50 S L. i_A' C,1 K S Grey, blue, bilown, sand, tan, English gabardine. Sizes from 29. to 42 waist. 15.95 pr. JACKETS Shower -proof Gabardine. Sand only, 35 to. 44. 7.50 to '14.75 , i.enembet . 0 'Sunday, May 8 is Mother's. Day Don't Forget Her Pickett & Campbell Stetson Hats Arrow Shirts PHONE , 25 CLINTON For Sale The Carpenter Tools of the late Thomas Chapman are offered for sale by tender. Offers will be received by the undersigned up to the 16th day of May, 1949. The tools may be inspected at the home of William Sinclair, Lot 26, Concession 2, Township of Stan- ley, by appointment. Telephone Clinton 621r22. The highest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. Dated at Clinton this 2nd day of May, 1949. F. FINGLAND, K.C:, Clinton, Ontario. Solicitor for Exeeutors of Estate of Thomas Chap- man. 18-19-b Community Furniture Sale from the Hotel Lot at Hotel Clinton, Victoria Street, Clinton, on Saturday, May 7 at 1:30 p.m„ the following: Chesterfield suite; 2 Wilton rugs, sizes 9'x12' and 8'x10'; Ax- minster rug 9'x12'; antique chairs; upholstered chairs; davenport; studio couch; 2 chests of drawers; bedroom suites; quarter -cut oak dining room suite; other living room furniture; ' electric floor lamp; electric table lamp; Gilson electric washing machine (a-1 condition); Finlay heavy duty range (a-1 condition); New Home sewing machine; quarter -cut oak writing desk; roll top writing desk; hall seat and mirror; °mail tables; 2 drop-leaf tables; kitchen cupboard; kitchen chairs; linol- ium rug 9'x12'; congoieum rug 71,e'x8'; 2 feather ticks; lawn mower; two 8 -day clocks; toilet sets; dishes; cooking utensils; large milk can; trunk. Numerous other articles not listed. TERMS—CASH EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer. K. W. Colquhoun, Clerk, 18-b EXETER — Suffering a fall Dunlop, well-known Exeter while engaged in moving into physician, ifs in Victoria Hos- his new home here, Dr. J. G.oital, London. FREE: "By grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast," Eph. 2 : 8, 9. Salvation is free—you cannot earn it. Trust in Christ's finished work and be saved. TUNE IN AND HEAR: CHAS. FULLER on Station CHUM 1050. KC 9.00 -- 10.00 a.m. Sundays CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles 53, Cat MARTIN SENOUR 8a Make shabby woodwork and discolored kitchen and bathroom walls sparkle like neW l Give old or discarded furniture new usefulness, new beauty! it's easy with Marlin-Senour Multi -Use Enameil It assures a rich, lasting, high -gloss lustre. Also the perfect finish for such outdoor articles os bicycles, window boxes, garden tools. Drop in and see us for all your paintingneeds, and for advice on your painting problems. • /TS EASY! • /74 /NE.r'PENs,' -e / • /1'3' FVN,r MS129a EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO 1?1EI V H 1 EN YOUR HOME of HAWKINS HARDWARE Phone 244 Clinton Clean -Up Campaign EXTENDED Qat., May 14 Clinton Clean-up Campaign is just a forerunner of future developments in our town. , If the Campaign proves a success and all back lanes are cleaned of excess ashes and rubbish, it is the intention of the Council to grade and level behind the stores, especially where these places were left in such an atrocious condition. There has been a tremendous lot of good work done to date, thus showing 'marvelous improvement. But there are still a lot of rubbish piles that have never been touched. We solicit your aid incleaning this up at your earliest possible opportunity. Owing to shortage of manpower and conveyances, it is our intention to carry the campaign on until Sat- urday, May 14. , Clinton Town Council R. Y. HATTIN, Mayor